HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-4-6, Page 7ROUND TRIP BARGAIN FARES FROM BRUSSELS FRi. & SAT. 'APRIL 8 and 9 To Oshawa, Bewmanville, Port Mae, Cobeurg, Trenton Jet„ Beilevi]le, Napanee Kingston,. Ganaatoque, Brockville, Prescott, Mer'1aburg, Corr waf7 Uxbridge, Lindsay, Peterboro, Oampbollford, Newmarket, Penetamg, Ooleingwood, Medford., Barrie, Ori111a, Mid- land, Gravenhurst, Bracebridge, Huntsville, Calendar, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario on line of Temia. keening & Northern Oxytmie Ray., Maiming Central 1117., I apiekas. ing, Loxuglao, Nakina, Tasaesta, Sioux LookoOt, 'Geraldbon, aellICoe Beardmore, Port Arthur. Meoford, Barrie Orillia,''Meaford, Gravenhurs"t, Bracebridge, Mr ----a 4,0 SAT. APRIL 9, TO TORONTO Also to Brantford, Chathamt, Ohesley, Clinton, Durban., Ea- etear, Fergus Goderidhi, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harnlston, Inger- soll, Kincardine, Kttobener, London, Listowel, Mi4ohell Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port EgIn, St. Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, :1tratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, Wtarton, WIngbam, Woodstock. For Fares, Return Lange, Train Information, Tickets, consult nearest Agent, See handbills for complete list of +destinations. CANADIAN NATIONAL. I News and Information For the Busy Farriers (Furnished by the Department • Appointed to Board 1 ate practically all removed and it James Brandon, Forest, one of the anost prominent breeders of Olydes- Government assists in Ghe Pur• dale horses is Canada, has t' -en i chase of these machines When they appointed a member of the Ontario : are used for custom work, tip to Stallion Enrolment Board, accord,' tho end of 1937 there were 63 'geed Ing to Hon. P. M. Dewar, Ontario ; cleaning plants in operation u.ud Minister of Agriculture. He sue- . last year over 700,000 bushels of ceeds tone late 1. M. Gardhouse as a ' grain were cleaned and nearly 41' member of the Board• million pounce; of clover and grass seed, 11,794 fa niers were served by prizes for Litters these plants. There are many farm The directors of the Ontario ere in the vicinity of these punts ie pos's'ible to fairly well gestate e the different varieties 02 grain, The Yorkshire Club have decided on a new departure in offering $30 1n prizes to owners of the three high- est Yorkshire stows in advanced registry, considered on slang !ter test only with rating decided un four pigs from a litter. Thera are -about 200 breeders with some 300 sons taking part In advanced regis- try. Sixteen breeders have entered pigs In a carcass competitor to be held alt the Yorkshire Field Day. 0.A.C., Jane 14 and 15, and valuable prizes are being offered. Breeding Light Horses In nine breeding station dstrtct•s in Canada saddle and hunter horses, and horses for police, re. mount, and light delivery purposes, are being produced in considerabn numbers!. This type of horse is in keen demand in Canada Bund In the United States, and there is little llkelhood of any decline in popu- larity. Horse breeding slabs among Canadian faavners increased from 125 in 1933 to 254 in. 1937, while the amber of pure bred stal- lions qualifying for a'ptproval in 1937 showed an increase of 21 per cent, over 193C. Quality of Chicks Tire lowest priced chicks .are not always the cheapest in the end It will depend upon the prod'rction and health of the nock from which the eggs are gathered, on the clal- Ity of male birds used and on the care taken of the eggs