HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-3-2, Page 2THE BRUSSELS PAST
IF By Rosemary Beryl
]3asteett, S%ipi'emelj' happy,
to be maalrled to Itichard
ie warned by her friend,
Macke, that there are two
ler periods in, 'marriage, the
ne year teed the seventh,
Le marries Dick and In her bap -
se laughs at Lydia'$ warning
ag "Dick Is different!
ye yeare later ou return from
eek -end business trip to parin
: tells ber lie "is fed up with
es he has found it."
a does not wish fe leave her and
annex son but he must have
freed . He is interested In
her woman Liatie du Marve.
ary deeldee that df be feels as
oes the break must be uemplete.
:ale lead said some unforgdvelble
ts, and besides, he had wanted
freedom. She tried to laugh,
the iaugh eauglet ea. ,her throat.
ou remember tbat island,
eta, it haat come up to the'
and hes changed everything
Mary gone Dick ands It de
and not Lfane he ioves,
r •
'ass' wants Mary to get
and marry trim. Dick
see Mary and their son,
spite od 'stilt towing him
Mary she'wants, a divorce
marry John, He • tells
it • means her happiness
her. free.
H. $retherS
BRUSSELS, Phone '53X,
it 'was Jelin who sew fate dying
down Spon the' tiny matt. Why did
not Terrill, d'o something to get out
of 1'te path? Dleaster was inevi"t.
able now, and a muffled. cry broke
from his lips,
',Don't look, Mary!" he sold, and
as quick as, thought seized her in
lute ,anme and buried her face
against his, •rehoulder,
An instant, oa'ly an instant, before
Mary like a wild thing, had taro
.herself free,
He had been a fraction of a see -
and too late and she had seen.
She was cunning madly to ,the
ashore, John Trevaae following her.
She had not eon Dick leap with
the ;boy in his arras', but she could
see him in the water, and knew he
was no swimmer.
"Dick, Duk!" She was sobbing
and wringing her hands in the made
panic of it. And her boy, too! No,
theirs! Dicky belonged to them
John Trevass spoke qu'iekly,
"He is' swimming well, and ,there
is another boat around the bend.
I11 get it end row out to them.
They are .absolutely arae, you see!"
And he ran fleet foot for that
other boat.
But it wasn't there!
There was nothing but to tear
back to Mary, and then, if Terrill
Showed any signs of difficulty to
swim out to him. Tbere was an
incoming tide, thank God for that!
-a swiftly running tide, and ft
must Sweep man and boy to the
shore—if he had kept up!
Dick was the s'w!rmm,er, but there
was no need for John Trevass to
enter the water to his aid.
Mary was sobbing and: praying in-
coherently 'when Diok reached the
shallows and staggered forward,
still holding Dicky in hits arms—a
Stitt unconscious Dloky who had
inflate faith in leis father.
. He was exhausted, and he could
haiddy speak when. Mary _rushed to
- "Melo' " she said, in a piteous
cry, "Dicky."
"He's—ala right — Mary, I've
yreught Inure—back-to you!
John Trevass Ave, was there,
''You. are done, Terrill," he saki.
"Better •giv'e the ,boy to ane."
Voles eyes haggard from ,the
struggle he had been through, .glar-
eti et him,
•''Thecr boy's maize!" he said thick -
And be stumbled 'back to the
cettege, bearing Meburden.
DicIty'e eyes opened as the cot -
Mee was reached and the first thing
he sew Was the paceethis fatter
bending over hire..
wasiet afraid, daddy, not
while yen held ane ".
Dick laughed'; be actually manag-
tA Haat,
, "No, you •weren't afraid son," he
Valid, : "You were a' great little
It wan he who bad been afraid,,
A warm bath after that, and {'hen
tucked 4ruto 'warm 'blankets, with.
Mary hugging him, what time she
was not providing something holt
for him to -take, Dicky wars es right
as, the proverbial ndnepence.
He wanted 'le get up, a course
which Mary cora;' not allow, "The
sea had been cold, and she was not
taking chances of a child,
"But I want to see my daddy,"
said Dteky, with great 4nsieba.nce,
"I -Ie said he was going away—and
he said lots of other •thincrgs,"
'What, things?" Mary wanted to
"'Bout ane looking after you and
things like that—just as though he
was going away for a long time."
