The Brussels Post, 1938-1-19, Page 1torotii roiyAtrmal )t>a?lPtllt%t
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 19,1X, 1938
Offlc;::•s Elected Eight Ballots
By Bluevale S.S.
Mrs, ,Alice, ;Aitken Is Superintend-
ent for 1938; Teaehere Reeve of 'Goderich Township le Set -
Announced I ection of Huron Members As
Council Meets
A'slhp',$tl? Frytal3
Metetclataisiat$+Mutt'letutoca ciatuttustbilsuPalt;•
Conservative Caucus •
The annual meoting of the Sun-
day School of tbe United Church ,
was held on 'Saturday afternoon Wes,
the pastor, Rev A, V. Robe.' in
charge, The secretary, George
Hetherington, reported an average
attendance of 64 and Sunday school'
held 48 Sundays, Miss Margaret
Curtis, treasurer, staked the total
receipts to be 8137, sent to missions,
$35; balance on hand, $28 and also
$37 in Christman gitts sent to the
Election of officers resulted as
follows: Supt. Mrs, Alice AI',1ten;
assist, suet„ W. J. Johnston; sec.,
George Hetherington; assist. sec.,
Stewart McLennon; treas., Miss
Margaret Curtis; pianists, Alice
Thornton, Isobel MacKinnon; Mts-
i sionary sec„ Mrs. J. Wickstead,
temperance sec„ Miss Pearl Jones;
librarian, Robert Shaw; teachers
and assistants, 0, F. Johnston,
Richard Johnston, Arthur Shaw;
Robert Shaw, Mrs. A. Shaw, Mrs.
Ed, Johnston, Edward Johnston,
Ross Smith, Mrs. George Thornton,
Miss Emma Johnston, Mrs. Robert
MMLenuon, Will Peacock and
George Johnaton, Primary class,
Mrs, W. J. Johnston, Mrs. Sperling
Johnston; cradle roll, Mrs, Chris
Hetherington, Mrs. S. N, Gallaher
United Church
Skating Carnival
Brussels Arena
Tuesday, Feb. 8th
Institute Family Night
Will be held in the Town Hall,
Friday, Jan, 28th, at 8 p,m, The
committee in charge are planning
a real social event. Where their
families of less than four, they are
requested to invite friends to make
up the number. Every Member of
tbe Institute asked to bring a lost
of bread made into sand'wichei.
Admission 25c per family,
will be held in
Public Library, Brussels
at 2 p.m.
Jas. Burgess, Pres.
The Evening of
Sponsored by Melville Presbyterian
Young Pecpie's Society
Skating from 8.1e and dainty lunch
served in the Church after skating
Brussels Citizen's Band
In Attendance
ADMISSION — 15c & 10c
Ct C iKeletelCt cQiP,: tP,teleteiaiszte'e
, Wilmot Haacke, popular reeve, of
Goderich Township for the past
eight years, was elected warden Of
Huron County at the opening ses-
sion Of the County Council on Tues.
day afternoon,
Eight ballots were case by the
nineteen Conservative members in
caucus before the decision could
be reached, Reeves MOM!! of
Blyth and L, E. Cardiff of Morris
were runners -ups for the honor.
Theer were eight aspirants. The
other ten members of the council
are Liberals,
The oath of office was administer-
ed by Judge T. M. Costello after J.
M. Eckert, warden for 1937, had
escorted Mr. Hanka to the chair
and iatroduced him, Rev, W. P,
Lane opened the new council with
Warden Haacke thanked the
council for electing him warden of
the banner coanty of Huron and
stated that all tbe men in the race
for the honor were good men.
He spoke stroegly in favor of re-
forestation. He referred to the
discussion of the subject in last
year's council and said he had been
la member of the Agricultural Com-
mittee which wee delegated to look
into it.
",Something must be done soon
in reforestation,' he said, "Accord-
ing to reports compiled ley Ian Mc-
Leod, Agrloultural Representative,
ten per cent of the county was
covered with tree growth, and five
years later, only half that area
He felt ,that 193E was not too soon
to semrt some kind 06 reforestation
in Huron County.
The Warden warned that some-
thing should be done to rid L he
county of weeds, and advised the
use of a spraying outfit.
