HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-2-2, Page 7he Brussels Post FOUNDED. --1873 W. KENNEDY — Publisher Published Eivel'y Mednosday afternoon with tale aggreeleve anti pita.). las- THE POWER Shortly he will go to eelleg e, prise has heelfonnpletely beeleen to At the end tat his fist yea", nek Sseo'ba'bly ,neem an On view• got monat our him to show you what he got cut ISYgraNimes f107g U,uitorl States, point, the mast interesting twee - the year. You will 'lava dirt'- e ,."V" ,.,a we were teeing to Ma that will came bailors the pelts in seeing that his accowpjish-. • x,luuity f"oln this influence present efeselon of Parliament le the TELE BRUSSELS POST 1 of yew money citua;ting Ainretcan sirirlt, Tula pro' I QUESTION JI the have been etteked, (2) Qui broadcac4tiag systnl was' toil permisle'ou 10 export tt ''loth of request or the Ontario oaverllrent Onbacrii,t,,,. p'o'ke $1,ru per year, paid in ,:,,v.,ncii, Subecriptins in United SI, tea will please add 60c Lor Postage. T821 'POST' PRINT BRUSSELS -•':— CANADA Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont. to 'entree toward tile British ideal es Dow's'' to the Un ted States, exeMpliliell in We BBC, Hue eta Off band that loofas like ,a simple So file from being suppOrtEld by Its matter' The facts elle lilac, under out of it that which will be well fees, rl is ttemeelled to dotty more the new cones:lets will) the Quebec meet was worts: a year of hie lite aand ;2,000 your moneY, Yet, I have faith to believe that if Your sou will apply himself tafthfnl y fair four Years in eeliege, he will get wore') Min, year's o1 bis life and til aero of its support from power compet...me Ontario has a Amer -call conensrokl programer, tluea.ity of surplus electrical energy The Canadian programme have not ` for 'Which she hats no preeeet. 010 been bettered et more than a frac. and for which elle has' to pity There tion at the rate at which we have is an opportunity to dispose of this itee States interests on 1100sed American programmes, power to Un ,.r itis Lew ieerease hi feat is, in- a Year—tele—al' hauls, The first WHAT ARE WE GETTING d4 -u, accompU1.ad by a targe 111• thought in regard to the matter oreuse in American programmes, is, that eche request that Is being FOR OUR RADIO FEE? 1 This new increase in Kees is., made is an entirely reasonable one, The Canadian Broadcasting Corp -`I indeed, accompanied by a large IS, and that under the clncuuu'tancea, oratioai Ilse decided to raise its crease in American pregreinmes, the export of Gower would be good Remise fee front ;g2 to $2.60, There Apparently what ore Corporation is busineee became; it woull relieve was talk of a $8 fee, but apparently trying ,to do is to gee more broad- the Ontario Hydro consumer of pay easalug austiOa;, 'With WuiOii to Ing for something for which there the 'O pponation wisely retired be- fore popular dnd4gnatlon, It is broaucast American prog:ainmes, is no present Ise in this province, probable that mtr people would not . 'l'h.ele precisely opposeee to tee Uufor tunattet;v, however, the thing object too s4rcugly to a Aft -cent purpose whIgh was' presented to us is not quite sr- pimple as that In y as a reaa+m Ler swallowing any to fact it is not simple at all to, the increase if they stood to get any - AL c.0] sad -Committing ours+Ives w reason that 11 rune bang Otto whet thing for it. But what will they tablas"ted Fed get Indeed, this pin-pr:cl: will possibly raise in many meds the question:—Wine do they get now for their $2 fee: The country permitted the Cove ernment to take over radio broad. pasting for certain definite objects and under certain well understood restriatlons. Otilerevese, the country would never have consented. It nas bad unfortunate experienC'o enough anomer adyentere Ingovel'llml'-llt h been e a8 long en & , ownership—as it the Canadian eral policy in regard to power; a