HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-3-16, Page 1t.1) ArttOOtis$ Poomt POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Marks Golden Wedding. Anniversary A group of relatives and: friends gathered at the home of ,Mr. and MTs. W. J. Sharpe on 'Monday evening; March arch ?rth, to celebrate the Golden anniversary of their wed- ding day. About seventy-five guests were present to enjoy the festivities. Among those present were some who attended the wedding linty years ago, Mas. Dilworth of Ethel, Mir. David Jamieson' of Brussels a brother of Mre, Sharpe and Mrs. Will. Eck- rnter of FJthel. The bridesmaid and bridegroom of fifty years ago are still living: Mrs. Charles 'Ford, of Los Angeles, U,S.A., and Mr. Jos- eph, Hemreworth of Earl Grey, Sask. 'Many tokens of esteem were re- reived by the happy couple and best wlsbes extended .for :many more years of harppy life together. After a abort program of muisc and addresses Mr. Stanley Machan read the following: Local C. S.1Winj Dear Mm. and Mrs. Sharpe, On this the 'oocasilon of your golden wedding we, your friends and neighlbors, wish to pay you .sincere compliments and hearty :congratulations. It is fitting at this time to :pay tribute to you both for your courag- eous spirit in d'ifficuties, your happy disposition at a13 times and for loyal and faithfl .co-operation in the com'muntty. We trust that the -example you have been always glad' to display to others will bear fruit in the lives of those who know and. :love you, We wish to apeak Words of praise for your hearty support and fellow - .ship in matters .pertaining to the .church. During these long years your constant faith and help have .been an .inspiration to all, Your 0aithfui attendance, ready encour- agement and helping heads won .you a place of esteem in the hearts .of all. One and all we sincerely hope you may be spared for many more years of happy life and splendid :senvioe among us. May God's richest blessings of health, pros- perity and' happiness attend. you. We trust you will long remember this day and to keep refreshing your mind of this occasion we ask you to accept this gift as a token .of our esteem, Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbors. •Mr. and Mrs. 'Sharpe were then presented with two. lovely wicker chairs, Mr. Sharpe replied fitting- ly A dainty Punch was served. and when all had received a piece of 'bride's cake the evening was com- pete. An enjoyable time woe bad by all and everyone sang heartily, "For they are jolly good 'fellows,' Hockey Games DOUBLE-HEADER BY George Beaker On Friday night, March thelltlr, a w01100114 ,Crowd came to the Brussels Arena to see two hits. of the, season. The Listowel girle. and the Brussels girls played the first game. Atter Mout fifteen minutes of play in the first period Mona Miller scored for •Brassels tare assisted, The 'first period was wide open hockey with Listowel breaking loose several times only to have Ethel Fox stop them, The snore at the end of the first period was 1.0 for Brus'sels'. In the second period •shortly after the face-off Mary Baeker put the ,pudic in the net to put Brussels ahead by two goals. The Second period was very fast with the Brussels defence playing wonder- ful hookey. At the end of the second period the score was 2-0 for Brussels. About four minutes after the face off in the third period Betty Currie drew the Listowel goaler out of her net and shot it in, On this play Vera Fox got the assist, There was' no more score and the Brussels girls won their fifth game of the season defeating Listowel 3-0. The line up: Listowel — Goal, M. Wallace; de- fence, T. Hood, M. Boyd, C. J. Hay- ery; forwards, W. N Keeso, L. Payne 'H. Brown; alternates, F. Gee; L. P. Peppier, B. Peebles. Brassels — Goal E. Fox; defence, V. Duncan, M. Miller; forwards', M. Baeker, M. Fox, E, Lowe; alternates J. King, V. Fox, F. Burdrili. BORN BORN—To Mr, and Mrs. Fred $malidou, on March 8111, a •laugh' ter—•Dorothy 'Maxine, Peltatalateigegiaivelataialataietaitealsatialeateg REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16th - 1938 II LOCAL NEWS ITEMS_ NOTICE '. To Whom It May Concern. Having given up the ,agency for Rawleigh's Products: I would ai?' pr'eciate a settlement of all accounts owing at once; as I must settle with the company, Thanking you for your past patronage, •Leslie E. Buoknalr, Brusesls; United Church W. M. S. The regular meeting of the Wo- Meu's Missionary Society of the United church was held on Friday afternoon, Feb. 11th with a good attendance, The president Mrs, Parker had charge of the devotion - el period. Mrs. Davison gave cul' - rent events. A chapter from the Study hook. The light of the mind was given 111an interesting way by Airs. Hamilton, Newspapermen Are Honest at happened this week at Brusesis Charlie Wyse, wellaknow and popu- lar newslpaperman of the Northt (better known as 'Red') was a guest at the American Hotel, Brussels, while doing some special work in the community. Red checked out of the hotel on Sunday morning and left for London Giving the hotel man a ten dollar bill in payment of his hotel account which came to five dollars. The hotel proprietor gave Red what he thought was the right change, Iwo two -dollar bills and a one. 