HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-4-27, Page 3THE BRUSSELS POST
The Brussels Post
Ft: W. KENNEDY — Publisher
Published Every iiiodnesday
• Ltteruoon
Subsorlpt.ioi. price 31.60 per year,
paid in 'odwutice, l uliscrijrtious lu
Wilted States wilt please add 60c
for postago
Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont.
The educationists) who hays gath-
ered in Toronto for the O,14,A, con.
ventionhave been talking about the
young people who attend schools,
Dr. Lloyd McHaffie or Ottawa snys
•the state of nutrition in the ,chllil
population is' not worrying hint
much. I•Ie admits times Have been
tough in some families and social
workers are continually coming to
the front with ney cases of bard•
ship, put he contently "Our 'teen-
age boy' and .girl is taller, healthier
than ever, before, and our high
schools and universities are full of
six -Looters."
Then 411ss Gordon Waugh, prin-
cipal: or St. Clements School, told a
gathering of Homo and School As.
sociattosis not to worry too retch be-
cause young people were doing
things differently, She was not
much alarmed because the girls did
not wear es much clothing as was
formerly the accepted standard, nor
was site alarmed by what is refer-
red to as' potting. Taking a chap-
ter ,froth her owu experience .hiss
Waugh related:
"When 1 -vas young it was con-
Sitlered Perfectly appalling in go
for a buggy ride with a boy and Irl
hien kiss you. but don't throat we
were any better off than they are
The lady prin pal stopped right
short there according to the prim-
ed report. She didn't say whether
she insisted on hol1011g out of the
buggy and walking home. or
whether she looked forward with
expectation to the next buggy ride.,
want to five tate President a clla ee Letter to the Editor
to lotlk al Somebody who (Mese 1
want fulyaitiug,t'
We believe there is a deal of
truth and subntansie in that row-
worded remark, People who want
something 0111 on PI'es'idents If
t11r,y can g(r through tb them; they
call on 'members of all manner of
governments; they call on prime
nlilslera anti cabinet ministers, 11
they are experts they go singly be-
cause lies' know the way; if they
are amateurs they nrga(l1e large
llepu411110ns and depend on the
Weight 0f numerical Strength- to
state 1111' case for thews,
That is What. gives point and
chattel to 1Ieln•y Ford's remark
Butt he wit give the President a
chance to look at somebody who
doesn't want anything, The Prost -
dent will probably hivo a good
t.lius out of such a visit
All sngless of education stave been
discussed 111 T'oront'o this week at
the annual meeting of the Ontario
IltlLica Lionel Association, What
conies of all that is, said we do not
know; the Association has no Mond -
100 as far as -legislation is concern-
ed; it 'can recommend but has no
Dower to enforce Its t'ecommenda-
There wa; something said about
linking a better selectiolt of hove
who are intending ::o enter indus-
trial life, and one cannot argue
against that because the view is
reatsonable. The trouble comes in
making such a desire or theory
workable, It would be quite Poe-
wible to select a dozen boys in a
secondary school who might express
:he wis11to become plumbers. Thy
my�ht ie given training 'whirl'
wound start them in that direction,
1(1(1 :incl) training might also indi-
cate that .the boys were in a tine far
which they were suited.` But when
their schooling ends the trouble is
so find places which will be ready
to au•ept the services of ,these boys.
They have !mon properly trained in
a primary knowledge of the busi-
ness: they 111re it and wish to ecus •
those, hu; the chances are they may
bare to turn to something where
,awry con flail a chane' to go to
work and for which their training
.lues not essentially tit them,
That has, happened a good tinny
times p113171tlarly in the lust sew=n
or eight years, but It is no adegnafe
eoasmn for not keeping on with the
e'0'ort of trying to attach young
:nen to lines. of worts tor which it
ha, been shown they are fitted.
