The Brussels Post, 1938-4-13, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST tow hints and, Mr. and Mrs, Wallace NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents CRANBROOK pgshessions', Tats has taken 'many The monthly 'meeting of the W. hours of preparation. You are in - ulnad to be present and share in the oniloyrnent of title presentation and was had alt the Dome of Mrs. show appreciation of their ,,efforts Iilarvey Hunter Mast Wednesday and in the ogportuulty' of a voht• afternoon, tory silver oontribut4on, help its The meeting opened with the generously es itosslbie. to a sueces5'• Winging of hymn no, 250 and Mrs. Yui financial, couclnsion, WTiteim Stttalldon led in prayer. The dance entertainment spot). - Scripture lesson was read by -soled by Ethel epable library corn - Me, e, P, R. McDonald, taken from tnlbtee hold in. Choy Twp, hall, Fri the 12th chapter of Ad's, The min- day night of fast week, Uad a. large Utes of the last' meeting were react attendance, vinery young people. and during the business' period the With ReddY's orchestra providing auxiliary was Invited to hold their ,their customary much appreciated May meeting at the home of Mrs,tylpe of minelo, ,the hours passed o e Engel, atter the offering was re- pleasantly and everybody had a ceived Mrs. (Rev,) Williams lett in good time, Lunch was served. In prayer. this period on titleoeeaslon an Hymn 2was sung anti the cur• extra pleasing friendly spirit •was rent events tvhfalt were in charge of noticeable which made a ace time Mrs, M. Engel were read by Mre. in general. Martin McDonald, Mrs. Robert Grover C. Gill a former and fay - Campbell, 'Mrs, J. Huether, Mrs, H. oureh i' known resident of Ethel, Hunter and, MTs, M, Engel, who underwent d n ent an operation for an - The 'topic was read by Mrs. R, Scott and Mrs. A. Cameron gave a very interesting story. The meet- ing eet ing closed with singing of hymn no. 220 amd repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Atter a social hour a dainty lunch was served by the hostess, Avery pleasant evening was spent in the community hall last Friday when a number of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Keffer'e• friends gather- ed together for a socio evening with them, Mr. and Mrs. Keller were presented with a pantry show. or. An address' was read by Miss Clumd Williams and Miss Mae Fischer and Mrs, James Keys pre- ented the presents. Mr. aby those who are making and Mrs, sorry to heat' Mrs. Aitcheson has Tri Curie, The president presided. anti• 10 laadlee attended. 'The, 'meeting was opened by re - Pealing 'lino Lord's. Prayer in unl son, after whish the Rall 001; was responded' to with a favourite verse, ani1 the minutes were read and tip• proved. Atter the business period Mrs, J ts, Pearson read the Dev, Leaflet, "The Church and. the World Wide Kingdom,'' The Easter progr'ac was' theu follo}ved a splendid Easter 'message 'being given by Miss E. Pearean, The meeting was closet( with the BeUe- diction. The dance in the Township Hall on Friday evening sponsored by the Library Board, was well at- tended, Reddie's six -piece orches- tra provided the music, , The neighbors and friends of Mrs, Bert Lake wish her a speedy recovery atter her operation in Lis- towel Memorial Hospital, Rev. Harold, and Mrs, Snell, John - pendicitis some weeks ago, did not and Mrs. King and Mrs. Ralph progress toward recovery as gttiekly sent Pet Thursday at the home 01 as had been hop.;d for ,blit is now Isaac and Mrs, Lake. They were eionvdlesiural satisfactorily at hie celebrating their 53rd anniversary hone in London. His many friends of their wedding. May they be spar. will be glad to know. ed to' enjoy many more anniversar- Mr. and Mrs, Mitchell from Monk- les, Is the wish of •their many ton vicinity wit occupy the Grover friends. C. G111 property at Ethel C.N.R. BLUE ALE station for the coming months. Mrs, Bert Lake is suffering nu- Mr. and Mas, Richard Johnston usual discomfort and illness follow- and Miss Ema spent Sunday after- noon with 11ir, and Mrs. Ed., John- ston, 1st line. Mrs, told, MdClennan Client a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. lSobt, Aitchison of Ripley. We are Agar and funnily, Friends' .and ne'ighbers gathered at the home of Mr. pad Aire, Noe. matt L. MtLau hlin, 2nd con• session Turnberly, for a farewell social evening before they left for their. new ]tome near Wingltaut, They were presented with a pair of beautiful wool blankets and several other useful gifts. Mr. and Mrs, 111cLaughlin and 'family ]nave made many 'friends since soaring irnia the cominuoity and will be greatly missed. After enjoythug refresh - ones, the evening was spent in dancing,' Mrs, Arthur 'Shane opened her home on Thursday afternoon for the meeting of the Woman's Aliso- elation of the United Church. The president, Mrs. R. 