anter be`ve gathered and while in the hatchery. The ration fed the breeding flock not only influences the hatchability of the egg, but may influence the vigour' of 'the chick from the fere the egg. Then there is the size of egg which may be a factor. It stands to reason that a chick from a 25-ounco4bhhe-dozen egg will be larger and stronger than one from a 23 -ounce lot. There is a reason for chides from the largest size ' egs being more expensive than chicks from smaller sized eggs. Far in- etance, the eggs cost more in the fleet place. Thus when buying chicks' :more than the price should be considered. Seed Cleaning. Plants Seed cleaning plants' have been es abils'hed hi many centres and by itttetr nee the grain being sown Is muotl htmproved in quality and in !freedom from weeds. These powrr plants' not only :make an excellent job of grading the a grain 1 whe might advisedly make use of them, but .there ere yet many centres where cleaning plants• are not available. The ordinary fanning mill did good service Iu its day, and with the use of the proper screenings and adjusting the wind blast a good job can be clone with the tanning mill, but we believe a better job is accomplished by the larger power unit. T.B. Cleanup Campaign Ontario farmers are becoming ins ereasingly eon9ol0Us of the neeese sity of eliminating bovine tubercu- losis from their herds. Braaten: of Prue -bred cattle have tor years bad their herds tested under she aoeredthted herd plan and have re- ceived compensation for reactors but under the restricted area plan for T13. clean -lip now well under way, owners of both grade and pure- bred cattle receive •compensation for reactors. In Ontario there are sixteen counties under the restrict- ed area tet the present time six conndies have completed the educa- tional campaign and eit•culatiou of peOitions. A campaign is under way with nine or ten other counties and several others are holding meet- ings and seeking the sanction of the county c:ouucil to 'proceed with the preliminary work leading to a T. B. free area. The request firs:: comae from the cattle owners and two•tthirds' of the cattle owners muse be in favour of the area taut before the work 'e undertaken, Motor Vehicle 19+38 Markers '1'1te following shows the tlist,i beti019 of 1933 pas'senge'r oar'- regis- ti•ation.plates in Ontario: The following letters are omitted throughout -0, 1, 0, Q. Unlettered 1-500 Teneto Doctors D1 to 06000 'i"w'onto A 101 to 099A9 1B1 to 999139 101 to 999C9 101 to 11)999 2D1 to 917400 90401 to 99909 Toronto Toronto Toren to Toronto Wes20n Ham' Mori 1101 to 1E999 Toronto 3131 to 19E99 HamI'ton 20E1 to 96E09 Brantford 97171 to 2241+) - Paris Ploymen's Convention Ontario plowmenasseniblad in their annual convention at Tomato •e))pressed gratification over the record attendance at the Inter- national ,meet Ins. Oolobar, This was. in spite of •severe weather conditions' whist demonstrated the fact that the public conlcl be attract- ed without offering entertainalen features. The site for the 1938 camped - tails 'will be northwest of Barrio, The choice was •made atter ' •"?pie- seluta1Ions had been maude • by a three-man delegation from Simeoe' County. Consideration tvae promised rho request at a delegation of -ont- bined counties. of Leeds end Oeen Wile, who asked for the gnat -'i in 1939. The secreenry-tnanager, 7, A. Carroll staked 'that in addition to the big match titers aro other ne- tivitt•es sponsored by the Plow- men's Assocdetion, There are 82 hraneheO, 80 of so as 4o give a uniform sample, but l which conclttetel st for matches by use of the proper senate and In 1037. A new branch eves or. in Wentwoltlt yal'iolpe' aatachest4•� the weed soecls ganized at Ancestor 22501 to 734E9 ............ ... Woodstock 73501 to 99E9 London F 111 to 70299 London 7121 to 90259 Crlsnc00 8021 to 53429 Chatham 58521 to 77929 Tilbury 78021 to 999109 Walkerville H 1E11 to 311800 Welkorville 352301 to 951299 Windsor 99H1 to 934119 Ostiewe. 935111 to 999119 Bowman vine 131 to 27400 2J401 to 33900 33901 to 53950 53951 to 21350 21357 to 45350 45351 to 48350 43351 to 710390 7331 to 44439 445J1 to 59939 60071 to 98939 99031 to 99939 J Bo'wimaaville Port Hope C'rhourg Be'-levAle Pieton Deseroneo Napanee Kingston Ganana,lus Bro ,kville Prescott 1K1 10 20550 20551 to 7K600 7K601 to 90600' 9K601 to 47099 45K1 to 76K50 7601 to 759K3 76001 to 96409 965K1 to 99909 1351 to 5L550 51.551 to 75999 851 to 9L450 95451 to 14550 14551 to 33599 3451 to 5211)50 52551 to 66550 66551 to 827.99 S31L1 to 66959 67051 to 86959 87051 to 99953 K 20110 tl Cornwall. Fort Eta. Welland Dan'tville Tills'onburg Aylmer StThomas L M 1311 to 451750 ... 42751 to 465199 47511 to 16.15199 165:511 10 679529 650x11 to 999.139 1N1 to 75100 75101 to 2881199 2951 to 45093 *NI. to 65099 6651 to 84;150 84551 to 21.149 21551 to 359819 360'51 to 75419 755N1 to 99950 1'21 -to 22650 92651 to 52200 52201 to 9'2550 92351 to 313250 33251 to 40250 N P St, Thomas Leamiugtou Kingsville West Lorne Wiugbam Walkerton Remover Durnum Corel pb St. Marys Sarnia Sarnia St. Cathar t es Niagara Pails Gall Kitchener ICitcbener Stratum; Mitchell Clinton God each Harriston Kinc'rrdine Brampton Orange. i11e Orangeville Newmarket Barrie Oriliin Gravenherst THE BRUSSELS POST 40251 to 51.259 Braeebridgra 52I1 to 62,299 T1U%011ie 6321 t 07220 Amheral/Virg 6321 to 72260 Amllerell,hrg 72251 to 80290 Ridge i.ewn 86251 to 98250 „ Dresher( 98251 to 27929 Petrolie 28021 to 46429 ....... .... Walleceburg 465121 to .69929 Stratltroy 70021 to 80429 Watford 80521 to 99929 Listowel. 1131 to 18550 18551 to 38150 313,151 to 71650 781051 to 811700 811701 to 161199 17111 to 28150 23851 to 481199 491111 to 10409 109111 ,to 839'89 840111 to 88419 88581 to 99909 15 Llstewol Milton Owen So lad Meuford Collinawood Wooebriclge Markham Lindsay Pet 9rbaro Mermen Perth 101 to 28150 25151 to 25800 20801 to 56150- 5S151 to 65900 65901 to 58500 80501 to 15'899 1081 to 40550 46551 to 62S50 62051 to 63599 6401 to 72'599 73S1 to 71550 78050 to S9S99 90151 to 679S9 340'51 l0 67903 68001. to _694$9 69501 to 76489 70501 t0 84459 84581 to 999S9 Perth Westport Smith's .Falls Carleton Place Arnprt',: Renfrew Pent b rake Canipbaliford Keewatin Katora Dryden Font Francis Font Walt jai Port Aetna Schreiber Cochrane Ansouviile Timmins T 1T1 to. 32500 Ttmimns' 32501 to 51'950 ,....... Kirkland lake 5T951 to 7T150 New Liskeard 7T151 to 7T900 Cabals 7T901 to 15T99 S. S. Matic 1GT1 to 181'50 Bruce \lines 18151 to 21T50 Thessalon. 211'51 to 23T99 Blind River 24T1 to 35T99 Richard Ldg 2621 to 301'50 Gore Bay 30P51 to 32'x50 L. Cu,'rent 32T51 to 341'50 Mdnletnoya 34251 to 36T50 Manitowaning 36251 to 4OT50 Esparols 40151 to 41T50 Chapieau 41151 to 214T9 Sudbury 215T1 to 27919 230'21 Co 549T9 550T1 to 634T9 63511 to 739T9 740'rl to 81919 S20T1 to 929T9 930T1 to 999'29 County. :t're 'Cavan and South Monaghan Branch wee reorganized anti. enlal'gedruder the 0001 acme Durham County. ,Similar :seam: hoe been proposed in North Sim- coe, Application has been receive ed for 110 nrgatnzatlou of Drenches in Wellington