HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-4-6, Page 8TIDE BRUSSELS POST NQVDDNh7SEAY, A1'rt,Il. 0th, 1033 :Easter Time At rhe �, Store III .Beautiful Easter Greeting Cards Make a Selection Now ALSO— Many New Numbers I -(r Just Been Added to Stock of Our Birthday Cards, — Cards to the Sick and Shut-ins Congratulation Cards and Cards for Other Special Occasions Check Over Mead's Pablum 45c Rexall Blood Purifier .................... $1,00 Nova Kelp Tablets 150 Tablets ..80c Vlck's Vapo Rub 50c Milk Magnesia Tablets 20c & 50c Rexall Orderlies pkgs 25c & 50c i These Items Listerine .............. 25c & 50c Bayer Aspirn Tablets 25c & 45c Wampolles Cod Liver Oil $1.00 Briten Toqth Paste 290 Gillett Blue Blades 25c Bisma-Rex Candy For Easter You'll Enjoy a Box of Betty Ann Fresh Chocolates Fine Ass't in the 50c Box Easter Novelties — Gaily Decorated Little Baskets and Mugs with tasty Candy 10c and 15c Each. T. R. SMITH ;Snare TELEPHONE NO. 62 DRUGGIST and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 An aninnal at the London zoo is The lifeboatmen of England saved called a "tigon, • being the off spring of a tiger and a lioness. 523 lives last year. ANNOUNCEMENT The Opening of ' the Dew Drop Inn (NEXT DOOR TO BRUSSELS POST) T apes Place on Saturday,Apr,Sth 1 ceCrearrl,Cand y Easter Novelties Cigaratees, Etc. Hot Lunches, Served at All Hours "TWO PLACES TO EAT — HERE AND :HOME" Mrs. Alex. Rutledge Prop. sommusmilinammilwillow Superior Store Quality Service Specials For— Thursday, Friday, Saturday Chipso, large per pack 19c Tomatoes Aylmer squat 2 tins for 13c Aylmer Pork & Beans 21 oz. 3 tins for 25c Hillcrest Toilet Paper 3 rolls for 25c Durham Corn Starch per pack 10c Frilled Curtain Material . • • • per yd 15c Over Curtain Materials per yd 35c Table Linen .. per yd 59c Crepe Paper all colors 3 rolls for 25c Men's Fancy Dress Socks per pr 25c Men's Heavy Cotton Shirts each 89c SEE OUR BARGAIN TABLE OF (REMNANTS WM. ZIEGLER HIGHEST PRICES PMD FOR PRODUCE Phone 2211 Ethel, Ont i iminimmummiummumminw Don't Get Glasses Until you have had year Eyes PROPERLY EXAMINED ••by our 25 point method. These 25 different tests enable us to check every part and function of the delicate Eye Mechanism and to supply Lenses or Treatment that actually corrects the errors which obstruct NORMAL COMFORTABLE VISION I expect to be at my BRUSSELS OFFICE in Miss Maude Bryan's Home all day and evening THURSDAY, APRIL 14th to Examine Eyes and supply necessary Treatments or Lenses — Phone 26X Brussels for appointment F. F. Horuth Phm, B,, 6, 0, Eyesight Specialist HARRISTON BRUSSELS Phone 118 Phone 26X 11 Forest Hill Village ,Created A City Toronto, April 4 A new city on Toronto s north- west bouudaryForest Hill village— was created by the Ontn'•10 leg:s- la,ture private billy committee to. day, and permission was given the adjoining York Township to apply to the municipal board lot incorpor• ation into a city. Forest Hill, with an area of ono square mile, taw ., i,a:latior nt 12,000 and assessment of 13,000,-000. York township's population is 74,- 000 and assessment mors than 32S,- 000,000. A 17.15 vo"e carted the bill. RED BAND STORE `13"e SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY York Brand Choice Quality Tomatoes 2 tins 19c York Choice Quality Peas 2 tins 19c Bring a happy Easter to Your Children Campbell's Tomato Juice 3 tins • • • • • • • • 25c From the samples in the Red Band Window Carnation Milk 2 tins. , 19c Rabbit Drawn Wagon with Egg 25c infants Delight Soap • • • • 4 cakes 18c Popeye Egg Cups each 5c Bon Ami Cake or Powder 14c Pine nested Hens lOc Assorted Nests lOc Gillette's Lye per tin 12c Cup and Saucers with Eggs Fresh Sair Dates 3 lb 21c Rabbit Egg Cups with Eggs