HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-3-23, Page 3, THE BRUSSELS POST WIMIN/0 T, MARCH 23ra, 1"339 NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents ETHEL Thatt Verne Abram boa been seriously allured to an automobile aocie,ent, ceased widespread regret in this' community, Basing spent hila Ip!ublie. school attendance period Imre, he is well and eavomva'bly re- membered. Hervey McClelland arrived. at Ethel via C.N.R, from Toronto . at the .week -end aud visited at the fel= homes' of his staters Mrs,, Geo. Ivlenzie and ?Airs, Ja, Pestal, in Grey township. Stewart Henry who has• been do Erma Tele for .several weeks was home for :Sunday. Lorne Vodon of Blyth was with Ethel friends .over the week -end, 1tir, and Mrs. Pltumreteel and deughlter of Clinton were Sunday afternoon guests, at Unitech Church parsonage with . Rev. and Mrs. Snell. Due to :falling health Jas. Bal• lantyne has returned from. the North country where he has been In the employ of Jae. Stevenson's sawmill, as operator and will be at Mr, R. Codurane's, Ethel s't'ation for a while. J. M. and Mrs. Slemm on of At- wood a000mpnnied by Alan Frank- lin of Atwood vicinity, had a short but pleasant visit with Ethel rela- tives, Sunday afternoon, Broads are breaking up. Motor- ists are again experieno)ng diffi- culties in getting through, We are told Haat the prospect of a plentiful supply of maple syrup Is not at all promising, as there SPECIAL PRICES -SON—• MOTOR OILS FOR CAR OR TRACTOR BULK -- or — CAN SEE US ABOUT TIRES Ethel Garage and Machine Shop Phone 22-r-15 Only! Sun -Ray Poultry Feeds Contain Greemelk Buttermik & Cereal Grass tete cot beep a. fr'eo'ru'ia of Pap, yet, thin Beason. The live day's coarse in rug mak- ings srponsored by Ethel W, 1, has ended and Miss Purer, of T.:Monte, ias'iructl'ese lett last Friday for her next engagement in thee ,work. kit Edward's hall last Friday night a epelndddly entertaining show of. ,movies' wee given, sponsor- ed by the Cockvltatt Piow Company under the meal management of Geo. and Calvin. Kreuter. There was a large and aeppreoiarfive at+teti.danee, Jaok Dunbar. has gone to Tager. soil •where he has taken a, position, on a dairy teem, for ,the coming' season, 'With Jim Doan se helper Arthur I Henry is finishing tip his' wed(' cut- ting contraots, in readiness for spring seeding time of farm and garden. WALTON Mr, henry A•rmst'rong, Morris has leased the farm belonging to Dun- can Johnston, 0th of Grey, 'for •the coming ),ear. Mr. Russell •Coutes accomrpamied by his mother Mrs. Robert .Coutts, from Alberta, is visiting with his :deter, Mrs. Frank Cardiff, 14th con. of Grey, Miss Mai", Bennett, who has -been. assisting at W. C. Bennett's •store underwent an operation for apven tdicitis last week, A very suecesstul crakinole soc- ial was held on March 17th by the U,F.W,O. A short program of music by Misses Ethel Shaw, Mild- red Sellars, Beth ,Sb.annon and Mary Humphries and addresses by Mrs, 0. Andersen, WJngham, Prov. Pres. of the U. F. W. 0. and Mr. C. Coulees of Belgrave wasenjoyed by all. Better Health More Eggs Better Hatches Stronger Chick We Stock a Full Line of Sun .Ray Poultry, Dairy & Hog Feeds ALL MODERATELY PRICED 1, F. M. SAMIS Phone 80 Brussels COSTS LITTLE Accomplishes Much A two ten tNagar iota t lot fpr,. very little money, beide would N• quire ehoutendetof ewe:oenr rumps end penonellleteerelto 'hake 1 e u vr05*knownaterulsesey.pke p ise. invCOM10 4111Xeat•ClogiAed what Ada A sueceesita sale of farm steek and implements took place at the home of Lloyd Raithbe, con, 2, Harriss, A. large crowd was .pres. eat