HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-2-23, Page 4ICT
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
• The. eibizene o'f Walton are ollsy
moving the Orange Lyall to • Its
on the old Neal preamity for a com-
et:Uni+tY hall. Mr. J, Il.reat ran ul'
eek1'4Ltebee b8 daltig elle moving,
,Salty to hear o't the death o2 the
9wtlti, boy or Mr, and. Alin. Deug:'us
Ennis on Saturday, as he eves only
two clays, old. 'Mrs. Etnuds and the
ether J)Ialby boy are doing fine.
TI1 r Feehruary meeting of the U.
F. \V, 0, was held at the home of
the. te •esideant, Mi's..H, Kirkby. 'rhe
iuot:e n;; opened with contumuhy
tette l e, creed e&11 roll call. Iteptet.
.w • e v vers and plaits for a crtlk:nvle
1•al•..y to he held pn March 171b
tweteh fee .'Ater ame,uneemen,l-,f
3e1 Gordon lietlav(u gave a tell;
.:n ltar.keele Dianet+itt, 3Ire. A.
es read excerpts fzont addee- --
ee i:y'1 , IL Bowen et the c'ct ll.
ulu, M'ln:eel number wen given
by Melt 1st. xtl Ili:chic and etre. \\".
'Finn lull, The meeliue cked with
National Anthem. A di+Itty V•eltet-
,. • luneit iwae served and u e ,city
leei hour ea; spent,
At the regular meeting of the
Y.P.S. of Duff's United C'liureh Sun-
day eveLdng Alvin McDonald ere-
cid4: t, The to+Ile was given by
Mary Buchanan. A story was read
by Arthur Bewley and Rev. Me.
•( miming gave a',taltk.
• MI, "and 'Mrs. Chas. Selle •,
Fran. 'Sellers' and little elaughteee
s. Roy Sellers spent the
ti in; Kitchens'. :lire. J.
to la in the K. and W.
, Kitchener, is eomevvhat
taking advantage of the
nrsi.on t0 Teronto to at-
h!gekey game Saturday
lettledge and Leslie W.
'Rennie Bennett, Clayton
Sanalldon, Allen Searle,
rthlur, , Gilbert cYfeCa1-
'Worsen, Mr. and Mrs.
well and family., Jos -
e11, Edith and e Bernice
K,ttier Bank's e,7'.' The
Walton above foal; tecieek
6ernoon, reteete ing four•
' tttay earning,
,gmailden, Jack, ,Bob 4a,
Alden visited :lir. Small
3t' at Ethel.
fifes a aetter to a Toronto;
eSt{ing that Cuiltanio go int
awing ; o1" enanbeeries-
r that plan too, if v
lsured oYturkey to g
T`'a :Creditors
Of ; Jane McDougall
to of the Village of:
the County of Hueon,
No died on or about:,
h day -of August, A.D,,
thalt all garder
ox' . tlitwands against
t e above merdileyel
erti ar1ail, particukiref (it&
o 'the andel:Signed
or 'before the fieteeteth
A.D, X938, upon h
proceed' to 'd'ietri'butd
th ar L only tb time
ha" &li'LL thee have;
'Mr. a'el \Ire, •Ceee, Suuch and
(le. ghee re v: r; lied on Sueday with.
el,. a-:1 W Jim Johr,etou, line,
Darn.1jly Aileen pout the
weelee'nd with her mn:her and
nut lu Bluevale,
\11.1., della ::mutt of t`lintou lios-
p:t 1 spent the weeicetati with her
1:::1 r utul
140'111,0B o^ •ihe :?illi line.
\li Barye y Il and Mr, t has.
31t.e.;tr c 1 t -e.4:, .,:+•u: tha v'•''k-
vl 11'111 \L'. natl. 31.s. 'inputted
in '1'nruh v,
11 ctrl Af ti :.ti Il .'bv 1 1
hilly u.' tipry t:, ... ,( 1'n ler - ,.ey
weed he. '.it 0 , \1r. and \its, 31 11.
