HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-2-16, Page 6TEX.EPUIONE TALKS IN 'TIE WATSON FAMILY "MY DAD can talk farther than YOURS." When Donnie Watson's father greeted him over the telephone from 500 miles away, Donnie was impressed no end., He couldn't resist Luasting a bit to his next-door neigh- bour and playmate. Whenever you're called out of town, do as Bob Watson does — telephone home. It brings peace of mind at a trifling cost. [Reductions in telephone rut's—lnc,tl end long distance — in 1031,'30 and 717 have effected savings to telephone users to Ontario and Quebec of nearly one million dollars yearly. T he Brussels Post FO UN.O ED -1873 R, W. KENNECY Publisher Published • 1-lI ry Mednesday afltivon Subsozfgtir'L•. price $1.50 per year, Paid1i advance. Subseriptie s in United States wilt tgease add , 50c tor postage ♦:. ,ti:5N,1' T11E POST: .PRINT BRUSSELS — •— CANADA Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont. WOOD FOR �® THE CHURCH There is' roti --so much trouble in getting ' Peaple in the rural com- nviinietes, to 'attend churchas there le in th!* :tiles. And titat,refers .o ni 11,.Tvonfe I and cleildren, Wo have 140101 et argued that there ere not SO many a ilei••:hese for;'rural'folk -->teoe on Sunday, mad also that they Oannot eel far away 11e.anse some one has 4L-st,ap 11111. ,. Care for the stook and. -C t'n '-' 1 - , nrilking, c. . earn e degree, of truth in all leet there is: more to it. Peoples living in the country have a closyefi p -?a1 -interest in their churc'l, onu3 thews are a good many 117- s Whiery they do themselves which p eeole' a' a city would have. others do for then, We noticed in news sent:in•by our correspondents that the siren of the district' had been holding_ a wood -cutting' bee oe. one or the'.Ilarmse where they ,were -taking out Weed for the use a the church, There would be little or nothing o'e that sons- in the city ohuech, Th'e city mon wnuild ex - Deaf the Itine,mdsea to be. heat -ted ' to their -Co-ltttf0.11,. and if .' it were not done they' might be inclined to Follow summer to its all.year home. Thrill to golfunder blue skies, relax on eartn sands. Par a winter vacation ere a lenges stay, there is never a dull moment. And living costs are very moderate. Choose your own route. Pares apply direct or via the Canadian Rockies, 'Vancouver and Vic. toria to San Francisco in 0110 or both directions. FULL. INFORMATION AS TO ROUND TRIM • STANDARD FARE • TOURIST FARE • COACH FARE On Applleallon to any Agent melt out the ).t :'.,,r and tee hint was leatnl_ en the jeb. There re nay- seem to be 137,1_' conneethe1 leewefet mittll:,; w..14 ;GA h i g in- 1P:E cl in ih 6141.(-'1 dr'1 Ill ,t 11 ito t'1 and pl,rs.or..al tar, hot e . conatt tion Is there and no tiouht shout 1 , The hear way to 1utere..t any man in any undertaking iv to give Mtn sammsehing to do in conueetion with it, When men are eutfle1 1 sly in teres7ed to go and `)'11th' and split wood fora day so their church may be wataned in cold weather it can be taken for granted they are going Ur attend the services. WAR PENSIONS INCREASED Canada iv going to be more gen- erous to her wounded war veterans. Pension rates for those suffering fume 50 per cent disability or more will be raised automatically as the veterans reach the successive age( of 55, 57 and 59. There are other concessions which will also have the result of increasing the wv , ^„-nual bill for those who exp b1>xt, auitw the great war. 1,t is a splendid tiling tor a coup. try to recognize tangibly the sacrii flees made by those who fought in the war, We have been doing that these many years, it is not clear that there is any injustice in the present 'scale of p011510ns or any need for the ,aoposed increase. if there is a gool rea:;len it ought to be explained. The Increase is not likely to call forth m04111 unfavorable comment. People •hesitale to