and ',clew were 'good. Mr, Rhlthby bare le sed hie farm to Mervin Govier, .Pant Wawanosh, and Will take a position • in GOdO- r lot, The Blyth Tennis Club sponsored a crokinole and card party in mem- orial Hall Friday evening. Danc- ing followed with =Me provided. by Watts' ot"eheetre, GREY We regret tc report that John Oliver of the 16th con, of Grey, two tae been suffering with eye trouble for some time, was taken to Strat- ford hospital, when it was found necessary to have an eye removed. Tho W, M. S. of Union United Church met on Wednesday atter- noon, March 16th at the home of Mint J. Bremner, 'with 21 ladies present, Mrs, Coliws11 Seeiran led the meeting which opened with a hymn followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. The roll call was an- swered with the ngme of a Mission- ary. The Devotional Leafllet was read by Maly McIntosh. The minutes' of the last 'meeting were read and approved. Plans were made for quilting the missionary quilts ou the afternoon of Mardi 29, after which a Supper will be served to both ladies and gents and the evening will be spent in playing crokincle, Another hymn was sung and Mrs. Dougherty led in prayer, The clhapter from the Study Book was taken by Mrs'. Machan aud Dorothy Dilhvorth contributed a. very ,leas- ing solo. The meeting closed with •a hymn aad th•e Benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess and an enjoyable half bour was spent by all, 'Several farmers BELGRAVE• An Interesting meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held Tuesday afternoon, at the home of leers. H, Wheeler. Mrs, N. Keating presid- ed. The quilt blookrs were brought in and arrangements made to finisb them, A donation was given to the cemetery board, 'airs. Clifford Lo- gan was appointed leader and Mrs. R, Procter assistant, to attend the class in Wingham when the project "Cottons' May Be Smart,' will be given March 29. As a free toxoid clinic had been held in W:ingbam and many from here had taken advantage of this treatment for the prevention of ddptheria, it was decided not to do anything at present about one here. This meetiug was in charge of the legislation committee, Mrs. G. H. Wade and Mrs, H. Wheeler be. ing conveners. They arranged the following program: Roll Call, a truffle rule, was well responded to else Doris Scott had a splendid paper on current events. Mrs. Jas. Michie gave an interesting reading. Mins Winnie Lane sang au aPproe- riate Irish solo and' encore, 12.. J. Scott gave au instrnative talk on the ways of legislation and differ- ent phases of government;, Airs. Pocock 'who bad been leed- er for the class "Bedroom Aoees- sortes," had members of the class at the .meeting and they .exhibited several articles which they bad made and these proved interesting and showed the splendid were clone by the girls'. 1;U's, IM, A. Wheeler treated ail to candy in honor of her 83rd hirthday. Lunch teas served by the bostese, assisted by Mrs, C. Wade, Mao. It, McCrea and. Mrs, J Andersen, are tapping Maple trees and a good flow of sap is expected, y1r. Wim. Ellacott bas Purchased the Long farm, East of Cranbrook. Clarence aud Mrs. Ellacott in all probability will make their home there. Mr. aud Mrs'. Emerson Wright, who has been living on the Archie Grinch .faun, 4th line, have taken up residents on -the :Hugh Docket farm, 2nd line Morris, HOWICK COUNCIL Wroxeter, Mareht 101.11, 1938 Council met in the office of the .Fdpvritlffi lore Insurance [Company, to bold their regular monthly meet- Mg,' members were all present, the Reeve, J. A, Bryane in the chair. Minutes' of last regular and slimeial meeting, were reads and t'he motion, of 'Strong and Toner were adopted, Moved ;by Toner arid Winter that tete :Suhooi Attendance refaces's Repent for January and b'ebruery be adapted es read:—Caan'iod. Moved by Strong and Baker that Almendwlent to By-law No. 4 for the year 1926 re the IJItltlejehn ` Muni- oipal Drain, as read the levied time, be finally passed. --Carried. Moved by Winter and Baker that. the tender of W. E, Patterson, furnish gasoline, oil and grease for the Power Grader, be accepted. —Carried. 