The Brussels Post, 1938-3-23, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Local Telephone System Hold Annual Meeting Brussels, March 18, 1938, The annual meeting of the 13,M,&' G. Telephone Systema was held in the Town Hall, Brussels on. the above date, The ininutes of the last meeting were rend, ,Moved by Mr, D. Johnston, eec- onded by Mr. D, 'eieTavesh, that minutes as head be adapted. Carried. The Treasurer read the report fora 1937 and explained each part thereof. Moved by Mi'. Robt, Bowman, sec- onded by Mr. Wen, Spier that the repent as read be adopted. --,Carries. Election of Odors for 1938 mov- ed by Me. J. D. Warwick, seconded by Mr, X. McLean that the reeves of Brussels, Morris and Grey be elected- commissioners for 1938. Amendlnent,- Moved• by Mr. D, JOhuston, sec- onded econded by Mr, H. Keys, that the colnmissieu for 1937 be re- eleoted for 1938, A vote was taken and the anlend- ment. harried. Moved by E. Cardiff, sea led. by Mr. Robt. Bowman that the meet- ing he adjourned. Auditor's' report of 13. M. & G. 'Telephone Company will be found on other page of this issue. Wingham Woman May Be Missing Heir Mrs, Harold Ribson of Wingham may be the 'missing heiress 10 whom \\'•m. John Wright. or To- ronto willed a fortune of $12,500. He left the money to a "Miss Babe." a child actress he saw on the Fort Mayne, Ind., stage 20 yearn ago. Mrs. Rlbson believes she may be the "-Bliss Babe" to whom he re- fers. THE UNITED CHURCH REV, H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B,D, Minister 11 a.m.-Inadequate Motives. 3 p.m. -Sunday School. 7 p,m.-Rev, A. M. Grant, B,A., 8,D„ of Wroxeter will preach -There will he no session of the V,P,U. but commencing next Sun- day, April 3rd, the meeting, will be held on Sunday evening following the regular service. -March 30th, Rev. J. B. Moore of Grand Bend who was in Palestine last summer will give an illustrated travelogue on the Holy ..Land. Un- der ausp'ces of Trail Rangers. -•Sunday, April 3rd, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Any who wish to unite in Fellowship will be received at this Communion Ser. Vice. REGE THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING 4N,VVtA4!'141•44 PEOPLE WE KNOW Miss Gc1'fldine Eddy,' of Harris - ton is t110 guest of Mb's Il, Parker. Bruce Moore, of "Ube '1)0811 staff Cheeley, visited at his haute here this week, Miss, Priscilla Champion who has been quite 111,,. was 'removed Tiles - day, te• Wiug haze hoeletal,. Mrs. F. McLean, l\'Llgham, has' been the guest of her daughter Mrs, F. M. Santis, The house ou Mill street, now occupied by W, H. Bell, and 1n'e er- ty, owned by Wm. Dark, has been Purchased by John McNair of town, Rev. Jno, Graham and firs. Graham attended the Induction of Rev. E. 0, Gallagher ht : Wiugham, last week, Miss Alice. Taylor was' called hone last week to Clinton to help look after her another who was quite 111, Mr. and Mrs. George Dawson of Port Stanley were week -end guests of her parents Mr, and Mrs. Philip Ament, Nurse Ress-;,nll has returned home from London where slie has been on a case in. St. Joseph's Hospital for the pastt two months. Mr. Learn Campbell, Seaforth, it spending a few days at the home of Joe and Mrs. Shaw and also Other farmer friends in the neighborhood. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hamilton and Miss Jessie, of Toronto were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Philip Ament having motored Mr. H. Anient up from Hamilton. Mrs, J, A, Wilsons and Miss Batty Currie motored to Hamilton last week, Mr. Wilson joined them for the week -end and they all returned on Sunday. .Mrs, Clarke Matheson was in To- ronto last week having taken lan back to the hospital for treatments as he was not so well as he had been. Mr, ltnd Mrs. Wm, Flseher and children of Grttam's Survey, are moving t0 the apartment now ec- copied by .lir. and Mrs. D, Davison. The home of the late Jane-lfitchell, In which they have been liviug hal been sold to Utas. Lake. Mrs. Sarah Dillon or Port Wil- liam and Mts. Lillian MoLaellltu of Seagrave were renewing old friendships in town. They were Misses. Ilintles formerly of Bons- s1r18 and claim it is' forty years since they moved away. Clongratulations are offered to Miss Jean Streehan in attendance at Ilavelgll girl's College Toronto, She ranked first in her class sand- ing for the Autumn terns, And has lately been