speak in the sl'ghtestt degree or/Meetly ot war pensions. Even to enquire into the Maras, of any par,lcular pension care or pension scale Is regarded as exhibiting lank of appreciation to those who went through the horrors of physical warfare and only by the ga+ace of God escaped a white crone betwe[;n the peepies. Yet Pensions are an infoortant deem in public spending. Last week's. <stimatrs ("how a to"aI of $41 millions for this expenditure. Any ]tem that accounts for a tenth of Dondeien expenditures tueelles keen analyzie by somebody ct:e in a utile. BRCDADENItNn THE I INCOME TAX Ore qac 0:00 the Itmw;l re/Luis- e 1,v111 be 4'1(.ttd to rrp.u'i niton int or 11,44' ('1171 rL1 01141111 broaden the Lave of the :teems tax by reetw4lvg the untnntt, o1 exemp- tion, (Note $1,090 for marl 1, rl pr•r• sr*nq and $1,000 for single), Ai ionst 0110 Utter presented to the ('om- 021i4-sloe has already urged this, The intolne tttx is 0n^. nr Cart- ada'3 most efficient sourer::, of neve-nue. Cos' of eollertinn le only 1,5 cents nor dollar' of revei7 147. Clrl. leonine in the currenit fiscal year are erlGmattel at a new high cf $110 1(0(11 otnw, Nearly half will be col- lected from in(littitt 10is; the rennin - der from cneporationea', Gamparerl with total tax revenue, pe119bn111 Income tax plays a minor s4 THE BRUS$aL 5 POST Part. A r'ecen't Aridly of all Can* 41(1 1011 tax sources skews that in 1035 out ot $818 veilllous of tax monies collected only $54 Millions, or less than 7%, came from income tax on individualb. in Oreat B.itain about 83%a of total tax rev^ elltte comes' from this salureo. Nearly 70% of she Canadian tax comes at .present from thaose with in(Unle9' of $10,000 Or over. There are now nearly 3,000,000 gainfully employed. persons in Can- ada tat' art front favorers and farm laborers) yrt only one person out of 15 pays meanie tax. In relation to total uopulattou only 18 Can- adians' out 01 1,000 pay lucerne tax, In the 'rax ;'turfy already referred to, it was segtre-(tetl thee to res,ore proper b.tlance ('anadu slulnlil aim ra move as rapidly tis possible to a plu,e wh,-re 21',7 or her tax revenue will tt9711e srnni "prog(es$.ve" taxes (tie,:a- which tax an increaslug per- r,u; ;Igo of 111' larger illt-conea 01. an ;1P•tlnaliation ei weeltb . To de this in tar.,da wield involve, on the le thee 1 urns, the ra:s+'ng of au t I 1 (mal $110 millions annual - 1;.• (rem Iles e.dlree, Caitael:l's iu,1en1e tax already pres- se,. ieay.y en tilos,' In higher in - 4 1,::• 1,1..o..40 ". If the tax is to UV b,,,,, 11 -1 ..e It .:14:uld beach out to (.:71.•17 0 tar:!:' )'loop of wage-earning 14404117.7114nee new affected. The cel . i `Li or x'1 a year f: -see eat 11 of III- - .-. tn'il;,h not p":11ict4l), jeletler, n•otel go 0 long way to- ,v+'t11 1 0"4111%1 (0 thee. cltizenb the 1•1 no 1.'cl that, government services Lee 1 lo- 1::.:14.01t's Inggeet, most costly 3,4:144714 --a buss lege that must he mise 1:,1. by teen yoee, til New Curriculum Increases Interest The new curriculum introduced lar, fall ill the first six grades of Ontario schools Is Po Pular with tt-aehers and pupils alike. Music ere and poetry have a new place in the de,velopmeet 0f the younger generation. The new I:hilosophy of education says "away with the cat and dried teaching of history bird arithmetic, let's. 