HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-3-2, Page 5,settert,,,leemeteuenee.Sattelee THE BRUSSELS POST NN23I/114811T, 1114111011 3IKIL 'ig$8, Notices in this column cost 25c up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. Cash must accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35e. CUSTOM, SAWING— Will be cm et Brussels oppesee the creemery in the Spring, phone 42.11 James Stevenson • FOR SALE— Seed Buckwelme 3-p phene 20.r. 10 Howard Savage FOR SALE— Light Sleigh with plaifelm, good iajjv.- Waith the meney. Ian elelrouale. FOR RENT -- leaven -eel: to tee: in Tefettee. P.O. 13 ?x 122 --Jelin Clerk. 1-p Brussels FOR SALE— ; or S oi gout! Mixed Bay and a•eo Peteteette lee teethe. 2e -re A, Car miehaei e • — LOST - 1 I Lee:, et 1 in tette. Finder kiedly "et in tower with-- . joeeph Mar -h, 13ru.teels FOR SALE - 1 'Meek Pee:heron Cole rleing 2 years ohl weighing 12110 the. tOntaro Medi 1-p 'them 23-r-23 1. .0 Long, FOR SALE— ()Ile. 13e1-kehire Boar, 11.4... year old. One Shorthorn Bull, 11 months old. Lc Roy Bennett phone 32-r-4 LOST— At the Skating Rink, Saturday night, Fee. 26, a Green Parker Peu, with name on. Finder please call. 1-4) Tom MeFedzean phone 42. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE— On the edge of the Village of Brussels, together with 4.1eL acres of land, suitable fee a poultry farm for a man of small valeta'. apply to Elmer D. Bell, Solicitor, • Brussels, Ontario FISH— Direct from the Atlantic, ;lightly salt Pollock, 3 lb. 25e; 6 lb, 60e, 12 lb. $1.00, apply FORD GARAGE NEW SPRING SAMPLES JCST ARRIVED-- Is-1.5We 'Suits and Top Coats also Ladies Suits and Top Coat. It will be to your interest to look them crier before buying, E. Bates. 4-p phone 8Z4 „Brusaele milk WiTel'CARIe— Watkins Dealer needed for nearby- rutil root' euteprying' eatablishid elemana for World' Famous Spices, Reftracteta•Balefng• ):Feder, Scope, " itioddoids, Fly Spray,' Mineralleed Steeg Tc404 70 yeaY reputatiOne.? 10,000 'dtkers. IMUat be sateisfied eV:0'430.0g weekly at. tare, Ovarbieta. Write or see Mr. W. G. Royle, Winghaan, Ontario, NOTICE ! Owing to the inclement weather Thursday evening, Feb, 17th the Party of Morning Star Lodge was Postponed. This party wdll be held Wednesday evening, March eth at 8 o'elock. The Odellfellowsand timer wives 111•0 cordially invited, ,•••••••••,, •••••••4111•011INIIIIII• ...r.e-teelteereeet:ea'•-, 44* Tt Sc r!! (1 COSTS LITTLE Accomplishes Much A tea cent stamp doe. a lot (Ur very hale money, but tt would re- qutre 'boom& or two tent tramps and pemna) letters to make your Weno keeet. to as many people at a aye. Investment in our Cle.ified want Ade er, • 8.t.mtut N eeeeete Notice TQ Creditors In the gstate of Jane Merlopeall, Mitehell, It of the Village o' firueeele In the County ef Huron, Spinster, who died on op Octet; the eteentli day of ,Auguet, AA, 1937. —.