The Brussels Post, 1938-4-13, Page 1the
!tttootto Vogt
Morris Couple
Honored By Friends
A large crowd .of tamale and
negh:lrors gathered at the dome of
Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Dennis to
pond a soelal hour 'with them be-
fore moving to theta new home in
Bvuss°Is, The 3'ollonvmig address
was read and the couple were made
recipients of a pale of lovely chairs
and floor lamp,
To Mr, and Mrs.
Ernest Dennis:
Dear Wends and fellow workers
in the Kingdom of the Master, we,
a few of your fr•iende' and fellow
members, of Ebenezer Church are
here to -night to do you honor, and
to try to express', in some ,small
way, our deep sense of loss at the
prospect of losing you from our
church and community life.
Throughout the eighteen years, of
Your ler/Bermes 'here you have made,
and re;tatned, a very warm place in
the hearts of those with whom you
have been associated, In the
church, the Sunday School, and in
every undentaking in the best in.
tenets, of the community you have,
at all rimes, 'proved energetic,
faithful, dependable and efficient.
Your fellow members in the Churcb
have bestowed in you, Mr. Dennis,
the highest honours in our power,
and have entrusted -to you the re•
spons'ibiilty of our highest offices,
and you have always proved worthy
of our trust. By your going we
lose a valued Member ot Session;
Chat/man of our Board of 'Stew•
ards; and a most zealous worker in
our Sunday School, of which you
were the faithcLul and successful
superintendent for many years.
We have been deeply grieved
that the condition of Mrs. Dennis'
health has made it impossible for
her, in recent years, to take her
full share in the life and wort so
dear to her, and words fail to con-
vey, in any adequate way, the sad-
ness with which we learned that
You have decided that you can no
longer remain among us, ,Let us
assure you that, Wherever you may
go in future yetars, you carry with
you the sincere good wishes, for
your 'future happiness and well -
beiug, of the many fiends you leave
behind, and we desire you to accept.
and take with you, ,this tangible
token of our goodwill, 1'Iay God,
in His matchless looting kindness,
ever bless and prosper you in all
Peer ways, and open before you
avenues of usefulness in the tasks
of Hs Kingdom.
Sincerely your /fiends,
A. Va•llnaice Robb,
W. J, Souoll
Jack Warevick
Walter Sellers
Bert Gernies
Harry Gal
Henry Mothers
Gilbert Speir
Browntewn, March
Mrs. R, W, \\'areeeic Is visiting in
Tomato title Week,
Mrs. Q. Drummond Is in 'Toronto
this week.
Harold Parker kr a Taranto Ast-
or this week.
Mies .Calder "was calling on
friends. in Str'atiford last Friday
evening, ant the
Mise Maly Helen Kerr spent
week -end ih Stratford end Toronto
returning home on Sunday.
Mrs. A. M. Kay and son Mr, J.A.
Kay his wife and son Jean A. spent
part of Sunday at the home of Mary
Helen Kerr.
Mrs. Breen is the guest of her
:daughter Mrs', Harvey Robertson,
Morris, this week, Mrs, 0. L
bar Is with Mrs. G. Booker in her
Archie Holmes was rushed to
Listow'ai hospital Friday morning
where he underwent an operation
for appendtcits, He is recovering
as wet; as can be expected,
Mrs. Robt. Davidson spent the
week -end with leen mother Mrs,
Hollenbeek and sister Mrs, Jas.
Davideen, in. Stratford.
Glen and Mrs. McKinney of De
trait; Mrs, Webster Baum and Mrs.
Heury Cowan, Port Huron, spent
the week -end with the litters sis-
ter Mrs, Annie Messer in town.
The many Grie:nds of Mrs.
Water Sharpe will regret to learn
that she Is very ill, still suffering
from the results of breaking her hip
an l shoulder some time ago.
Word was, received In Brus's1ls
of the death of Dr. James Moore.
Sincere sympathy is extended to
Mrs. Moore, wbo was a Brussels
girl, nee Miss Nellie Hunter. Dr.
Jim was editor of an opposition
paper at one Laine and was over-
seas during the great war, His
brother Dr. M, H. Moore passed
away in Stratford just lately,
The many Glands of the late
\Lids. (Rev,) John Holmes will be
sorry to hear she was buried last.
