HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-3-2, Page 3Tea
or every Taste
More Fish
Recipe s
Boiled Codfish
• 1 tablespoon: s'hofftenlnlg
1 stalk celery chopped
1 senate ;carrot chopped
1 small onion rimmed
I llDrig parsley ch0plped
2 quarte water
xh bay leaf
1 tubl•espoon. vinegar
1 teaspoon salt
Vs teaspoon pepper
21, pounds. cod et
Melt shortening, add celery, oniou
Carrot and parsley. Cook two min-
utee, stirring frequently. Add water,
bay leaf, vinegar, salt and pepper
end Meg to Wein; point. Wrap
fi. t in 01120E00101h anal drop lulu
bailu • water. Reduce heat and sine
30 na:nutei- I-::nlove cheese
ci ."h from R:11 and serve on hot
' p+lt.._r y,, ..bed tr .11 pal:=ley,
Serve with egg sauce. which is
made by adtlieg 1 chopped hard-
boiled egg and 1 teaspoon parsley to
a cup of medium white sauce.
Cod Fish Cakes
3 pound dry codfish
4 :potatoes
2 eablespoons butter
1 egg
Soak c•otl fish overnight. In morn-
ing place in fresh cold water and
cook over low fire a.t simmering
poitut until codfish will break apart.
After water reaches• the simmering
point it lakes about 30 minutes to
cook the fls'h. Remove from lire,
drain, then with a fork separate
into Raker,. Boil 4 potatoes until
tender, thein drain and mash; add to
potatoes, fl:it and, the egg (well
beaten), and butter. Beat together
thoroughly, add salt to taste, forms
Into cakes, and leen roll in flout'.
have met their master in
ZEV—made by the mak-
er of Buckley's Mixture.
Stockmen, poultry Breed-
en, etc., who have used
ZEV say it ie positively
"sure fire" relief for all respiratory
diseases In hone, cattle, sheep, pigs,
;poultry and doge. It b amazing how
quickly it gets results in the most stub-
born caste. In fact, we guarantee ZEV
todo in a day or two what it took old -
[saddened remedies a month to do. Pet
aim 500, Stock aixe $1,00. Get ZEV. at
Melt butter in frying pan aril brown
cakes, ctareful''y on Well sides, Serve
for brealchteit or luncheon,
Salmon Loaf
11Fe tableepooes flour
113 tablespoon butter
ae cup milk
2 eggs slightly beaten
' 1 teaspoon lemon juice
cups' baked salmon (fresh or
Sall and 'puppet to taste
Make .:,are of drunter, flour and
milk; ads Seasoning; remove from
lira, ,Slowly add beaten eggs and stir
well and thee. add fldlt and lemon
juice•, Line bakhltg pmt with heavy
WAX paper, carefully pour infish
niethre and corer toga with wax
paper, Set pan in container of boil,
irg water, belie in moderate oven
far 1 heir of until dish loaf is firm
Remove from oven, place an a plat -
ler, decota e with Ler:, of hard
Wiled t,ig, par l•`y and sections of
lemon. Serve Wilil any good fish
sauce, or a rich et sem Sallee to
which a chrp:td hard boiled egg
has. berm aud='d rhes loaf is also
gr eel seve d (Olt on 1.111101: leaves
with Mayonnaise onmai.se dressying,
Baked Halibut, oyster Filling
Take owe II INA of halibut weigh•
ing about 2 11 01111'. sprinkle with
s,a1t, pepper and lumen juice and lay
10 a baking pan. Cover with oysters
then a layer of buttered bread
crtl)LIbs,, Place another fillet on top
of the oye cern, brush with beaten
egg and cover with more. buttered
crumbs, Bake for an hour in a
moderate oven basting frequently
with hat water and ,melted butter.
Serve with cream sauce.
