The Brussels Post, 1938-4-20, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST
Farm $tock & Implements
North East Corner of Lot 6, Con,,6
'Morris Twp, 6 Miles Wsat of
of Brueseis
At '.One O'Cloc'•. Sharp
1 White I•Iorse 8 yrs', old
1 White Horse 5 yrs', old t„
.1 Brown 13orse 8 yrs, old
1 White. Cow bred Dec. 14
1 Roan Dow bred Feb, 20
• I•Iereltoi'd Cow Wed Feb, 23
1 Blue Cow bred Murch 4
Bleak ,Caw bred March 18
1 Fat Steer
1 Fat Heifer
4 Heifers rising 2 yrs.
2 Steers wising 2 71.e.
10 Calves riding 1 yr. old
Young Sewdue May 23
Large Sow bred March 4
Some Hens, Rocks, Brown Leghorn,
2 Geese & 1 Gander
2 Ducks & 1 Drake
2 Wagons' 1 Hay.Raok
1 Oliver Walking Plow
1 Ceekeltwtt Riding Plow
3 M.E. Twin Plow
1 M. H. etiff Toothed Cultivator
1 M,' H. Dump Rake 1 Seed• Drill
1 Gravel Box . Deering Binder
1 Cockshutt Manure Spreader
1 M•axnvell 2layload'er
1 Set of 'Discs
1 Brantford Mower
1 Set Sling Ropes
1 De Laval Cream Separator
1 Buggy 4 Seotians of Harrows
1 Cotter 1 Set Single Harness
1 Set Double Harness
Several Horse Collars'
Some Grain
1 Moffatt Range Cook Stove
Other articles too numerous to
Everything must be sold no reserve
its proprietor is giving up farming.
Roger McClure, Proprietor
George Elliott, Ouctioneer,
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate of James Craig, Yeti -
eoman,. Deceased.
NOTICE is hereby given that all
Persons having claims against the
estate of James Craig, late of the
Township of Morris in the County
of Huron, Yeoman, Deceased, who
died on or about the 19th day of
February, A. D. 1938, are required
to delivere to William Bernard Craig
the Administrator with Will an-
nexed, of the said estate, on or
before the thirtieth day of Aipril
A.D. 1933, a full statement of their -
claims together with particulars
thereof„ and the --nature of their
securities, if any, held by them, all
duly verified by affidavit.
AND TAKE NOTICE that after the
said last mentioned date said Ad,
mhldetrator will proceed to ddstri,
bate the estate of .the said deceas-
ed amongst the persons' entitled
thereto, hexing regard only to such
claims as shall have received due
notice and in accordance therewith,
DATED at Blyth this llth day Of
April A, D. 1938.
William B. Craig, Administrator,
R. R, No. 2, Blyth, Oat.
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
aamly of Blyth visited on Sunday
.MD1 John Ililey'e of Jamestown, .
Dir, end Airs. Dungan McDonald
of Urussele visited with frientle 011
let line of 1Vlor'ris' on Sunday. l
iclau'ente Grainger 1s attending
the Onlanio Educational Convention
In Toronto this week, Clarence is,
prescient or the Rural Teacher's
Sections of the 0. E. A, for the year
Monster Taffy Pull
Oa Tuesday last Mr. and Mrs,
Joe Bewley bead; a very suceees'ful
taffy pull. More tee fifty were
present to ening the afternoon's
Din. 111 the bush, The 'afternoon
weather was ideal anit everything
including the togs, leeks and
Menne contributed to Dile enjoy.
meat .of all, The pupils of SZ, no,
9, Morris and of SA, no, 2, Grey,
were -present to enjoy ;an outing,
which they will long remember.
The high spot of the Clay was
whenthe tagy was passed
around. Mr. 'Bewley proved' to be
generous with the taffy and very
evert in making it. All those
present endeavoured to show their
appreciation of his exert by helping
the taffy disapmear on the ends' of
wooden saloons made for the pur-
pose. The value of this style of
outing for school children cannot
be overemphasized. After more
than three months of steady school
work the afternoon in the open was
a change, a rest and an education
which helps the children continue
their studies doing' the spring
months with .fresh interest in their
'The trustees of these 'school sea
tions' are to be congratulated on tak-
aking such a keen interest in the wel-
fare of the children. The wisdom ot
the trustees• in this matter is only
surpassed 'ry the generosity and
executive ability of Mr, and Mrs.
Bewley who carried it. through to
such a successful ending.