William ,Boyd as Hopalong Cassidy
--I N—
Bord erland
Steven Morris George Hays
Disgraced In the eyes of his buddies
Hopalong proves its a framcup
Barbara Stanwyck Joel McCrea
Internes Can't
Robert Bowman was in Goderich
,Ibis week,
Alex. Sperling, St. Mary's was a
Sunday visitor with friends.
Mr. Jute Simmons and Glen
Smith attended the Golden Wedding
anniversary surprise party for Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Simmons, Woxet_
er, on Tuesday,
Reeve W. C. Herr is attending
County Connell et Goderich the,
Orval Lemon, sou of Mr, and Mrs,
Dave Lemon, American Hotel, who
was formerly in charge of a service
station in Mitchell, has purchase,'
the "Brown Derby" restaura'rt in
London, It is situated on Dundas
street east, in the vicinity of the
Western Fair ground,
3Ia'. Wilson, of Kincardine, is
relieving agent at the C.N.R.
station during the absence of Reeve
W. C. Herr at county council meet.
Miss Lenora Higgins, of Wing -
ham, ,formerly of Brussels, left this
ween for Lonlon, where she has
entered Victoria Hospital as a
nurse -in -training. Her many friends
here wish her every success.
Take Money I
Lloyd Nolan. Stanley Ridges
He .worked fon glory • And Gratitude
Among the 111 of a great city
COMING— Jan: 31, Feb. 1.2
Marlene Detreick
The Garden of Allah
Mate. Sat & Holidays at 3 p,m.
Presbyterian Church
SUNDAY, JANUARY 23rd, 1937
the services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.
will be conducted by
of Palmerston
Sunday School at 3 p.m,
All Members and Adherents are
Invited to ,Attend these
REV. H. J. MAHONEY, B.A., Dee,
11 am.—Courageous Prophets.
3 p.m.—Sunday School, ,There Is a
Class For You,
7 p.m.—Discovering Jesus
Monday at 8 o'clock—Y. P, 8.
Thtersday, Jan: 20 ---commencing at
6,30 p.m.
Supper and program In connection
with the Annual
Congregational Meeting
Come and Bring The ,Family
United Church W. M. S.
The annual meeting of the United
W, M, S. was held Friday afternoon
Jan. 14th. Tlie president Mrs,
Parker presiding,
Reports shote the different depart-
ments were given by each see"etary
Mrs. Procter had charge of the de-
votional service, Mrs. McLauehlin
gave an interesting paper, "The
church in action' 'taken from the
study book, A fee tea followed the
United Church Y. P. S.
The y, P, S. of Brussels United
Church inet on Monday evening
with Jack Bryans in charge. Mir,.
Mahoney led in prayer. Bert Black
favoured the group with a selection
on his gutter, Mr. 0. Drummond
gave a very instructive talk on art.
He showed the growl) severalpieces
of art which had been done by the
school pupils and several other
beautiful scenes which Mrs, Drum.
mond had painted. Atter the meet-
ing the group joined in a few games
under the direction of Mr, Mahoney,
50 Years A Subscriber
A man ,paid hie 50.h subscription
to. the "Poste one day last week,
"For fifty years.' 'he said "we have
had the 'Post' cone into our house,
we couldn't do without it,"
Atter all the brickbats a bouquet
like that warms the cockles of our
heart. Its mighty nice to ,hear that
atter so many years he finds he
couldn't get along without it, For
subscribers like that we don'; mind
the daily grind that brings to your
fireside your local paper,
St. John's
Ladies Guild
The opening meeting of 193.1 of
St. John's Indies Guild was held in
the Rectory w:th a good attendance.
The new president Mrs. A. Cole.
man was in charge. Atter the
opening hymn, prayer was offe-ed
by the Rector. Minutes of the
previous meeting were read by the
new secretary Mrs. H. Stratton,
Business plans for the coming year
were discussed. It was decided to
have a bazaar, tea and bake sale in
the fall also the usual pancake
social on Shrove Tuesday. A corn.
mittee consisting of Mrs. Roy
'Jhuell, Mrs. Bobs Campbell and
Mrs, A. Coleman was appointed to
look after the skating party, 1;
was decided to bring print patches
to the February meeting for a
Sewing towards the bazaar will be
carried on at the meetings during
the year,
The Reotor closed the meeting
with prayer after which refresh-
ments were served by Mrs. Gr dram
assisted by Mrs. Dames,
United Church W. A.