Curried Salmon
Melt butter size of an egg in
Saucepan add ir: cups of eifted
flour, 1 teaspoon sugar, lis teaspoon
cleves, 2 teaspoons of curry powder,
add 11e. cn^+s boiling water. Heat
the eon cf salmon, place on ash in
goed••sizedflakes, and cover with
sauce, For the emalled.,sized can
use two-thirds of the sauce,
To Bone Fish
With the thumb and Brat finger
work from the head down bo the 'tail
working out one lay of bones• on one
side and -then the other and. coming
back to the head again to remove a
second layer of bones'. Wolk care-
fully to avoid breaking .the fish,
1 -furore ACP Tells
((Copse Girls Are
Leaving Farrrls
Seaause Rural Revenues Insufficient
—Menne Serious toss to Si/clad
Life In Rural Communities
10ttrxneits, said it, r. Dea(di'nnan,
Lih. (Hdu•on North), aren't getting
etuinglt n1000y,
Ile said It loud and long, lase
week in tile House at Co'lnmloue at
tlutawa, and before he finished he
suggteted, in a 11on4partisaa way,
that the Goaerutmentt should velem
a groan or fawners, pinvid'e therm
with a simple coal -accounting aye -
turn, and find out exactly what an
active 'farmer did ,)lecke he a year.
That is', the Government might
And oat, barring wind, drought, 114,
wed weather azul a few other little
items that merle of farming a series
of little surprlsos.
Agriculture lr Serious Situation
let idly event he emphasized, the
position of Canadian agriculture
woe the most serious factor in
Canada's economic position. It
ma100 be. For didn't the 1031
0(1)50s report show that there was a
decrease 4n the number of girls of
marirageable age living ou the
"And I want, to tell you,' he said,
ween the female population declines
on Mlle farm, tt is a serious factor
In the social life of the community.
Our women make the social life."
Going to the Cities
Out of that came his conclusion
that the girls, of marriageable age
were going to the cities rollawing
the higher standards of living that
the urban communities afforded,
The point was, he said, there was
no accurate 'information of the
depth to which the farmers' stand-
ard of living had fallen. The near-
est he .multi get to it was by taking
the total i1c'omle from agriculture,
as reported by the Bureau of Sta.
tis•tics, dividing it by the number De
Meiners, and deducting the more or
Mee theoretical coat of their living.
By this, involved reckoning, he
figured the average farmer in a
year had a net return of slightly
under a dollar a day,
NoMore Free Air
The air is no tenger free her some
Parte of England. A number of
:garages have decided to charge 12
cents every time they have to In-
flate a motorist's tires,
This and 50011 other services as
fining radiators and topping up bat-
teries' are performed free by .most
filling stations, which depend on
good will for much of their busi-
ness. But the garagemen say the
services cost therm several pounds
a week in time and they are disturb-
ed over "undercutting" by filling
Eagle's View of Rio for Cruise Members
1'8T of flying nor rolling down to
Al Rio but leisurely sailing there
aboard a luxury liner will go a
happy crowd of winter cruise tour-
ists next January when the Can-
adian Pacific liner Empress of
Australia heads south from New
'York January 15 on a West In-
dies and South America cruise,
The glamorous Latin city that
was 1111med Rio de Janeiro be-
cause its harbor leas discovered
in the month of January and inis-
trklten for the mouth of a river
•c1atn1 1"-ri the Harbor is the
%eerie.% n,', l• bee lif if el. Certainly
other ee lis evettel have to show
1.0 rival tele claim, and
added i; lir ly n doubt that the
Empress of Australia's cruise pas-
sengers will return confirmed
"Rio fans."
From the heights of the lofty
Corcovado, a mountain peak on
which stands a huge Creme of
Christ, and from the summit of
Pao d'Assuear, the fasted "Sugar
Loaf," members er shore excur-
sions will have 'an eagle's eye
slew of the city and harbor,
Thrilling in itself is the ascent or
the Sugar Loaf by aerial cable -
car in two rides, Mut to the half-
way 'station on Penedo de Urea,
then to the summit of the conical
Suear Loaf itself,
Besides these two excursions
Sero are oilier trips arranged for
the five-day visit. The lovely
mnttntainaug rogion of Tijuca and
the Meniit5i1 residential Section
of Petrepnils will be
of 0SClit flans and On 011 r•1 o'.
there will be a party cxeu •. , ,-
enjoy the ex0110 nlgbt-lit1.
