The Brussels Post, 1938-3-9, Page 1•
Town Council W. 1. Hold
March Meeting Card. Party
Brussels, March 7th, 1935
The Municipal Council a the Vil-
lage of Brussels met in the Publle
Library on the above date, All
members being present,
The minutes. of the. last meeting
!being read! it was .moved by W.
Little, seconded by F. Swmds ,thwt
the minutes be adapted.
--.0 tried.
'The following bills
were Presented:
Bmtse'els Hydro, Street light $.108.00
Hall lighting 2,66
Tranefer to school 500.00
L. Turney, re. fire engine .,70.00
D, C. Warwick re fire engine 45.65
-;Municipal World, tags and
Guide 4 95
W. S. 'Scott, hall 'lnsurauee 19,20
Postage 0.00
R, S. Warwick, Feb. salary 25.00
G. McDowell, Feb. s'al'ary ..,... 60.00
re. weigh sales 1,00
W. C. Kerr, Telegram and
phone all .70
J. M. Rutledge, cutting tree 1.25
Ed. Henderson, draining
settles 4,75
Ed. Garton, cutting tree 1.60
A. Rutledge, sanding streets .76
Relief tor the month 145.99
Move'd by W. Cameron, seconded
by H. Champion that the accounts•
be paid. •--Carried,
Moved by W, Little, seconded by
F. Salmis that By-law no, 4, author-
dizng the 'borrowing ug to $7000.00
be read he third time and finally
passed. —Carried.
By-law No. 2 for 1933, regulating
and: governing the sale of fresh
mate within the 'Corporation was
discussed anti the Clerk instructed
Ito notify parties concerned, that
By -lav was still in force and than it
was to 'be at'rictly enforced in every
The matter of relief was also
dealt with and it is the intention of
the Council to discontinue direct re.
lief on April 1st.
There being no further business
the Council then adjourned.
11 a.m.—"Great Questions of the
Last Week."
Which Commandment Is Greatest?
3 p.m.—Sunday School
7 p.m.—Evening Worship.
Monday 8 p.m.—Y. P. S.
Presbyterian Church
theservices at 11 a.m. and 7 o m.
will be conducted by
REV, GEO. AIl'KEN, Catedon, Ont.
Sunday School at 3 p.m,
All Members and Adherents are
Invited to ,Attend these
The Women'6' Institute, sttceessful-
ly held asetae] card party 10 town
ball on the evening of Tuesday,
March 8th, Euchre and live hum.
aired were enjoyed by e, large
IMr'a. Gordon Sanderson won the
ladies' prize, Bobs' 'Campbell the
Inn's prize ofr euchre, Miss Ditto.
both Downing and Leland Procter
obtained highest score in five
Luftch was, served and the re-
mainder of the evening was spent
in danoing.
The oornntd•etee in charge, Mrs.
Jas. Armstrong, convener; Mrs, R.
J. M'cLauchlin, Mrs, 011ie Walker,
Mrs. Inc, Gibson and 'Mrs'. A. C.
Baeker, are to be complimented,
Lloyd C. Douglas' novel
The Green Light
with Errol Flynn, Margaret Lindsay
Fate gave himl his choice to live as
the man she hated—or die as the
man she loved
Breakfast For Two
' A pictre with action, laughter and
gay love, starrirg
Barbara Stanwyck Herbert Marshall
Glenda Farrell Eric Blore
Erro ,Flynn Joan Blondell
The Perfect Specimen
Edward Everett Horton
Pensions Board
Will Be Headed
By W. Archibald
Seaforth Man Is Appointed
Chairman of Newly -Named
Huron County Group
William Archibald of Seaforth,
former reeve of Tuckersmtith, was
appointed chairman of the Huron
Old Age !Pensions' and Mothers'
Allowances,' Board at the inaugural
meeting held on Thursday after-
noon, at the office of the county
clerk. 'Mrs, F. R, Redditt of G'ode-
rich is vice-chairman and J. M.
Roberts, county clerk, is the secre-
The full board was Present, the
other members. being Mrs'. Nelson
Trewantha, Clinton; R. J. Bowman,
Bruaeels, and Jtihm L. McOwan,
Wroxeter. Miss Hilda Woodcock,
invesfligator, was present also.
