HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-2-23, Page 54491310114.3.
W:1)TN1)8i)AY, 1+1,JB., 23r(1 flat
illiplfisi11.1111>1111 11111111M1111111111I11111111 111Y1l
Notices in Hula column coat
25c up to four lines; 5c for
every extra line. Cash must
accompany ad, Orders taken
over 'Phone 35c.
A good sENVOI) tl hand Ile Laval
Gleam Separator,
1.c W. II, Stiles, phone
7 Pigs, 7 -weeks 01.11, Apply to
1-e plum: 41-15
Clan nee Hollinger
Two keys 'it cl with a. shoe lace,
Feeler kindly gc't in emelt with the
ALE-One Durham Cow, due April let.
1.p apply to Chas, E. Unite,
Plene 41e-14
House & Le' and 7 acres with
fa:i wheat. - Apply to 2-p
John Cla-k, Ilex 122,
Ilrtheele, Ont,
On the edge of the Village of
Bruseeis, together with 41u acres
of land, suitable for a- poultry farm
for a man of tenet' eapleal,
apply .to Hinter D. Bell, Solicitor,
Brussels, Ontario
Wili sell ata sacrifice, last lbs lot
13, eon, 17. Grey also North ?it lot
14, con. SS. to wind up the estate of
the hate Archie McCallum,
Jae'. .1tenvizettn
phone 42 Box 1, Brussels
Young Rork Horses, well -broken,
.also Shorthorn Bulls, all serviceable
age can spare a few heifers.
4-e Thos. Kerr,
Henfryn, phone 35.9
A House and Lot, belonging to the
Smith estate, in the village of Wal-
ton to be sold to wind up the estate,
Thomas Bolger, Executor.
Direct from the Atlantic, slightly
sal: Pollock, 3 ib. 250; 6 lb, hoc; 12
lb. $1.00.
Men's Suits and Top Coats also
Ladies Suits and Top Coates. It
will be to your Interest to look them
aver before buying. E. Bakes.
4-p phone 8x4 Brussels
One hundred sere faint with good
buildings, barn 60x80 with new roof,
cement stabling ,0houghout, Good
Dome house with 10 -rooms; drilled
well. Will sell cheap for quick sale
apply on premises, lot 21, con. 6.
Grey township.
1-c Wnt, Gorealltz,
phone 41-12 Ethel
Watkins Dealer needed for nearby
rural rout suTplying established
denhand, far World Famous Spices,
I4xtraots, Baking Powder, Soaps,
Cleaneee's, Medicines, Fly Spray,
1lineralizcd Stock Tonics: 70 year
reputation, 10,000 dealers. ,Must
be satisfied with $30.00 weekly at
start, Credit fu'nds'bed right' 'panties.
'Write or Wee 541'. W. G. Boyle,
Wdngham, Ontario,
Accomplishes Much
A me we stamp done a lot fpr
very little money, but it would re.
quirt thousands of two cent stamps
pnd personal loten to make your
wants knout,.. to as many !staple at
• 15e. investment 01 our Classified
Want Adt.
• 0.,,....H ., Imo .. v.rr.w
fN Sez, I. Call'em
Ufillij1II3tl!111811!111'11R91111a1I1GIIIIEIIltd!IIWII116111! I
-The picture abuv duznt n anz
I snort, the z -z -z, mettne deep titatz.
1, stt sa
1 a44dug yens elf on the back will
net pleb yea forward,
.-Amending to the latest definition
an ',ill ureal ie a Yes girl who
ntvt-r had a elmnrc to talk.
, *
--11 i:; said [het the Modern bride
ate, _ tan ap"uers almost as badly
as 'het' gtatiamothet's needed safety
'3 e
lan1 it gratifying how few people
et go^icense we merit? But haw
gnat lying it is to diecover that, by
some d' aiglr Pn! cotncidonce, they all
agree with us!
