HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-4-6, Page 1!ru1%ttf .10 og POST PUBLISHING HOUSE BRUSSELS, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY,' APRIL 6th - 1938 Single Copies 5c Football Club Elects Officers John Sutter of. •Clinton Is Named President; Dave Miller, .V:ice. President; Look For B1g Season The Huron Football League • prom lees to have one of the beet seas ms on record according to the advance Indications. At a well attand'ed meeting held in the Seaforth Pahilc Library on Monday eesu :ig it was shown by the fine t ;,,1. report tint the league is sound so 'far as money matters are concerned ant there is every hope that there will be more teams than ever in the running for. tithe Stephenson trophy, Mr, John Sutter of Clinton was 'elected president for •the coming herrn to ouceeed Mr, John Bucha- nan of Walton "who bee guided the destinies of the Teague for the past while. Mr, Jaye M'i:et of Brussels was elected vice-president, with A, W. Dick of Seaforth re-elected sec- retary -treasurer, The reg strattee committee tvll lconsist of George Swan of Brucefeld, Leo Stephen- son of Tirol urn and . John Bucha- nan of Walton. Monday, the second day of May will he the last day for the teems to enter. The s'chedu'e will he drawn up already vet In their en- tealas, have already put In their en- try, St, Columban, Cln•ton, Walton, Brussels, Winthrop and Ethel. At least three more teams are expect ed to file their entries within the time limit, namely Atwood, Gerrie, and Kippen. The league will be divided into two sections as formerly, with play- offs betwee ntbe winners of each section. It was generally thought the' there would be a change in 1114 re- sidence rule but it was voted to keep the same rules as last season Since the trophy wars pat up for competition by Leo Stephensua of Woburn It has been won by Wet ton, Walton, Wilithrop, Walton, and St. Columban, in thet order, • One of the problems of the lea- gues officials has not been to get entries but rather to keep them down to a minimum and yet )take a real competition out of t. Te do this they have had t'o restrict' the entries to Huron and Perth. While this hits cut down tae number of teams' in the league it 'has had a tendency to build up a epirw of friendly rivalry amongst these towns and villages. Each year the league hae gained in popularity utt til it now s one of the main sport- ing enterprises in this bectlou. MELVILLE Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, APRIL 10th the services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. WIll be condected by REV. KENNETH McLEAN, Wingham Ont. Sunday School at 3 p.m. All Members and Adherents are Invited to Attend these Services REGE.NT TH EATRE SEAIFORTH NOW PLAYING Pat O'Brien Wayne Marries George Brent Submarine D1 Kid Galahad Joins the navy and sees the whirl PEOPLE WE KNOW Rev. Mr, Little and Mrs. Little of Elmira were visitors in town on Tueeday, • Lewis A, Russel attended the Ire tall Grocers ,Banquet in London on Wedfesthty eyen4ug of this week. Miss Winudfred Long . went" to Detroit. Monday to atteuti the tun- ers.] of her cousin, Willard Burns. H. '0, Walker and Will Arent returned home last, week after spending a number of weeks in Quebec, ,Mw•s. Lorne Addie, 14th, coticti- sion, Grey, was taken Serio tsly ill on Thursday night and was taken to Clinton hospital. Rev. R. P, D. Hurford, D,D„Mrr, Hu:rford and daughter Jean, were guests of Re', J. Grali't,n and Me. Graham at Sl, Joho's rsetnry ou Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lynn and son Murray of Weakervihe wear Sum day visitors It the hnine of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Philip Arent Miss Lyle Hoke who was doing permanent wttving, :rte. at the Queen's Hotel last weee