HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-4-6, Page 5.
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
The Cheerio workers .held their
Mardi meeting at 'the home of Mrs,
(Rev,) Williams, with Miss Jean
Cameron In change, The meeting
opened with singing hymn 270 fol-
lowed by repeating the Lord's Pray,
er ih unison; The 'Scriputre
lesson was read ° by Miss' Mae
Fischer, taken from John 14. The
minutes were read 'by the secretary.
The roil call was answered wtth a
verse of scripture, In discussing'
the business, the next meeting was
left in charge of Miss Gerte Pride.
A very interesting story was read
by Ma's'. Engel. A chapter frons
the study book 'Incite on the march'
was read and the meeting closed
with singing 01 hymn 338 and Mns.
Williams lead in Prayer. After a
social hour lunch was served.
tMadevyn Williams of Knox Col-
lege, Toronto, was home over the
week -end and took charge of the
Pres'byt'erian services in Craabrook
and Ethel on Sunday.
!Mrs. C, Olmstead is visiting in St.
Thomas for a few days with her
sister, Mrs, James McCallum.
Mrs. Pritchard, lately of New
Brunswick, was a guest at the
manse with Rev, W. A, and Mrs•,
Williams last week. The late Rev,
Mr. Pritchard who (Led recently,
was at one time paster a4 Presby-
terian church at Atwood and Moles-
worth. Mrs. Pritchard to return-
ing to Wales,
Stuant Noble of, Hanover, spent
the weak -end with his parents Mr.
and Mrs, James Noble:
Friends and neighbors called at
the home of 111. and Mrs. .Joseph
Long, 12th on. of Gliey, on Thurs-
day afternoon of last week and pre-
sented them with a dlock, before
removal from the community. Mr.
Long has to give up farming be-
cause of poor health.
"Whttthtn'," Presented by theBien)
Dramatic Club, under the auspices
orate L,O,L. No. 706. Rev. A, V.
Robb introduced the play null tide
Players, The scene wvae hid in
the home of Airs. Toekdl \'vih:ell
fe, shawl, and bet
daughter Ruth (Anne Plillli.;re) tits
paiit of the oltl Village doctor was
taken by Dr. 'Toll, who was a c,rml-
eul, :easy going 'man with a I;hilly
disposition, His 'a IT tion For' the
widow Wilson, was noteeable on
all occasion, His closest Mende
were a piece of cedar and a good
jack knife, for he surmounted his
difficulties and calmed his fetelte+
meat with 'whi;tlin',
Stanley Sibthorpe noted the Part
of the merciless landlord vrh,a
would have rnecle the widow home-
less lead it not been toe the quick
witted Jimmie Edwards (Ed, Reset
who saved the property and won
the heart of Ruth,
The .Play contained a good mora',
an interesting romance anal a
wealth of pure wholesome humor
ran throughout, Between acts,
Lloyd' We,ttlaufer, Blyth, contribut-
ed piano selections, and Smith Reln
erbson played the violin accom-
panied by Mrs. Raymond Elliott,
The Y,P.TJ. of the United Chinch
-held the regular weekly meet'n„ to
the school room wth the pre+ident,
George lIetberington alt charge.
Atter singing au opening ;tytun,
Rev, A. G. Robb led In prayer and.
Carl Johnston react 'the Scripture
lesson, and Bliss Eunice Thornton
had cbarge of the WPM.
Rev, A, V, Rabb spoke on the
Book or Amos and also 5aeored
with a solo.
Donald A, Robertson, youngest
son of Mrs, 1\'illlain Robertson. ir't
concession, 'Morris, has completes
his studies at the dairy class On
tarso, Agr icultural , College, Guelph
Mr. Robertson won highest pro -
Dear lir. and Mrs, Long. clency stanairg fat• sht(lents not
We, your wends and neighbors having had high school training, lie
have learned with regret, that you was third in the class and also took
are leaving our comumunity. For that
first place in judging cheese, B+:ore
reason we are gathered hero today attending the class he had been
employed at tate Geo. Thomcon'e
to pay our respects,
creamery here, and Is continent; to
For many long oat's you have
work foe 14r. Thomson.been with us, During that time we Jarvis 1Jiliof Flint. Mick, i::
have always founds you "o he virhting with Mr. and .\Its. W. S.
friends in trouble and on happier Dariclson.
oocnsions you have rejoiced with us. The bright exhibition by the 011.