The tears were in Mary's, eyes,
while her arms about elle 'boy who
belonged to them both.
"He will be coming back thele
evening, Dicky," she seed, "He
And then, preeeatly—
"DId be really say that about
you looking after me?"
"'Course he did. He wanted to
be quite sure."
She was trying nut .to cry; It
seemed incredible that Dick could
care, incredible, too, ,that he
"Weld, he will be coining up bare
thris evening" site managed to ear,
"He bas always kept a promise,
"D'you tbdnk you could tell brim
not to go away " the 'boy asked.
"Bat if he tae to, Dicky, how can
I hello it?"
She couldn't belle it, when there
was still that other woman! It was
that other woman; who typified the
death of all ,that mattered --the
death that brought' the parting.
Besides, hadn't she told him she
loved Jon Trevass, and 'wanted to
marry bdcrm.? There wa& that other
woman in Dick's life, and John
Trevass waiting to marry her—with
Dick ready to let her dvdorce him!
Dick came at last, in the dusk of
the evening!
That experience in the sea must
have had e, terrible effect upon him,
for his face was white; but he was
trying to simile.
Dicky was in bed, fate asleep, as
he had been, on that night 'ten
months ago—and this time it was
Dick who was standing in the door
way of a cosy sitting -room,
"The toy?" he asked. That was
bits' first question.
"He is all right," Mary told him.
"He has 'been talking about You."
Dick came further in, but did not
sit down. It was an interview he
wanted to get ever and done with,
"We understand each other now,
dont we " he said.
Mary nodded; she was finding it
difficult to speak.
"I think so," she said.
"1 told Lydia I would set you free
if it :meanie your hapminese, 1 have-
tarts 'Next Week
Y Peter Munday
Be Sure To Read
This Glamorous
Thrilling Novel
Seel Trevass yet -thea ducking this
nietlalug apteat thinge," .
4My' happinete?". she said, "Are
you thinklug about are happiness,
Dick, or-"- er-uaaboat Liaise rift
[;ane? lie laughed wearily.
She never was anYtlutag to ins,
really. 1 was a fool, that's tail.
Lydia told me SO, and Llano, too—
efteewardel-'S,s though 1 did not
kuowIt: nae! for naysnlf. I have
been'ioaking for you for itieretles,
Mary, trying to tell you."
"What do you meson. Disk, about
being a fool " Mary's, , voice was
"A ratan 1e a fool when he lets
go what be beide'. I don't want 40
talk about it, I didn't come here W
,talk about that, because I am not
each a fool as to Ask you t0 forgive
me or expect you could --evert 1f
there wesmrt lereyass,"
,Mary could only repeat the name;
staieng at Dick with those teal's in
her eyes.
"I am, not blaming you, end the
least 1 can do is to fix it. 1 promis-
ed Lydia that. But if there is any
sntisrac.ion to you to know it there
has only been, you in all my We.
Don't think I am pleading or beg-
ging, I know it is too late for that,
but it was God's truth when I said
I love': you and ,that any love for
you would last for ever, That is
the only reason why I am setting
you free. 1"11 fix up things with
Trevass, in town, That is what: I
came along to say, and—there is no
use in Imaging out,",
He had not put his hat out of his
hand, and he •tarried to go.
"You ane doing this for my bappi-
nese-you axe letting we go?'
Mary's voice was husky,
"Of course," he said softly. "And
you have Dicky."
His back was hell=turned, and he
was aibout Ito go.
"Dick!" she sobbed,
He came across to her and would
have ,taken her hends•'in his but de.
"Well?" he said,
"You are the only one• in my life,
too, Dick—the only one! It wasn't
true what I said --about John
Trevose,. I don't care if I do divorce
you, I'll never marry him! Can't
yGU. understand, Die k—when a wo-
men marires she belongs--for•,-for
aleveys—even if— 11— everything
The colour flamed in. his face at
the incerdtble of it. He was half
afraid to touch het•, but he held out
his, hands,
The name broke from him husk.
ily, a pent up cry for her, and she 1
moved so. that the arms enclosed
about her; then she was sobbing
but her arms went up and were
about his neck, --
"Dick!" she said.
He crushed her to him then, kiss
ing ter wet face passionately,
And presently, with her arms
about himself, his arms about her—
"And Dicky said—'Did 1 think I
could ask you to stay?" she wits
IIe laughed eneteadlly.