* a' *
--There seems to be three kinds
of workers, Fcr example, when a
rano is to b'1 moved. tate flit gets
bellied and pushes, the second
•itis in lame and grnicles, and the
third grabs the piano stool.
u * *
- Jlnch has already been said of
the value of forming good habitis
One wcman wan greatly insulted the
,-.her eve,ning when her husband's
ger-:t, a former baseball umpire,
dusted off his plate when he sat
down 'IA the table,
:r• *
--4t will be a doluxible, super=
glorious, pow -wow of a time at the
Teee,water 01(i Boys' and Girls' Re -
Union to be held in 1030, Yes sir,
everybody will be welcome there
too -young and old. -whether you
are an aid resident or not,
* * *
-Doctor-You'll get disease
frr.•m kissing.
Pattiee.R-+Is' that worse than a ner-
vous breakdown
Doctors• --Why?
Pw,tent.-I gee nervous break-
downs from not kissing.
* * * *- * * * * *
.p Like rare 'bargains adver-
'a lased sometimes at your lead-
* big store-
's Only One To A Customer
* * * * ,. * *
Icy Roads
This, district on Thursday ex-
perienced its worst sleet atattm of
the year when a steady rain, which
froze as it tellturned sidewalks
and roads into veritable skating
kinks. Wa'l'king was temente only
with extreme caution and town em-
ployees, busy since morning sanding
sbree*s, saw their work come to
nothing as lee covered the Saud al-
most as soon as It wee put on the
si(Uewb.lalts. Provdno:al highways
were passable, but turns. were
dangerous and at one •tdme Thursday
morning several cars, and trucks
were stranded or In the ditch.
County roads, with their high
crowns, were impassable.
CHILDREN of all ales
thrive on "CROWN
They never tire of its delici-
ous flavor and it really to so
good for them -so give the
children "CROWN BRAND"
every day.
Leading physicians pro-
CORN SYRUP a most satis-
factory carbohydrate to use
as a milk modifier in the
feeding of tiny infants and
as an energy producing food.
for growing children.
Watchman Snores
As Queen Calls
W00eilmen Joe Thomas, - who
works nights, snored lleueofuli.y
through a visit Queen Elizabeth
paid 4o his eavieroonh fiat,
The Queen, vistting London areas
in wh'tai slum clearance is in pre-
greee, kuoeked at manly boors and
carr -0.:d' and laughed with house-
Mesit of her impromptu hostesses
failed to lee/maize Queen Eliza-
beth. "I theugitt she was just a
lady," Said 0110,
Why Drive To Blaze
When You Can Walk
Lindsay, Ont.
"It's easier to walk t0 fires this
weather than to drive the truck end
have •to clean it up afterward" Fire.
man Ross McArthur told an enquir-
ing citizen who wondered at seeing
him returning to the fire hall with
an extinguisher under his arm.
A call came for the brigade to
extinguisha chimney fire 0 f
blocks, from the fire hall. 'faking
into c0u1sidea•ai.ion the slippery eon -
Cation of the street's, the fireman
quickly made up his' mind to walk to
the fire with the extinguisher under
hie at••m. The fire was put out
with little difficulty.
Trap Grabs Trapper
Saves His Life
Eye Good At 81
nubllu, Out,
e.1 es, slr, VII be 81 years old in
April and 1 can 171000 Om eye oat of
a $Parrew y,1., :lliehael .1, Ii1i0-
hammer said, to hiss Perth County
home as h. d:aiiayed 21 framed
ilee1• inueb13 iletatees, ,from 1307 to
1928. • Duriug tltase years he kept
a record of .very- deer he :;'iter, the
type ui titer, the date, whet° the
Melee strtitlt and how' many yards
he wes ftt0n the dear. -rho htr,A. I
ever got wee an lt0-pouud hnclt 1
,lee'.' on the (1111 at 325 y.t1'de;' he
IA Week's Festivities
Kitchener, Ont.
'y , 1 t:l tad Feed m ac hatn± arriv-
ed hire laet week, delaytd by u'1e-
i Mating in Turunt.a the hath of a
,Lt03ht' r to Prince ,s Jullaua aril
Prime Bernhard of the Ne-thc'r-
land . Asked ij the bitch of a 5.41
w:ntld have cawed great,.r e' le•bra-.