Rio is not the only port of reel
on this cruise. Berhedns, 001
and Jmnaica are ieletels that , !1
be visited durine ter '12 elc tree,
while on the =title -nal of tenear,
America, La GualIll, V enrn.r1.
will sham with llio =tee retereions
of the Empresa of AS-stt all 's
passengers who will be }leek in
hew York on 'February 17,
Pictured ahnve are the Thentrn
Municinal at RIO, a view or Bota-
rogo Bay from the Corenvede
showing the Sugar Loaf, the ea-
hle.ear ascending the latter, and
the Pnlprose or Australia. the
creiso ship that will visit ilio.
VEriPlil '".411,5100,14 t`f+�;.�typfl�; (fit®� ,` x�r .4
tAADA-191 "
"( 1);141(1 1938 will feature all
augmented nl(l a "are a1101 (ITe&s Ca-
nuid.!(tn etisele ns W0.11 as' tttmmlerc-
lal achievement on. ite• coast .to cease
broadcast Friday et euir.,g, lurch
• Mr. W1e"ter F. P.ew1es "Canada
1033 Rc dog Reporter, will inter-
vi311 a h"tclrttg cittz"u In 'Brand'on.
1lunte13 at 1 411(•13-.1 Manitoba's
erot,011i c at'd somal activities.
The Ilit:1" eht of the musical part
(1f ill,' 11 'Zl:wnme will be a song
'rl', Manitoba 'Sweetheart: the'
music and lyrics written by Mr. and
ele4, ie. Parker of Weyburn,
Sa atthewan, and sung by Buss
Tele\ Mr, nnei 3110. Parker were
deer overed by the producer of this
lyr„1'aaumle as .writers of highly
original songs. They have written
the wards and music of several
papular 11110 Whi(•i1 have been Per-
formed on "Capelin 1938" and other
Canadian hroadcaeds.
L. S. 13, Shapiro, Canadian cor-
respondent. will continue his color-
ful word picture of life on Broad,
way with comments on the latest
plays,, films and other forms of en-
tertainuent wh'lah can only be 540'
duateiy de:acribed by ani observer oa
the spot,
Friendship With
A Hummingbird
May Be Achieved In Various
Subtle Ways
What more wonderful airplane is
there than the henumingbied with
its Ravin propellers? Those 1 little
wings are wltirning constantly, yet
he can remain still in the air --or
even go backward:
We have been on what one might
call 'friendly" terms with a httm-
iuln,gbird fel- several years, He
has learned to ignore us as he seeks
the nectar from our flowers. In.
deed, he has oven come into the
house to sip of a home-made .sweet
we prepare for him, He lees us
help to provide his nesting ma-
terials, but we know very little
about Ilam and his: fancily.
The hummers bill is. sharp and
slightly curved, the 'better to dip
into flowers, shielding the (tongue
through which the drops of nectar
are eloped.
Hunlandngtbirds, once they reallze
you want to be friends, will meet
yon heleway, A California; family
has a hummingbird nest by the light
on their front porch, which is oc
' cupted every year --evidently dry the
bnnuuminebird by offering, et, Metter'.
Use an artificial flower, or twist a
bit of .paper lo. 113 ke one, Inside
of this,: pia s a'tiny bottle 'or vial al-
,-mostt filled with a sweet sugar-
water. IPiace ,the finished work oR
are on porch rail o0 Window sill.
Experiments have shown that color
"How to Become a Hockey
Star" by that great authority
T. P. "Tommy" Gorman, a
Great Book profusely illus-
trated and containing marry
valuable tips on how to play
the game.
(mounted for frrrrrrinj;l
Croup Montreal 'Otunohs"
Cam "ba cat , ., '
or itolitaioni pirtura,r'
Deva Trott kr Joh. ny r,,6u, u t tial ie Calf.
