HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-3-23, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST
but of the Storm"
By Peter Munday
Gale Desmond has gone to Konya
ate govornees of the tavo chiideen of
,Marian and Alec Redfern, She
hears from them of Major NLoAldiste
er called by Merton their local
mystery man of whom they know
very little.
;While out riding her horse bolte
during a »storm, Seeking sbel'ter
at elle only house in sight she finds
herself the guest of McAllister,
His Secret
Gale stretched her legs out grate-
fully towards the fire.
In spite of the sun which had.
come out after the storm, the air
was cold and damp, fit wanted but
an hour to sundown, and she was
beginning to wonder how she eras
to get home when her host entered,
followed by a houseboy bearing a
-laden tea tray.
Setting the tray upon a table, the
boy lifted it nearer to the fire, and
placing aMlver-mounted cigarette
box at Gale's hand, lett the room as
slleatly as be had entered.
Gale looked tep at the man and
"1 haven't had time to apologise
for any intrusion," she remarked,
bridging the slightly awkward
pause Chat followed the servants
departure, "My horse bolted, so I
am afraid I hadn't much option. I
suppose I had better introduce 'my-
self. lin Gale Desmond—"
"Thank you, Miss' Desmond!" He
came forward, and drew up a chair
on the opposite side of the tea
table. "Please don't dream of
apologising. I am pleased I hap-
pened to he here—"
He broke off, and picking mix a
c'tp from a tray, examined it as it it
were something unusual which he
was seeing for the 'first time. Then
he put it down agtn.
"I—:hat is' --my name is McAllis-
ter," he concluded abruptly,
He gave her a swift glance, and
then looked away again. The
thought flashed through Gale's.
mind that he had expected her to
show surprise. There was, some-
thing in his tone and look that
moved her, something defensive
as if he knew he 'was discussed, and
resented it,
When be turned again, however,
features were as mask -like as be-
"Will you pour out the tea?" be
asked. "The cups are rather on
the large side--" A sudden smile
relieved the bleakness of his eyes—
"but I am afraid we are not used to
lady visitors here."
Gale laughed goetly.
"I think ,they're delightful," she
said sincerely- "The only thing I
need -ed to round off that heavenly
bath was a large cup of tea!" She
half turned in her .eat, and picked
up the milk jug. "Aren't you go-
ing to sit down?' 'sire asked quietly.
He started.
Dr--oh--yes, thank you --4
Their eyes met, and Gale burst
Follow summer to its all -year
home. Thrill to golf under blue
skies, relax on warm sands.
For a winter vacation or a
longer stay, there Is never a
dull moment. And living costs
are very moderate.
Choose direct or via
our own route. Pares
apply the Canadian
Rockies, Vancouver and Vic.
toria to San Francisco in one
or both directions.
On Apalteollon to any Agent
Out laughing. ,McAllister laughed
ea Well,
There was eoi ething infectious
in Gale's mirth, and he could hard-
ly beim himself,
'Haw absurd It le" site pried
gaily, "Here am 1, wearing your
clothes and looking like nothing on
earth, :needles yiu to Sit flown in.
your own house!'
McAllister seatee iiimeelf, s'ti11
"I don't see anything absurd in
the situation;" he replied. "St's a
.case of necessity getting the better
of convention, that's all,"
"In other words, you're making
the best of it?"
"Not at all. I am regretting I
bave no 'better means of entertain -
Ing you,"
"I fail to see what •elee you can
do," declared Gale warmly. 'I
have everything for which to bo
She hesitated, and flushed slight-
ly. Then busted herself pouring
oat the tea,
"Do you take milk?" she asked.
"Yes, please."
She passed hint a cup, and sugar-
ed her awn. Without appearing to
do so, she had noticed the quality
of the china, and was, impressed
it was, .the same with the roam it-
self. Everything was' exceedingly
simple and arranged with spartan
severity, but the furniture, the two
'etchings on the wall, the cabinet of
red lacquer, and on the top of it, a
green jade figure, bespoke the
owner as a person of taste and
Galewas intrigued. So many of
the bachelor homes Into which she
had penetrated when visiting with
Maa•ion, were characteristic of their
extremely practical owners, and the
'chairs and tables were usually cov-
oyered with a litter of bagazines,
gramophone records, skins, guns
and cartridges.