The Women's Association of the
tinted Church met at the home of
Mrs, Sanderson. Tuesday afternoon,
January 18.- The preeident,lliss
Margaret Robinson, presided. The
meeting opened by singing, He
Leadeeit Me. The scripture least t
Psalm 11, was read by Mk; E
Downing followed by ,prayer by
Mrs, Parker, The secretary'; re-
port was read end adopted. The
treasurer reported that our r'reepts
for 1937 were 9005,13. ft woe de-
cided co continue the Good Cheer
committee for this year, Mist Eva
McCracken anti Miss Addle Cardiff
to be the convenors. A number of
committees were formed for 1038,
The same kitchen committee as last
year; the parsonage committee with
Mrs, Jackson its convener; flower
committee with Miss Addie Cardiff
convenor. Miss Robinson offered to
be responsible for the flower bed
at the church and a vote of thanks
was giveu her fcr her splendid work
last year. Mrs, Jackson and Mrs.
Downing were appointed o'r the
visiting committee for February, It
was decided to continue the g'•cups;
Mrs. Bre'ans and Mrs. E. txr,,iff,
convenors of the West Group; Mrs.
Dell and Ms, Gerry conveners of
the East Grout.. There wnc nn
attendance of 23. A hearty vote (1
iltanka was given Mrs, 's'iu,lerson
for her hospitality. The February
meeting is to be held in the evening
at Mdss Margaret Robinson s, The
meeting closed with prayer by ,Hiss
Rohluson, A tasty lunch was
served at the close of the nimble,
Famous Marsh Seedless Grapo
fruit thin skins full of sweet juice
little or no sugar required on them
Have you tried those sweet Jule),
thin skins oranges at Grower's t2
doz.) 24 oranges only 28e.
A, Greyer --We sell for less,
Melville Campfire Girls
The Melville Campfire Girls held
their ,melting at Janet King's home
on January 7th, The meeting was
opened by singing the usual theme
song, followed the Secretary and
Treasurer's report, Janet King and
Elizabeth Baeker favoured with a
piano duet which was followed by
a piano solo by Mona Miller, Lunch
was then served by the hostess,
Skating Party `"
A ,skating ,party sponsored by Sl.
John's Ladies Guild was held on
Friday with a large attendance,
Music for skating was furnished by
the Brussels Hand to whom the
Guild offers grateful thanks, Re-
freshments were served in the
church basement following skating.
Two lucky tinkers were held be
Misses Doris JloDonald and 7°aigar.
et Bell while Fat Graham had the
lucky plate.
Represntative Present
At Paris Ladies' Shoppe
A representative of the Hudson
Fur Company, Toronto, will be at
the Paris Ladies' Shoppe, Listowel,
from Tuesday, January 25th to Fri-
day, January 28th inclusive, with a
domplete range of Fur ,Coate at
January Sale Prices,
The reputation of the Paris
Ladies' Shoppe will be behind this
Liberal Allowance on your old
Fur Coat, Your coat restyled at
Fadtory Cost. Terms arranged to
suit you,
Please call 309 Listowel it im-
possible to be' here in person.
Social Held
By S. S. Class
,On Wednesday evening, January 12,
the young ladies of Mrs. S. F, Davi-
son Sunday School Class met in
the basement of the Cnited ch.tredi
The class gathered for supper at
6 o'clocq after which the guest
speaker Mrs, G. A. Deadman pre-
sented a most inspiring talk on
"Choosing The Way" which was
very much enjoyed by all Present'.
Alice Pope then presented the jour.
nal entitled "The Sunday School
Gazette," given; interesting news of
the day, The remainder of tbe
evening was spent in games and the
"Quesitonaire" presented by Edna
Davison, •
Melville Church
Concludes Most
Successful Year
Encouraging Reports Presented At
The iCongregational Meeting
In Brussels
Presbyterial Held
The Executive Board of the W,M
S. of the Maitland Presbyterial of
the Presbyterian Church held the
annual meeting on Thursday, Jan,
131.11 at the home of Mrs, Harry
McGee, Wtngham, with a good at-
tendance, "'Very few of the mem-
bers being absent. The president
Mrs. Kenneth MacLean presided,
Following a devotional period when
Miss Audrey Reed, \Vingham read
tbe scripture 'passage and Mrs C.
