HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-3-30, Page 1ZC1�e 73pootti%
Awards Given at
High School
Play Also Presented At Special
Gathering At School
A play, entitled "Heim "At Lav,"
was presented at the oonamenoe-
ment exereiaeg of Brussels Continu
ation School hi the Town Hall on
Thursday evening, Dr. W. D. S,
Jamiiesan was chairman; : The
program was' put on by the pupils of
the High Sheol, 'opening with
piano solo by William Ecknnder, foe
lowed' by a folk dance, the girls
being in Dutch costume, M, Mitler,
L. Plum, H. Armstrong, H. Mitchell,
G. Davis,
Rev, H. J. Mahoney presented
Virginia Plume and Genevieve Hull
with awards for the highest stand-
ing In their class, . .Several selec-
tions were given by the school
choir, Prof. Anclerton conducting
and Mary Davison accompanying
Mr, R. J. Bowman presented dip-
lomas .to Carmen Baker, Dorothy
rBallantyne, Irene Barber, J. Bre-
ans, M. King, J. Little, M. Lowry,
Bruce Moore, I. McTavish, D, Park-
er, C. Plum, M. Scott, R, Wheeler,
D. Wright, After recelving :'heir
diplomas, this form presented Miss
Grace Calder with a beautiful bou-
quet of roses.
These taking part in the play,
"Heirs At Law," were, J. Bryane,
M, SooLt, R. Wheeler, D. Wright,
M, Lowry, D Ballantyne, N,
A, hleitic demonstrations were also
elven by the hogs.
' Prize Winners
Notice to Subscribers, Special Prize
Winners Last Week
Johnu Martin, Bluevale
Piece at Silverware
H. Dennis, Ethel
Piece at Silverware
W. Jardine, Brussels RR 5
Piece of Silv.e.ware
Pleas call at Brussels 'Post'
newepeper office on or after Ties.
ray, April 5:h for prize.
REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., 13.D,
11 a.m.—Holy Communion. ..And
Reception Service for
New Members
3 p.m.—Sunday School. Mission-
ary Day,
7 p.m.—Special Father and Son
Service. Lloyd. Dark, M.B.P.
of Wingham will be the
guest speaker.
All Trail Rangers and other boys in
Brussels will receive a
cordial welcome.
Sunday 8:15—The Young People
will meet in charge of ,
•Miss Helen Backer
• Leslie Howard Bette Davis
Its Love I'm After
OIIVia De Haviland Eric Blore
You'll be weak with laughter
If its chuckles your after
Allen Lane Heathel Angel
'The Duke Comes
A Drama that will tug at your
heart strings
tat (Pierian, Wayne Morelli
Frank McHugh
Submarine D1
;A thrilling drama of the undersea
the 'men in Itr-And a girl
p0 MING—
!fitting A New High
Mr. B. 0, Macdonald of Cromarty.
&pent Sunday with els mother, Mrs.
A, FI. Mesxionald.
Mr. Wm, Cook of Turnberry St,
noeth spent Monday in London
xisttng relatives,
Mrs, George cook and two chil-
dren of Beigrave were vis'it'ors foe
a few day& with Mrs. Robt. Dark,
W. B, Strachan o1 Toronto spent
the week -end with his 'mouser, Mrs.
A, Strachan.
Donald. McRae or Western Uni-
versity, London, meet the week -end
with his parentis, Dr. T. T. and stirs,
silos Alice McKay at Jaanestomn
spent e, week with her grandmorl(st
Mrs. Pratt wi'ile recuperating from
the whooping cough,
Mrs. Jaek Rutledge, Lorne Steis's,
and Lyla Rutledge, Alice Taylor,
and Ned RutieJ,e elent Sunday in
Owen Sound,
'Mr. and Mrs, D. C. Ross, Mrs.