'MeLennou, had charge of the meeting. During the business period plans were made for some renovating of church carpets, etc„ and a discus, sion regarding the annual garden party, A portion of the afternoon was spent quilting and quilt patch- ing. At. ,the close of the meeting Mites Hazel Stamper and Mrs. Joseph Carter assisted the hostess in serving refreshments, Mr. and Mrs, Arthur .Shaw are a;;ending the week -end In Toronto meth ;heir sou Doctor Shaw and Mrs. Shaw, and will be guests at the wedding on Saturday of their niece, Miss. Freda Mae, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Frederick John- ston, to Mr. Edward Joseph Dreauy, of Toronto. BEL,GRAVE ing an operation for the removal of tonsils, perforated recently, Al- though et may come slowly, com- plete recovery Is fully expected, A. good run of sap for Monday of the week (April 111h) was reported Keller have moved tb their home on maple syrup this' season, This is been very sick. the 4th of Grey,Mr, and Mrs. WI:1mA Mathera only the third free man in the Miss(ser vicinity for the season. The sup- Steins spent Tues- and Doris and Helen agent the day with her sister, s'. J, Wilson, ply of maple syrup niri he very week -end with his Esther and Mrs. in Ethel. limited here. udd Air,. and Mrs.' E. Barnard spent Several cars' of fertilizer arrived R Sunday with lir. and Mrs. Nor- . F. i HEL daring the past week at Ethel rnard at Listowel, C.N.R. startion, reenters are recur- Mr. a matt Banardnd s, Cooper Nethery and Anter the heavy snow fall drifting ing a supply now, to be in readiness wind of the week -end storm in this for the spring seeding on the farm. daughter visited on Wednesday vidit;ty, many motor vehicles were 1Trs. E. A. Maguire visted in the with her parents Mr. and Mrs, stranded, some of them had to have tinct part of th Richard Johnston, let line, e week in Brussels Richard and Mrs. Me:vlhe Atathers the assistance of horses to start ' with her sister Mrs. D. C. Rose and the along again, Rural mail telly- i 1 spent Sunday evening the tier hncldental • attended the second parents till, and Mrs. Samuel ery on Ethel route, on Saturday, presentation in Brussels town hall April 9th was made with horse and of the play, The Temple of Faure, Woods, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Johnston and cattier. t put on by Brussels talent. sun visited en Sunday afternoon The Young People's Soehety of I Ethel United church are preparing, The regular monthly meeting of with Mr. and Mrs, Sperling John - and will present on Good Friday I the W.M.S, of Ethel United Church stun. night at 8,15 o'clock in the church 1 was held. on Thursday afternoon, t'iMr. George with Agar ranfd Charlie rsgas the sacred drama, For He had great April 7th at the home of Mrs, g On Sunday, April 11111, the Sac- rament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in Knox United church at 11 a,in. In the evening the W.M.S. will hold nn Easter Thank -Offering Service, the Rev, Charles' Cumming of Walton will be the /beaker. All cordially invited' to attend. The April meeting of the Wo- men's Insti'ttrte will be held at the home of Mrs. N. Keating on Tues- day. April 19. The music commit- tee with Mrs. N, Keating and Mrs. W. Pocock as conveners will be in charge of the meeting, Roll Call, sing a line of your favourite song. Current events, Mrs. Pocock; musi- cal contest, prize given; address, Musicin the home and community, Mrs. J. Taylor; Election of of. deers: Lunch committee, Mrs, Pocock, \Its. M. A. Wheeler, Mrs, Jordan. All lathes of the com- munity are invited. WEDNVOPAk, A,I'1 U 13th, 1.938 Carload of Witte Fertilizer Will Arrive at Brussels Station The First of Next Week Anyone wanting Fertilizer can get it off the Car Jacob Fischer, R.R. 3 Brussels phone 75r-12 ter father, Earl Willevvis; hors Mrs, A. laylaa, convenor of Cana- Manton, Bart's rival, Iib. Ross; dianizatioe, who read a letter writ- Jimn itankini the eherke led man ten by Mrs. Fred 'Sloman, telling Bert Grey, of the wonderful work site and Mr. The play was well presented, The Blom an are doing in and around orchestra provided ,several seleot- Capreol, She spoke of a lighted ions before the program commenced Christmas tree against a black - also between atlts. ground of millions of trees t 'which was saluted by every passing Mr's. A. Fawcett gave ate address on Canada, ire people, boundary l'ne and resources. She also gave the names, years of the prime min- isters since Confederation. Miss A.. Gillespie gave art address on Our Flag. it's meaning and ori- gin. stres's'ing the point "It is' the only flag to fly on schools, public buildings and homes, Misses Wilnta 'Watson, Eileen Robinson and Margaret -Scrim- geour, members of tine Junior Home Matters C uh were present. They explained their work and had a very interesting display. While some of the articles were not com- pleted, the work dune was ter very was he five the Mrs. Simpson's. mother, Mrs.erationantPorter neat, as and painstaking. meeting a 10e tea was served by is still living at .rhe age of 05, the the hostess, bins. Osler. Mrs, R. host and Wan. onthe homestead,08th a f con Fear and MIts, P. J. Kelly. On Friday evening Blyth Wo- Elnia rtwp. and two married laugh mens Association sponsored a tens in. the city and several grand- three-aot comedy "Eyes of Love" in Memorial Hall to a splendid audi- ence. The cast was as follows: Caroline, Negro servant, Miss' Helen Arnett; Gailya, an adopted daugh- ter, :Hass Gladys Fawcett; Reeta, a tevo faced friend, Miss Madeline Bell; Bert Wade, Recta's brother, Jeanie Sims; Mrs, Barry, Gailya's foster another, Miss A1, Hirons; Lora, a lively house maid, Anue Philips; Clark, a busy butler, Phil. Philips; Judge Barry, Gailya's foe- BLYTH The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was he'd at the home of the district 1938 pre01- dent, \Irs. Fred Oster. This meeting was in charge of, Come To The Three Act Play "WR IT 11 11(11111111Thia■■■■111■■111WERIBIBINIESIN 11319tb'ia1112 BEIMB®MIENNEF3®IIeIIIIIiIMlIIY■IIIIIN To be presented in the TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS At 8.15 p. m., on .11 t.. 922 By The Blyth Dramatic Club CASTE OF CHARACTERS C. E. Toll, Annie Philips, Mrs. R. Shaw, Stan. Sibthorpe, Eb. ' oss, J. Sims Adrnission Aduts 25,Children 15c Under theAospces of the Brussel5 Tennis Club The Club is Under Financial Obligation,, So Come Out and Support Them. JAMESTOWN An interesting event took place in Deteoit at 1499 Coyle Ave„ it being the fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Alexander and Mrs. Simpson who were married April 4t11, 1888. Mr, Simpson is a son of the late Andrew and Mrs, Simpson of 'this locality. Mrs. Simpson was 'formerly Moss Annie Porter daughter of the late James and Mrs. Porter, Atwood. Many friends called: during the afternoon and evenitig to offer oong+ratu'lattfons. Beautiful flowers' were also on dis- play throughout the home, a very Interesting part of the gathering children and one great ,grandchild. 01d friends of the community also offer congratulations to the wedded couple of fifity years ago. MORRIS Mrs. Wilt Sellers and Miss Helen Sellers spent the 'week -end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Beirnes had lis their guest Mrs. James Beirnes of Galt, a great aunt of Mr, Beirnes. HURON COUNTY The Home of the" Hen It has been said that more Chicks were shipped into Brussels last season than were, shipped out, what does that mean — "Just so many more satisfied and dissatisfied customers•" I have Last year I shipped 100 chicks, this year quite a few orders to fill for the customers that bought away from home. as required You can from now on get from 15 chicks up, as PRICE You Are Not Charged. on Grade, or Quantity, FOR SALE UNTIL MAY 10th-- Rock Chicks Leghorn Pullets Leghoorn rn Chicks 600 500 YOU CAN BUY BIGGER PRICED CHICKS FROM A BIGGER HATCHERY BUT NOT BIGiGER RESULTS -- CUSTOM CUSTOM HATCHING — TUESDAYS & FRIDAYS Alec Woodrow PHONE.77-r-4 OR WRITE 1/4 Mile North of Brussels, Ont. NOTICE! Ruptured People Do Not be Deceived Anyone interested in or how YOU CAN BE F RIIE1 FROM TRUSS 'WEARING in Six Months come tafternoon ' swicand yen otel Wingham, Ontario, WYealnesdaY Atprit 20th, experience! Consult 'a noted Rupture Specialist 20 years' two ye,+ -s In operating room. DOT REV( demonstrate to you free of charge 11OW AND WHY there are Ito curing qualities in a truss. A TRUSS is merely a mechanical' 0t •toted ttaa inhthe hernia end keep it in place, providiing it is properly uplift effect directly over Ilia point where the rupture 10 develop- ing fro •n. Also let him demonstratetoy 15115as. been methoddofibreatt- men: for rupture a treatment which mintier of medical mon throughout 'Canada, along with th emost cemforieb',o fitting appliance that tail be at oliandideintirAm rices n This treatment, ascii with a: proper g former proven by physicians to be a vast advancement over all wilier methods, exemplifying instnntaneons effects immediately, tending any strain or position, no matter the size or Potation, large or difficult assts au men, tvonien or children, he tan C onsuit your doctor after nsing this treatment, If ,find' any rupture apparent, Your motley Will be refunded. in at Dont forget the date, Wednesday, April 20th. ely tentlnn^e. Asit at hotel office :for seettal apartments of .Mt, Thompson. It Till pay you to loavo off work for a to* honra'to 1001t of 111e only treatment for Rupture without operation.