HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-2-9, Page 1BKUSSFJ S ST Weien.htvrVa+ ri+e r USE THE ADS f AS YOUR •r' t :e SHOPPING FISTS tOt0.1, 446444,410144,+1184R 441.. *t410:144414,4 ,rr _ ,. • BRUSSELS, ONTARIO' Town Council yl..ocai Hockey Hous Lengthy Feb. Meeting Joe Wilton Is Appointed Assessor At Council Meeting Brnesels, Feb, 7th, 1938 The MundutPal Council of the Vil- lage of 13l'ues09s met in the Public Library on the above, date, All members being present, The minutes. oe the last meeting being read it was moved by W. Little; seconded ey F. Samos that the mjntutes be adopted, -Carried The fol0owing bill& were presenited:- Traneeer to School acct..... $1500.00 Ed. Garton, shovelling snow 4,16 Jiro, W. Rutledge, shovel. snow 3.90 Chas. Meadows', 1.15 shoveling snow R. S. Warwtek, Jae salary 26,00 06,00 G. 16 QDoweill, Jan, salary J. W. Montel't0, Audit 41.60 Brussels Hydro, street tights ha11 lights Municipal World, six copies Wilton & Gillespie, coal for hail 55,59 R. W. Kennedy, 'ln'tnting 9,00 .75 10.60 108.00 2,71 6.00 A. Campbell, 'hall wiring .... Ed, Henderson, snow Plowing D. C. Warwick, colleotor's bond: 20,00 Relief for the month 174.91 Moved by H. Champion, seconded by W. Cameron that the accounts be paid. -Carried. Moved by W, Little, seconded by F, Salmis that the auditor's report be accepted and filed. -Carried. .Moved; by W. Cameron, seconded yy H. Champion that the roll be re- turned to the Collector for further collection,-Catnied• Moved by F. Semis, seconded by W. Little that By -Law no. 2 be read a third time and finally passed. -Carried. Moved by F. Sanas, seconded by W, Kerr .that By -Law no. 3 oPpoint- ing Joe Wilton As'essor be read the third time and, Peavey passed, -Carried. Team Improves 'Only. One Penalty Handed Out in W O,H,A. intermediate Gamma The 1tilYaIIeb W, O. E. A. boys won their sevonLl1 game of the seawall in Brussels Friday night, taking the locals by a score of 3.5 in one of the cleanest games' Wit* neesed this year, only one meualty being given. The first period was clean and fairly ,fast, the refereeing was not too close, and Brussels went out, wits a vim to take advantage of with a 'vim to take advantage of r cheek up a win, Casey nonchalantly kicked out the shots directed his way, 'while Miller appeared' es though he were worked to death, which he seemed was, since the visitors bad the better of the play, but lie staved oft all attacks until at 17 minutes C. Stoneman went 1 Melville through alone to score the first and Campfire earls °117y goal of the period. The second frame got under way with considerably more spirit than the first, although no count was made till Leppard and Gatenby wetut in at thirteen minutes, Gatan- by giving the assist to Leppard for Mitchell's second count. One nee- wte later Workman 'tame back and shortened the visitors. lead by a r lovely shot from the blue line, but not ,to be outdone, Wright and Cull- ' Ron went through at seventeen minutes and drew Miller Drum the net on a beautiful play, Culllton making the count. One minute later Rominger went throguh and gave Gateaby the credit on Mit- chell's fourth. - With one minute to go the Brus- sels boys staged e, comeback so tttr- ious that Casey must have been. given the inlpres:,ion of waiver?1 pucks being in nae and again Workman counted ou a return shot from a rebound, ending ;the period with Brussels on the small end of a two -goal handicap. The third period, in the Drat two , minutes', looked as though a push- over for Brussels was Imminent, since they ganged Casey with a will, Bill Griffith getting the count, but at three minutes 0, Stouema t made his second cue -eau power play of the evening, starting from behind his owe net and ending up Michell's high s'c'orer of the season. Getenby, at five minutes, while s Brussels was In the midst of a four -man drive, broke away and re- peated Stonean's tactics' with the sante final result, Educational Night Workman made hie 'third and , At United Church lamt count. as the gu.me at ten min- utes, in Th43 wet•k thorughotit Ontario our cies, intercepting a pass behind the educational institutions are present - ' li►A't " NWA` J O B ,f R I1 S'11 • I AT REASONABLE; P1UCE 3 t r',.Wr 0444...W"t..