R. J. Mo'Lauchlin, Mrs. A. Strachan
and Miss E. Downing are in To-
iont5 this week. They will attend
the Fower Show being held there,
Mr. and Mrs, McDonald and
family and Mrs. McDonald's father,
Mr, Wightmau have moved to Sea -
forth. 'Mr. McDonald is well
known amen.' here as the "Fuller
Brush" men,
George Davidson visited his Par-
ents on Sunday before sailing on
the freighter Seeccrd, which leaves
Owen Sound on April 55,
Mr, ,and Mrs. J. Gaynor and
daughters who carne from the West
last fall and have spent winter
with his brother, Jahn Gaynor of
'the 9th of Grey will shortly go to
Kennicoet where they have rented a
Relatives and friends from a dis-
tance who attended the funeral of
the late Mrs. Steacban were, Cam-
eron Mrs', Stracban and son Lon_:
don, Dr. Fraser and Mrs, Strechai
Chicago, Dr. and Mrs. Grose Ti.
rondo, Mr. and Mrs'. D. W. Rae
Wroxeter, Won. and Mrs. MaoDon-
Oid Fordw-lelr, Jas. and Mrs, Rae
Brantford, Edgar and Mrs, Wight..
man Belgrave, Russel Mrs, Rae and
Misys Linton Wroxeter, Domed,
Colin, Peter and George McDonald
St, Ilelens, Mrs, George McDonald
and Mrs. H. Lawson Clinton, Mrs.,
P. S. Mclwen 13luevale, Lenord and
Anson Rattan Gorrie,
Worth a 2nd drought 3 17 -oz. cans
either pens or sweet corn only 33e;
Sunkst oranges only 15c doe: New
Texas Cabbage 5c lb. Buy your
frust at Grower's Its always fresh
and the best grade, Marsh Seedless
Grapefruit thin skins full of juice 6
for 25c. Cash and Carry,
A, Grower WeL
Se11 For _ss,
Anne: "Come in and soo our new
Teacberh "Thank you, clear, but
I'll wast until your mother is
Annie: "Yen needn't be af.aid,
teacher, It isn't catching,' .
Gives Expert Nursing Care
In Maternity Cases
Mrs. G. McDowell, Brussels
See Advertisement—
"Temple Of Fame"
Back Page
Unpaid Taxes
Parties• have until Sa.ttirtlay, April
2nd to pay their taxies to local
treasurer. After that date alt un-
paid taxes' will halve to be forward.
ed io County :1'a'ealaurer for collec-
Lion.---13rttseels Council,
Presbyterian Church
.'$tTNDAY, APRIL 3111.
the services at 11 a.m. and 7 o m.
Sunday School at 3 p.m,
Alt Members and Adheretlts are
InVltcd to Attend these
Last week's issue of the Post had
Mr, firmer selling oranges at '1c a
doz. That would of been a real
heroin, but 15, a dozen to still a
good' barman and Mr, Grewer s'aye
he has lots of them in Sunkist
Sweet and juicy, advt.
Hot Meat Pie
The hot neat pie supper sponsor-
ed `by the Ladies' Aid of ,Melville
Presbyterian Church, held in the
basement of the church on Friday
evening last proved a popular
function. Wet' over two hundred
enjoyed the delicious supper
served by the ladies;,
Coming to Brussels
ivaoabm Le ielasus•1er permanent
waving speelalst of Toronto will be
at tile (4Ueen's 1-10tet I3rnsteLs Va
April 25th for the purpose of per-
manent 'waving all the latest
methods with cr without electricity.
Try our latest creation machineless
wave open for business 9 a,m, Una
day only,
Mailing List Corrected
This week we are using a re-
vised mailing list. Many caatges
have been made, and sues'crtbers
are asked to note their label date
to determine if proper credit nos
been given. In case of error.
Please notify 8his office at once.
The Post is $1.50 in Canada,
32.09 in • the United States, of
you are in arenas prompt Pay-
ment would be appreciated.
Oddfellows Rally
At Ripley
iilemrbers of the Independent
Order of Oddfi'llows in Bruce and
Huron Counties ase very eutlhusi-
a.stle over the -grand rally being
staged at Ripley on Monday even-
ing, April 4th when Grand-
liketer L. Brunner will be one of
t'he many distinguished gueste
preeent, The Degere Team of
Winghein Lodge will conifer the
Third Degree upon an exception-
ally lairFe member of candidates.
The Rally Committee is preparing
a very jnelru•ctive and entertaining
program. A royal welcome will be
given visiting brethren.
