HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-2-16, Page 8THE 'MUSSELS PO T •w1DNESUAY, FP`I3, lath, 1088 An Opportunty l�om Lot Bundies of Wail Papers At Bargain Prices In Sorting Our ;Wall Paper Racks, getting ready for Spring Stock, We have come across several patterns of which there is only a limited quantity left These are being put on Sale at about Half The Original Price Come Early and Get the Best Choice A, S A .COUGH DROPS • 10 pkg ICK'S VAPO RUB VICK'S VATRANOL 50c 50c 0119tJtOLID THROAT EASE 10o and 25c Packages BUCKLEY'S MIXTURE For Stubborn Coughs 40e and 75c Bottles RIKER'S COD LIVER OiL. Tested Large Bottle 79c R. SMITH 1 ELEPHONE 'N0 42 Sear. DRUGGIST and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 tas ori Sund�aY,.• 'stiplle .Y tt NEED 11(1OT BE EXPENSIVE BAVE •R, s . REID EXAMINE IF•Gi.,64gS ARE NECESSARY YOU b . ,•-•-(AN HAVE THEM AT LOW COST aI eme'Ls Reid (nd See ,Right„ TQ� $tratford's Leading Optometrist • For Nearly 20 Years eT BRUSSELS OFFI —MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 'Phone'51 foe? Appointment r e Tenders Wanted For crusblu; and hauling 10000 yards et more Gravel in the sown. ship of Grey Tenders' may be submited to 08c Own crualloa or Township crusher, All Gravel to pass through 1 inch square perfora- tlelr in screed average haul to be 3 14mlles, 'Peuder mast be accompanied by Certified Cheque Per $100.00, Contractor must assume all liabil- ity under Ube Workmen's Compen- sation Act, Tenders to be in Clerk's hands by 2 o'clock p.m, Sat. urday, March 6th, 1338. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. H, FEAR, Clerk, Apples For Sale No. 1 and Domestic Spies McIntosh Delicious Tohnan Sweets NO. 1 CREAM — 38c —ALSO— Good Cooking Spies, Cheap East Huron Produce Phone 66 Brussels Swift Canadian Co. Brussels OUR CREAM PRICES (Delivered) Special 40c No. 1 38c No. 2 35c lc Less on Truck J. C. LONG, Branch Manager FREE FREE One Ib. Carton of Maple Leaf Lard Regular 17 cents Given Free with every individual purchase of 81.50 of Meats Only (Quarters Excluded) Beef Quarters PRICED IN LINE WITH LOW CATTLE PRICES EXTREMELY GOOD QUALITY SALMON TROUT In the piece 15 cents •HERRING, FRESH SUPERIOR 10c 3. LARD—Prints or Bulk Saturday Only 2 Ib. for 25c IAN MCDONALD ELDER D. BELL, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Phone 20X - Brussels, Ont. WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME William Street, Brussels, Ontario PERSONAL ATTENDANCE 'Phone 65 Day or Night Galls MOTOR HEARSE B G. WALKER Director. E mbaimer and Funeral AND STORE ";2"a SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY emphill's sheat Berries 25e 11ttade-Rite Pastry Flour 24 ib 7 1b Fork White Corn (choke quality) 2 tins SPECfAL 1 Large Rinso •& 1 Lifebuoy Soap Tip Top Tomato Juice 2 large cans Libby's Pork & Beans 2 tins McCormicks Butter Cream Sodas 2 lb Maple Leaf Golden Wax Beans 2 tins Pearl White Naptha Soap •••• , 5 bars • • 79cLondon House Coffee per lb 39c 25c 1 Large Size 'Prunes 2 lb . • • • 23c Pitted Dates • • •••• • • • • • • 2 lb 23c 19c • Bull Dog Steel Wool per pkg 9c Orange Marmalade per jar 27c 23c Choice Blue Rase Rice • •••.•• • 3 Ito 23c •••19c Loose Soap Flakes 3 lir 23c 23c Campbell's Tomato Soup • • • • 3 tins • • • • 25c 31c We receive a Fresh Shipment of Lettuce, 19c Celery, Bananas, Oranges & Grapefruit . 23c Each Week -end I7.A4.111Elltr -LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS Quality Superior Store Service Specials For-r—Thursday, Friday, Saturday St. Williams Orange Marmalade 32, oz• jar • • • . • • each 19c Ginger Snap. Biscuits 2 It, for 19c Emfo Choice Tomatoes 28 oz. 2 tins for 19c Pearl Naptha Soap 5 cakes for 19c Yellow Sugar . 