HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-1-26, Page 1938 , 29c • 15c •.• 5c • 39c 39c 75c • 37c • 25c 29c • 23c ,,, 9c 15c 19c • 24c .. 27c , . 23c ons ,r ,Sl ed an ch eke he ie. eraieneeeteeleitefteteeinanntaseteleseieteinial USE me ADS As YOUR a` SHOPPING LISTS 0.If i tetefeteletetal talefeteletateettaVallcleta " BRUSSELS, wONTARICI, Huron Old Boys' Assoc. BY' E. Toronto, Jau, 20th, 1938 The 38th Annual At Home of the Huron Old' Boys' Association of To. ronto, ' fit conjunction With the ' Huron 'Count'y Junior Anociatlon, 1 was held oe Masonic Temple; gouge • St, & Doverport ltd. Toronto, with the usual large gathering. The dance floor was occupied by more than the usual number, although the cards were not as well patroniz- er, Stan, St, John's orchestra provided the music and in addition to the papular prize dance nun:bers the inevitable "Big Apple" was much in evidence, President G. Franklin Belden of the !Senior Association and Mrn. Belden received the .guests • while Mr. K. Stanbury and Miss Doris hill received for the Junior Assoc, Among t'hos'e present were the fol- ]owing—Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Belden, Mr, and Mrs, W. A. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Campbell, Mr. J. A, McLaren, Mr. R. S. Sheppard, Mr. E. Floody, Mr, ,and Mrs. B, 1i. Me- Crea'th, Rev. R, C, McDermid, Mr, K. Stanbury, Mr and Mrs. John Moon, Mr. and Mrs, L. M Pringle, Mr. and Mrs., E. J. B. Duncan, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Stowe, Dr, and Mrs. H. J, Hodgins, Dr. and Mrs, J. G. Ferguson, Dr. and Mrs. Byron Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Sloan, Mr, and Mrs: J Dunsfield, Mr. and Mrs, B. Coles, Mr, and Mrs'. S. M. Wickens, Mr, and Mrs. D, Gardiner (Regina), Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Chesney, Mr. and Mrs. G, Thomp- son, Mr. and Mrs, M. Scarlett, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hanna, Mr. D. D. Wilson, Mr. J. A. Cameron, Mr. H, el, Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. W D Sprinks, Mr. and 'Mrs, Jas, Saul, Mr, and Mrs, J. D. Guy, Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Paterson, Mr. and Mrs. Laughren, Mr. and Mra, G. H. Hand, Mr. and Mrs. E.R. .12111x, Mr. Chas, Stewart, Mr. and 11irg, Alex. John., sten, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. R, McKinney, Mrd. H, Mustard, Mrs. a Thompson, ie. R. Bond, Mrs, D. Flynn, Mrs. E, Fydeil, Miss Anne Crittenden, Miss Grace Stirling, Miss Laving Knox, Miss Fannie Patterson, lases E.& L, Far- (Continaett, On Page 8) United Church Skating Carnival Brussels Arena Tuesday, Feb. 8th Watch For Further Patriculars THE ANNUAL MEETING OF EAST HURON AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY will be held in • Public Library, Brussels FRIDAY, JANUARY 28 at 2 p.m. Jas, Burgess, Pres. catstsictosteteletemetstetztetmmetcbisa REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NOW PLAYING Dick Faran the screen's newest Singing Start In Blazing Sixes with Helen Walkis MON., TUES., WED. Marlene Dietrich Charles Boyer The Garden of Allah He trled to escape a divine oblige - tion and gave up the most precious thing In life, done in Gorgeous Technicolor NEWS CARTOON NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT, Ralph ,Bellamy Betty Furness Robert Armstrong It Can't Last Forever ALSO All American Sweetheart With An All Star Cast NG— co Park Avenue Girl Mate. Sat & Holidays at 3 p,m. �t GreyCouncil Meeting Mlnetesi of Omelets meeting held Jan, 10, 1938. The cou1011, havieg met as per statute and 'having sign- 1 ad the declaration of office, pgnveed- ed with the buslliees of the dee, The minutes of last meeting were read and alaeroved on the ]notion • of Thos. Dougherty and seconded by Leelie McKay, Moved by Leslie McKey, second' ed by Thos, Dougherty, that Bylaw No. 1 for 1938 for the Township of Grey, authorizing the •Reeve Bud Tneasurer to borrow from time to Ilene by way •;i promissory note from the Bank of Commrece at Brussels, a sdm or sums not dxteed- ing in total .