As neighbors, you were always tarso Society 01: Artiste on vices at
kind and helpful. We were always
sure a. hearty welcome at Long's
and your happy 'disposition, made It
a pleasant place in which to visit.
We shall miss your friendly home
in the •communty. Mrs, Long's
neighborly calls and the funnier
sight of Mr. Long as he drove up
and down our roads.
We sincerely hope you may. be
spared for many long years of
happy life and that God's richest
blessings of health and prosperity
attend you.
On behalf of your frienis and
present at the Art Gallery, Toron-
to, includes a piece in water coder
called, "From a Studio Window"
by Freda Johnston, showing a $;ere
in the foreground looking over the
view, Miss Jnh'ttt'aa is a n=ate of
the Messrs', Arthur, Robert and At
8011 Shaw and Is known to 111111
here, having spent here rill s -t11
in Blnevale quite erten, 241s3
Johnston's marriage' is. enn0111410d
to take place next Saturday in 'Du-
Mr, and Mrs. Carl Parkrr or 1:'x-
eter and .lir, and Mrs. Otto Welk.
neighbors we ask you to accept t. ' er at Staffs visite(' with Mr. at.d
clock as a token of our esteem. Mrs. James Ket'ney,
John J, Schnook
Russell Suudercock
John Gorealitz,
Sorry to hear Mr, Milton Smith
is not as well as lids friends woald
like to see him.
Sorry to hear Mats, Will Joan-
Ston has been sick end tinder the
Doctor's care, glad she is getting
iMr, Joseph Se11ees arrived home
lest week after s'endin.g 1i a pot and the secretary, Mrs. Salts
winter with Mr. and M'is, Robt. Me- Johnston read tete m(nutte of the
Lenon at Web. last meeting. 13 was decoded t'•
Mr. and Mrs, Win. Brower and donate $15 to :nisi Ins and ral'terns
Batty Agent aunday with. Mr, were ebosen to (1011001 coppers,
Charlie Agar and Miss Ebta,
Mr, Wilfred McMwcn of 011010
rhon.t the wool -end with Mr, and
Mrs, Ailex McEwen, ls'b lino,
Mr. Alex McltIwen had a hoe o11
Monday, drawing hay Milne,
The G,O,F. hall was well filled 11311511 was served,
CM Friday evening with a most ep' Mrs. 1Cenne'th Rutledge a1ul little
prachalve „eaienc0 for Uta play (13111(3111 03' 1Cveiy`n of 'Peron( 25,'
_.. I,nupMINIMM•••o,�me.:aInmvoluo .;n+.,.m . .a,swm..ca
spending a week with Mrs, Ches.
Drager and Mr, null Mrs, F. I1,
Rutledge; Mrs, I1 arid rn11 (.1131
and daughter, 1 .try, 1111 Sunday
at Ethel with MIs: Suesielen.
S i1.raouent of the -1,.1. d a
was observed at Detre t ( a
chervil Sunday, ,April thee \1:;
Cumming spoke On the "Creed et
the (hutch." An anthem Was 1 :•s.
tiered by the choir with Mr-. Nob'
sort Reid taking the solo part,
'Mrs, Forbes hair gold her car to
M1; Roy Sellers of Morris.
Friends of Miss Jean Murray who
is in Byron Sanitarium, will be
pleased to ]snow she is improving
Mr, end Mrs 1Mvid T,ivtng,stone
who have sp , tae w.l1i r with
their (laugh; r • heve 'returned to
their ]ttnne here.
Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Carson of
St, Themes and Mr, and Mrs, Jo
eeph Davidson and von 1lurra: of
London spent the week -end with
Mr, and Mrs. W. C. Bennet and
alter relatives; Miss Annie J ret.•
Ston who has been ill with a :(cart.
attack, ]jus recovered,
Miss lanae Waleb of Belgrave is
visiting jut 111e home of Mr, Jno,
Work this week, 1. .1 le alt1 JeLe
are cousins,
Mrs. Roy Mayberry, of Listow•rl,
has returned to her Monte atter
helping to care for her father, Mr.