It was the more surprising, there.
tore, to find a ,lace such as this.
aldAliister must nave read her
"You seem surprised, he observ-
ed quietly,
"Do I?" On the detensiv.e at
once, Gale bit into a Piece of cake,
"1'm sorry 1 wag so rude!"
• 51 didn't inter—"
"Of course you didn't" Gale was
contrite. "I shouldn't have said
that. Please forgive me."
"There is. nothing to- forgive;' he
replied. "l daresay it is sunpsls-
Ing •to find I have taken the trouble
to fit the place up decently. But
I'm away a lot and I like to come
hack to comfort:'
if I did, wouldn't I? -I was oaly—
Oh, 1 don St know--" Her voice
hulled. off and theta fell a short ell -
She was the first to .break. It.
"Can 1 give you some more tea?"
she asked, holding out her hated for
lea cum,- lie passed it to her with-
out a word, and waited uwlil she
retitled: it, When she handed it
back to him, he placed 1t on the
attm of his choir,
"Thank You; he said simply.
Reaching over, he pinked um .the
cigarette box and opened it.
"You do smoke, don't you e' he
asked, offering it to her.
r'yee, I'in afraid I (lo—" She
selected a cigarette, and waited un-
til he lighted it for her, Then she
learned 'back in her chair, her eyes
fixed on Ohe bames en the fireplace.
licAllister edcteed up hie PiPe
from the mautelpieee,
"D'you mend i1 I smoke a pipe?"
he asked.
"Please do. 1 like the smell of
pitpe to-bacco."
Sho watched him as he filled the
Pipe: notecing the quiet movements
of his fingers, and wondered again
what desperate hurt had sent such
a man into hiding, to avoid all that
went to make lie worth living—
friendships, love, the laughter that
was' the salt of Life, and to choose
in their place au existence that
caul} only drive the Iron deeper in-
to his soul.
Had she stopped to analyse her
.thoughts, Gale would have felt no
surprise at herself. She was ex-
traordinarily sensitive to atmo-
sphere, and as a result never gees-
tioned her own intuitions.
"Just now you asked me what I
evp,ected," she said suddenly. "By
that you inferred I hall heard of you
—discussed you—"
",Really, I—"
"No. Let me finish, please;" She
blew .a cloud of smoke from be-
tween her parted lips. "It's quite
true. I 'both had and. did. But
—don't you rather lay yourself ellen
to that sort of thing? Forgive me
if I am being impertinent—but you
(lid ask me, didn't you?"
"14' was only that it was all so
different trout what S had expected-"
As soon as the words were utter.
ed, Gale could have bitten her
tongue out,
She was. relieved when McAllister
"As bad as that, is it?" be en-
quired, an unexpected twinkle in
his eyes. "Would it be out of place
to ask what you -did •expect? An
ogre lurking round tbe corner, on
the look out fora victim?"
"Not (suite," replied Gale, recov-
ering, She picked up her cup
and sipped at the tea, looking .ab-
surdly boyish .with lies' ,rumpled
1111(1, and flushed face surmounting
the folds of the heavy dressing
She .stared lhotughfully into the
flames,her eyes soft. She lead net
missed the bitter undertone Cleat ac-
companied McAllister's question, in
sprite of the laugthwhich coveted it,
Whatever the calla°, she felt she
knew the reason for ,his. attitude lo -
wards the world, t:nd her heart
went out in womanly sympathy to
the man who, like a stricken ani-
mal, was seeking Solitude In which
to heal his wounds,
"Well—what did you •extpeet?"
His voice broke in upon her
thoughts. and she 11artod. 1
would rather lilto to know," he add-
ed quietly.
"Wily?" Gale fenced, striving to
(158ante a ravel manner that would
conceal the little inward tremors
which shook her, "It is so very
important I should tell you?"
