HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-2-2, Page 5TI-iE i#RUSS.EL$ P ?ST BREVITIES Hockey Team Fans in Fight On Mitchell Ice You umgY call them eopititions Oet of a book peon the shell. Stint hero's a requisition--• Aen't judge °mere by yourself Notices in this column cost . 25e up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. - •Cash must accompany ad, Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. FOR SALE— Two Hereford Bulls for sal, apply Charles Weymouth, I,oncle.aturn FOR SALE— A Cow due to freshen March 1st, 1-c apply to Alvin Atmet-;mg. phone 36-0 WANTED— A reliable agent fur Brussels with a well known line or farm machinery, apply to Box 711 Th•• W0130 WANTED— w.� _— 12 cold of Ii.s.sh and 'mettle web, wood 14-inelo s long. Te be deliv- ered at S. S. nn. 0 Grey by tin, ort. of Febtnery. .'Inters 10 be ed by Fehru.*1' 1_`rt 1,nw. tender not nem,: ti i' acre r -nth 2-p Wm. Smith, sec: treat, CUSTOM SAWING— Will he lone at Brussels op ,,11' the Creamery in the Spring, phone 42.11 James Stet ',.soil FOR SALE— Young Work Buses, we'll -broken, ' also Shorthorn Bulls, all servhccmbls age can spare a few heifers, 4-c Thos, Kett•, Henfryn, phone .05.9 i FISH— Direct from the Atlantic slightly gall Polleck, 3 lb. 25c; 6 'b, 59e; 12 lb. ,51.00, apply FORD GARAGE LOST— Overshoe changed at Bowler's Euchre on 18th, a black velvet overshoe tanned, size 6 left shoe exchanged for my awn, the same kind only size G1,o Anyone looking for overshoe, please phone 544. Mrs. Nm. Speirs( TENDERS WANTED— Tenders will be received at the Office of the Secretary for 8 cords of 20 -Inch maple body wood to be delivered at Brussels Public School. Tendres to be in by Feb- ruary 9th. 2.c R, S. Werwlok, Secretary. TENDERS WANTED— Tenders will be received until Feb. 5th for 25 cords of bode hard wood beech and maple, 15 -inches long, also 2 cords cf cedar 15 hostess long to he delivered at Dull!' church, Walton, before March 100, 2-p Robt,MMFadzea-t, iec'y. WANTED - 10 Cords of Hardwood Maple and beech body wood 16 -Inches tang, also 16 cord of elm 16 -inches long Tenders may be 'separately, Wood. to he delivered at S. S, no, 1.0, Grey not later than March 1st, Tendert;' .o be in Feb, h, lowest tender not necessarily accepted. 1•e W. H. Speh'an, Sec -Treas. FOR SALE— Desirable property with acreage for sale, Possession Mar, 1st, brick house, good barn, henhouse, hydro t'hrongho'it, For further par- ticulars see Wm, Spence, Ethel, or write Grover C, Gill, 566 Talbot St„ London, Real terms to proapeetive buyer as 01119 place const be sold, if not. sold will be rented. TENDER WANTED— Wood wanted, 15 cords 0f 110dy wood, beech and maple; j6•incheq long to be delivered at Crnnhrook school In February. Tenders received up to ,Tan, 29, Lowest or any tender not neceestu•. ily accepted, Dan Iiuetlicr, 2-c S. S. No. 7, Cranhrenlc irrilaortant Notice Accounts, Notes, Judgements collected Our cnl)Scting dopes ament is a result of ycoaa' 111 ancrrsafitl experi- ence in enllenlleg heal or out -or town nrr'ntt'nte. 7clo collr'r". anti. nn e',n.r0 1 Mari 'Burkett Go!ieeting Agency (License 176) Head Office, Seaforth Ont Rema Are Always Welcome for the Sez, 1. call'em --6Musio is being played in factories or England to speed up work, at fi 0 —A few well -canned compliment' • are the spice o: life, F 0' * —The lan•guarge of the flowers' ,C'amelia, white denotes Loyl.hness. (To be continued.) ✓ * ig high, wide and handsome, on the great big brute, how could he be—all three, * * tt —Soule men await know tits first tiling abouts Ita.cl times until the bees km: lobs O , 0 —Women might be able to muter - stand each other better ever• the telephone if 'bey would tali: nap at a time. --The rdaaon- there are so litany (tog lovers