appointed Perfect of her formin the College whirr Is an oatsianding honour conferred by. the College emit. She is a daughter of Rev. J. 1. and Mrs. 9Ira ellen of Owen Sound and tt tiler.' of Crawford and hiss Annie Strachatl of this vicinity. Mr. Will, MoFariane, Silverton, Man.. who, has, been visiting here for the past two weeks, left this morning far Princeton. Ont Mr. McFarlane is a brother of Mrs, Jas, Cardiff, He lived in Brussels fifty- six years, ago, while here he 11101 many of his old friends, which was a real pleasure to 1)1111. Not many of us will be travelling from the Wes. at the alae of S2. Mike Ament Pram Sioux Lookout eves attending the miner's cunveu- tlon in T.01'o11l0. Ile paid ilio Parente, Mr, and Mrs, P. Aauent tt week -end' visit. Iio reporis a pleasant time meeting tl number of his old Mende' and school mates. He alavays' received a lot of ravers but was' quite surprised when start- ing for Monte enMonday oe the a9Lern0an trate to 1incld he had a Private car, alike stated there e) 0 1 be any mistake about it as, he was the 01117 esti iu it when leaving Druesels. Ann Sothern. Burgess Meredith There Goes the Groom A Rollicking Comedy Danger Patrol Sally Eilers John Harry Carey Beal MON., TUES., WED" Irene Dunne Carey Grant Ralph Bellamy The Awful Truth The picture you have all been waiting for NEWS CARTOON NEXT THURS., FRI„ SAT, Leslie 'Howard Bette Davis Patric Knowles Its Love I'm After OI'vla De Haviland Eric Blore You'll be weak with laughter when you see "It's Love I'm After" COMING - The Duke Comes Back 73Tufsotto Vogt WEDNESDAY,. MARCH 23rd 1938' NEWS ITEMS NOTICE-- The. OTICE-The Ladiesof the Presbyterian Church at 1311101 are holding a Baking Salle at the store of Mr, William Love on Saturday after- noon, March 26111. A 15c tea will be served,. Hydro Rebate 'rhe Brussels 1lydro Commission- ers were advised that Brussels' re- bate b1 acenldance with the 13t11 Power 13111a is $723.G8. This' is the largest rebate, Brussels,. has re- ceived, NOTICE 1 To Whom It May Concent. Having given up the agency for Rawleigh's Products I would ap- preciate a settlement of all accounts owing at once; ale I must settle with the company. Thanking you for Your past Patronage. 191111 have s 30ant1ty 0f products 011 Maud to be sold. 'these may be obtained by 01011ng at the house - over ran McDonald's. butcher shop. Leslie E, Beekman, Brussels Maxine Roberts, Listowel Produces Own Play Seven-year-old Maxine Roberts* Listowel, wrote and produced a play she called "The Queen" for a classroom concert on Friday, March 17111. The cast was well chosen and rc11earsed, The whole play showed considerable filteese consid- ering the age of the budding young Pl37wright, Miss W. Hawke, who hay been her teacher for two years states .Maxine has, been. clever at Anything elle ever attempted. She is a daughter of Mt', and Mrs. W, F. Roberts: of Listowel and is, a rela- tive of W. E. Willis of Brussels. Church Notes MELV I LLE Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, MARCH 27th the services at 11 a,ttt, and 7 0 in. will be conducted by REV. ARTHUR LEGGETT, Molesworth, Ont, Sunday School at 9 par. All Members and Adherents are of Linen and Woollens.' Invited to Attend thee° li was It very interesting wet - Services 1n1; and \'eri' well Mended, Services in Melville Presbyterian Church on Sunday were conducted by Rev. G, D. Little, of. Ehnirn,. Ont,, who spoke Prom Psalm 4; his sub- ject being, "The Four Acts of Wor- ship." 'Pile text for the evening service was taken frons Ants 27, Verse 29; "Four Anchors of the Soul." The chair c013'ribetcd an anthems at the meriting and evening service, Selvieest in the United Church on Sunday 'were eendUnted by the min- ister, Rev, i1. T .Mahoney, who spoke from Matt 24-3, "The Second Coming of Joolts " and in the eve- ning from Peter 3-15, "Safety of the Geod." At the morning service the choir cis: ribered an 011111e111, Congratulations Melville Church • Calls Minister Melville Presbyterian church eon' gregation wore unanimous in ex- tending a call to the Rev. G. D. Little, of Elmira, Ont, They ere now awaiting the oflledal acceptance of Mr. Little. WE SELL SELL FOR LESS - Sunkist Brand No, 1 Grade Oranges only 1 c doors at Grewar's Fresh Celery two large crisp bunch. es 15c; New Cabbage 5e ib,; Nett1 Carrots, Spanish Onions, Goldee Yellow Bananas New Tomatoes 150 Ib, Cash and Carry