The Brussels Post, 1938-4-13, Page 2THE BIW..SELS POST
;QPI'vwx) Y, APRIL
3tb, 1038
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Having travelled from SYdneY,
Nova, 'Scotia, to Victoria, British
Colunvbia, and back and spoken
from a different sectson of e
Dominion each Friday en'eni h
Walter Bowles, "Canada 1938" Rov-
ing Reporter will broadcast from
Ottawa, the Capital of the Domin-
ion, on. this Friday, April 15th,
over the Canadian coast to coal:
network, interest
From all Parts of Canal
is always directed to Ottawa. It is
the seat of the Federal Government
and, is the immediate coacern of
every city,. town and hamlet iu the
Domlrion. Thousands of Canadians
who have been unable to visit the
Capital will want to hear Mr.
Bowles' personal description of Pt-
tawa itself, the Houses of Parlia-
ment, Government House and the
social and economic activities heorf
the city to whet they s
endrepresentatives to look after the
interests of their particular part of
the country and t0 hep to formulate
the policies of the Dominion as a
wbole. Mr. Bowles will also inter-
view an interesting Ottawa citizen.
L. S. B. Shapiro, "Canada 1938"
Canadian correspondent in New
York, will be heard from the NBC
studios in New York City
and well
bring to listeners news of plays
and films. He wilt also speak of
Canadians in the news on Broad-
RichardManning, rising young
Canadian tenor, who has now been
made a permanent member of the
cast, Russ Titus, whispering bari-
torte. and Araelle will he the featur-
ed soletstee - Iry keeping with
policy the Orchestra will else. have
as a musical highlight an original
eaMposittoly by a •Ganadatl.
Dried Fruit
Not all of our fresh fruits are on
sale everywhere during the winter
months. lout we can always pur-
chase dates, Ags, prunes, apricots,
and other dried fruit 'wheh lend
themselves to some very excellent
dishes. The following rennet -cus-
tards require no eggs, no baking and
no boiling. Through them, children
will get :the minarads and fruit su-
gar so necessary to their health, as
well as liberal quantities of milk in
a pleasing form,
Date Rennet -Custard
1 rennet tablet
1 tablespoon cold water
1 pint milk
3 tablespoons' sugar
20 dates
Maraschino cherries.
Dissolve rennet table' in 1 table-
spoon cold water. Cut 16 dates in
sma11 pieces. Mix well with ria cup
slightly warmed. milk. Press
through strainer. Add strained
dates and sugar to remaining 1}y
cups milk. Warm to hike-warm--
uke-warm—not hot (120 degrees F.) A. few
drops on the inside of the wrist
should feel comfortably warm. Re-
move from stove. Add dissolved
taiblet. Stir a few seconds and
flour immediately into individual
dessert glasses. Let eat until firm
—about 10 minutes. Chill. Be.
fore serving, garnish with slices of
dates and maraschino cherres ar-
ranged Ike a flower, using the dates
for petals and the cherries for the
Orange Rennet -Custard With
Prune Whip
1 package orange rennet powder
1 pint milk
1 egg white
lie cup sugar
''s teaspoons lemon juice
Make orange rennet -custard ac -
• Even if that dauntless fisherman didn't have any
luck, today, he can have fish for supper ... and he
will like it!
Your dealer can secure Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish
for you no matter how far you are from open water.
You can choose from such Dried Fish as Cod, Haddock,
Hake, Cusk, and Pollock, and such Pickled Fish as
Herring, Mackerel and .Alewives .. and every one of
them can be served in tasty, different ways.
Enjoy this food in your home. You can get Dried or
Pickled Canadian Fish with all its goodness retained
for your enjoyment. Asir your dealer. You will find
it very economical, too.
Department of FIsherler, 156
Please send me Tont free 52-(,ngc Booklet "Any
Day a Fish Day', containing 100 delighciu- and
economical Pish Recipes.
W D2
ooarding to directions ort package,
and chill, Just before serving, beat
egg white until stiff. Add sugar
gradually until thoroughly blended,
Add 'prune nein (,prepared by rub -
bins cooked Keno* through a Aleve)
and lemon juice, Heap ,the glasses
of rennet -custard with prune whip,
and 11 desired, garnish with piste.
alio nuts.
Plowing Match
Dates Are Set
Simcoe County options 8400 acres
for famous event to be held Oot,
11, 12, 13, 14 on 'Minesing Flats,
twelve miles north-west of Barrie,
on paved highway No. 26,
The dates for .the 26th annual
Inrterna'teonal Plowing Match and
Farms 'Machinery. Demonstration,
leaked, upon as one of the most
outstanding yearly events In
Canadian agriculture, have been set
for October 11, 12, 13, 14 by the
executive committee of the Ontario
Plowmen' Assocation. J. A. Mac-
Rae, Lochiel, is president of the
The .match this year is scheduled
for Simcoe County, the site chosen
being Minesing Flats., between the
villages of Minesing and Bdenvale
and 12 miles northwest of Barrie,
This location is ideal in the opinion.
of the committee, as it is of easy
access by automobile and on paved
highway No. 26 from Barrie to Col-
The local Sbnooe County com-
mittee has been hard at work under
the general supervisin of Frank
Higginson, chairman of the Agricul.
