HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-2-2, Page 4ews of the
nil -,sty' Holland. and Wm, Drown.
lee visited- do Toronto, ,
The Walters group of the W,11.R..
of D'uff's United Church held their
monthly meeting at the Mime of
Mrs. Silas Jain:.sign, A guilt •gas
11111811ed and lunch was vary, rve d.
Mt. Johin McGavin spout, the
weekend in Toronto having 3 load
'of cattle o11 the 'market. Chis
maketu fifteen load Mr. McGav!n haft
shipped since the new year,
Two ties, for 28c; 24 s w. et
oranges only 28c. A. Gltl•1:".'Ali..
"We .fell For LPa's"
To Celebrate 95th Birthday
Mr. George W. 'Curvey, till: old''4t j
man in the tov: a:•ship or moult, i:; 1r
y ars old on. February 3rd, When
4 years old he sailed w 11 ho_ i
pt(Ptlts and IL roc kisters 1't 11 ll "
land and settle? at New 1Iat'k•r
Pear To/unto, ai the age of 1t lie i
came to til! 211.1 con. of Hort':- i
where lie still 1 ver w•i:h 11;o :1 1 ?
Robert, He 11.2 lived to -o . t=1" t
fourth generation, having o ,i t 1
grand children. Lougle= 51,',:.•, et i
Grey Tuwnsh'p, Ge„i„ = lit,,
'I'ttrvey Of Luckn(. wa:a,l
Voelden of Blyth, {
He still has good hell' li a ,1 =11 I
joys the radio, and can .,,,d \: !" lir 1
glasse1,. 'l'lle Post and .. 1 ,t' "`;
Al' Old collg*atter Gen-, ..r M.%
(1,torge' Turvey, t
R, 1It1o11 Iiit.Khtn- y, o t.p., .r 1
Brn:9a1e boy. illi. been . ''
manager of the central zoo in I
SuPerte-t I'ottoleum Ce,,,) .-,
!Esta., co,crinc; the di.-;:' t f r.,,.. •
tingoton on; the ear.% it tw h,,
and Niiigarall'cninsula on the west
end Norili'Bay on the north.
Mr. and M. Joseph Ilr.' k',n-
ridge• of: Bluevale, Bountla• v Ens',,
. ee-idbrated their 48th wedllu:g au..
,nivei,'sary this week at tate home
M; of their daughter, Mrs. `S'i11.nn1
Nicholson, who o -ns celebrit ,i„ 1ti e
1,i,2Grtil anlliveer'ary of her marriage,
%1reigq; Yr, Nicholson v.::..1 the
pleasure of having all the ,tuemhers
of their family with thein' f i:- the
,ocoasldn Mt via Mrs. Play (Mae)
King, Turnbe'1y, Mr. and, Mrs. Al-
fred ' „(t).a
l-fre(1',(Ba ay) Hopper- and ' daughter,
Daisy, Turnberrv, Jack,," Joe and
baby. : It i.,, 'i'interesting fo. note.
that four gap ro tions were present
•s. Breckenridge, Mrs'. ; lvicnoleon,
a IH'ootper and little daughter.
e new president of the i P. S.
,of ,Knox „Fr,esbyterinit church,
Cann ' ..Belitlith jp!roside.i over the
regular y'•eeting of ,the spttlety ' on,
Friday o ning bliss Lois Elliott
read the 'scri i re o `.iia and Arnold
Tallow lead .•i' 15r�yer, Regular
routine burin s i w'a icon 1. c and
plans were msldc to ho a
Valentine's social. Mils Hazel.
Mundell gave an instructive paper
on:yltl1e' motto of, the church, "The
Eutu'uing Bush:'
'++,,l�Mrs. Nelson Capri ; +'113 usse1e,
( sited with her IsI r, Mrs P S.
rt1aeEitven; Miss' S arae Wettlauler,
BI) 1i, with 1t• " Ants,: .lir:..`.noit
Mn•s," W. J. W'eLtlaufer; • Howaird
Steavart span' the-Tpelc--euo „.with -
his Battier, y''iomas SteNvart u11. fs
a ,patient iii the General' hospital
Toronto. . ``,��
T'wae' dos, -"t- 'for ,18c; 24 sweet.
ora lges on1i f A. GREV,,WAR
"Wo S 'l iter less'
a i w1
�4� The regular in !tithe meeting of
„1.1i11e Women's Irtstitutets holo at
,the home of MIs& Mae Davi11gan cis
_Thursday •atlLrnoon. In ih :1-
sena° .or bath the president ¢:and
vice-president, Mlrs. Mo lighten.