, tin, they said t: lamed a weeds as It
1 was.
Robery, Cowardly
Mayor Chides
Rhiny River, Ont. 1
Arthur Gunnell, trapper of the
Rainy River clirtrlct, 145 miles east
at Winnipeg, today owes his life to i
the enapining jaws of a steel wolf
Placing a wolf trip on a sloping
reek ledge at Turtle Fails, on the
Aaalkkan River, near here, Gunnell
alined on, the ice and plunged toe
ward the open water below the :
As he fell forward, the powerful
jaws alt the trap bit into his parka,
and the chain, attached to a stamp, ,
held ham above the water,
nuttily, Gunnel worked back up
the slope to safety,
Enough To Band
,The Earth
16 all the rails eompnls'ed in the
tracks of the world's railways• were
to be placed side by side, they would
forth a steel pathway 16 H. wide
right around the earth. Similarly, if
all of ,the world's locomotives and
roiling shock were to be placed end
to end they would more .than cover
the entire length of ,this steel path-
Buffalo, N.Y.
To a discouraged father who is
thinking of committing rubbery be-
cause he can't find work, Mayor
L. Holding today wrote: "That's 21
coward's• way out. A great many
people are in trouble, Did you
think you were the only oue Gat
out and hustle."
The Mayor, who grew up in Wy-
oming, Ont., receiveal a letter from
a young father who is threatened
with loss• of his furniture, He
wrote: "Unless I get' some worst
Pretty some 1111 have to resort to a
sticlou p."
The letter was signed only:
"Con, 1234."
The Mayor's letter was published
In a newspaper-. --
Highlights Of
Hitler Speech
Berlin, Germany
Salient passages from Chaucellor
1 Hitler's' speee1) to the Reichstag
I Sunray.
With Great Britain the Reich
Inas no litigious question of any sort,
unless' i; be our colonial demands.
The element of conflict is, totally
The, world cannot expect tis to go
on (without colonlee) for ever , ,
I protest against the hope of certain
elements that they can stifle our
demand by granting credits, Only
February and March Chicks
S. C. W. Leghorns (Mixed) Barred P. Rocks
10 cents 11 cents
(Day-old Pullets)
21 cents (90% guaranteed) 22 cents
April Chicks One Cent Less
Day-old Pullets 2 cents less
Custom Hatching 2 cents per egg set, tray holds 200 eggs
two hatches weekly -Tuesday and Friday
S. C. W. Leghorn
60c ,
3 week old
4 week old
6 week old
8-10 week old
Barred P. Rocks
-When you ;place your order, you are assured the best
chicks and pullets. I have at the above prices, there's one
grade and one price. Of the thousands I (hatched last year
again, they were a11, with the exception of 100 day old chucks,
sold locally, that speaks for itself.
Alec Woodrow
I the return of dile col0nles Will
iron and Steel will Speak it
ever international agitation paisen-
ing public opinion should welt to
d,eetroy the peace of our iteieh.
We will never a'e1010 to the
League of Nathents.
There ie only one abate with
twhieh we elo not dery:re to have
d'c,aliugs)-. Savior Russia,
I fen 1,11att e, defeat of Japan 9n
the Far East . would benefit
Rue :a exclusively.
The Rt lt•h burr not enderlel in-
ittt s in the Far Beet, It ltas an
unci •r.=t:en'able 0t ,_.r a to t'arr'y ee
trade tura bu„rein' there,
L1kew Cernieuty has not ter-
ri:orial rni re: t of any Batt what-
ever in the t,srrlhle civil war in
'Ph .3 i ••..f ...P,..' s of Brit r.'!n's wet Id
empire are certainly very eoP.>tider-
abtte, and we reete n:ize the impar.