Nattol.el wetc not enough, 01 policy that has been set up because course, we can . have Government ot what has been described as regulation and censorship without the doctrine of the right to contInu- area 11.1 maim operation, ons supply. That doctrine, Of comae, uemparing our fees brought forward years ago by the with the fees et Great Brttate and American government, L0 based on other European countries le who:1y the theory that where electric 'beside the pellet, The conditions power has been delivered across a are not at a similar. Our proper border line for a long perlei, of comparison is with the peeps of the time and lnd'letries have become now with government own .ship net United St'a,e;. They pay no fees dependent upon this energy its to want to burn Its fingobjet again, a` eat. bet they get a 10.ge p,u- d?s.ontinuanee would const lute an SVhat were Thes•e objeckr (1) Canada wee to be sheltered Pon -fon of Oleuiost attractive pro. from "American propaganda." from gleams to which we listen, with a American undesirable programmes, of otltoia whJ-Oh we hate not from dilution of ourBritiab spirit yet got. But ±f the 'pr'esant day Polley of the CLIC is contented, eve well eventually got most of h,nr— weth their American .imps and continue indefinitely without injury booming of American products But to Canadian irtereste. we pay $2.60 a year for them. The 1 The request of the Hepburn' gov- ernment will pay nothing, ernmtent runs foul ot that policy If the CBC cannot do bdo.ne than • and that is why :the action of parlio- tbis, it might ae well fold up. ntent on this oceaeion will be h 11 was isees Amerinon pilo_ watched with Iteminterest. It is a grammes we wanted, we are getting matter of importance to many more. Ontario power -users for ufess the If it was a play of cutting dotwn Province succeec's In disposing of on produots we wanted, we are get- surplus electrical energy that is ting .more. not needed here to rthe ,Dreamt ,the additional cost will have :o come 1f i4 was a policy ot cutttag down out of the pockets of Hydra custom - 1 on these invasions we waited, the ens in this province. now policy today, .accompanying the increase In fees, is to add etill more. Earns Promotion 13. C. JAMES, who on February 1st becomes assistant general pas- senger agent, Canadian Pacific Railway with headquarters at Montreal. Mr. James is at present district passenger agent for the Company at Saint John, N,B., and brings a wealth of experience, earned during his 23 yearn Cana- dian Pacific service, to his new post. unfriendly act, ht was in recogni- tion ofthat doctrine that the Federal government o1 Oaaada has adopted the policy ot refusing con. sent to the export of any power that it does not expect to be able to ' If It was a L:'aduai approach to the lIritish system we wanted. we are moving farther away from R. It it was the creation of a self - efficient Oanatlie.n system we hoped for, any intelligent radio "fan" knows that thea is impossible. Our people are tee ",American pro- gramme conselou0." 1f the Bennett plan has, definitely ` school. You will have dtflinulty failed, we will save money by admit- in finding an adequate retuee for 1 ting it now. a day of his life and a fey dollars DOUBTING THOMAS MUST BE SHOWN Show lie with pencil and paper;' said a banker one day, 'exactly what my comearty will get out of these twelve. advet'tlsements. " "When your buy returns front nigh school tonight," I replied, "asst bhn to show you with pencil afnd paper what he got cut of the day in Music of Many Races Canadian Mosaic, illustrated with the music of the many races settled in Canada, will be the subjeot of a series of ten broadoasts which will be produced by J, Murray Gibbon, general pub- licity agent, Canadian Pacific Railway for the network of the Canadian Broadcasting Corpora- tion on Sundays, commencing January 2. Frances James, one of Canada's