\s • tee el t.1 . , !tear ):It'. Thee.
•em: i'., 11 i, of
,i 1 ,.. '.t ,it 1. •,i. "
1;t,t 1' 1' 4+...'y 1;:isli at et .
eteel eel 1
.. ,;r Mr.,. \1
The e 1'.:a,.. Y 't', I. meet
11111,41't'._.!e ti CL•rre ti s 1'rl•
23 'd'a
r r' 'ei ti , d y
1 cls >s s
;D. 1938 r'
ban, Aclnhetstratrix
ff •
TCevit::. hall,.
teary •26th"." Ern -
furnish the
ey is. Tight I
bre people who
I okla - for
to lertd money
.".1f you want
W dollars, or a
t r Wont Ads,
rU•^toud, with
e Money'to
S 'u. \C t 1 P. lt:b r- a cel ' lie
1- r i:• 1111) : "R„
Beeps .,.ti i.,..t nate' 'wee Cak,.n by
V. It ,11 (1111)1-1 L.e tetitly 01. tit^.
b,rks of ill, 1.161.g4 en
the 1 •:stn '
Alaitiwyn l\illi=amt. Areleet
free knee: CtIletee, )u :f Rv. W.
A. and Mee. R 1,.:ties of C -rat neetk.
necuhie)l the t ti ,.t :a K nix Pre,
by::erian C"ntrel,:, .,i4 at Nadi:... on
reeitols. Mt:SI ereti1v Aeeen
of Drayton with her n: et er, M't.
Alice Aitken; Renard Robertson, 0.
;S.C., Guelph, with hie mother, Mre.
Williams Robertson; Mr. and Mrs,
V. A, Mowbray and son. Jack, or
Lucknow, with Mr. and IIre, Alex
Mets, W. J, Hemingyay spent tjte
w-eekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Hemingway in Palmerston.
A large number motored to Strat-
ford,to attend the funeral of the
late' ,Mrs. A. J. Colby' on Monday,
Feb., 19th.
A very pleasant time was held re-
cently 'a't die home of Mr. Hugh
Lamont when the - neighbors gather-
ed fele social intercourse lunch was
served- beforethe cemtpany dis-
persed, all feeling the better of the
getitogether night;
Annie''McDonald,' 6th con.,
has . ,,v, been in the beet of health.
Intel y to 'friends hope that she
soon will be feeling much better ere
long ..
Iohn Boyd and elaughber
Margaret, Isabel were vielting with
*Mg. Robe Miller,. on the 12th con.
tl $CE-Jr1
Brusa6,s � i" °l5iueeZ.,a1'lt
on Fldeny, Fel)ru, 25th. Erne
gist's orchesrtra w' furnish the
music. •
uchre and Dance
ey Club held a euchre
din, in the Fonrest'ers' ball,
Belgrave, .i Friday evening and
good.a+t +a, lance was present to
enjoy^ th. !sv.ening, Prizes were
WanLh Prodter and C, R.
Coat :4111)1 the cotlsallatiou prizes
r and o
w Marjorie Gash
enh. � ] e
Yui1,,,„ l'Leech, was seemed and dane-
itvg llolowed tvltll Jackson's Orch-
estra furnishing the music.
Alex. :1' idle+, C. H. Wade, Jas.
D A.idtpeeern, Morris Leitch, W. J.
Colo, G2aa'ti't t'tWalsh , Orval Tay -
Tart TOW Cook, Walter Scott
and ether's, attended the Maple
Lear -American hockey game In
Toronto 0n Saturday night.
Serv^'.ces' in the United Church
were heid Sunday with Rev, R. A.
Break in c]iarge. At rile morning
:setivice the test was. 'What do ye
more limn others?"