Saturday 1n Loudon. Mother of
Wendell, DeWitt and Miss Luella,
The late Rev, John Holmes and
family when, they resided in the
Parsonage in Brussels. The red
friends join with the Post in extend-
ing sincere syniurtit iy to the sons
and daughter,
Min liter
24th, 1438
Conning to Brussels
Mud= Le Maseetler permanent
waving spectalst of Toronto will be
at Lisa Queen's Wain Bruges's uai
April 26th for the purpose of :Per- I
moment 'waving all the latest
methods with Or without electtLtsity.
Try our latest creation reachilteless
wave opneen for blrsfness 9 a.m. U
day only.
—e_ l
Melville Church
Y. P. S.
The Y,f .S. of Melville Presby-
terian church Meld their
with lays
meeting Monday
good attendance. it was literary
night and Miss'. Edith ;McTavish
was 10 8httrge, The Lord's prayer
was repeated in unison and Mona
Miller read the acriptnie lesson,
The topic, "John 'Knox, the Builder
of the Refarmaton," was given
Earl Mame.
Now to HIM who loved us, gave us
Every pledge that love could give
Freely shed His blood to save u*'.,
Gave His life that we might live
Be ,tire kingdom and dominion
And the glory evermore.
Claudette Colbert Charles Boyer
--I N—
Fred Astaire with
Burns and Allen in
Damsel' In Distress
with Joan Fontaine
, A Musical Comedy Starring
Fred Astaire's Dancing Feet
Wendy Barrie Kent Taylor
Prescription for
with Mescha Aver
The Three Meseiuiteers
The ,Purple Vigilantes
Stage Door
Wednesday, Evening
Thursday Afternoon
Wednesay, April ?nth
Signed by 22 Merchants
Rector Rev. J. Graham,
B.A., L. Th,
2.30 p.m.—St. George's, Walton
8.00 p.m.—St. John's, Brussels
Subject—" It Is Finished
8,00 a.m.—'Holy Communion
, St, John's
11.00 a.m.—Easter Service,
St. John's
Subject—"The Great Forty Days"
2.30 p,m.WSt. George's, Walton.
7.00 p.m,—St, John's Brussels
Subject–' -"If a man die, shall he
live agate?"
Special Easter Music
You are cordially invited to worship
Yeah us in these services
Church of the Air a
St. John's Anglican Church had
charge of the service lbeoadcast
over OKNX, Wingham, onngondaY
morning of this week, 8e
beginning of Holy Week tit.
Graham spoke on the wro stave Goid
forbid that 1 should glory
the Cross of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Those taking p
Mre. Herbert •Stretton, Mr, and Mrs.
Bobs Campbell, Mrs.. Roy Thuell,
Mrs. George Davis, firs. Graham,
Velma Fls•eher, Lorne Bryan and
Kenneth Copeman.
Itir. Roger McClure and son.
George take this opportunity of
thanking the neighfor's and Meade
of the Emil line of Morns for their
sympathy and 'flowers given in our
recent breavement,
Nei1son's fresh Boxed Chocolates
for that Easier gift that pleases all,
Sole agent Grower's. 'J'lrese
chaco'atOb' are guaranteed fresh.
Choose your Easter assortment et
Grewilr's the .children will be
pleased. A. GRI:WAR.
A. quiet wedding was solemuzed
on April 1st, at the United Church
parsonage Ethel, 'wen Rev. Harold
3. Snell uoIited 10 marriage, Laura
Marguerite, second daughter of
Mr. and Mrs, Austen Baynard to
Mango Robertson MacFarlane, sec-
ond sou of Mr, and Mrs. James Mac-
Farlane of Grey. The brute was
dressed in pearl grey crepe with
navy a•ccess'ot'ies.
Atter a shorthoneymoon they
will reside on the 3rd con. of Grey.
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place at the parsonage of the
United, church, J3ruesels at high
noon, Tuesday, April 12th when
Ella Irene, youngest daughter of
Mrs. Brown and the late John A.
Brown of Morris became .the bride
of Millar Henry Richmond, son of
Mr, and Mrs, James H, Richmond
of the 34.5 cancessiou ot Morris.
The Rev. H, J. Mahoney offoiated,
The bride wore a navy. blue net
dress with silver trimmings, a. grey,
coat a•nd navy accessories'. They
were unattended.
After the ceremony they returned
to the home of the bride's sister,
Hers. Harvey 1I. Robertson where a
tasty dinner e'as served to the Im-
mediate relatives.
