The Brussels Post, 1938-2-23, Page 7THE BRUSSELS POST
1111414P11011B TALKS 01'
"Yes, Mary ... and Tom's fine, too."
Ohl Mrs. Watson lives with her son
Tom, Yet her only daughter Mary,
miles away, is with her too, for Mary,
though old-fashioned in many ways, is
definitely telephone minded and never
fails to call her Mother on Long Distance
at least once a week — an inexpensive
and supreme pleasure for both of them.
As Tom Watson puts it, "though
our family's scattered, we're never
really far apart — with the telephone."
Are you acquainted with the
com f ort, convenience and
low cost of Long Distance?
L Low Night Rates begin every evening 1
at seven, and apply ALL DAY SUNDAY!
The Brussels Post
R. W. KENNEDY — Publisher
Published Every Mednesday
Subscription price per year,
Paid In advance. SubscrIptias in
United States will please add 50c
for postage
Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont:
Minister of Agriculture Dewan ad-
dreaeed the closing sta.ion of the
Ontario Agricultural 'Council con
cealion in Townie, and is reponted
this milli
—"Mr. DEnvDn •thought the biggest
nee takes in agriculture had been
made in times of rfrasperity. That
was the time to .,'ive while during a
deprese:on money should be spent.
Farmers having the most serious over $1000 a year. It has been
trouble at pr•:ttet are those who cleaned In deeence of the contract
spend freely, seceUsnulattd debt free- sy that it is fair because those
l,v, during the llruspereu I,.::ad be- who receive the contrctote name the
fore the dere seem" price at which they are willing to
'there is no doubt a eery large Gal the work, but In this case the de -
degree of truth in. the•, but the Partmen: k, -p, on Wittig the appli-
fd^.'nler is not in a cls a tee •1 f• cants •drat even the low tender was
If he wee spending freeee e,,titeq Mit Mich, . 1 teem was a degree of
lite eeamn w'I1Icb we now refer to as f urgency iia ,',teed wtiklt would
a t:me of prosperity he \14 a doing trate from a men the right to name
Fee ne uai figure at. which lie
Pet shout the same tie people else thougl-t the )ante could be carried.
where or everywhere,
'We oanuot regard the equalizing
down of the lowest tender from MO
to $650 for a year's work as inch as
mach of an accomplishment.
sddered high, .and it is explained
that "eaeli was given an opportunity
to modify his Lender,' the result be-
ing that the lowest figure was $775
and the high=ee` $1,100. We learn
that these offers were still consid-
ered too high and tender were
again invited, and the third time the
low mark was placed at $650 and
the high. mark remained at $1,100.
The actual rtsuet was that the
it::w parr, had been driven from $300
to $775 and then dtnm to $650. The
htgb mark malcee little difference
because the person with a fairly
high tender wile never have a
chance tie secure a contract,
We doulet if that same system is
followed in government contracts in
genteel, nor was the remit a great
toecete in this ease. After calling
for tenders three times in a period
which extended from April to
August the net result was ,hat the
low tender had been reduced from,
$300 to $650, while in each case
there were men elating by their
tender, that they considered the
mail route should be worth well
When do people start spending
money? The aliewer to that is easy.
They spend when they have money
and when: they ire fairly certain
there Is going to be some more
coming in. People in the city do
time and to do the people in the
country. When they fetal a de.
pression, coating and whet[ they
find their Dash Pewee shrinking
they de not speed. Even if they
had been saving during the good
yralm .they would hesitate about
making ittreads on their reserves,
and they would give ns the reason
that they did not know how long
tote deprcission was galiig -to last.
'I'lte element at fear comes in and
Met has a good deal to do with dic-
tating many of our actions, So if
fainn•on_e tllid spend too much during
,time when money was more plenti-
ful than it has been for Chem in re-
cent years -they were dieing what all
the resit of us were doing. It was
merely a case of Putman nature be-
coI1ling teemed -ea.