SService was hetet in Anglican
airuech on Sunday aveniug with
Rev. H. M. Weekes' in (.barge.
Forty Belisle weer sold here for
the C,P.R excursion s:pnneered by
Milverton Band to the Hockey
match bu:ween New York Ameri-
cans and Toronto Maple Leafs,
Mr. and Mrs. William Leith end
daughter of Stratford were guests
of the foritter's Meter, Mre. H. ide-
Mr, and Mrs, \pliant Graham
and can, Lawrence, also Miete
Booth of Stratford and 'vire, Ro- 3-P See Bills
land 'lucent of Westfield were
gutets' at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Atelier Barr.
A surto s'tul stance was sponsored
by the 1aeal fireman in Memorial
Ilull Friday evt-nittg, The proceeds
cf dee dance were kindly donated
to dee Cotnnluni:y skating rink,
mi., NI:+:^n Cl:n•d'tff who has not
-n ut' a ceneert petal), lately Is
at t n e rat in St nforrh hospital
tele eee reef iviug treatment.
\\ 1) p be will noon be' ILOILO
! I 1 a
111 11C11, better,
ittte ell Currie, Franels Duncan,
1.11. Uty,ere, etel Cecil Wheeler at-
. -'•J el (1,10',1 I..;::rl> • (I1tY011tian
to '1':i...;:ittl "hie week.
, „rry to ll: ;l1' \i r'. Alvin Smith
1a:1 1,p with ,:a::.111t1s, Glad to
.,. i. h''te, it1,
Mie, Evelyn Hut•th«'i• of Kitchener
t*teett the we' li-rnd at the home of
Ler tett l , Mr, and MI-), Dan
IF 1''t414'1,
yr. \lt Iwy't William, of Toren -
b vv e: 14•11; : c1'' r alae w,:ekread and
teeth elet e,' of tit services in the
['4.'.L;.ecti•m cl'urch in Bluevale.
The ce ln•t an ty euchre and dance,
ledd 1" F ,step evening, its the
keel. wets w :11 attended, a good time
WIeyuy d by all at the party, also
tette"' tl:a Daley, walking home on
the is",
Rev. W. A. Willhims was in To.
n' o for a few dtlys last week,
lemic of the young people of this
ct:nt :unf y enjoyed a good skate
at. the Br'usee:i' rink on Saturday
A erokiuole social at Union Unit•
ed church was the out-of-town at-
traction for quite a number of Ethel-
ites Monday night of this week.
Mus. Percy Stephenson will be
in Toronto for a while yet, to be
with her daughter Elizabeth through
a period of treatment in the hos-
Mrs. B. F. Carr who hes been
critically ill with pneumonia in the
:rant week is gaining salit'fadtorIly
and is on a fair way to complete
The masquerade dance held Tues-
day, Feb. 11, in Grey Twp, hall was
well patronized and with lively
mnisic provided by Reddy's orches.
tra, gave pleasant entertainment for
everybody present. Lunch was
No meeting of the Ethel United
church Y. P. S. was head this week,
• but well be continued in the coming
weeks, on Monday nights as newel.
Elyin and Mrs. Somers attended
the funeral of the Late Jas Nichol
-df J4lonris last Monday. Mr. Nichol
was an uncle eef Mrs. Somers.
Mrs, Dick Whitfield of con, 13,
Grey Twp, is suffeiitn:g from a d'is-
locadecl ankle and fracture et a
mall bone slightly above the ankle,
resulting from a fall on the ice,
Thursday of lust week. Mrs, Whit-
field has many friends in Ethel
who are sorry to Imow of the ac-
cident, but wish for her, a speedy
Motor a or car and 4aansport thick
delivers are having their difficulties
these days owing to the ley condi-
tion of roads. Fortunately, up -to -
(late no very serious mishaps have
occurred in this vicinity,
Et11e'1 Presbyterian church are
holding their congregational ban.
fleet, Friday night of this:. week,
Feb, 25th,
Ceugivatlatinns are being ex-
tended 10 Earl and Mrs. Bowes, an
the birth of a baby girl, born to
them, Tn t1ay, Feb, 131 h,
Mrs, Wan. King or Bluevale vieiu-
ity who was -t gal-st, Mnr'1ay, Feb.