'Red' put the change into his pocket book without count- ing it, On arrival tit his home at London he was checking his ex- penditures for the week and they somehow did not tally, 'Red' being eighteen dollars to the good. In 1035 a twenty dollar bill is' nearly a twain to a two in looks, but looks are sometimes deceiving and 'Rede es- pies a twenty dollar bill that he could not remember having se ire immediately called the prcprior o'1 the American IIotel at Brussels and asked if he was short eighteen dol- lars, 'Red was informed that he was and that he was worried about his. lose'. "Do not worry my friend I have eighteen dollars that does not belong to me," says Red, "and y-ou probably gave me a twenty - dollar hill in change this morning, by mistake for a two," We of the North know 'Red'' as a square shooter, The second game of the night was the Listowel Higlr School against Brussels High School in Which tplenly of action took place. From the face off 13111 Rowland took a long shot from centre which fool- ed the goalie putting Brussels ahead by one goal. 'Shortly after Lowry got a penalty and a few minutes later Elmer Fleming was also given a penalty. Listowel anxious to tie it up played wide open hockey. Elgin Little was given a penalty for tripping. A few Initiates before the end of period Bill King scored, In the second period Jack lic- Donalcl was' given a .penalty and Jack Vallance stored. Making the scone 2-1 for Brussels, Just before the second period ended Jack Bates scored. for Brussels, The Listowel put en lite power 'play and Spence scored for Listowel and the period ended, In the third period no penalties were handed' out. Roland scored for Brusdels in the third; period. Then Jerk Coals got Listowe('s last goal..Bill King towards the end of the third period scored two goals making the final score 6-3 for Brus' sets. NOW PLAYING Errol .Flynn Joan Blondell The Perfect Specimen May Robson E. E, Horton The Perfect Comedy MON., TUES., WED. Nino Martini Joan Fontaine Alan ,Mowbray Music For Maclam Romantic Drama Set to Music NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT. Ann .Soth,ern Burgess Meredeth Mary Boland There Goes the Groom A Rollicking Comedy — Also Sally Eilers John Beal Harry Carey Danger Patrol pOMING— t The Awful Truth CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our neighbors. and triende for the many acts" of kindness shown us and for the beautiful doral tributes in our very sad be- reavement, Mrs, Dark and Mrs, Gordon. Spring Is Nigh Spring mast be just around corner, Sap is running in trees we are told and robins crows. have put in an .appearance. Apieasant change it will be when the neeesisty for shovelling coal and emptying ashes is over for another season, the the and The line up: Listowel — Goal, Lloyd Jacques; defence, Spence and Fleming; for- wards, Pratt, 'Coles, Hoover; alter- nates, Pe'e'bles, Nickel, Little, Val. lance; sub goalie, Scott, .Brussels — Goal, C. 'Baiter; de- fence, Gilbson, Lowry; forwards, Rowland, King hates; alternates, I•I, MoDouald, 3. Me.Doaltl, Scott. MELVILLE Presbyteria n Church SUNDAY, MARCH 20th the services at 11 a.m. and 7 n.m. Will be conducted by REV. G. D. LITTLE, Elmira, Ont, Sunday School at 3 p.m, All Members and Adherents are Invited to ,Attend these Services THE UNITED CHURCH REVr. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., B.D. Minister 11 a.m,—Morning Worship 3 p.m.—Sunday Sohool 7 pante—Eventng Worship. Mond'hy—Y, P, 8, Cancelled NEW CABBAGE Just rite for salad, hard, crisp heads oil 5c a pound, Fresh crisp Celery large buncres 2 for 15c also hard fresh crisp Lettuce Heads 2 ttir 15e. Buy your 'Sunkist Oranges at Grewars, We have Marsh Seed- less Grapefruit, Tomatoes 150 ib, also Golden Yellow Bananas. 