HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-3-30, Page 5Brussels Nursing Horne Gives Expert Nursing Calve In Maternity Cases Terms Reasonable Notices in this column Boat 25c up to four lines; Sc for Mrs, G. McDowell, Brussels every extra line. Cash must accompany ad, Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. THE BRUSSELS POST yS iDN3 SDAY, MAROFX 30th, 1988 ATWOOD The auction sale on 'Saturday afternoon in .ho village was well attended and Auctioneer W. S. Don- oldson disposed of all 'goods at fair prices.. The dance Friday night was well attended and a good time enjoyed Archie Morris' Red Jackets provid- ed the music. Mr, and Mrs. Percy Annett of the Boundary West, celebrated their twenty -Mali wedding on Sahu'day at their home. Stewart 'Coghlin has completed his three months' course at the 0. A. C., Guelph, and was successful in passing his examination in the cheese and butter department. Mrs. Willis Walker of Toronto with Mr, and Mrs. Alex. McKay; Billy Greensldes spent the past week at Toronto; Mrs. G. Roe of Tharneseellle, with Mr, 'and Mrs. J, J. Johnson; Mists Noreen Switzer, Milverton, with Mr. and Mrs. G. It, Greensides; Mr, and Mrs. Bert For- est, Mitchell, with Mr, and Mrs, \V, B. Coulter; Miss Mabel Greet, - sides has' returned home from Sud- bury Harold leeirsch home from To- ronto. Readjustments After Forty 1. Slow down, 'but without giving up career, work or status. 2, Get out of the rut of routine In- to which People of marked ability in some Cases especially tend to sink, 3. Find fresh enthusiasm for tasks -which, having been perSonm- % 4 44 EASTER SPECIAL The New Heaterless PERMANENT WAVE ONLY $2.00 Come Early — — No Watling JONES HAIRDRESSING Phone 128 Listowel You also receive a ticket on our, prize of $100.00 given away ed, hundreds cf tines, have lost their edge. 4, Discard certain habits', especial- ly social practices, which wear you out needlessly. 5. Use your accumulated wisdom more and your muscles less. 6. Anticipate later years and the inevitable easing out of your career, which may be disastrous, unless you create, well in advanco of retire- ment, a set of new interests that may be pursued after sixty. 7. Keep in touch with the day's events, with the latest discoveries, and with the world's exciting trends in order to continue sensitive and alert,—"Health," Plans To Spend More pie Hepburn Government Plan to spend in the fiscal year which commences Atpril 1st, nearly $4,400,- 000more on the ordinary costsof government' than was spent in the financial year just closed, Premier Hepburn revealed when be 'tabled his estimate of the government's expenditures during his budget speech in the Ontario Legislature Friday last. The prime minister announced it -tat the government expects to spend $59,503,652, during the coming year and at the same time he revealed that during the last 12 months the ad'ministrat'ion actually spent 555,107,050. Increased grants to elementary e'cllools, high schools and collegiaeee. accounts' for nearly $2,000,000 of the increase, One branch in which there is a noticeable reduction is the item called "lieutenant-govenor." In this fiscal year the premier report- ed that approximately $21,000 would be scent. for the lieutenant -gov- ernor's ofllce and in the 1938-39 estimates only $10,000 is provided for this, purpose. WON Dress Up For Sprinq! aria ILS+► Oustanding Favourites In WOMEN'S COATS AND SUITS NEW STYLES ! NEW FABRICS ! POPULAR PRICES ! Smart Afternoon ,Dresses and Hats New Accessories— Bags Gloves Hosiery Flowers Scarfs MEN—Get Ready For Easter With a New Made -to -measure Coat or Suit by Tip -Tap Phone 71 24.95 KING'S Wingham WANTED— Baby's Cot, apply at Post. HELP WANTED— A girl to do housework. apply at The 'Post' FOR SALE— l — 11 Suckling Pigs' (read to wean). phone 3119 r~ FOp SALE— No. 1 Seed Oats. The granor:: filler. apply to 1-c Laura Thomson, Hentryt FOUND— License plate, owner can have same by applying to George Evans, and paying for ad. phone 24�i-9 FOR SALE— Seed Barley 0. A. C. 21 six row thoroughly cleaned 80c per bush. 2-p P. Ament WA NTE 0— Experieaced man for 7 or months none smoker prefered. W, A. MoQuarrle RR 3 Brussels. 