has return- ed to her home in Loadt:u �1isr: Hicks will reopen Lykes Beauty Parlour here some'Inw during- the month of May. Mr. and M.e, Walter Rose were visitors in Toronto la:t week, at the home of their daughter Mrs. W. Porter and also to see MS„ Ids Rose who has been in Toronto kr several weeks t•ake.,, tt aernents. Mrs. Joe Sharp, Mrs, Milton Sharp and Mr. E. Smalltime Tolerlr_, Ohio, who motored to Iiitchener 1c see •their father who is quite ill, called on their sister, Sit•. E. Penn, and other relatives, MON., TOES:, WED. Lily Pons Jack Oakie John Howard Hitting A New High An Ocean of Laughs On• Every Wave of Music ,Series Dates Set For Stanley Cup NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT. Claudette Colbert Charles Boyer Tovorich —with-- Basil ith—Basil Rathbone Anita Louise COMING— George 'Bunts Gracie Alice , Damsel In Distress Toronto, Can. The National Hockey League's Stanley Cap finals between Toronto Maple Leafs and Chicago Black Hawks was opened here Tuesday night, with the second anti fifth games if necessary, also ou the we of Leafs, league clampiu tt, Chicago beat Toronto in the first gauze of the se'•ia in Torcntc by the store of 3-1 on Tuesday night. The second game will be played Thursday night, with the third in Chicago Sunday night and tee fourth, if necessary, in Cheago uses Tuesday sight, It a fifth game needed it will be played Isere Thurs. day night, April 14, BORN 11 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS I A Valuable Watch Letter To The Editor WHEELER—In Wingham General Iiospital, on Wednesday, lurch 300, 1938, to 511'. and list. Arthur Wheeler, Morris, a daughter. RINTO,UL—In Wingham General Hospital, en Monday, April 4th, 1938, to lir, and Mrs', Albert Rin- toul, a daughter. MONTGOMERY -4u East Wawa - nosh, on Thursday, March 24th, 1938, to Mr. and Mrs, Robert DANCE IN BELGRAVE FRIDAY, APRIL 8 ERNEST'S ORCHESTRA Refreshment Booth Admission i15c BRUSSELS NURSING. HOME Gives Expert Nursing Care In Maternity Cases Terms—Reasonable Mrs. G. McDowell, Brussels THE UNITED CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B,A„ B,D, Minister Surprise Party Held for Mrs' W. 11 Bell was A surprise blrtluktY Parts held in the borne of Mrs, Wm. Deli do Thursday evening, when a num- ber of her friends gathered to en. joy e social time, The eveeing was spent in gauzes' and a de'-icione ]unit, cafeteria style, was served, CASH BARGAIN- S— Cash always buye for less, Cm - Pare these prices, Large Lemons for that cold 20c a doz. Oranges 15c a dos, Lame Grapefruit. Marsh Seedless 6 for 25c. Ou” special offer 3 mils of either Fels or Corn for 25c. We Sell for Leas. Cash and Carry Phone 5 A. Grewa" - :r.—a:— NOTICE 1 I must settle my account with The Rawleigh Co, by Saturday, April 16th and would appreciate the cooperation of all those who have acoouute with me, Please Pay your account before or an above mentioned date and save further colleoton charges. Les. E. Buckman. s EASTER SPECIAL' Buy your Easter Candies et Grew.• arra. Large selection to thence from, Give mother a fresh box of Neilson's chocolates. Them cb000lates are guaranteed. Fleet sole agent for the Neilaoo's L•as chocolates. eek for r: slisel.'s box chocolates. Accept no substitn'cs., Cash and Carry A. Grower Coming to Brussels madam Le Mesmer permanent waving specialat of Toronto will be at the teueen's ttomel Brussels ua April 25th for the purpose of p•er- menent waving all the latent methods with or without electricity. Try our latest oreation machineless wave open for business 9 a,m. One day only. 11 a.m,—Annual Easter Thank.Offering in the .interests of the Women's Missionary Society 3 p,m,—Sunday School. 7 p.m.