HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-3-9, Page 4Notices in nue column cost 25c up to four Pines; 5c for every extra line. Cash amt accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. FOR SALE- rCedar for kindling wood. phone 43-r-11 John McNabb FOR SALE- Seed Buckwebat, 3-p phone '20-r- 19 I3oward Savage Apartment to rent 10 Terrace, P.O. Box 122 John Clark, 1-p Brussels FOR SALE - 6 Pigs', 6 -week-old; also 1 Ayr- shire Bull, rieleg 2 years. 1-6 James Riley 51 Lor 2$, Con. 7, Morrie FOR SALE - 1 Road Horse, work •single or double; and a buggy and cutter. 1 p W. 11. Little, phone 72X FOR PRIVATE SALE - Full line of farm implements, some of which are nearly new; at reasonable prices 1p Norman Sanderson, Blyth FOR SALE - Three Roan. Shorthorn Bulls, 10 months. Twe are from Rosewood dame! sired by (Resolution). Priced as low as $55. phone Brussels 11-r-8 Chas Bosman Lot 14, Con. 2, Morris. LOST. -- 3 Keys fastened to oaee. Finder kindly get in touch wLth- Joeeph March, Brussels HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE - On the edge of the Village of Brussels, together with 4' acres vi; 'band, suitable for a poultry farm ?tar e .man of small capllaL apply to Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, Brusee3s, Ontario FISH- Direct from ear Atlantic, slightly saki Pollock, 3 ib. 25c; 6 !b, 59c; 12 $1.00. apply FORD GARAGE til W SPRING SAMPLES «JCST`ARRIVED- Menlo Suits and Top Coats also 'es Suite and Top Coats. It ill be' toyour interest to look them oven before buying. E. Babes. 4-1, phone 8x4 Brussels MAN' WITH CAR- Watking Dealer needed for nearby rural rout supplying established demand for World Famous Spices, Extract%, Baking Powder, Soaps, Gleasheere, 1Vleddcines, ply Spray, Mineralized Stock Tonics 70 year reputation. 10,000 dealers. ,Must be satisfied with $30.00 weekly at start, Credit furnished right parties. Write or s+ee mfr; W. G. Boyle, Wingbam, Ontario, CUSTOM SAWING - 7 '6,ll be ozone at Brussels op7Csite to creamery ft the Spring. j&$hone 42-11 James Stevenson SILENCES ,AWay' in shadowed depths of Sum- mer woods, Where through the noon of day no sound is heard, A hush that throbs amongst the fragrant flowers Soft wings of air, and mutes each singing bird. And o'er the sleeping fpurpie-breast- ed; moor A haze -heat survives far across', and tells' How bees drop down, with honey sweetness cloyed, And breezes shake the heather's e'oundlesis bells', And In the secret places of my soul, Where no man enters', thoughts go dreaming by; I stretch beyond this world of time and space, And, find In silence there -that God te nigh. WHERE IS GLASGOW IA hatcher in Glasgow received a note the ,other 'dray which read' as follows: "Pleas,at don't send me a pennyaworthof oats .neat today, The estt'a' caught 14 rattles," Notice To Contractors '1'he Muriioipal '40u4o11 01 the tenvulelnip of ,Nestle are treating Air t'eadere for cruehdng and delivering ;Veva on the road (ae the, lzoad ISallherintemdent direct) up to a dile lancet of 32 an11'ea from the Pit, the g'r'avel 1,o be crushed to a size :nal greater than 1'ja Maas The contractor to furnIsh Power, tracks; and all things necessary to deliver the orurrfred gravel and be le bo be responsible for 05% of all brealee in the crusher, The Ceuncil will furnish the cousher bbellt and oil and will pay 75% of the contract' price monthly (on eouuol1 meeting daye) as the work progrese'es, The contract calls for about 6000 yards of crush- ed gravel and there will be no extra .charge by contractor for moving• the crusher. A $100.00 Good. Faith Cheque to accompany the -tender. The tenders will be considered at the Tawneihip Hall at 3 o'clock on Monday, Apel 11, 1938. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A. MecEWDN, Clerk, Notice To Contractors TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN - MORRIS TOWNSHIP '.Che Municipal Council are asking for applications to work Power Grader stating salary per hour ex- ;pouted, These aplplicatione will be considered at the next council meet- ing Monday, April 11th, 1938, at 3 o'clock. The lowest priced or any appliea- Lion not necessarily accepted. A. MapEWEN, Clerk of Morris AUCTION SALE FARM, STOCK S. IMPLEMENTS Everything ,-mast be sold es the Proprietor is giving up famm'ing. FARM -Will be offered for sale Subject To Reserve Bid. FRIDAY, MARCH llth, 1938 Sale to Commence at 1 o'clock EAST