Gond bay, Dicky!" he said,
"Daddy's boy!"
"And inutility's!' sire said
He kissed her again,
AWING—Will be cone at Brussels opiresite
the Creamery in the Spring,
phone 42-11 ° James Stevenson
Read the Ads.
Follow summer to its all -year
home. Thrill to golf under blue
skies, telex on warm sands.
For a winter vacation or, a
longer stay, there is never a
dull moment. And living costs
are very moderate.
Choose your own route. Fares
apply direct or via the Canadian
Rockies, Vancouver and Vic-
toria to San Francisco in one
or both directions.
On Application to any Agent
Dairy ,Production
Continues Upward
Keepa On. Increasing In Canada
During, Past Nine Months
Production of mirk in Canptkt has
been .moving steadily upwalil for.
the past ndne years, and, in 1937, the
onatput of nearly 17 billion tpounde
was, an increase of about 200 million ,.
pounds, over that of 1936. Milk is
used in a variety of ways wi'tb only
about 40 per cent being used, in the
Hudd form, Bettermraking takes the
greatest amount of milk and' close
to 50 par cent of the total output is
skimmed and churned into butter; it
take" about 8 per cent of the milk
produced to make cheese and ap-
pnoxinnately 1,2 per cent of the milk
is immune/et' into con'cen'trated mills
products. Th a percentage going
into lee creamy manufacturers is
relatively sneak, There was a eig-
naflcant gain in the value of all
dairy pnoduots in 1031 when, due to
increased produciblon and bdgher
Apices; the value was the greatest
recorded, since 1930.
When Ice Cream
Was First Made
In the Seventeenth 'Century—Ital-
ians Claim Its Discovery
Then, one day in a cafe in Palermo
the wonder was effected, says the
Irish Independent, A. young apemen.
tine who sew as ineffectual at-
tempts, of his clic Gs, to keep cool
tried his hand at a mixture of
treacle and 'ice, The result was
rather good. In fact .et was a con
&ideralfle lrniproi emcrentt ou anytbing
hitherto devised. So the appren-
tice followed• up hie experiments,
He made a wooden box with a
double bottcan. In the lower depart-
ment he placed a quantity of crush-
ed Ice and fillet] the other with
cream:, when lo! the original ice
cream. It is not eueprising that
the apprentice who had the genius
to discover ice cream had also the
sense to realize the possibilities of
his disecvery, When he had made
W13fN1.9SDAY, MABICi11 2nd, 1033
The Menace of
The Skid
aufllcieat 'money is Palermo R to
enable bent 10 siert on a itu'ge we)'
he eatablisleed4 in Puaals. '11 utas" the
beginning of an 11eilen poacel'al
pentitratien. that has lasted do . the
present day, The Magide4s oleem
they had dieteove'reti it .bargee 4h15
Unna, lit was 111 1.000 the anPren
(tee from PaleaIna gtpeued his shop,
and it iv, claimed that Charles' 1 bad
already' treated guse'te to, ices, tat 0
banquet. Charles eeenue oto breve
been very /proud of thte delicacy;
Air it le on record that he gave bile
e.bell 13100 yearly pension to kM'ep
the method' ofproduction, a secrete •
Which Are • You?
r .
Tbere are' two kinds of people en
Just two kende of people, no more,
6 say,
Not a sinner and saint, for it's well
The good' are half ;bad:, and the bad
are hall good.
Not the rich and the poor for to rate
a man's wealth,
You must fleet know the state of lees
cons'oien.ee and, health,
Not the humble and proud, for in
life's little' alien.
Who puts en vain airs, is not count-
ed a man:
Not happy and sad, for dbe swift
flying years
Bring each man his laughter„ and
each men his tears.
No; the two kinds of people on
earth I mean;
Are the people who lift, and the
.people who lean.
Wherever you go, you will fined, the
earths masses •
Are almays divided in just these.,bwo
And; oddly enough, you will find too,
I ween
There's always one Sifter crto twenty
who lean.
In which class' are you? Are you ea&
ing the load
Of overtaxed lifters; who toll down
the road
Or are you a leaner, who tats others
Your poetion of labor, and worry
and care?
—Ella Wheeler Wilcox
No camere•t.onsciousness in this young maestro! Any parent will treasure
an album of expressive snaps such as this one.