rs hi this world I.; b'lra'1,e everybody is important in the eyes of a dog. • xs '0 - ---AtrAnmrt,Itudr lefligerai ad ant:1- m,;1.1en forecast by ae auto- motive engineer. • Have is hot Or have It cold, Just a8 you 1x1611. —Is That So? A man who gives in when ht's wrong is wise A man wit') gives in when he's rt ht 1» marri'd .: - ( uelctcr ror.tling is vory inter- esting, Jus'. g. t into as argument with someone and he 1vi11 reveal lily s1 that no glas'ses are nestled, x 'it 8: --Speaking of dogs—has anyone ever tried teaching a dog tricks. I have and was told I bad to knew mere than the dog in order to make a success of it. s: 8: t —Don': worry giris there will likely he another bridge built by 19 40, to take care of the leap year rush. And maybe another place found for honeymooning in the meantime. ,: * —Soz, I. went irto a cafe and after eating my meal the whiter asked nits holy 1 found my steak. Se Sae I, 10 was purely luck. I happeeecl to move that piece of potato eat' there w'aa." * * ::r —Can anyone tell Which Is the most popular song hit to the babes --- "Mary had a little lamb," or "This little 'pig went to market." I guess it would depend on wherher the baby was to be a movie aatres's or a rancher, * * * —Called a vital cause whet hubby wonders what causes indigestion, It certainly must be when wide says it is the °liability of a round stomach..) adjust itself to a square ureal, _..* * * —•"Whah's the use of howlin' Tho' the grind is long and hard, The path to happiness never was A' well kept boolyvard. Jes' remit about yer troubles That keep ye riled and vexed, Why the spice o' life is guessin' Jos' what's Conlin' next, * 0 to Typographical errors are like cog wheels with broken cogs, you have to try and ftt then' back on. So, if the reader has cognition enough to cognate as to what it should be it Will become clearly cognizabl'., Se might the editor .be trying the eeg- mice. of himself in finding out--•11rhe reads the paper, '--No doubt there will be -, lot or weddings' postponed sine• ilia honeymoon badge at Niagara col. lepr.l'cl last Thursday, Bravery was shown by tier 1 "1 who s0o10 out In the middle of the night and rescued the 3;;t:, : that Marked the International d,vidiut Ihie; so did a lot who gazed ,pen thin while 011 their—honeymoon. els : 0 —Definition of a Nurse A nurse is a marvelous compound or redone) tied tortut*. She is trained like .t dncror, regi01rrod pilo a lielatoin cow, starched ,tile a fell - dress shirt, But she can do miracles! She can matte a eye - foot sheet cover a six-foot b ocl, and shake (10111 a Oiolcal therememeter wattheut dislocating her 11:101, 00 putting her patient's eye out, Wingham Man To Appea" Before Magistrate On Friday At .leas*, 200 hockey fans eoa1'med onto the Ice in a' free -for -a'.1 in the Rconcluding minutes of a senedulod W. O. It A, •utatch betweut Wing - ham and Mitchell in Mitchell on Friday night. Uhler of Police 1F'red Mureny bad lite halide full end one arre•,t re- sulted, Harvey Wright or lt'inghaut was held and later released to appear before Magistrate J. A. :14altilts nil S1'attford next b'riday, The general melee lasted for .some 20 minutes, M,➢ychell fans claim that it was the group of at least one •Mundt ed \\rtnglt:ltn fans) yho started the trouble by going out on the leo in profeet of a penalty given a Winhastn player by Jack .MeaCllly of Stratford. tier re. force, McCulley awarded the :altos to Mitchell with only a title more titan one minute to play, The score was 4 to 2 ut that time. Wingharrt Couple Wed 57 Years Mr. and 'Mrs, "'homes Scott Recall Michigan Fire } } SMOKE OBSCURED 311,1 I Wind•Blown Soot Killed Fish in. Ontario Rivers \\'in.gham, llr. and Mrs, 'r'ri. Scott, or Winginaln, lately (celebrated their 57011 wedding anniversary in good health rod with the gno-1 wishes of many friends. Mrs. Scott, now in her 7610 y,ar, was born on the second lisle of Morris Township in Huron County, a daughter of the late lir. anti Mrs, John Roe, who were early settlers. She married Thomas Scot: on January 20, 1SS1. They lived on lot 9, concessior. 