Richard Javelin, who is much Min -
preyed In health,
A numoher of the ladies of the 12th
Cnn., met at tate home of Mr, and
hire, Ken. Shitrrle and presented the
brine wir11 an electric• toaster nail
elec'•ric coffee pereo,a',:r, They
etjnyed a social attet'uoan and
served a tasty tea.
On Saturday evening a berated
11' ior lump was left at their house, e
gift to All•. and Mee. Shurrie .from
a nutn11er f their fre.,d; n,
Brussels. This gift is hutch ate
predated and many thanks to tl"
dlr, Richarth Jueklin whn has
boon eolttned to heti reeen1ly wits•
a Si''1'e heart attack, is ''st'line
very 11111511 improved and is able to
be (bout. the house nguin,
• Mrs, Lawrence Addy, 14th von,
• wIn lean nm been in the h st of
I1r,•gth • 'mal: was 10lton to elm
' Clinton 11nNPl:tel where site ender-
• wenut au opt ration for uplleltdn i,l,•,
Iler numerals . friends hope for a
t1(eit re,0very.
Mine Elaine Walsh is a \'(iinr
this wrek at the home of her aunt
Mrs, Jahn Wok,
Alex A1•iusir,ng disposed of w-
e tI n1: his prune mato 1a. Wont,
hi all pr.h.tb 1'ty tliey will go i the
Ben h market. ', L, M Denal.(
w.ls 01E. buyer.
Even the weather apparently, le'
putting on tut April Fool joke, This'
year's variety had a tendenny to
make your blood run cold,
A dance entertainment will be
given Friday night of this week.
April Sth, in Grey Tarp hall, Spon-
sored by Ethel ?abbe Library.
Ethel United anted' Y.P S, meet-
ing held Mouday'nighi with Geo.
Preteen as leader was ver,- interest -
Ing and was well attended.
Mr. and Mrs, John A. Snell and
:e.t: Glenn of Jamestown were Sun-
day visitor's with Cecil Deo.
man on the Oth con, Grey,
Grey Township couaell, were in
:.1 s: on Saturday, April 2nc1 in their
monthly meeting, Held as usual
iu the township Clerk's office,
Mre, W. Bray will take up house-
keeping in the house recently va-
cated by Mrs, Fleet sr„ and funnily,
Gray ''Township Assessor is bu.Y
at his job these day's.
Ethel Presbyterian church poapie
made quirk. work cue day during
let week, of cutting and. slnring
colder cover on the thermal property,
a quantity of wood, suitable to sup-
ply either stove or furnace, for a
year or more.
Norman Coker suffered a very
weakening heart attack recently.
Iiut is better again, we are glad to
Lorne Vodden of Blyth matel on
Win: friends last week -end,
Wm, Hamilton and fancily are re-
tiring from the activities 'of farm
life and have moved to their p.oper
tc in Ethel, purchased some true ago
front W. Simpson of Atwood,
Judging by the number of har-
rows brought tc his shop for sharp-
ening, G. H. Edwards, blacksmith,
will be kept busy.
A number of lambs Possibly three
months old, were tnculcled in the
shipment et live stock from Ethel
station, Monday of this
Ralph Rowland Is expected bone
frum the northland, where 'le has
been engaged in a timber cutting
contract, to take up farmin;; on a
reeeht:y purchased mem in Grey
Township, near Ethel.
The Walton group of Ude \\',il S.
of Doffs United church held ce •ir
monthly emeting Thursday, Mir•11
31, at the home of ..gra, ROA, It^'d,
With about twenty ladies present.
Mrs, 'Chas, Sellers presided and
opened 1110 meeting with hymn 102.
Mary Buchanau read the Scripture,
Mutt. 28;1-10, after which Mrs,
Wm. 1A'oods offered prayer,
teeasurer, Mrs, Rutledge gave o re.