$30.000 to meet until the taxes are collected, the current expenditures for the year, '.L'11e Reeve and O1FL' of the said Town• ah3p of Grey ale hereby arthlrized t osign the said By-Law.—Carried. (Moved by T. C, Wilton and sec- onded by Thos. Dougherty that By - Law no. 2 of 1938, estimating the road expenditure /or 1938 having been read the necessary number of times be finally passed,—Carried, Some discussion developed ae to the appointment of the qualified ac- countant as Township auditor, As is expected the Departmeat of Municipal Affair,. Will sheeny re• quire such appointment to be Ina•le. Moved by Thos. Doherty, seeoud- ed by Leslie MeKay that we secure the service of r. qualified aecount:lt as our township auditor and adopt his system for cur book-keeping. Moved an amendment by '1'. C. Wilson, seconded by Alex Alexander that we procure all necessese en- formaalon relative to appointing a qualified accountant to audit the township accontrts with object to engaging same for 1939 audit if satisfactory, Aanend'ment carried, Moved by T. C. Wllson, seconded by Leslie McKay that the tax col- lections' time be extended until next meeting, —Carried. Moved by Ale,: Alexander, socond- 53 by Thos. Dougherty that all ap- proved aecouutd be paid,—Canned, Moved by T. C. Willson, secondee by Alevx Alexander that we do now adjourn'to meet again on Feb. 6th or at the can of the reeve, -,Carried, The following accounts were paid W. Turnbull, Beal, of salary $ 25.00 W. Turnbull, Telephone Ex, 1,00 Hospital Acct., Helen Gana 7,00 Hospital, Acct„ Fred Hodges 0.7J Mur., World 3.937 Supplies ... 65,23 Trio, P,,McIntosb, relef acct, 10.50 L. Russell, relief aces'. 5.94 Treasurer's Bone 20.00 Twp Road Acct 2.60 3, le. rear, Clerk, TEXAS— Famous M•tr„h Seedless Grape- fruit thin skies full of sweet juice. Brave you triel those sweet juicy thin shins oranges at Grewar's (2 doz.) 24 oranges only 28e. A. Greevar—VI's eel'. for legis, COMING i t:JMING I THE KANSAS FAr.MER AND HIS HIRED MAN A Two Hour Program First Class Entertainment MUSIC — SONG — MONOL')GCE Featuring— .Cowboy Songs & Mountain Music BLUEVALE FORESTER'S HALL WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd Sponsored By browntown's Literary Society in Aid of Ebeneezer Church Admisslon—Cht;dren 10c Adults 25c Jack Tnynne, phone 3159, Brussels MELVILLE Presbyterian Church Sunday, January 30th, 1938 the services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. will be conducted by Rev. •Mr. John McNabb, M.A. of Toronto Sunday School at 3 p.m. All Members and Adherents are Invited to ,Attend these Services THE UNIT[) CHURCH REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., Minister 11 a.m.—•Morning Worship. 3 p.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m,—Evening Service, Monday at 8 o'clock—Y. P, S. B.D. WEDNESDAY, JAN, 26th 1938 ologninsoonstonauvoloomoommtoolutoto EVERY KIND QF JOB PRINTING AT 'REASONABLE PRICES, ottavvvvozoottommemmomottevociel II LOCAL NEWS ITEIVIS Ice Harvested The local ice harvest was cut last week. The ice which was 16 inches thick was. ,abated as f.:irly good. et was stored by F, M. Semis and W. T. Procter for the summer supply United Church Y.P.S. 'The Y. P, S. of Brrssels finned Church met on Monday evening with the president Doug. Anderson in Charge. Helen Baeker read the scripture reading. The Lord's prayer was repeated to unison. Mrs, Wilson gave a s'plenlid talk on Cltlzenellp entitled "The Building of Canada for Toanorrowl' The meeting closed by all repeating the Mizpalh Benediction. After the meeting Barbara Michie led the group in recreation, —*—*— Institute Family Night Will be held le the Town Hall, Friday, Jan, 25th, at 8 pmt, The committee in charge are planning a real social event. Where their families of less than tour, they are requested to invite friends to make up ,the number. Every Member bf the Institute asked to bring a loaf of