— TAKE/ NO 30J6 diet a6 paetleeL having °hires or demends, against the eettate ti23 0.1)07-9 Menteened. deceazed must mail intrtiouliMS and proof of game to the thldereigned; sebioltor on or before the" flfteeli$Ir day of Mamie .A.D, 1938, Won witiOle' dale the undermentioned etiolate. Inetrix well proceed lo distribute the emcee with regard amity to those claims whioh she &hall then have re- ceived. DATED at Brunette tie 23r11 day of Februery. A,D. 1938. Aimee Serie:ban, Adminietratrix by her solleitor Meter D. Den, 111-11FRO1e, 02)ta,1'10 ^PT '1Sister, Kra. -Cotton,. Meet' away 831 Oltleago on Sunday, February 13. Friends. present freer P distenee were, leoneild McIntyre, Mee. Fk 11e IVLelnitYre, 1VI.PUITtalti; Mrs; D, ribeantyre,,S.1/117no; A. D, 11fIla1aL W. Munro, • Apple Hill; • Mee, K J, Urquhart, Mree, 0, JrarOoque and eerie,Willfeentetown; M. arid Mee. F'nett,WiPliat endii, Qhui, lee, :auttort Vtritei, Beautiful -Art-Were, alleint of esteem, 'were placed ou the cite - keit by 1)c1 from Sutton alld Mar- thrtowe, Tenders Wanted Far crushing and Healing 10,nag relit of .netre Gravel in the Town. (-1Ioe they, 'rendere may be snireited to tee owe crusher or Townehip (Tusher. A:1 Gravel to less. through 1 inch square 'tonere- thin fa screen average. hate to be 'feeder tenet be aveompanited by ('ti' 1)0, for 9101(90, Cemtract or must asisume all liabil- ie.- melee th Veremen's ComPee- :1 lee Tenders to be !n Coeice emer) e by 2 o'clock pm. Sat - today, March fah, 1938. The lowest or any tender not ateessaelly aeopted. J. 11, FEAR, Clerk, AUCTION SALE FARM, STOCK & IMPLEMENTS levceything 11(13- be seld as the Preprieeor is giving up farming. FARM—Will be offered fur sale Subject •Reseeve 1310, FRIDAY, MARCH 11th, 1938 Sale to Commence at 1 o'clock EAST HALF LOT 22, CONCESSION 11, GREY TWP. There le on the farm Frame House, Bank Barn, Drilled Well with Windntill, Implement Shed Henhouse, also good orchard wad 3 acres of besleee Terme on Farm -10 per cent day of Sale, balance 30 days, HORSES - 1 General Purpose aged Mare 1 Clyde Gelding, 14 years old, COWS - 1 Durham Cow, 9 years old VIMPose ed to be in calf in 1 HolsteCow, 5 year old, due Arne 13 .-"'..74:7''T01111e110 Sookw.pubureedu 1 Holstein Cow, 6 year old due April 7 • ,Three geese One Gautier 1 Gateway Cow, 6 year old die4 114AY & STRAW - 29 t e50 tons Mixed Hay 1 Durham Bull, rising 2 yea, • " :Tees ,Straw . 1 Hereford. Bide rising 1 year old rityds21380ui EFFECTS— . 1 Hereford Steer, teeing 2.yeeareb Itherty-Thoodi Haber eught.qteve ee 4 1 Hereford Heifer, r1Olity3 2 "ydaier" 0itBLereford..,Seeere. rising 1 ler 4 • , .91%94 #0, S ,.• SAFETY PIN REMOVED 1.••••••••••• Brantford, Ont, saf,tty pin ti!riallowed• i:Julien Mime, ifoluemodiedd eon Of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Dolan, Norwich, was removed at hoseetai here today. The X-Orty ehowed teat the sin VMS' lodged In the gullet, about half way down and the pointed end of the PM, pointing upwards was stuck In the wall. Capone Loses Mind See Franciseo S,.arface Al Capon e, the swat thy pudgy No. 1 gangster and raeleteeer of the Dro- bibition. era, ime Met- his mind under the seem dfseljelne and monotone' al imprisenment on Aleatrae Ista ed. Ce pone, who once need t h e Chiceeo refekeet Si) cempletely the lie was vietually !runtime to tine at, today 131011031' hie time making and remaking bis bed. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS ETC. Wilt be told by Public on the premises of the Preprietor JOHN HOLT Lot22, Concession 4, Howie( Twp. TUESDAY, MARCH 8th Commencing at 11 a.m. The following list:— HORSES-- Clyde mare 9 yrs. old Clyde Mare 4 31)2), 01(2 Clyde P3117 rising 3 years Waggon. Mare rising 3 years Aged Driving Mare Four Colts riving 1 year CATTLE - 15 Poll Angus Heifers 13 Poll Angus Steers Two Poll Angus Bulls 10 Durham Calves Durham Cow 7 yrs', old, due in April Durham Cow 5 yrs. old, due in August Reg. Durham Cow 5 yrV, old, fresh two weeks Durhaen Cow 5 yrs. old, due March Derhaan Bull 1 yr. old • Two. Durham Heifers SWINE & POULTRY- -: • • .44. simbrkis-- 1 Thoroughbred. Vera; •Hvg Neeve-M. 11.,Pecemeker •Treeter, 16 e'A la70g 1 'York Soweedn't en April "I — 1W M H...6a Plow; Le., IreiPLE,MENTS-- ,1-1„Datible MSC, 38 t vette; No, 3 leMeetesey Herele Binder e ezet.214-- PlAzz,arti; Beiewer abd attablin84ntso 1 Modnimiele 214OWer lieent. Florets, 2S -cylinder 4 albody 1 Deering Hay Rake Isfetre.Favonite' Separator, as good .1 Disk • atenrew, complete with belting; new 1 Wyo.:Men Rolle- Electric one-h.p, Motor; new Castra- 1 Novae Seed Drill 1 Set of Diamond Harrows 1 No, 21 Fleury Walking Plow 1 Two -furrow Plow 1 -Cream, Separator 1 Smeller 1 Potato Plow 1 ,Sleigh 1 Rubber Tired Top Buggy 1 Light Wagon 1 ,Outter 1 Fanning 11311 with aieVets' 1 Hey Rack 1 Hay Fork, Ropes & Putties 1 Ladder, 30 -tet long 1 Ladder, 154eet long 1 Pig Box 1 Gravel Box 1 Tuenip Pulver HARNESS - 1 See Double Haines 1 Sot ,Siegle Harness Quantity of Potatoes About 250 bushels of IllIxed Genin A quantity of !Mixed Timothy and Alfalfa Hay 200 Cedar Posca 1 Shot Gun, 13 seen A quaretity of Household effects A quantity of Lumber Double beteg, Orrice, boas, ehoot, ehaine and other articles too emu- erotts to mention. •1•••••••••.... JOE LONG, Proprietor Geo. Elliott, Clinton, Auctioneer. ezione; new Pump Jack: Widng Cream. Separator; Delving shed 3 x 40 ft.; Small Garage; new Brooder House; Stewart Sbeep•ceipping illacIrine; Gas Pinup and 500 -gallon Tank; quantity oe Lumber, Plank Tongues, etc. 1111111LE11(rENTS-- ler. 14, Binder 7 -ft, cut, M.H. mower 6-111, cut, M. H. rake, manure spreader, ALM, ecuftler, Tanning mill, 20004b, scale, farm wagon and SILO& rark, barn jack, bag truck, three hay racks, bob -sleigh and reek, two rolls barbed wire, wheel- berrow, se1 heavy double harness two set plow harnees, set, eingle lire C.4, !three oets three-emelon harrows, Deering disc drill, inter- national riding Wee', Fleury gang plow, seiff-toolli cultivator, walking • plow, (lieu harrow, ,truek wagon tole buggy, cuttel. light sleigh. trailer, tbritly noWer, 400 -egg )1lr& hater, breeder stove, sugar kettle, hortielipper, large quantity 01 mole, collars, (elat)1s, forks, ;hovels', oro, This, is a genuine sale as terra is ren ted TERMS—CASH Time will be gii;tellianorn Tractor 31)113 spiti John Holt, Proprietor F. W. Kemp, Auctioneer and Monument Dealer W. E. Patterson, Clerk. Baby Yack 'Wins Bantam Laurels Termite, Ont. Baby Yttek, faet.stepping little Toronto tighten Wilcce;,$tully defend- ed Iu1 Canadian baatamwtegle championad!) by winuing a 10 -round decision from ,Spider Armstrong, also of Teronto here. tonight, Yeek 011 Monday night, Yaek weighed 11 7 lb; Armeteeig 