HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-1-19, Page 3Round Trip Rall Travel Bargain
From Brussels, Ont., January 20th
�o C.N.R. Station(' in the Maritim(Provtnces
Province of Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia
JAN, 21 & 22 OTTAWA, $7.20; MONTREAL, $$.20
'QUEBEC CE71r, $11.45;E. S ANFARENE SbE BEAUPRE, $12.05
Pam Tickchl li t
.... 'sane
CANADIAN A D Iq°ria i?nJro
rnAgenta A6K1'OR11APiD1111:�
accfclent record of the lag yearo
The Brussels. - l r
R, W, KENNEDY — Publisher
Published Every Mednesda3'
Subsorlptio, pprice $1,60 Per year,
paid In advance, Subscription In
'United States will please add 50o
Or postage.
Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont.
Public opinion will sueport the
steps that have been taken by At_
hor'ney-General Cordon Coude:• in
his camPalgn to improve "af he con-
ditions In Ontatlo and reedure the
number 'of n::oi accidents.
The appoint>nrnt of more mn'ot'
cycle officers, effecting a substan-
tial Increase ht the strength of the
highway patrol is justified by the
tri, �,nj t+•1F� 'l�'�.rSx •.
The highway squad cu' down
aounewbi t by the Hepburn economy
wave, has been none too large far
the many miica of highway that
have to be covered and In view of
the increase In traffic; t'eluro'ce.
11181114 will mean more effective
patrolling and proba+hty 1)11,1,) care,
ful driving for there is unthin; like
a glimpse of an ofdclal o11 a motor
cycle to slow down careless motor.
The Attorney General, In the in-
structions he has issued to members
u. the police ttud to Crown At-
torneys, has made a further contri-
bution toward safer conditions par-
ticnlarly in retard to drunter:
ing, Lt is common knowledge that
in a lage number of tratfic Lases in
which liquor hes been bivalved, it
has been the ,>taot1ee in many sec-
tions to lav a. reckless driving
charge instead of charging 'het of- I
fender with ,Ji1ring whits drunk.
Mr. Conant has issued ordure that
ltoncefoa'th berth shatges shalt. be
Preferred ed where bI
era ieoYi
of both dunken and reckless driving
and that "in no case and under no
circumstance' 'should a charge of
deriving while intoxicated be dis'pos-
011 of othorwiso than by tbo maxis,
taste on the evidence in the case.
way to deal with such cases and it
will remove the charge that has
been heard more than once that for
every drunken driver who goes to
Jail for his folly, half a dozen others
equally guilty .escape because the
authorities choose to cuarge thein
with feckless rather .thin with ronto action and make the protest
drunken driving, ec vigorous that the provincial
Politicians will be forced to taket
notice of It,
That seems to be the sensible
well be asked to foot the bIll for
prelmring Nets far the various
municipal elections as reasonable
as the .other,
Prom ,llnte to tents there have
been protests at the unfairness of
ltllllug mu»lcipelities tot' the oust
of preparing provincial voters' lists
hut tate complaints have never been
organised properly and they bays
been disregar led at Queen's Park,
With. Toronto setting the pace
now with Its decision to ask foe an
amendment, this would seem a very
opportune time for the muniolpali,
ties to unite solidly behind the To.
The 'reroute Ecard of Control has
decided unanjdn',sly to ask fur an
amendment to the Election Act that
will relieve municipalities rf the'
east 01 Pfepar(ng• voters-' lists fur
provincial elections, and in that de,
ciston the 'Iorouto out 11orates
should have the bucking of mimics.
nal councils from one end of the
province to the other,
, The Queen Lity has lead to dig
down into t1'' civic treasury and
produce 815,000 to nay the coat of
preparing lists, not for its own use,
but for the accommodation of the
provincial government, and other
centres have had to pay propurtiutt-
There is Iv) logical reason why
they should 1i, called upoa 10 do
anything of the hind; as a matter
, of fact the prsvince night just as
S3'IaANI0S1)4C, JAN. 19th
agave her ,Mel Aunt Ma said she
vowed ed up right, she :didtt',r gad
about at night, she'd be a cloudy
t wife,
And so Aunt Ella went along
although her logs .ere none too
strong, she'd rest when site was
there; she'd visit with the bride a
bit, perhaps she'd stop a while and
knit she'd Jhul an easy chair,
i( Aunt Villa really was a sight
when she some sta•ggenin' In that
night, she'd fiuttet'in' of the heart;
The province should pay for its
own voters' ll,t1 but there Is little
1i1[1111ood of It doing so unless
Queen's, Park 1. convinced that pub -
Mc opinion to the municipalities of
the province scally dernand:ng a
change in the system,
You Know How It Is
By A. R. K.
IT Aunt Ella carne to town today
and she drove in a goodly wry; a
quilt about her head a brides re-
ception caught her eye, she'd gt,r
there if she he ,1 to die, least 1111115
jugt what site
Site knew ?:' beide wi'tu e 1c
was young, and sh ,l rubh•,t „.,os.,
grease on hes' lung, she'd hit to
she melt a mob when site got thele,
and, no one brought' an esay chair,
she thought she'd come near',
IT The bride just stood .here all
the time, and People passed by 1n a
line, she just shook hands and
bowed; my aunt grew weary of 111e
stir„ and no 011' Came to 141111 t0
het', she bumped among the crowd.
