HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-2-16, Page 5Notices in this colpnin nos 25c up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. Cash must accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. WANTED— A Young Hog, apply at Poet, FOR SALE -- One hundred ems farm with goad bell/peer barn 00x80 wait new woof, erette"li vetting tboug hood. Good erateet hone with l0•r rum e; (,:lilt' wee, Will .tilt cheep fee quick tale appy on Inre:n.os, int 21, eon, 5, Orcy t.weelep, 1•c Wnt, Uor .'1!t8, phone 41-12 le hal FOR SALE— A Blue re w, 5 Years 9!11, duo Fr h, 18th. apply to 1-p John Denny C; -n, 1„ Gr y Twp, FOR SALE— Will sell at e seerinee, 1 1; hat 13, r ai, 17, (av y ale) Nu ri la lot 14, mon, 18. tel w'nr! up 't tine i.ee Melee eIcCeitum, 2-p J):'. clefs:1z,,;& n 1.•1t'n' 42 Box 1, Ines -els CUSTOM SAWING-. Will be none at Brussels o;>: ;site the Creamery in the Spring, phone 42-11 James Steve::: el NOTICE— _ Any pereons owing accounts to the late Robert Simpson will kindly settle the same at fie office of the undersigned on or before Feb. 1.601, 1933. I:LMISR D. BELL, Solicitor for the Administrator FOR SALE -- A House and Lot, belonging to the Smith estate, in the village of Wal- ton to be sold to wind up the estate. Thomas Bolger, Executor. FISH— Direct from the Atlantic, nightly salt Pollock, 3 ib, 25c; 6 lb, 50c; 12 lb. $1.00, apply FORD GARAGE NEW SPRING SAMPLES JCST ARRIVED— Metre Suits, and Top Coats also Ladies Suits and Top Coats, It will be to your interest to look them. over before buying. E. Barbee, 4'p phone Sx4 Brussels FOR SALE— - Young Work Horses, well -broken, also Shorthorn Bulls, all serviceable Age can spare a few heifers. 4-c Thos, Keir, Henfryn, phone 35.0 FOR SALE— Farm containing 90 acres, lot 12, Con. 14. Township of 1I.cKilioP• 'Good Barns 60 x 64, cement stabling water in barn; comfortable frame house; good orchard, artesian well; good sugar bush; well drained; well fenced apply to 1-c John R. Leming, R R no. 1, Walton Kemp's Sale Register AUCTIONEER AND MONUMENT DEALER Wed. March 2, For Andrew Doig Sr. 5,11. Lots 37 & 38 C Line, Howick Farm Stock, .Hay & Grain 3-p See Bilis Cd Cc( - o� COSTS LITTLE Accomplishes Much A ,w, rent sirn a doer a lot (Pt vett' little money, tut It would re- quoc thousand, of two tent stamps and peronat letters to make your wane k000,t. to ar many people at a arc. lnoertmtnt en our Cl/00W Want Ads. 0' 404 • r a,n* REVLTS 13y Srz, J. Calt'em —The peer 19 yearn are the noisiest, —READ I'4' Olt NOT --•A horse has no eyebrows, m * * —It is hard to say whether it is more Valise* to be held uL or held clown. '11 n * —Talk about certain things giving you the willies. B-rn-r-r this weather, give los the woollies, n' ---South Africa is tmtpottlnt nurses ,to seep 1ts te11-,'.eat' alnolrtage. India expects Mintier ems, m 0 --An engineer give,.; a complete list t:¢ thane • that Inc found in a modern mater car, but he events to have c,nt: eel mentioning Ing the squeaks. n. 1; 'it —The nn::l•s of the gods grind Mow, And .Awes team the way the old head Werke team you -r trying to think up a snappy retort to somebody's wise., crack, * \\'c, all fed tits way at tines: Phveielan— ,re you ill? Let me tee ytu, tongue. pieaee,'' I'.tieut-"Lt's no wee, doctor, X. tant_no ectal tt11 you hew bad I feel.