HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-4-6, Page 4Brussels Nursing Home Gives Expert Nursing Care In Maternity Cases Terms Reasonable Mrs, G. McDowell, Brussels ,Triplicate Party (Kincardine Event Mr. and Mrs. T. Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. E. Snowden Wed 45 Years, Mrs. Barker, 11 FELICITATIONS, GIFTS Kincardine, Ont, A triple ;anniversary was marked ,:t the le me of Mr. and Mrs. Thom - us Pollock, when they marked. their forty-fifth wedding anniver- sary March 31. It was also the forty- fifth anniversary for Mr. and Mrs. E. SnoVvtlen of Huron and the eleventh wedding anniversary of Mrs. A, W. Barker, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Pollock, Thirty -Ove friends' and relatives were present for the happy occasion at which Mr, and Mrs, Pollock were made recipients of many handsome gifts. Mr. Pollock recalled driving aver the ce of Lake Huron to Kincardine on his wedding day. Their three daughters, Mrs. Bar- ker, Windsor, and Mrs'. A. E. Rob- inson and Mrs. Robert Stewart of Kincardine Township, were all present, 6VIrs. A, W. Barker mettnened In this clipping ;s the wife of Rev. A. W. Barker former t..inister of the Brussels United Church. Notice To Creditors In the Estate or Andrew Mahan Tate _of the Township of Grey in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about the fourth day of March, A.D., 1938, TAKE NOTICE that all parties haying claims or demands against the estate of the above-mentioned -deceased must mall particulars and proof of same to the undersighed edlicitor on or before the twenty- eighth day of April, A.D., 1938, upon which date the undersigned execu- tors will proceed to dietribut•e .the assets with regard only to those claims which they shall then have received. DATED at Brussels this' fourth clay of April, A.D„ 1938. George McKay, William Machan Executors. by their solicitor, Ehler D. Bell, Brussels, Ontario, WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME William Street, Brussels, Ontario PERSONAL ATTENDANCE 'Phone 85 Day or Night Call. MOTOR HEARSE B G. WALKER Director, 6 mbaimer and Funeral II alMMIMMINIEM simINNIMMI (LARS AGO people oasf'ti make ib.mealvds heard' Irl sheathed teem the bows lop►.. tf 7c Wed that tads, sea would probably be,* to spjess before s eoTeaseton to losenitA, Q♦ NVOW.A+DAYS tha°bWe ssi weft cae. oar Wrat.Ad;i to...rmra ♦ametal FOR SALE— Weanling Pigs. phone 58-r-23 Thomas Pierce 111111111111111111.116. Have - You Insured Your Car ? ? If Not, Why Not ? Protect your property and your earnings by Insuring against Pub- ic Liability and Property Dannage, It is better to have Insurance and not need 14, than It is to need it and not have it. Lowest Rates — Best Companies (Courteous Service) Think It over Mr. Automobile owner It will pay you to see me first I can save you money. Less than 2 cents per day Will pay for a Personal Automobile Aceideat Policy which will pay $1500,00 to your beneficiary in case of death in an automobile accident, $25.00 per weekly indemnity for 26 continuous. weeks'. For total dis- ability arising from any automobie accident and additional hospital ex- penses. Premium $5.00 per year, only for further particulars apply to Wm. Spence Life, Tire Windstorm and Automobile Insurance Conveyancer Etc. Office over Vodden's Bakery, Ethel daimmemmemimirememm AUCTION SALE Farm, Farm Stock & Implements Lot 7, Con. 14, Grey Twp., 21/2 Miles South, 1% Miles East of Brussels WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13th Commencing at 1 O'Clock Sharp HO.RSES- 1 Horse 10 years old 1 Mare 11 yrs. old 1 Mare 6 yrs, old CATTLE - 1 Roan Cow Fresh 1 White Cow Fresh 2 Red Cows Fresh 1 Black Cow Calf at Foot 1 Roan Cow due July 4 1 Heifer due time of sale 3 Steers rising 2 yrs, 2 Steers Rising 1 year 2 Heifers rising 1 year 4 Spring Calves PIGS — 1 .Sow with 9 Pigs 3 weeks old FOWL - 75 Year-old Hens 2 Gees & 1 Gander IMPLEMENTS - 1 Farm Wagon 1 Portland Cutter 1 Frost & Wood Hay Loader 1 Frost & Wood Mower 5 -ft. cut 1 Frost & Wood Binder 6 -ft. cut 1 13 -Spring Toothed Cultivator 1 10 -Hoed Noxon Drill 1 I.H.C. Rldng Plow nearly new 1 Fleury Walking Plow 1 Fleury 2.furrow Gang Plow 1 Verity 2 -furrow Gang Plow 3 -section Diamond Harrows 1 Rubber Tired top Buggy 1 Scuffler 1 Turnip Soyer 1 Clinton Fanning MU, 1 Root Pulper 1 I.H.C. 3 -horse Engine 1 Peter Hamilton Corn Cutter 1 Hay Rack 1 Stock Rack 2 Grindstones 1 Set Double Harness 1 Set Single Harness Quantity Hay 50 Bus. Mixed Seed Grain 30 Sap Buckets & Spites Forks, Chains, Shovels 'Other articles too ,numerous to mention FARM—Consists 100 acres, 13 acres bush, running creek, good well, good frame house, bank ,barn, „driving shed, hen house and hog pee. TERMS OF S/LE—CASH Terms onfarm made known day of sale Everything must be sold owing .to 11I health. Robert Cochrane, Prop. F. W, Kemp, Auctioneer, • THE BRUSSELS POST Notices in this column Dost 25c up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. Cash trust accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. FOR SALE - 6 Rowed Seed Barley, also some 2 Rowed Seed Barley. 