¶ She never had a chance to say
how she goose -greased the bride one
day, and how :the saved her life;
she never had a chance to taut, or
learn the gossip in her block. how
lived the new•mnde wife.
IT Aunt Ella relied when she gut
back. she felt as though her frame
would crack, abs soaked up lot's of
heat; she said she stood so long in
there and never found an .`ay chair
---,she'd blisters on her feet.
A story from "Washington says
that government and bus.n,'ss in
the United States are 0lo;'” togeth-
er. We thought the trouble over
there was that government has been
getting too close to business fur
some time,
: �s�
saxsra}n ,u ' `.FP a",a?"sru'�r.«�l?3�FS? s. Sl'1.�" $rte' _ ,)'z' 'c±, - ,r.,,.�•w,.,y..' a .s. ._,. ''s.;.,%u ��.�.:€'.i:, ..c¢,t'Y _ `a. ,.kt...:k-.e..`L. �. x::,..: x ;, ' �.,a.,l_
rt�s+scrut- �b E o PP.. rii:minims`'.uM'.,.±+av:ii=4.0..0g=0- -.k''.i l ' 21.7''c'e 'e"n, o-.'4174�_ ,., `1
a= ed:maa�> .� ` �'. 321 ,1=2,...,%:-M.3 2+u ..dux i+9 rtwau 'e Mt.tt.;jf'. m, �"$�'r";e,*
' :`w��''•¢r��s::u:�. _..s...._.�..ryes�xsaa`aw�.rs>_—: rc a� ,u� xx.,.
More pt'avine;ai 'motor cycle of -
/leers are to bo appointed, probably
to help read 'those new license
Turkey has prison i
. n Svhleh the
ininatee make ,their own rules. ton,
vtcts on this continent have often
tried to establish something of the
kind here.
A Itueslstn At Montreal has boon
sleeping in hie uuderw•ear in an um
heated cave. tic must have had
his early t't'ntntng in Siberia,
a at *
It le a eurpeis:ne condition—that
in Iloat year medicine at Laval 1:411.
sersity in j(I tuteeal Caanadian.botr. IIII
students chew,] be outnumbered
Mine t0 one,
�> * :G
The Planet that just missed the
earth last year -4t came within 400,.
000 miles—is to return in 1930 and
we hope that by that three it will not
have developed the tendencies et a
a m
Only a diet u11y was lc'ft w11F,n
the headquatrers of the Terieudc of
the Soviet Cnion in Montreal was
raided. Evi';.",tly the puree were
in no mond to banuly words,
* ',
The t. n)t d t'tat,e> has 1;'"11
ed by aviation experts that
would find the American air forces
eat equate. Earle Sam had some
81 el'lence with that kind, pf
in the world war,
* * ..
Some men fust seam 00 rmsh 1>xf,ti
tt'omble. Not aatiefied with t'ita
complexItles of rtutn'ing a news.
PaPe0, IL Xi, Igoe, publisher of the
ituntevllle Forester, has got hien-
self elected mayor,
* >R 6'
Al Claeesman member a't the Port
Arthur council, 3s absent on a
search of the Arctic rot, 1111* lost
R14861an Byers and so missed ';inn in-
augural meeting, 110 of course 15
not the only alderman who goes up
in the air occasionally,
* . es *
The distrdot man who mellowed
a Postage stamp the 'seniles day Is
not sure now whether he is under
the jurisdiction of the Postofiiee
Department or hes} been transferred
to the atteantjor of the C16partnlent
of the interior,
Four Sarnia engineers recently
retired have Inn 1 a coanbine,l ser-
vice record of 100 years, It must
have seemed longer than that 00 't
the occasions when. motorists ft sl-
ed to shalt promptly at levei, cross—
1' rt: m
Toronto jean .shpt all through the
confusion of a 'fire In his bonnie ao;dP
the noise created -.117 !then rise deka,
meat, : Probably ,most of our 1l
isteys know how it is• Ito 1uh
against a sleeper 1411;;0 •that,
Owing to advanceprices
ofthe Daily Newspapers
The Post has decided
To 'Cancel All
Clubbing Rates
At the End of t is : onth
he Pos 1.50 Yar
'1'.4,5!' `.i1cP6 6r;t p,, ' 3,,,rm. •
i by fi . 1l3tBER
•V,irt_.i,"c. ira.On
1, ,'Mrswn�'aa'u
m� ia+�51N.pLYv:'^a'nr_tiq.Fsrd�¢wLteerndlAa>tW'araSalcrl'�c:�-r,r PRe&A24m't-A. .ti.:-Sttmenilim wNNIIXP eIrrnitrlNleati ik01.wreuttM1111 1,19.41wPRfiV6Vi na.`1t1291112rFlIM.'