HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-1-26, Page 5Notices in thiss column cost 25c up to four,..: lines; Sc for every extra dint*. Cash must accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. FOR SALE - Having purchased guautity of corn I am prepared to sell either large orders or ''rail, Terms- eaah, t -p Geo, E. Pollard, Phone 56 r 13 WORK WANTED- A young single experioneed farm• et' wands work on 'arae, 1-p Box 99, Mussels Past, FOR SALE - 1 Cutter and 3 -Seated Pleasure -Sleigh. 1-p W. R. Little, Phone 72X FOR SALE - One Hereford Bald, risin, 1 year okl, apply to Bebt, Baker, 1•e phone 50 r 7 FOR SALE - House, Barn, me acre land, Gee ham Survey, Brussels, Te"ma, apply to James T. McFa.•lane 4g rr, No. 5, Brussels CUSTOM SAWING - Will be cone at Brussels opposite the Creamery in the Spring, phone 42-11 James Stevenson FOR SALE - Young Work Horses, well broken, also Shorthorn Bulls, all serviceable age can spare a few heifers. 4-c Thos. herr, Henfryn, phone 35-3 FOR SALE - Dry Furnace Blocks, also dry stove 'wood, apply to A, Donald Campbell, 1-p R. R, 3, Walton Phos e46 r 4 FISH - Direct from the Atlantic., slightly emit Pollock, 3 lb, 2gc; 6 ib. 50c; 12 its. $1,00. apply FORD GARAGE CATTLE WANTED - 8 or 10 head of Cattle to feed, hay and straw front now till grass time. W. Ii. Maunders, 1-p phone 56 r 4. - TENDERS WANTED- Tenders will be received at the Office of the Secretary for 8 cords of 20 -Inch maple body wood to be delivered at Brussels Public School, Tenders to be In by Feb. Tuary 9th, 2-c R. S, Warwick, Secretary. TENDERS WANTED- Tenders win be received until Feb. 5th for 95 cords of body, hard wood beech and. maple, 15 -inches long, also 2 cords of cedar l5 in !ties long to be delivered at Dottie 'church, Walton, before March let. 2-p RobLMeradzen'', Ser,'y. 'FOR SALE - Desirable property with acr8age far sale. Possession Mar, lst, brick house, good barn, henhouse, hydro through -0M. For further par- ticulars see Wm, Spence, Ethel; cer write Grover C; GUI, 966 Talbot St., London, Real terms to prospective 'buyer ae this lance must be sold, If '- not sold wilt be rented, TENDER WANTED - Wood wanted, 15 cords or beds wood, beech and maple; 1t1 -inches long to be delivered at Ctanbrmth school in. February, Tenders received up to Jain,29, Lowest or any tender not necesenr• fly accepted. Dan Iluetber, 2-e S. S. No. 7, Craebrno]t FOR SALE - 5 Cutters In rood oomulitian; 2 set of Gond Single Barnes's; 6 S qtr New Double iTarnese; '6 2-ye'rr-Ol:l Colds; 7 Mar.* in foal, also a num- her of good work Horses sound anti right. apply 10 Geo, Galhrelth, throne 41X or 73 BREVITIES You may call tittirla repltltions Out at a boob upon the shelf. lee' bore's a requisition -- Dottie judge others by yourself Items Are Always Weloame, for the Se; I, Caii'em meesseeesseeeseemaaseeeeesseesseeessee -A happy marriage may ee defined as a glorious tlevery, * :6 * •--tLt a oaten -mut altapks yon, apply a catapla'sni; ltea'cy eatt5a n ea'i'o talexy which would be a catastrophe, :N 1' -+One conolai'on for the local hockey teams 13, they are rotating in the same category as, the Maple Lents, g: 'l' * ---Play fair even with the Devil, Don't yell "get behind me Sr tan," and then continue to hang outs !tint with both hands. * '5 * -Tt would sort of break the mon- otony of the long winter't, don a cotume to repteent Tarzaa for the carnival on Teeday, Feb. 5. :4 Xt :k -'Collegiate staff , History Prof: "Who was Tally - rand?" Fair Student: "A fan dancer, and an, ottt the belly talk," a: :r• --The date bureau of the University functioning again, keeping lonely hearts from fleeing by arranging dates for shy freshmen and ft'eshettey. It tools an applicant 1.0c• • l * -lady Bountiful handed a poor man a penny and asked h1 :: how he got en destitute, He answered say- ing: "I was always. like you, multi, a-giv(n' away vast sums to the pore an needy." ' * :k s: -The language of the flowers' - Each flower denotes a saga of one's heart So her is the first one, Albm' Gttae denotes Uuncanging friendship, (to be continuer) * .y: * -The Teesnvater News reports - "When you nay Thomtpsun Bros„ Creamery butter it can he figured as right up to the mark, Why, be. cause they have two of the best graders in Western Ontario." 