He leaned tool( iu his chair,
Perhaps It is rather preetemptu-
0110m," '
Oo1h (1eae.r1" .Gale shook her bead.
"Why will you, misunderstand? I
wcatt't. trying tc snub you then. I
wouki be an uugretefel little i)01101
CHILDREN of all ages
thrive on "CROWN
They never tire of its delicl-
ous Bayer" and ft really is so
good for them—so give the
children "CROWN BRAND"
every day.
1 Leading physicians pro-
nounce `CROWN BRAND"
CORN SYRUP a most satis-
factory carbohydrate to use
as a milk modifier in the
feeding of tiny infants and
as an energy producing food
for growing children.
Q►O 4i'ittt:ti
Notice To Contractors
The Municipal Council of the
towntship of Morris are asking for
tenders for crushing and delivering
gravel on tbe road (as the Road
Superintendent directs) up to a dis-
tance of 341, miles from the Pit,
the gravel to be crushed to a size
not greater than lei inches.
The contractor to 1011115h power,
trucks and all things' necessary to
deliver the erus4ied gravel and be
is to be responsible tor 25% of all
breaks in tbe crusher.
The Council will furnish the
ca'.usher bolt and oil and will pay.
75% of the contract price enonthly
(on council meeting days) as the
work progresses. The contract
calls for about 6000 yards of crush-
ed gravel and there will be no extra
charge by contractor for alloying
the crusher, A $100.00 Good Faith
Cheque to accompany the tender.
The renders will be considered at
the Township Hall at 3 o'clock on
:Monday, April 11, 1938,
The lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
A. MacEWDN, Clerk,
He puffed at his' Pipe, and then
tamped clown the tobacco in the
boavl with his forefinger.
"Go on, please," he said quietly.
"I don't kaow that I can, really.
After all, it's none of my business
is It?"
"Yost mean—because I keep to
"Good heavers—no!" cried Gale
in distress'. "I meant nothing of
the kind. It's' only—only that
when a person chooses to—to be
different—well, they're apt to be
talked about. It's only natural,"
"1 see. ely actions .become in-
vested with a certain interest due
solely to the fact' that people can-
not unders''and them?"
"Something like that" Gale
carefully knocked the ash off her
cigarette into the ashtray on the
arm. of her chair.
"And that is. why—"
"Nor at all;" She flushed. "It
Imeetened •that someone said you
were, back atter a long absence, and
"You were interested—so they
carefully explained?"
"Yea make m0 sound horribly
inquisitive l"
He laughed'.
"I donit think you were, at any
rate. Somehow, I can't imagine
you beteg inquisitive." He peeved
mud then went on—"Asa matter of
tfclot I guide understand—I clsresay
there area great many persons- In-
terested in me. It's the herd in-
n-sttuotl" '
"How e'cathing!"
"I don't mean it to be. But you
likened its to ti herd when you said
net it one of us ,choses to be a
little different the others look as-
kance, didn't you?"
,"1 -suppose 1 slid, but all the
an,me I think you. aro being a little
"Do you?" he asked drily, "Well,
emeteps I am. lt's 110111ateeel."
He leaned• back and stared into the
flames, 'It doesn't answer my
previous question 4.hottgb:'
"What was rise?"
"What you eypentetll I'in rather
intcersted 40 (1(101;"
Gale ttunlied.
"Must I answer Mat?"
"I caul, ineke yen!"
"711 that rasa ---I will," Site ieek-
Notice To Contractors
On Mnil 2nd, at the hour of 2
P.M. there will be offered for sale
at the office o1 111l er 1), Bell,
solieitor at Srnsels, Village has No,
5 snip 10 less the southerly,. 40• ft.
thereof at C1aelerook known as the
Wortley property, e:otutiling one-
half acres of land more or lese; and
upon which 1s erected a comfort-
able brick dwelling and a •small
stable. Sale is without reserve.