at Grewar'a, We Sell For Less A, Grewar Phone 5 -0 -:r. - St• John's Anglican Church Rev. J. Graham, rentor of St. John's, continued bus lenten ser. vices -on SUuday speaking in the morning on "Prejudice" and in the evening on the ,phase "Hallowed Be Thy Name" from the Lord's' Prayer, During the morning ser- vice Mrs, Graham sang a solo "Be- held, Tho Lamb, of God,', Suffers Heart Attack Richard Jaeklin, sr,, Grey town- ship, ssftered a severe heart attack while In Erus'sels on Tuesday after- noon, He was removed to the Ameriean Hotel where he was 'at- tended by Drs. Jamieson and McRae, The attack was provoked by a heart condition known . as Angina, Pectoris and Mr, Jackliil's condition io stated as being very s'erions, Boys and G- irls Conference During Laster - week, Friday, April 22nd, three or four hundred girls and boys will invade Brussels For a one day conference. This. ihnctiou is held under the auspices bf the Girls and Bays Work Board ilf Huron County, More details later. Appoint Nig- ht Constable On suggestion of Provincial Of- ficer .McCoy, the Brussels Council have appointe'l a night constable, who will be on duty until the parties responsible for the epidemic of burglaries in Huron and Bruce Counties are apprehended. Robberies', believed to be by the SUM(' persons have taken Place at Goclerich, 'Amnberly, Clifford, Walk- erton, etc. Mr, George Campbell received the at`p01ntnteut, Mr. G. 1' , Stewart, formerly• of 11.11: e-eis. Ontario, will conduct a general osteopathic practice in Windsor, with an office at 210 Doug- las Building, Mr. Stewart, com- pleted a five-year course at the Still Osteopathic College, Des Maines, Iowa, and was interned in the Dee. Moine General Hospittli following which be was, as'sccieted with D1 M11011 Crepe, of :lit. Pleas- ant„ Michigan. His equipment In- clude.; tin ultra short, wave genera - lar which he considers a most et. Ileal'tous adjunct to osteol1lth10 therapy 111 as;bintt, arlllrilis, neur- itis., rheumatism and those disease criginaling tram a deranged nen. volts ey0Lea11. Graham ix' the youngest son or Mr, and Mrs. Peter Stew'itr't of town. orneres Institute The regular meeting of the 10ruseels Branch Of the Women's 11(03anle tv'a0 1(113 Endo afterylonll Mardi 13, The President, Mr's. 1I•:woks Spier Presented. Mrs. Graham gave tl,11 matte for the day 1.1 tt vu} culu1ble and Pleasing manner, 'Weavers of Life" Show - 1111: how dist' life le a Piece of material. and We aro tau. w+•'cr1=. 51,6i4 ;!tris lhug,tun sang .,ti Irish eeng "Kerry Danees," in her 11011111 rood styes, 'rhe Reit Call woe answered by 11an11119 an Irish rite or lawn, Rev, Mr. (31011am gave 11 very interesting address on the manufacture of 1,111011 in Ire. lana and Miss 11.1za0eth Downing 311ltellell her rerete tin 'IluyIIlanship Dog Doesn't Like Country Hikes 70 Miles to City Home "Roger," la months, old beagle hound., was sent for a country holi- day to the house of Alex. :Bryan's, Belgrave by his master, Hugh Mc- Mahon. of Landon. Apparently not liking country life, even with plenty of good hunting to be bad, the hound immleclfately started out for his Loudon home, reaching it In 12 hours'. Obituary BRUSSELS, ONTARIO JAMES ANDERSON There passed away at his' [home in Brussels on March 14, James An - Berson, son of the late Jelin Ander Son and Mary Leak, in. his, 75th year Born in Oxford County, Feb, 6, 1864, In 1886 he moved' to 1'airdale N,D,, where ho farmed for a number of Years In 1009 he moved to 111e, 5th, concession, 'Morris, where he farmed until a year ago retiring to town. He was a member of Knox United Church, Belgrave where he was superintendent for 11 years, In 1896 he married Mary J, Sproat, of Seaforth, who survives alio two sons, John 01 Belgrave and Earl of Morris aha two daughters Mrs. Ivan M•eArter, Morris and Mrs. A. J. Burke, Port M'Nicoll, Two brothers Fred a Paris and 'Wm. of Pembroke also two sisters :Mrs. John Gordon and Mess Minnie An- derson of Weston. The funeral was held Wednesday pen., March 16, from his late home to Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave. Services were conducted by Rev. Mr. ownend., Belgrave, assisted by Rev. Mr. Boyle, Blyth and Rev. Mr, Mahoney, Brussels. Pallbearers ' were; James Ander- son, Belgrave, cousin; Charles and Albert Coupes, Belgrave, nephews'; Charles Dulonage, Athur Routledge and John 'Beattie, Seaforth,, ne- phews,. Relatives