14+:91 at the Golden wedding cele-
hl'at10n or Mr. and Mrs. John Kang,
ce timer 1 her v'3'•,it, for a few days,
with friends ,rt the village return-
ing home at the week -and after this
pleasant o4(a'1011, Ily the way,
eine Wm. King was nate of the
guests preetent at the marriage (1140-
mnny, ti.ity Stars ago,
Kemp's Sale Register
Wed. March 2, For Andrew Doig Sr,
B,H. Lots 37 ee 38 0 Line, Howick
Farm Stook, Hay & Grain
k45a., 2 i'4, 1039
P;4ICED ca
Attrrlrited--Chep batt--pwishrtngerr dinner De Lexok.
T?E(A SF the Valve -in -Head type engine is the
meet e;lieient known, it's the kind you find in
record-breaking racing curs, speed boats, airplanes
. and on the new Chevrolet!
Valve -in -lit ad efficiency means that more power is
developed from gasoline. Or you can put it this
'gay , . . Chevrolet gives owners up to 27 miles per
gallon of pas without sacrificing the full 85-11.P.
performance needed for acceleration, hill -climbing
and smooth cruising speed.
Add to this the fact that Chevrolet's exclusive Valve -
in -Head Engine cuts down oil consumption to a
new low minimum—reduces carbon formation—is
famous for dependability , . . And there you have
the reasons why a Valve -in -Head Engine is the very
best kind for a car that emphasizes low running
and upkeep costs,
Come to our showrooms today. Take the wheel and
experience the thrillof
Valve -in -Head power!
Prove for yourself its
matchless economy!
Orval Whitfield - Champion's Garage
(2 Pass. Master Business Coupe)
Mosler Do Luxe Models from $892
Delivered at factory, Oshawa, Ontario. Govern-
ment tax, freight and license extra. Easy pay -
mews on the General Motors Instalment Plan.
Objections To Forced
Pasteurization Of Milk
(By Rusticus)
Milk Is receiving a lot of publicity
these days, Reading same of the
arguments in favor of pasteurization
has a tendency' to make us wonder
jtr't how so many of us 'have mate
aged to keep on living, considering
alt the disease germs we: have been
stowing into cur systems everY
time we take a drink of unpasteur-
ized milk. Will not all this un-
favorable publicity have au effect
upon milk consumption? We know
that ceattaiet big dairies and mnanu-
eacture/re of dairy equipment are
hoping that it will have an advelvs+e
effect upon the consumption of
ur]:as.eurized milk,
* 40
The health authorities, are taking
an active pant 'in this latest cam-
paign to culib the farmer with init-
iative enough. ,to retail his own
milk, but the larger dairies, \vho
&sire a +monepIy on the whole milk
market, are aetually the most de-
sirous of having this piece of legis -
141110n pa's'sed, It Is. the consumers
who enjoy milk secured from
producer - dteitrib'utot's who make
everY effort to produce clean, whole-
some rulllt from T, B. -tested herds,
and mills that has mat been robbed
of valneable food properties 1/3
pa'siteurization, that should be most
concerned about this stupid move tib
compel all consumers to use las'
telu•ized milk,
If the eidetic realized what 111111
and disease can be 1111en by pas-
teurization, there certainly would be
a decided swing toward the use of
clean, raw mal(, and there are ells-
taibucols of tiltal kind of milk in
every •municlpality. We assure
consumers, that practically all nitlk
Is safe milk. This row is not so
much to give the public serer milk,
as it is In give the larger dailies a
nwnopo'.y in tl,e 111 ilibutIng lleld;
tt s: a
The I uhl:e. Health Officers of To.
canto It ort, :y elated that out of 200
A411)104' of intik examined 15 eon -
tainted living Bovine T. B. genres.