'Tis an old, old, bate proven sayieg that practice makes perfect. s: e -The old-timers will have nothing over the present generation in re. garde to expe:iencing real winters, -A,h, but spring Is on its way and 10 -fort now banks will be forgotten river banks will be cuolinn off places so will fishing poles replace ski 'poles, Mrs. M. M. Matthews, Minto Township, Dies, The funeral et Mss, M.atgaret Mil- ler Matthews, widow of Sanienl Matthenvs, was held Saturday, Jan 22nd. front the home of her 'sob: William, to Harriston Cemetery She died at the home -of her dattglt ter, 1Mrs, Christopher Johnsteu,` Minto Township, alter a lingitr(li ' illness, She was in her 74th year and was born in Grey Township': She Is survived by one daughter; Mrs. C. 3, Johnson; two .sons; Wallace, of Nornanby, and !Don: 111' Nova (Scotia. Two other son's; Murray and Carlyle, were Great War vlotims•. One brother, John Miller, of Minto, and two sisters, Mrs. A. C. Tuck. of 'Clitford, and Mts. 3, Bryan, of Fordwdch, also survive, Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Fred Nelson .Hodg- es, late of the Township of Grey, In the County of Huron, farmer, who died on or about the twenty- second day of December A.D. 1937 TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of tate above -motioned deceased must mail particnlaes vtd rpt'4of of same to the undtweigred spl/door on 01. before 'the aith day or February, A.D. 1933, tlpolt witch date the undert,'lgned administi trtk wall proceed to distriittte the assets with regard only to those ch'in's which she slla'l then have received nestle*, DA.TI01) al, Wessels this 22nd day of Tennary, A. D, 1938. Mary Hodges, Adminlstratrix by her sclinitor Linter 1), Bell, travels, 'Ohtnrl+r. THE BRUSSELS 'ROUND THE WORLD NEWS WRITTEN IN BRIEF FORM Jail For Drunken Drivers Premier M`tteliell Hepburn said a9 Toronto that he favored mandatory srinten'cea Cot drunken drivers. A proposal to make them so will re• celve the fall ccusideratlon of his Government, "Any person driving a car under the Influence of lime^ 'should go to J't I, he said, pointing out many magistrates did impose jail terms on first offenders, The premier did not favor mandc'tory Jail sentences fu feckless driving fine offenders. Girls Learn Mechanics In Sault Class Sault Ste, Marie, Ont, A. H. Berridge, who teaches a course in auto mechanics here in a technical scho'11, has 14 girls 10 itis class and "they learn Just as quick- ly as' boys." The girls, all from Sault Ste, Marie, don't intend to stake the study a life work, but es one put it "we lust waut to know all aboat a cru' so we car, drive intelligent- ly, and so we'll know what's wrong when anything l.appeus:" It's the first time girls have taken such a course at the school. An Inquisitive reporter, who wondered whether they would shudder at getting covered with grease, carne upon them today. They had just come from a session at co'tking class and were attired in white caps and uniforms, Hanged For 'Murder of Wife Haileybury, Ont, Frank Dolan, condemned, murder•, er 01 his attractive wife, Leona, died on the gallows at Hoileybury, on Tuesday, Jan. 25th, Dolan, a Northern Ontario mite worker, and - mechanic, walked quiet- ly to the Haileybury jail scaffold at midnight, maintaining the stolid attttude he displayed atter rile trial, The battered body was. found in a shallow grave in the cellar of the Dolan's Elk Lake hone last Aug 18. Mountain Bears No Beg Living Oalgary, Alte. tw Automobile tourists have made black bears panhandlers and hawks .''l'tidoahers Dan 'McCowan, Banff, ytaituralist, said here, e31a�k bears today, he said, pre- fer to exist by panhandling along 'ilia "highways rather than i''us-lis a 'normal bush living, They favor ,. i,'an#Ty .rind cake, `Ha'd'lics' who prey on gophers foo. ',haVe 'adoptedea. easier methot ,of. 