Notice To Creditors
In the Estate or Andrew Meehan
late of the Township of Gray In
the County of Huron, Farmer,
who diedon or about the fourth
day of March, A.D., 1938,
TAKE NOT10E that all parties
having claims or demands against
the estate of the aboveanen"•toned
deceased must mail particulars and
Proof of same to the undersigned
ediicltor ort or'before the twenty-
eighth day of April, A.D., 1933, upon
which date the undersigned execu-
tors will proceed to distribute the
assets with regard only to these
claims which they shall theft have
DATED at Brussels alis fourth
dal of April, A.D '1938 .
George 'MOKay,
Willittw Machan
by their solicitor,
IOlnior D. Bell,` Brussels, Onta"t•r,
Oranges, Oranges large size or-
anges Sunkist brand ,only 20e doz.
Thur, Fri. Sat. and ,liton„ at
Greamy% Phone 5. Place your
order. Cash and Carry: We Sell
For Less,
Nisei Jessie IStraohan and sir,
• Jelin iSit acthan vlisited, with. relatves
iu Bluevatle on Settrde.y.
Vis'ttorie tut the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Wm. Grainger over the week•
end worts. Mrts, C, J, ,Moorehonse,
London; Mr, and Mee, at 11, Spettoe
3foleslwor th.
f55, and' Virg, Srnest Magee,
Juno and Marie. ot Wingha n, wore
wool.-esti• visitors' with Mr. and Mrs,
C, Stokes,
:1Im, and Nims, C. Nicholson and
Mrs. •Cecil Grib1t1 of Guelph
spent Easier with 'Air, and Mrs.
Chas, Bosnian.
.11rs, Ruck] is visiting with friends
a: Palmerston over the Easter
alias Pearl Mothers spent Faster
holidays with her father and sis-
term in iiluevale.
,,Miss Ethel Johnston of Byron
spent Easter holidays with her
parents and other friend's on the 1st
Miss Viola Mathers spent Easter
Sunday ',eth her father and brother.
'Sorry to hear Mr•. Wiil. Peacock
Iles been si k. VVa ]rope he will
soon be better again.
air. and Mrs, Harvey Robertson
and family spent Sandal' afternoon
with her sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs• Richmond of Blyth.,
Miss Janet Robertson of Brim -
Ws' spent the week -end with her
mother and brother on the ltd line.
The services in the 'Gaited
Church Sunday were in keeping
with the Baster season and were
conducted by the pastor, Rev, A.
V, Roibib, Easter .nlusic was rend-
ered by the choir under the direc-
tion of the organist, Mrs, W. J,
Johnston. Solos were contributed
by Mr. Robb and Mies Alice Thorn•
ton and a duet by iisees Alice and
Eunice Thornton,
Rev, J. R. Greig delivered all
Mister message Brom the pulpit
of Knox Presbyterian
rut 61
Two appropriate minims were
sang by the choir, the seta part be -
hag taken lay Airs. Alex. Aiowbray,
Mrs, J. C. Biggins presided at the
an ' billow d
organ, 1i
delis• added to the beauty or the ear -
vice. Three nen elders will be
ordained and inducted at the mom,
lug selvte next Sunday,
P. S, MacJ raven; Misa' Marie Welt: Ml's, John Pelts; Zelda Scote, To.
hearer; Blyth, wL.,. her ;,parents, route, with her father, Rkuhard
Hazel and Evelyn, Park11111, wl'tlt Scott; Mary. Fear, 3'1ornlal Sc�iiool,
Mr, pad Mrs. Jolla Hall; Mr, and Stratford, witil her Parents, Mr.
Mrs, . S. Ralph, Detroit, .With Mr, and Mrs; L,Fear; Gordon Leon, and and Airs, t
rs, W. Manny Mrs, Mac, London, wall Ills parents, Mr.
Lean and daughter, Toronto, with' Mrs, C. T. Dobby'n; Carrie Sims.
Mr. and Mrs, George 0, Thornton; Toronto, with her father, H. J.
3, Wesley Beattie, Misses Ethel and Signs; Norman Floods, Windsor,
Florence, Seaforlth and Mrs. Sample with his parents Mr. and Mvs. David
an dnugliter•, Dorothy, Detroit with Bloody; Miss, Ma Stackbouee, who
Miss Olive S0o'tt; Mrs, Roger Oke, spent the winter months in Florida,
Winghaln, with Mrs, Alice, Altkin; 1 has returned home; Leslie tinhorn,
Miss Thompson, Teeswater, With R C, Mc0oman, George Cowan,
Mr, and Mrs.' C. Hetherington; Mra'.1 James Richmond, David Floody,'
Wettlaufet; Marie, Jack and FI€irrY,' Herb McElroy at Hensall; Miss
with relatives at K tchen•er.