Church Notes -
Services In the United (berth on
Sunday morning were conducted by
the minister, Rev. H. J. Mahoney,
13. A„ who U}ok for his subject "In-
adequate Motives" and in the even.
Ing, Rev, A. M. Grant, B.A„
The Y. P. S, session which bas
been held on Monday evening fol:
year:, will be held on Sunday ev-
enings, after the evening service,
March 30, Rev. J, 13, Moore 01
Grand Rend, who was in Palestine
last summer will give au illustrat-
ed travelogue nn the Holy Land
under the aut110es of :the Trail
:Services in Melville Presbyterian
church on Sunday were conducted
by Rev, Arthur Leggett of 3'Ioles-
worth, One
A' the morning service at Dnfts
United Church, Rev. 3lr. Cumming
che.e for his subjet•t, "Revenge"
and gave u splendid discourse, The
choir under the leadership of .lira,
Harvey Brown, rendered un an-
Friends or George Dale will be
pleased to kunw that he to impiety,
Wise Ruse S'mpr.rn u^tdem ent
an reiteration 113 'l'oro;e10 General
Iloois:eel lest Friday,
M;so Annie Simpson is vlsiltn,l
frleeds in Terentn;
31r. and Mrs, Charles' Sellers nett
scut Clayton were in Heidelberg unit
Itttclue] or,
At the sale of the household cf.
bele r:f the rete Mrs, Sneer Smith,
Friday there wax . it good crowd
present 'led gond priers rv't''1.11
for the furniture, rte, The 11os'
111x' not sold.
Mha Matgt(01 PICO C.:- Or Leen-
bury, t..,re1 t 11ac week -end with Mary
llr,mphrti's; 31'ixs Annie Johnston
who lras been rm rite sick Iisa, e.
11'11)n:wing nicely,
Liberal Association
The Brussels' Women'.e Llheral
Asseetaton will meet at the home
or Mrs, D, N, McDonald on Thul.'s-
day, April 7, at 8 p.m, Mrs. }lug-
gan and Mrs'. 'Scott will have
charge of the program, Come Pre-
pared to discus.: current events.
Having sold out my ' •milk route
to air. Elston Cardiff, who takes it
over on A•prtl 2n1, I wish to take
this oelportunity to thank all those
who pata'onized me the past nine
years and would lice all accounts
settled as soon as possible,
We wish to 081)15ss our sincere
gratb.ucle to the many friends who
have expressed sympathy •In our
time of grief over the loss of our
dearly beloved mother and sister,
Mrs. Isabella MacDonald Strachan,
The Strachan and '
MacDonald families.
Warning !
The identity of the persons who
have been stealing gas out' of ears
In the village is known, George
Campbell, night watchman, issues
this warning to the guilty parties.
Next time they will be reported.
Various people have recently re-
ported havng had large amounts
of gas stolen out of their ca •s at
Snow Fences To Be
Put Away For Another Year
Orders have just been issued to
Deipartment of Highways' foremen
in :his district to begin taking down
snow fences as the condition of the
ground permits. The grotmd in
most places is much too wet for the
men to begin at present, especially
in cases where the fences are lo-
cated in ploughed fields. The
enol of March is the usual time
for taking down the fences.
Re Tennis Club
Spring is in the air and many are
anxious to resurrecit their tome;
racket and: togs from their winter
twirlers, The new tennis court
affords au earlier apportunity than
formerly 10 get out in the sunshine
and enjoy some healthful recreation
All teenier members and all pros-
pective members are invited to
conte to the organization meeting of
the club to be held in the Library
this Tlrureday afternoon; March
31st at 4,30 o'clock.
Change Of Business
Having purchased the Cedar
Grove Dairy I am prepared to
su]•ply your net ds tvitlr choice milk
and cream and would ask for your
Continued patronage,
My e1,:erience in the past eight
years in the dairy business will
place me In a position to cater to
your wants in every w'uy,
I 101511 to take this opportunity to
tbauk my many customers for pawl
patronage and would ase to please
help the milk mart by buying your
bottles out daily.