$e+.'f4 '+4.444n�. i44 Aw•a 4' r',. 65T PURY.,OSHINc kioU 1 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS Mystery Tea To Be Held A Mystery ']'ea will be held to the Dulled church by the East group, Tuesday, March 1st at 8 O'to ek, See furrtlter ,particular's In next week" paper, Rabbits Barking Trees Farattelui who did not cover their young fruit trees before winter set in are now Gliding they are being badly , destroyed by jackrabbits in search of food. Because of the thick blanket of scow on. the ground rabbits' have been unable to And any food in the fields, One farmer stated he .was pruning his trees no wand leaving the branches' on the snow ire the hope they will be eaten instead of the trees. THE UNITED CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B,A„ B.D, Minister 11 am, ---Public Worship 3 p.m. -Sunday School 7 p.m. -Special Educational Service Monday 8 pre -Y. P. S. The Young People are profoundly grateful for your patronage at the carnival ReretErelgt„tzlGreretea tereteretereletredeeZe;e REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Two Fisted Sheriff ALSO Park Avenue Girl The last meet4ng of the Melville Campfire Girls' was held January 28th at Mrs. Strachan's' home. The meaning was opened by singing the theme song which was followed by the Secretary's and Treasurer's re - ,poets, Jean Scott and Dorothy Ainnetrong favored us, with a piano duet which was followed by a reading given by Gladys ':Davidson. Margaret Gibson then played a Piano solo and a lovely lunch was served by Mrs..Stl'achau, ORANGES- Sl'trb1ET ORANGES -two dos, for 23c; 24 sweet oranges only 23e. "We Sell For Lees" A. GIi.EWAR NOTICE l A Crokinole' vocial will be Held at the Melville Presbyterian church on February 260, Watch for further particulars., Triplet Calves All Doing Well Tripler,: calves were born of a Dur, harm cow belonging to William Brydgee, one mile north of Bel. grave, The calves aa'e all fully developed, good site and are doing well, Tho calves have created a great deal of interest in this district and many have been to see these three fine. specimens, Trail Rangers The weekly meeting of the Trail Rangers, was held at the United Church Friday evening, Atter the supper a talk was given by 0. Drummond, prineival of t'be C0n- tinata•teo11 School, on "Team Play," was much enjoyed. An hour of games and sings were enjoyed. Plans were made to attend a ban- quet in Wingttem this week. Women's liberal Association The Woolen's Liberal Club held its monthly meeting on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs, W. D. S. Jamieson with Mrs. A. Straehan presiding. Mrs. J, Wilton read the minutes. Mrs. W. Scott read the report of the executive meeting of the Ontario Women's Liberal Aso sociation held in Toronto . Mrs, I, Parker gave an interesting report on current events also on commun- tem and of the great hold tt is get- ting on this country. Mrs. Wilton concluded her talk on the British North America Act whioh was' in teresting. The new radio license was much discussed and thorough- ly disapproved of and also the building of a uchool for the Diouees, when their lnnome is so great. firs. Jobn Oliver contributed a pleasing solo. A vote of thanks was given Mrs•. Jamieson for the use of her home. Mitchell blue iiue and golfing it in, but .two minutes later Wright and Calliton again got together and went through, Wright again giving the assist. The fifteen minute mark brought about the flirt end only penalty of the game, G, Stoneman ',eine sett to the hoe for tripping. With one minute and thirty seconds to go, Fox &lapped du Brussels' last goat temp a face off in the visitor's cor- ner, but Romieger retaliated thire ty seconds later by going through alone to nail up the Last count of