2, Morrts, moil they retired 10 Wingham 24 years ago, Thomas Scott was born in the Township or Albion, 111 the County of Peel, and vo.en he was only 14 t years or age, moved with biz par.. elms to lot 9, concession 2, Morris, He is 90 years of ,age, but buys his wood in blocks and splits it him- self for exercise. { The year the Scotts were marired i was the time er great forest fires', which caused such damage in Michigan that the sun was 1)10(000 out by the smoke and ashes, and the soot killed the fish in the river. When Thomas Scott first came to Morris he used oxen. He ,prided himself on his ox driving and even after he changed to hotsea still felt that he would have pzererred to hays kept the oxen, Ms. and Mrs. Scott have five daughters and cue son, Mrs., Edwin Lounsbury, of Philadelphia! Mrs. Donald Roes, or Clifton, Nes ; Wil - )dant John, on the homestead in Morris; Mrs, Joseph Eckle,,, or Clifton, Kass, and Mrs. Peter Bassei, or Toronto. FORCE 'OF HABIT Two acquaintances, who had not seen Mastpterson for some years, ' called at his house on Saturday evening, Mrs, Macpherson answer- ed the door. "Does MasPherson live here? "Aye," was the woman's ropily, "jilt carry him in_!" 'ROUND THE WORLD T. NEWS WRITTEN IN BRIEF FORM Follow summer to its all -year home. Thrill to golf under blue skies, relax on warm sands. for a winter vacation ac a longer stay, there is never a dull moment. And living costs are very moderate. Choose your own route. fares apply direct or via the Canadian Rockies, Vancouver and Vic- toria to San Francisco in one or both directions. FULL INFORWIATION AS TO ROUND TRIP O STANDARD FARE • TOURIST FARE • COACH FARE On Application to any Anon' tANAD Y ''sv�1y tAT I ONAL' ° ,•t. .. Woman Smoke Fights It Alone Foe Vlndsoe, Ont. Smoke got it, Contt'oller Olive Pane W113710's eyes at Rotu•e of 'Control 'meeting today and she Moved a "b"o-nlnklug' 8'ig'1 on- the wall Of Council Cllttlnbero be ,lac- ed on Control hoard's, long table. "Smoke ,-ors thick when it goes for three huur.x;' Con•trolle: Whyte said, but the smoking condoned, U. S. Girls Fear Jobs As Jap Boycott Washington, C.S, A. About 300 ho:-iery workeei from Philadelphia marched in what they called a "save.onr•jobs" ,parade to- day, The marchers, 011111080 al;Shia. are members t,: the Amari- au elation of Hosiery \\ nrk,'r', Cent. mlittee for 1"dits71lal Or„•a r zation, The unit arranged the parade in c'o. operation will the Joint Silk Iadrs- try Council in opposition to the i boycott :r.b'panese 0)111. The marchers aid a boycott of Jat,lanete silk would deprive some 100,000 hosiery work.rs of employment, • Souvenir Hunters Swarm Scene Niagara Fai's, Ont. Malcolm Allen's sonveatr from the fallen Falls View Bride here has started to pay dividends. The 15-yeai'old Niagara Falle boy scrambled out on the ice jam or the Niagara River end worked almost all night to got the bronze plaque marking the international boundary on the crtdge. Today the plaque is on display 111 Toronto, rented for $115 a month. Malcolm, wba gave the plaque to his father as a birth. day present, 15 going to get new clothes and skates, Falls Bridge Wreck Still Making Money Buffalo, N.Y. The Falls View Bridge',scalls from which weet to its oweert. ilia Internutianul Railway Company, is still. a. buslmw; propasiti.'1 even though it collatesed Thur'sdee from the pressure of an ice jam 111 the Niagara River, 1.10.C, street cars here bele ,.ie;e.', "See Falls