Radii N:t1n(1 6i C do Pant ayern
ltwu Otto o` n hurt BIN, 1,1/y
LlY1110111rsi on t urel 1 i,at \l n 1is`iy
Bob Cowie Mean -r P:,,u„ll 10th,. I'. ,'ala
('t1 1'o.s ( t a ter, t 7:u v
("II, Marker Z,1.011 1:c .a 1,11 kIi , I r
Dave herr 'roe 141,6 , "Is tea" floury
rl r ofao.m t prmin,104 t
Mc ,lfaroom or Les Canyu rir.n
a Your choice of the al ore tD
For a label from a tin of
WHITE" Corn Syrup.—Write
on the bark your name and
address and the words ".Floc -
key Book" or the name of the
picture you .rant (one book
or picture for each label).
Mail label to address below.
O SPANY Limited
attracts the lra'mlorer, even, a 11nafaa*
Once being Mown for red, Mfwaye
hays yaur f(iodlreservohr at about
the eaxne piece. You eau approach
Tt quietly, and soon—if yott do 1101
).alae a tominatiof-.-etttay will eat a
foot away. from yen The nelet spelt
1a to hold Rhe 'vial yoareelf, Arlt la
the hand, thee lo your.' IMeath, The
hummer will fellow the Sheet, mud
may even come to prefer your offer -
lug to Ibet of the flowers.
li you want in save ail the juice
of beets, irciieaal of cooking far an
hour or so in water, grind with the
coarse knife of your meat grinder,
wed a small bit of water and a tee -
spoon of butter and simmer for
seven. or eight minutes. Delicious'.
Sprinkle a panl•pkin p1e w1i1f
sugar ju.-e before patting It in the
oven', if you went a Melt gloss on it,
Brush the top crush of double
crust pies whin egg white beaten
until frethy with 1 t.ttblerpomt of
sugar for a g1osey cruet,
th w :n
When you er nettle rut up apples
or are peeene ane tee Kern a glass
at' Thrum Jule,- and wrier nearby to
dip the shall pieces in. Lenton Amen
and water yid] keep the applts from 1
turning brown for l.0 indefinite per -
hod, 'Then you van get yotur fruit
cm, ready al.•c.ad of time and not
worry about having chlmrolore•d
:e '1*
When buying fruit, choose a larg-
er, more expensive orange. It is
always bitter, because it has twice
as much juice las the smaller,
Smt:1 pineapple before buying it,
Dip' your fruit in water when you
Wash: it, don't 11014 it under the rap,
as you might lose some valuable
juice that way.
One of a Series Issued by the
Dept of Fisheries which will
Appear in Each Issue.
Mrs. Fisher Suggests:—
Canadian Creamed Fish on Toast:
Take cup or cup and half of any
Canadian cooked or canned 'Ash flak-
ed; season fish 'with salt and ;pepper
and a dash of lemon pates- Make
a white sauce by blending two
tablespoons of butter with two
tablespoons of flour, adding a cup
of milk and cooking the mixture un-
til it is thick and smooth, stirring
constantly, Then combine the
sauce and the fish, re -heat the com-
bined mixture and serve on slices of
buttered toast. If desired, a table-
spoon of minced parefey and one
hardeePoked egg in sllcels may be
added to the sante 'before it is
comlbined with the fish.'
Canadian Fish and Shellfish are
especially good foods because they
are so easily dfiges'bed and are rich
in vitalhns and health -giving mineral
by Grant Fleming, M• D.
In thele days, when 00 much
fault is being found with the world
In which we live, it is quite a re.
1111E to vete that in spite of social
and.economic unrest, ,there 15 one
Point. upon which we can agl'ee,-
e,:anothtin(g wttitlh can be described
es "nearly ptlrfe01."
Thele is one fond which comes
close to pe e10('tlan, anti that is
milk. As the cleled grows, his diet
is elaborated mi:31 he gets the
wane as' the rest of the family, but
milk 'should be the backbone of his
i db,t all through his yea,e of growth,
II when he is building :Ire hotly which
must Taut hint 11u•ongbont lire,
The (111114 legnhr4a It mixed 4.101
of 11111(, rt1eal1 and 10118tlley, eggs,
a little meat and flab, fresh vege-
table., sutitidt, and fruits, He needs
milk because milk provides the oad-
Ch11111 Mad is retltth'ed to build :51110010
bone:. and teeth, IIe needs milk,
because it furniwhes vitem'en5 which
regulate the gtvrwt13. and devolop-
1nenR of the lady, Added to this,
milk is n sense ct practically all
.the food elements, which are es.
eetet1011 lo the hotly,
• The normalhealthy chilli who has
bosh properly trimmed, likes to eat,
tr Want to surprise the family. with a new di
time treat? Serve them a tasty dish of Drie
Pickled Canadian. Fish.