the game. The teams': 'Brussels -Goal, +Miller; datums Bell Griffith; forwards, N. Rut. • ledge, McDowell, H. Workman; al- ternates F. Rutledge, Fox, L. Workman Steles. MON., TUES., WED. ',Lit bell --Genal, Casey; defence, 2000 years of mystery, revealed for C, Stoneman, lionlinger; 'forwards, the first time in - Cloistered filmed by permission of and approved by His Holiness Pope Plus XI -Also- THE JONES FAMILY Back To Nature Another "oveabl;e f'amOb' story Ing special educational programs both instructive and entertaining. t Tete enublee the Public who sup. port, the schools with their taxes to hetome better informed with the Policies. and curriculum and the cultural aslvunIages of a higher e'du' cation. In keeping with the spirit t' and tenor of the week Drlsssels Veit - ed Church is' holding a. special ecdu- caeionatl service on Sunday evening, Feb. 134li. A maessed choir com- posed of High School atudes11s wiL1 lead' the singing, contributing also as anthems and a male quartette. Principal Orville Drummond will Resin] in the service. 411 students', teachers and members, of the I•Idglt and Public School boards are heantily invited to this service. Dominion -Wide Education Week Melville W. M. S. The February meeting of the W. M.S. of Melville Presbyterian church was held Friday afternoon with a good attendance, The President Mrs. H. Parker presided, Mrs, C. Seeker gave the Scripture reading and Prayer was offered by Mrs, G. Deadhnan, Mrs'. Walter Scott gave a splendid paper on "Japan." Mrs. W. C. Kerr con. tributed a delightful solo, Mrs, J. Robb gave Current Events which were very interesting. The meet- ing closed with the benediction, Gateuby Leppard, 110101es; alter- notes, G, Stoneman, Wright, Cull!- 1 ton, Laricreworthy Sykes. Referee -W, H. Bell, Brussels`, NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT, Swing Your Lady with Humprey Bogart and this hanpicked Zine of comt'dy stars Frank MoHugh Louise Fazenda Allen Jenkins Nat .Pendleton and his handpicked line of and Elviry ,COMING' -- Fight To A Finish Thunder in the City Mats. Sat & Holidays at 3 p,no. FEBRUARY Oth to 73th Each year a week is' set apart for Educe/lien Week for the purpose of interesting the public in the work of our +Sc'heele and making the nation eonSCloni of the feet that the future of aur country Ie being moulded In the classrooms of to- day, A special Literary end Parents' Night Programme is being held on Thursday evening February 10th, at 8 o'clock in Brussels Continuation School. invitations have been sent to the parents', and all others interested in education are cordially invited to attend, During the v'eek there are to be Dominion Broadcasts on education. Many speciai articles on education will also appear in the press, Grey Twp. Council Minutes of council meeting held Feb. 6, 1938. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved on motion of Alex, Alexander, seconded by T. C, Wilson. Moved by T. C. Wilson, seconded by Leslie McKay, that the auditors reported be adopted and printed and auditors Paid. --Carried, Moved by Leslie McKay, seconded by T. C. Wilson that the aollector's time be extended till next meeting, the efforts of Geo. Galbraith to stop Fancy Dressed Boy, under 14 March 6th. -Carried, l it and rum away taking the eatter e Jiinjm2' At Moved by T. C. Wilson seconded with it. It left the cutter bebind t Beat Dressed Couplerltiepet'. by Thos, Dougherty that tenders• be it in the vicinity of W. Stiles' barn 1 jean aioChllh_ asked for crushing and hauling 10,. and was caught by W. Somers near i Hest Clown -Donald Gu' 3or;' 000 or more yards of gravel in 1938. his place. The cutter and harness ; Best Come GrouP-jeteeeS1t Work to be started as soon as was badly smashed and broken, d and Andy HebneeeeWAWw0 Possible in spring, Tenders to be r Geo. Galbraith was uusuccesstul ! " r BRUSSELS ---1 WI��r6 M- in clerk's Mande by 2 o'clock, p,m., at stopping this' runaway but last ty^ tiiarch 5111, 1933. Work to be corn- week showed a