3 1b for 19c Carnation Evaporated Milk tall • • 2 tins for 19c Rolled Oats 4 Ib for 19c Rose Keta Salmon 1's • • 2 tins for 19c Golden Wax Beans 2's 2 tins for 19c Aylmer White Corn 2's 2 tins for 19c Veno's Cough Syrup • . •••.. • • • • per ;bottle 19c Jersey Gloves, Brown per pr 19c WM. ZIEGLER HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE Phone 2211 Ethel, Ont. i Eine Sunoco is Quick Starting • Montreal, Que. Offlciai results of recent quick ' stenting teslas of leading gasolines by 'the Canadian Automao'bile Associ- aSion, surprised many motorists by proving conclusively that it is un- meeessttry to pay eaitra price Por gasoline ,to get quick starting in mridtwiniter. In tbe6e tests, four lcat'eng cars were used, two cars each of Ford, i fievrolet, Buick and DoC6e. O..e tear of each make was serviced with one of Canada's four popular brands of exits priced gasoline and the second car, in each instance, was serviced with regular priced Blue Sunoco. Official observers of the C, A. A. found that Bule Sunoco actually averaged three times as fast in. starting as the iprelniuml priced g.:slaltines. These tests were con - AUCTION SALE CLEARING FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS of the late Robert Simpsor Farm adjoining Village of Brussels WEDNESDAY, FEB. 23rd, 1938 at the hour of 1.30 in the afternoon The following stock and implements will be offered for sale Black Mare 10 years old Black I-loroe 6 years. old 6 York Sows, bred 1 Tam Sow, .bred .1 Pig about175 lbs, 1 Massey Harris Binder 5 ft. cut 1 Mower, 5 ft. cut 1 Fleury Plow nearly new 1 Set Harrows 1 Wagon 1 Set Sloop Sleighs' 1 Set Heavy Barness 1 Fertilizer Drill, nearly new 1 ('ulttvntor 1 Massey Htarris Ccuffler nearly new 1 Land Drag 1 Hay Rack 1 Stock Rack 1 Crosse Cut Saw, nearly new 2 Logging Chains 1 Pulpwood. Saw 1 Box Stove 1 Glass Cupboard Quantity Hard Wood 3 Oak Barrels Forks, Hoes And other articles. too numerous to mention TERMS OF SALE—CASH At the sante time there will be offered for sale the said farm con- taining 38 acres—terms: 10 per cent on the day of the sale, and the balance in 30 days. Farm svill be sold subject to retserve bid. F. W, KEMP—Auctioneer, Francis F. Wright—Administrator. F. F. HOMUTH Phm, B., R, 0. Western Ontario's Most Modern Optical Service OUR AIM—"BETTER EYE CARE'' HARRISTON, BRUSSELS Phone 118 Phone 26X ducted on the crest of Montreal's famous MounI Royal at Westmaunt ettIter the cars involved hall hem exposed for hours to bitter colel, i0fficial resul.n showed that Blue ,Sunoco started the test cars and kept them started 4n am average 8toe of four and one-&gus seconds, /while under exactly the same con. rcllilions, the extra priced gasolines averaged 'thirteen. and +three -fifth seconds. lit is felt that these unprejudiced itesll•s will help cianadlan motorists 'save thousands of duller& on their gesaline bills by enabling them to tkllow that they have available a .regular priced gasoline which, ex- ,ceedh• prepniumn priced fuels in quick starting. Notice 1.3 Creditors In the Estate of Robert Simpson, late of the Township of Grey, in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on cr about the thirtieth day of ,November, A.D. 1937, TAKE NOTICE that ail pa, tieo ltay. ing claims or demands against the estate or the above-mentioned deceased must mail particulars and proof of same to the tin ler: igned solicitor on or before the 1wenty- fhird day of February, .A,D 193S, upon which data the undersigned administrator will proceed to dis- tribute the assets wiih regard only to those claims which he shall then have received