11092. Coderieh Man, 83 Breaks Up Canine Battle GoclerIch, Oat'. Thee. woe e lively time in the ruble, space of the wet office. Mon- day aferremn when doge owned by It. G. "melds. ex -sheriff of Huron, 3111d Waiter Broefth, retired (leen., civil engineer, ,both octogenarlane, grappled, The 83 -year-old Mr. eegli, e tipped .in between his pollee dug am' "Sheriff" Reynoldts with his bale hands and succeeded in parting the enraged animals, but eot before he had re- ceived painful Meerut loas. Both nem ate ardent deg lovers, New Kind of Corn --- In the hope of producing a new lene of wheat hardy enough to re- . List the severe northern winter:, seen:lees at a .Sw e d :4h biological institute have succeeded in eross- ing wheat with rye. The lit::5V grain is, suitable for nor- thern areas as 10 takes •much less out of the -soil than ordinary wheat end it ripens c-arlier in the year. Another experiment, at the same inFtititte,15 ceotesing wheat with comer grass: to produce a plant that would not only yield a normal croP, of grain but would also bind the 8011 together, Chesley Colts Oust Mitchell Mitchell, One The Chesley Colts shouldered the Mitchell Blaekshirts (from the W, 0. H. A. playdowns in the Chesley rink Tuesday night by a score of 5-1 in a. game that plainly showed that a combination of luck and referees is a hard one to beat, The ice wee practically slush, the skateemarks filing with water as soon as they were cut; and the ref- ereeing was very obvdously preju- diced, even the Cheslee'rootere not. iced many of the niiimerous raw deals the visitors were handed The first period: get$ Under way with Ohesley Pestling ;the play, and 41 twer.tnelautes :Allen reisetived the: anitittf °O,f the.' game fort el- gew 4.1?„!), -d 1911t - :ffeeee,-.1113' tneelre ,neihitese'of and veas,lietlow for.a. fer trinfeee,;-, riises7tt. resume theitgame. $11111111111111$11111111181111161111111119111111111N1111111111111 lel El BREVETS 61 Ey Sez. 1. colt.em giutrimilmitstilamismaillemmincum —Headlines, are as- mue11 like red. heads as eau be—fiery—but mosely gen fire, ttA tt: --SOnle men go to a lot of treble hiding their light under a. bushel when a equal' cup would do as well. * * e —Wars eery neeeeeitate ens -tele. Hon 31.0(1 countrfee et war .have a s-horeame to do so. But, which is the greater, construetIon or des:rue- don? Li' I li I I lil I'iglill 16111 82 82 82 82 • * * —Louis - Mann fight in New York las: Wednesday night. LOUIS 1110. 11010031, knocleout in 30d round. Dat man Mann am not de man Lstuis am. * * --I've had people sey, after paetak. pee of rabbit pie that I would Start beeping, wonder what would happen if it were .a jungle dish such as monkey stew? * * —An epidemic of "Polio" is report- ed in Australia. This dreaded disease which vaaS so rampant in Ontario last year, strikes' where it wills. - * 31* —Speaking of "fereillty," 11 10 hard to beat the minds, of those people who seem to know so mac11 more about farming than the faem,ers. --Hamilton Spectator. 8 0 —Someone la now telling a story about an absent-mdeded professor who sent his wife to the bank and kissed his money goodebye, . 