Mrs. Chas Se'e'( Jed ells Law,
retire Ctrnlmu„a were appointed (':n
this, The meeting was closed by
all repeoting the Lord's Prayer 11(01
the singing Of time, verses or ' punt
1.12, A glue was hunted and
Will Arrive at Ethel Station on
Anyone wanting Fertilizer can get it
off the Car
Jacob Fischer, R.R. 3 Brussels
phone 75r42
Pyr. 3,one. Peep`(, Seei,.1y Of the
1.'nited 3`1110rrh liar( lit 111,0 school
room of the Church with the
tow -trip ('anunlliten tit rllarge. The
chair 91111 token sty \Vat, Rnberls011
and Miss i':la:lie \\alehi presided al
the 011111.1. '1110 prayer was talon
by Miss le, Beacom; the epeetctl
nntsicnl uunlber•was' a sola by Airs,
111''?ing, The topic. ter 111' evening
was 11 'review of Che previous
(1EapIVIs• of the Ilnuk ('111111`(1
,\\'h it Mat God like'?' 'clad a pl'esenta•
tion of 911'' natrefiatt of the (lasing,
chapter Willett why ehly done be
Lis. Mrs tett, Th(11' was a emit
attendance; a brief recroatimen
pcc'el brought the meeting to a
Disaster Threatens
Peterboro Bridge
Cecil Eckmier and fa1:i10 have
come from Welland to undertake
the management nt the'\'m Ham-
ilton farm o- Cott. 7, Grey, ' mile
f:am Ethel,
,.'',Pact cheese factory betiding
now owned by Me, Keely of Silver
' Corners is being take'( duan end
will be remnvcd to Silver Corners
where it will be used to construct
dwelling rooms,
Al' 7.30 o'clock, Sunday matt at
Ethel Pulled church, the sermon by
Rev. 'Mr, Snell, pastor. based on the
text, "I can do all things through
Christ, who strengtheneth me,' was
Impressive and inspiring and was
listened to with close attention and
appric'nation by the large cengrega-
tntl present.
Petia,b n•nu0h, t):d.
The ('h'mnng floating 'vale,.
anti of the yieat 1(11)•1;1 airy 3'4,.1(15
or the 1', iw 1,Ibe Lake district, 01113
tlin u1311301 wi:11 dcsiruotinll 'achy,
Thr 01(1gi•, 1111'' " quart e1•5
with' 1011g, s'netch.•K ac,osw ('Its'.
Phare kaki' 1.1;1(11 ilr1,bk,, Nor'' in
1011) starve, It is Ilir, ',+'•' '41
hr'd,c or Its 1c111(1 111 lb- rr00111 c'.
Kt:41V w;)lcl Friday attain'' 1 al.
7110s ;, nal(• til;„ %'3't(('113' as it :.v.001,'
dawn ; h,• talco told bully d)4111 ,e11
The female 1(1(1_'. The strtlt•t nr,
today was. ant or rvnnmission, Th
hir.11 wind ' w,'51 In a rill rs 01 lee
over tint hridg(, (a.ying aNrIV :Iii
the ratting. rt`lte olproaril's t: hntlh
ends were daimiPed and tin. (bruit 3
badly Inas-t 11 by the 1n'cssnre,
FRHA Otic: 1038
The Women's institute will meet
on Tlnusday afternoon, Aar!' 141.11,
at 2.30 at the home of Mrs Vert
Vonden. The motte—Teif mind
that makes the drolly rich, w111 be
taken by Mrs. Currie:, Roll call.
flume a traffic law 1ut.1 the paying or
3('ees, Toph's, Preparation of Sun -
lay dishes on Saturday, eeee Leslie
Lake, Startug whiter 510111ing fes
summed', Mrs. Wilson, Pia ation 03
(Ifti(ers end presenting report-,. Ail
ladies wito are interested are {twit -
ed to attend.