ccnd Renfrew Come ties, Owing to unfavorable local conditions', matches' were not held by the Noetvlllo and Parry Sound South bast Branches. N6... feature of the wna'k is More ilmpo'rt0nb than the instruction end encouragement given to juu100a. llomte ploughing contpctitone were conducted In 12 'cyimtuunittee and 11 .71111181' !Ploughing Matches were held. A. Junior com-petition was cotlelrtrte.d in Lanark County for the first time In 1037. Depar;•iarnt. fudges offleiated to 4111 008'05', Last Year, owing to limited appropria- time the number of tletmenstrattees was likely to be 'restricted, 'Phe executive firelight this. unfortnllate Its clerttonstra.Ll0ns ~yore 0011sidercl perhaps the mnttt endive .uelluel et odecatlon available, Ag a core saabusmde a committee Naas areta1nt' ed to Interview 1110 Deputy Minster of Agrioutture, enol ea a result en additional (01101lla (rept made aertli- able, Sttungeon Falls North Bay U WIODN10rxpA,Y, APRIL 6th; 938 Powassan Peary Sound Burk's Fails Wiertor- Port as ,an 1111 to 799119 Ot`iwa 800171 to 999119 In Reserve V 1V1 to 31'100 Midland 31101 to 31'999 4V1. to 517100 56301 to 6V350 61351 to 31'900 81'901 to 131'99 141'1 to 191'50 191,51 to 241'39 25V1 to 32250 32251 to 42\799 4321 to 431'90 5061 to 591'99 60V1 to 67V99 6921 to 733250 Vankleek F1• Alexa'tdria Casseltuau Winchester Kemp -a -111e Bothwell Tamworth Tweed Bancroft Hastings Beaverton Sutton W. Kapuskasing 731'61 to 773250 773251 to 82050 823207. to 099329 w 1W1 t:o 3W250 341251 to 51'1700 &W707. to 6W999 7W1 to 7W 250 7W251 to 9W'it'S00 9W501 to 511250 51W181 to 77W99 78W1. to 86W99 87W1 to, 304W9 305W1 to 384W9 386W1 to 494W9 498W1 to 649W9 650W1 to 914W0 915W1 to 999W9 Rainy 13470', a/list Bart Toronto Teronto Lake;a mi• Blealleirn 1Cabebeka F'a, Ingersoll .New Torutit° Teei.ton Madoe Dundee Bolto, Ohesley Uxbridge Exeter New Hamburg 1X1 1X 4X101 to 60350 60351 to 7X200 7X201 4o 80550 8X,551 to 9X100 9X101 to 25099 26:(1 to 38099 3901 to 41850 14X51 to 481199 49X1 to 51X99 52X1 to 57X99 5801 to 87X09 68X1 to 78X99 79X1 to 92X50 92X51 to 98099 99X1 to 15909 160X1 to 37909 38001 to 51eX9 515X1 to 999X9 X to 1X800 . New Hamburg 801 to 47(100 •.•• —.Richmond Hill Oakville Schoenberg Forest Wheatley. Hageraville U'nionvi113 Flint= Verona Sioux Lookout Thornbury Port Elgin Hawkesb,: ;• Alliston Thaunesville Havelock Port Gellman Essex Toronto 171 to 17550 17551 to 27300 27101 to 97200 97201 to 97999 1071 to 11Y99 1221 to 71479 71571 to 79929 80071 to 89979 90071 to 98979 99071 to 99979 Y TIreeto Alai nstot, Te •onto Lne'csow Hearst T't:onto Rodney Norwacn Dundalk Markdale 121 to 12700 12701 to 28600 2Z605. to 38250 32253 to 48982 Z Markdalo Toronto Haliburton LISTEdl11f/Gll%i� I on 'CANADA -1938,, ,4MPERIAi. TQDACCO'S INSPIRING PROGRAM FRIDAY 10 P.M, STATION -- CBL CANADA 1938 A new voice has been heard on the "Canada 1938" programme dux. ing the last three weeks. 1t, is that of Richard Manning who has now been made a permanent mem- ber of the cast which brings to Ste large audience across Canada 't half hour o8 music, pictures of Oanadian life and work, and "Canada(" on Broadway, every Firday evening, Young Mt. Manning, who is only t'wentyctwo years of age, 'hes' al- ready .made a name for himself as a radio -singer, His tenor voice was heard recently on the "(.leder Singer" programme over the 000 neitwork, Mr. Manning 4s also well known in Montreal as a con- cert and oratorio singer. As a boy in England he achieved oonsidetable fame as a soprano soloist. He was a member of the choir