Harry Elliott has purchased the
house and lot from James Kerney,
occupied, at present by Mr. and Airs.
Joseph II, Smith, The sale ot
farm stook and 'implements of 50 -
Irene Taylor, nurse in training at
Goderich, who has been et her
Jenne here for some weeks recuper-
ating trout a serious illness, is now
able to resume training; Abner
Isehe, Mrs. ladle, Sr„ South East.
sept. Breckenridge, Boululary Line ' hope, at the ]some of Mr's. Sam
East, wee well attended on Tues Kechnie; Reg. Argent, Welland,
day. The farm was also offered with his parents, Mr, and Mls. Fred
for sale but was not disposed of at
Thoallrate Stewart has sufficiently
recovered tram his recut, sickness
and operation to be able to return
to his home here, His daughter,
Mrs. W, J. Johnetton and Mr. John -
Sten are living with him for a
Dr, R. C. Redmond Wingham,
for Tur'uberry Township.
visited ,the school in the village
week and vaccinated thirty -tiro chil-
dren) including some of pre -s pool
age. IIe was. assisted by Mrs'.
S. N. Gallaher, R.N.
Oranges, Oranges large size or-
anges Sunkist brand only 20c doz.
Thur., Fri„ Salt, ,and Won„ at
Grewnrs, phone 5. Place your
order, Cash and Carry. We Sell
For Less.
1fisses Margaret and Lena McAr-
thur, Toronto, with their brother,
Peter and Mrs. MoArthur, (Trey.
Mr. T. 0. Winson, Deputy Reeve
of Grey is attending the O.E.A.
Convention in Taranto this week.
Mr. Wilson attends as a delegate
from the Huron County Council.
In its market report 'The Family
Herald and Weekly Star' 'mentions
a load of good heifers, from a ferni-
er near Brussels, bringing the 'high-
est ,price for a load of heife•ie that
week at Toronto in a run .of 7,000
catte, They were shipped by Wm.
Strath, who purchased them at the
Bar K ranch, in the dry aera of
Southern Sask., and feel by Alex
liuriray on his farm near Walton
and showed the finish given them
by this veteran feeder.
Oranges, oranges large size or-
anges Sunkist brand only 20c doz.
Thur., Fr•i., Sat,. and Mon„ at
Grewars•, phone 5• Place your
order, •Cash and Carry. We Sell
For Less.
Easter vf51torsi Bitten 111rhinnel, i
'I'oroil,ta, anc1 Mrs, 'C, Griffiths,
Gnelirh, .with their brother, V. H.
McKinney; Mies 17thel Johnston,
Byron, with 11er Mental 31i55
Dorothy AI•ttrin, Drayton, with 'her
mother, Miss Pearl Mettler* Toren -
to, With her tither; Mr, and Mrs.
Arthur Chella0Oinb and son, Alitin,
Toroei°, with Mr, and Mrs, Eldred
Nichal; Mr, John Stilleben; and
3,llss'• Jess•te,, Brussels, With* alts.
Argent; Miss Margaret Jenkins,
nurse -ba -training at Clinton Hospi-
tal, with hot' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. Jenkins; Lois Robinson, Wel-
land, with her parents,,Mr. and Mrs,
R. H. Robinson; .Harold Jenkins,
Port Elgin, with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs, W. Jenkins; Miss Patsy
Lookyer, Toronto, with her aunt,
Gladys Fawcett; 51. and Mrs.
William Graham, Stratford, with
Mrs. A. Barr; Miss Josie Woodcock
in Galt; Miss Annie Barr, Port
Albert with 'her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. A. Barr.
Sme ]s1 services marked the Eas-
ter Day in the United Church. In
the morning the Easter Commun-
ion service was held. There was a
large congregation and 16 new
members were received into the
fellowship of the church by profes-
sion of faith, In' the evening the
Easter Thankogeriug Service of the
Women's Missionary ,Soclety was'
held yith Rev, Charles Cumming of
Walton as the special speaker for
the occasion. Special musical
numtbers were ably rendered by
the choir assisted in the evening
service by Mrs. W. Poco It.