tx11Yee of them,
C1;anete in Auetrla have removed
difLereueee which might have re -
re fan in 1 d;'aahre,plre-
lini,Plt•vi', 'i terl :uric, erre no
longer seveveign settee , . , but sec.
lams of the _'ll ..orate revolutionary
t -,'4a-'31" , 1 know 1.)10-:1 (Anthony
Iden. the r--ienl 11.itleh foreign
of t tetary dor • nut sleeve this view.
e iman I iLin tel trona are bee-
t t enc the exi--once of mutual con-
rIrl;,,.ns 11:" 1111)1 :'late
Ce1Yntui of tin not dr the ue war ,, but
they du mss fear war,
Inul't toy t tire. d:tuoe in Brussels
I tiday, 1 b 27,th,
Sala h t at3aahatchewai
Harness -100 Sets
Help Yourself by Buying Some of
This Harness Also Help Sask.
Plant Another Crop
NO 1 -Set, of Brass Harness, Hand-
made yet Heavy Brass spotted Com-
foltatble Brldlca: Lines 1b's Inch 20 -
feet long; Hames, Heavy reversible
steel homes with long braee knobs;
Traces, ring sleet, 2 -inch 3 -ply, 6•ft,
4-10, long with 7 link heel chain;
Back Bands heavy 5 -in., shaped
leather, telt-lined, best make brass
spotted with Brass breeching strap
holder; Belly -bandy 2 -in, folded With.
one in. centre layer, making 'a 3 -
ply belly band; Martingales and
Pole Straps, 1% inches Reavy 5
ringed style Breeching, all 'brass
ringed and brass spotted - A Hand.
some Harness Only Slightly 'Used
This Harness Al Less Than Half
Price 328.00
NO. 2 -Sect Blind Bridles in good re -
Pair one -inch, 20-11. lines; 11/2 -inch
pole straps and merbingalee; revents-
ible ball top Steei Hames, bolt
style; Traces, ring style 2 -inch with
11r.3nch, layer S4 et 4 -inches land
with 7 link heel 'chain; Name Tug
2dnch, 3 -ply, well made, felt :lined
back pad; Belly bands' 13i. inch fold-
ed and attached; 1-11rck leather
home straps; ggod. 5 -ringed Breech,.
ing - A Good Serviceable Harness
With Many Years Wear In It Com-
plete As Desoribed, above $22.00
Less Breeching 316.00
Less Breeching & Bridles ,, 314.50
Less, Breeching
Bridles & .Lines $12,50
With Heavy Wood Hames-
-Same Price
NiO 3-•Blhed Bridles, in good re-
pair; 1% -inch kMnes; Hames, heavy
bolt style, woad with long brass
tops; Traces etnaight •tfnrpugh, bush
s,lyte with butt. chains; Back ,pods,
good heavy leather, felt lined;
Pore Straps and Martingales 11/2 -in.;
Good 5 -ringed Breeching, - Above
Harness' a Good Serviceable Har-
ness Pelee $21.00
NO 4 -Set satme as No. 3 except
It has onoched 0rtulnper with 1niP
straps bo held tugs Price 313,00
HORSE 0O.LLARS-We have hun-
dreds' of Good treed Coilars all
seyles and sizes, cloth and leather
faced, Long & Short •Straw Collars
cooling 36.26 new OUR PRICE $3.00
Shoot Sante cloth & feather faced,
cost $3.50 to $5.50 new
011711 3112 C1. 32.00
tar all short straw collars, axone but
the beet makes sent pmt and all
collars, to good repair,
--Oren Harness by Number and
r121,1'e how you w41111 it t"quipped,
---Order ail collar[, by size and style
-A,lt pnlcos F, 0. 13, Vantage, Sask
AJ,1 b*ral.ess, slapped C. 0. D, sub-
jrtrt to your inspeobion and approval.
If you are Dot entirely satisfied
don't 111r harness; Olub with your
neighbor In make 100 lb, or over;
Average coat of freight of Harness -
per set 4.2,25. Average cost of
cotters 1150,
- Oommnrnity berates' frnm dried
ant ddstriot.