bread made into sandwiches. Admission 250 per family, Large Crowd Attends Skating Party Melville Church Y. P. S„ held a ska.Ung panty at the arena Friday evening when o. large crave attend- ed. The Citizens' Band supplier the mucic. Skating was from 9 unto! 10 o'clock, A dainty lunch was, served in thechurch basement after skating. Prizes were won by Luella Mitchell who got the tacky fork, and Helen Armstrong, who got the lucky plate at the lunch, New Presses At Work The Toronto Globe and Mali is now 'being printed on what Is claim. ed to be the most advanced press set up on the American continent, The new Globe and 3•I -ail pres's cost more than four hundred thousand dollars. Running at full Capacity. a 32+page issue nu be turned out at the rate of one hundred and fifty thousand copies per hour. It takes six hundred horse power to run the presses, A modern metropolitan daily is certainly a gigantic enter- prise, Roofs Cave In The January Thaw which ar_ived over the week -cud preceded by the heavy snow falls of the past weeks caused at least two roofs here to cave i11. A large section of the north -end roof of Melville Presby- terian church shed collapsed Sun- day from weight of snow and ice, This same portion of root gave way two years ago. It is unlikely that this part will be rebuilt. It was fortuuate that it did not occur on Saturday afternoon when Lae shed was' full of farmer's cutters and sleighs. Tile shed wa scm'lstruotetl in 1915, The roof of the rear part of J. Wright's barn also collapsed. B. C. C. S. Literary Notes On Wednesday afternoon, Jan, 19 a Literary meeting was• held under the direction of Betty Best, The meeting was opened with the singing of the "Maple Leaf.” Merle and Janet Sanderson favoured the society with a pleasing duet. A well prepared paper 'was read by the editor, ,Jack Bates. A short play entitled, "The Flve•fieteen," was ably presu'.tfed by fourteen or the Students, 'Bill I8ckutier led the. community singing towerdo' the end of the meeting end Miss Calder Was call- ed upon to give her views ns critic. ENTERER° INTO REST At her tomo, 17 Ritchie Ave., Toronto, Tueeday, Jan. 18, 1928, Eliza Hayorollt, widow of the late J. W. Leavens and aunt of Carrie Hingatole i11 her 31st year. Interment at Owen Sound on Thursday, Jan, 20th, ICE BURG I Head Lettuce large erten _ beads.. Just rite for sandwiches 01 . salnas ' 2 heads 15c. Sold at Urewar's, Fresh select Oysters, Tee ones. thaii 'make the i.ew "taste different, A. Grewae, Phone 5- We sell for less Women's Liberal Association The Women's. Liberjtl Association/ will meet at the home of Mrs. W. D, S. Jamieson on Thursday evening, Feb. 3, at 8 o'clock, Mrs. Wilton Will continue her discussion of the British North America Act and fP(�S"T PUBLISHING HQUSE4 'United Church Council Approves Cost To AnnualMeeting Be $7,000 in Huron County WEDDING BRYAN—DRAGER Officers Give Encouraging Re- ports in all Departments at Annual Church Meeting The annual meeting of the United ,Churleh were held Thursday evening when 125 members attended a ban- quet served by the Women's Asscci- ation. A sing song followed led ,by the minister, Rev, H. J. Mahoney, who opened the meeting by the report of the cburcb, He also spoke of the death of three of les mem- bers, Mrs. W. Ringler, Mrs. R. Con- nor and Mrs, J. Whitfield, 'rue re- port of the session was given by Mr, E. hates and was responded to Mrs, Harold Parker will have by a solo by Mies C. Hingston. "Charge of "Current Events," .As The report of •the Sunray school this is the first. meeting of the new was given by Mtss Addie Ca:illi year, a good attendance is hoped and was responded,.to,by a duet by for. Sullivan and Thelma Bra then, The report of the Women's Association was given by Miss M. Robinson and Mrs: 1. Parker re- sponder by a "eading, The Y. P, S. report was giver. by Merle Sander. son and was responded to with a guitar solo by Bert Black, The re- port of the Minion Band was given by Mete I. Parker. The