'Cash and Carry A. t>rewar, We Sell For 'Less BRUSSELS, ONTARIO PEOPLE WE KNOW Mr. and Idi's, Jack Cottrill and children, Port c lgln, were vi lt0IG with her parents, Mr, and Mas. D. McDonald, on Snuday, :Mrs. W, 11. Maund'are is Buffering from a sprained, twisted, lett knee. The injury wee suffered when she fell at her home. ;Miss M, Fischer, Crambrook was a day of this week for their prizes: Mrs. R. W .Church Notes ,Services in the United Church Sunday were conducted by Rev. H. J. Mahoney, who spoke at the morning service ee "Great ques- tions' of the last week," and M the evening on "Which commandment is the greatest:"Rev, George Aiken of Caledon conducted the service at Melville Presbyterian Church, speaking on: "Have Faith in God," At the even ing service the text was' "Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground.' ' During the Sundays in Lent the Rev. John Graham, rector of St', John's Anglican Church will de- liver a series of sermons. At the morning service he spoke on "The Things. that Crucified Jests," and at the evening service on "The Lord's Prayer." BLYTH Robt, Wigbtmau received word of the death of his cousin, Edwin S. Wightnran, of Broderick,Sask., af- ter a stroke. He was a resident of Morris township near Belgrave for several years, later moving west where he tamed and operated a thresh`ng outfit. He is survived by his wife who was formerly Sarah Miller, East Wawanosh; one e'ou, 'Howard, and a daughter tilertli'J) airs. 0001110 Finittter, One sister, Miss May Wightman, resides iu Seaforth. Lucky Winners In Post Contest Three Special Weekly Prizes Announced This week Will the following Please call at Brussels Post Nevis` PaperOffice not later than ISwtur- guest with Mr. and Kennedy for a few days this week. Jack Thyme returned last week from a trip to Colorado, Mrs. Alex Rutledge was in Gods, rich last week where she was called because of the serious' illness of her father, Jiro, Spelt-, Mr. W. B. Strachan of Toronto was a weekend visitor with his mother, Mrs, A, "Strachan, Miss Mary Lott is spending a few weeks' with friends in Strat- ford and St. Marys, airs. Badgley who has been lately making her hone in Galt is renew- ing old acquaintances in town, Miss Millie Grewar was in To- ronto this week attending the Win- ter Carnival. Mr, Wes. Lott of Teeswater call- ed on relatives and friends in town on Friday :lir. Jack' Buchanan of Auburn, Mrs. Stanley Cook of Belgrave were Sunday visitors at the home of their uncle Mr. Mark Buchanon, Wm. Ringler, automobile dealer, sold 3 new oars last week to Wm, Humphries, Robert Bird and D, N. McDonald a truck. Mrs. Cleve Baeker and daughter Elizabeth *pent the week -end in Toronto attending the 'Carnival on Friday evening and the hookey match on Saturday evening at the Marp;le Leaf Gardens. James S. and Mrs. Armstrong were guests at the Golden Wedding of Matthew and Mrs'. Armstrong of Mullett Township during the week. Miss Beatrice McDonald, R.N., of Brantford visited a few days lest week with her aunt Miss 'Belle Mc- Donald; who had the anisfortune. to have her elbow broken several weeks ago at the horns of Mr, and Mrs. John Crerar. The many friends' wish her a speedy recovery. Melville Campfire auris The last meeting of the Melville Campfire Girls was held on Friday evening, March 4th, at Jean Scott's home. The meeting was opened by 'singing the usual theme song and repents were read. Janet Bing then favored the members with a Piano solo winch was followed by a reading 'by Mona Melee. Games were then played and lurch was ;served. Burled At At Blyth • The funeral trek 'place Saturday of Mrs, Harry Jackson from. tiro home of her cluughter, Mrs. Wnt, Logan. She was formerly Miss Mc- Kay, anti after het' marriage resid- ed on concession 8, Morris, Atter the death of her ltus'baud she mov- ed to ,Blyth She is survived by three daughters and one son, Mas. 11, McDonald and Mrs, V', Ma.Don- nld, •rh'mgden; Mrs, Logan, Myth; Mr. 'Menne Jackson on the tome. stead, The funeral which wile prim vane, was oondncted by Rev, R. A. Brook. Interment in 'union ceme- tery, Women's institute . The Brussels' Woernu's institute will hol dtheir :March and MAI meeting on Friday afternoon of this week, at 3 o'clock, in the 'Public Library, The roll call wilt be a "Town hi Ireland." Mrs. J. Gra- ham, will give the motto, Miss A. E, 'Dowsing, 'hs Looal Leader, will 100U>lete her lessons in Buyman- ship. A talk en the Linen In- dustry will also be heard. Other interesting Irislh Program will be given. Mverynle is invited to at- tend this meeting. Many At Services 50arleee in United church were conducted morning said evening by the pastor, Rev, R. A. Brook, In the morning the text was "13nt Whom Say Ye