Terme—Pen percent 06 the pur-
chase price cash and the balance
within thirty days,
Elmer D. Bell,
Solicitor for the Administrator;
of John Wortley Estate
Janes Taylor,
The Municipal Council are asking
for ,applications to work Power
Grader statdug salary Per hour ex-
pected. These applications will be
considered at the next council meet-
ing Monday, April 11th, 1938, at 3
The lowest priced or any applica-
tion not necessarily accepted.
A. MacEWLN, Clerk of Morris
North %2 Lot 16, Con- 3, Morrie,
at Browntown, 2%2 miles South
of Bluevale
Commences at 1 'O'Clock Sharp
1 Mare 12 yrs• old
1 Mare 8 yrs, old
1 Mare 9 yrs. old supposed In foal
1 Sucking Colt
1 Durham Cow due In May fl
1 Durham Cow due in April
1 Durham Cow calf at foot
1 Durham Cow due In March
1 Hereford Cow fresh
3 2 -yr. old Steers
2 2 -yr. old Heifers
6 Yearlings
21 Calves
1 Sow due time of sale
8 Chunks
35 Hans
2 Geese and 1 Gander
1 Binder Massey Harris 7 ft. cut
1 Hayloader McCormick Deering
(nearly new)
1 Fertilizer Drill McCorm. Deering
1 Riding Plow(13 Fleurydisc)
1 Set Harrows
1 Walking Plow 1 Cultivator
1 Hay Rake 12 -ft. 1 Wagon
1 Sleigh Hay Rack
Fanning Mill Ssales
Buggy Cutter
Root Pulper Sap Pan
80 Buckets Sp•iles
Hay Fork, Rope Pullies Slings
1 Renfrew Cream Separator
1 Set Double Harness
1 Set S,ngle Harness
200 Bushels Oats
25 Bushels Barley
5 Bushels Timothy Seed
5 Bushels Sweet Clover Seed
(not hulled)
15 Ton Mixed Hay
Quantity of Household Furniture
Other Articles too Numerous
to mention
Nothing Reserved as proprietor
is leaving the farm.
F. W. Kemp, Auctioneer
Ernest Dennis, Proprietor
ed at lrlm with a hint of challenge
in the depths of her dark eyes'. T
hardly expected 4'he—the courtesy
and consideration you have sbown
me—" She broke off, end turned
completely scarlet, "What I
mean is," she buried on breath-
lessly. "If you show people the
floor when they try to be nice—You
must expect a repotetion according-
ly, isn't that so?"
'Perfectly logical,' he agreed,
stv[liugly. "Se I have the reputa-
tion of being s bad-tempered, un-
soolable brute, have Ir'
"And it isn'e true!" bested Gale.
"That's, why 1—"
She anode 5. little gesture of
helplessness, and did not 'complete
her sentence. After a s'igniflcent
pause, ho gave her a gmizical
"Anel—wihat is the ,truth?" he
asked gently.
Gale drew her breath sharply. An
odd atillnees hurl crept into her
features', and she seemed to be look-
ing at something through and be-
yond the leaping flames',
"Osco- at home -1 found a crab
on the beach," she said slowly at
last, "It had lost it's (shell, and
was scuttling along the sand, evi-
}enity seeking same duck hole In
which to hide until a now shell
grew. It had 4o hide, you see, for
without its shell its skin was
tender, and easily hut.', Even—
even the atullight hurt it."
She paused and stabbed the and
of her rigu,:'ti,: into the ashtray,
And didit find a hole—this' crab
of yours?"
(To 1111 l'ONTINUI,iD)
Will Sell by Public' Auction at Lot
23, Con. 3, Morris Two, 2 Mlles
West of Brussels Gravel Road
1 Clyde Horse risiny 9 yrs.
1 Clyde Mare rienig 7 yrs,
1 Clyde Mare rising 4, In foal
1 Clyde Mare rising 9 years •
1 Percheron Gelding rising 3 yrs.
1 Filly rising 2 yrs.
1. Driving Filly rising 3 yrs..
1 Blood Gelding rising 1 year
1 'Durham Cow fresh
Durham Cow ago April 14
1 Durham Cow due April 17
1 Durham Cow due Aprif 22
1 Durham. Cow due May 2
1 McKee, fresh
1 Helfer due April 27
6 Fat Steers
1 Pole Angus Steer rising 2 yrs,
1 Hereford Steer rising 2 yrs.
1 Pole Angus Helfer rising 2 yrs.
1 Hereford Helfer rising 2 yrs.
-2 Hereford Steers rising 1 yr.