real rodeo stunt I The newly organta pleted before Oct, 1st, 1938. when he Jumped from the side of team played, .131816 aft Moved by Thos. Dougherty, sec- their car and stopped Duna McKinm, game at Brusseld onded by Alex Alexander that we non's horse which had taken fright day evening. Many hereby make application to the and took to running up main street.. fans were wondering ekiart. of Dept, of Highways for the subsidy game the .g1415 would -.1 against aggainst on the 1937 Road Expenditures and Church Notes Service in Melville Presbyterian Church on Sunday were condutl]ed by Rev, John McNabb, et Toronto. The subject in the morning was, "What think ye of Christ?" and for the evening, "For other founda- tion can no man lay than "that is laid" which is Christ Jesus," The Se -eminent of the Lord's Supper was dispensed at the morning service. the chair contributed a selection, Services in the United Church were conducted by Rev, H. J. Mahoney, B.A., B.D. The subject in the morning was "The Everlasting Flame," In the evening, lantern slides, on missionary topics were shown. Preparatory nervine was held in 31051110 Presbyterian Church Fri- day evening. Rev. W. A, Williarns theser- vice. r k c id of Cr- cooofduote t 1 vice. Three new members' were added tit the church roll. Com- muuicn service was, held on Sunday. Rev, John MtNab'b of Toronto, was in charge, St. John's Guild A meeting of St. John's' Guild was held', Tuesday afternoon at the home of 11re. H. Champion with a splendid number attending; The meeting was presided over by NOTICE- the president, Mrs. 0, Coleman. Any p0500118 owing n,:counits 'to , The opening hymn 0508' followed by the late Bobcat Simpson w111 kindly prayer offered by the rector and the stifle the name at 1110 of105 of the t reading at the scripture passage 111 undersigned on or before lee3. 18th, the preeiclent, 1933. ELM12.13 D. BELL, Ii It was decided diming the bus']. Solicitor fm• the Adenrinsiatlator ne1ss period to bold the annual Thin- ; cake Supper on Shrove Tues'dny, I Mach let and the necessary cone. 1wbtteea were appointed 10 art'ange Presbyterian Church1 for the same. in the future the SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 13th . W A. will meet on tho same or the services at 11 a.m. and 7 o.m. ' cession as the guild, Print material will be conducted by for a strip was brought in at this Graduate Student of Toronto 1 mooting. A substantial offering University i was' received, Sunday School at 3 p.m, At the close the hostess served a 411 Members and Adherentsaro dainty lintels. A hearty vote of Invited to :Attend these thanks wee; ac30rded Mee, Champion Services for her hospitality, MELVILLE PEOPLE WE .KNOW ti UnifiedChurch' ., Mass' Virginia Pleat spent the Ice Carnival weelc.emd with Barbara Jean Micllie, t� Miss' N. ileeeas• and Mrs, (Dr.) Weil Afifiended Perris, Mount Forest are guests with h7rs, A, C. Danes ter a week or ten days, Many Novelty Costumes ' On 1'be many friends of Mr. S. As'ltin Display; Brussels and l'1Il regret to know that, he ie In Wingham Hockey slumlord hospital undergoing treat Game 1-1 meth, earl Plum are Archie Henderson, The Ccs carnival sltonaol&d by theY. P. S. of the 'United church 01' traced a large crowd to the local 0.l'e110 on Tuesday evening, The )lighligttt of the evening'e propene was, an exirb3tien genie of Mr, and Mrs. Willson a the Bath hockey between the Winghaan and 08 Coanlmeree and Mists Grace Calder 'uis gltl's teams', Tho Banns Jr/ Hamilton over the was Round moat iwtetestiug and re' week -end, , s131ulaedsseIn a. 1.1 tie, A large ltum- were visitors iMr,W, A, Lclvey made a business her of sport tans attended fl'Om trip to Toronto on Sattun'dey, \l'dnghann to root for their hoarse Messrs Jack Bates, Sack Bryans, realm, Joe Bremer, Harold Mena/lead, and I T'he various competitions were; Carman Baker ma`e a trip to Niag- ' won by the following, The man- 'n Falls' over the week -end, petito'A, apPeared in various origin - Mrs, D. N, McDonald made