respoese was given by Jim Cameron with a piano solo. The report of the Women's Mis- sionary Society was given by Mfrs. E. Bates, responded to with a rear. Ing by Mrs. W Stewart. A report of the C. 0, T, T. was given by Helen Turnbull and was responded to with a song by the C. 0, I. T. The choir report was given by Mrs. H. 0, Walker. The report of the church w•as given by D:. R. the Hamilton, church treasurer, who tile reported a profitable year wish a balance on hand tor 1938. O. Drummond was elected elder to replace Jas. Fulton who is re - Convicted tiring. Three new stewards were Of Fraud named to replace those retiring, A. Rann, A. Raton, A. Wilson, Mov- ed by. H. Jackson and seconded by P. A. McArthur that a hearty vote of thanks be tendered to Rev. H. 3. Mahoney for his services throughout the year, —k—a— . St. John's W. A. i St, John's W A, met at the rectory on Tuesday afternoon. The president conducted the opening exercises, the member's prayer and scripture readies. The secretary, Mrs, A. Coleman gave her report showing all pledges met in fel, and a small balance en hand. A sub- stantial bale had been forwarded for Western relief. During the business session i, was decided to make the usual contri- bution to the Dcaner"y bale. Mrs. Dames, Mus. Graham and Mrs, Cole- man were named a committee to meet with the committees from the other churches to arrange fo: the World Day 08 Prayer.. The ,meeting closed Witn benedietoin pronounced by president, , In the county judges court at Goderich on Robent J. Snazel of that town was sentenced to six months in the On- tario Reformatory iiy Judge T. M. Costello after an all -flay trial. The sentence is to run from time of arrest. December 14111. In April last year Mr. Snazel was .hired to conduct a romnlunity rampaign in Exeter and at that time a writ was Issued charging Mr. Snazel with gaud and uonversion arising out of a tivtnsactiou In which be obtained $200 from the Dank of Montreal on a promissory note indorsed by Wil- liam Haitter, Me Su.azzel did not use the money for the express' p11r- Pose for which it was intended, A 'lumber of wi.tneeses from town were sur nloned to appear at the count on Monday. An inetauce along the same line happened here last fall when some local busltess men donated toward advertise?g which was lea appear on a teiephone nuiltber chart but so far bas not been printed. So it would be well to bear in mint! that your 'local' printer can supply ALL your primal requirements, criminal Monday PEOPLE KNOW Miss use Stewart is visiting friends in Detroit and Windsor. Call Parker, Hespler, na; been visiting his . Meter Miss B. Parker, Hugh Pearson, of the Bank of Commerce staff, has returned home after relieving 3 weeks in Milver- ton Miss Marjorie Gelbraitb, 5 line of Elnna'was a recent visitor tvitll her sister Mrs', 'A, termer. Mrs', Duncan McNicol of ,licliil- lop township has been the guest et, Mrs, James Kernaghan, Fred Killingtott of Vancouver is the guest of lits sister, M;s, 1+, Brewer. Donald5 McRae, who line been visiting at his hone for the Past week, returned to Western Univer- sity on Wedneaay. Mr. and Mrs'. E, Cardiff, Atwood, were visitors is town on Tuesday, 0. T•1, Walker, W. Amon; nntl Fred and Scout Burchell lett last week for Quebec where thee will spend the remainder of the winter nt work in the woods, Jed( Lowry, younger son of W, A. Lowry, we are glad to see 1,; able to be around again. His 111p Was injured one day last week When ae fell off a sinew plow with which Hockey Such A's' ' It Is WIN:1HAM-9 BRUSSELS -2 The Brusee'.a wonders lost anoth- er hockey game against the fast W'ingham team 91 the Arena acre on Tuesday night. 