'have fewer 111: ()noel dates and more training in the artistic and social studies; let us teach how happy and comfort- able homes and successful living are more a matter of human rela- tionships than bricks and mortar and a big bank account." As an indication of the greater in- terest in the new order of things thousands of children from all over the province are 'taping part in the poster contest announced by the National Plower and Garden Show Committee. The winning poster will be repro- duced in full color and used for in- ternational floral event at ToronIto expected to attract over 150,000 visitors, Alt Ontario school papula are el'gible to enter the poster contest. Real eased By A, R. K. If When I allowed my bills to run, I felt I'd have to get a gun, when I walked down the street; for people looked so haul at me, 1 was as scar- ed as man could be, quite often I'd retreat. IT I'd: stop to chat with some old friend, and then 'before the talk wtould end, some man would pass me by; perhaps he'd( take on me the law, or strike me squarely on the jaw, or soak me. in the eye. V, And when I'd steed to bake a walk, I couldn't finish up a block, nor could I reach my lodge; I'd ese a creditor draw nigh, I'd notice fireworks in his eye, and I would have to dodge. If And one men stopped me in my trau k, and whacked me hard upon the hark, he'd show me what he 100731nt; for to the bills of mine he had, put figures so thet he niiglnt told, another ,rix Ter cent. !j 'Twas thus 1 found It did not ply, and I Mt like a hunted jay, who Wright be shat at sight; 1 whivtled then no merry tune, when 1 was walking haute at noon, I laid awake at night, t But when I got niy bills all -,le, I wt11k,911 forth brave and 014' 14, t •don :lopped to ere; 1 stand on rorlel:Y now awl tett-n, a)71 sem and chat 1v1111 other men— u1.11 (17, glee, at IDS. FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT” to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 - INGERSOLL BRUSSELS PHOlvh - 72 e.-_.amis.._... W10DNF1SD,AY, nI T3. j,003, t.$S BEST CHEVROLET CHEUROLET HISTOBY Illwlrated—ChoS daosupnen k, Matter De 5pxl ,xz>z� r.t)6SC.r^ S.e .. MODERN MODE STYLING FL J1CT v HYDRAULIC BRAKES GENUINE KNEE -ACTION on Master De Luxo Models ROOMIER, ALL -SILENT, ALL -STEEL BODIES VALVE -IN -HEAD ENGINE FISHER NO -DRAFT VENTILATION NEW TIPTOE-MitTIC CLUTCH PRICED FROM (2 -Pass. Master Business Coupe) Master De Luxe Models from 5892 Delivered at factory, Oshowa, Ontario. Gov- ernment tax, freight and license extra. Con- venient terms may be arranged through the General Motors Instalment Plan, LET USS LOOK 1 AT THE PAST Sara Are Items Taken .From Piles of the Post of 50 and U Years Apo 50 YEARS AGO BLUEVALE Mr, Buck, of Manitoba, spent a few days at .lir. Robertson's of this place on Ibis way back to Manitoba, * * * Miss Diment, who has been away visiting friends in G'odenich for sev- eral weeks arrived home last Friday evening, MORRIS Miss Addie Mooney, arrived' home from an extended visit to Detroit on Saturday of last week. d+ 0 0 THE SYMBOL OF SAVINGS 1HE best Chevrolet in history —the outstanding car of 1938! Compare ... and let your own eyes prove it. Look at that beautiful- ly rounded new radiator grille. See how those modern lines are repeated in the new hood louvres—emphasized by the fleet, low streamline of the roof. Glance inside. Here are -wider seats! Wider doors! Attractive new uphol- stery! Extra inches of room! Flat, un- obstructed floors! Fisher No -Draft Ven- tilation! And remember, these bodies are of All -Silent, All -Steel construction —so safe, so soothingly free from vibra- tion, "tinniness" and druinlning. Check on all the exclusive features Chevrolet brings you. Learn what owners themselves say about economy . "Up to 27 miles to the gallon of gas!" .. "Never add a drop of oil!" ... "Lowest upkeep costs in motoring !" Then drive the car itself, and you'll not only agree it's the best Chevrolet in his- tory ... you'll never be satisfied with less than a Chevrolet for your money! Orval Whitfield - Champion's Garage ,flies 310145sa Souch, A song Sas giveu by Dan McLauchlln. r. :i: a: Alon=g Frayne arrived home from the West last week where he has been engaged with a large gang of workmen building ship docks for the railway. GREY Joseph Dunbar, of Dakota, is visiting his friends; David Dunbar and family. 4111. * * * WROXETER who wee the G,T.R. agent here has been moved bo Guelph and has gone to his new place. One day recently the teachers, ofecers and her Mrs'. 