Mr. and Mrs.. '11s lar Richiuond
will take up terming on the 8th line
of Morris.
Their neighbors and friends wish
them a long and prosperous life,
Will 'Be
'-In Wingham
A noted Expert will be at the Bruns-
w.icic Hotel, Wingbem, Wedlies:day,
Aprtl 20th, al%ternoon and evening.
Consultation free: With unequalled
appliances and treatment. Please
o not be deceived. A truss will
ot cure ruipiure• Look for adver-
isement on page 4.
Leads again with a ricb Easter
Brick of ice cream. Pay no more
and get the best, it tastes so much
better. Your City Dairy Dealer to
Brussels is A. Grenvar, He carries
a large assortment of bricks all the
time. Just the one to suit Your
'taste la his brick freezer that
:freezes them extra hard so you
people can keep them three to four
hours. Insist on
Seeing Is
An "01d Brticefel0 Boy," in a
letter to the editor of the Huron
Expositor, which appeared in our
las': issue, expressed doubt that
one of our subscribers could have a
}watch elated 1274 and states that it
true be has something which is
priceless, as 1't was made exact'y
100 years before the first known
If it is priceless or not, we can-
not say for, we must couiess, we
know little about such matters, but
this we do know, he has such
watch for it was brought t0 this
office and we saw hitt our own
eyes the came of the maker, James
Batey, London and the figures 1270
clearly engraved on the works,
Last Respects Paid
Late Thomas Fiarity
Single Copies 5c
Temple of Fame
Is Well Received
Church Notes
Special Good Friday and Easter
Services at 'United Church. Ou
Good Friday morning at 10.30
o'clock a &pe'cial servos will be held
in Brussels United Church. This
will be a union service for all in the
community. Let us make Good
Friday truly a Holy Day instead of
a semear holiday.
Appropriate mists by the cboir
teen make the Easter services very
attractive, At the evening service
at seven o'clock a sacred drama en-
ttled, "He Lives" will be presented
assisted by members of the choir
This drama will be given over the
radio station OKNX at 2 o'clock on
Easter Sunday.
The funeral at T11onUls Fierily
who passed away on, Sunday at the
itunre of his sou Wiliam 'Marty. in
\Warton in leis 88th yewtr, was teal
on Monday afternoon. Born 11'
Galt in isee and when six years of
age the family moved to • Paisley
and later to 'Marlon. In 1874 he
married Catherine 111111s who Prada,
ceased him, One daughter and net
son survives. Mrs. A. 31. Me'
Donald or Brussels and William
totality in Winton. One sot and
one daughter pas.'ed on a few
years ago, Six granttc'hi'dren also
survive and one brother, John Flar-
it3 of Owen Sound and two sisters,
Mrs:. 0. Lauptard, London, and
Arles rheas Primly, Wlatton,
Relatives lrtlentled from Oriliia
Midland, Owen Sound, Brutesals anti
Good Friday Service at 10,30 earn.
This is a conimunity service.
"Could ye not watch with me one
11 atm,—"A Message of Triumph"
He is not here for He is risen,
8 p,m.—Sunday School.
7 p,m—Sacred Drama, 'HE LIVES'
Thle drama will also be presented
CKNX radio station at 2 p.m,
St. John's
A meeting of 'St. John's
was: held, at the home .01
Wood with a. good etteadenee.
The meeting was presided over
by the pregame airs. A. Coleman.
The opening hymn was followed by
prayer steered by the Rector, and
the reading of the scripture ;passage
also by the Rector,
The minutes of the previous
meeting were read by the secretary
airs. 13, Streeter.
The !terms which were brought
in at this meeting were priced and
put away for the bazaar. It was
decided that towels be brought by
Ladies tdies to the June meeting also
for the bazaar'.
The meeting was closed, atter
witch dainty lunch was served by
the hostess, A hearty vote of
thanks was accorded Mrs, Wood for
her hospitality,
The marling will be head at
the home of Mrs, Alex Coleman.
Play •Sponsored by United Church
W.A.; Repeat Performance
Monday Evening
The "Temple of Fame" sponsored -
by the Women's A•seocliation of the
United church was presented be •
lore a,tuli house on Friday yening
react a repeat performaace on Mon-
day evening drew a very good
crowd. The variety rot Program,
costumes and characters all con-
tri•btutetl to the emcees of the play.