When we experience a period of In -
dint Hai starkness it has born
found shut selection or 'mentions is
at a to -ver ebb than at any other
time. The youth out or school and
raced with the mec•cs(;ry of going to
work is not to a position to exer-
else selection. The stubborn fa^t
'hat he must final something to do
as smut as possible outweighs his
•ic8:'e to follow some line he hos
had in mind and lot which he oily
have been partially prepared. 'When
all the educationists gather n To-
ronto we. might expect some light
on that 10W(311101 point, but so far
we Have net Seen the solution Sng-
Sossfh Paul DIMnggfo is 23 years
or age and the son of an Italian
commercial fisherman in San Fran-
cisoo, Joseph is in 11 better line of
business than his father as far as
malting looney Is concerned. lie
has. signed on again with the New
York Yankees at 335,0110, Last year
ho was paid $15,000 cud the year
before $3,000. Young Joseph was
gunning for $40,009 this year Mu he
didn't get it. 1311t he will get more
than 325,000, He has in his short
ball career taken $12,000 additional
from world series games, 'Mated be
bar made money from radio and
moving pictures and magnsine
stooks to which his name is atlaeh•
0(1. Likewise he endorses com-
mercial noticl1, about which h1 mtly
know much, little or nothing at all.
In all it Is claimed his extra mousy
runs between $75,000 .and $100.000.
'D1lreggio Sr., waning out of Son
Fraoclsco as a commercial fisher-
man, lwould not find the going . as
comfortable its son Jose p11, be of 213
year&•. We have no figures to prove
it, but we are quite dertain of the
foot. Making $100,000 is beyond
the expectation of the great ma-
Jerity ad men dowing a life 4110e or
1101'd worst. A man earning $2.000
a ye111' would have to keep working
for 50 years to take in that much,
Dl\iatggle Sr., catches fish, and the
flats wo0111 be good 4o eat; tiny
would, the classed as nores;rry
things, 131.1 Joseph Jr„ plays base-
ball, and a hungry person could
watch a baseball game a11d natant
hun4ry, Possibly those woo cata-
logue V001tti0ta Wonid Fay that
Joseph Jar., is employed in a non-
productive calling, but Joseph Jr.,
al 38 'bas already discovered thea
the world places its sued of Minn.
rin1 approval ea this ano-prorl>u-
live oocll(tntion or Itis. Ile has
folnld' it witch better than foliowing
In lho footsteps or rather who obits
Int 111e deep sea catching fishes.
Legalizing ThemWould Lower
Natonsl Standard
Editor Free 13(31(4: A great (1101
114 being 110814 these days about
s,weellelakes and espeeittly as• re -
luting to sweepstakes in Canada.
It will be unfortunate for our Fair
001(01 y it 'we legalize this eva.
S,weepetakes auto lotteries, rote,, are
fundamentally wrong. They team
dishonesty, They cater 10 greed.
The Hottat holder noises by pulti111
in a dollar or two do grab off
several thousand dollars or other
people's atones-, tv1haut giving any
('811114 whatever, What makes it
more dlsgraceful is the fact that
a groat deal of this money 00111es
from people who vast il( afford 11,
The argument that 11 is for hospli,
this is' only a blind, Few of the
people who buy tickets care two
hoots about helping hospitals: ,1C
our hospital's need money why not
dig down In our pockets and give
the nettessaly tands1 Then the
ilos'pitais would get 100 per cent of
oar 'coutrtbutiolla instead of only
a smolt percentage.
The Bible says. "What shall it
profit a man if be gain the whole
world and lose his own soul?"
What If we gain a few thousand
dollars for hospitals and at :he
!same time encourage our young
1)ecide to try to gain money
through dishonest means by pot-
ting our seal of approval on sweep-
stakes by making them li'g1l.•
l for one hope our Government
will not lower the high standard of
this country through legalizing
W. 13,
London, Ont., April,
Henry 'Ford is going to Washington
to 1',ttv(4 that with Pte.::dc'nl floosie -
Yell, 111udoubtod'ly they will discuss
lowness coudillotls, and 314 Ford
If given oppot tullity will advance
111s favorite theory the tcTltivatigft
of I:bo ialid! 141 the sal'Vatlan 0f Bit
in speaking of the approaching
vial. Mt'. Ford matte nlrr remark
11 Is several weeks sile0 n son of
Murray Levine or New York 011sap-
ere rrd, and since Lien Levine has
Bern living through days and nights
when drsrtair has. beta 4t greater
Ine14(r than hope, One need not
know the Lawyer Levine to aqp-
preclattn what he has been 1hr0110h.