1 Bobier's class in'S,S. presented Mrs. Bobier with an address acconpan' led by a handsome brass card tray, The address' was signed by teachers, Annie 13rydes, Great Armstrong, 1 Mabel Ferguson and Josephine i Johnson. Robt. Inglis left Brussels last Tuesday for Bsthg,a.te, Dakota. * * * John Dunbar has learned his 100 ace farm, lot 23, con. 4, to J. Hutchison of the 64th con„ for a term of five years'. BRUSSELS Hymnal—Least Wednesday even - ening Wem, McLeod, of Manitoba, and Miss. Hannah, second laughter of James Kelly were united in matrimony at the residence of the bride';; parents, by Rev, W. T. Maude Loaf Farmers' Club ---This C(uif, Brid.4s11111.4ds were Miss M. club met atChas Wheeler's last Kelly and Miss Jennie Dickson and Thursday evening and discusved the groomsman, R, 14I. Dickson and "Which is the Most profitable, uliv- • W. F. Kelly, ed terming or dairying?" Mixed fatmling was, sustained by Jas. Shur- rie, Jno. Barr, Allan Spier, C. B. Harris and R. Black; Dairying by Jaye. Scott, Peter Barr, H, Burk1old. er, Jas. Wilitimron and Ghee, Rozoll, Geo. Brewer occupied the chair and gave his decision in (aver of dairy- ing. * * * Debate ---The debate In Anderson's 11/41001 house on Tuesday eventug Ives Suri atheuled. There are sigh y names on the nremberellip roll and the s'..Uie'y use in a flourishing core dition. ,a '1 * The following officers Were ap- 1141111 d for the month; Yresident, Wnt, Cochrane; vice-.prt-s„ Sohn Sample. bec: tt•l(Is., Allan Cm-hi:ante eintnmiitee of manag0lnen.t, Thos. Struch:m, Dan 4Trt Lanr.Ulh1, ('11110. Al r:rn11g, Maggie- 31011iay and ('ora South. The debate veils "Rea3tvr'(1 tp,at the Negro tide suffered more at the hands of the whites than the In.tliari,'' Phe affirnUatve M. B1ark, Jas. Atkins, Dan 1Ficl.atieli- l;11 and (Ulint111 Anderson, The ne.�ativer Wn1, Cochrane, Allan (xlehruue, Arlan Cochran, (Mkt. Armstrong and James Bowman, The. l'hafi'mlan, Andrew Sapmle decided that they sides were even, Readings were given, by Sandy MCLauehlin, Taos Bowman, Chas, Armstrong and Thos. Wilson has taken e, posi- tion in the )slug store of J. Har- greaves. 25 YEARS AGO CRANBROOK Ma's, Jno, Hun ter and Miss Enema err:vet] home from Iowa last week. MORRIS Will, Sellars, wife and little daughter will 11:111101 to the West in a fete weeks, * Far B.nlght---Jamey 13. Kerney, 41.h line lata purl 11 -sett t11e lou acre farm of the late William Knox. 3rd line. OREV Ines lova Berms is visiting her .. ,•,tel RA's, (11r.) 10010131, in twee Sound. C: ,# ,;r 31,11(11lnn'Ip --- A quiet wedding tunes place at. ill: 111Qqu0e, 11101011, w•nr11t Jan, 210.11. when Mie„ Lavine., daughter of it. and Ml's. McLeod, 4411 lithe, was noted in man Inge to Jol IL it M. (lofordh, of Toronto. '1'lte ceremony was Performed) by ltev. T. A. Bell. BELGRAVE Went to Guelph—S. S. T, Dobier, W. J. ',Mather made .trip to Orillia, with old friends here. CJBB 1 JAMESTOWN Miss Lizzie Strachan -has arrived home from near Elmira, * 4 * M111. Mulligan left for the West last Tuesday where she uvi11 visit her son, :loran and daughter, Mrs. C, Ecker, F, 8, Scott took a b08100ss trip to Detroit. Miss Wlni* Long*lvas a visitor a buaane'r:'s wltlt Atwood and Listowel friends lust week, Illll s, * * A. 'V. and Mrs. Gardiner, of Toron- Thos. Brock, or Spokane, Wash to, are holiday visitors at the Ewen ington spent a few days recently home, w//fit UIIU// o CONVENOENCE1c,,d5AFETY Eliminate the fire -Disk of old faulty wiring and at the same time give your home plenty of baseboard and wall outlets, smart new wall switches and modern lighting fixtures. Let us look over your present wiring and give you an estimate on a new installation that will enable you to take the fullest advantage of the mar- vels of electricity. Wiring and fixtures, of course, come under the Home Improvement Plan for easy financing.