L, le. Cardiff Dairy
Owen Sound Minister
Preaches Farewell Sermon
Rev, J. T. Strachan, for the .Past
twelve years pastor of St, Andrew's
Presibyaterian Meech iu Owen
Sound, delivered his farewell ser-
mons to his congregations last
Sunday and ho will conclude 1115
pastorate et the end of dila month.
His resignation was accepted by the
Presbytery of Bruce some time ago
and also at lite seasiou of the
It is his intention en take a post-
graduate ecurse at Montreal and
to gtVe his threat, which has ween
giving barn trouble for some time,
a rest. His succrasar there bas not
been named, bite the eangregtuttea
has named a pulpit supply commit-
R.ev. Stilleben Is abrother of
Crawford, Strachan and Mae Annie
There passed away at Toronto oil
March eidith, Isabella MacDonald,
widonv or Thomas Strachan In her
07th year,
She 'woe born in the township of
West Wawanosh in 1871. In 1905
she was married to the late Thomas
Strachan jr„ who pre -deceased her
in 1614. She is survived by two
sena, Cameron of London, Fraser of
Chicago; by one daughter Mee. L.
el, Grose of Toronto; three broth-
ers, Duncan of Brussels; Fraser of
Paewegen, Sark, and William of
Fordwich; and by two sisters, Mrs,
D. W. Rae of Wroxeter and Mrs,
Jos'. Shaw of :Morris township,
The funeral was held Saturday
pmt., March 251h, from ;;he home of
her brother Duncan MacDonald,
Services were conducted by Rev,
H. J. Mahoney.
Pallbearers were P. A, McArthur,
Geo. Turnbull, C. Matheson, W.
Gtilespte, W, McCracken and G.
Relatives were present from
Brantford, Chicago, Toronto, Ford.
wich, $1. Helene and Wroxeter,
The marriage was quietly solem-
olemnized in London Thursday of Ella
May Rands,, daughter of the late
Mr, and Mrs. William Rands, of
Grey Township to James' M'ac-
]cenzle Schurrle, son of John Schee-
r% and the late Mrs, Schurrie, 01
Morris To'wnsh111, Rev. 0, 3.
Moor'hous'e performed the cere-
mony at his home on •Cheapside
street. The bride and groom were
attended by the formner's, couteing
Mr, and airs, Guy Ryan, of Lucan.
Jtaer the ceremony the bridal
party lunched in town and later
left for Brussels. • That evening
they were guests at a reception
given by the bride's sister, Mrs,
Stanley Wheeler, in Grey To'w'n-
sbdp. ilfr, and Mrs, James Schur-
rie will take up •residence in Grey
A. quiet but pretty wedding .took
place on Saturday, March 26, at
Deers United church manse, M:e-
Killep, when Esther Louise, daugh-
ter of mer, and Mrs. James Dor-
ranee, became ,the 'bride of Mr,
James C. Kerr, son of Mrs, George
Kerr, lefc3C1'lop, and the late
George Kerr, Rev. R. W. Craw
officiated, The beide was becom-
ingly gowned in rose pink taffeta
with solver trimmings, The young
couple were unattended, Following
the ceremony dinner was served to
the immediate relatives at the
home of the bride's parents. Mrs.
George Campbell and Mrs. Kenneth
Harrison, musts of the bride,
waited' on the table. Later in the
afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Herr left
amid showers el confetti for a short
honeymoon, the bride traveling in
a blue 'crepe dress and blue tweed
coat with blue accessories. Upon
their return they will reside on the
bridegroom's farm to McKillop.
To All Subscribers
of the Brussels Post
On account. of road candetions
several of our 3811001' friends• and
sub :.a•ibers have asked this office
to extend the renewal subscription
Huger draw until the'end of April
to give thew an opportunity of con•
leg to towel to renew their 'mibe':rip-
lion end p.trtlemattng iu the sugar
draw. in fattiness to our e•nb-
soiree's who eannnt get to town on
immune of road condition3 this we
have decided 11 do, IT you have
not renewed your subaeriitiou for
1933, you now have until April
301.11, 1938 to do so and be eligible
10r the sugar draw, Renew Yo111'
:.leb•tolfpdtan today. Positively
April 30th day of sugar draw,
'resented With
Purse of Money.