1Vingllam litterally swamped the local laddie;, wil'tewashing item by the score of 31) In ,he first Period. It was regrettable that the visitors piled up such a score in this period. As Brussels finally got down to business' in the second period mail- ing Wingba.m 2.1 with Ned Rutledge of Brussels getting first goal for the locals. In the third rcrlod D. C. Warwtrk opened up the storing fpr the locals on a lone malt, Then Wingbam came right back and slapped In two goalst The the fun began wile a regular Toronto Boston hockey game with the hockey players and fans having a regular freefor-311 fight on rhe ire, No sooner het the players got cooled off when another royal took plate One player said next morning, "We lost the game but we won the fight," The game ended Wingham' 9, Brrssels LUCifNOW-13 BRUSSELS -6 Lucknew S' pays defeated Brits- seis In a VV. 0, H. A. fixture played in Lticknuw last Friday night with a store of 13-3, GREYHOUNDS -8 BRUSSELS -6 Brussels hockey team played the return match ent.h the Q0:lerieb hockey team an Wednesday night, The ire was 1a good condition and a large crowd. attended. Although the Brussels Lova: worked weii, the score ryas' 8.6 for Godericll. he was llloaving out a lane, The plow ran over hint injutrng -his 11ip, Tile injury was severe enoag1 to keep him In bed for several days. Qn Saturday afternoop, January 221141, the manse of Duff's limited ehnroh, Walton was the scene of the quiet but pretty 'wedding of Helena Elizabeth (Betty) youngest daughter of Mos, Drager, Walton and lee late Chas. H. Drager to Russell Widliant, son of Mr. and. Mrs, ,.J. H, Bryan, Brussels. They were united in marriage by Rev, Chas. 'Cumming, minister of the church. The bride looked lovely ill 3, navy Moved $165,000 .For County Road Expenditure iii 198$ VALUATORS NAME() Godeaich -:The equalizetlon of the' assessments in Huron ,County at a coo' of 87,000' was aatbowlzed on Friday afternoonaft the concluding session 02 Huron County :Counetl. IL G. Magee am H, J. Quinlan,' svelte ators, 'We1'e awatrded the contl'act. It is eleven years' since the assts-. mend was equalized, Mr, -'Maggs had addressed the Council on Wednesday awl the . question was further, disousse3 by blue crepe gown, The couple were :amine evaluastals with the 'Warden's r unattended. Committee on Tltu1'sd Follows the ceremonyMr. and- ' asked teaday that Committee asked for Juba Bryan left on a honeymoon i discussion by thn wthole .councii, trip to Toronto, Hamilton and Galt. An alnendanen't introduced by For travelling the bride wore a Reeve Feagam ra leave the question muskrat coat with navy blue 80- - over to the Jnme cessoriee, session wutn dost and the motion of Reeves Eckert and MaCKay to .revaluate was ear- ried by a standing vote and the nec- essary by-law passed, • The Warden, Clerk and Treasurer s were appointed a committee to Annual Meeting whom Messrs. Maggs and Quinlan will be responsible, Walden Haack° being 'given the privilege of seeking advice from the Warden's Commit- tee, at any time, ;Would' Welcome Change Many reeves expres'ed the opin- ion tliat their Municipalities would welicome the equaliyation; a few ; Savored leafing if aver for the ,Tone, ►sesn, 'Tsiohe equalization of assessment of 1937 was coufirmed'as the equalisa- tion assessment for 1938, The valuators ,swpedt to start in Atprll; office ace4nmodaiti0n will be provided for them by the county. Bealatws 'Were passed 'authorizing ten 3 3peopreaiione of $130,000 for Provincial atiehways, and the bol- r eving of $100,000 for current. ex- penses land, .$165,000 ler County Hl911way expentistures, The i;celing of ,".siot':.al3acltines "etc,, in the -county was Tentacled by by-law. The requunelat'ou of ,6ho offu1,1 of the Odd AgeP1nsions,land Moth - ere' Allowance Boards were fixed at $4,28 Olay aitd Jap tiler mile far 2� license* nu1Cs'tt tivndelfed,., To Wear Jacket 'Caretaker seeeecrge• ` Jean es hilt hereafter eppeat' in a;' proper jacket.. as , reconi ,anted in 'Glia Property. Cemmittee's report. Reeves Liver— mere more acrd McNeil awho apon:;ea'ed the /notion declared it would add to, the dimity of the council. Reeve 'MbNall-alt is u'.snitaleniat ter ' ' 11r4auoll'iof ddgnbuttity'atliii(( heisli 0110 neittadn lafirl.s:,0 50t not only to us bled 'to vita &tier' counities 4t d Raevesri3rolly 'a<1,g" J, Ii also ntgreed,ea,nd it was pdinted lint • theft In many, capacities in wb1ah Mr. Jamas acts, that a distinguish. - ins jacket Weald add not only la elle eounsil's dignity hut' to the ,hear- ' The County Engineer 'tad ilia t perlty Committee were instructed' bo Investigate the possibi3 ,fes 'o$ what can. 