HALF LOT 22, CONCESSION 11, GREY TWP. There is on the farm Frame Hoose, Bank Barn, Drilled Well with Windmill, 'implement Shed Henhouse, also good orchard and 3 acres of bush Tempe on Farm -10 per cent day of 'Sale, balance 30 days. HORSES - 1 General Purpose aged Mare 1 Clyde Gelding, 14 years old COWS - 1 Durham Cow, 9 years old suppos- ed to be in calf 1 Holstein Cow, 5 year old, due June 13 1 Holstein Cow, 6 year old due April 7 1 Calaway Cow, 6 year old due May 29- 1 9.1 Durham Bull, rising 2 years' 1 Hereford Bull, rising 1 year old 1 Hereford Steer, rising 2 year old 1 Hereford, Heifer, rising 2 years 2 Hereford Steers. rising 1 year PIG'C 1 Thoroughbred York Hog 1 York Sow, due in April 7IMPLESIENTS- 1 Massey Hardie Binder 1. McConmidk ;Mower 1 Deering Hay Rake 1 Disk 1 Woodden Roller 1 Noxon .Seed Drill 1 Set of Diamond Harrows 1 No• 21 Fleury Walking Plow 1 Two -furrow Plow 1 Cream Separator 1 Scuffle,- 1 Potato Plow 1 Sleigh 1 Rubber 'Tired Top 1 Light Wagon 1 Cutter 1 1 Faneing 0111 with sieves 1 Hay Rack 1 Hay Fork, Ropes & Punters 1 Ladder, 30 -feet long 1 Ladder, 15 -feet long 1 Pig Box 1 Gravel Box 1 Turnip Pulper HARNESS - 1 'Set ,Double Haan•ese 1 Set 'Single Harness Quantity of Potatoes About 350 bushels of Mixed Grain A quantity of %fixed Timothy and Alfalfa Hay 200 Cedar Posits 1 Shot Gan, 12 gauge A quantity of Household effects A quantity of Lumber Double trees, forks, hoes, shovels, chains and. other arttoles too num- erous, to mention, Daggy JOE LONG, Proprietor Geo, Elliott, Clinton, Auctioneer, THE BRUSSE1 S POST 'ROUND THE WORLD NEWS WRITTEN IN BRIEF FORM Quicker Than Expected , Queenel, 13,0., March 5 Edouard Zscheidnich, 87, met Dr, G. R. Baker In the pont office of this 'Cariboo ddstrlot tower, "Soon I shall be going up these," he said, pointing to the sky. Next morning he slipped on the ice near his home, hit his bead, and died 12 hours eater, • How Word Honeymoon Originated Among •the northern rations of Europe, in ancient times, it was the custom for newly married eoupies to drink methegldn or mead (a kind of wine made from honey) for thirty days after marriage. Antiquarians say that from this oust= the term "honey month" or "honeymoon" ori- ginated. • Whether or not that le Its origin, it is known that in the days of marriage by capture the bride- groom remained at hiding with his bride until her kinsmen •tired of the vermeil for her. Later, when love entered marriage, and elopements were frequent, the bride and bride- groom remained In hiding for a While. Both of these "hiding Periods" seem to point to possible origins- of the honeymoon trip. -Exchange. Perilous Porcupine A ,story comes to as of a porcu- pine that kilted a lion; two of its quills pierced the lion's •heart! Porcupines are not dangerous if not molested, but their weapons are deadly to attackers•. Dogs, for in- stance, can never bunt the porcu- pine successfully, for all it has to do Is' to roll into a ball end present an array of miniature lances to the enemy. In India and Africa it is common in the jungle to come across dead' animals far larger than the 6rorcupine, with quills in their bodies', the sole evidence of mortal combat, Ifnio!d.en,taIdy, porcupines make ex- cellent food, and not so very long ago Pies and stews made with their flesh were recognized dashes on many Old Country tables. Giant Light Bulb Does Him Honor Thomas Edisor, , Great Inventor, !Would Have Celebrate) His 91st Birthday Were He Still Living. 1Mendo Park, N.Y. - A 3' -fan electric light bulb 14 feet high atop a 130 -foot tower was started burn- ing in honor of Thomas Alva Edi- son, over the site of the laboratory where the "Wizard of Menlo Park" worked on his' inventions from 1876 to 1886. On the 91st birthday anniversary of the late inventor, his old cronies and helpmate's who are banded to- gether ae the Edison pioneers, gathered In New York for their 20th annual luncheon (at the Hotel Astor) at which William Slooam Barteow, donor of We memorial tower, pressed a button lighting the massive bulb. Ez,preeldent of the Edison pion,- eers and of the Thomas Alva Edi- son Foundation, Iniconporated, Bar- stow hada the Edison tower built at a cost of $100,000, to be turned over to the foundation., In Memoriam CLARK -In loving memory of David G. Olark who was called away on February 27th, 1935. Until the day breaks and shadows flee away. his wife, Margaret R. 