'obtalntng their food. They sit on telephone poles along the Highway Wait -tilt' for rodents to be crushed under Car wheels, Then they swoop down to a feast, In the old day :they had to conduct personal counts ht the fields for the gophers. Dean Is Ordered To :Cease Fast Memphis, Tenn, Bishop Janus 14I, Maxon ordered the suspension of fasting 'Deer, Israel Harding Noe today, The Bishop, recovering from a serious Minna, sent a lengthy writ- ten cemmunicaaon to the Deanery in which he notified the clergymnn he was taking over the dutids of St. More's Eleiscopil Cathedral, This step had been urged fn" sev- eral days by some leaders, of the Church. It came at a time when the Dean apparently was gei'ing mutt weaker. The Dean, fasting to prove the feet of immortality, made no tnt- mediate comatterI, MORRIS We aro sorry 10 state that Jigs, J, 15, Sellers, lira line la quite ser. lonely (11, Misr Agnes i)atirl.enu, 1't.,N„ Brussels is in attendance, Mrs, Sellers." utuncrnns friends hope to hear or a spe tl,, recovery, O$T King T o Speak Thtirsday, Feb. 17 The voice of Iris' Majesty Gorge VI will be heard 1n the United King- dom and the Dominions on Feb, 17. ad -speaks on that any at a recep- tion at the Guild Hall by the Lord Mayor at Lonti'tn, Sir Harry Twy- ford, in connection with the nation- al fitness campaign. U. S. Army Ordered Into Long Pants Washlegtos, The United States Army ---nil ex- cept it's ntountee tants-is' in 1(:e process of getting into long matt-. This was disclosed Friday in a ,pew regulation prescribing trots:are instead of the traditional blewt'•e for men of the coast artillery, s.enal corps, adnance service. 'tut (ter- n -lager corps, Adustant-Gen. al's, Judge Advote•Gr,neral's Finance sad C'haplain's departments. Quints Gain Weight Callender, Ont. Possibly due to time huge C'trrst- ma.s dinner they ate, the Dionne quintuplets, pow three Year and seven months old, all registered weight gains 'luring the past mouth, Dr, Allan Any Defoe, their physkian announced, Emilie furnished the major sur- prise urprise of the month when she added one and one-quarter pounds to her weight to draw up on even tern's with Annette for the first time since they weer barn, Annette, prior to this month, has alternated with Yvonne for the heavyweight title among the sisters, Cold Killing Of Constable Is Avenged Sudbury, Ont, Tom Pornomarenko paid with his life upon the gallows early Friday for his part in the cold-blooded murder of a Sudbury policeman last July 11, Calmly he walked is his death. The (lam was sprung at 12,05 a,mt, and a few minutes later life Was pronounced extiiict. The stoical Pornomarenko was wounded and au. accomplice ' slain when police trapped them 11 nays after the murder He was nursed back to health,- only to be tried and eon -sleeted of the rnrder of De- teettye Sergi, Fred Davidson or the Surbury; police torce. He was sen- tented by Mr, Justice G. F. Mc- Farland o-Ftarland at time October etssizes, Evidence at Poruomarenko'a trial indicated that his companion, Victor Gray, actually.:lfred time shots that killer Davidson, pouring a volleyof revelvee bullets' into the body. of, the oflcer even atter he had faiien, wounded, BLYTH Services in Irefted Church were -held on Sunday, with the paator, Rev. R. A. Brook in hharge, At the morning service the sub3ent was "The cost of n fit of temper," and to the evening "They lett their father Zebedee in the ship with the hired servants and trent with 300110." At ,the Sunday School cession the ar- cheatra was in attendance. A read- ing was also given by Ruth Brook, Service In Trinity Church tu110 held an Sunday morning with Itev, R,_M. Weeks in charge. Mr, and Mrs, William Walden of Peet Wuwannsh were guests 'vet the aveeit-end with the la(tter s s's• tet', Mrs. Phorbs Taylor; Wosh'y Quinn of tate West is here wee his brother Albert of Mast Wawan.e:1i who is quite 111 