were present from Wes- ton. Seaforth, Stratford and Wing - ham, Library Board Secures Books Huron Old Boys' Association of Toronto The A11nua1 Euchre and Bridge "get together" of the Huron 01d Boys A;lsoclatiou of Toronto will be head in the Sovereign Hal1, 305 1 Dovercourt Road oi1 Tuesday even- ing, Al:'rtl 5tlt, at S'p.m, Good Pries will be offered and a good program has been ararnged All Iluronites aro invited to be present at .itis meeting, which bids to be the biggest in the h151101y of the association The Board of the Public Library wish to draw to the attention of he reading public that in recent months quite a large number of new books have been 'purchased, and they hope that these will be found enjoyable. The Board also wises to an- nounce that the fee for the use of the 000m down -stab's. in the Library building has been changed from three debtors to two dollars, appli- cation For the use of the room to 130 made to the choirman of the Board. And then. the Board wishes to say that it would like to make the Library acceptable to an ever in-. creasing number of readers, and to .that end would welcome suggestion from ciders residing within the area served by the Library, All such suggestions to be duly signed' and mailed to' the chairman of the Board'. All suggestions will be treated as "Confidential." On behalf of the Board, Rey. J. Graham, C8airman, Mrs.' W. Scott, Secretary, COME ONE! COME ALL! To The HOT MEAT PIE SUPPER under the auspices of Melville Church Ladies Aid in the Church Basement Friday Eve., March 25th from 6 to 8 o'clock ADMISSION - - 25c. Winners in Post Lucky Draw Contest - Notice to Subscribers, 'Special Prize Winners t-ast Week" John 13uc11anac, Warton, Ont, Piece at Silverware R. L. N1e1to1, R.R, 4, Brussels Piece of Silverware. John Snell, R,11, 2, Bluevade Piece of Silverware Please call at Brussels 'Post' newspaper office 011 or atter Tues. day, Match 29th for prize. io the Renew Noor subscriptionyou too Brussels Post this wek, beautiful may wen one of theselbag special. prizes this week also of sugar, flour, dinner ner set orl ' dr Mel, when subscrl1ti closes. thi$ Renew your subscription week 51.50 Per On St. Patrick's Da, In Brussels 11 ,happened on the 19th of March in the haine of Gordon Sanderson, just ah ilea time when Jeanette was. getting s'ta1Per, kinvdng purchased some eggs from a local vendor that had gone through the process' of candling, he had the required num- ber In the pa's frying and lo' and behold. a pronounced 'peeping commenced) Gordon's son Lloyd is employed at the Walter Ros Poultry hatchery, and at first he was though to have a chick in his podbet but no, he didn't. Upon closer examination .the 'POelg came right one of the pan, With three members of the family wit- nessing it, they surely all couldn't have been --well duet hearing things. SERVICE STATION OPEN- Joe Kelly,'`who has been. away for the .last fed months' to now back ready to rerve you with British Aanerican Gas and Oils. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks' to our neighborei and friends for their sympathy and 'beautiful floral tributes given us' in our re- cent sad bereavement Mrs. Anderson and Family. The HURON PLOUGHMEN'S.' ASSOCIATION Will Hold Their ANNUAL MEETING WEDNESDAY, MARCH 30th at 2.30 p.m- in BRUSSELS TOWN HALL All members urged to attend Everybody Welcome. R. L. McDonald, President, L. E. Cardiff, Sec.-Treas. Notice Unpaid Taxes Parties have until Saturday, April 2nd to Pay their - taxies to 1oca1 treasurer. After that date all un- paid. taxes will have to be forward, ed to County TreseuTer for -collec- tion. --Brussels Connell. Melville W. 'M. S. The W. \1. S. Society of Melville PreAylcricul Church held their Expense 'tett at the home of Airs. Alla ' 9teachan on Thursday after- noon .5larch 17111, with a geed at• tendance. airs, W. Herr sang an. Irish solo whish was very much en- joyed. A number 10111 an Irish ,."ice which caused 11111311 laughter, Readings were given by bit's. G. Deadman wed Sirs. J. Wilton, both were very interesting. A dainty 11111011 was, served by t118 hostess and ('onl1111130- They realized over ' fourteen dollars Brussels Merchants OPPORTUNITY SALE STARTS THIS WEEK SHOP EARLY --SHOP OFTEN Sale Days Friday, March 25 To Saturday, April 2nd Read The Ads in The Post LISTEN IN An Announcement Will be made over CKNX Wingham ;on Friday at 1:20 p.m.