a trip aI COatUmtie, to iKltchener 00 Saturday to see RACES - Mr, McDonald, who. is in the hoe (pita) there. Boys 14 and under -loan Alcock, Mists Mali Greed)), was a guest at Gemtts-Ned Rutledge tbse home of Jas. and Mrs. Mdchde, Girls 14 and under -Idella, Bryaus 5th line Morris'. Girls over 14 -Irene Clarke, London, were home for the week- end.. eekend. Mrs, John Robb, Lueknow, was th'e guesst of her aunt, Mrs, C'bas, McKay, roe the week -end, Wingham RUNAWAY HORSE Rhea Dressed Lady, over 14 Rhea Shaw, BIy A hers& owned by H. 0, Walker Fancy Dressed Gent-- which entwhich had been driven into town 1 Kenneth Cam3ibeil, Westin, by Nommen Shiels broke loose in Fancy Dressed Girl, under 14-e4 the Galbraith Sale Stable, eluded Nancy. Is Lockey e8ld bi tion on Tues-. GREY a taster an, more experewoed team. the C1een is hereby authoirzed to Tati tators 11gteed sthat the forward wane to the said Dept. firs, James Bogart who resides •,, lochoal teemn,shouLd'go a.ions. catty forward in the West Is al present at the with the rikht kind of coo 31ttlg The Moved by Leslie McKay seconded home of her mother lira. 'Win.' -itane ceatatnly got eteir ,t'aeene7f'a by T. 0, Wilson, that a By-law be Band's Who has been quite 80miousi`, worth with thrills; and ,spills, galore, prepared and passed requiring all ly ill for the pest month. „And how "times giattiv could ;take 113 Public School Boards In the Town- Mr. ]Hilton Parr, 6th: 0011. who has' , o ",,o jpty slowed,-up-coueider- sihp of Grey also all Union School had trouble with his etre for the, last' "•"ably 4ue`•to the soft ice, , Boards to prepare and submit their few year's, was taken last week to • 'Brustsel4 started Doff With M. estimates to the council on or b Listowel hospibal where after cone Baeker,, g. Basher and, I, Lowe on fore May 1st in each and every su3tautdon, an operation was ,onside',,,forward, line, they broke through year. -Carried. erect necessary and the eye was re- :""tire Winghaan detenee time atter Moved by Alexander, seconded by moved which was causing him. great time but were weak .on their dicta. Leslie McKay, that the Clerk is pain et times, 1'33ut they kept the Wingham lassies hereby authorized to procure as Brig. Alex i31OLauchlin, milt' co5ner`ed right up, E. 'Rae ;of, shall be require all necessary gravel road has been somewhat .ire- Wafighom broke through .the 1gcaty stationery and p00attge for the ddsfitosed during the past we&k` and 1 defence miter live minutes, of play to' Township use 5180 to procure and was confined to ]ter bed, hie. manner- I, Score the only golf sof Che game for friends, i the . vislitors, 'tett i neeessa us' keep on Mand all forms ry o hope to hear oi'. hoz Ue- Par Township busines's,-Car7'led. I Ing soon: in het• usud1 good health, ]loved by Alex Alexander, second- p Messes Mary and ]Muriel .eleDo3 ell by Thos, Dougherty, that all ap- alit, 01110 haver spent the past . five Proved accounts be paid. -Carried. weeks' visiting iu New Ydrit return: \loved by Thos. Doughtery, sec- err home los] week, . They say andel by T. C, Wilson, that we do tbey enjoyed every nvinutd„ of it. mfaay sags there 3m no 'plaice .juke Ontario, Muriel is not so mere. Lynn Evans• lost a valuable.' steer The following accounts were paid • lase week. hie. wa*' feeding • his Jae. A. McNair, auditor ....,,.. 25.00 stock and the steer was eating quite' 1Vm, T. Spence, auditor 20.00 natuemlly when he saw 11 fell, 'When Lewis Russell, relief acct, ,10.00 he got around. to it It• wee dead. County Huron Hospital Deet, 28.00 We are glad ap 'say, Mr; Charles' Prov, Treas. Insulin 2.50 Cleaver, who .has, Moen undeF Cho 2,310 doctor's cave; Is 080011 improved, • Mrs, 0, Robinson, duos `in I estowel :l,so hospital .fora Saw relays, . iatttr�etl i hoarse lash Wedneseley, We. bottle the treatment received will lie bens ficial, ,hiss, Marcie McIntosh, daughter of J. P. and Mrs. Melivtosb �*ho has been seriously sick with brenshitis is imrproving we are glatd ,to` Mrs. Bert Jahn1on had