The foiolwin; territories' weer al-
lotted to the members: Mr. Archi-
bald-- uokersmith, Uslborne, Ste-
phen Townships. Exeter and Hen.
alit; Mrs, Red<litt—Godertich town,
Goderiel , Stanley and Hay Town-
ship's; 'Mrs, Trewartha — Clinton,
Seaforth, Hullett, Colborne and Me-
K41lop Townships; Mr. McEwan—
Wingham, Flowick, Turnher'ry and
Grey Townships; Mr. Bowrnan—
Marris, East and West Watwanosh,
Asbiield Townships, Brussels and
Blyth villages,
May Robson
He was a perfect specimen in every
respect until a slip of a girl proved
he had a weak heart
Music For Madam
There Goes the Groom
Ir Danger Patrol
Letter To The Editor
March 3, 193S
The Editor of the Post
Brussels, Ont.
Hot Meat Pie
The Ladies' Aid of Melville
Church are planning to servo a Hot
Meat Pie Dinner In the ltasenlen't
01 ,the church on Friday, March 25,
at 6 o'clock, Further aunounco-
ment later,
A'flavour so' tantalizingly good
eat one just by itself and you will
want to keep on eating them, Sold
at Grewer's Two Doz, for 2Sc Cash
end Carry. We sell for less. Phone
Your order to No. 5 and be cure of
getting them, A, GREW4.R,
—'a _,—
Watch 659
Years Old
A Brussels subscriber has in his
Ipossesslon a silver watch dated 1279
It 15 a much prized family heirloom
which has heel handed down for
at is hand craftsmanship made by
James Bailey of London England.
Ad int'eres'ting feature of this
antique is the chain. drive. St is
still complete except for the hands,
To Resume Optometrist
Business Here
Mr- F. F. Homutlt Optometrist ex.
pects to resume his monthly visits
to Brussels in the near future. :Mt,
Hemuth tells us he has added still
more equipment to his already well
equitrfea optical establishment. He
informs us that he studies constant-
ly in order to keep himself, well
Posted on all the modern advances
in Optometry. His "AD" appears
in another column of this treper.
Attention! Grey Twp, Council
We should• lake to draw attention
of the Grey Twp. Council to one of
the ,most dangerous pieces of road
for meter travel which we eneount
et both. in end outside of Hurou
Comity, namely that stretch be-
0ween the hills' on the, lath Con, of
GreY, just East of Walton. It was
dangerous in, horse and buggy days
and is a veritable death trap today,
is not much strain an the imagin-
ation to picture the result should a
truek or car start to elide out of
control on the ice or get too close
to the .edge on wet or stormy night',
Near our home we have two railway
crossings at which, within the last
ten years, the railway company has
installed warning bells but not be-
fore fatal accidents, occurred nt
each, 'Why, oh why, must there.
so often, bo human suffering and
death before. those entrusted with
roSt>On ibility tette steps to ensure
the 'safety 00 themselves anti
The writer is opposed, to tho ex-
penditure of such large sums of
money in highway construction he -
mese to a country of such vast area
and comparatively small ,pop dation
we are building tip a system which
we cannot support but we do en -
dome the effort and expenditure
necessary le remlOee, where human-
ly possible, the hazards to safe delv-
ing and we look to Grey Connell to
delay no longer.
Do It Now.
Frozen Water Pipes
Cause Explosion
Frozen water pipes caused an
explosion at the home of Nr, and
Mrs. Philip Antent on Friday morn-
Mr. Anent, not knowing the 'pipes
were frozen, kindled the fire, in the
kitchen range.. The range was.
'blown to pieces and the kitchen
badly damaged. Fortunately no
one wee in the room when the ac-
cident occured.
Said a hone i'00 s<n'tlltllloue em -
:player to itis' office boy: "If 34r,
Brown roils today, 'tell him i'm, oitt
and don't be such n, foot as to be
nvorkdng whoa be calls, or ]lo won't
bollevs you,"
Church Notes
Services in Melville Presbyterian
Church on Sunday were conducted
by Rev. W. M. Heaslip of Penetang,
who spoke in the morning on "And
the Spirit of God moved upon the
face of the waters" An anthem
was given at the morning eervice,
,1rs. Jahn Oliver taking the solo
pa et.