5, Clark MILLS--Iu bowing memory of our Dear Mother, Catherine Mills, who passed away one year ago alaroh 12th, 1987. Today brings and memories of a Loved one laid to rest And those that think of her today Are the ones' that loved her best, Sadly missed by Son end Daughters, He Got the Bills Boston Profits were slim for the thief who smelled a brown eauvae bag front a gas company employee. Tbe' bag centxrined no money but 190 gas bills. Television Progress Sydney, N.S.W. Sir Ernest Fisk, chairman of Am• algamated Wireless, returning from England, says 11' will be 10 years be. fore television• will he practicable In widespread public service and at least 25 years' before it ousts "or- dinary broadcasting." 'HORRIFIED CROWD SEARS WORKMAN GO TO DEATH Niagara Faille, Ont A construction worker fell into the swift rapids above Niagara Palle Monday and was swept over the giant cataraot to his death be- fore the eyes; of horrified tourists. While working on a wire extend- ing into Niagara River, 'Clarence Abt, 33, of 'Chippewa, Ont., was struck by a timber on the crib be was seeking to remove and tumbled into the swirling, ice clogged rapids, according toe statement by North- ern Construction Company. William (Red) Hill veteran riv- erman, was engaged to search the Ice clogged gorge for the body. PAIR RUDE ON ENGINE 150 MILES, 25 BELOW Montreal, March 5 Jobless and without fundis, Paul Gaudreau, 39, Ottawa and Valmore Plouffe. 29, Sudbury, Ont., rode a locomotive tender from Ottawa to Montreal last night In sub -zero weather. They were sent to a warm Jail today after being convicted of sealing a ride, "They should be charged with attempted suicide, not stealing a ride," said Alex Edmisan, panaddan Pacific Railway counsel, pointing out the men had clung to the tender, unprotected from 25 -below --zero weather, for the 120 miles between Ottawa and Montreal. Court Clerk Gasps At Woman's ,Name Witness Blushes When Asked to Repeat List Colea'h111, Warwickshire /"What is your full name " the clerk of police cout asked a woman witness. The woman took a deep -breath: "Beatrice Emily Vittoria Regina Qaeenie Dainty," she said blushing, She blushed a deeper reed when she had to repeat it -the clerk could not get It all down first time. Artemvards, a" her home in High street, Caleshi," Mrs. Dainty said. ''f was born en Queen Victoria's jubilee, and my father insisted on the last three names'. The first two names are family ones." Oars. Dainty still has a "cen- tenarian" loin of mutton which her butcher grandfather hung up on the day of Queen Victoria's coronation. Se inherited it from her father 'who once refused $500 offered for it by an American. Railway Policeman's Coat Is Stolen , When a railway Policeman is de- tailed, to a special hockey train to (preserve aw and order and turns up at the end of the journey, with his overcoat, bras buttons and all and a neat set of handcuffs stolen the old adage that right shall pre- vail gets a sock on the chin, ',-bat is' what happened Friday night to 0, N, R. Policeman Morbon of Lindsay who was on duty on the hockey special to Belleville, When tile train nailed do early Saturday 'morning the officer found that his official overcoat, in the pockets of which' were hie hand- cuffs' was ,-hissing It was reported 'that a woman was seen carrying .the legal bennle off the train and the local pollee are endeavoring to 10• care the culprit, Oticer Morton • WBDN')HSrDAY. MAR eco, 13.38 soon cusses NEED ,NOT BE EXPENSIVE HAVE R. A. REID EXAMINE YOUR EYES LAND IF GLASSES ARE NECESSARY YOU CAN HAVE THEM AT LOW COST "See Reid ' nd See Right" RRA Reid Stratford's Leading Optometrist . For Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE, -MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5,00 'Phone 51 for Appointment would like his overcoat baok and more especially be wants his brace- lets. A policeman without over- coat and handcuffs feels ,painfully bare these March days. Leaves Job For Dog Ken¢nore, N.Y. Rather then give up Symbol, a great Dane puppy,. Eleanore A:linger 23, technician at Sisters.' Hospital has ,trhrown up her job and left the State because of an old law that no dog with cropped ears can re- side in New York. Good Joke Played By Blacksmith Wroxeter, Ont. March 7 The mystery of the fortune sup- pos'edly found when an old safe was opentl here Inst week was cleared Saturday night when it was reveal- ed