Mr. and airs, Fraueis Betimes eel -
Mated their golden wedding 11;'•a:
versary apt Cranbroolt on Monday,
Merck 2.8.113. Mr. 'Beirnes was
born In Stephen's Township in ISO
and Mrs; Bedrnes (nee Miss Mar-
garet Wolfe) born in Logan Twp.,
in 1870, They were 'united in
marriage by Rev. Mr. Cluff at t'he
bride's hone no the 16.111 coa1, of
Grey in 1888. They lived in Grey
Township for some years end later
lived on the 7th eon. of ,Morris.
Owing to ill healtb he had bo give
up farming. They then moved to
Carnbrook where they have since
lived with the exception of 4 years
spent in Brussels.
To this union were born 7 child-
ren all of whom are living, 3 boys
and 4 girls. Namely: Gilbert of
nutlet; Leslie of Morris; Harvey
Of Ellice tw'p,; Lottie, Mrs. Geo.
Caslick, Teenwater; (Minebta) airs.
George Towne,rd, 01 Howlck; (Mae)
Mrs, Rola. Bell of St1a(rord; (Elsie)
Mrs. John McArter, Morris, There
are 18 grandchildren and 2 great
At 5.30 they sat clown to a de-
licious' 3 -course dinner served by
three grandchildren, Miss Margaret
and Miss Georgina Caslick of Tee -
water and Miss Margaret Bell of
Stratford, The table was decor-
ated and centred with a beautiful
3 -story wedding cake, with pink
streamers, leading to 4 little pink
dolls and lighted by pink candles,
which were very attractive, After
all being served they adjourned to
the community hall 'Cranbrook,
where 75 friends met,
After a short program the guests
of honor were presented with pulse
of money, Mr. Gilbert Boerne
reading the following address:
To Mr. and Mrs. Francis Belrnes':-'-
We your family and friends are
gathered here this evening to wish
you much joy on this napppy event
in your lives and ours.
We are all glad to have all been
spared to share it with you and we
hope we all have good health, and
strength that we inay celebrate a
diam'and juibilee M the same way.
Now we ask you to accept a token
of goodwill, with best wishes to
The :matrimonial sea is rough cad
It has ids smooth roads too,
Though fifty years you went its
It holds its pleasures too.
With your life you have not been
With your tinnily you have shared.
By your fireside we were happy.
A family of seven we played there.
Signed on behatc of Ila Ali,
The Beirnes Family & Mende.
Fnieu'de team a distance ware
Mrs. James Baines, Galt; Mr, and
Mho•. John Long and gamily,,of
Weadsioctk; Mr. and Mrs. Jay. Cole
and family, of Waterloo; +Mr, and
Mrs. Townend and family of Lis.
bowel; Ms'. and Mrs. Ghee, Wolfe, of
Logan Twp,
Wedding Anniv.
The celebration by Mr. and Mrs,
Percy Amnett of their Oliver wed-
ding anniversary was an event, •of
more than usual local interest on
March 05th at their conlfomtable
fame home on the Qrey.,lSlara
Twenty-five years ago two highly
esteemed local young folks, Percy
Aintree and. Eike Davidson were
joined by the bonds of holy metre.
mony at the Atwood Presbyterian
manse by the Rev, W. A, Acmos.
They have sh0ce iiVed ion Mr,
AnnetVe home farm, lot 35, can. 6,
Grey 't`sip, Two daughters Aiiee and'
lidltlred complete 'their. happy
Monro circle,
,•Friends do the number of 130
Joined them in celebrating the
11113117 event. Dancing, gannet, a
M nne:10us Mach, a euttable pro-
create of music, Songs, readings•
and speeches' matte the evening
a merry One, Nitmeretle gifts in.
BORN tinting e, purse of silver were pro
stinted es tokens of the 'worth of
BORN.—On March 17.111 to Mr. and ML', acid Mrs•. Annetta to the colo- •
.Mrs, t,lii''ot'd 'Marks, a daughter, nlu+rity anti ca a wis,k tor their
Edilb. Patriela, cOntdilued welitre,