Questions were Pelted. in the
Iuouse of Ccanmons regarding the
c=ne)e -„
Witltiit the body lie certain glands
which pour their secretions directly
into the blood s'.tream, These secre-
tions are particularly powerful, and
any abnormal coudlrion which re-
sults in •LUe alteration of one or
oiler of rho internal 'secretions,
whether this be in quatvttty or in
quality, gives rise to serious die,
order tis the human body.
D.) avoid tlta (1 Dgca's thee aetend the
enervated, ad'vauccd stage of dia.
Bolors tate 1liscovely of insulhi,
'th'e play treartme5M, for (Babette. was
Met, and mild eos'es are still con•
trolled by diet alone. The more
advanced castes' are treated by diet
and inert(:n, Inettlin fs lot a cure
for diabetes, le suppjles the MAY
with the subs'tan'ce which the
mei pancreas pancreas furnishes, and it must
be takem regularly, being injected
under the skin, Insulin sloes not
replace dieting, et is alevaye used.
in cOmielnadion welt dist,
The diabec'aic wire follows the 111-
srruotione, ref his doctor with regard
to diet and insulin nuay expect to
litre a long and usette life, Because
he has' to take care of himself, Ire
may outlive the non-diabaWc. It is
not easy to adhere to -a diet. This
is something for all of us to remem-
ber in our conlaots with diabetics;
we should help then, not tempt
them, iu 'their adherence to what
(bey have been toad and what they
know is beet for them,
Properly used, insulin has allow.
ed to live many who, otherwise,
Would have died. It has made an
active life a realty for many dia-
belbics for whom duet alone had to
be so rsishl'icted es to leave therm
wrack and incapable of working.
permite the young diabetic
to Live; before lts slisoovery, the
younger ,pa.tients had bat little
hope. Every case of diabetes re-
quires, medical supervision in order
that his or her particular needs may
receive groper attention.
'Situated ease to the outlet of the
stomach is' the gland known as the
pautcreas. The panei•erie .nreduces
an internal secrotlon, insulin, which
nldow•e the holy to digetct and use
ceratin foods. The olds idea that in
diabetes, or the absence of the
normal supply of ins'ulee, the bleed
turu,s to \velar, comm. from the fent
that one of thee first sign noted by
the tlinhette is- that the amount of
urine is couslde1'ably increatsM as is
the frequency of warding, Further,
there is a •thirst which seems' Int-
preellele to twitch, 411141, in &bete of
lettdug of contract* 11y tender for tut inereeetng appetite, there is; Imes
certain meal roues of nail service of weight,
, In British Columbia, and the Many mild cases of cliabeites are
a11111were, !furnished by the Post- d•0tteeted when apparently well per.
master General tie imtereattng. One sone present thremselves for medical
route was ivflown as' No, 1, When- examination, 'Peso Demons are the
neck, B.C„ and tarn tenders were lnsutrace, or for a peitodic medical
received ranging from a low nnirk examial.ion, Those persons are the
Of $800 per year to a high figure 01
$1,200, These itCltderi wore con•
fontuntute ours, for .they are given
tete chance of early -reat:men't anti
Harr Are Items Taken from
Mee of the Post of 60
sad SS Yrar. Ago
.etre George B. Turvey and dough,
ter Stella seene a few days last
week with Blyth friends',
s * *
Mimes Carrie and •Maude Jack-
son, S;h line, lett this week for the
Seeing Millinery opeelings at To-
dross on Queen street.
AAs. 1. Menetesi, •C:anbrook local
Dv its visiting her sleteidn•lew, Mrs.
(leo. I0.1ianier, th,e week.
J. and Moo, Cubt and son removed
to their Jule' IOme -at Godeitch.
* * e
Tbo 100 -acre farm of Walter L.
lereekemddge, 1511 line Morris, has
igen sod to Robert Messer,
Dr. Fred Lryans sesunied the
deelcte of his new ptoettee this week,
* * *
rifts'. Finlay Moln'toeh, Blyth, who
was, visiting Mese, Geo. Muldoon,
Drltssels, lea for Wilkie Sank.,
where they purpose •making their
k * *
Miss Mina. Rogers, who bas been
on the Abaft of the Mount Forest
Confederation is here on a visit
with rellative0 and friends before
going to Porta,gela-Prairie where
she swill join Miss L, McLeuchlin,
foruneleY of Bruse:els in the .Millin-
ery business, A number of old
friends met d,t Airs. Rogers' home
and :presented Miss Rogers with a
choice pin.