- * m * -'pee nut:liei••l0-law joke is over- tone. levet notice that tvben there is chine's, in the family, the first pe,_tm sole for is the wife's o is n "Flu" I :me. zed a sneeze inn the air; It tell to ground I knew not where; Bet hard and cold were the looks of those, Iu whose vicinity I snoze. a: * n, T'AI NT" "relit what we have, Bat what we give; T'afnt where we are 1'.a haw we live; T'atot what we do, Hut how we do it:— That makes this life Worth gaitug through it." m m a FOR YOU If 1 could have my fohdest wish' complete, The sun, the moron, the stars, the celver dew, Or all earth's treasures all life's• fragrance sweet, I'd wish for your I'd wish for you! e I could have whate'er my fond heart willed, ILy lone desire revealed in Nature's hue; If I could have my only prayer tut - I'd pray for you! 1'd pray for you! Mrs. Sarah Scott Dead In Clinton Well -Known Resident Succumbs In ,Her 78th Year, .Funeral On Tuesday Mrs, Sarah. Ann Scott, beloved wife of Adlem Scott, died Sunday at her homte, Mary street, tv her 7&tb year, She was born in Morris Township, April 27, 1860, and wee a daughter of ehe late Lancelot Tasker and Frances Adeley, who were of English birth and were Pioneer settler's of Huron. Edu- cated 1n• the public school, Bel - grave, she afterward married Thome Penfound, who precle.eeasecd her by 33 years, Later she married Adan Scott, who samivet,, There also survive three sestets, Mrs, A. IIugel, Ki9r- pen; Ml's. Thomas Arleen, Regina, Saske eLis. J. J. Hugtll, Seatoeth; one sone Wilfird Penentiat, Goderich township, near Loudeeborongh; One clle•p•dttughter, Mtn', Thomas McMichael. 'There are six grand- children. Nineteen year: ago ,\Ir. and Mrs. Scant retired float fUaminr; and took up residence In Clinton. They a1'ootted the 00:11io Street United Church and the I ^tor, ltev, Garnet 0, Burden, M. A., 11.D., con- ducted ucte0l the funeral service a;: the family reg (Lente, 3101T sheet, at 2 Pau. 'I tier d,ny. 11ntr:'rvn. Int wars made In Maitland "haul( tranc'tery, Seaforile GUARANTEED Foreman: "Do you fit for realty hard labor?" Ap(llcan: "Well, some of 111e best Alders he the country have thought , see' Oink you're THE BRUSSELS 'ROUND THE WORLD NEWS WRITTEN IN BRIEF FORM SHOVELS RADIATOR FULL Stratford, Ont. Recent flood conditions bare canto In handy for one Stratford motorist, le:s automobile ile'gan to etean) 011.r and he realized the radiator was dry. Taking a snow shovel from the t'811a' of a ear, used recently to c lg oto of snow delfts', Lite motorist shoveled In teeter teens a flooded sectionun1l1 clic radiator was lllled. Citizenship Refused To Man on Relief London, Ont, A 1080, who can't maty bit-) own way s11ou1d not be a citizen of Canada, County Judge Joseph Wearing ruled today, as he turned down en application for citizenship 1141 a Europc.ln-born man on relief i11 London. The relict recipient was one of two mien refused naturalization at a special court held in the 1Iid- dlesex courthouse. Judge Weaving said he had so:uo • evil. <:Kc '.7!•1 second main wee "certainly not the typo we welcome here,,' bat he didn't say what that evidence was. NO $1 ROD LICENSES Toronto, Ont, Iran, Barry C. Nixen, ielinieter of Game and Fisheries, officially spiked recent. rumor that. a $1 rod l:cense was planned by his depart- ment for operation his year. "Such a license,' he said, would be valuable in producing further• revenue, and would provide furth- er con'r01 over our game -fish angling, but let me say emphatically that no Iegis'lation establishing this form of tax is included in the Gov- erranent's program for this yeatr." The matter of a rod 1lcentse hes been cone derecl not onity by the Hepburn Governent, but by Ad, -miniotrations before it for many yeaes. It has, never been adopted however. N. H L. All -Stars Paul Thompson., Chicago, scored first .goal as Hawks defeated Toron- to 2.1 ,Saturday and again in 1-1 tie with Toronto Sunday night. Syl Apps, Terolvbo, got Leafs' tie- ing goal Sunday night atter aiding In only seol'e Saturday, Leroy Goldsworthy, Boston, flip- ped in •freak goal that defeated oanadiens. 