leading sopranos, will be tho soloist interpreting songs specially written on Canadian themes to tunes which have been brought to this country by the races In question—French, Scots, English, Irish, Welsh, Scandina- vlan, German, Ukrainian, Polish, Czecho•Slovak, Finnish, eta The Toronto Conservatory String Quartette under the leadership of Elie Spivak will contribute instru- mental composers( of hetracestin geeng s - tion. The idea of thls series of broad- casts is to creato a better under- standing of the contribtltIon made to Canadian oulture by the vatl- ous racial groups in Canada, and may bo considered as an interest- ing sequence to the Folk Song Festivals organized at various Points in Canada some years ago by the company. The time for the broadcast will be 7.30 to 8.00, E,S.T., 830.0,00, A,S.T., 6.30-7.00 C.S,T., 5,30-6.00 11lountain Time and 4,30-5.00 P.S.T. The layout shows Mr. Gibbon, Miss James, and Elle Spivak in rehearsal, and insert are Leo Smith, Harold Sumberg, Elie Spi- vak and Cecil F±gelsky members of the Toronto Conservatory String Quartette, 8,000 of your money. So wile ad- vertising, Advertising (a a Process of education. To understand ad- vertising as to understatie elucation requires a vision of the Intangible. "Advertileing needs time and continubty. You cannot by any method of feeding bring a 10•year. old boy in pee year to man's maturity. You cannot by a•ty pi 0- cess of clamming give a boy in six months' the equivalent of four years' inteIleotual growth in college. Nor can you by a brier series of udver- tieements get that tborougb coati. d'ence of Rhe public 'that can be Won by consistent effort over e Period of years," These were the words of Charles Coolidge Parl1n, of the Curti., Publishing Comnany, NOTE AND COMMENT It is claimed that the Vikings visited Ontario in the 11th century. le they did w3 imagine allay found the musky fishing just about at its Peak. According to .a woman candidate in the United Metes politics ale for all who care. Judging, however, by the folk Nebo manage to get elected sometimes, there mae. be c lot of people who do not care Stt11 Joe DiMe,ggto might have done worse. He might have asked Benito Museolint to have done the negotiating with the Yankee man• agemerot on h'a behalf, —*—*— Winnipeg firemen had to answer 30 alarms, in 18 hours. W'iee the rush is over the boys have trouble in remembering just vitae they lett the checkore. Uncle Sam.; expenditure on national defence in the coming year is expected to reach the $.t,200,000- 000 mark. It should be poestble to buy a lot of defense for thee. much money. —*—*— Chicago man who bas been a rail, reader for 83 years has just cele- brated his 100th birthdae. The pension system on that particular line seems to have slipped u cog. Hon. J, G. Gardiner, Federal Minister of Agriculture, hay been Pointing out to Canadian farmers the value of their home market. That used to be the kind of thing the opposition would bring forward. The official count in the 3t, Henry, Montreal, by-election sbow's the. independent Liberal can 11111(0 who ran third only polled 311 votes and it 1s not ecnsddered likely be will demand a recount, —*—'t'— Not many Canadians will be pres- ent to take parr in Aus'.ralia's cele- bration of her 150 auniver4ary but ' the goodwill of the whole, couutry will be extended to tell citizens of the Commonwealth on this notable. occasion, In T h stlev lle By A.R.K. id, ¶ T met AV nephew, Cyruc 'Rill: who's gone to I've in Thiatleville, and he !e bappy now; be toe some land where he t.an dig, he keeps some hegs', likewise a pig, and now he owns a cow, I asked ;ay nephew if be knew, Just wbwt ilia costs were running too, In having so much stock; did he have books and ink and Pen, and figure like efficient men, or use a Piece of chalk? My nopbew laughed nt all I said, and then be sort of shook his head, I ltnow net of