The Brussels Post, 1938-4-13, Page 33' OIDN 1Ei?AT, .APRt7t, 13th, 1938 has been built into one of the nitwit , UeWegetlferin'g and new .dietrfbnt- 4N int agencies in the world, times the public Is mere fit. this Ut omorrow or the next , Peeve le' somethingnapt to antes at broa which the puJaldc is ting companies d:Pend on the newe;peeeee for their Pews. Tom Watson emphasizes the fact that he doesn't want delay, but intends to get the answer right away, by Long Distance. So a call is put through and a deal, which might have hung fire for days, is closed promptly. As Tom Watson puts it: `With Long Dis- tance there's no room for misunderstanding. It gets results. And the cost? An insignifi- cant part of our operating budget, although we do it so frequently!" Reductions in telephone rates—local and long distance — in 1935, '36 and '37 have a/Jetted savings to telephone users in Ontario and ....Quebec of nearly one million dollars yearly. The Brussels Post a day off some time ago to visit the 0. A. 0., and again Millhills, Rau - FOUNDED -1373 scan was' the centre of attraction, The poiiticians saw the animal and R. W. KENNEDY — Publisher ! they had ciPportunity to view nlean- bers of his ,family, There were Published EveryMedneaday I politicians all around bion; Grit afternoon on hands; were placed on him acid so Subscription price 31.5U per year, j were the palms' of Conservatives paId iu advance, Subscriptions in • used for the purpose of pasting over United States will please add 500 } hie massive bead and shoulders, It ▪ or postage le recorded that one Conservative I, Toronto is planning to use unem- 1 member submitted to naviug his cloyed men to cut weeds' this fi]tE7 'YOS'C' PRINT picture taken standing beside the summer, Hay fever suxer•ers would BRUSSELS CANADA great Millhtlls. And at that,, time be glad to contribute a bonus to Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont, the animal appeared to be enjoying the workers who are assigned to the a good enough measure of health ragweed belt. �.^.,rr,c... -+• and. enjoyment. He was taking his YET IT'S A FACT victuals and had' uttered no word of , complaint. NOTE AND COMMENT. Tax °fficie) says filling in an in- come tax toren is' as s:Iniple as read- ing a book, He probably means a book by Linetein, According to lemercau d0otere, If you sneeze more than six times you are allergic, Worse than that, Trow- ever, you will likely be feverish, --0—.0-- ' The Quebec legislative assemble has voted $200,000 to improve maple sugar production, Government bodies coneinne to regard the ax payer as a poor sap. Bt'itiah authrologist doubts whether there s' any Nordic blood left In Germany and when Berlin hears that news there will probably be another ver soave. Canadian Boy Scouts plan to raise 'th:e membership of the organization to 100,000. Tbat means a tenth of a million good citizens' will be t heading toward maturity. The Quebec government claims the nckels' that are found in seized slot machines, There is a source of revenue in' which Mr. Hepburn shout. dlbe interested. Mr. Macaulay says the Federal govern'ment's' relief policy is just a headline and Mr, Hetelbitrn coils' it merely a headache. Are the boys ganging up on Premier Icing? i Quebec proposes to levy a tax of 40 cents a month on telephones. The government would get more money if it imposed: a graduated levy based on the length of the Phone conver'satOUs, LJET us LOOK AT THE PAST Here Are item. Taken .trod Mel of the Post of 60 and 11 Years Ago 25 YEARS Apo WROXETER Wan, 13ooth returned to Weyburn, Alta., Monday. * k * * Miss White of klarris'ton, is a gueist u,t 'Cie bonne of Nell and hire. White. 13EI-0RAVE A well is being tlailletd on the school ground in Balgrave, * 0 a * Timber is being got ready for the new born to be erected by W. Wghtbnan, 10th 'con., Bast Wawa- ms1i, to replace the one destroyed by lightning some time ago, There are mtauy nigh salaried But shortly alter that visit Mill - people on the radio. They play hills Ransom took sick and died. s instruments; they sing and at times . We learn he was so sick that the —worse luck—they croon, Others R experts' at. the 0. A, 0. couldn't do tell jokes and play their (par,! in ;much for him. They report it was sketches of one sort or another, acute gastritis, but why this fatal !Bur the greatest attraction at the ( illness should have develoiped so moment Is Charles NliCartbY a soon atter the visit of the politic - dummy, being revival of the old ant of the ventrloqule , And there are scores of stars in the moving Picture world. Tbey lane 1s sometbng which should be explained'. D1i11hills Ransom did` net have gastritis acute or other- wise before ,the coming of the are