The samerplay a vas given here forty
years ago and some who played in
it then again appeared in it .this
time. '
The cast 01 oharaoters included
the following.—
Mrs. Ira Parker and Miss C.
Kingston, were Mite directors; Her -
ad„ Kenneth Ashton; accompanist,
Mlles Alice Pepe; trumpeter, Wil-
tord Cameron, Cast of charaoters:
Goddess, Miss Helen Baeker; Her
Majesty Queen Elizabeth, Mrs. A.
Wilson; Guards' Douglas Anderson,
Hugh Pearson; Berbera Frlltohie,
Miss Bessie Hiller.; Laura Secord,
Myst N. F, Gerry; Ruth, Miss Addis
Cardiff; Mary Queen of Scats', Mrs.
E. Plum; Grace Darling, Mille Mary
Backer; Pocahontas, (Miss Jeanne
Van Norman; Bridget O'F;•annigan,
Mrs. J. Rowland; Martha Washing-
ton, Mira W, J. IProotor; Miriam,
Miss Margaret Garniss; Maidens,
Phyllis, Sullivan, Jean Wilton, June
Work, Ruth Thomas, Monica. Gra-
ham, Nancy Cameron, Thelma Bio-
thers; Queen Isabella of SgaLo Miss'
Margaret Robinson; Harriet Beech-
er Stowe, Mrs. Ida Lowery; Ta.
betha Primrose, Mrs, Lorne Nichol;
q eopatra, Miss Elizabeth Down
tug; Jenny Lind, 'Mrs, Walter
Kerr; 'Portia, Mrs. R. W. Kennedy;
Mrs. Wiggs and. Europenia of the
Cabbage Peach, Mrs, Walter Hug-
gins, Marjory Sanderson; Sisters of
Charity, Mrs: G. 'Sanderson, Mrs.
M. Speiran; Miss Canada, Miss
Betty Best; Silent Quakers, rataR. F. Downing, Mrs, W. Cardiff,
Mrs. Busehlin, Mrs, W. Cameron,
Mrs', W. Williamson, Miss L. Gar-
niss; Britannia, Mass' Berea Speir-
an; Queen Mary, Mrs. Wm. Bell;
Francis Willard, Miss Mae Skelton;
Flora [McDonald, Miss Pearson;
Helen of Troy, Miss. Mary Davison;
XaulttFpe, Miss Margaret., Downing;
Mrs. Partington and Ike; Mrs. C.
Dumber, Mac Stiles; Queen Victoria,
Mrs. Geo, Lowery; Madame Schur
nranHeink, Mrs. H. O. Walker;
Eva and Topsy, Imogene Sander-
son, Josephine Van Norman; Josiah
Allen's Wite, Mrs, G, McDowel,
Fisher girl, Mise Jessie .Strachan;
Joan of Arc, MIse Adah Granby;
Guards', MeC rdy Lottery, Lloyd
Sanderson.; Mother Goose, Mrs„ N,
Thomas; Florence Nightingale,
Miss Merle Sanderson; Guards,
Lloyd Wheeler, Rossi Wheeler;
Je(ptlia's daughter, Miss' :Dorothy
Wright; Queen Alexandra, Mrs. A.
C. Backer; Bother and children,
Mrs. H. Su;hivan, Reg. and Dorothy;
Flower girls, Jean, Speiran Helen
Armstrong, Annie Stiles, Margaret
Bell, bdella Bryane, Mary Wilton,
Lilrlan Gibson and Joyce Jardine.
Rosena Mae Allison, beloved' wife
of Roger McClure, passed away in
Clinton Hospital on Saturday,
April and,
The late Mrs. MdCL' re, who had
been in poor health for some time,
underwent an operation nine days
previous to her death. She etas'
bons at 5ydemham, London, England
on March: 21st, 1846. Mr. and Mrs,
M;oClure have resided in Morris.towmship, lot 6, coir, 6, for the past
three years,. before that time they
were residents, of McKillop 'town•
town -
There is left to mourn their loss
her husband, Roger MdClure and
son George.
The funeral took place from the
Koine of Jolr:n McClure, Winthrop,
on April4411 with Rely, J. B. 'Town -
end of Belgrave and, Rev, Craw of
C'aveh Church, Winthrop conducting
the services,
Interment was matte in Maitland
Beek cemetery.
IPalibearers were Robert McClure,
James. MoCltre, Robert Smith.