'Why blame it on a Professor? * * wash woman,--"Mandiy, have you cash woman,—"Mandy, have you seen any daughter Elsie's fiance?" Mandy (per1lexed0-4NO,' ma'am, rik ain't been in the wash Yet.'t 01111,TUAIRY MRS. CHARLES WILMOT Marintown. --On Thursday after.. noon, February 17, the funeral of Mee. Anna Isabella Wilraot, who Passed Wally at Sutton West, took place -from the heme of her son, C. If, 'Wilmot, 76h concession, and was largely representative of reffatives and friends from Max-ville, Apple Hill, Mountain, who were present to Day their last tribute of respect to one who was. SO well end favorably known in title vicinity, The servic-e was in Ottorge of Rev, Aimee G. I3erry, aide, am,. pastor *1 .St, Andrew's Preseeyterian Clburch. The hymns, ming during the service Were: "Abide With ate" and "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." The Tall bearers were: Callum ,M.c- Denied, John McGregor, Deuce!' Mcheyre„Tobe P. Meelartin, Martin J, aleMartin, Donald McIntyre. in- teemot was made in Notch 11300(11 cemetery, beside her husband, who pretlete,e,ed 114r about 00 yenta Mrs, Wilmot Was born in Seventh Cenet tion of Charletteuburg, 72 year., ago, a daughter of the late Henry McMartin., and ,Els WirP Elizabeth MeGregor, 1311P 38 sue vived by two sonte, Feed. 'M. Wilmot, Sallee West, and 11. II. Wilmot. Marlintown; also tree do:tighter, Mrs, 'Octave Laroeque, town; one sheer, Mrs. Jame.s. Ruth - 01(031(1, Winuipeg, Mnn, All older —"Hello girl saves grocer," with the light ithetlieSseveltelt •Ietratel,.,fifiehting tO get a renIY she .,,teptaiete. who., found .steee Iceeperia4 fainted:• She Would be saeing thelept intend of 114.11-0. * --Lteittee ein suffering from seight cad steleiped, .uP , 10 refrestemeet coneter--"well," said the courteous waitress, "what is your name, and what do yon want?" the untheSitat- ing reply was "Wanda milkshake." * —See the raeord breaking news. in another column of this issue et looks as though people will de any- thing, finem merrying beneath the sett to pushing a pea tep e mountain, in order to break a record. * 0* —What do stenographers expeot? thrills, spine or all the 4011151 Whea one was asked how she was getting along with her new job, she replied, "not very gond the boss' hasn't cempilmonted me, on, anything but my work," • :it '3 iTtndoo:o thoso nighty city women was visitinn. Um g iMils, of New Eng- She—"This, place has so many odd and peculiar people." go leant, by Gm nese of Sept Native --"Yee, lee meet ofetintelefer7 * * * How Far Is It From "Bad" to "Werse"? At a centain chenc1 a beautiful lychee:tie was pet up, and over it inzerlbed, "This Is The Gate of Helena" While the paint wee wet a largo printed 00000 VMS tettachetl with the words: 'Please -Go Round The Other Way" ews of the ETIIEL Sessieu Mier ltraMageirrent wltere 3i. `Pile weeleend snow slot= age. elude enetter traffic difficult; OWing elelereee ihlre, )3, Carr is unable to be on duty 231 t 116.411)MAPCYltietrgo. .S.. VQQt Mies Ament of Ciligtone a form leacber hi. Ethel Puhito spent the week -end yith 48431 friend's, Kenny Kreuter, who hokls a pos tion in 3111111 8310 vicinity was hole over Saturday Lind Sunday, retur ing Mond,ay morning via ON,R. 1111 to heavy snow made ter m,oto traffic, Mr. and Mrs, Bert Vodden ever guests hist Sunday with Mrs. 