1-0 in overtime last night. Wilt Cede, Canadians, weathered storm o1 Boston shots until Golds• weethy slipped by, Bnyau Hextadl and 'Cecil Dillon, Rangers,, nabbed three and two goads respectively in •Iwo weekend victories over Menoouts, 5.3, 4-1, Johnny Gallagher, Americans, barought Amerks 2-1 tie with Detroit by sinking thh:d'pet'lod goal Sunday night, Blind For 19 Yews "Knock" Specialist's Services Are Widely Sought The last autoanobile Harry Erick - 500, of Bloomer, Wisconsin, saw was' a 1916 model, but he has been repairing cars since 1918, Only by listening and running his sensitive hands over the o01ootll 'streamlined outline* of 010118rn automobiles can Erickson tet! how 01 00 11 auatlmoblles have advanced educe a bit Of flying sleet took me/1Y his eight, Knows By Listening He knows by listening he say:, that automobile,, have tone a twig "way from the days when he need to drive one and often gent mere time tinder the (Ku' than in It. Erickson de e "knock(' specialist, Car owners come from miles mound just to leave hint 1 18101 to their, motors and tell 111011 where the rouble lies anti then halve, hint fix it for 11(011, file ahs a siclelltte, Ile makes over old automobiles into tractor's by (11011enirg lin wheelbnsr and 10- 518010g 4(1e rear axles with truck axles and worm gears, IRELAND NEEDS N'OTH'ING Windsor, Ont, The average Irishman will bate: he hue tt cnuntry that •wante n0thirg from nobody" brit never, 1(01e.se, he pat:i(t$ Seet,•h wliizkey says Jam Csanact, Canadian tu:l:te (110218n10 ones for Ireland, who 1s wincing \\incisor in the 1u- 1etr;a,;, of Ir1.1I trade, _ V Farm Boys Get Course Toronto, Ont. R. J. Duman. director of Out•arie aeriet11lural remeeentateees, an- nouneed today 58 boy:; arrived ^t Guelph for a two-week conte at the C. eerie Age:vulture' College as part of the' Da:minion-Provincial youth tee -11110g program, The wore+ fellows s a period of prat:tleal funuling. After the course the boys will return to their prac- tical farm work and will be in a p:^_,it•ion to take regular farm jobs, .lir. Dungan said, First .Amnesia Victim At Farm Near Goderich Goderich, Ont. Believed to have been a viotim of amnesia, elks Louse \\'alres, 79 - Year -old resilent of Goderich, was the object of au all-night starch by provincial and -- county police on Saturday night when she wandered front her home on Britannia Road and failed to realm. She was found Sunday morning by Chief of Pollee R, C. Pasielethwaite at the home of Luther Arlin, Baytleid Road, Goderich, Miss Walters was reported by worried relatives to have lett her hone at. about 4 „p.m. She w'as traced to Mitehell'S• grocery store where she made a purchase and from thele to Poliey's. side -road a few miles. from Goderich but was not found until late Sunday morn - fug. Will Start This Year On New Bridge Owners of Wrecked Honeymoon !Span Plan One of Arch Type COMPLETED IN 1$39 Niagara Fa1Ls, Ont. In a statement issued yesterday Beenard Yaughltuth,- .president of lite International Railway Company, owners of the Falls'View bridge, a,unoun5ed that a new single deck bridge, to cost $1,500,000, well be erected acmes. the 'Niagara lever on the site of the bridge which col- lapsed during a recent ice jam. The anaoounceIllent said construe- don onstruethou would begin yids year and that the bridge