Ile offered tt relrnrd of $30,000 f
h1s son were roll]riled CO hilt. He
offered to lay the stoney, take no
action and ask no questionls. Fol-
lowing that he lets found himself
denting with num who know nosh
'int stashes(' about the location or
1'n1 e of 111e boy. 1 h •y professed
to have informa,tton, but 1h41r de-
sire w118' to got their hands on the
$30,01)0 or any part or it. Three or
(11080 (rind or people 43(11 finally
arrestd and they admitted 1h1ey
Itno w nothitng which could aid in
rehn'nhig the boy, They were
si111.1)17 11y'iun• 10 11(4111,. some money
cul of the agony of the rather,
The last moss -ago from 11111'rlly
Levine Is '111,11 he 11'111 pa,' a. ro-vnrd
1rf $0,0(n for the vomit or 1114 Boats
holly, 111 has given up 110(11 aP
having tho lad returned alive, and
Pl'ohal)14 desires what degree of
coil eontfmtt he cru exit's -tot' front
glv,111•g iii1. own flesh nota blood de-
cent burial. I'erhitp8 the world 1s
Mors Are Items rakers brow
Ma* of the Posr of SO
and t5 Yeara Apo
'Miss Lena Snell bas returned
home from a visit with 110wttr11
Duncan ' A, ,McDonald, formerly
of Grey township, has been engaged
to teach at Enfold, Sask.
Her many friends are pleased to
see 3Ins, Bailey back in Bluevnle
alter at' lengthy absence in the:
* * *
Mrs, Wilbur left on Monday for
a. mollttt'y visit with Delhi relatives.
She was Accompatt:ietl by
daughter, Mrs. Ii, A. "McCall.
3A s, Jno, entitling, Grand 13atpi(1,'
:Bich.. and Mfrs, Alex Elliott, 1)nt
11an1 were visiting their uncle, Wm.
Fing, 911) con., lust week,
1 qu'i't wedding was solemnised
Wednesday last at "Maitland 1111(114
Farm" brine of the bride, when
Item, D, Wren, .11.1„ tied 111e matri-
monial knot between Franklin
Sleighlh011(1 and Miss Edith \f„
daughter of David and Mrs. 3iilne,
Win. .\ems:song, yah eca•, has
leased into 50 -tiers farm of Itiellu'd
Cardiff, sidm•ott11, for pasturage
this, year,
11(14ing 1041or es same people ('tains,
We beiieve though 311411. Murray
Levine might 11111311 t)t11Prwise,
worth rel)041411g, 1111 t t11 e, l
Willtimou, of &elm Bay, .11 -
grana, utas a rs..or tit John t'leg„ s
this week.
Clea Heys strived' home last
week from 11 hnsille s trip t0 lir
WEDNESDAY, APRIL, 117tH, 19$8 •,
Why Concentrate on Beer?
Opponents of Government Control concentrate their
attacks on our industry. This alone, to any ?thinking
roan, is enough to throw doubts on their ,wisdom.
If the cause of true temperance is their object,
rather than a tactical advantage, they surely should
not devote so large a part of their time to attacking
the mildest of alcoholic beverages, and one which is
not habit-forming.
But because a democratic law makes our product
available by the glass to working men, under Govern-
ment Control, the opponents of the present system seek
to drive drinking underground—where they do not see
it. The truth is, that the individual is less likely to
commit abuses in public, and the abuses are more easily
In fact, licensed hotels are very seldom the scene of
excess. Because an intoxicated man is seen near a
hotel—it does not follow that be acquired the means
of intoxication in a hotel. But it does provide the
unthinking people with a useful text ... if they do
not bother to prove their conclusions.
Oa oe a000 0 a so 00 a o aoo o a o a a o a o o o 80 o o 0e a o a a o 00000500
We find no definite evidence to support the theory ,
that satisfying the taste for beer develops a craving
for whisky. On the contrary, we believe that if beers
, are more easily obtainable than distilled liquors
and are sold in different conditions, there is reasonable
ground to expect that the taste of those who wish to
drink will be diverted to the lighter and less harmful
beverages. "Toward Liquor Control"
compiled'by Rockefeller Committee
• This advertisement is inserted by the
Brewers in the interest of a better public
understanding of certain aspects of the
problems of temperance and local option.
Perch's, Ile arrived last liters.
day from Seorland,
* * '1'
Miss 1131114, Scrtor'h and Miss
Stewart Woods—feel: are visiting at
Cleo, bimlcst's,
3lrs, Agar aid family Aare moved
tutu 1111 rfllage a1141 are living ill
Geo. At'1111sou's 11.011s14 on the Hill,
;v (4 *
('1(1141. Lt:erh, Detroit, hate hen
visiting his uncles, Ed, and Joseph
t,ocrlt lists week,
* * a
.1..T. Ross injured a knee rslp last
week and was quite lamp asp a to -
11 * *
'Al IS, Jun, 31c•Ph1141,n 1111(1 \lies
Mary lett this, week for their Mime
in Totemic, Sask.