'Vol den's pareets W. and Mrs, Michel .0 odevieb For the past ten 11)011 this, Erni SarAvell Ithe been with Ed, tIll on a fame at Ethel. Travelling by 00111, Monday nenniug from lathe 131 3113) be went to • leeneeton, where etnenencing elaerh let he will on gage in farnewe in that locality., Bit seine away will .cause a vacun- , on the oxet Mire of veral (11)' 1''. as be waS ilt,6,oviated actively in Funtlay School and Y.P.S. work in Ethel i'nited ehurch awl is a member of the L',O,L. hold- ing effice, and has been interested in ,3111", 3111.t1 nIIIInn!ty life, And II is only to lie expected that in. his 11. w enytemateets, be will continue 111 WillIll3( 33,31? 113114 lo thl' V*1111,g; are a 1(1'), 3141.' polt110 eerily. What can. tiou,„ ihnt• To prevent any111 ln tt:2r1,051, hurl), ohtg, 31'. ard Mrs. H. Stenore are re - 3 1)1 this week freer the Ceover tee ett ;wry at Ethel station to r.biedge property whleh L oft, lee-, Luger acreage and will b.. more seitahle for dairy accommo- dation, At the congregational banquet in Ethel Pre sthyt erten church, held Feiday, Feb. 25th, tbe time was spent cheerily and comfortably by the large representation of .the church famdlies present. . The pieee gram numbers leterspersed with the reports were well received. The, sta,temeet from each department was eatisfactory and shoved O. bal- ance on hand, Rev, Mr, 'Williams expreesed appreciation . and con- goetulated the congreea,tion on, ehe efficient manner in, Which tire church budget had been. completed, Fred Cole played -with Atwood team in •the Atwocelolegetsollt hockey game, in Breese:ant finale of their group, played, at. Inge:moil. Although defeated. they made a geed showing in the round. An ulcerated toet.h, has 'been the cause of much discomfort and Paine ful suffezing for Dorothy Franklin during the past .bwo weeks Tho pain is, new gradually lessening. .Mendety night's meettlIng of tbe Y.P;S. of Ethel United church was held at the home Of lifile7 SiM11-, neon. at which an beteresting %Mel educative talk :was ,EY -Anderson of Erskine; cin .3110 estern especionatleoniu; Athrin once listlentel' With. "eloSe.""*Mentilloi and, appreciation. ,411.- .41-eiltirSofereeta., a relative. ,the ;Pearsinna: • mother was a daughtere 'of the brother of Mr,. Jae* Peresore.see' Women's Institute The Womeles .fnstittite vvelle meet on 'Thursday afternoon; Match at the home of Mrs. Dr. Oolquhoun, at 2.30. The motto, Do nolile deeds not dream them all day long,, will be taken by M. Sinclair. Roll cali; An Irieh Joke. Topic, A. lesson: one leuymanehlp, will be taken le'. elvel .1, Bremner. Trish Program, All. laodiastetenofd.the community are invited' Orwell ,anel riteenbe, 1, otairurim rox )3311310)1 lie maul tplahio, Abiittrar'ov„, h.a , Mr. YY49„ *11 *I' haw iiiieglitY 1 ..empilfled th31)14 a)'11111400)iel) e toed neigh'140.fet. or funeral Wes , ogle ol treterneou, era mtlel. leettliLie4 0 el , sister, Mrs-. J. Thomps011 111 I ham, and was condeleted 11/$' ie pastor, Rev, 4, 11, Grelg, e merit wee made le Win cemeterY. e WROXET,ERi.' • • 21 therilleVoln'711enl'1.7 315.3' 16 the berme of