2Hereford Heifers rising 1 year
2 Young Calves
1 York Sow due in June
1 Massey. Harris Binder 7 -ft, cut
1 Deering Mower 6 -ft. cut
1 McCormick Hay Loader
1 Horse Rake 1 Cultivator
1 Rolling Hay Rake new
1 Steel Land Roller
1 Wagon 1 Wagon Box
1 Set Sleighs with flat bottom
1 M. H, Manure Spreader
1 Set Diamond Harrows
1 Seed Drill, 13 hoe
1 Fleury Walking Plough
1 Crown Plough 1 Stock Rack
1 Steel tired Top Buggy
1 Fanning Mill 1 Scraper
2 Hay Forks with ropes pulleys
and carriage
2 Oak Barrels
A quantity of Grain Bags
1 Set Double Harness
4 Horse Collars
Whiffletrees, Forks, Chains,
Other Articles too numerous
to mention
Sale Unreserved the Proprietor is
Giving Up ,Farming
F. W. Kemp, Auctioneer
Mrs. Wm. Sellers, Proprietress,.
R. R. 5, Brussels
at 1:30 o'clock
2 Wooden Beds; 1 Iron Bed; 3
.Springs; 3 Mattresses; 3 Dressers;
3 Stands; 2 Toilet Sets; 2 Cook
Stoves; 1 Dining Room Table; 1
Kitchen Table; 4 Small Tables; 6
Dining Room Chairs; 6 Kitchen
Chairs; 1 Sewing Machine; 1
Westing Machine and • Wringer; 1
Glary Cupboard; 1 Box Stove;
1 Wash Tub; 1 Writing
Desk; Clothes Horse; 1 S•tde
board; 4 Rocking Chairs; 1 Parlor
Suite; 1 ,Organ; 5 Lamps; 1 Kitch-
ea Clock; 11 Hall Rack; A quantity
of dry Wood; A quantity of Coal; 1
Flower stand; 30 Gaiters of .Fruit; 2
Rugs; 1 Piece of Carpet; 2 Pieces
of Linoleum; 1 Wheel -harrow; 1
Lawn Ilower; Dishes and' other
articles too numerous .to mention,
(Subject to Reserved Bid)
A quarter -acre of ground with a
brick veneer house and eatable. .
TJIIR,MIS-10 per cent Cash, balance
within 30 days.
George Elliott, Auctioneer
Estate of Mrs. Susan Smith
Adam ,Sholdice,
W. J, Humphries, Administrators
On the edge of the Village of
Brussels, together with 4% acres
of land, suitable for a poultry farm
for a man of small capllet
apply to Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor,
Brussels, Ontario
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc•
Phone 20X - Brussels, Ont'
General insurance Agent
Ethel, Ont. — Phone 22-8
James McFadzean
Howlck Mutual Fire Insurance
-Hartford Windstorm
—Tornado Insurance
—Automobile Insurance
'Phone 42. Box 1, Turnberry M.
Brussels, Ontario
Licensed Auctioneer for the County
of Huron, Sales attended to in all
parts of the country. Satisfaction
Guaranteed or no pay. Orders left
at The 'Post' promptly attended to.
Selgrav+e Post Office
PHONE: Brussels Phone 14-r-9
Estate Agent, Conveyancer
and Commissioner
General Insurance
Main Street, — Ethel, Ontario
Bruseele, On.
Important Notice
Accounts, Notes, Judgements,
Our collecting depe anent Id a
result of years of successful expert
ence in collecting local or out -o(.
town accounts.
No collection. no charge,' Mal
ilurkes Collecting Agency
(License 176)
Head Office. Seaforth Ont
Licensed Funeral Director
and Embalmer