1-p phone 23-r-12 FOR SALE— Pigs, about 7 weeks old also 2 or 3 Good Cows, freshened and due to freshen, apply to. 1-c J. 'le, McIntosh, 1>'itone 55-r-6 lot, 21, C00, 12.Grey -^^— FOR SALE— White Leghorn 1-katebing legs, from high producing hens, mated to pedigreed males. Price 52.50 per 100 also 1 New Ilamps'hire Rooster, 1-c Laura Thomson, Henfryn, Ont, 8 FOR SALE— A quantity 0: mixed Timothy and Alfalfa Hay. apply to 1-p Arthur Rattan, phone 44-r-19 Blueval•e FOR SALE - 1 -c Andrew 'Turnbull Phone 28-r-6 FOR SALE— \\`illys Knight' Sedan -c House or rent one half of it. eppi'y to Jars. Sinclair 75 Victoria St„ London FOR SALE— Choice Seed thoroughly cleaned Mixed Barley and Oats $1-75 per cwt; Rattner Oats 00c per bus.; 1-p phone 55-16 J. 51. Knight. & Sons Classified Ads. FOR SALE— About 100 slleets of Galvanized iron and Quantity of 2x4 &anteing wll The peered for sole ley anetion on Sate, Apr11 2nd at the Presby- Wiwi resbyterian Church shed at 3 o'clock. FOR SALE— Choice 100 acre farm close to Brussels; Modern brick house; oink hiu•n; drive shed; drilled well; will include stock & imple- nreues; 0 bargain for quick sale. Apply to 1I. J. Getty, Stratford, FO:R -- SALE- 5 ALE-5 Young Pigs, nearly ready to wean; iDurbam Cow to freshen April ,tib; 1 Heifer to freshen shortly; 1 Clyde Brood Mare (registered.) 5 year old Cow, good milker, apply to 1 p Torrence Dundas phone 15-r-13 Blyth, Out. POR SALE— 4 Pigs', Chunks; aisle Whet- Pekin Duck ldggs for hatching, 1,1) N, McCattlya, •11,11 4 Brussels FOR SALE - 100 acres, 12 acres of bush, Good Buildings, never failing creek and good well, apply to 1-p Robt. Cochrane Phone 42-r-9 FOR SALE— Two Reg, Shorthorn Bulls 1 year o]d. 1,p James Moses Con. 9, phone 23-r-9 FOR SALE - 5 Good Work Horses, ready to go to work. ltip apply in Alex, Brewer Phone 12-r-15 4th con. Morris FOR SALE - 1 Jar. Bey 14eift'r h'eoh a good one; 500 le, inch hemlock and 12, 2xS 18 ft.; 3 Largo Roller doors with tracks' 1. easy running 3 spring one or two horse dray with removable sides and ends just the thing for carry- ing live stock or bay; 7, covered phaeton, wil11 moveable front seat; 1 mower and gang plow; 30 rods 7 strand wire fencing, 2-0 G, A. Deadman, Brussels MAN WITH CAR— Wndl::1ls Dealer needed for nearby rural rout supplying established demand. for Wt ,id leatuo e Spices, text ear le, Baking 'Powder, Soaps, Ck•r,ttnsers, Medicines, Ply Spray, \1i,utvmdlaed Sioclt Tonics. 70 Year reputation, 10,000 drelers, ,Must be satisfied with 530.06 weekly of start. Cretlil ftu'n•iedled right' •parties, Mite or see Mr. W. (1, Boyle, Win sham, Onlurk , CUSTOM SAWING— \Vi11 bo none at Brussels opeesile the Creamery jr, the Spring, phone 42-11 James Stevenson NEW SPRING SAMPLES JUST ARRIVED— Mens Suits and Top Coats also Ladies Suits and Top Coats, It will be to your interest to look them over before buying.. E. Bates, 4-p phone SX4 Brussels AGENT WANTED— For Anker -Borth Cream Separa- tors wanted, wide awake dealer to sell Cream Separators. Liberal commission, lots of territory. apply 3- John C. Dent 387 Cenral Ave., London FOR SALE— International Agricultural Fertil- itlers and ' Fertilizer 'Materials made by one of the largest fertiliz- er plants in existence, Also Clover and Grass Seeds' of all kinds, 1-p Prices reasonable. Give me a trial order , Bevan Elliott Phone 45-r-4 RR 2, Blyth DIDN'T GET VERY FAR BEFORE AN ACCIDENT hIow far ..roes a car go before ie gets into an accident? It was shown at Seaforth that