No matter where you live, your dealer can et
such Dried Fish as Cod, Haddock, Hake, Lusk
Pollock, and such Pickled Fish as Herring, Mac.
and AIewives , .. in perfect condition. Interes
recipes can be used for every one of these fine
Fish is a wonderful health food, good for every
ber of your family. It is the great source of prat
that help build sturdy, healthy bodies.
Serve Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish to your
often , . , they will enjoy it .. and you wil
economical, too.
Department of Fisheries, Ottawa,
Please send me your free 52. -page Booklet,:
Fish Day", containing 100 delightful .4 et*
There is something wrong with iniac
child who does not' enjoy his"meal
or who has to be coaxed to: eat.'l.
There are several causes '101; 'peer
olppetitesc Eating ibetween nieale, '
tpaltticuiarly candy, means that . the
child w111 have no .appetite' tar • re,
,pular meals, The tired ea- exon ted
,child is not intete1ted in fond,. _Te
child who hest been Shalt - ieelo ilo,
with no opportunity t0''Play or 'to
get his lungs f1lled with, frealo,,„ alis, r
does not eat wtell.
C12ttny children have wliat teppea°
to be a poor appetite, bat, this . ,..
regality, a bad habit or a wrong :et
t0ltude taner45 food. The parents i
of such: children ane slue) those who
are over-anxious about, .their arida,,
Hist failure tie • ;earl gets him a great„
deal of attention, 'while his . par
ends ,fasts over him anti talk a15tt
ttdm or oven' threaten Item.
eereiy child Airfield : have at' least
one pint of nitlk a day; 11tlik can
'lee served in; many different ways ass
'milts 61 the 'meal, 'V'ariety in. the
preparation of :foods ear1eree s ,11
enmto'tonousl diet. Milk can pb$1"used
la various hot'or cold tiribat't rand
le soups: There is art endless var-
iety of catsttards, Milk goal; into
junkets .nice puddings and ice-cl•eaiti,
Meals which are based on Milk are
bets, and they can 11e made most 3111'
Quest'.ions. eoneerning Health ad..
dressed to the 'Canadian efeittlecat
Association 184 College $tbieh "1o'
route), will be entsw.ered pePspnt ilio
by letter, 1.
'Goble Preval
C,f i-ey & Bruc
`.Keel/ well by
suggoSlted 'Mis,3 Ago
tN,; in an, address
4'3a1,ieli on ;public g
t . anneal tweeting ..0
'Ceder of, Ntereesi:
rvti{ttyment eras -Miele'`
Anbtli end We Sholii
000youai el a too be
'•Its }vazt'tliantieralanty
ental peopi should,
sneer d , ,i l''.
catteg ' obeblhsiui,
and tlu:
eVork w
money ay `M1ve"11'ttiasr,;
103sdry, Grey .a lia,.•,B
Peeve Saud the vomit
'111 ate biline-deRchent
as' mucin goitre ;pp'ey 11
urgtid7 repeaite'dly, .�
eels area in title ire
not ibeing- ands tro 13'
silrvey I have, bbao
one, found} that 50
people in. ,this area
with goitre.
Phln 0.o'a
Western .Ontarto'g
Optical Se
1-1 ARR 1STO N,
' ,Phone 118
From all Stations ih Eastern Canada
GOING DAILY— FEB. 19— MAR. 5 in'ci
Return Limit: 45 days
• COACHES et faros approximately 1145110001118,
41TOUStIST SLEETING CARS et fares approximatdly 1BIc pertain
O STANDARD SLEEPING CARS et fares approximately 1 ko par till
BAGGAGE Cheekod, Stopovore atPort Arthur, Armstrong, Chiou6'o
Tickets, Sleeping Car reservations, and ail information froth an0 agog., 4510 110