H, McDonald, Lncknow and Mrs,
Guthrie Reid, Teeswater offered
Prayer. There were business dis-
cussions arising out of the corres-
Reports were heard from the
secretaries of the different branches
the vice presidents and the tr'aaslu'_
er. The coresponding seceLary in
her report made special mention of
Whitechurch having every family
in the congregation connected in
some was with missionary work.
Mrs, Guthrie Reid, Teeswater,
was appointed the delegate to the
Provincial W. el S. to be held at
Galt in April,
Miss Mary King, B,A,, Wtughtun,
was elected judge for the Mission
Band Essays,
The auxiliary of Radios church
will be responsible for a delegate
to the camp at Khtt,ail.
Arrangement's were made and the
program drafted for the mutual
Presbytetal meeting to be held at
Ethel in May,
The president closed the meeting
with prayer, At time close of tine
meeting members of the Wtnghtun
auxiliary assisted the hostess sere:
Ing refreshments
The congregation of Melville
Presbyterian Church met In their
annual business meeting on Monday
evening of this week with D, M Mo-
Tavist presiding in tine absence of
Rev. W. A. Williams of Cranbrook
the internam moderator,
Despite .the fact that the eon re•
gatien has been without a pastor
for tbe past three months the re.
parte 01 the various oi'gauizatione
were very encouraging.
The Session report presented by
Duncan McDonald, Clerk of Session
stated that 871 members were now
on the roll, During the year the
Session lost a valued member in
the removal by death of Walter
Yuiil who bad been a member for
over 26 years.
'R. J. Bowman, chairman of the
Board of Managers gave the report
of this organization showing that
all obligations had been met during
the year, necessary repairs had been
done and $76,00 placed in a sinking
fund for decorating the church,
Regret was exuressed at the passing
of Albert Crooks for years a mem.
ber of the Board and of Walter
Yulal who also at various twee
served in this way.
A, A. Lamont, Treasurer reported
that $2861,62 had been raised for the
General Fund which was sufficient
to meet all obligations and leave a
small surplus. For the Budget
$473.05 was raised and $76 towards
a fund to decorate the church,
The Te P. S, :eports were given
by Margaret Scott, Sec„ and Gerald
Gibson, Treas. Interesting and
instructive meetings were held and
9121,23 raised,
The reports of the Ladies Aid
were given by Mrs, Jas, S. Arm-
strong, Sec., and Mrs, Wm, Little,
Treas. The reports indicated a
year of progress in the work of this
organization. The sum of $325.
was raised and $225 paid to tbe
cburcb treasurer.
The Sunshine Fund under the
management of Miss Grace Stewart
continued to distribute good cheer
to the sick and shut-ins,
The W. M, 5, report was given by
Mrs. 'Meadows and Mrs. R. 'Thomp-
son, Treas„ outlined the good 'R'Oi•li
always being done by this society
9294,91 was raised during the year.
The Sabbath School report given
by Jas, S. Armstrong, See: Treas.,
showed that the scohol was carried
on regularly throughout the year
and raised .$144.66.
The Mission Band reports given
by Dorothy Armstrong, Sec„ and
Jean Scott, Treas„ showed that the
Band head interesting meetings
during- the year and raised $283.68.
The retiring managers, Dr. W, D.
S, Jamieson, Jas. McFadzean, R, J.
Bowman, Walter Sharpe and Jno.
Gibson were re-elected for 3' years
and W. E. Herr was appointed for
1 year to complete the term of elm.
Clouse, deceased.
Geo. Northwood and D. 1I. Mc-
Tavish were appointed auditors end
Miss Mary Lamont, Record See;
D. M. McTavish, Jas. lefcFadcean,
Dr. W. D. S, Jamieson and Duncan
McDonald with Jno, Work ant Jno.