Mrs, B. 0 elm:Tilly afternoon, Dirre, 1 Laug•lien presIdieg. P153104 Mad31 to bold a 50C1111 QVCiiinpiF I month, eater member to "1 friend. Mr, Meleaugb 311 .1114' readings In her eerie pie' manner. Mr. Sawtell, manage the local braneh of the Bolle Commie:re, gave an jeteeeetlag' on bunking. Quieetions Were,, turd aeswered. Deliciou31 neents were seeved by the botS ateisteet by Mee H. Wylie and Mthespec'ell.dal A. Y. le A, serffhe held in St. James o'hurch on't day evening when the pre Rev. A. H, O'Neil preached the num. A maim VMS, read YY 11? iii,I..Ze,aaeasakle,etyheanpderautyhtell,181.Serientourbeo al 7, Vie:tors; Mr. wed aim 47 Rogere, Deleolt, 'weth Illetie.; Paulin; Mrs. Lawrence ' Bruce and Jelin and Ielit11. 11:-FEnlb:::1:1G:11111:7 atYa1.A. 11:. yAPa.41. 021 n. P0;00111210, 1010 114 101111 31111131of _MLnclay et. In Mentoricun, BLUEVALE There passed away in the General Hospital, Wingharn, on Wednesday, February 23, one of the oldest and most respected residents of the vil- lage in the Person of jaenee D. Nichol, Mr. Nichol was born et Blenheim Oxford County, In 1863, and eaene to the Township of Turnberry with his parents when quite young, Ite metered Anne McIntosh, of Turnberry, and reveled on the homestead 1111111 1920 when they moved into the, Village. Mrs., Nichol died in 1934, Surviving are two sons and two daughters, Thomas, le Nichol, of Montreal, Mrs E. ,C. Robinson, Minneepolia, Minn., Eldriet Nich- 01 on the homestead, 4231 eonceesion Turitherry, and Mrs, 'Arthur ,chai- lecombe, 'Toronto. There are two brothers, Welter, or Parte, Ontario, Tony, of London, and one eister, Mie, 4. Thompson or Wingham, Mr, Nichol 33108 a Member of in . emote. or OUT tba123200. tether Andrew/4 -Pe: 1pl31i3y March and,:n C3911 't3 0131' ,tbv[181,141, 11'o 11i 1111± 80 lar 31531 today Y .9 ise'allsersd 1)310gl1y0 'b 3113131314' 3-2 LJLLEV'-'io .,•.(107.41,ia„z:,‘,4.. 41 avuh.,da7;,‘,t,,i1.14,...ta.' ho :0 011:1't'i".rtes4'1147.1.`clk:Iv‘P° 4teld'8:111:' feekee. -" cee4ng`,01.2. „are niiserY. Gr0y 're Vole °41-43r as' we'l e . ee people easel Ile es. • ' n an roclize.detlele °are% nevelt, goitre. wr "eete.QV...e5a7mlber_elI. ""..EcheieeMheeere th. et 11 iser:L0706;47.ao.nelr1;li!telidtels4,e13:631.:etiAlli.l'IWII)airgr:atel6dtis'eo..loraaIll disclosure 2 tptanwe tietaru4 (10111 ofwall nix,-yaolte,eat T :q-,941.: ictil.it. Apar Leetie the,'Intliye ' gifetlte.e4.,143Z31g that 1,,i; 15 .. 71' te.L..,a,4, ttl, it 'Fr . Wittli: Inc as grooin tred,L, edre t''13.1%. lelb.'e.14(117,e;, stile .Wce.i.' )Liti" 23101,4310010114 511, t what tell me, telt Itieg`iStMV. . 411 WnOt:toosu'3:. 0 l$161 411531(1104 1113 0 (Before my neck' receive0:01 Io Pecisely what reliees, there'are ' For thane .Whe wish to Wrig, 5 The inalpticItee'Vhe ties- the lototti knoev Some tricks a Imo 1sg mlidethi Who lets no In, 'should let Ogee ' Or is. it only onteletty Leaflet?, That .cannot be, ,that 1)14)L'2)13 1111 Our pledgee are het Made toii* A.s otenherGuonlec; '0)115, "We Must, 't • A 1 Who .elpealt the tongue. eltet, 5:10allitree;_. Lee 110 ono, therefore, place:all "Twixt 115 and .all the. LeIte •Tip US the wink, a Regietrer And tell us all Oleo% dive —tech, in 114 MancheIlLe