HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-2-23, Page 81 n Opportr&ty RoomLotBuicfles of Wall Papers At Bargain Prices 1n Sorting Our ,Wall Reaper gawks, getting ready for Spring Stock, We have come across several patterns of which there is only a limited quantity left These are being put on Sale at about Haif The inai Prise Or�g Came Early and •.-aa Get the Best Choice A S A,COUGH ,DROPS 10 pkg VICK'S VAPO RUB 500 r' VICK'S VATRANOL 500 RMOLID THROAT EASE and 25c Packages BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE For Stubborn Coughs 40c and 75c Bottles RIKER'S COD LIVER OIL Tested Large Bottle 79c 1'. R. SMITH DRUGGIST and ', sX,%'toj STATIONER €LEPHON1 NO. 62 --r TELEPHONE NO. 62 Joao GLASS(S ,NEED :NOT BEJt EXPENSIVE HAVE R. rA• REID EXAMINE At;V.ES AND IF GLASSES NE ARY YOU HAVE THEM AT :LOW COST. ee Rei. 6nd See Right' Stratford's Leading Optometrist • For Nearly 20 Years Ar d313•USSE> OFPICEf MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEk„,' LSDAY AFTE:&NOON 2.00 to 5.00 'Phone. 51 for Appointment CANADA - 1938 "'Canada 1937.38" whist is pos. &111y the biggest' and whdSlt is gen' erally adlntitt'ed to he the most en- terprisia ,; Canadian radio pro• gran:uno hoard Friday evenings, ce'ebtutted its first anniversary last week. "Canada 1937," sponsored by the Imperial ?elm0eo Coanpany Limited, broadcast for the first time on. Sunday, February 71.11, 1937. Except in the dog .days of summer ie has been heard weekly since, Victor George, producer of the proglamume, is responsible for nran7 direct innovations in Canadian and American. radio. "Canada 1937", for inotence, w'aa the first com- mercial programme on the North smingEnwommommonignow Apples For Sale No. 1 and Domestic Spies McIntosh Delicious Tolman Sweets —ALSO— Good Cooking Spies, Cheap NO. 1 CREAM — 39c East Huron Produce Phone 66 Brussels The Cambridge Clothes Representative MR. R• E. MacKENZ1E Will Again Visit This Store MONDAY, FEBRUARY 28th He will be prepared to show you an exceptionally fine range of cloths and styles for the corning season. We invite you to come in and inspect these samples. There is no obligation to buy. A. Wood Brussels „ Ontario Agents for Cambridge Clothes FREE FREE INE PACKAGE CREAM CHEESE Given Free with every individual purchase of $1.50 of Meats Only (Quarters Excluded) Beef Quarters PRICED IN LINE WITH LOW CATTLE PRICES EXTREMELY GOOD QUALITY SALMON TROUT in the piece 15 cents HERRING, FRESH SUPERIOR 10c 4. LARD—Prints or Bulk Saturday Only 2 Ib. for 25c Limburger Cheese — 250 IAN MCDONALD aratazuseniansalanasnatemnstaamattemasaannt WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME William Street, Brussels, Ontario PERSONAL ATTENDANCE 'Phone 65 Day or Night Calls MOTOR HEARSE B G. WALKER Director. Embalmer and Funeral ,I4ALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY leaf Tomatoes 3 urge Bus for 25c kening 2 lb • • . • • • • 25c tt axtite Sodas per lb 13c our Maid Coffee; per lb 29c 17 oz Vanila 25c Fresh Sair Dates 3 1b .. • , 23c Coot Brooms • •• . • . 25c (led Band Baking Powder 1 th can • • • 19c Ilogg's Corn Flakes with cereal r F ; bowls 3 pkgs ...... • . 25c don Special Soap per bar 6c O'Cedar Polish . 