Yuill as alternates were appointed
ushers and Stewards for the morn-
ing service and Earl Moore, Das,
Hogg, Thos, McFadzesu and David
Parker for the, evening service,
At a meeting of the Beard held
After the close of, the nauual meat-
ing It, J. Bowman was re-elected
Chairman and A. A. Lamont, Secra-
etareeTreas., of the Board for the
Refreshments were served by the
ladies of 'the congregation at time
close of the- meeting,
Head Lettuce large crisp Heade
Just rite for sandwiches or salads
2 heads 15c. Sold at Grewer's
Fresh select Oysters. The ones
that make the stew taste different,
A, Grewar, PhoueO—We sell for lees
How Contracts Are Let
And Positions Filled
Obituary By R, J. Deaohman
40 M, P. for North Iiuo'. n
I•Iie death ocetiring suddenly to I promised, shortly after my eleo'
Detroit on Monday, January 105,11,tion, tient I would tweak to' you frons
the remains of Hilton J. Laird 0:r. . time to time, on (entails matters is
river bete Wednesday were interred connection with •the atlmihhisir tips
1n the Fhin°Plot in the Bt ussols cf the elution's business—J ham
Ceanetery Thurst]yday afternoon A kept ,bait promise, Dbe relation,,
son of the late Jaanea and Effie ship batmen the Member of Perlin, -
Laird, lie was born iu Brussels anent end his constitutents, is' always
where he spent his early years, "later an interesting one, The member
moving to lire Western Provinces owes to his constituents his One.
and the 1l. S. Al and'will be greatly his effort, his ability. I have sever
missed by his many triends and 05.
sociates for hes ever genial smile
and unpartial friendliness in any
conilpany shown by the beautiful
dowers forwarded by acquaintances
in all walks of life, He leaves to
mourn his loss, his wife Rens of
Detroit, 3 sistern, Mit F. Constable
London, Ont., :Yrs, J. B. MacAdoo,
Detroit and Mrs. D, 3, Calder of
Beaverton, On,t; 4 brothers Sam of
Edmonton, Alberta; Seamon, James,
Jack and Harry of Detroit.
The pallbearers were Walter
Lowry, Orval Whitfield, 1' ank
Stratton, R. 3. McLanchlin, J. C,
Baeker and E. G. Plum.
Rev. Mahoney officiated at the
burial service.
Time brothers who are cousins of
the Plun family accompanied the
remains from Detroit,
Dearth caane suddenly when WU
Ilam Mitchell, 12th concession was
stricken with a cerebral hemmer
hage on Sunday evening, Jan, 9th,
Mr. Metchell retired apparently in Matt Contracts.
hie usual health but about 10 o'clock
was found to bc' unconscious and In ,thisconstituency the govern
,passed away before medical, aid meat, through the Post other Dee
arrived, ' partment enters,into 'contracts for
Mr. Mitchell was born on Lot 14, carrying .the rual mails; These
Concession 9, Grey Township` oa contracts, publicly advertised, are
March 4111, 1880 and his early rears let'b' tender to the lowest bidder_
were spent in Grey and M?os'ri: T have cathing Lo do witb letting
Twps• these contracts. I cannot give the
As a young mau he heard the call •job, tq one, man or withh it from.
of the West and lbeatedat xel 1' -another:"' 'Heine a ""ny try
where he was one of the pdoneots of. Member of Peril ent,
the district. This business is !governed by na
In 1916 he re+urned to Grey -here Act of Parli nnt-,chapter 161
he purchased the farm on which he viand Stant s.of 1927. , It is cane*
has since resided," In tbefall of the '",.lie Post 0' flee Aot. The condition
same year he was united in mar- of the statute govern the teensa n
riage to Miss Nellie Miller; of tions. Let tee .ee' ou the atetto
� y
Jamestown, About .three years et the Act respecting Postal Sed'.
later Mrs. Mitchell passed away vices.
leaving an infant son John.