their ways; his COW is round as 12 can be, It is a pleasant tilling to see, but Ma one ever pays, g The cow is ,pastured et, the street, where it. gets all it 'mute to eat, the grass. is to her knees; at milking time be brings her in, and fide a bucket to 4he brim, makes butter and new cheese, el The pig has freedom much the same, in Tbta'tleville it gut so tame, the neighbors feed it Pie; he fall It will be 11' to k711, tele 1110 that lives in Thistleville, he'll have pork chops to fry. The Pig, the cow, the ceieliens, too, they live just like they ought to do, they hardly cost a cent; for fate! he takes boards from the fence, my nephew says for real expense— there's nothing hut the rent. ' Calgary 'torte is getting 1's th'.rd set of teeth and the owner attribut- es the animal's' long life to right living. It seems that the horse is driven to church twice a week and there should he some mata'ia', for a sermon in that fact. Two robblus have been reported from the neigherllood at Haeiings and we are waiting for a chit ,es to interview them as to tvhethe: they are holdover from last summ0, or the first atnlvale of 1038. It is charged that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation :11, now become a 1tLtle brother of ice N.130 And the worst thing about that is the expenses In connection with the adoption are paid by the Canadian set -owners through their 1)' veva LATE NEWS LET Us 1,00K AT THE PAST Sere Are Items Takeo Prow Piles of the Post of NO . end is Yaws Ago 50 YEARS AGO ETHEL Mrst Saamilduu of Mich;een, is visiting at Henry Wanner'c * * * David Dobson and wife left Ethel for the Westelbis week. They go back to their former place of abode Mr. and Mrs. Torseuce and Mrs, Cox left On Tuesday. At a meettag of the literary society last Monday evening .be following officers were elected'. Pres., Wm. Tlt.aall; vice -gree„ Wm. Spence; 2nd vice-pres., W Sharpe Sec., Mies Lulu Spence; Trees., T. P. Simpson. 011 her tray to had the mail loop- ed into her 101510821" room. "The master';y locited tip dor the lligT1tr ma'am,' she Bald. Her mistress looked Puzzled, "Really, June," she Bald, "Ila must have been very quiet. I didn't even hear him erene in," "Ile hasn't ma'am," err. aimed Jane, "The imltce-etatton have just phoned," BLUEVALE Mr. and Mrs. Mosgrove arrived from the Northwest on Wed, last. MORRIS Wm .Clark reappointed toweahip clerk for 1888, John Watson re- appointed assessor and Wal. Laid- law and Rich. Johnston, auditors. * * * Alex. Clark hes sold his :atm, 5th Slue, to Thos. Miller, his, neighbor, and has bought the farm adjoining Suushlne, known, as the eliskim- ing Farm, GREY WELINE or preb'ident of Ttlrnbera•y, sheat a few days here reeeet1s; '1 * Harry Mather, of Sutnma:h: ry, Sask, le spending a week with ilia brother, W, J, Mather, * a; * Samuel Rasmussen has returned from New York and will spend the remainder of the winter 01 bio hc:ne here. P. Y, lee11y, N1 lot 10, con. 7, has leased hien farm to his male and will probably go West in March. ETH EL Miss Florence Allen, of R'ver• view, has been the guest of 11rs, Wm, Bremner, • * ,p Ad. Fletcher, of salt Coots, Sask„ and 3. and L. W, Fletcher, of Ethel are 'spending a few days with friends at Cargill and Owen Sann+l, * * * Last week R. H, Neale and bride, nee, Miss Kerr, started Wes'ward for Edmonton, where they purpose making their future home, Reeve Mfilne end Deputies Oliver and Bryaus are attending county council, * Wm. Knight has been sagagetl as fourth assistant teacher in Aylmer High School, GREY Hector J. McNeil, wife an0 son of Esteven, Sask., are spending the winter in California. * * * Addison ane Mrs. Taylor of Rhine, Sask., are here on a visit with relatives in Grey and Brussels. * * The farm of Henry'Attweed, 14t11 con., hes been leased for a a year term by Alonzn Heath, 6th con., tW710 will egt possession in March. * Gee. Crooks left s for