described as being glamorous politicians, so it seems reasonable and dazzling, There are few ad- to assume that the visitors must joctive which could be brought into have brought the plague along with use which would say anything them. We do not urge thee the which has already not been said In Superlative degree. And yet eke attraction which is ta.kteg the most money to the box 'flee just now, and which is caus- ing people to develop fallen arches from standing in line is "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs•," In which the glamorous' ladies' and the ghieks, have no part at all for it is all the work of 0. group of eantoou lsta. The stars of radio and the star's of the film world can extract what comfort they can,' from this ultu- ation. WHAT IS THE EXPLANATION Millhills Ransom was the name of the 315,000 bull imparted: from Scotland for the 0,A10, at. Guelph. le did not cost the province of On - torte anything at all, the Merciless ,price having been put up by a number, of interested gentlemen. Jlnt this animal did' atrtract a great deal of attention, and, It is quite possible that, a good many People had the idea, teat Ton, Duncan Marshall, when Minietor of Agri cuUture, had actually purchased the aninr,n1 and the prion had been paid out of provincial fiords, Not so. But Mtlihifis Ransom is' dead. The o'1io'latl announcement was to the effect that the ,buil died front air attack of acute gaetrttie, During his life' there was Much monition of this imapont. When• ,Mr, ,Mars'ha.11 was lest in Peterborough at the opening of our fair there 'vas' some good.nMured reference to tits prize pull anal it was so elsewhere, matter be investigated because when a government starts lavesdi gating It means' it ,begins eiso , to spend more money. But it would be well to know how `conte that e, coan'pany of visiting politictane should have had such a fatal influ- ence on the famous. bill from Scot- land. Until that point is cleerod up It may be that if tile members of the Legielaiture decide to have picnic parties' elsewhere the folk in 'the'eannutnd4y to be visited, will want :o gather In Meir livestock, pmt a lrmdlock on the barn door until the visitors have departed to some vousidorabie distance. A GOOD SERVICE one etateauont was matte in Con- nection with' the discas'slon of swill' before the parliamentary cotn- anittee dealing with that natter, it was to the effect that the Cano,dian 'Broadcas'ting Commission Preferred to use the service supplied to it by the Canadian Press Association be - 'cause ssulelt service had been found to bo reliable, free from hies and ecttnmrent. In other wortl'e' It eves err accutteto recital or the news of the day, • !mother point which, seemed to come as a. sua•prse to soma et the teennbea+s wee that the Broadcasting Commission paid routing at all for the service, It 1s presented to the Cbtnnhiseion free of cost and the only sstinnla:tiotl is that it ntttst be announced as 'Canadian lyres& news, The 'Canadian Press sorv1ee 18 frn'- nisbe<1' by the combined effort' of all Members of the Legislature Gook the daily newspapers in Canada, it Leg Broken -,Monday Wm. Neth- ery, East Wawaaoeh, had the anis- fortune to have a leg broken near the ankle while 'working in the bush getting out timber for a new barn to take the place ot-the one so badly shattered by .the recent wind- storm MORRIS John Bell, sr., and daughter, who lived for awhile at Biuevale have returned to their old home on the 5711 line, Geo, Jordon,0 son of D. Jordon, 5th line has been cooed trom the Metro- politan Bank, Potrolia, to ane of the Toronto branches.. GREY Talking about big hen eggs, Mrs. Chas, hove, 11111 con., has a hen that is after presenting an egg 6ee by 3 inches. * e n Monday of last week R, L. Taylor moved his live e'tock etc., iron the property or the late Peter Sinclair to Lot 1:6, Con, 16, which he has leasedfor a term at years from Donald Campbell, who has moved to Cranbrook. ETHEL • 'The Bthel ebopping mf11 is now owned by Thos. Wilson, the hoes° recently occupied' by Wau. Bray, who cooed to lalit fate 10th can, Grey. O o '5 A stew roof to replace the ane blowsy off on Good Friday, has been put on W, Matinee' barn this week,. BRUSSELS stellae T. Maunders,' Detroit, was re. !raving old friendships 1n and about 'Brit -seas, befit ter Berlin on Tuesday . to eleit with her airier before re- turning to her home, * * P. M. Scott and Stewart Scott left town this week for Prince Alfbert ,Seek., where ..they expect to spend the summer. * Archie McDonald* has Purchased 50 YEARS AGO WROXETER Rev. A. B, Smith oil preach the third of a series. of Sermons on T•emmerance on Sunday evening. * * * Lawrence Henry has opened a new hardware ,store here. ETH EL J. C. Hezerman returned from a trip .10 Montreal last week, * a * ll,obent Wray, blacksmith one day recently drove twenty -flue horse- shoes in thirty minutes, Can any of the Brustsels blacksmiths beat that? * * * The following officers were instal- led in lOtbel Division No. 149, Sons' of Temperance, for this quarter:— W. P. John Cober; P.W.IP., A. W. Panabaker; Associate, Mrs. 