1-c phone 36-r-6 John B. Kelley F'OR SALE - 1 Sow, guaranteed in pig, due May 17th. This sow raised 11 pigs last litter. Priced at 9c per lb. Ian McDonald FOR SALE— A Small Well -Framed Barn. 2-p Elizabeth Elliott Graham Survey Brussels South FOR SALE- 700- White Leghorn Pullets, 4 and 6 weeks old. Hatched on March 2nd and 94h. Phone 58-r-24 1-p John Wheeler FOR SALE - 11/ horse power Gasoline Engine also Feed Barley. J. C. Long, FOR SALE— A quantity of Hay. alto a ,man• tity of Allfalfa Seed and Timothy Seed. 1 Baxter Stevenson. 1-c Phone 42-r_26 FOR SALE— Good Clean Timothy Seed $1.65 per bushel. 1-c George Wheatley phone 249 -r -1i Seafort': FOR SALE - 20 Western Horses at the Jahn McDowell Stable, Listowel, at 1 o'clock, on Friday, April 8th, 1-c Alex McDonald, F. Kemp, Prop. Auctioneer FOR SALE— White King Oats' grown from cer- tified seed, heavy yielder, 5 days earlier than Banner. Price 75c per bushel. 1-e James Clark Phone 42-r_7 R.R. 2. Brussels License plate. owner can have same by applying to George Evans, and paying for ad. pious 24-r-9 FOR SALE— Seed Barley O. A. C. 21 six row thoroughly cleaned, 80c per bush. 2-p P. Anent FOUND— FOR SALE— Noharhe Barley, Goveru'nent Grade no. 1, 1-c Andrew Turnbull Phone 28-r-6 FOR SALE— Pigs, about 7 weeks o'd also 2 or 3 Good Cows, freshened and due to freshen, apply to 1-c J, P, McIntosh, phone 55-r-6 lot, 21, Con„ 12,Grey FOR SALE— Willys Knight Sedan -c House or rent one halt of it, apply to Mrs. Sinclair 75 Victoria St„ London FOR SALE— Choke Seed thoroughly cleaned Mixed Barley and Oats $1.75 per cwt; Banner Oate 60c per bus,; 1-p phone 55-16 .7. M, Knight & Sons FOR SALE - 1 Jersey Helfer fresh a good one: 600 91. inch hemlock and 12, 2x8 18 ft.; 3 Large Roller doors with tracks' 1 easy running 3 spring one or two horse dray with removable sides and ends just the thing for Carry- ing live stock or hay; 1 covered phaeton with moveable front, seal; 1 mower and gang plow; 30 rods 7 strand wire fencing. 2-p G. A, Deadman, Brussels MAN WITH CAR— WM1E:es Dealer needed for noarbY renal rout. snpfplying established demand for Woad Famous Spices, Dxtraces, Baking ,Powder, Soaps, Cleansers, Meddclnee, F]y Spray, Mlnerall7Rd Stock Tonics, 70 year reputation, 10,000 dealers, Meet be' satisfied with $30.00 weekly at Wart. Credit furnished right parties. Write or see 042. W, 0, iloyle, Wl,nghom, Ontario, Classified Ads. FOR SALE.— Cheap -,00 -arra Osaas I"arOI, Grey Township con, 2. 1-p apply at Poet FOR SALE - 16 York Pigs, ready to weeo in one week, 1.p W. I -I, Maunders FOR SALE— White Leghorn, Barred Rocks; Selby Chicks; Sexed Chicks; b'our week Pullets', Coln Fingland, Phone 90-r-5 Walton LOST— Between OSTBetween Brussels and Seaforth, 1 Wire Wheel and tire, black for Ford car, phone 71X R. S. Warwick WANTED— Experienced man for 7 or 8 months none smoker preferred, 2 p W. A. McQuarrie phone 24-i'-12 R.R. 3, Brussels FOR SALE - 1 International Manure Spreader; 1 International Spring -tooth 'Culti- vator; 1 11/ h,p. Engine (Inter- national); 1 M.H, Binder, 7 -St. 1'P S. C. Fox, Agent International Harvester Co, FOR SALE— .Cholce 100 acre farm close to Brusisels; Modern brick house; oank barn; drive shed; drilled well; will include stock & imple- ments; a bargain for quick sale. Apply to H. 3, Catty, 'Stratford. NEW SPRING SAMPLES JUST ARRIVED— Men's Suits and Top Coats also Ladies, Sults and Top Coats, It will be to your interest to look them over before buying, E. Bates, 4-p phone 8X4 Brussels AGENT WANTED— For Anker-Holth - Cream 'Separa- tors wanted, wide awake dealer to sell Cream Separators. Liberal commission, lots of territory. apply 3- John C, Dent 387 Central Ave., London CUSTOM SAWING-. Will be Done at Brussels oppcsite the Creamery in the Spring, phone 42-11 James Stevenson Busy Old Fanning Mill Hums Rural Spring Song de Rustict.s March is gone, March without a real howl. The most lamb -like March in many a year—and it is a taut that the grass leas' actually been turning green in the last few