—Palm Sunday, The ,.trlu n- phal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem 8 p.m,—Young People's Service In charge of Jack Bryans, Literary Convenor: April 15tH—Good Friday Service at 10,30 ase. Easter Sunday—Special Serviros ' at 11 ase, and at 7 p.m, Trail Rangers, The service closed 8eored Drama—"He Lives," with the fellowship circle and 'iaps. • Melville Campfire Girls The Melville Campfire Girls held their last meeting at. Elizabeth Baeker's ltonze on April 1st. The meeting was opened by singing a new theme song. 'the Sell'"tary'i and Treasurer's report were then rend, after which Miss Lowry show- ed the girls how to melee a bead flower, Lunch was then served by the hostess, Rebekah's Guests of Stratford Lodge Members of the local Morningstar Rebekah lodge who were guests of Ruth lodge, Strafcrd on evening venin; last Included Miss Beth Hoover, MI's. Hoover, Mrs, I% 1'. Gerry, Mrs. Dm , Denan, Mrs. 13. B. Allen, Mrs', M. ledger, Mr's, 1, MacLean, Mrs. el, Lowe, Mrs, Gemmel, Mrs E. Busechile, Mrs, W. I!.. Spei', Mrs, J. C. Beaker, Mrs, W. LLttle, Mrs, 0. Hemingway, etre M. Rands, Mrs. G. McDowell, Miss' E. Kerr, MIs. W. W1lliamson, W. Weliamson, W. Little and N. Chap- man. Trail Rangers • Rev. ,T. 13. Moore of Gland Bend who was In Palestine last summer, gave an illustrated 'travelogue ow the Holy Laud n the Town Hall on Wednesday evening, A good 4105(1 attended and the lecture was muQb enjoyed'. This lecture was under the auspices of the Trail Rangers, 'Special Offer Lf our :present su•bsoribers secure one new subscription at 9 months for $LOO they will receive a beauti Qui piece of silverware FREE. Send or bring you subscription to Detroit, Marsh 2 , 1918 The Editor, The Huron lSxposltu)'t Door Sir: Referring to an article I'u your paper of March 18111, a sub- scriber 1g- Br'lesels etat'ne to Lave a watch 659 years- old, This would mean it was made in 1112 year 12%11 The World's Popu a, Ease. oputila has this ,to say about watches: "Tine history of watches is tlncer- taln, but probably they we.'e first made in Nuremberg about the be- ginning pf the 16th century. These wretches had cnly an h„ u' hand. the minute hand being added late in she 17th century" The same Itncyc:O7e:lla .speaking of clocks says: "The earliest clock the Brussels Post', $1.50 per year des the have a foil cription and receive your prize from Chas. of which was made in 'w79 oy n. ll destu ham - Wyse, calm1151gn promoter, this ed Henry De Wyatt and erected In Tuesday, Parte for Charles V." If this Brussels subscriber really has a watch made in 1279, he ha, something which is priceless, as it was before the —>,—a'— Church Notes Services in Melville Presbyterian church were conducted on Sun day by the Rev. W. A. Williams oflx' Crauook. The subject chosen for the morning was taken from Matt. 16, 18, "Upon The Rock I Wilt Build Illy Church," and for the evening, Rev. 22, 13, "I Am Alpha. and Omega, the Beginning and the. 1805." During the morning service an anthem was cladtu:ed by the cholr. For Tennis Enthusiasts The coact is now available for playing and the executive is anxious that all prospective players sub- scribe their fees. The fee this year Is within tee reach of all. being $1,00 for adults and 50c for children under twelve. A play will be given in the near future under the auspices of the Tennis Club, Be a bcoeter, Notes United Cht_rch Services conducted In I3rttawls United Church Sunday, were ti a special nature. At the mn,uitie service the Communicant's class united in t. hunch Meulbervh:11. Members of the Session web' :,r'd the following: diary Davison, Dor Wily Wright, Robert Block, HarrisBell, Jack Allen, Lyle Brothers', The Sarratncttt of the Lord's Supper was served. A special hatthor-atiteSon 'easter) held in lite evening with itloyd Bark, of 1Vhrgbam, member from North Huron to the 13ttys Partin, 1110111, .its' the' guos.t. streaker. He gave a splendidreport of the 00:91'1 ties of, the Parliament'. and left a olutllc nge to all fathers and sees to fellow Jesus'', Ills 'tee(. was taken from 1 froulu! 