Bridge ruins, Cie by T.R.C. bus. Round trip $1.21." N. H. L. All Stars Cord Drllloo. Toroni'o, ec n .1 two goals to lead Leafs to 4-1 victory against Detroit Saturday, Syl A.plrs, '10101110, figured in three goals against Detroit, Paul Runge, Maroons (emitted twice as team 0•'ed Bos1011 2-2 Sea urday nigbt. Fddie. Shore and Bill ('rsil-y, Bo.tron, 1)411)0,1 Bruins tie 11 n t,n.) and Detroit -with goal and asi,t,' during week.ead. Eddie Warne, Detroit, scored one goal and assisted in the other in 2-2 draw with I:oseon Sulu1J•', Clint Smith, Rangers, and Mush 'Mural), Ciiieago, whose uvea 111)) goals. left their teams ti,•,1 2'2 Sunday. Wolf Shot 10 Miles Outside Welland Welland, lra,l. 011 t, Chief of Police Arthur Daviess of 'Welland shot a wolf withiu 10 11111„ of Welland, believed the elates; a wolf has been Fere in matte years. Chief Davies went to Joo?ph GIl- mour's farm in Wa.inileet to watch the antics of :n animal on the roof Of a low barn. Going close to the barn, Davies and Wellington Gilmour, son of 111e farmer, saw the animal was a brush wolf. They chased it for half an hour. Gilmour shot but W131DN16S1?AY, FPl3, 2ud, 19 missed: the 11:o 'Oltie0 Bred and' apparently at the wolf. it turned �. and 8111/004 for the Chief, but when 11 wee within Sl? yard,. Davies Shot twice and 11le animal dtoPped,' Tile 1)'1'ov'Ine1a1 bounty of $15 1x111 be , claimed, Frisky Bertie Jacks Hard to Shoot Fort - Erie, 0111. The rabbits in nea1.by 13ertfe Township catme out '00 temporary retireanexst Moseley after a success,. fel hide -and -sack battle with 35 hunters, able to decrease lsertie's bunny polnulation only slightly, The limiters tools to 1h'0 woods Monday in their attack , on Ili'a'r Rabbit, but the best they could do alter an all -day quest was a bag of about 30 "jacks." or less than One to a hunter, It was the °Oinion of the hunters that jackrabbits 111.0 not so pseud-' 0111 here as fortlletly, ''11,. ground 148q (tOvel'ed, With Snow and tl"aCk6i were easily traceable, ETHEL John and Mrs. King will cele- brate trier golden wedding :lrrivcr- sary Monday, Feb, 14th and will be at linin'• t0 their friends' and neighli,rs afternoon and evening. Jim Snell silt, went to the 1,02tb- land dt�aricts 11,4111e1 mouths ago to elig:tge in a timber tailing cm/tract has arrived bred; to ,1311e1. Owing to the large number or employees starting in on the job in the first place, the work was completed in a. much sh„rier Calle than had been expected. Sometime 37, two fox being 1ar0 for et Stanley Speiran's farm, east of the villago broke front their pen during the night. The effort to recapture them was promptly undertaken and after some bone's phase, with the Help of neighboring fox ranchers dogs one of the auitnal; was evcrtaken, unfortun- ately the other one of the pair came within range Of a. mean carrying a gun, 11110 claimed he had licen>e to shoot such game running at 'arge and alas ins ltfe was ended. A number of teen aged boys went' to 13rtissels in Stan. Wilson's car Saturday night and enjoyed e few hours skating on the rink, AN ADVANTAGE "To what do you attribute your reattarltable health?', • "Well," replied the very -old gentleman, "I reckon I got a good start on most people by being bora before germs was discovered," 1 3 Beer I..abellsid a Hockey Sweaters Arouses Ire t ; of Walkerton Publisher cM1; i A (Walkerton Herald -Times - Never was sport 50 beslnlrollod int the Druce Capital as to have the reiirreaentattive Hockey squad or the living emissaries of 'Labatt's lige by having the big . beer baron's 11 name scrolled across the sweaters they are 000401nlr. St is' u wells known t'a'ct that the liquor trade Is spending enormous' sums In adver- tising to get the beer drinking 1halbt .iust111e0 into thousands, al- most