'Hicks.; R. S., M. S. B. Maginn; F S., J. A. Young; Treas„ Morris Fogel; Chap., A. W. Panabaker; Con., Alfred Fogel; A. Con., Mrs. Annie; I. S., Alex Wright; 0,5., Ernest Meglnn. MORRIS Mists Bella Taylor was visiting friends 1n Crediton last week. * * * Samuel Walker and daughter at. tended the funeralof the late Wen. Payn, who died at Bgmondvtlle. * * * Dean and Alex Fraser are on a visit in the south of Morris Twee * * * Wan. Thornton, of the 1st , ooa. lost a valuable mare last week. BR.USSELS Chas Holland is erecting a black- smith shop here, W. B. Dickson has * purchased a hen0some plea' trent' Scott Bros', Seatoi+tli. Mrs,. Pavfdl Boeso, 0r., and Thompson axe eavjuyiner a Veit whit Wingisaan friends, * 5 * Mdse' Mary Larmout lent on Tues- (147 for Winnipeg where. she will viei•t frlenilS'. * :k * J, D. Ronald &hipped one of his leei'elrrated Steam' Fire 'Engines to Vlctvria, 13:0, tiro week. Married ISimpeon-porter--ult the residence et the bride's' father, on Wednesday 411.11 net., by the Rev. A. 'Henderson, M.A , Alex Simpson of Grey, ,10 Miss Jane Ann Eliza Porter, only da0gh-• ter of Mr. James F. Porter of Blom, They Said So (By A. R. K,) ¶ A started Clown the street with B, and shortly atter they met 0, no need for them to think; they were not headed anywhere and had an evening free from cane, decided on a drink. ¶ Now A said he had some at home, henever took a drink alone, they took a little stroll; A said he feared he might get siak, and then he'd' need some liquor quick, he ex- ercised control, ¶ Then B said he 11ad quite enough, .they better come and taste .his stuff, be haat two bottles home; he never took in much said he, 't'would be as easy as could be, to leave the stuff alone, ¶ Then C told of some ancient suggesting that 'they come with him, it was of good report; be said it was seldom that be drank, or poured the snuff within bis tank, just took a little snort. And it was nigh to rtmelve o'clock, when they assembled down the block, their breath was rather strong; they talked' of poltics and trade, events that passed' in gay parade, they tlhen broke out in song. ¶ Tbey all declared ere they went home, that they could leave the stuff alone, and be forever through; and yet with C and. A and B, it was an easy thing to see—that's what they &ken'! do. S" -...ft.—.. Be fair to him, too In the discussions provoked by these articles, one point comes up so often that it deserves an article to itself .. . "The brewers," we .are told, "in their own interest should not support beverage rooms!" The reasons given for this amazing statement are as follows: " Dry sentiment in this prov- ince is much more concerned with what goes on in public than what goes on in private. If there were no licensed hotels," say these councillors, "you'd sell just as much, but people would drink it at home. Extremists wouldn't be scandalized. They'd switch their attack to somebody else." In other words, the Brewing Industry is invited to secure itself to spare the feelings of a cynical minority! In order to make things easier for itself, it is advised to deprive the poorer man of his liberty, while the rich man can still drink comfortably at home! Worse, it is advised to drive the working -man to break the law. For that again would be the inevitable result of closing the beverage rooms! Under no circumstances will the Brewing Industry take that kind of advice. We support the beverage room because the British nations have proven out -in -the -open control the best way! g ss>ttrm'a o u PEAKINoas man who doeenot indulge b S in any alcoholic beverage, it is my • considered opinion that the results in all ▪ civilized countries in which Prohibition • has been tried, have altogether failed to �° come up to the smallest expectation of what it was expected to accomplish. Rather, it resulted in a crop of boot- leggers, hijackers, and enormous quan- tities of poisonous liquors, which caused the death of thousands. It not only caused a thorough disrespect for the Prohibition law but attacked the very foundation of our British system of respect for law and order." --GEO. BENNETT, Mayor of Port Hope si This advertisement is inserted by the ' Brewing Industry in the interest of a better public understanding of certain aspects of �.. the problems of temperance and local option. 1 1