the, mis- fortune to fall on the ice and hurt her back. Her n34uy friends- 110311 she will 800n be. ail right, 'Stan, Macb nt, Wan; Spartan, ?uv erett Robinson, W,illiel Mcchnn and Elston Stpeij+an motored to Toronto Saturday to see the T3ruln...Mapie Leaf hockey game at Hoyle Leaif Gardens. Cloistered Nuns On Screen At Regent Theatre, Seaforth .. By Leonard Feeny, S.J. If this picture 'Cloistered', Is ne- glected, and if Catholics' do not patronize) it In overwhelming num- bers, then we must despair of ever having a Catholic art on the screen. A. Catholic made the picture anti managed every detail of it with the ustanost sense' of reverence; the ri:uns 1116 us the great courtesy- of letting ns see their bidden life just as it is lived; the Church aulhoritiea bave approved and praised and blees'es it; the edam's is an artistic masteuplecO. '.Cites Devil and his cohorts are ii0 busy on the screen as they are elsewhere to turn the minis o;e men away from everything for which 'Cloistered" stands•, It • would be his great pleasure, we im- agine, to have this beautiful picture (:;dope the notice of the public at large. It cannot Ind do harm. to every i'hing that. is low, vulgar, sel- flee, mean and impure, 11 cannot but. engender a longing for the virtues which are the tp.pos'ite, 0f these, note adjourn bo meet again on March 5th or at the call of th reeve. -Curried. ORANGES - SWEET ORANG]OS-two doz. for 23s; 21 sweet oranges only 28c. "We Sell For Less" A. GREWAR Twp. Road Accounts John Kreuter, disinfeot ee 12 school Fear, Clerk. TO ASSIST DESTITUTE CHINESE At the expressed wish of Can:- adian citizens in many pants of the Dominion, the Canadian. Reel Cross and the Religious Bodden of Canada in affiliation, are creating a. Fund through which our people may ex- press tthetr sympatl1y sin tangible Penn for wareepleken Chinese, The Shelling anti bombing of cities by die Jarps has brought terror, death, ddsabelmlealst and destitution, not alone to soleliers, bat to 50011lee% women and little children helpless. ly Ought in the maelsioran of war. The C.G.l,T. are holding a BIRTHDAY PARTY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18th AT UNITED CHURCH, BRUSSELS Commencing at 8 o'clock A PLAY ENTITLED "Adventure Comes to Madeline" will be presented by the Girls followed by music and song LUNCH WILL BE SERVED The 1oaa1 team the glut book.in there playing to Abet iitthno4,'t. with . Betsey Currie gilt , ri,gbtt 3x.03 the defence but coaldt'tillet get herr shot ?,. Winohami 'deme back. strong ally for the' .speata:eulttr , goht o3 E, Foo '' kept down . tha- t() ;. score.: G , 1tae of oven' ;the ook 'Place,. but -oito, l`.' &'Ice,• Tnl period tho•' gt ssIowed np conS3,dienahly as the .'. deemed to be tirn�u�y I Lpt�W: a 0010 rush,sailed.,.n to tler'eYp." game for Brussels when silo', thetkigh 411e W'igghan 4 Altei'stlta,'t'the genie was, s1,6 bolthi te*ptn.4 Rattling axvay e the •tie, M. ivfiliter and V, J}nncan, a good ti01 p50aivn gene 'to locals and 'playe 131 o weal,. in the tMtnid Peed the 7111117 ed up. with,: Bettj' Currie King 02116 V. Fox trydug til ;,', bleak the tie. gall One of .the a1nnginig often occurred leas the wlay, �i.vlsl strtick at the. puck, 731I that :they leapt Woe visitors fro scoring coling to out<t 811-o gaunt 1-1. It you want to see some Mo ,Duty follow .the local •gil'l's;. ILo#unr WInghani wltst they play their ',aural. match, , r 1t QII>EL1I -- Gari, .Clark; Ge . )tri. Rae,.. L. Fullem; c5 tie,; de • VVViugs, Wilson, D. IdotLdekeo tt 1w, 12, Eoreyrthe; , d-Iarrison, iOtvn, 'W, 41ea133 and E, Canip1e t1 Rt1,SS10t L -Goal, E. Fee; d1 encu, `11, Mills i,- V. Duncan ; etIG,' hilt•:'; wings, 3. Lowe, 10. 1344,kt es be, R, Currie, 1r. Burcltalt,,J, V. box, VI, PDX. DEATHS BIRT-In Brussels on Sunday,, Fob ruary 6110, 1935 George 13101 1(1 11i111 87th year, The funes'•ale,'tttt place frown his late home '1 berry 'street, North, ou We.dm day, February 91.11, with cervico 03 2 ;p.m, cream was made in Brussels, cemetery.