We readily wienie that this is u
disgrarc; to the 'ntilk supply or
Toronto. I'at'ticularly is it a
t]i, grace 1,, 111,1 health audioritletl
of that clay for permitting suets
(erudit los to exist, There lute been
a laxity in 111Peetie n and testing
somewhere, and, of cot1110, if that
milk 1111d been properly pa5leurinred
it would have been "earn 'milk,"
Perhars same' consumer's would■ Council•
even reli +h theee dead germs. H c a � � �
Wile:not clean up the source?
Have those cows tested for T,13, and
eradicate the reactors. The farmer
has no fault to filed with that policy
and ohe consumer gels really safe.
milk. 1P there is laxity in farm
inspection and cow testing now, is
it !Tot reason l'ble to 5u3poee 'That
there will be greaie'r laxity should
pasteurization become compulsory,
and health authorities know that the
dairies are Inclined 10 be a bit
cautious In not over -heating their
The poslbion of farmers regarding
compulsory pasteurization may be
summed up Chis way:
We are opposed to any let en In
the rigid inspection and testing of
heeds supplying the whale milk
trade, because the public is entitled
to clean, pure milk and, as most
producers ere willing and anxious
to supply such mak, the minority
ntuat be compelled to.
We are opposed to pasteurization
because no Inferior product can be
Made , o exceLt, no matter how treat-
ed and +beoamane
uze there are too ane
reasons' why the dairy might he
inclined to be lax in ,pasteurize -
We are apposed to pas'teuriza'tion
because, as several consumers: told
us the other day, pasteurized milk
"does ]tot taste so good," and that
fact means lower construptlou.
We are apposed to Pasteurize -
don because it die's lower the food
value of milk—particularly lts' min -
oral and vitamin values.
We are apposed because good
clean milk can be, and is being,
produced end distributed by mon
who would be putt one of bushiest
were pa;3elrizatilon le beeome celil-
Pele)ry, and we etre opposed to any.
thing that. would have a +tel:deil y
to ciente a 111onepoly,
'5 8t dt
Pee:aora•ly, we leave no'thin'g to
gain or lost, became" no meille leaves
11)15 fibril as whole milk, l'eeteur-
iza,tiou is no 1n01e aur .problem than
it is the problem of any other
farmer mete - .led In good prices
for his dairy produce. The more
whole ne7.11 na Meted as 341101, ilin
161414 Mot be m.tik(.tccl a4 hurter or
cheese. Ac,ually this is every
fern er's probrenl, and the problem
01 every consumer who realizes
what a mon'o'poly mlglte )clean la
the melte desilibutorte nerd.
Leading aheetert ul 1111£noturere of
England expect to operate at eepa-
oily until 1940,
Ferdw'iolr, Feb, 1G, 1930
tCaunteli met fn the United Church
Hall, according to adjournment.
members were all prceent, the
Reeve, 3, A. Biyars in the chair.
idinutee4 of last regular meeting
were reed and on notion of &long
and Toner were adopted.
Moved by Toner and Beaker that
By-law No. 4 for Ore year 1930, as
read the tlhtrd time be finally purs-
ed. --Carried.
'Moved by Baker and Toner that
the rate for the past yell, 1938 shall
be for men. 20e per hour and for a
man and team 40c ,per honer,
iMoyed by Toner and Winter that
'the Operator of the Power Grader
shall be paid al the .rate of 35e per
hour white oper'at'ing grader in
IIowlck Township, and at the rats
of 40c per hour while operating
grader ou':s:tie e8 Township.