The Young People's 'Society held
its regular meeting on Wednesday
night of last week with the Mts.
sionaiy •Conumtttee in charge. Rob.
Gtasby presided and Mrs. C, Proc-
tor was at the piano. The lessee
was taken by George Grigg. The
topic et the evening was historical
survey of the beginning of mission-
ary work In the New Hebrides
group of islands in the Paoifc
Ocean and was ably taken by Mr,
Carl Praetor. The special feature
of the evening was a duet by Elaine
act Clifton. Walsh. The attendance
was especially good. A committee
has been apponted to look into the
quertion of Recreational activity for
the summer season and consists of
Messrs Harold Viueent, Borden
Scott, Ken Wheeler, Jas, Coultas'.
511211 Higgins and Misses Freda. Jor.
don and, Eileen McCallum.
The Women's Missionary Society Mimes, Verna Johnson and Kay
had as guest' speaker on Tuesday Townencl of Landon were week -end
atternootl Mrs. Cousens of Canton, vis':Cnrs at their homes.
Her subject "The Inn2er Circle', was
much appreciated by all. Leaflets
on "Easter .Service of Worship„
were followed with Mrs, Bryans as
leader, Airs. Nelson Reid rendered
a fitting solo, Tisa regular meet
ing will be held on April 27th, when
a report -of the Exeter Presbyterial
may be expected from the dele-
gates, 'llr5•. Cumming and Mrs,
Shaw. Would yrs many as• pos-
sible avail t!benrselves of the op•
portunity of hearing Mrs. Forh"5
the Domdnioe Board Presid.ent who
wilt speak at Exeter:
Visitors: Miss, Margaret 01101-
nring, Holland Centre, at the
intim; Sint Johnston, Ilaiibu t ,
with his parents, 210, and Mrs,
Silas Johnston; bliss Ina Rutledge,
Miss Jean. Drager, Dohald GreY,
Jack Drager, Toronto, with Mrs,
Chas, Drager; Fred. Rutledge, , 'Po-
rondo, with lir, and Mrs. F. not,
ledge; Miss Dorothy Bolton, 110 -
cheater, N.Y„ at the •hoaue at l'i'ar.
1- 1:'.ireninhrdes Mrs, Ea1011, Whrthrop,
has returned to her home,
Visitere; :lir, and ,Mrs, John
('311np115111 turd family, Aylmer 'with
Mrs. Phoebe Taylor; Dr. and Airs.
leerguS'On, 1M1ra, Cia2'a Brown, Toren -
to, with Aire, 5001e0 Logan; Pauline
Robinson, 1)rritrilto, wish her mother,
Mfrs. Jessie Moody; Hetet Pelts,
London, Willi her entente, Air, and
talk farther than YOURS!"
When Donnie Watson's father greeted him
over the telephone from 500 mites away,
Donnie was impressed no end. He couldn't
resist boasting a bit to his next-door neigh-
bour and playmate.
Whenever you're called out of town, do as
Bob Watson does - telephone home. It
brings peace of mind at a trifling cost.
Reductions in telephone rates -local and long
distance - in 1935, '36 and '37 hove effected
savings to ietephone users in Ontario and
QQuebec of nearly one million dollars yearly.
from spring seeding, et will be
general in day or two if favourable
weather continues'.
A tractor, drawing a two furorw.
ed plow was noticed at work in the
limited space of an ordinary sized
garden on a farm in the vicinity of
Ethel. If garden plowing, in: the
village could be got at with a sign-
liar outfit nobody would have to
wait long tor their turn.
Frank •Sieigholm whose farm
adjoins the village is among the.
first to have land prepared for
seeding this season,
Miss Jean Franklin is spending
the full Easter holiday period
happily ,with relatives and friends
in Ethel and Allwood and vicinities.
Cosnmunion service' was observed
Easter Sunday in Ethel United
Church. Reception service also
was conducted by the pastor, Rev.
Air, Snell. A large Congregation
was present, The ordinances were
reverently observed, The special
Easter music by the choir was
match appreciated, The beautiful
floral offerings of Easter 1•i]lies con-
tributed :halo and chasm to the set,
Oliss Doris Gill spent the Easter
hol•day h2 London.