would be ready to handle the 1939 sulnumer traffic. Plans call for foundations higher tluan the old ones and farther ue the Gant, the I. R. C. president suite The new bridge would be of the arch type, -111'. Yuugbluth said approval of the bridge would have to be secur- ed before construction began. The Young man had gone to the bazaar, but wits determined not to amend anyth4ng Pretty Seller — "Whitt about this cigartt1 a c'ase?"' Young titan •-- "1 delet smoke," Pretty Seller --• "This pen wiper." Young hall --- "I never have one use for then because I never write." P e1'y Seller — Thi, package of cat dy?" \enol^ hall --- "I never eat t t, ly.?" 1' 'ty Seller --- '"1"11011 what about 11' 14 make ofsoap?" The ytrnng man bought it. MUSIC HATH CHARMS "Dolts this village boas,; of a choral society?" enquired the (1050 resident, "Well," said the posahtttast:er, "I cant say than We hnaat of it, We just suffer la ,silence like," OST WEAN= 141413, licit, 1S WeddingAnnlversary (Coutinuod Front Page 1) Axid offer 411 thanks to our God t0 - 11(4(1t, For all the 111et$eingis, for the wattles, and 'roars, W have shared together for fifty ye115, ' You but I felt proud when she gold orae this, So 1 leaned right over and 'dittoed a I. Icists Ou her blushing cheek, and I thrid i ",Good wife," No 0110',W been more 'brave through atom. and strife Tlran you, you've even' done your best to plan, For the pare and cun(foft of "Your nlc,c man:" And 1 owe what sumer.• I have had 111 life, 1'o a itleasiant hone, and a helpful w111 Dant blush, dear, for all 1 leve said "Is. truth," Why you've .made a man of a .utolgittlt::. yeath, So. tonight l,at, 1110 thank pill, with all Illy- heart, For the Monte you've u:ade• and the ,. willing part, You're 1:layed is life's dream, "God Bless foul' And blro.:5 ail w.:men Who've proven true, Te the mon they swore to lute and obey, When they plighted their vows on .heir wedding day. BLUEVALE The Y, P. e. of Knox Pre,0lyler- ian ('lurch, held the regular meet- ing Friday evening with Claude Belismith in charge. Fallowing short devotional period when lhss Jean Robertson read a Scripture 55o11150 and the president led i11 prayer, a series of games. and con - tees w -as enjoyed. The ladles Pro- vide(' boxes of refreshments for which the young Hien drew numbers. The Bible eoute11 is to emu- uience soon, Mrs, J. 13, Greig will conduct the contest, asking ques- tions from St, Luke's Gospel, Miss Loi s•Ellicett and Miss .Alba MOW - bray were chosen captain, 'lir, and \Lrs, J. Wiekoleed, 3rd con. 'Morris, entertained the mem- bers of the Y. P. 17. of the United Church to a Valentine social on Friday evening, Ptiizes weer award- ed the couples drawing the hest Valentine with an accompanying verse, the winners being Mus. S. N. Gallaher and Spence McKinnon and I0Liss, Irene Taylor and Orval 'Smith. Ganes and connmlunity singing were enjoyed, Refresh- ments were served by the hostess, The president, George Hethering- ton, extended the appmeciatdon of the Seeley to Mr. and alis; Wick - stead. E. Wawanosh Council Connell met on Felb, 8th with all the m-ennbers present. Minutes of last meeting yere read anal ap- proved. Comlmunicat.ions were received and. read from the Slick Children's Hoetpi•tal, the Ort. Mutt, Assoc„ the Ont. Good Roads Assoc„ the Co. Engineer regarding maintenance of light in Lower Wingham• and the Twp, of Tunnberry &molesting an ac count for relief for a folmter resi- dent of this township and were all ordered flied. The Auditors pesem.ed their re- port of receipts and expenclitunes for 1937 the same