Manistee, Mich, BRUSSELS y: 0 * Last week Clarence C. 1le'.arey and bride, were here on o visit to the family of Bobert Menvey 9th con,. Grey- Mr. Menary's Lome bas been at Melita, Man., but hie wife was Miss Hope Aspin of Bay City, Mien, Soo Laird an.1 family have come back to Brussels to reside. John Angus* Las dispossl of his property on John street to George Cardiff, 25 YEARS AGO CRANBROOK MORRIS Dr. W, J. Roe of Philadelphia, was a welcome visitor wit' "the old folks at borne" for a couple of weeke on the 3r1 line, BRUSSELS Miss Verne SS alker, is sway on a visit with friends at Toronto and Kingston. Mrs. Garfield Long, of McCrorie. Sask., is here on a visit to the old borne. DAY, FEB, 2nd, 193$ W��ti`Wi �plRtR . YaYti4�RYY' fl� 1. on I ZANADA-1938. INSPIRING PROGRAM FRIDAY 10 P.M. E,S.T. STATION CBI- * * * Mrs. Mitchell and daughter Miss Posse, Calgary were visiting old Mends last week. - COUGHS, DISTEMPER, BROKEN WIND have met thea master in ZEV—made by the mak- ers of Buckley's Mi,ttue. Stockmen, poultry breed- , ers, etc., who have used ZEV say it is positively •'sure fire" relief for all respiratory diseases in horses, cattle, sheep, pias. • poultry and dogs. It is amazing haw- ' quickly it gets results in the most stub- born eases, In fact, we guarantee ZEV to do in a day or two what it took old- fashioned remedies a month to do. Pet size 500, Stock size $1.00. Get ZEV at. H. B. ALLEN CANADA - 1938 *—e- eICiA,NA,DA—X1938" wile open its third series of broadcasts when itt takes the air, Friday evening, Feb- ruary 4th, at ten o'clock.19. S. T The whole -hearted apnriovat and commendation accorded Past Pro- grammes has prompted Iu,tperialt. Tobacco to 'extend them Into a' Hard series, The decision meal.. that Canada's cuts'tauding varlet' programme will continue to Provide worthy enbevtainme t to Canadian listeners while i4 serves a national. Purpose in. revealing Caned 1. to. Canadians. Of a halfhour's duration, the broadcast will include Walter Bowles, roving radio repori'ei, who, will continue on bis assignment. taking him from the Atlantic to the. Paoific and back again, speaking: each week from a defferent locality and highlighting the contrlbutioil tee our national life of than distrlat and. its inhabitants. Lionel Shapiro, Jvlanhabtati con respondent, will continue his cone mentary on affairs o1 the entertain menet world direct from New a. More time will be given to mile,l a highlight of pest tprogrammee. The' large orchestra choir and soloist will be heard in special ar,r'snge4 meats typical of to -day's musical' idiom. On the progre'-mme next FrttL '", w February 4th, 'Water Bogyetee speak from Victoria, V.C. He Seel. give Canada intimate glimpsee of the great Pacific Province, 'its achievements, its people and its. neighbors. • Read 'the Ads. r 'g e P.rted WithoutMlroper license 1f you issue -Marriage Llc-, eases, tell the young'•folks aboutitIn ourClassified Ads. They all -know alicence is , necessary�t t 8y don't all knoA,vvher o'; etope. paper is popular.wit(t the yotteag people. :.,A Chris Huether left on Wadn.esday morning for ea=aachuseels, '1' * * Earnest Hunter of MetefOr 1, is visiting under 'elm parental roof. d, * t Wm. L,oug x11(1 bride are visiting at the hone of Jacob Long before returning West, W ROXETER Thos. Sage bud quite a nasty fall on the ice last week, but is able to be around again * * * Leslie M'cl auyhlin 'aft titis week for Saskatoon ht.ving spent a month at his home Isere. * :k * Wm. Mor row of Michigan, a form- rix c k For steady volumes of lean, easily regulated a heat, order .ton of i A MOO. Puts summer warmth in every room, regardless of the weather. No dust, no smoke, no waste, less ash. Easy to handle, too arta easy on the budget) For prompt service, order from your local 2 AMCO dealer -the deserves your fuel business. HAMCO COKE;. HAMILTON BY-PRODUCT CMG OVtN5, WON* HAMILTON, CANADA. 1.