at present, Fran knot Gordon I'lllfiott., R,n'• den cook and .lack flowou nls!,er• l to Toreneo in melteae (he hockey genie :rt Maple Lent Gardens. WILLIAM SPENCE- Estate Agent, Conveyancer end Commissioner Gen u -al insurance ORice Main M^treet, =-•• Ethel, Ontario Obituary seelveeeesessoweeweaser JEAN MOFFATT " (Sault Deily Stat) Paying a loot 'tribute to the late. Jeaal Moffatt, Only dnitgbtei' of Mr. end Mets, Wtn, Moffatt, 64 Albert St, Fleet, who died December 290,. In the Plummer Memorial Hospital, many friends^ gatilel'ad at St. 1'atll's 'Church, en January 1st, when funeral services ware held for the deceased, Deceased was Melt three mono's and bore her suffering tvith patience an fortlt'udo. She was'.in her 22 year and had a wide circle of friends, The Woolworth Stores' staff. of which alto was s member, atteudecl the Meerut in a body. A private service was held at the lloaue and following tete. a public servlee was ronducte1 by the Rev, C, C. Boyd, at St, Paul's Church of which Miss 'Moffatt was a member. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery, Pallbearers were: R, Letie, le Levin, W. Levis, W. Mc - Gal -dela D. Ltn,!s and W. Fountain Dereased was born at the Sault July 8118, 1916 and attended the Campbell Public wheal going on to the Collegiate, Institute in 1933. She is survive' by her father and mother and brother, Alvin , Tribute to the personal faith of the deceased war: pard by the Rev C. 0, Boyd, who spoke of the many 'yarn' frienndshine she had made during her lifetime, The ((peeased accompanied by her rather Mr. W. Moffatt had visited Bressels at Thanksgiving and were the guests, of their aunt, 1Trs• Geo. Merl' MISS ALICE ARCHIBALD Miss Alice .'rehlhald, a highly es- teemed resident. of Seafortb passed away rather unexpectedly, at the home of her brother, Wm, R, Arcit:- bald, in Tuct:crsmith, on 1''.•iday', evening, Jan. 14th, Miss Archibald suffered a para. lytic stroke on October 21st and was taken to Fcett Memorial hospi- tal where she remained till Jan, 6th, 'when she had recovered sufficiently to be removed to the home of her brother in Tuckersmitit. After supper on Friday night she con- p1a(ned of not teeing well and died soon after, the result of a heart attack. The deceased who was 79 years of age -was born in Tuckersanith being the second daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Archteald, After the death of be neither, some 30 years ago, she, with her mother, removed to Seafortb where she con- tinued to reside after the demise of her mother. Sbe also spent ,some time in Walton and Brussels, Surviving to mourn their lose are three brothers' Andrew and Win Ii„ of Tuakersmmitlr and John Ii. of Kitchener, The funeral was held from St, Thetas Anglican church, Seator•th, on Monday afternoon, when the ser- vice was conducted by the rector, Rev, Dr, Hurford. Intermentwas made in the family plot in Miattlone Cemetery, Pallbearers were Messrs Robt, Doig, Harry Edge, Thomas Jackson, R. E. Parke, and Thomas and Robert Archibald, VETERAN LODGEMAN PAID LAST'HON'DRS Services for'Murdock MacKay Held In Free oresbyterlan Church at Lochalsh Goderich, Jan, 23, --At the old Free Presbyterian Church of Scot- land, at Locilal.rb, near Lueltnow, funeral services. weer beki yester- day tor Mur:lock MacKay, SS.year. old native of Suthcrlandshire, Scotland, but 1,',irdmit of Ashfield Sithe he was five, Rev, William Matheson minister of live tree citurches in Western Ontario conilxu"ed the service In English. Hi: brother Mnrdock acted as precentor and with a tuning Cork I:•d in 111,e unaccanr panted singing of the 20118 and 23rd Psalms. The minister paid high tribute to this "tine ('hi-, tlen gentleman', 54 years 1111 tkld Fellow old.sr manta her of the ostler in Huron Canntr, Pallletarers wr:r .Peter Mcintyrc John Cowan elurdock Mathtson. John Culhbeaset. Charlet. Clarice and Jelin Cameron. Despite the storm -bound ro;tde, the church was tilled. -The age of progress . "Grancleal's youthful ambition was