CHOICE . QUALITY GARDEN PEAS, Crosses, Hens, Roosters, Rabbits CORN, BEANS & SWEET PEAS IN BULK Hens, Roosters & Rabbits Kellogg's Corn Flakes • • • • 3 pkgs 25c1 Assortment of Eggs 15c 15c 5c 2 for 5c 5c„ lc, 2 for lc 3 for lc, 4 for lc LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS M EASTER SPECIAL The New Heaterless PERMANENT WAVE ONLY $2.00 Come Early — — No Waiting JONES HAIRDRESSING Phone 128 Listowel You also receive a ticket on our prize of $100.00 given away LET US ..f. C 1 e .tY. IY ;4: Ladies' Suits, Coats 1 i or Dresses 'if Cleaned & Pressed Men's Suits or � Top Coats FCleaned & Pressed +r HATS, SWEATERS, • KNITTED SUITS F Cleaned & Blocked • I ', —Just Phone 196 *itWe'll Call can YOUR SPRING SUIT OH COAT NOW f. GILLESPIE'S ;•; Cleaners - Dyers - Tailors Brussels Agency-- ;: The Queen's Hotel 14i244i► R X KOW A A R 0444:..'A'i1i A'A'. OSjO QUALITY - - SERVICE Pat a Pan Pastry Flour Per 24 Lb. Bag .67c Chipso Large pkg Richard's Carbolic Soap Shredded Wheat ••. Fresh Sweet Prunes per bar 2 pkgs 2 lb Old Dutch Cleanser • • • • • • . • • • • 2 tins Del Maiz Niblets Corn 2 tins Toddy in 1 lb tins Each Full Quart Jar Peanut Butter 37c Castile Soap Special 10 cakes 25c Aylmer No. 2 squat Tc ----...7.!-o., 2 tins 13c High Grade Coffee Ground Fresh .per lb 39c Jello Freezing Mix per tin ,. 10c Large Bottle Vanilla . 15c Dutch Set Onions • • • • 2 lb 15c Multiplier Onions • • per lb • • • • . • • 5c Lipton's Tea is Delicious • • • • • • per /2tb 33c Pride Of The Valley Standard Corn 3 tins 25c Hemphill's Wheat Berries are tasty per bag 25c Star Chocolate Drops per lb • • .. 19c Vi. Tone for your health per tin 47c 19c 5c 25c 25c 19c 25c 39c Brussels Phone 64 L. We Ec q� a f •hursday Iti@l rl '' day ? Saturday KILLED BY CAR Clinton, Ont. Seven-year old Marguerite Snell, Till Saturday Night daughter of Mr. and Mrs'. Eph,iam ; Snell, Hallett Township, died 'n For every 5 Ib. or more of meat you — hospital here early Friday morning , Buy here you can buy— of terrible injuries suffered Mrs:5 Ib, LARD AT 10c Ib. day afternoon when struck by a car. This Lard is one of the best Grades driven by Joseph Lester of Cede- on the market, Maple Leaf Brand rich, The accident occurred :,1,.m: Canada Packers three and three quarter miles' north OUR SPECIAL HOME-MADE of Clinton jest as the little girl ran FARMER STYLE SAUSAGE out of the schoolhouse of S.S. No, 5 15 cents directly into the path of the ^ar' BUY MORE BEEF— Effarts of the driver to miss her failed and the girl's body was thrown about 20 or 25 feet after the imlpact. The driver turned his car into the ditch along the ntad to miss her but he could not turn fast enough, A Real Bargain We try to give you the Best Grades of Cattle Available and hope to have your business IAN McDONALD imminalmailesummommow Brussels General Store PHONE•61 ttsf..' teiC PC,wICI etC t Ct 41=tetete+gr£Cie +errt8t+stat:444!arel M ElEt at4tCliftete IR • More Spring Merchandise Opened This Week You Owe It to Your self to have a LOOK 100 NEW DRESSES—Snappy Styles, Beautiful Patterns, Colors fast as a rock • • • • $1.00 and $1.25 NEW FRENCH CREPE DRESSES—passed into stock this week Your Size Is Here ON THE WAY—Curtains by the Pair Frilled or Plain Also a grand display by the yard Any Color or White CIRCLE BAR HOSE—In all wanted shades Semi Service, Service, Chiffon or Crepe Hose that give satisfaction Dominion Celebratd "NU BACK" CORSETS In All Sizes Splendid Value For Men in SUITS, ODD TROUSERS OR ODD COATS MEN'S WORK SHIRTS --the Kind You Like and "Good to Wear" FINE DRESS SHIRTS 'WI'i1H COLLAR ATTACHED OR SEPARATE COLLARS—PRICED RIGHT 4413t/Stated:'!'socautatikumat+.`lcuae Cntt4 rtuutt.404'.Ct+E't4tfitCtC tmatztosau t6 E. J. McTAVISH GENERAL STORE