millions, or young 'men and women, who (3o not at present knew the taste of booze, and If the gift' of the Labatt sweetere, *1111 the big shot's name emblazoned onthem, and 1v.bdch t oration was' made through his (Haulm 1 epi eseetativo, 1T1, Ales. Hogs' an, or town, who is president et the local club, fsn',e, all advertising strict, then what inthe name of the seven sainted sister's, is it? place enuising about as the ' advel'.' r Parents who encourage their off- 0pr1ng to a ord hockey tnarc1)4s and view 1110 world', fastest moving alert In oreratiou, will ha1dly caro to have til„ 1 .'ze focused on lager labelled u11lt:nmq as' it suds end sport were ) yeonontous, and as' if 1110 *0g11)M11e 71 "Labatt,' 'wag a name to be conjured within any but a booze 11ibbler', imagination. Walkerton is not so short of funds that its hockey ),tare` must be linked to a beer sign to get sweln,er$ to function ill, and we have it on good authority that a number or 411.90e113 are already preparing a subs,cr10tion. -ist to outfit the locale with a le.+ galla that won't humiliate the aren't' with a ,ild0ius'ignia on it. In fart, wilt the prote_itswc. ha. -re heard, against the brewers' balahoo it is (10650300able if the boa otice receipts, in v'.ex' of the threatened boycott wouldn't justify a iprolnpt change of garments until a new sup- ply of sm'eatere' can' be br0ug110'" ort the scene. . Walkerton mayV be the booze osis of the district, ante there may be. some local 101chrian so wedded ,,to his idols as to rejoice in it, but to have our" leading ,Lrockey squall clubbed the "•Brewer'":til the outside press, is,to add the 1as0.strall' tlia't 'oreaics thecn',mOS'ts bail&,,and so tho:rueb tp'. get the beer banners off 'ilia 13ru00 Capitals abefare,tlle name $501001, is �an311y 008W100 Styling as different as it is beautiful, for this bigger -looking, better - looking Chevrolet. • Smooth—powerful—posi- tive mooth—powerful—posi- tive , - - the safe, self - energizing brakes for modern travel - .. giving maximum protection. • So safe—so comfortable —"the world's finest ride". On Master De Luxo Models, • Giving the most efficient combination of power, economy, dependability. • Larger Interiors—lighter, brighter colors—and Ont. steelconstruction with Safety glass for safety, • Eliminating drafts, smoke, windshield clouding and assuring each passenger individually controlled ventilation. • Easier, tiptoe-prossure clutch operation. Wear is greatly reduced. No lub- rication required. You'll be ahead will CHEVROLET! tt Buy it Now, and Put Yourself Ahead in Style and ;Savings. ..: in Winter -driving Safety and Dependability TO check the exclusive features listed to theleftis to know that Chevrolet leads because Chevrolet gives more for the money. To check the advantages of buying your new 1938 Chevrolet now, is to know 1 ' why you see so many on the streets already. For example ... 'You can face bad weather conditions confidently—no starting troubles, no repair ex- pense, no worry about, weak, smooth fires. You'll enjoy the priceless safety of perfected Hydraulic' Brakes, always equalized, quick-acting—the protec- tion of an A11 -Steel Body by Fisher, and Safety glass all around you. And don't forget you'll be sbving costly depreciation on your.pregent'car. Chevrolet puts you ahead in everything ... in'style, safety—in the little it costs you to buy and runt —Mastro ed-8la,rer Special 3 -Pass. Sedan tuitb trunk; PRICED FROM $820 (2.1,.,:. Muter Basion: Coupe) MASTER DELUXE MODELS FROM $892 Delivered ar factory, Oshawa, Ont. Government tax. freight and Timm extra, (Pores subject to change with. out notice.) Monthly Pnymenes to suit your nurse on the Gtnorel Motors Instalment Plan. THE SYMBOL OF SAVINGS Oi'val YihitfieId- Champion'sGarage