Service in the Unitel, Church on
Sunday were 'conducted by the min
isrer, Rev. H, 1, Maloney, who
spoke at the morning service on
What think ye of Christ?" At the
Sou•lay school in the afternoon a
children's story with missitmary
slides was, shown, The subject in
the evening rats a Midnight
To Stebscribers of Brussels Post
Liston in to OKNX Winghem at 1,30
Pmt. on Friday. Good news for
Fatun'ers & Citizens.
Bile. I•iama, Walker and so; Stan-
ley wish to take this opportunity to
thank their many friends for their
kindnesses' during their recent sad
United Church
W. A.
The East Group of the W, A. of
the United Church heli a sucuess-
ful evening in the form of a rays•
tery tea 00 Wednesday night. The
program consisted of a mystery
couple contest and a stunt pro-
gram, Lunch was• served which con-
sisted of a mystery •salad in whch
everyone had to guess the contents
or pay a forfeit A good time was
,enjoyed by all.
Mission Band
The Lookout Mission Band held
its regular meeting oa Monday,
March 7. The meeting was opened
by playing games. Hymn, `Jesus
Loves Me,' was sung and Mrs, Wil-
son led in prayer, Mac Baeker
read she Scripture. The Story of
.St. Patrick, was read by Imogene
Sanderson. The business' part of
the meeting was given and the col-
lection was taken while 'Hear The
Pennies Dropping' was sung. The
leader, Mrs. Wilson told an interest -
lug story of Weddings In Korea.
`Jesus wants me for a sunbeam'
was sung and the meeting was clos-
ed by repeating the Lord's Prayer.
St John's Anglican Church
During the Sundays in Lent, the
Rev, J. Graham, the rector of St.
John's Anglican Church, is preach-
ing two series of sermons. At the
morning services he is speaking on
"The Things that Crucified Jesus''
and at the evening services on "The
Lord's' Prayer." The subjects for
the morning services are "The In,
different," "The Unfair," "The Pre-
judiced," "The Slanderers," and
"The Envious." Visitors will be
made cordially welcome at these
John Santis
Of Vancouver
Takes Badminton Title
"The shuttlecock is a game bird,
but it's in for a tert'ifilc heating
from Slatanht' Johnny Santis of
Vihl trouver, the new ruler of Can-
adian Badminton."
Johnny rwme to the 1011 of his
free -stringing wane Saturday, when
he won the national singles title
with ct stuaehhtk, 15-2, 15-3. viotory
over ,11ni Forsythe- el \\rifttipcg.
Only 10, he ha; a long time ahead
to knock out the bind's stuffing.
The youngster was always' ahead,
just as he hod been must of the way
through the tournumettt in winning
every s'et he played. The only man
to extend hint was Jack Storey of
Toronto, ranked No, 1 and Johnny's
0p11'111tent in the semi -'Busks."
The above is taltcu from, the
Globe and Mail of March 7 and re -
fern to the badminton t'ournanrellt
in Quebec on 1a'itu•ley lost,
,idlr Santis, winner 0i the men's
eingi€ct malting him the now Can -
111111r title holder, is a nephew of
George Santis cf town, His father
is manager of the Royal Batik, Van-
The new champion is a premier
attraction of this year's Toronto
Granite Club Invtitatioe Toutroa-
m en( Tlttn'selay, Friday and SiAm'-
day et this• week,
W. M. S.
The March meeting of the W. M.
S. of Melville Church was held Wed-
nesday afternoon, March 2nd with a
good attendance. The Pres. Mrs'.
H. Parker presided. The Scripture
was read ny M's, A. IL Macdonald
and prayer was offered by Mrs. A.
Strachan. Mrs. H, Spier gave a
splendid paper on China, A very
pleasing number was a vecal duet
by Mrs. J. Oliver and Mrs. N. Car.
diff accompanied by Mrs. W. Scott.
The current events, were read by
Mrs', A. FI, Macdonald in the ab-
sence of .\Irs, G. McDewell, The
Expense Tea le to be held at the
home of Mrs. A. Strachan on March
The meeting closed by all repeat.
ing the Lord's Prayer.
Airs, James Mann, Grey, is visit-•
lttg at Mrs, W. N, Wiibee's',
!Mrs. Ivo, Bryans, Fordwicit, is
visiting' with her siste1Wn-Paw Mrs.