days. Soft maple buds are feeling tine urge to grow, and here 1s po'a- sibly the surest sign of ap,proachine Spring—down In the granary the old fanning mill has b'=.n running all day. The sees oats au•1 b.trlcy are being prepared for the .,,,Spring seeding, We confess' that cleaning the seed grain more often is a snare sign that seeding is here than a sign of early Springtime. If the weather weer more season- able, there would be many other jobs requiring atteWoe. but the soft ground does not permit of doing those ether jobs right now, and so the fanning mill comes in for some. attention. Should seeding come in a hurry we will no doubt appre„ia!o having the reed grain cleaned up in a few weeks time, ar * While fennels are rejoinlag over the pasturing of winter, thinking of the coming season of seeding, growth and finally harvest, others are thinking of tilt: , iny.,.ffs and war, Another Spring time, an- other Easter coming very close, and still war and threats of war are taicng up more space la our daily papers than any other topic, It does not seem possible that while the memory of the last awful con- flict, that the,e shcat'1 be such :or. ands of men are yet suffering un- told misery as a, result of that con bier, that there should be much int. rninent danger of another, and oven greater 001(11 s , Buy who ran give thought to the danger of war and the constant turmoil of Europe 00 u day like this when the der;; storm elottds of early morning cleared away to allow the sun to shine la glorious Springtime fashion, * ** Aoav is it that when a certain product of the farm goes up in price farmers' are so likely to resit headlong Into the pet ettetien et that particular line of produce? For Instance, butter fat has been an et- aelitlonally attractive price this winter, flueto a season of short prodts tion of that product, it all WEDNESnAy, APRIL 60, 1933 ter Mr. & Mrs. Farmer -- Feed The Best -- The Best Through Test New Life Feeds Are. Good Feeds New Life—Baby Chick Feta New Life -Chick Starter New Life—Growing Mash New Life—Chick Developer; New Life—Hog. Concentrate New Life—Hog Grower NEW LIFE. Poultry Concentrates and Laying Mashes Bran, Shorts All Milkfeeds Bread and Pastry Flours "Feed New Life Pig Feed" Once Tried - - Always Used SOLD BY— HARRY BOWLER FLOUR AND FEED MERCHANT BRUSSELS, ONT• the cows w,' -e prodac'eg normally there would probably be enough butter to keep the price down to a level where efficiency would be re- quired to produce cream at a. profit. In just a Sew more months the cows wit.'. be „n pea' -Jr'. and production will lik di bo back on a normal bas'is'. In the meantime the -farmers with good cows, as well as some not quite so good, ;tee getting fancy prices for their Reports of sales' where grade coma of daily breeds so d up to one roto dred dollars come along quite ire• quently, and we sincerely hope 'tat the optimism of -those purcbasede will he justified, * * a Just now small pigs ere aao in keen demnaud. Apparently the ex- ceptionally lith price of feed a year ago caused many farmers to dis- pose of their brood sows, This year pork is higher in price Anil feed is lower, so le extra litter of pigs would be qui'.; welcome en many farms, At any rate, we have these fluctuations in production of every. farm product. After all, sun and rain era tat be sontrolled, andswu and rale play their part in the productioc of even little pigs, IS the crops are nene too good thein a led of pigs must probably be fed at a loss. Naturally the farmer does- n't want to he caught again, so be raises less• pigs, Then the sun auStn- es, the rain falls, the crops grow and we find ourselves short on pork' ere that are selling at an attractive price, and the fa n.cr who dues not maintain even production Is, 07 course, caught aeaiu. NEW 1938 STOCK We Have a Full Line of .. Tires & Tubes ANY SIZE Sunoco GAS, OILS & GREASES Batteries EXIDE & WILLARD A COMPLETE LINE OF FAST MOVING PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed With Every Purchase Whether It Be Merchandise or Our Work Our Mechanic Is At Your Service —At All Times— Phone no. 8 For Quick Efficient Service OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT CHAMPION'S GARAGE Joao GLASSES NEED NOT BE EXPENSIVE HAVE R, A. REID EXAMINE YOUR EYES AND IF GLASSES ARE NECESSARY YOU CAN HAVE THEM AT LOW COST "See Reid r nd See Right" R. A. Reid Stratford's Leading Optometrist For Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE.—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2,00 to 5.00 'Phone 51 for Appointment