'Moved by Strong and Baker that ties Council of the Township et klonriek, urge upon the Agricultural Advisory Committee the immediate necessity of having the County Council inaugurate a campaigu to- warts making the County of Huron a Ree&riol'ed Area. —+Carried. Moved by Toner and Winter that this Count:dl accept the offer of Boy Vegan to crush, trunk and spread 7000 yards, or more, of gravel at 45o Per yard um, to a distance of three, miles, and St pet yard mile for anY trucking over throe miles. Carried. Moved by S'troeg and Baker that the report of the Auditors for the year 1937, as read, be adopted. --.Carried. ;Moved by Winter and Baker that J. H, Rogers and Isaac Gamble be appointed to the Trustee Board of the Fordwich Public Cemetery, and that. the Clerk be hereby in- stl'ucted to prepare a By-law in ac- cordance therewith, --.Carried. Moved by Baker and Winter that the following bills, be paid. —Carried BLYTH The Y. P. Ii, met thin week midst lbs ausimioee of the Mbesianery Do' Devilment, A nolo Was sting by Rev, 1t, A. Brook, A poem was read by Gladys Fawcett. The topic wars taken by three parts by Mar- garet soniatgeour, shiest Hilborn and Eileen Robinson; 'Mr. ttnd Mrs% M3ue born and son Ivan, slops, 8, G. Leslie tied • Mr's. R. -Wighkmae were le Landon; Miller ltichlnend lyes rented the fame on Con. 8, Morris, owned by Ales Smith and lately ea - (ivied by Vii', Ivltiteennel. Nedghbnrsi and friends' of bIt', anti Nirs, William Dailyem,ple, gr., con, 8, East Wawanosh, to else number of fifty met at their home to offer congrattliatialls, on i'hL occasituiof. their 49th, wedding anniversary. A pleasant evening was diene by all, WROXETER Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Pardon and daughter, Detroit, with ,Mr, and 'Mrs, Fred Ielechen; Hiss K. Ayres; Saskatoon, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rae; Mr, and hies. J. Staples, Blyth, 'with: Mrs. James Hoffman; Mrs. B. Wade, with her daughter, !vera'. W, Westlake, in Goderich; Miss M, Smith, with Mr. and Mrs Bert Hubbard, 'Clifford. Lantern slides on thework among the Indian omission schools In Westeri. end Northwestern Can- ada were shown at the evening srervice in et. Jantes' church Sun- day. Rev, A. H. O'Neil gave a de. s+cription of the work being carried on to 40ie various Iucttau residential schools. Cat Spends Two Days on Hydro Pole A oat owned by I -herb. Pat:Meson, Wroxeter baker, for two days re- mained on the crossa•rm of a 30 -foot harden pole. Lorne Zulauf of Wing - ham iite,t tried to resoue it, but had to devise ovate to the power being on. Later, when the power was tuned oft, he again climbed the Pole. Just as he got within reach of the cat, it ran out to the end of the cross.atlm, Jumped to the ground landed' safely, end ran tomo. H.1.)1i S A BRAIN TWISTE1R ... Wm. R. Adams•, repair to .chimney on skating rink, Wroxeter 7.65 Geo. Westlake, services as Constable at Twphall, Gorrie 3,00 Oliver Gallaway, attending dances in Twp hall, Gerrie se Constable 2.00 R. J. fleeston, material for repairing chairs in T. hall, Gerrie .70 George Anger, repair for Twp. Hall, Wroxeter .35 Milton Leonard, part salarly County Treas. arrears of taxes on prapeatttea. of F, Brown, C. Brown Est, aud. R, Rumple J. Hoetb'ly, repairs to rink, Wroxeter Trustees Fordwich Cemetery Board, interest on easlh in Bank and invested How. Fire Ire.