2:52 " Mid Jesus •iva creased in Wisdom, and Mature and In favour with Gaal and man." 1'le was ably assleiecl by Bemis Bell and Stuart Kerr, mem:bore of the Ivan Fischer Victim of Accident Iran Fischer, young son of -lir. and Mrs, Wilford Fischer, Graham Survey. suffered a broken leg when. knocked down by a car driven b> Dr, J. D, Warwick, on Wednesday afternoon of this, week. The child, on his way home from school In Brussels, was riding on the back of Jas. Smith's wagon, he jumped off directly in the path of 4110 car.A elector was summoned and the youngster twos rushed to Listowel hosptal, Melville W. iM. S. The W. 111, S. or Melville Presby - torten: church held Lis monthly meeting on Friday afternooa witb the president, Mrs. H. Parker, presiding. The minutes' of the last meeting were read by the seeyetars, .lie's. John Meadows. The treasur er, Mrs. R, Thomson, gave her re- port', Scripture reading by Mrs, R. S, Werwiok, prayer by :Mrs. Thos, 'Waster, Miss 'Susan Hyslop gave an interesting meet! ou "India," Mrs, Joe Wilton gave a pleasing solo. Mrs. G. A, Dead- man gave the Easter Message. Atter the singing of a hymn the meeting closed with the Lord's prayer in unison. Grew Corn In His Nose Lad Frightens Mother . Parsnn5, W, Va, Mothers smuetimes warn unruly children that potatoes will grow In their ea1's, but goer -year-old Eldred Bright of Elk, W. Va., wen; ane believe -corn grew in lila nme, Eldred pushed a grain of corn up his right nostril the wanks ago, After roots pushed clown from the boy's nose, his atlftrinod mother rushed him to 11r. Samuel Weisnui n, The physician removed the grain —whet lead sprout's about half an Melt long. Heat and moisture of the body provided a fine starting bed, made exactly 100 years first known clock. Your truly, OLD BRUCEF.ELD 130Y WEDDING POSLIFF—ADAIR A quiet wedding was solemnised at United church parsonage, Monk - ton, on Saturday afternoon at tsvo o'clock wben Rev, Jas'. A. Gale united in marriage Lilian Elven daughter of Mrs. D. L. Adair of the Boundary Beat, Monkton, and tee late Mr, Adair, and Parker, son of Mrs. A, Pos'liff of Elma Township and the tate Mr. Posliff. The bride was eery becomingly gowned in blue Lace over blue taffeta, with matching accessories white her sister, Mrss Hazel Adair, R,N., of Kitchener, as bridesmaid wore navy not aver satin with matching accessories. The bridegroom was suipporteel by Mr. Russel Ellaoott of Elms, For travelling the bride' donned a s'ntart tweed coat with black accessories. After a brief honeymoon the young couple will return to the 'brideg"gout's farm oa the 16th concession of ELma, 'Socialist Father --~"What do Yon mean .by playing truant; what makes you e iity titvity from schen'?" Son -- "(lass hatred, father," See Advertisement-- "Temple dvertisement—"Temple Of Fame" on Page 5 Town Council Holds Meeting Miss Ella Brown Honored By Friends Last Wednesday evening a num- ber of the friends of Miss Ella Brown were entertained at a patty given In her honor by Mrs. R. J. aliceauehlin. The evening was spent in playing Five Ilandie,l after Mich a tasty lunch was served by the hostess'. At the conclusion the following address was read by Helen Beaker ,and the presentation of a beautiful occasional chair was made to the brideJto-be by Misses. Margaret Downing and Margaret Pearson, Dear Ella:— Relief for the Month of March Was Lower Than Previous Month April 4th,' 1938 The Municipal Council of the Vil- lage of Brussels met in the Public Library on the above date, Ail members hang present. The minutes of the fast meeting being read it was moved by F. Saris s'econedd by W, Little that the minutes be adapted,—Carried. The following bills' were pre- seated:— Thies. Williamson, engine pants 25,00 Transfer to school g 750,00 D. C. Wermick, Treasurer's 'bond 10.00 4,. 