HAVIS you ever thought of taking
a series of "candid" or "off -
guard" pictures of the baby in his
lighter or more active moments,
and saving them in a special album
entitled "We Knew Him When"?
Any parent who owns a camera
can build up a splendid collection of
pictures ouch as this, and, !f your
baby is like most babies, the same
pest/ or expression will never pop up
A amall baby is probably the
world's ideal subject fpr "offguard"
pictures, because he is altogether
lacking in camera consciousness.
Once he learns haat you won't let
him chew the corners off the in-
teresting bleep gadget, or pull the
shiny piece of glass cut of the frotrt,
he dismisses the matter and pro-
ceeds to more important things.
Thereafter, you can shoot away to
your heart's content.
You don't need a high -spend mini-
ature camera to take "candid" plc -
tures ' of this sort. A speedy lens is
helpful, because then you can use
higher shutter speeds and catch the
youngster when he is trying his skill
at somersaults or endeavoring to
smash his rattle to pieces and see
what makes It work. But a box cam-
era will do the work pretty well if
you are careful to watch for momen-
tary pauses in the action. Even the
most industrious baby comes to a
brief halt now and then.
During the winter months, most of
your "off -guard" baby pictures will
he taken indoors, and many of them
at night. Amateur photo bulbs aup-
ply enough light for the night map -
shots, and your flim dealer will have
booklets or leaflets showing how to
arrange them, With lights arranged
properly, the night snaps ars almost
as simple as those outdoors in sun.
In shooting the off -guard baby Pic-
tures, watch for expressive gestures
and fleeting expressions, and train
yourself to catch them instantly.
Snap tears as well as smiles, for
they will help you remember your
baby as he is now. And, whenever
you put a picture in your special al-
bum, write under It the day and
year when it was taken. That will
help make the book a day-by-day
biography which grows in value as
the years roll by,
179 John van Guilder
J'uat as to eompeten't awin/liner
may When unexpected wave
Melia' Mini• lle rite, 1)101415, so a uor,
Melly eoolaleettdelt /Motorist may
•";fr'eoze on the wheel" during ,those
•preeiotls ripl4U,se enele,'lvhen, a skid
can, beeome'ait1rex•' as 'tragedy, or
mverely'; -a c4lii m'foiUn'g 1110'16014 le
e day's,*drive. J3ilt,"*ire hay ex -
peels can tell you how to.pull out of
a Odd, by eteerlllg • into jt, .lite
really 'wise 'drlver ie the , one who •
tells- you 'home to recognize: the twig
cowman types. of 'aitid: and more
paiitioularly bow to aavoid thein.
The elipped'y pavesnent skid can be
ptev'en'tad 'by optima/ d'riv'ing, by
slow 'turns, shops and stain's; and
by the, judicious use of &econd gear
as, a brake, The ,brake skid, .when
caused by an unequalized or poeriy
adpusted service bttakes, has only
one oare—'adtjustment by mechanic,
les synnetom, unmistakable even
on dry pa:vem•ent is a pull at the
eitearlugnvheel when tihs 'brake .is
applied even gen:'ly. Badlymdjust-
ed brakes can •be almost as danger-
ous on wee pavements or at high
*sea as no brakes art ail.
Barrister, Solicitor, Etc.
Phone lox - Brussels, Ont-
General Insurance Agent
Ethel, Ont. , Phone . 22-8
James Mc1 adzean
Howiek .Mutual Fire Insurance
-Hartford Windstorm
—Tornado insurance
—Automobile Insurance
'Phone 42. Box 1, Turnberry $t;
Brussels, 'Ontario
Wcenae Auctioneer for tee Counts
et Huron. Sales attended to In sus
parts of the country, SatiafaeUm
Guaranteed or no pay. Orders tete
eA The Post promptly attended tee
Belgrave Poaa Office.
Brussels 14-9.
Estate Agent,
and Commissioner
General Insurance
Main Street, — Ethel, Ontario
Important Notice
Accounts, Notes, Judgements
Our coleecUng deps...rment is n
result of years of successful expert -
encs in collecting local or out -of.
town accounts,
Nu coliec.,on. nn emerge, Hall
surkes Coe.eut,,,g
(Liceuse 176)
Head Office, Seaforth Ont
Licensed Funeral Director
and Embalmer
Bruebels Ont.