25c Aylmer Pork & Beans 3 tins 23c Devon no, 4 Peas 2 tins 19c Blue Ribbon Matches 3 boxes • • • • • • . • • • 23c Lealand Tomato Juice • • • • 3 tins . 25c Youngs New Double Strength Jelly Powder 3 pkgs 23c Ginger Snaps per Ib lOc H Homes Quick Tapioca with Sherbert Glasses 2 pkg • • • 29c N0 Is The Time to Plant Your Tomatoes /1.16aMMIUM esa,eauxarei,ra�aar aaera,nrrs<s wi.,,-..emltotwesmn LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS THE BRUSSELS POST Surier;or Store Quality Service Specials For— 'Thursday, Friday, Saturday Lard -2 lbs for 25c or bring your crock to fill ' • • for 12e Ib per tin 9e 24 Ib et ch 75c 2 tins for 19c 2 pack for 29c per yd 15e •. per yd 59e • • • • • each 49c per pr 25c per pr 23c per pr 15c Men's Dress Socks per pr 10c Remnants—of Silks, Wools, Cottons & Oilcloth At Bargain Prices Singapore Sliced Pineapple Arctic Pastry Flour • ' • • 7's • • • • • ... • • 24o Garden Patch Corn ,Princess Soap Flakes Light Colored Prints Table Linen -bleached or unbleached Girls Wool Sweaters Girls Silk & Wool Hose Boy's Leather Mitts Women's Cotton Hose W. ZIEGLER HIGHEST PRICESS PAID FOR PRODUCE Phone 2211 Ethel, Ont• American cosrirent to use transat- lantic hook-ups. This was before other networks began to make a feature of the =nudes and difficult practice of hooking up with Europe and Asia for news cornmen. taries on commercial programmes. The historic conversation be - 'Sweet' ,Montreal, London and Geneva, it is maintained was actual- ly the first tame the practice of transoceanic three-way converse• tion between Montreal, London and Geneva, it is maintained, was actual- ly the first time the practice of tiansoceanic three -,way eonvereation was used. `lCanada. 1937-38" was also the first programme in this country to make use of transatlantic facilities in order to bring opinions and Im- pressions of Canadians abroad to Canadians at. home. Iaterview•s were carried on between, Montreal and Berlin, Rome, Cairo and many other European capitals. The two most important centres of human interest for -Canadians are the Dominion in which they live and New York, the city they visit for entertainment on a large scale. "Canada 1938!' covers both, Walter Bowies, the *Roving Reporter,' visits a Canadian city, town or vil- lage every Friday 'o review that district's contribution to Canada's national life am'd interviews builders of Canada. This week" he speake from Lethbridge, Alberta. Lionel ' Shapiro fer, Canadian vocal corres- pondent for "Canada 1938" in New York. Ile brings news and gossip from Radio City as a feature on each weekly programane. And then, of course, there is the orches, Tenders Wanted For crush•1ng and Hauling 10,000 yards of more Gravel in the Town- ship of Grey. Tenders anay be submited to use: own crusher or Township crusher, All Gravel to pass through 1 inch square perfora- tion in screen average haul to be 3 a, miles, Tender must be accompanied by Certified Cheque for $100.U0. Contractor mart assume all liabil- ity under the Workmen's Compeu- sation Acs. Tenders to be is Clerk's hands' by 2 o'clock p.m. Sat. urclay, March 5th, 1938. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. I3, FEAR, Clerk, F. F. HOMUTH Phm. B., R. 0. Western Ontario's Most Modern Optical Service OUR AIM—"BETTER EYE CARE" HARRISTON, BRUSSELS Phone 118 Phone 26X Corn For Sale Have purchased another truck Load of Good Feeding Corn tea and °homus, the singing of Russ Salt Always On Hand Titus and other soloists. Geo. E• Pollard Phone 56-13 Cream Wanted WE ARE PAYING TODAY Special 41c No. 1 39c No' 2 36c Delivered B:.:asels lc Less Picked Up In Our Trucks Swift Canadian Co, itd. Erusscls, Ont, Atwood Nursing Home GAM tea Gives Expert NursingCare in Maternity and Operative Cases Terms Reasonable Mrs. D. Kidd Atwood, Ont. Farms For Sale Good Farms for Sale IN BRUCE, HURON AND PERTH COUNTIES A Reasonable Cash Payment Will Be Accepted And Terms for the Balance Arranged at 4% Interes' Write me stating your requirements Oliver Hemingway Inspector For Commissioner of Agricultural Loans R. R. 3, Brussels Phone 23 r 4 1VT9T�NT.ST)AT, PI+1: 10th 038 QUALITY - - SERVICE Garden Patch Corn 17 oz. Tins 2 for 19c 15c Peanut Butter in Bulk per 11'1 E Cowan's Cocoa, 1 11'1 tins • 27c tI Sunlight Soap, Save the cartons • • • • , • • 4 • cakes • • • • • • , 25c t Crisco in 1 11'1 tins per Ib 23c t r. gf Star Chocolate Drops Special per lir .19c Jelly Powders Assorted Flavors per pkg • • • • 5c Princess Soap Flakes 2 pkgs 29c g Pat -A -Pan Pastry Flour High Grade, 24 lb 78c Singapore Sliced Pineapple per tin 9c 4 Heinz Spaghetti 2 tins • • 2$c Tiger Brand Tomato Catsup 26 oz. • • Each 17c s Vf Weston Cello Wrapped Cookies .. per pkg • . • • • • . • • • 15c Swansdown Cake Flour per pkg 35c ' Special Black Tea per Ili 45c Toddy in 1/2 -Ib Tins Each 15c Our Coffee is Ground While You Wait per lb 39c Yellow Giant Popping Corn per lb 15c Mighty - Nice Wheat Berries per bag . .. • 25c Lushus Jelly Powders have their own Particular Flavor 10c pkg or 3 for 25c Cooking and Spanish Onions On Hand W Bird Seed in Bulk per Ib 14c IV Brussels it las Eckmier 1urarywarminsawsamarairmairararawirg aY !o a �[dda Saturday 1 - Grain Wanted- WE anted- WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE FOR WHEAT Suitable For our product Toasted Flaked Wheat Berries WE BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AS WELL Agent—Percy Lawless Phone 29X T. G. HEMPHILL Phone 29—Mill Wroxeter NISIMItat BrusseleeraI Store PlOINIE 61 no- et�erP,� ete�e o•': te3'crstre:ar. a+n�-Meerr ~rse> s� is rc.a s cca^i MONEY - - UY if HEE A Good Time To Buy Terry Towelling Suitable For Rollers or Hand Towels 15c 19c 25c & 29c yd John Brown & Sons—All Linen Toyeling Very Special .. Factory Cotton, nice even thread 37 inches wide SPECIAL 15c yd• Fine Snow White Long Cloth, full 36 inches wide 25c yd. A good selection Circle Bar Silk Hose Sizes 81/2 to 10 75c and $1.00 All Kinds of Premiums in Stocic—Bring in Your Coupons The Wanted Lines of D & A Corsets and Corselettes All Sizes Here Men's ,Heavy Overalls and Pants, Blue with Red or White Back—Our Low Price • • $1.50 pr. Men's Heavy Work Socks, Pure Wool This Week -End 4 pair for $1.00 The New Spring Caps Are Here—Men's or Boy's Your Size Is In Stock • • • • $75c & $1.00 Youth's Natty Tweed Suits A Few To Clear at Bargain Prices ALL Your Needs For Quilts or Comforters Prints — Broadcloths — All Kinds of Bats at 'voat lasf.s tatatalcoatSICICIVIICICIal.l6ISIS061642+604ICe Mtctetctc+a+rctcrab 25c yard E. J. MCFAVISH GENERAL STORE