'Turvey, work on engine 35.00 !Cyhas. Meadows', work on streets 2.50 Joe Wilton, postage 2.11 J. W, Rutledge, work on streets 2,50 Ned Rutledge, work on s'tree'ts 5,00 Geo. Campbell, salary as watchman 28,00 Witon & Gillespie, Hall coal & Misc. 6.55 R. W. Kennedy, printing 6.09 Gutta Perciia Rubber Co. Hose 48.65 G. McDowell, March salary 60.00 R. S. Warwick, March salary 25,00 R. J. Lovell & Co. stationery 1.55 E, Somers, work on streets 20.75 Jas. Kernaghan, work on streets 10.63 Street Lighting 108.00 Hall Lighting 2.86 Relief for month 'March 137,87 Moved by W, Cameron, seconded by H. Champion that !the accounts be pard. Carried. Moved by W. Little, seconded by F. Semis that the amount of $3,00 being the business tax of John Rut. ledge Jr„ be written off. ----iCarired Moved 'by H. Chaenpon, seconded by W. 'Cameron that the tax roll as Corrected be accepted from the col- lector. =Carried. Moved by W. Cameron, seconded by IL Champion that by-law no. 5 re Hydro Commissioners be read the third Cane and finally passed. - -Carried Moved by W. Little, seconded by F. Samis' that the Clerk be instruct- ed to purchase copy of the revised 1937 Statutes. Carired, There being no further (business the meeting now adjourned. Just recently a little bird Told us, what lately he had heard, That you, new horizons were scanning And that to leave us you were planning. We couldn't let you go away Without a chance to have our 'say Go here we are, to wish just this— May life' be fall of joy and bliss. Though brief year stay among us As your friends, we express o'ar- 0el:yes thus, We've found you willing, help - eta, Lind, In friendshi9's bhain your name we'll bind, We asst you tq accept this, gilt, Willett 11 takes' Iwo of uS to lift, For with it go w s'ta; sincere and true That lite rosy be good to Millar .nd you, ,Some day we'll conte and call ou you, We hope to sec thte chair in View. May it vented yo.t, day by clay, Your Drusaels' friends are not Car away. Sighed on behaf of Brussels'' frientls— ills, R. J, McLaaahlin Mrs, It, F, Donn'ug Mrs, A. Wilson. Although taken co'inpletely by Minimise, Ella, In a fee words, ex - Pressed her thanks to the ladies for their thoughtfulness and go 1 wishes, Dates Opening' Fishing Season Toronto, Gal. Fishermen may have an. adds- , - tional 10 days fishing for .maskt- nonge this year if present plans of the department et Games and Fish• arses" are carired out. Following representations' to the department from cartlp owners : and outfitters in Nontbern Ontario, D. 3. ' Taylor, deputy minister og 'game and fisheres, said the department is considering opening the 'mushier' season June 20 instead of July 1 as in the past. - The speckled trout Season will . open one day calker this year. since May 1 comes on Sunday, ' After exhaustive study, the de- partment has refused to 4eh the black 'bass season on Tune 20, in line with the mashie dates, - since it has been found the bass we.e net through spawning in some winters until after July 1, Belgrave District Home Threatened By Flames A firs in a elegiacs closet over the weeleand 'at Frank rihsomersotr's. near Belgrave almost resulted in the total loss of their new briolr home. It started to a clothes closet, and is believed to have been , caused either by matches or a cigar retie stab 111 a. poekot. When found_ It twat amioldoring among the clothes, and anter assistant° from farmers at the neglrborhood it was elctiitguisiied, resttlting in the eotn plate Lose of a -large ol0selt full of clotting and severe damage to the walls ott the 60051 adjoining,