.lural Committee of Simcoe County
Conflict], and J. T, Simpson, county
clerk. They have optioned 8400
acres for the event. Last year's
match near Fergus drew over 100,-
000 spectators, with some 65 com-
panies holding machinery demons-
Information regarding this year's
plowing match may be obtained by
writing to 3. A, Carroll, Manager,
International Plowing Match, On-
tario Dept, of Agriculture, Parlia-
ment Buildings, Toronto,
by Grant Fleming, M. D.
A deficiency of any of the essen-
tial foods known es vitamins, miner•
ale, proteins, fats and oarbobydrwt
es endangers your health. If' any
one of the necessary food elements
is missing from your diet, it will
.result in a gradual, or, in some
'cases, a rapid lowering of your
,level of health. Your vigor will be
'Impaired. You will probably feel
what is commonly known as 'seedy'
and if this deficiency is 'narked and
,continues for any length of time
you will die.
, You have all heard of substances
called vitamins, There. are at least
six of these substances all of which
are essential for health and lite it-
self, They have one thing in
.common, the daily amounts requir-
ed are extremely small. For ex-
+aple, one pound of villain D would
Icover the needs' of the average
adult for over a billion years, yet
,without it we would die. Vita. -
pain A is essential for the health.
bf the muscoue membranes of the
eyes, nose, throat, sinuses, branch -
tabes, oesotptagus, stomiach,
Iteatinal tract, and the gentto-urin-
ary passages, Vitamins B1 and B2
are necessary for the nerves, skin,
,and the normal burning up of sug-
ars end starches in the body. A lack
of vitamin C' affects' the mites• and
miles of capiliiariew throughout the
body, while vitamin D is essential
:for the normal formation of the
bones and: teeth. Without vitamin
le, animals, cannot reproduce them-
We all know that a lack of iod-
ine melees. goitre, and a lack of iron,
anaemia, Copper is necessary to
get the iron trout the food into
the red Video corpuscles, end cal -
edam and' phosphorus melte up over
95% of the 'mineral part of bones
and teeth. Preteing build up the
bole coals and are necessary to keep
them in, repair. Fats and carbo.
@y4mteq supply onorgy, whklli tug
RW l�bt1�� 19
Geaonly wen 23r
'ec properly filled
d toOS ,e,a.YrYOt c
.t..e..ster ttio
h."...o........... .. .:.......
th�co` savings on the purc1sxof$ems
certificate ant -ales
SatireEnsmel. 25 K5
?egoist Price 9 65 0
.60 ,301SC
Good for
This certificate is worth real money to
you, if you act promptly( Just 511 it
in and take it to the store mentioned
below. It entitles you to all you want
of the famous Sherwin-Williams Semi -
Lustre Satin -Enamel at remarkable
cash savings.
This special offer is good only fortthe
limited period printed on the certificate,
after which you will have to pay the
regular price. So clip and use your cash
savings certificate now!
/ Pt.. 4O
Regular 504
Pt ... 7O
Regular 854
Qt a .. $1.20
Regular 01.50
1/2 Gal.$2.25
Regular 02.85
Semi -Lustre, the famous SATIN
FINISH ENAMEL, has become uni-
versally popular for home decorating.
It provides the soft, light -reflecting yet
non -glare surface now so much in vogue
and is easily cleaned with soap
end water!
Semi -Lustre is easy to apply, has no
unpleasant paint odour, and gives you
a choice of 13 lovely pastel shades.
Modernize your home this spring by
using Semi -Lustre SatinEnamel on your
walls, woodwork and furniture. ss-ts
Wilton & Gillespie
Brussels, Ont.
Phone 68
body uses to produce muscular ef-
fort and heat.
Carefully conducted investiga
:tions have shown that when your
diet is Just slightly lacking in any
one of the 30 necessary food ele-
ments, your resde'tance to infections,
such as colds, bronchtis, etc., is
definitely lowered so that you catch
these diseases easier and have
greater difficulty in recovering than
when your diet is adequate. This
minor deficiency of any of the
necessary food element's' in your
diet will probably not produce any
one specific symptom but still, you
will not carry on at the highest
possible level of good health.
' 'So it is very important for us to
know the food elements we need,
haw much df each one of the food
elements we should have and where
we can get it, Through proper nu-
Itrition we oan eeotre increased
health and happiness, greater vigor
Setter resistance to disease, and
longer life.