',took tithe chair. After the usual
business items Ifittf been discussed,
Mrs. J, Adams` gave all ; intivesting
paper on "Grey Owl. and HI.. Writ-`
trigs." This ew.el fo11owted by a
demonstrntiontof suo'Act r+lis.1.* try
Mrs. i1K: S011etu l'ilis "being r*the
'week of Rol ,i Borne : tliday
Pribwts •was 1,011 iitnl - 'rue
"Auld 'Lilo`, Svtte, klla�i.• , tiv.
ivelt by Mita. .. 'over
Donald !i tsiscl hlvirig1tsbrii
on ',tie I)toj.Ct, "Buyned
A delicious "until wart•' • ri °6y
the lioa1'e~x as,dinttd h Vii' a I e
and a social bine w s s 1
On Friday (.vent
•Bald at missionary , } i�'p ; i, 1°fhe
absence of the 1) ice-
vlce'pi•es. Rev, t}7 tiP k tteok ch it e
of pl'ogron ,.
Miss Arc c 'P�64iai"cad the scripture
lessol3 31I1 0 laleutes of'the last
" 'Beating, . e r'e'ad and adopted,
Biting Wefts title tohave a• skating
paL,ny on Wednesday3'ehruii.ry 9,
wiith each ntetnbor taunt 1L 0110 II
Lally 3"4a11eu gave. a read.I
li K: "Al.. X. 1', A, in 1di1 fa,iri, lii8:
tory of its 1'ragl'ess;"
gave an intern144ng top:e on "The
ldtIa of St, I',111, A 11y1nn WAS
sung and t'he mooting closed with
,j`r1}yer. An Enjoyable Urn, was
spent playing table °nuts ;�hiclt
was recently purchased by th r so-
The operators of Huron 1. flinty
snow 11103' on right wart in .hi.t
area lastweek were ncennimoiL,1 .1
at Gill's hotel with a meal .•,,v,
at 2.110 u'cluc9 a.in, after a '1'
prey .ss' through the gtmin tri that
The large attendance 111`,• ,nc
were pleasingly 1.11)ert& l' 1
Jun, «9, in Ethel
chur'c'h al a ill !al spelt. ,r -,d 1, the
Young I',•up1.-'..• Saciwy to li":,telt
the young people of Ethel C1ti'.'1
church 11;+s,.tia11,,3) had 1+.„m rin'ri'1-
ly invtied. A good Porgram
w 11 p t ellt'rd.
A tial,. .3:3 13ni;u�i'at l
for !"1.. It 1;,1s3 i •11 .. -!1,
4 t J iteLl 111 11 y '1':4
ands t.. 1l0'1i:-r•" ,:f i.t:l-1 ',V.I.
Good music 3.1:11 lulit'11 will be
prl,\';dt„ 1.
I'"td ooL¢r -1
null }tae qre :riff b. 1;t='el h 1d'lc.
1•'ob, Illi, .,t ' 11 ,k 11.1.
211Ji71 11114 7f ti' (.itllrill
J. II. P.a.. t 111.. ,tel; 1'.t
doling th•, p i;'s w c l:, 1fi' r!;lg film
n a•lack et pleurisy.
F"'•"n le ilei 13. 1 :111.3 4 ti
at the Tt et ' 'tip Ilii 1. 1:3!:• ,31
T1 •<eiav ,:1, :i•, Jt,.n1.1 n
,./1.1,4 ..oelal evening with the
:ciy.wt•,Is ,11r. ::d M , 4. T.
a1'! (>.1:til trs 111'4ti . 11-
gra,ulations and good wishes.