• Co,, rent of room .. Isaac Gamble, pt. salary as' clerk A. A. Graham, salary as .auditor, 1937 E. A. Faille, Salary as audi- tor 1937 . Robert Steelrs', 'funeral ex- penses. for diary Car natehaei J. H. Rogers, services as Treas. on Littlejohn Drain Isaac Gamble, services and preparing amending by iaav, Littlejohn Drain Relief for February Road Expenditure Gerrie Garage, gasoline ,,,, R. Armstrong, MOW roads •. Bruce Armstrong, snots road S. Foster, snow roads .40 Goo. 'Harris, 5005v roads ,40 Ricoh. Walters, snow roads 1.20 J. Craig, load of sand 1.26 R, F. Edgar, Sept. salary 13.20 bas, Waiku.m, salols reads 2.50 Jno, Rtdley, snow roads 1,00 Ant. Jocgllee, slew roads ,,1,20 H. Campbell, srow reads' ,,.60 Moved by Toner and Strong that Council de now adjourn to meet in Gorrie on the third Wednesday in Alln'il, or at the call of the Reeve, tarried, Isaac Gamble -4, Clerk, A woman tatted her husband it 150 had ehango for a len•dolinr hill, 73e looped 111 els pocketbook and fatted that he bad 314.10, but that he could net change the bill, In Dee, ire c 111511'1 arrange any hill, no madder what, the dello:mine:Mon, nor did he have change for a ba1TKlollar, 111101tel', dints 01' nickel, Wiwi! did 11e have? In ease you cannot get lt, here's the answer: Cue live-dellar bill, four two -dollar hilts, one Wilt -dollar, one 41luater, tater dime* and fear Pennies. BLUEVALE Mee. lytil44am •Iaethenteon was )tostelel on Wednesday a+tte'rnoon for a regale!' atleetieg of the Morrie Group of the Ladies' Add of Knox Presbyterian, church. Mr's. Freak Sham wag! unable tq be present and Mats; Roy Tarvey, seoreterytreasur• er, gave an Beeoua t of the bus'lneals 90tivitiee and, the fituansieJ staud•' Ing, During the afternoon bho ladies. were engaged 1s' quilting. Afternoon tea was served by Mrs, 'Robertson, Desisted by hire. Walter ,Smillie. The Women's Instltwto has, ar- ranged' to have Ian McLeod, Agri- me:Vtral representative of Huron County address a meeting at the United Mauch, next Monday even- ing on 'bine subject of "Refuses - tad on, Stage Buying Strike Several Toronto housewives staged a "buyer's strike" against 40e butter and chitin they will re- fuse to buy until it is down to thirty ewes'. If sense of these city women had to go cwt and milk cows and, do Use ether task's, in connection with, the making of a pound of butter they would most likely be on shrike for 31.00 a pound. They seem to eonget too, that when the farmer or producer gate a fair and reasonable price for his product the resultant wave of pospeity soon re- flects' favorably in every walk of Life, CLEARING AUCTION. SALE of Farm Stock & Implements at Lot 28, S. Half Con. 2, Morris Tp. FRIDAY, APRIL 1st at 2 HORSES - 1 Aged Horse 1 Gelding, 9 yrs, old .. CATTLE - 1 Registered Durham Cow due April 1 Grey Farrow Cow 1 Red Durham CoW, due in May 1 Fall Calf 30 Hens 1 6 -foot Massey Harris •Binder 1 5 -foot Deering Mower 1 10 -foot Horse Rake • • 1 13 -Disc Cockshtrtt Drill 1 12 -plate Deering Oise Harrow 1 4sectiotl Iron Harrow 1 No. 17 Wilkinson Walking Plow 1 No. 20 Frost .Wood Walking Plow 1 Twin Plow 1 Scuffler 1 Good Wagon 1 Wagon • Box 1 Wagon Rack .. 1 Sleigh 1 Fanning Mill 1 Root Pulper 1 Wheelbarrow 1 Extension Ladder 1 De Laval Cream Separator 33.97 1 'Pile of Pine Lumber 1 Grinding Stone .50 1 Set Double Harness 1 Sugar Kettle .. 