showing total receipts o,f $29,483.84 and an ex- penditure x,pendittua-e of $24,508:56. Other items of interest taken from this rclpont showed' uncollected taxes, for 1937 on Dec, 81 exclusive of penalty $3,488.13 with $1,478,32 of taxes still owing for the yearar of 1934, 35 and 36. This report wee adiopted on motion of Redmond and Beee1'oet The collector's time for collection of the unpaid taxes of 1937 was, again extended another (month to March &ah. Ou motion of {bun, Black and RedmloO d the road superintendent's Salary was increase ten cents an. hour and further that this, official attend the conference of read super. intaudent'ts end eul,ineels to be held In Throttle this month, The followine accounts. were paid Abner Cosens, premium on t1'easurer'9 bond $ 12.00 Dom, of He54111, Ineuliu for patient .63 W. J. Purd,on, refund error in dog tax 2.00 A. M,cl3urney ,@ Thompeen, auditors each ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 15.00 " postage ...,,. .65 Meth Mnn. Tette:atone Sys. telephone assessments 1249.00 council melon rued to meet again. on Tuesday, "leech 8th, A. Porterfield, Olerk 1938 PRICES For February and March Chic S. C. W Leghorns (Mixed) Barred 1P, Rocks 10 •cents - 11 cents (Day-old Pullets) 21 cents (90% guaranteed) 22 cents April 'Chicks One Cent Less Day-old Pullets 2 cents less Custom Hatching 2 cents per egg set, tray ]colds 200 eggs two hatches weekly—Tuesday and Friday PULLETS S. C. W. Leghorn 30c 35c 45c 60c 3 week old 4 week old 6 week old 8-10 week old Barred P. Rocks 30c 35c'. 45c 60c _When you place your order, you are assured the ,best chicks and pullets. I have at the above prices, there's one grade and one price, Of the thousands 1 Matched )est year aga at, they were all, with the exception of 100 day old chicks, sold locally, that speaks for itself. WRITE OR PHONE YOUR iREQUI'REMENTS Alec Woodr ►aw BRUSSELS PHONE 77-r-4 ONTARIO a,.,• .a...4140.x'a.. `pee asere• ._...._ ETHEL A big group, mostly young 11ecp1 cf Ethel and near vicinity assembl ed Weenialay alight. of leer week and had the beet time ev, at ekctting Party 11018 on a ten-act'e aa•e,1 of ice. on Lesley Earls farm, cut. 8, Grey ars i„cuu on Saturday MeteMeteGood slat -:ng vvee enioyed on the lee on Harvey Dobeon's Lanni a111-inin,g the village, Quite a uutnlber of Ethel boys ac- cOn:y antra! Fred Cole, who plays ho .key on Atwood teams to Listowel Fieidvy night en attend the Lisbowei Atwood hockey game on that date. Aud to -show their interest in a pal. A supply of coal arrived at Ethel st C. N. R. station during laweek for J, H. Fear and was distributed to vrillage customer's by Wm. Hamilton with team and sleighs. Stan, -Alex- antler also assisted in completing the unloading. Jas. Festal is busty cutting out a ,supply of stove wood in the. - bush on his recently purchased farm, at. 17.11x1 citation, Linc. B, F. Cara hats, been serioue. ly 01 during the past ben days with pnettvton:la, 32!ss Anmde MoMut 01150 has been instaleed as, nurse Recovery is hoped for. A few' cases of whooping 'cough hare been repotted in Ethel vicin- ity. To Prevent Crooked'`Teet e Dr. David McLean, of T�gbe,4u - e'er, promulgated 1)01010 tit :.rcan Denial Assowati rules, for preventing crooked to ebiltla•en: 1.. Dont allow a . baby etc face: The anpi'i„ growing '. w:111 grow crooked mid the teat" be tni4651aces, 2, Dime Ilene, children to. their faces, LLi shins on their ha on• fl its ....Illus Reece weighs.. 