that. I A.m," the sec. olid of It series on the Ap miles' ("reed. In the evening the text was "For God spe+tlteth once, Yea twice, yet man percelvotll it not,"and Interesting talk on mnelc, 7n the Sunday Selina eeslsion the I r('a11i13 was served' at the close orchestra was in nttehdance and ani cit the program and 'God Save The i`etrtgntental was• P'r'esented by I Ring' clan. cl the meeting, Loyd rl'aslter. The Iligh School are practising On Saturday evening a St, Pat for a Commencement to be held rick's tea was served tinder the on Masini 24. Watch for further auxpiccs et the. laiissten Baud. announcement. Mr. J. Alcock, RR 2, Brussels "A Watch' Mrs, Ida Lowry, Brussels, Ont. "Butter Dish and Knife" H. J. Manning, RR 2, Blyth, Ont. "Military Brushes and Comb" Renew your subscription today. 3 Beautiful prizes again this weeek. Besides, you may win a bag of sugar, also "Renew Now While the Post in only 01.50 per year" most weekly newspapers have raised their price to $2;00 per year. 3 Special Weekly Prizes, Draw on Wednesday, March 23rd BLUEVALE ,Mr, and Mrs, Wilbert Blathers and daughters of Hepworth spent the weekend with his father and Mrs, Budd. Mrs. Samuel Woods of Turnberry spent the week -end with her daughter and son-in.law Mr. and Mrs. Melville Matters and Mir. H, Bathers and the Misses Mothers'. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thynne arrived home last week after' spending a month with his sister and husband is North Carolina. .Mr. Hastings started to work in Lloyd's factory on Monday morning. Glad to hear Mr. Harry Bosman is able to be up and around after an- other attack of appendicitis. Mrs,. John Casemore spent a few. days with Mr. and Mrs.. Mao Case-` more and family, 1st line. A number of school children have colds and whooping cough. tains. Joseph earthsaria Miss Mar- garet Curtis were the hostesses: Thursday afternoon for the monthly. meeting of the Woman's 'Institute. Mrs. Wiokstead. presided Mss. Wiokstead, 'Mrs. Mowbray, Mrs. AItken and: Mise Scott were appoiGy ed a committee to arrange th p10 grain and make plant for arr f- ing meeting toward the end'.oe the month, Most of the ladies Present responded to the roll call by telling *pane way ` b'aspttality can be abused. WALTON 'Saturd'ay morning the boys of Walton ,Public Sdhool :played a game of hockey with the boys of Brussels Public School at 'the Brussels ,link. ,The score was 5.1 for Walton.. On Sunday morning, Rev, Mr, Cummingpreached a sermon show- ing that "Envy" was one of the greatest sins of the present day. The choir sang an anthem. Visitors' at the home of Mr, and Mrs. C. Sellers: hIrs. Hoerle and daughters, Mildeed and Ruth , A. Brown and Braendle, Heidelberg. Miss Mary Bennett underwent an operation for appendicitis in Sea. forth memorial Hospital. B. C. S. The Literary Meeting herd at the High School on Wednesday, March 9, began with the singing of "School Days'." Tire minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted, after which a play, "At The Photo- gnarlier's," was' presented. A novel part of the entertainment was an Amateur Contest which closely resembled Major Bowes Amateur Hour, Bill Eekmeir play- ed the part at Major Bowes while George Northwood was the an- nouncer, The amateurs were Gladys Davidson, who gave a read- ing; Bert Meek, a guitar solo and Mary 'Helen Ecicntler, a piano solo. Mr, ltahouey also appeared os an amateur and. gave an instructive DEATHS ANDERSON -1u Brussels, on .Mon. day March 14th, 1938, James An - demon, age 74 years, 1 month, S days, Private funeral was held from iris late home, on Wednesday, March 16th, 1983. Interment in Brandon Cemetery, Belgrave, COME ONE! COME ALL: To The HOT MEAT PIE' SUPPER ;; under the auspices of Melville .Church Ladies Aid.• in the Church Basement Friday Eve.,'March 25th from 6 to 8 o'clock ADMISSION — 25c Everybody Welcome PLAY .ENTITLED "Heirs At 'Law" Will Be Presdrlted :at the Commencement Exercises of. Brussels Continuation - School IN TOWN HALL, n I� Thursday, March 24th at 8:00, p.m:. ADDED ATTRACTIONS ' Athletic Demonstrations School Choir ADMISSION — 25c & 15c oAlii Brussels Post Subscribers. Please, Renew Your 'Subscription This Week 3 SPEC .L PRIZES GIVEN 'AWAY AGAIN THIS WEEK In Addition to the Big Sugar Draw on April 2nd You May Win a Bag of Sugar and a Special Prize Besides RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTIONS TO -DAY Most Weekly Newspapers are $2.00 per year Your Brussels Post Is ONLY $1.50 per year READ ALL THE NEWS OF YOUR COMMUNITY AND SAVE 50c Your Co-operation Would ,Be Appreciated Please