The regular monthly meeting of
St. George's' Guilts was held at the
Moore at Mrs. Bent Anderson with
a good attendance, The presi-
dent, :Mrs. F. Scarlet presided. A
hymn was sung to open the meet.
ing, following which prayers were
offered by the Rector. The secre-
tary gave the minutes of the prev-
10110 meeting and also a report or
the pancake steeper held at the '
come of Mrs. Hoy; - Crocheted
blocks, for an afghan were brought
in and more yarn distributed. An
apron shower followed when many
pretty and varied aprons' were hand-
ed' in exhibited and priced, Alter
singing a hymn the W. A. meeting
was held and sewing for the layette
was continued, Musical numbers
were rendered by Misses. My, Han -
Pries and 13. Shannon and a read-
ing was given by Miss'. W. ' Mills of
Bela .A. very delightful lunch
was served by the hostess assisted
by Airs, E. Dugan.
The Uni fed Falun Women will
meet at the home of Mrs. A. McCall
o:n Wednesday, April 20th at 2 p.m.
Mrs,. Leonard Leaming will give s
paper "The use of books and good
reading" and Mrs. C. Gumming will.
glue a paper on co-operation. The
roll call to be answered with 'A
good• book I have read recently and
Its author.'
On Sunday morning the service
in Duff's 'United .church was taken
by Rev, Mn. Grant of Wroxeter, He
took for his test Luke 23:42. "And
he said when thou' contest into thy
kingdoan'." The choir sang an an-
them with Mss Isabel Ritchie as
ste o+ist,
Mrs, Wm, Dickson, Searerth
',pent a. few days with her sister,
Mrs', S. Forbes.
The ladies of the W. M. S. of
Duff's United church held ther
Heeley Shank -offering Meeting in
the church Tuesdhly, April 12th,
Mrs. 'C, W. D. Coseus of Clinton
Stas the guest speaker.
Radio Producers Must
Produce Their License
Before Delivery Made
1')ffeetive Friday, April 1, purchns-
ere Of radio sets will be required to
Produce or buy a B 1' eata befer1
dealers may deliver their purtlIttees,
nceor'dieg to au order of the Trans -
Teri Department proclaimed Wed-
neteday U1 en extra issue of
Canada (gazette:. offense
The ander makes it an
for n person to install or operates
more than one set in 11s
W1t11a11t Obtaining e.a1ra 1lle ert0e`r.
It 01111105 11 MI alttlli io 111101'1110 a
$et. tinct emirs rattalons 1lrtertor-
IliS tvitil recep1intl or ether sal'
OW ncrs.
Dealers and service men are
prohibited from st•rvlcire-
pairing seta Imitate the ittvlr
run nreduce licenses setilli1)5 them
from m. to operate. Gin seta.
Young People's Service at 8.15 p.
Laird Langltln, 1237 Ouelelto
Avnnue, 'Windsor, had his race bad-
ly gashed about his left eye, and
Dewitt. llolnles, 2040 Bloor Street
\\tot Toronto, and Mrs. Luella
Clc crux, hes daughter, 1638 Bath-
urst S'aori, 'Toronto, were less set,
Jowlyinlnrctl on No, 2 Highway,
west of Falkland, late Friday after-
noon when cars driven .by Laugh.
11)1 and Holmes, Mr, De'tvitt.
1lolmes and his daughter were on
their way to London in 1110 sacra*
storm of Friday lust to his mother's
remanent Vines
Miss Elliott will be at the
Home of Mrs. H. B. Alien
from April 25th to abth
—to give—
Bonat Spiral Permanents
also Machineless Croquinole
Mr, Wilt, McDonald of Tugaske,
Sask., is a 'Visitor at the home of
his. brother Alex„ 2nd con. he came
east. whit a carload of (horses and is
enjoying a visit among old friends.
Mania Spabton was unfortunate
in tnitting his harks with the sane
while at a wood bee of Mrs. %i.
'Lamont, Several stitches, 'were
required to close the hound, the
Patient is getting along nloely,
t11nnis' Steelton, dhlSlloyicl by
Dan McKie/Ion had bis• loft hand
severely iwlur'ctd, Engaged in
eating Wood, a wound requiring
eight stitches was inlilcted by the
circular saw.
WANTED— George Smith, G0l'net Taylor a*
A, good tisrd badly buggy apply at
TIte Pest Jock Beatty,