John Sellers, Sales Manager,
Vantage, Sask.
tJ Want to surprise the family with a new dinner-
time treat? Serve them a tasty dish of Dried or
Pickled Canadian Fish,
No matter where you live, your dealer can get you
such Dried Fish as Cod, Haddock, Hake, Cusk and
Pollock, and such Pickled Fish as Herring, Mackerel
and Alewives , .. in perfect condition. Interesting
recipes can be used for every one of these finc.f sh.
Fish is a wonderful health food, good for every mems
ber of your family. It is the great source of proteins
that help build sturdy, healthy bodies.
Serve Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish to your famil
often , .. they will enjoy it ... and you will find
economical, too.
Department of Fisheries, OctaWa.
Please send meyour free 52 -page Dookien, 'Any: 13
Fish Day", coutainiog 100 delightful and ec000mica
44drese - ti....:....................:..:.:i
•. k`b
One of a Series Issued by the
Dept of Fisheries which wills
Appear m Each Issue.
Mrs. Fisher Suggests:-
Canadian Fish Hash: Cit,op frai
four to sax sii el ef'bacon and Ery
t'lte pieces until crisp, ,then ad
the following nulatturo: Two cups.' elf
any Canadian cooked and flaked'
Sash, two eggs,' two slices, of 0)01011,
-finely minced, and oneshalf cap of
fleh, or meat..steel. Meat k20o' y,o, Stall
Stirring . meanwhile, . lrrowit.e a ak2 "n1'ar1ia
serve Bolded. [Chopped paiwley,•
.minced green pepper or other dike
ingredients may be added .,. 5r -
change of flavour.
Canadian Fish anti Shellfishare
espectably good foods beoaur�el they
are so easily •digested: and aide rich
in vitia'mins and stealth -gluing
mineral substances,.'
Amy Shoots' Sol
fpr' Killing Girl `.
• `,Cijnati
eke army firing s41t46
a sex, lyilier
nudity ..aea, to
ret'tatnvely lenient civil law'
maxi} ,veans'i,an 'which grim",
for 72 hours;
T,laairty scol�d, "4p1f
Just, ;b4
bare of Juam.. Ca,
ones., of their c
1)'•„ emereasea „„,[at,
s,,aeueolta, 9,
n, barite
him. tea
.,, 'to death;
'a.utheri! ies'r'said
eiq±eed the death]
Will be Leneat Brgssele'
t'.:e. Creamery: In 'tire 'Simi
phone 42-1i James
Read t, ,e ,
Fri. and at. March Vit:
To Oshawa, Bowmanville, Port Hone; Gonuurg,, Tr
Belleville, Nepanee Kingston, Ga111m:no(luo, Brockville,
Morrlsburg, Cornwall Uxbridge, le telsay, Peterbono, 0011)
Newmarket, Penotamg, Colaing,wood, Me -[lord, `13at17io, .O1)j,nt
land, Grevenhurst, Bracebridge,- 1-Iun1241110, 'Calend 0 „,1a-or�
Parry Sound, Sutlbury; all towns in New Ontario on lion yfi
kamdng & Northern Ontario 1311.„ N(pissing Central
ing, Longlao, Nalrina, Testate, Sioux LoOkent, Gem),
Beamdmuore, Pont Anther,
Sat. /larch 5th to Torok
Also to Brantford, O1ia0hamy 011051ey, 'CiinitGn, : Barham,
eter, Fergus Gtrderict, Guelph, Hamilton, 1-lanover, 1-Iar1tlsto04
loll, Kincardine, Kitchener, London, Lietawel, Muhohell
Palls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Pails, Port 13th
0attharinecs, St Mary's, Sarnia, Soutbaannton, Sl, aflford,
Walkerton, 'Marton, Wlhghaln, Woodstaok, -
POT Fares, Baturn Lin1Ots, Train Indormatton, Tickets
nearest Agent, -
See handbills for complete list of tlestinati*11$
Minimum Fares[ Aults 160 Children 40