1 Hay Fork 1 2 -row Turnip Seeder 10L30 1 Buggy Forks, Shovels, Chains 1.50 Other articles too numerous to mention .. 35.00 About 100 Bushels Feed Oats TERMS—CASH 40,00 Sale without reserve as farm 15 leased 40.00 HUGH DOCKET Proprietor T. R. BENNETT, Auctioneer 60.00 1r00R WON ONLY—Others use your own judgement. le you have occasion to walk on the roadway 3.00 face tse traffic, don't take chances on being bit from the rear, this your privilege and duty. Walk on 10.00 the lett side of teh road which is 02.38 right side to you. This do that ton meyest live long in the land 1.76 which • the Lord thy God glveth thee .80 or else maybe it will be Regnlsbat ,40 in Pace. p.m. Sharp LISTEN... on ep CANADA -1938 *INSPIRINGPROAGRAM FRIDAY 10 P.M. E.S.T. STATION — CBL CANADA - 193 Tea thousand miles of carper wire are used to carry "Canada 1938" sponsored by the Imperial Tobacco Company, from Boast to coast of the Dominion every Friday night from 10;00 to 10.30 p,m, An- other five thousand miles of 'w'ire are needed, solely to muaintaina cheek on the lines across which bow the sound waves generquttng the prograanme, At alll importauit potats in this vast deceit there are terminals, 34 in all, at which at- tendants maintain sitriet watch. Should interferenoe due to weather or ebmoseberic condtbione, cause the failure of the circuit, the pro- giemene cam, be rerouted• tiarougb alternate channels which may take the broadeas1 hundreds of miles . aroma& 'the storm center. At each et .these terminale' Is an anapldfler through which the sound waves+ pass; This enables music and speech to be received, at the same strength at any point in Canada. The enormous coverage thus maintained will be appreciated when it is remembered that the average length od the "Roving Re- porter" pick-up oircult used by "Denude 1938" is anywhere between 400 anti 3600 miles' :'Much is in additionIto tbe•oirculit carrying the programme to the radio stations. No fewer than 38 attendants" are constantly on duty in charge of these terminal points, It Is their ;task to see that every Canadian who listens to the programme gets dear satisfactory reception. Next Friday, Mraroh 26, the voice ct Waiter Bowles,, the Roving Re- porter for "Canada 1938," will be peeked up from St. Catharines; On- tario, in the Niagara Peninsula. Mr. Bowles wilt speak abeam the "Garden Belt" a Canada, famous for its rich Products of fruit and its wonderfuu development at Niagara Falls which, as everyone known is not -only one of the show !places' of the Dominion but' also a wonder of the world, L. S. B. Shapiro will bring the latest naw% and gossip from Broad- way inol:tiding reviews of new shows and films. Russ. Titus the ,cvvbie•' paring .bartto00, the orchestra and the choir 0113 be heard in currently popular music. 'Corey -Thomson is the announces. ONE ON'HE, HOUSE TRUE LOGE Merle: "Are they in love?" Maxie: "9'bey must be. She osseus to him deserthe a ball yante and he ltetens to leer tellinb how her eonsill'e chess' was Made;" Read the Ad's. dioteli Guest (to Aberdonian at washstand basin) "Eaaawse me sir, "Evacuee ane, sir, but that's+ my toothbrush, you're using. I lett it uebind cy mistake." Ayerdanian (handing it aver):-. "phi tbat'si a' riehtt* I thought it bee• longed to the hotel." LABOUR TROUBLES Men (employed: by an Aberd0n• . Ian) : "1 ave been, here On years, sir doing threw men's work for ora man's money, and now I want a. rise." Employer: "I canna gie yo that, but if ye'll tali me the names of the ither tiwa men I'll seek 'em," You'll get iots of fun out of a 0 Q. HOME IMPROVEMENT PLAN