'Mrs. Hawthorne and nine ri111(11 u
(old J. ITmlenl and sin \\'1111am left
.for Manitoba, They 11110111 settling
near Delorallte.
3h•. 1,00011 144 via11111' friends this
week. Ile hos hien n 13etrnh.
.\1r. halm. Michigan, is home.
.11'111, GlIehril.i Is visiting at W1n,
1.1(:41 Tuesday, 'Misses Ida and
Jeunle Stacey lett Brussels for 1tell-
ver, Co1010d0,
.11rs, int), McFarlane and (111113;11•
to awl Miss Mary \Vllrun swore 1111
the same train rn 'nude for Cali.
Jclut Burgess has gime lm lln-
11n•rter, N.1.. A farewell - party
was hold at his fathers residence
ae; ie'riday night,
('144'(1 of Thanks
Mimeo cmcltt "yr I r cs
,., 131•
Birth aunt Ilea! Notices •...,,,,, FILM:
In \l c tia•innn 35
Classified Aclvis, 25c Cast
(elver the Phone 1+Je)
Car drivers might note: A Motor-
cycle policemen may not be near,
but a hospital usually is,
Quebec magistrate has issued a
warning that he promises to be
severe with roast hogs. Most people
will hop: that in that regard he will
go lite W11010 hog,
A ns ew1)ea1lug says that all
ehult'h sextons are not overworked
and that of course 7ltstt4ftes the in-
ference that the rest of them are,
Fishing columns will soon begin
to appear I14 the newspapers but
Jest now it iv telt 'fish and game
overseers W110 are core -fly eoucern-
rd about "Where To Get Them."
Woman teacher says children , no mercy to the leaders', That
;hound be taught to think ter l elaltn iv probably correct enough as
theselves, That of coarse IS all the luau has. yet to demonstrate
right so long as they think the , even a remote connection wIlti
10 as 1h parents (10, mercy.
With summer not far away the It has been found necessary to
St, Thomas 'rimes -Journal anon- advance the date of the Niagara
Hots that n temperature of 153 131ossom Ween Show to May 8. Only
degrees 'vas regitc(pre'd 030 ether one ,thing is, aais141ng, and that is
y on the Sahara desert. the annual notice that there -A1'1 he
a shortage of peaches oaccount of
We learn that some parts.• of s0 many trees having been killed
during the winter,
ars of 3150,000 a year and when he
retires will get a. pension of $75,-
000 a year. Tbere is one man for
whom a minimum wage law has ne
The. Olympic games scheduled for
Japans in 1940 may be postponed if
the war in China is still going 'on.
By then however the Chinese hope
they will be able to cause the Japan-
ese to suet up sew reloords for the
backward' iva111(,
'Oshawa welcomed its beaten
Junior hockey team with a recep-'
Bon worthy or winners, The
Motor City folk are to be congratu-
lated upon their recognition of the
fact that how you play the game is
AR lanportaut as winning.
Franco Mei the war in Stpain 18
already won and he will now show
1lnited States have a custom whittle.
c 4 by dentists get paid in Pr011nce
from the farms, A Tarnier trades
the produce of an acre fel' the re'
1 newel of another ocher.
Armed robbers took $4;000 front a
Toronto 'bank, and about the sable
time a policeman in Orillia grabbed
-- -- truer two men in a car, They had a
� Oshawa hockey fon w110 stole o loaded re,valver, dynamite, luso
Plum B., R, 0. 1 fire truck got a snsipe1111od sentence coils, etc, '.Apparently we have
I on the asial that be was s'ufferng not smutted out our
1 traveling
from temperal•y insanity, I1 is to arsenals yet,
Western Ontario's Most Modern he imagined that the last game With
Optical Service { St. llontitce effected n permanent
I cure.
F. F HD U 1 Jt I
1•iARRISTON, BRUSSELS The president of the United Stat.
phoria 118 Phone /5X ' es Ttt1Uher C041198ny 1'er241408 a sal.
lerlemd * "I stunted in lifo With.
out a penny in my pocket,"
1Br141111 --- "And 1 started in life
WItrnl(t aIAA*"