The Young People of label
Dulled Chnroh are sponsoring 0
sacred drama entitled "For he had
Great Possessions," To he Present-
ed on 1114 eYelthtg of GOA today,
April 15th at the church, There
will he a silver collodion taleou,
Everybody welcome,
'1'h„ death occurred on ''hrived:l
afteruaen of 3Villrtum, Ilve-ycar.olel
son of air, and Mrs. J:`ames Morrill',
'Phe !:taut load not enjoyed robust
health from ilirth hill hopes were
1(01(1 oar for lis 1141 being pro-
longed Ile:Ades its parents there
are surviving five brothers and 3010
stster�, Tho funeral, tfllic'll w'1,,
private, was held Saturday after•
non: with interment in Union reale.
Temple of Fame
Town Hall, - Brussels
Friday Evening, April 8th
Goddess ,. Miss Helen Backer
He Majesty Elizabeth,
Queen of the British Commonweal
Guards .
Barbara Fritchle
Laura Secord ,,...
Mary, Queen of Scots
Grace Darling
Bridget O'Flannlgan
Martha Washington
Miriam ,.,,
th of Nations .,.,,, Mrs. A, Wilson
Douglas Anderson, Hugh Pearson
Miss Bessie Hilden
Mrs. Noble Gerry
Miss Addle Cardiff
Mrs. E. Plum
Miss Mary, Backer
, , , Miss Jeanne VanNorman
, ,,,, Mrs. Rowland
Mrs. W. J. .Proctor
Miss Margaret Gartelss
Phyllis Sullivan, Jean Wilton, June ,Work,
Ruth Thomas, Monica Graham,
Nancy Cameron, Thelma Brothers
Queen Isabella of Spain Miss Margaret Robinson
Harriet Beecher Stowe ,,,,, Mrs. Ida Lowry
Eva &, Topsy ,.. Imogene Sanderson, Josephine VanNorman
Tabatha Primrose ........................................ Mrs, Lorne Nichol
Cleopatra ...................................•...... Miss Elizabeth Downing
Jenny Lind ...,, Mrs. Walter Kerr
Portia ............... . . . . . ............................... Mrs. R. W. Kennedy
Mrs. Wiggs and Europenla of the Cabbage Patch
Mrs. Walter Huggln, Marjorie Sanderson
Sisters of Charity .. Mrs. G. Sanderson, Mrs, M. Speiran
Miss Carada Miss Betty Best
%Ilent Quakers .................... Mrs. R.' F. Downing, Mrs. W aCardiff
Mrs. Buschlin, Mrs. W. Cameron,
Mrs, W. Williamson, Miss L. Garniss
Britannia .................. .,, Miss Berva Speiran
Queen Mary,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Mrs. 'W, Bell
Frances Willard Miss Mae Skelton
Flora McDonald Miss Margaret Pearson
Helen of Troy ......................................... Miss Mary. Davison
Xantippe Miss Margaret Downing
Mrs. Partngton and Ike . Mrs. Carrie Dunbar, Mac Stiles
Queen Victoria , Mrs. Geo. Lowry
Madam Shumann Heinck ........................... Mrs. H. 0, Walker
Josiah Alien's Wife ,. Mrs. G, McDowell
Fisher Girl ............................................... Miss Jessie Strachan
Joan of Arc , Miss Adah Grasby
Guards McCurdy Lowry, Lloyd Sanderson
Mother Goose . ,,,. . , . , Mrs. H. Thomas
Florence Nightingale Miss Merle Sanderson!
Guards ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Lloyd Wheeler, Ross Wheeler
Jeptha's Daughter Miss Dorothy Wright
Queen Alexandria ... .... . Mrs. A. C. Baeker
Mother and Children ............... Mrs. H.:Sullivan, Reg. and Dorothy
Flower Girls . Jean Speiran, Helen Armstrong, Annie Stiles,
Margaret Bell, Idella Bryans, Mary Wilton,
Lillian Gibson, Joyce Jardine
Herald Mr. Kenneth Ashton
Accompanist .. Miss Alice Pope
Trumpeter Mr. Wilford Cameron
Directors .,,.,,. Mrs. Ira. Parkers Miss C. Hingston
Program at 8 o'clock
ADMISSION — — Adults 25c Children 15c
Sponsored by W. A. of United Church
spending a couple of weeks with
their daughter, Mrs. Buffett, of Car-
senville, Mich.