The next article in this series of
".What to Eat to be Healthy" will
tell you what foods to eat to secure
an adequate supply of vitamin A,
131 and BO.
Questions concerning Health, ad-
dreesed to the Canadian Medical
,Associaltion, 184 College Street, To-
ronto, will be answered personally
by letter.
A solution' of peroxide of hydro-
gen containing a few drops of am-
monia will remove ink stains, from
the hand's,
s * *
Here's' an idea, Make a . patch
hag from a ya.r or two of mesquite,
netting and it will let you wee the.
contents from, the outside, saving
the necessity of emptying the entire
contents to find, the Piece of goods
s * *
Before washing ties, baste them
carat'tiliy to prevent the lining or
Padding from heeomutg lumpy. Tie -
move the basting before ironing and
the ties will look like new,
d s
To mend kid gloves buttonhole
In. the Ontario Legislature last
weelc, parrte lines and the Cabinet
split on the vote favoring the legal.
!zing of sweepstakes in 'On rlo,
which carried 48 to 34. C. A. Robert-
son, member for Huron -Bruce voted
against the measure.
A copy of the resolution was for-
warded to ,the Dominion Govern-
ment, which has power to legalize
lotteries by amending the criminal
code. A private member's bill
seeking to have them legalized has
been given its tint reading hi. the
Federal House. I
Preparing for Hatching Season •
Repeated experiments have shown
thee tor egg production, pullets are
superior to older birds, The in-
cubation, hatching and rearing of a
great many chicks is. therefore a
yearly necessity. The tendency is
towards large hatcheries supplying
the smaller poultryman and farmer,
and •the sale of day-old dhieles, sex.
ed chicks and cross -bred chicles has
increased rapidly.
The individual can now pur-
chase chicles from recognizer agenc-
ies with assurance. 'Phe ,Depart-
ment of Agriculture is now gradng
chicks as follo'wsi Purple label, R.
0. P. chicks, from ,blood tested and
Government recorded Hooks; Red
label, R. 0. P. Sired Chicks, (root
blood .tested and Government ap-
proved flocks; Blue label, Approved
chicks, from approved cockerels,
and approved banded and blood
tested flocks.
For those who wish to incubate
their own eggs', the use of R. 0. P.
or apipeoved' males is recommended,
and it 16 advisable to secure melee
early in order to get a good setae.
ton and to acclimatize them to local
Incubators'. should be booked over
and put in first class shape, 'Illiey
should be scrubbed and disinfected
prior to incubation and also be-
tween hatches, Lt is airways good
policy to have spare incubator sup-
plies on hand, as many a 1161011 has
been ruined. by something going
wrong after incubation has corn,
loaned and no spare parts on hand.
Thermometers should be tested and
placed at Proper levels as a degree
or so out may take >considerable
dlfforenee lti size and etreugtil of
the hatch.
Care should be exercised in se-
lecting normal eggs of good shell
texture and colour, Breeding pens
of the 'best :tens orated to good
orales should receive the right feed
and attention in order to obtain
eggs that will ;produce strong
chicks.. Follow the directions
suppled by the unanufacturer for
operation of the incubator as the
directions have been compiled after
considerable experimentation.
Hog producers. throughout Can-
ada are demonstrating their in-
terest in the bacon business by the
improved quality of hogs being
marketed. A comparison of Janu-
ary grading figures for 1937 and
1933 shoes every important area
taring in this movement, but same
provinces are having remarkable
results. Manitoba heads the list
with an increase of over 18 per cent
in combined Siacon and Select
Bacon grades, Alberta and Quebec
follow, each witb. increases of ap-
proximately 10 per cent. The Pro'
portion of light and feeder hogs be-
ing marketed was' in each dam
reduced by around •50 her cent.
This means that the average weght
of hogs slaughtered must be higher
than a yeatr ago, thus compensating
in pant for reduced numbers.
The value of the increases in qual-
ity oh the basis of actual, settle-
ments would amount to over $20,000
for this single, low delivery month.
Estimating roughly on the basis of
Met yea'r's receipts, the improve-
ment would, have distributed nearly
$300,000 erdtra revenue to Canadian
hog producers', ' To it oleo should
be added the improement in Cane
ada's posited for export trading
with its weaning dividends,
1•t appears likely that better feed-
ing practices and a general effort to
cater to bacon trade demands bas
accounted for these eneouraging re-
sults', They paint the way to
great possibilities for the Canadian
industry if this upward `trend can
be continued until the poor olass of
hog Is eliminated. Scien'Udc feed'
Mg and atlen-tion to desired market
weights is the essence of the cur-
rent problem end hold the key to
still more profitable ,returns from
the market (tog,