of Christ Church, Oxford, which Is one of the most famous' rellglous dnstitutions in England. As such he had the honour of singing before the late King George V, clad in the t.radi- Eons' red, cassock and white ruffles. As. a souvenir o2 ihih momentous occasion, Mr. Manning is the proud possessor of a written appreciation Cram the monarch him- self, Walter Bowles, Roving ,Radio Re- porter, and one of the unique In Reserve features of the broad0esit, will be 1heard from the disdriet of Port Hope, a centre of the radian" in - A bulky gentleman approached a dustry in Canada on Friday eveaing somewhat slender lady to the dance ball. "Is the pleasure of the newt dance to be mine?" he politely, "Entirely," elle replied. asked ADVERT iSING RATES Card or Thanks' 25c Engagement Notices 50c Birth and Death Notices .....,.. FREE In Memortum 35c Classified Advts, 25c Cash (Over the Phone 35c) Coming to Brussels madam. 5e ittasurmer permanent waving speciaist of Toronto will be at the Quee11'B rlotex 13russ'ela vu April 25th for the purpose of 'per- manent +waving all the latest methods with or without elect -laity. Try our latest creation maehineless wave open for business 9 a,m. One day only. April the 8th. He yill Ibrtng out interesting details on talc' power- ful metal which is revolutionizing the scientific and medical world, L. S. B, Ohapiro will again bring to his listeners the latest gessip and news' front Broadway, Russ Trttus, the choir, and the orch Astra will complete the programme with currently ,popular music inclu't'3g at least one original Canadian poen- Position. FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE remoyed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone"COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 41 INGERSOLL BRUSSELS PHONk - 72 Shark Fishing New West Coast Sport Waif T be spunky trout of tho Lan- rentians and the Canadian Rockies, the scrappy bass of Northern Ontario, the huge mas- kinongo at French River have all been put on their mottle by a fighting fish new to Canadian sportsmen—the shark, killer of the deep. Dasktng sharlcs have been found in large numbers on the east coast of Vancouver Island. While they seem harmless as far as ewinimers'are concerned, they are a terror on the and of 500 yarns Of 50 -pound test lino. Many flshormet have tried. shark Tithing with great success. A Victoria man, McGinty Matter - son, caught the first shark. It weighed 596 pounds• The record so far is a 987 -pounder landed by Commander May, of California. Equipment is simple and not too expensive and the sport is thrilling beyond imagination. When the shark first takes the bait, a salmon from six to eight pounds, the fisherman thinks he has hooked the bottom. Tben the fun starts. With mad rustles and plunges he churns the water into foaln. He has a nasty habit of ttlrning on the boat and antepping at the line or rolling on it and severing It with hi9 the -like skin, Yoe never knew' what he Will do next. About the time you 'think Your back w111 break or your arms torn out, you work the fish closer to, the boat It is sub cidal to try to land such a large fish and it is customary to give hire a 00011 de grfeee with a 30-30 rifle. It It a grand sport and a new one for Canadians but interest is so keen, judging by inquiries re- ceived by the Canadian Pacific tourist department at Mohtreal, that many Canadian and Ameri- can. 'sportsmen areexpected to unite forces in a War on sharks from July to September, ,too time Of year they appear in greatest huml)ers, x.