Daft Denman,
'Miss Carrie Hingeto'n visited a
few days last week in.Stratford and
Mrs, R. F, Downing and Miss
Elizabeth Downing were in Toronto
for the week -end, the guest of Mies
Hattie Downing and, friends,
Earl Moore, who, leas been reliev-
ing at the Clinton Creamery •haste
turned to his position at the Sae—.
Produce Co,
Mrs. L. E. Cardiff of Morris, who
underwenta serious operation it
Seaforth hospital, returned; home
Wednesday tri this week,
The "Church of The Air" o't'er
OKNX Wingham was conducted on
Monday morning by Ren. H. J.
Mahoney of Brussels united Church,
Delightful solo» contributed by Mrs.
H. 0. Walker, who swing "The Gar-
den," and Jean Speiran.
'Sr, Jas. Rhodes' suffered e, painful
Injury to his left arm, Saturday
everting. It was badly wrenched
and bruised when he caught it in a
belt at the Semis Creamery, where
he is einteloyed.
Mr. W. L. McQuanie of Saska-
toon is expectel in 'town on bis
way to Ottawa, to interview the
Present government for better
legislation for the provinces of Al-
berta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
Mr. McQuarrie will visit his sisters,
firs. W, F. Stretton, of town, and
airs. Pringle who has lust returned
Prom a trip to Toronto, 'Mrs.
Herbert Maher (nee Gladys McQuar-
rde) will accompany her brother,
B. C. S.
On Monday n'ght at the Wingltam
Arena the local High School team
was su(ttssful in 'defeating Wing -
ham by •t score of 9-6. The first
period ended with the \Vhtghamr
team out in front with a •two goal
lead, During the second period
Westin, the main threat of the
\Fiugttant team, received a. penalty
Int the Brussels town failed le
afore, The period ended with the
score 5-5 ani Lowry serving a
Penally for tripping, Winghaan
stored a goal just at tite end of the
s'eroud ,period but as the bell had
gena before the puck was in the net
it was not allowed, After their marriage they lived do
In the third period Brussels' 1 Brussels, Fergus and Gorrde, mon
really 'went to town', notching 4 nig to Wroxeter about 60 years ago,
goals while Winghsm got only one. After the death of her husband, she
Lowry, J. McDonald, 15, McDonald, moved to Owen Sound. Surviving
United Church
Y. P. S.
The Y. P. S. of Brussels United
Church held a very interesting
meeting on Monday evening. The
Missionary convenor, Margaret
Downing, was in charge. The scrip-
ture lesson was read by Margaret
Pearson. Margaret Dowding led
in prayer, Alice Pope favored the
group with a delightful piano solo.
The topic for ,the evening was in
the form of lantern slides, on. "The
Work of Rural Churches in Korea."
The information concerning each
picture was presented by Barbara
Michie, The meeting closed with
the Mizpah Benediction.
To Subscribers
Of The Post
Here Is Good News
3 Beautiful Prizes
This Week
One New Haven Watch—
A ibeawbiful timepiece.
One Silver Plated Butter Dish
and Knife—
A reap gift that will pleae}e the
lucky receiver.
One Leather Case, 2 Military Hair
Brushes and Comb—
This is a dandy gift.
Renew your subscription to -day;
look at the label on Your paper. If
it expired in 1937 or previously your
renenwal and arrears would be
appreciated; please.
This Special Weekly Offer Good
Until Wednesday, March 16th
At 12 ODCIocck Noon
To My Friends and Subscribers
a friendly word from
your publisher:—
Although most other weekly newe-
papere' are now $2.00 per year, I do
not want to raise any price from
$1,50 per year. The high cost of
newsman! has' matte it difficult. But
I want to keep my subscribers and
friends and all I ask in return, is
that you favor •me with your arrears
and renewal su'bscrifptdons, This' is
important especially now and it
means a lot to get my subscriptions
paid, so as frleud to friend I will
depend on you to grant are this
favor, Pieas'e accept my hearty
thanks' to all those who renewed
their Brussels 'Post and to all my
subscribers. I will .try and give
Yon a weekly newspaper that will
be deserving of your support at no
increased cost,
Beside the above weekly prize
awards, you may also win one of,
the Big Prizes on .Saturday, April
Real announcement for full par-
ticulars of Big prizes on inside page..