a practical joke was responsible for the stories which credited as high as $25,000 being found In the strong box. Bert Martin and Wil- liam Hayes) so the stories ran, found the money when -they opened the safe for T. C. Hemphill, local mill owner. Inquiries showed, however, Mr. Hemphill secured the safe, with, machinery purchased from a Guelph plant. Tbe safe had no dial and no handle, and the mill owner laughingly told Mr. Martin, a blacksmith, he could have anything he could find in it -if he snroceeled in opening the strong box. Tbe box finally was opened, and according to onlookers' the "smith" found several rolls of currency. He did not divulge the amount, but the firs etorles said $5,000 and the sum finally reached $25,000, But, when inquiries' were made, it was revealed the safe had prev- iously been forced open, that nothing had been found in it, and that to impress the group who hangs around the shop he had placed money in it, and then "opened" the safe a second. time. Find 104 Bodies As Flood Eases In California 100 Others Are Missing; Damage Near 50 Million Los Angeles, March 5 Dead and m's•5ing in Southern California's most devastating flood totalled more than 300 today as re- abil'itation work continued. Latest check allowed 104 bodies have been found and 7 of them identified. Authorities' estimates at leant another 100 persons were missing. The death toll is expected to be considerably increased. Surround- ed by yellow flood waters are Cann houses as' yet accessible. Fate of the inhabitants is still unknown, Slow removal o8 thick carpets of flood silt and debris continues to reveal additional victims, Nor will the damage caused when prolonged torrential mains canned Southern California's customarily thin gentle rivers to overflow their banks -be estimated for some Nine Preiimi•n'ary estimates by officials, however, indicated, loss 'in pubic property will exceed 350,000,00 In the four of the five affected' coun- ties of Los' Angeles', San Berner - dime Rivereble. and Orange, Worst damage and most Walt. ties, were recorded along the Santa Ano river Which tulle out ofi the Stoma Madre mountaine above San Bemrardino and flows to the Pacific through rich citrus lands. Thouaanit9 of persons were home. less in this, region. Muddied waters' still lay in wide stretches ovor the farm land, Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Jane McDougall Mitchell, late of the Village of Brussels In the County of Heron, Spinster, who died on or about the eleventh day of August, A.D., 1937, TAKE NOTICE that, all panties having claims or demands against the estate of the above mentioned deceased must mail particulars and proof of same to 'the undersigned solicitor on or before the fifteenth day of Meech, A.D. 1938, upon which date the undermentioned adminds• tratrix will proceed to distribute the assets with regard only to those claims which she shall then have re- ceived. DATED 01 Brussels' tis 23rd day of February, A,D. 1938, Annie Strachan, Ad'ministratrlx by her solicitor Ehler D. Bert, Brussels, Ontario AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS LLOYD RAITHBY Will Sell by Public Auction at Lot 3, Concession 9, (Just off No. 4 'Highway), Morris Township, on THURSDAY, MARGH 17 Commencing at 1.30 o'clock HORSES - 1 Gelding, 8 years' old. 1 Mare, 5 years old 1 Aged Mare 1 Mare, 3 years old CATTLE - 1 Fed Calif, 1 year old 1 Durham. Cow, 5 yrs., due June 22 1 Red Durham Cow, 5 yrs, fresh 1 Blue Durbam Cow, 8 yrs, fresh 1 Red Durham .Cow, 7 yrs, fresh 2 Roan Heifers, fresh 1 Hereford Cow, 4 yrs. due May 18 6 Calves; under 1 yr. 6 Yearlings' 5 Fat Cattle P1G5- 1 Sow, due March 18 8 York chunks meg- 75 Pullets; IMPLEMENTS - Wagon, steel truck I•lay Rack Hay Loader„ I.H:C. (new) Mower I.H.C. Hay Rake I.H.C. 1 sleigh Cutter Grain Drill Cultivator Harrows, 2 sets, 4 -sec, 'Steel Roller Binder, I.H.C. Ridging Plough, Quebec Sulky Wanking Plough, Fleury No. 21 Potato Plough Soufflor, M. H. Fanning Mill Cutting Box Gas Engine, 3 13. P., Emory Gravel, Box Stock Rutdlc 2 Hog Crates De Laval Crean,- Separator DaisyChurn Double Harness Single Harness ,-Bag Truck Hay Fork and Dopes Colony House and Brooder Steve Washdag Machine, 32 volt Delco Radio, 32 -volt M9SOB'I.LANEOUS-- Iron Bed acrd Strings Kitchen Table nee Chains Oasol.ne lamp Piano Other Articles LLOYD RAITHBY, Prop,, R.R. 2, Blyth T, GUNDRY & SON, Auctioneers TOMO - QA&H