to have some ;lay 11, gig and a And 1)ad loolt:+,l forward to having a flivver and a flapper. Ali son wants is a plane and a Jane, -What is coming Ilex'? W1�iDNtPS1?AY, JAN, 2401, Ip if you haven't o you aim missing soi'iethrmg ® Your favourite dealer can get you a variety of Dried or Pickled Canadian Fish, the flavour of which is as tasty and as perfect as though you had caught them yourself and promptly popped them into the pan. They can be served in various appetizing ways ... Dried Fish such as Cod, Haddock, Hake, Cusk and Pollock, and Pickled Fish such as Herring, Mackerel and Alewives can be brought to your table as new dishes , .. that the family will like. •- Serve Canadian Fish more often, Make "Any Day A Fish Day". Your dealer can secure Dried orPiclded Fish for you no matter hew far you live from open,,. water .. - with every bit of its goodness retained for you. And, by the way ... you'll find it pleasingly; economical. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. • WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET r Department of Fisheries, 156 Ottawa, Please send me your free 52 -page Booklet "Any" Day A Fish Day", containing 100 delightful an,l economical Fish Recipes, Name Address ,WDI ANY DAY A FJSD )11AY ETHEL The coming •)t the .January thaw relieved the sett water ab-ortage in many households as the supply in cisterns and tanks wete,getiag low; The program cf lantern'.slides and box social beiug sponsored by United church Y. P. 5, dated for Monday, Jan, 24, has been . post- poned, Later announcement will be made as to date. Congratulation. and best: "wishes are (being extended 'to Charlie Keifer and bride, as they arrived at Ethel, several weeks after they were 'married, We are sorry to know that M-,. Wddl. Hemmilr'on has not been': as. well ay. usual during the past week.- is .to be hopeii that there 'will soon'` be a change for the better - - - Iu -going over to Molesworth .to • play a game of hockey Wednesday night of las, some': of the blast boys started Prom home.by Motor- cycles, but got stranded 'in the deep snow, and went the rest of the trip' in Nelson .S5eightholm's sdaigh, with the other members of the group of players. The game as played re- sulted in a lot cf goals 'scored., by each team, with Molesworth two goals ahead at, the finish. Huron county snow plow came through from Goderich, at tit first of the week and opened up the roads for motor traffic, giving Ethel connection with time main high- ways. Following an old natant to give newly weds a welcome hone, a night time serenade party was eon. ducted a fern nights ago, Those taking part in it atfterwnrrs 'en- joyed a generous lunch. WELL: WELL 1::"',•! ,rt },.;. ;. "Speaking o35aold Weather,"re- manked the eul'ate to a 'Legionar�yi,,t at an outdoor evade, rI jusie`„ see what' keeps* the lacided! r freezing in tints bind of wee! lett'` "You ain't stup'esetl 'Eo, ,Pngro3' replied the Ldgionarg } 4r' Earns `Promotion ].arty Friday morning there died at the hone of hem son -In-law Bert Lake, Mrs, Thos, Vodden in ]ler 69th year. 'rho funeral was held Monday, Jan, 21 from t7thei United , church at 2 p,rn, Service was tete Fueled by Rev, 1511, Snell assisted by Rev, Mr, Williams. W. 13. Love was fuuerad director, inter- ment was made In Mount Pleasant Cumedesy, Ethri. A large con- course of relatives and friends' at- tended, Read the Ads.' 11, C. JAMES, who on Feb" nary' 1st becomes assistant genetrt1.;pas senger agent; Canadian.`'.pacific e Railway with headquarters 'ata' Montreal, Mr. Tames is et present,- district pagl,senger agetlt011 Company at Saint Sohn, N.B., and; brings a wraith of eePerience, earned during hit 23 years'Clana''' dist Pacific service,. -to his now Marriage, Prohibited Without a proper license If you issue Marriage Lit encs, tell the young folics about It in ourClassiiied'Ads, They sall know a license is''. necessary. but they don't all know where to get one. This paper Is popular wltti the young people. ' w.r.. ev,ti