10 r 1u' pelted , 1 its Weight will e t 4141\Y11'14 -j4 w$ . out give baby a er, : .fet3ch 7.17` ln:ti'ntst cause crool('Pacifect Lee t314eouraging mouth, 1rea the flo„7 of air gradually de L'r0y'{he' 'tee tit, 5- Ilave delaoldre "baby' to A71ed because premature ex,•trac is a e r aTlon cause of craol teeth. ' fi, Aifter the to -tulle, itll;d ray ha t110 dentist look •out for signs e-cgh.tdteeth, 7 Give ails c11414 ,plenty of na111v;. �bubter, cheese and gr1Onv11ea4 vug•A tarble& to harden bones, 4 ' s t, Tile ',i..awyer'el WhItliersoever 1 To w atey Ziac( •'- Jelin^ haw' been 1hri13edeiver (5 - After the close of the 'raoulax weekly 80115ion' of Fltinat '17n.ited church I.P.S, Monday, Feb. 14. A social hour was spent in keeping with Valentine c11 items. Church Honors (Pioneer Couple On 50th Wedding Anniversary On. Friday.vening• the 50044:eigre Won of the tinted 'C'hmich met in the Sunday School room which, beautitfuley decorated with red . and white streamers, red hearts, and a white wedding bell. One bundled and twenty-eight ad0i3k, and child- ren stat down alt a banquet "supper prepared by the ladies. At the head table were seated Rev, and MI's, Snell, Mr. and Mrs. John Icing and twdlve of ,the elder' members of the oongregation, - The. table was decorated with. a 3 stare¢ wedding cake and ,01110 cl 'r4 0 sera'e you e1Os'e a{ n>sI S�o. T 500151.5 lit ea aa>� -What I verily think is :reit; ThatI love Jat ei1�;Aiady;;` A. taondartui girl, :i'z. you,t„ Anti note; (0th( ,hCS•eivafter °e• I request the 1':411'o fi4; con 11i I 0111ise' '0 sot 51411. 1a 'To condhtot anysiei4'htithout Was 'pee1slCore;:1 vvi61 7uatte,,aagaotit baskets of yellow Jonquilsi., in of Mt'. and Mrs, John Iit(ng are celebrated their Golden Ni 11 a recipe canis iter tour miil cling aanivervoany 0p (Monday, ? tr a. yon 'haven't any 3a ,the p1tntr til a little vinegar into twee, iuii] tend at wail replace the original .in, gredutem,t, ,Auld pa•epame, Sans deaay-.n,br! That I illencefoatis wisp to wt( To ;tbe best of nfksheIief .;,y If youldl be the second Malt -t7 011 the ,fro -called soeonrl paii 111 hereby isetle a. judgntezit In favour of you "for Tay 1tenrt, And we'll subpoena a pttr501, if `you slate. that you're so 1urcli, With a writ of reem*, ?_)tntarr7 e 110. i11llrntlelrei'gned, kldwiai: Was also Mee. King's. blethsay,' The reputes of -the tlilferenvt or- ganizations were read, showing a splendid increase in the givings end a 'balance on halnd, The pregnant consisted of readings' by George Addy and Arnold Eanl, The or- chestra favored ;With a sialeetion: Arnold and Rota Earl gave a piano and v-iolin eelemtien, vocal dne!t .by Jean Pearson, Agmen ,Duwd4us and. Dorothy Franklin. Alts, (Bennie Add9.a read an ad,drese and 11 purse of money was. presented to Mr. and 4415. Bing, from the congregation and '4Vonten's As,e:oclation, far which :4I1115 Killg hos been the Daimler president for lowly years. Mrs. King made a saitalee reply, thank. inlg them all for the Mildness and wishing the church long yeatvs' of 811((55 Rev. Swell- thanked ,the c,ou,4rv,gatLen, and at'heir organize. tdous for their splendid sminport and eo'opera tion. ulna, TLing's class then presented her with a cyclamen 3(1801. The banquet closed by singing the, National Alutheuat, • 'OP 411 A House on Your ; ands Did sou ever figure out how •mall 4 percentage of our popur Tutton para your house where; ahoy could see a "To Lot" elan,' .,' or how largo a percentage reed,..: our paper? Good tenants eke„ not the sand that 'heeo tithe tu'. waste leodtaied oreond locating-, for rime. They look In Our, weee Ade. 1 if iota mare a hoose 08'70 Kande, tp, "Howse to tet" Will bring them c8 iso. salad,.1 ue a 0'..w,r,,, ...