St. John's
The regular monthly meeting of
St', John's' Ladies' Guild and W. A.
was held at the home of Mrs. A,
Dances with a good attendance. The
meeting was opened by singing the
hymn "0 Master let me walk with
Thee' 'followed by prayer offered b3r
the Rector, The minutes of the
previous meeting were read by the
secretary Mrs. H, Stratton. A re-
port a the pancake supper was
given by the treasurer Mrs'. H.
Bryan. +Patches for quilt blocks
were given out and the members
spurt the remainder of the after-
noon sewing. The W. A. meeting
was openel by the ,members prayer
in unison, Mrs. A. Coleman, secre-
tary gave the minutes of the prev-
ions meeting. The president, Mrs.
Graham then read a• description of a
newy ,formed. W. A. blanch of
Eskimo women at Arctat'ik 'within
the Arctic circle,
The rector closed the meeting
with the benediction. A very
dainty lunch was served .by the
hostess. The April meeting will be
held et the home of Mrs• Wood and
hill. talte the •fount 01 ' an apron
The funeral 0r Mrs. Robert Black,
78, was held from her daughter's
home, Owen Sound, to Wroxeter
Cemetery, Mon. Feb, 2S, Formerly
Banbarxt Tltoanpson, of Searerth, in
1878 Mlle mnrriel Robert Black who
predeceased her by nine years.
World Day
Of Prayer.
Ting, Rowland, Scott and Gibson ail
pat the puck in the net for the
locals, The game was fast, clean
mid very interesting to watch.
1)n Friday night or this week the
Listowel High School comes to
The World Day Of Prayer, observ-
ed the first Friday in Lent, 'March
4th, was held in St, John's 'Anglican
church, The ladies were ushered
to their seats by Mrs. A. Coleman
and Mrs. H. Cltam6rion of that con-
The service, by Alice E. Hender-
son, Sunnier, Christ 'ehureh, NOW
Zealand, theme: The 'OhnrOh : a
World Fellowship," Was. in charge
of Mrs, H. Parker, of Melville Pres-
bytenian, Mrs, I. Parker of ibe
United, and Mr's, A. C. Dames of St.
John's Anglican ohurc'h.
An inspirational address wa s
given by Mrs, G. A. Deadman, The
various 'mayors were offered ity
'Mrs. Bates, Mrs. Procter', Mrs, •A,
(Strachan, Mss. Nelson Cardiff, Mrs.
Geo Davis and Mrs. E, Somers. A
delightful solo was! rendered by Mrs.
H. 0. Walker. 'The offering 'was,
r n Mrs
received by!li s. Brya• and H, a
J. Fischer. Mrs'. Jno. Grahaon pre-
sided at the organ.
urt three sons, Scot, Saskatchewan;
Anderson, Toronto; George,, Owen
Sound; three daughters, Mrs, B, \\•.. ,
\\'ltitenore and Mr's, It, Pye, Oaven'
Sound; es'. H. Little, Toronto; one
sister, Mrs, A, Madeleiait, Toronto;
Brussels to meet the local school tint buollter, James' Thtmipsoat,
twou, Seek,
Huron Presbytery
Names Moderator
Rev, Gordon Peddle, B,A„ of 01111 -
ton,, was elected moderator of
Huron Presbytery of the Presbyter-
ian, Church for bile ensuing year at a
meeting. held in •Clinton ro'oen)tly,
succeeding Rev. W. A, Young, of
Rev. W. A, Young and J. G. Mui-
lony of Sealforth, were aailpodwted
comrandaisonet's• to the General, Ass
semtbiy to meet at Tel'ento to June
at Toronto in June and Henry
String, of Exeter and. F, G, Weir,
of Goderioh weer appointed to rep-
resent the Presbytery at tho Synod
meeting in Winghtem in. May,
When you buy your fruit you
want tate beet ant: the lowest prices.
!Grapefruit .large size seedless 6 fc0
26e, Celery large crisp bunches, 2 for
15e, Head, Lettuce Barge heads Al-
ways fresh 2 heads for 15c, Golden
yellow bananas, Cash and carry,
A, G'11AENirAlt, We Sell for I+ess,