Aft•r a shier program with Ihv
kir. 131011 u_3.:11 0,1 1! 1irnlall Nr -
and Mrs, Nicholson were 4110.•11 to
come to the front and the full
address was ir.od b;' Calvin Kraut.,..
and they were presented writ a
studio couch.
To Mr. end MIs Nicholson:
11 1s with a pit -at deal of p1-
that we you friends have gat -
beer to spend a social evening '0-111
We wish at tilts time to ex'e',d
congratulations to yin both an to
wish you man yyears of happiness
and prosperity, Life will non be
all sunshine, yo't will find (1isap-
pointments and sacrifices that have
to be made but we trust you will
find life's' greatest happiness in
sharing the bitter and the sweet A,;
you are both well known in this dis-
trict we know you will not be long
In establishing friendships and had.
Ing our piece in the community,
As a.small token of our esteem
we ask you to accept this gift wn:ch
we hope You. will .enjoy in your
Again wishing you health, happi-
ness and prosperity.
1§13ned,,on behalf of the community
Win:4pelrau, Chester Baker, Bert
Lake Staiiilfy Alexander, Clarence
Clark, Glenn cmier, Jno. Ktaptel,
Mr. Nicholson "b4,behalf of Mrs.
'Nicholson and himse'Tf'•.,tanked the
,,,eo 2tahr:fitin'i.heir.kindneen\i,n pre-
senting them with . such a' lovely
gilt. ° a )
Two doz. for 28c; 24 sweet
oranges only 28c. A. GREWAR
"We Seil For Less"
A bountiful lunch was then ser,•
isd and the evening was spent in
dancing till the wee small hours,
The 'Women's Institute will meat
on Thursday afternoon Feb. 11t.h at
the home of Mrs'. Dr, Colquhaun
The motto 'The mos; pleasant
things in life are pleasant thoughts
will be taken by Mrs. Ames. Roll
call, my favorite author. The topic
The most worthwhile hooks of the
present day. wilt be taken by liirs•,
,Geo. Menzie. A11 ladles who ars
interested are Invited to attend,
On Saturday afternoon of the past
week after hauling a load of wain
tram the Baum home of Perly Anne2
00 con, 8, Grey Twp. a few miles
east of Ethel to C. R. Dntibar's
chopping mill, one of his 1)01 .1f
horses tools 111ddenly sick, ' n.
vet, Doc Wardbtw was anon .it1 ar.
t(11145nce. And although the 1.1 a -
went given had favnurab,, visual
a�Ming on his advice the animal was
taken to Will MtLend's b.rn ,11[11
was eared for there for ;t'$verot
The 11. E. P. 1,1 truck from Clin.
ton, was on duty in the village
C1onstabie: "Sorry, but yeti'11 have
to be summoned for driving at .1117
miles' an hour."
Motorist: "Make it eighty, officer!
I yant to soli tide car,''
,o0 ...'3.6,a,i'r. 411"'.3%•1,,K41;1s..k15:1r. • '$+0'01191, is'• 7:#,r&;"'�.
tilt 'O.'08011, . 40•' {%ulu^' 3Ca+t!0 ;'y.°? aft l ,tif m, h:
0'41 w>FA
�'� ���',F4 Alli. Tv '". t .P''•it^tEt.�'e
Commencing at 8 p.m.
Extra Attraction
Fancy Costume Ladies and , Cents Each $2
Comic Costume Ladies and ' Gents •Each $2
Best Dressed Coupe $2 Comic Group $2
Children's Fancy Costume under 14 $2
Boy's Race under 16 over 16 each 50c
Girl's Race under 16 over 16 ,each 50c
Mixed Coupie Race 50c
Grand Costume Parade at
Races at 9.15 Gam. s at
Skating frog ', 1 r to 11
r&'11 04030. ik 31Y:,r'.'sk'40'KK. 17,,
r Rw s
Ur"W a. 1111.11/111,,d
aGtS.r'r7H1LPSllYIt'ai 1;5
G`L,/�r 'R 117E
30 to 10
;10010 '•,.:$51010.'81. '-15111111
t e' i':an
Carnival under auspices United Church Y. P. S, Brussels