A most pleasant time was spent
in Memorial hall on Wednesday
evening when neighbors and friends
numbering oer one hundred
met in honor of 'Mr. and Mrs, John
Doerr, w•ba reside on the Thomas
Lyou property south of town, Mr.
and Mrs. Doerr were recently mate
led and the friends aranged this
social evening to show 'their best
A purse of money was presented
to the newly-weds with a short ad-
dress given by George McNeil.
Dancing was enjoyed for some
time end a bounteous luta served,
Sam Kechnie moved Monday to
the George Mains reslleaco , Dnsley
street, lately vacated by Harty
Drown, airs. Stanley Doherty will
again occupy her residence vacated
by 14r, Kechnie.
Harry Brown has move, to the
Hucbstep Block where he will oper-
ate his shoe repair shop and oc-
cupy the residential quarters as
Those visiting In town over the
Week -end were: Miss 'Drava Leslie
assistant matron of Mount Elgin
Institute with Mrs. S. G. Leslie:
Mists Dohs Barr, nurse in -training
at \Voodetock hospital, with her
l'areuia', 111', and Mrs. (1 'Vett \1Vtl-
son; 'Ir, and 11115, Reber'. Vint,
\Vingham, with her niece, Mrs,
Arthur Barr; Mrs, Thomas Evans
and three children, Sti'a'ford, with
her father, George Cowart; Mrs. A.
til, ('ololOiigh Is shaving her house
wired to hydro this week.
Mir, and Mrs. William J. Lyon
lift 011 Wtelnesday for Flnride,
nitre they vrill spent1 snm0 time,
10111, who is C.N.R. sta'4111
agent 11ere, hie been advised by Itis
511y=man to t(ke this trip in the
lupe of regaining his health, wraell
hit, .hot been the hest for some
mon; 11s.
air, elld Mrs, it, C, Naga wan are
18,000,000 Tourists
See Canada In 1937
Maple Leaf Football
.Club Elects Officers
Atwood, Ont.
Saturday evening e. m0141ug aif
the Maple Leaf Football Clutb met in
R. E. Switzer's store to re -organize
for the coming smarmier. After dis-
posing of lest year's business and
the treasurer's report showing
$5,36 on hand, the following, offi-
cers were appointed to carry om
this year: President, Jas. a El-
liott; Vice President, Ernie Cardiff;
seoretary, E. H. Swing; treasurer,
Groseet Inglis; managers, R.
Switzer and J. A. Robb; captn.u,
S'tauley Nind; ground 'committee.
A. H. Gordon, A. Rop'p, R. P. Den'
nis, Ed, Smith and Nesbitt liana.
Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. M. Aileen
of Clinton, with Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Saving; Mr. and Mrs. Hedley
May, of Toronto, with Dr. and .Mrs',
E. Roo.
Ottawa, Cne.
Figures comipiled Ory the De -
pertinent of Mites and Resaurees,
aunounred today, ,put the satirist
111800 in Cunado from the 'United
States. in 1037 at 18,248,288 person •,
a gain aC 1,850,413 Visitors over
Word was' received recently of
the death of John Rands of Fruit
land, Idaho. He was a brother of
the late W'm. Rands of 12th p•on,
of Grey. When a young man
lived on the 6th colt„ Morris, going
to Dakota about Platy years ago. Of
n family of ten, Thos. Rands' of Sea
tenth is the only surviving member.
Minister's Son Invents
Invisible Ear Drums
The Invisible Bar Drum indented
by A, 0. Leonard, a son of the late
Ray. A. B. Leonard, D,D„ for many
Years secretary of the Boaxd of
Foreign Missions of Ube Methodist
Fdaiseopal Church, for iWe overt
relief from extreme deafness anti
head mosses, ben so greatly immlrret-
ed his hearing that he can loin k
any conlvereatlon, go to church ane
the theatre and bear without 411:5.
culty, Inexpensive and has proven
a blessing to many ,people. Waite
for booklet to A 0. Leonard, Inc.,
SUite 135, ganoda Cement Building,
134 Montt'oal,