Mrs'. W. Bray assisted by Miss
.Annie Bateman is 'getting nicety
settled in her re-established Home
in the village, in the house recently
vacated by Mrs•. Fleet sr., and
The sacred drama "For He lad
great possessions. Presented in
Ethel United Church., Good Friday,
April 16, by local talent, tender the
auspces, el Ethel United church
Y. T. S. was given an hneapretation
by each character in the casae doing
their part so well for 1011101 they
ate to be commented, that the fall
meaning and sentiment of the
drama. was vividly shown and
readily understood, The society
accepted alt invitation to present
the drama, AP:t day, April 18th at
Gerrie under tate auspicee of Gorrte
United church Y. W, al. A.
A pot luck supper was .given Mon'
day night of this 'week by Ethel
Pre51ltteelan• church under the aus-
pices of the Mlssienary dopartmett
Alt which there was an eujoyabie
Cone and bring your ar f
the patty "V<iltittlih' " presented by
Pordtwich Dram:tic Club in Ethel
Township IIal1, on Wed„ April 27.
given under the auspices of Ethel
United Ghrtrclt. Seo front .paSe
Oranges, Oranges large size or-
anges Sunkist brand only 200 doz.
Thur., Pri., Sat. and Alan„ at
Grewar•s', phone 5. Place :your
order, Cash and Carry. We Sell
For Less.
.airs, AM, Ziegler and Billy re -
,turned home aster spending a l'ow
clays to Detroit «ltd Kingseili.o,
Lochart Dane and family of meg.
era Falls were East .er:tide guests at
the 4lanle .ef his mother and brother
Mrs. V.• Dane and Will, 8th con,
Grey Ttwp,
7. T, and Mrs'. Nicholson spent
Easter week -end holiday out of
Bernie Sapwell who has bean in
the vicinity of Woodstocp for some
moons past, came to Ethel aid en-
3oyed his four day Easter holiday
with Pinner friends in the village.
(1, L1, and Mrs, Edwards had tiie
pleasure of entertaining their
daughter Prem Toronto, as fur
Easter time guest.
1,1liss Ruth Frauklh2 of Atwood
visited Ethel retcalves during
Easter ween.
J. AI. Sltmmeen of Atwood was in
Pthel for Baster Monday,
We are glad to know that our
aged Mond Mrs, A, Better le still
able to enjoy Easter - m
A01021; the express consign-
ments front lOtitel 0.N,11. station
lionchoy of tint week was included
a nanny goat with a pair of young
offsyn'ing1. Crated and mitt out
from the flock of Clareuee Clarke,
001 con. ut Grey Twit. to dest112001011.
in Nova Scotia„
Several turmoil' tionenonoed Men -
day morning to work on the land
East W awanosh
Council met as per adjournment
.April 5011, with all the members
present. Minates of last meeting
were read and approved.
'Communications were received
frown Mogg & Hedonism Co., valu-
ators re etualized assessment the
Highways Dept. re expenditure on
road's in 1937 and the University of
Toronto re a school for Municipal
odflcale in Toronto the last. of Alpril
were ordered, filed.
An account from the Tp, of Turn-
berry of $21.3.2 for relief supplied a
Eormier resident of this township
was ordered paid.
Messrs Taylor and Perdue ad-
dressed. the Council stating that;
sideline 39 & 40 con, 11 & 12 owing
to extra traffic ,on this particular
road of date was in bad condition
and requested that this road be put
in a better shape this coming s'ea-
son, As the Council contemplate
making an ismection ot the roads
forthwith these parties were as-
sured) that their complaint would
receive due consideration.
"Nee offers were grade for the
trucking of gravel front the crasher
this corning season, Joe Herr, being
anwarded. the contract at the same
teems as a year ago viz 8% cents a
yard per mile. 0
The following accounts were paid
Mr. Kings Printer, revised
statutes 15,00
Tp. of Turnberry relief sect. 21;12
S. Ml:Burney, road shpt. 24,80
Ten, other small road accounts
chiefly for dragging roads .•., 79.10.
*emelt adjourned to meet again.
on Tues., May 10,
A, Porterfield, Clerk.
Gard of Thanks
' Engagement Notices
IBirth and Death Notioee
In• M'emloainm
Friend -- "1 stented In life with.
out a pernny in my pocket,"
Bright •••-• "Arid I started in lite
y1atut a r
Classified Ativte. 25o Medi'
(Over the Phone 35o)
• 1' (ll
414Money is Tigfit
But there are people who
sire constantly looking' for
opportunities to lend money
ori ,coca security, 14 you want
to borrow it few dollars; or a
tew thousand,our Want Adk
will put you In touch with
i those who have moneyfato
batt. ,.,,..,.,.•..�.,