Iran 1925 he was again married to 67. The contracts, ',rn all cases IiF
Miss Bessie Watson of Norris .Twp, which there is wore" bels` one re
To this union were horn three iihild, der, shall be awarded 10 the nonan,
ren, Frank, h5merson and Lillian. tenderer who offers 'sufficient:: secure late Mr.' Mitchell is survived ity for the faithful performance of
by his wife and children ,,luso one the contract, unless; the Postmee c
brother Percy of Brussels and two General is satiefled.,tlhat it is in.:, 1e
sisters, Mirs, Jno Ble1+by, of Ball ad, public interest not to 'acaelit 'thus
Sasit„ and Mrs. Geo.:Givens ct Doed- lowest temder. R, S., c. 64,' s.' itlw,
skied, Sask. You 1vil1. •gee firm hire ivordlns of
lir. Mitchell, white of a t9tozi lest this staonte th rpt iii routes are 100..
and reeking disposition, was a man by tender and tiie ,owes•, teou0m
of sound principles and ,starling .get the contract—and :then
character and g hind husband and 'those words lin'the ess Poatmi
loving father, Ile was , widely General is satisfied ,the it ]g i
known both here, and in .timeO''i wear. intereitt of time ipublic not to ar
He was conservative in polities and ,lie bleed'! tender.
a meauber .ew tb.e' Pr litiee friar. ties;
Church, Brussels, st
The funeral was held from his
house on Wednesday to Drus"sels
Cemetery, Rev. Mn. Wifli;Lms hob
Cranbroolt Presbyterian Church 114
cihatge of tliq,,serviee.
Floral •txibeitbe were; beautdfnl
showing the catenrn be 'Welch the de-
ceased was held in the oom'3m nity.,.
Pallbearersewere; Wm. ' 7.ih:catt,
John Fischer-r,Wni, Perris, Allister
Bird, Robt' ,Ti ttnan and John
Archfe 3kal1iit and Jack Williains
were flower barer.
The. clea hi of 42r.,,;Mitchell ,leaves
a gapin the e iiighberhood that will
he telt by matt anti the memory of
a. kindly fr leull 'a111 neighbor will
long remain In the community,
ed myself from all other work areal
devote any whole time to the task.
The constituents, on their par,
(nett 'to give Fame attention, as if
':naw you do, to the great problems
welch confront the nation, 'greater
pohaps today than ever before ion
our history. Leadeiship ' will not
solve them, they will be solved by
the effort of the people and 111 310
other way.
Today I want, to speak to you ala
bow government contracts are let
and how :positions are filled It.
a subject greatly misinderetop
Many peoplo believe things-wbzi,it(
are not true: ' Conditions whi()t :
once prevailed do not now exisx ;'`
Contracts are let by tender. Poli'-'
tions in the Civil , Service aro' won br .
competitive examination, Neitja'er
business nor government can. alea{f
incompetent 'help. Positions
now to those best qualified to,
therm. I' think when, I am
with this story you will °ogre
me that this is the right metbore"and
that in these items at least,' we'
should not attempt to can the old,
days .buck again,
We wish to hdtak all those who
by word and 44171 stowed anent h rd
netts end sympathy for oe In . our
recent ' bereapemeilt,' Alec those
who sent . 1114 beatttifel Ilene
tributes. They will -long bo re-
membered by 14E.':
Mrs, Wm, Mitchell and Family (Continued 011 In
Perhaps someone' might sl
this offers 11 way of escape an
the Postmaster General
`under this clause, appoint 26
he might choose. But a lain
be carried out in the spirit 1 pi t
statute which embodies the lite,
the lowest tender is not e.teaiilt
the rejelotion must be "for (eaten"
and if the Postmaster
values .ow15 peace of 011
mast b4 fora ott.u44 which ]
abie,tor,;these contracts
any tintee come up for 11i
l;e+fore the 3ionise at Comluo
trio 11en atitlxly for the positit
one is a Grit and one 1L Tori"i
the Tory will see 'that the, et
of t Grit to oa1ry viral 'mall
no great as the capacity of a
and of 0oul'se .the saint le
the posl'Lton ee reversed.
4 e11 tender will not be Acton
lirevlously hold a rosition 4111
ed to lie nusat+s4tetory, .1f'
Canitanitei'alta, lacked cenrttza
,ruled about • triiifxa. Or, ; 11,
ve "nroublo thea, -the*,444,
6nets ztot'warnt liim, no bitty
011;108 nlay ;be. 1-24
C008111113', have sufli letit'