notice. DATED at Brussels this thirty- first day of January, A.D. 193S, Francis F. Wright, Administrator by his solicitor Elmer D. Bell, Brussels, Ontario, Notice To Creditors In the Estate rof Albert Edtvaru Crooks, late of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, farmer, who died on .bout the twenty-sixth day of December, A. D. 1937. TAKE NOTICE that all parties 111'•;:.g any clallns 01' demands against the estate of tnu above- mentioned (P:ceased must mail particulars and proof of sumo to the undersigned solicitor on or before the twrniydilird day of Fah- ruary, A.D. 1935, upon date the undersigned executor will proceed to distribute the ass's;, with regard only to theie claims which he shall then have received notice. DATED at Brussels this thirty- first day of January, A.D. 1938, Harry Armstrong Crooks', Executor by , solicitor Elmer D. Bell, Prussels, Ontario Corn For Sale Have purchased another truck I load of Good Feeding Corn Salt Always On Hand Geo. E. Pollard Phone 56-13 1= Farms For Sale Good Farms for Sale IN BRUCE, HURON AND PERTH COUNTIES A Reasonable Cash Payment Will Be Accepted And Terms for the Balance Arranged at 4% Interest, White me stating your requirements Oliver Hemingway Inspector For Commissioner of Agricultural Loans R. R. 3, Brussels Phone 23 r 4 . QUALITY - - SERVICE 0 K LAUNDRY SOAP Unwrapped 8 Bars 25c • Maple Leaf Tomatoes • • ••• 2 tins Derby Cheese 1/2 Ib pkg Carnation Milk . 2 tins Jelly Beans • • • • • • • • • per lb 19c 15c 19c 19c i Kellogg's Bran Flakes • • • • •••• • • • .. 2 pkgs 23c Lipton's Tea is of High Quality ?/2 1b at • • 33c, 35c, 40cAt, Fresh Ginger Snaps 2 1b . 19c s Choice Blue Rose Rice 2 tb 19c Santa Clara Prunes , 2 lb 19c St. Williams Orange Marmalade 32 oz. 19c Brunswick Sardines 4 tins 19c Glacier Sardines • • • • 2 tins • • • • 19c Lux Toilet Soap . 3 cakes 19c Icing Sugar • • • • •••• • • . ... • 2 ib 19c Tip -Top White Corn 2 tins Pearl Naptha Soap 5 cakes Neilson's Cocoa 1/2 1b tins each Weston's Wax Tite Sodas per pkg Red Seal Prepared Mustard Large Jar Happyvale Catsup 2 bottles , Whole Wheat Dutch Rusk per pkg Fresh Vegetables as follows—Cabbage, Lettuce,hCelery and Tomatoes o; :z:jt. We Eckrnja7 WIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMMIRErimailiw 19c 19c 19c 19c 29c 19c 19c - Grain Wanted - WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE FOR WHEAT Suitable for our product Toasted Flaked Wheat Berries WE BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AS WELL Agent—Percy Lawless Phone 29X T. G. HEMPHILL Phone 29—Mill Wroxeter 0 Brussels Geiieral Store PHONE 61 : ztvoCr tztstett te• 3:LtetetzteactaLsi ctetortetztettsztosutstattitalzioctwotrete. MONEY - - BVY IT HERE A Good Time To Buy Terry Towelling Suitable For Rollers or Hand Towels 15c 19c 25c & 29c yd John Brown & Sons—All Linen Toyeling Very Special 25c yard Factory Cotton, nice even thread 37 inches wide SPECIAL 15c yd. Fine Snow White Long Cloth, full 36 inches wide 25c yd. A good selection Circle Bar Silk Hose Sizes 81/2 to 10 75c and $1.00 All Kinds of Premiums in Stock—Bring in Your Coupons The Wanted Lines of 13 & A Corsets and Corselettes - All Sizes Here Men's Heavy Overalls and Pants, Blue with Red or White Back—Our Low Price • • $1.50 pr. Men's Heavy Work Socks, Pure Wool This Week -End 4 ,pair for $1.00 The New Spring Caps Are Here—Men's or B'oy's Your Size Is In Stock • • • • $75c & $1.00 Youth's Natty Tweed Suits A Few To Clear at Bargain Prices ALL Your Needs For Quilts or Comforters Prints — Broadcloths — All Kinds of Bats rewatatociata-ctcataucommucittatoctmatciatammoctomecictocumgtmc E. J. McTAVISH GENERAL STORE 1 bi