even a new car sometime; doesn't travel very far before it meets up with a disas. ter. Ou Friday evening a brand new car purchased by a resident of Brussels was out taking the initial run when the machine left the road between Dubin and Seaforth and landed smack up against a post. A wrecker was called and was in the act of getting the car out of the ditch when another car came along and ran into the wrecker from behind. None of the vehicles' were badly damaged. After a short delay all were able to resume their journey again. The first car had only gone 66 miles when the accident happened. ARE YOU AN OBSERVANT PERSON Which way does. a cow arise after is has been lying down? Most people would answer the question, but some of these Would have to consider the problem before answer- ing. Last week we read where a woman who had spent six years on the fano declared emphatically that a cow rose on its front feet first. She also declared she know what she was talking about and had not been on the farm just for her health, If she had only known there was a 1(1411ne in those cows as s'dems'how freaks in a citrons, as- all sall cattle rise on their hind legs first, finishing with their front legs, By the 8114110 token of reasoning this le •F„ r u•... r A House on Your Hands Did you ever ngure out how small a percentage of our popu- lation peas your house where they could see a "To LN'• Ingo, or ttow large • p lode rood our paper? Good tenente are not the hind that have the to waste In dohs) around looking for rig s,. Tbe7_toeh in our Want Ads, o If sea have • house' on pour hand-," house to Let " ad. will bring them to lou. wji6..,.. er l w ..o.w 0 Mr. & Mrs, Farmer— Feed The Best -- The Best Through Test New Life Feeds Are Good Feeds New Life --Baby Chick Feed New Life—Chick Starter New Life—Growing Mash New Life—Chick Developer New Life—'Hog Concentrate New Life—Hog Grower NEW LIFE Poultry Concentrates and Laying Mashes Bran, Shorts All Milkfeeds Bread and Pastry Flours "Feed New Life Pig Feed" Once Tried - _ Always Used SOLD BY— HARRY BOWLER FLOUR AND FEED MERCHANT BRUSSELS, ONT. lady would no- doubt say that a horse would rise on its hind legs first, finishing with its Treat legs, It is strange sometimes how every- day occurrences will, escape ordin- ary observation and that we will be - ]leve a certain thing as an actual ,fact when the opposite is the case. Even two people obs'ervinp an automobile accident will quite oaten have two different views of the oc- currence.—Flesherton Advance. ftdmaztalbsikabithaiai We Have Now On Hand.. OUR NEW 1938 STOCK We Have a Full Line of .. Tires & TubesANY SIZE Sunoco GAS, OILS & GREASES Batteries EXIDE & WILLARD A COMPLETE LINE OF FAST MOVING PARTS ALWAYS ON HAND Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed With Every Purchase Whether It Be Merchandise or Our Work Our Mechanic Is At Your Service —At All Times— Phone no. 8 For Quick Efficient Service OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT CHAMPION'S GARAGE Ashfield Township Lets Gravelling Contract Three gravelling tenders' were re- ceived by Ashfield Council, and at their meeting on Monday the con- tract was awarded to Joseph Kerr of Winghaen, The contract calls for 7000 yards of crashed gravel tet 590 a yard, including gravel, deliver- ed as' required to any point in tho Township, This 18 an increase In cost of 2 cents a yard over last year, Prices quoted in the other two tenders ware 59c and 66c a yard. The average haul la about four miles one way. AMINIMMINIMMIAIS DressUp forEASTER See Our NEW STOCK of Smart SPRING STYLES in Ladies' Suits Coats Dresses Skirts Waists & Hats Milady Will Enjoy Shopping at our ACCESSORY COUNTER For - Bags Gloves Hankies Flowers Etc., Everything New in Ladies and Mens Wear. You will enjoy shopping at the Isarci Stores Wingham, Ontario