• Moved by Winter and Strong that
a grant of ?5.00 he given, the Sick
Children's Hospital at Toronto,
Moved by Toner and 13aker that
the Patrolmen: tor 1.937 be re.
appointed for 1938. —Carnett,
Moved' by Baker and Winter Lllat
thef l
7 Milt be paid,
Eldon Renwick, sheep killed
or iniured by dogs'
united 0h, Ferdle:ch, rent
of hall
dick 0hledlemn,'s Hospital,
C. N. Whyte, repairs to
Wroxeter shed
Isaac Gamble, cit, salify
a,; deik
M't1ni ipal World, assess-
ment roll, re0:5ed statud'en'
and 3 copies of Mun Wd,
14lilton Leonard, pi, salary as
Aecsr,,:'or, 1213s
Wilbert G'a'rlew'ey, p111111ng
sciage bt Twp Hall, Gerrie
T, A, Rcd1erI(s, bal. printing
conduce, 1937 and Env,
for Treas.
J, H. RnhtmLe t+erv?ohlg
1,1111 11gh.'s, Ford,wieh,
r a
3, 11, Rog: t ., Desloge and
\4\n, Stewart (leaning plel)110
eh1,r1, FOdw c11
Jas. Matthews, 16/01141 of
1 taxes,
M l lei Pastel, refund of taxes
Reedit t for ,1'anuary
Roar( Expenditures
S, II, Weber, rent of runtl ,,
0. Durrant, 511011' made 2,20
(leo, A l.,.on, snow roads ,_,, 1.40
Jack Miller, snow road% 2,80
Cecil Wilson, snow roads .,,, 8.10
John Cowan, (now roads ,,,, ,S0
Wm. Kreller, repair to
culvert 12.20
Gordan Wright, snow roads 6.00
John Finlay, enow roads , 1.60'
Caiman 13ride, snow roads 3.40
John F,',0:2114tlr, snow roads 1.00
George Baker, snow reads 2.40
R. Edgar, supe, eatery ,.,, 4.00
Moved by Toner and Strong that
Council do now a(1journ, to meet in
Wroxeter on. the Odd Wednesday
116 March, or at the call of the
Reeve. —Carried.
Isaac Gamble, Clerk.
By Chas. Wyse
A colored gentlemen, from Chi-
cago chive hie automobile through
a small Ontario village al seventy
five mets an hour. The speed cop
caught up Le him after a long chase.
The colored ratan looked surprised
at the Canadian speed cop and said:
\Vha's all 111012:4- boss, Is, I driving
toe fast? No, no, said the speed
COL) "You are firing too low,'
Chinese Plan To Bleed Japan
1,1 e;8er1', campalen calls for
lengthy 11221' both nations are bleed-
ing each other and as in all wars,
the innocent soldier, mothers and
childrein alit the ones that do the
Toronto Wins
A 004114X12 man visiting in To-
rtola w41q wa:iltng for a street car at
Bettlinret St., to Luke him to 4110
Union teepee A Toronto 11U 0I'ist
((11(711(1 oto• Goderidi fd a lift.
Wllnn depot was, re=rienteh0(1 alto
b''.g he -aided city plan, .Tolled three
111 :fere trent his pockea and said
"Would yen mthntt poeliing theee
lettere. for me?" There are no
(01,weirn on, tinct, leapt that is just
the 0010u'nt your street car fare
Yauld be, s0 We will be g5tlai•e. Too
a ,;onsite to speak our Gaderich
filmed agreed to pet stamp*" on the
leteets and pest 4lhnm. Toronto
haat Godea''1121 3 to 0. If the Toron-
to 1,004 rnauarat]an 10(11) a vleiior to
(lederi,11 be would be 115'01 :whits
and elite ren ill d royalty, stltangee
.hough he may he, Gode.rirh and
IKincardine people are like that, and
and no favours are ached in return,
although a lot of hem Week .hes
1)40(1 pedtldc:d by '00)1:0 00102121111
1111 YngGdiOut II}l 1'011 a('nd 13'sfco