John elegem:le Is att'ay to Boston
with a carload of horses.
* t *
Roy Sellers and Rich. Arnu:trong
of Moose Jaw, have returned to the
3rd line alter a. pleasant visit wdtb
Wiiughaan, Chatham and Detroit
* a *
This week D. and Mrs', Badgley
moved to their new farm purchased
from Jae Cutt near Jameatowm.
The fame et 3. B. Kerney, 4th line
hos been lensed for a term of years
by Peter Rutledge, of the same ,
* * *
Prarte0,tion — Iast Thursday
evening a jolly company numbering
about 50 ase-elnliled at the coin
modious reiidercc of Harry and
Mre. Jacks .11, eel' lime as a surprise
party from the Jackson church :;^re-
srute.d Miss efetole .lasbran, who and is reelgndng to take a
line been organist for taut 6 or 8
millinery eituetion, with a fine suite
case, gold locket, brooch and faun
twin lin. The address was read
by A. Howlett and Wm. Taylor
made -rhe preteeijlation,
* *
terock Parliament — Next Friday
evening the new Canadian Club will
meet In the Dilworth ILail when ti's
Constitution By-laws end Rules' of
Order will be stlbmtltded. The new
oabinet will be conepoeed or the
following welt -known Icon. gentle -
Speaker, Rev, D. When.
Jno. Pewees', Pt'ime ?sflnds'ter
E, Frinton, Minister or Public Works
G, Dunbar, ::Minister Railways and
Wan. Kisluter, MMlndster MIarines, and
II. Menzies, Minister Inland Rev-
J. K. Balker, 1llniser Agriculture
Geo. Mittcho1l, Minister 'Melilla
J. K, Brown, Minister Justice
A, H. .Macdonald, Minister of
Andrew McKee, liinistOr Interior
Dr. Feitgttson, 111ndslter Labor
A. L. McDonald, Minister Trade and
Mreleen Slots:mon, Posdmeeter Gen.
S. Cn4ltell will be feeder of the o11•
•flies M, Howe left. for Dunnville
on Saturday ghere she will Spe1141
a month with relatives.
* * *
Jas. Johnston, of I(owie e, lies
' purchased Mrs, Johnston's' resl-
A ste'igh load .e of* young people
Donn Ilrtis:t's 1-e„ let e plea -a"; time
at It. I.ang'e• rasa L ritlay evening,
,l '0 d+
A. Bremner returned from Scot.
l<u,.t Imes Monday. They were oil
ueeen1 la days,
Geo. West and wife, Thos. Mer..
neon eted Geo,;;e Wlildaln•on and
tearer left dere Friday nlortreig to
, go to Manitoba.
Jnr. Forbes has leased Wm.
Killough's fat'ni, just epics—lee his
neo ra term Of years, Mr. Kit-
louglr rives on to elle Heritage
farm, on the next coneeet eon north,
Robs, Bare, jr„ has lensed his 100
acre farm on the lith con., to James
:Maker for a terse of five rears.
* * *
A. few more settlers from Maud.,
Ube bas's arrived back to the i
scenes of their youth. They are
D. and 3, F. Stewart and P, Scott.
The smiling countenance of Jno.
E. Serieh of Brandon, Man„ Is seen
011ie more on our streets.
Harry Dunford,k Mrs. Thee. Dun -
ford and son. and Wm, Work lett.
Br iseets far the') home in Dakota
las,. Wednesday,
* 4, *
Wim. Bilis- has purchased several
park lots from Wm, Martin. They
l'isc�: e ere roue (118,11 (1ts fur the
Libeicd netuilt;ltdoti in Nast Lamle
ton.As the contf1t• looks Ilea all :
nr1'aneatiolt 1t is eturpl•ising there
ere not forty.
The 1i.4.T.Lr; le to present- a
drinking fount:du to the city of (Gln
50011. 011well, it thele 811hably be of
eeiv':e '15 visituee.