'be done in the basement of. the. court house 1•eearditigdeenr:.1'itbtiou of lavatories and vanity e 113. rat port in Jane. A t'ea}ulforced' nonerete floor : 1v'111. be oonetructed above the instance at'tile gaol its secoramended be Ilia Propel:ty Committee, Other ruetin]-, menfd0I0e7-10 by :this c'oannn !too, Ctt- doused were tliat, the tai'ujteY`s'sta. are of 51100 be 1l151'04231 30 peI its cent;'emer�yO�vemellt In the lighting system at the reg/airy office, :t. mile shade and typewriter Were orderer for the Sheriffs office; ,Comnitsaton's Report The Comity Roods 'Ce/nlnissiowes 1''epolit Was 'adopted as' 'follows: li,egar1l1113 englneor's' ; (01)01'1 6011. ee1'nin�g' p1'apasecl progr:tuln for thea oo118tru314dn 115 bittlarliiiotta ro,trls, we;recoaumour1,tltat this prn$rain be ,carried 0115 a faT as posaiblo ridii, the money available, and. with such chant as as ch'oums1s icor mar seem to warrant, Re Tony Meehan, We 00110111 it1 ' the recommle:lrlrttien that the :Pant., St.John's Church The annual 'meeting of St, John's Anglican Cbureh was held on Wed- nesday evening with a good attend- ance. The rector reported that during the year he had made over three hundred end thirty calls, and that there had been seventeen baptismis, five weddings and eleven funerals, Very entis- faetory reports were read trom the Sunday 'School, the W.A., the Guild, and the A. Y. P. A. Mr. John Fischer presented the financial statement which totalled just, about the same as last year although several fam111es had movedaway during the year, these families' were Mr. and Mrs. Albert James, Mr, and Mrd, Norman Spiers, Mr. and Mr: Whittard, Mr. and Mrs. Pedgrift, Pea and Mrs, John Foster and Mrs. Roszell, • The rector appointe4, MIl. James' Thuell to be bis warden again and Mr. John Fischer re- appointed people's warden. And then for the fleet time, on the seg. gestcion of the sector, the meeting appointed a Select Vestry, the fol- lowing being appointed, Harry Champion, Alex Coleman, Harvey Bryan, Nathan Chapman, A. Wood, Thos. Ellis, W. 3, McCutoneon, Harvey MieCatebeon, Jim Smith, Jim Davis and Harvey Jacklin. The Select Vestry will meet- once' a month and cons'ider' the Church's work throughout" 'the year: The first meeting was held on Tuesday evening the 2511, when in ep1.e of inclement weather six meulbere were present and some Church matters were considered, Harry Chasmpion was appointed delegate to the Synod which meets in ,May, and 3, H. Bryan the substitute Oslo - gate, auditors lira. J. H. Bryan and A. Wood. On the resignation sot Wan. Fischer, 'Mr, Buckman was ap- pointed caretaker. On the motion 02 Mrs. Harry Champion, seconded by Mrs, Dames, the meeting ex- tended to life, John Fischer a. hearty vote ot thanks for hie e,tIletent work as people's warden., GREY Mrs, 0, Shaw Of Mount Forest; has returned, home anter, spending a week with her parents, ,Mr. and Mats, J. A, McNair, of the 14th eon. Her many friends were glad le see her. Mies 'W"innifred Steles, eldest daughter of Alex and Mrs Steins meat with a paining accident last week, She was with her tattier while doing the 'e1101'ea in the baric 'when a cow Melted her on the head Causing an ugly scaip wound. We. are glad to say s'he Is getting better, Your ecribe, while calling on Robt, Stasis' last week was. &hewn a bund! of 'dandelions 111 full bloom. :Spring must be just around the corner. The many friends of Mrs, Cecil Robiuson, who underwent a recent appelydicitis operation, were sorry to hear, 'she was not so well. Mat Week. 391rs, Andrew Brute 17th 0011„ is a visitor this past week with friends in Blyth, (Continued on Page 4),