Rirel Cae1k)115 of the fur workers'
union in Tol'Qlate have stallted
feeletieg each other. and neither
more pay nor btee er working condi-
tions well coarse Dom that,
P c;eldent Roocevel, says Amer(. 1
can prices are not Thigh enough yet. •
He epe ti'siip' igr.oreo the foot drat
tee conisu.mer• 10 not supplied with
oxygen e.tuii'nlent, i
Steel houses are to be construct,
ed in Pennsylvania, itccording to a
eo,y from. Phileelelphda, They will
rat -het cramp she styte of the axe
men in the fire del part:neat.
A Prisoner tnir W ind,a1' admitted
lie e,wuttr of the toys,
* * *
Hopper-VanNornten — At Winghani
on the 1511 inset„ by the Ren'. A.
• •C. ,McDowell, at the Methodist
Parsonage, 11r, John W, Hopper,
of Morris, to Miss Bella Van -
Norman, of the sante place.
tel,. lard, 1111
ho acted trot (8 nl :te with the stele
deuce 'wlatah 010 Bn10011 atslttSBOBl•'
•gainee 1:1'M. I1'ftieh is t4 4lbgitlOed
Way of semli 1irg h.a wee guilt}'.
premier 1I+rburn declares that
eteu1ulsory paeteliriz(Uoat Is to be
pushed tdirouge et the owes.
eeesiou of 1110 Le is eture, tix�ti
there- 1 u,a indieuelen 'Phar tee 0.n'
1ir•nuucienelut '1111 be productive of
111(5(it ttgrptausx from rural One:tide.
Food coatis' are to be probed bit
the Doautnlon government, It
would be well to hate the invs Lige
ttlpn carried tut as quietly as' pee,
sibte or the .job neey beve to he
dusted: .aver 10 the Royal Ah' Force.
Hen. T. B, leeetteelen predicts
the eint'eneion ote the Your-i.tlte mgt.,
ways eyei¢h11 in Onrario, At least
1'001) noatds permit faster tierce with
greater safely one as we insist on
the former anyway we might as
\cell strive for the latter,
There is reported to be a danger
of England, shoving to Landolt. mat
is not an immediate danger bemires
the most densely populated urea in
Engfaud is within a. radius of 11fty
neeecr of Mencheeter.
—e'-8 —
T, L. Church, M.P., wanted
Premier Icing eo divulge whale he
teeked about when be visitied
Ilttfer. The reply while counched
in nice parliamentary terms, could
be interpreted in plain language as
"11 is none of your business."
CORDS ....
gale Sunoco vs Four
Premium Priced
..Nreed 61,.es" a•
o C saNCCe
♦1. r,.,r' ''''''T' tan:: KF ""
In other words, Blue Sunoco started of the
less than 1/3rd the average
lour prondurn prteed 9asollbes tested.
photegrePlt taketL
dutittg stmoant o
;,famous •��pntreal
Defeats 4 leading premium priced
official Canadian Automobile Assoc ri
On a bitterly cold January- day two each of four tet °tc>.aoanz
makes of cars were exposed for hours atop 102gttre l'sRoyal
at Westmount Lookout. One of each of the cirrs had a ,. n' filled
with regular priced Blue Sunoco purchasafhy a C. A ; Official
from a Blue Sunoco dealer of his own Choi The seco' of ;each'
pair of cars was filled with one of four leadin "brand s of extra pritt d
gasolines purchased under identical coalitions. In, every. case, Blue
Sunoco started, and'h' >
stayed started, faster tnt^its extra priced. rivall
Proving that it is not necessary, to pay from
2c to 2h/2c extra to get surefire quick starting
Think of it. In impartially conducted tests, Male 'Sunoco proved
it starts three times as fast as four leadingakes of extra priced
gasolines. Every phase of the test was aervised by C.A.A.•
officials. Here's absolute proof that all w t, e long you can get,
dependable, double quick starting at regulalr'gas price. 'Start using
Blue Sunoco — and start saving your money !, '
Harry Charnpion's Garai
Phone 8 Brussels, Ont