The Brussels Post, 1938-1-12, Page 4NEWS OF THE DISTRICT
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
The Y. P. S. of Demi f'ist'ed
church convoaed .Monday at 0.111
atom, The rnisionary departutent
tad charge of ,the meeting, with
Darothy . Franklin es leader, tl ; re
was a large etrtoneance Ireir_rt,
•+rite monetary response was genes-
Notices were -Maly pasted, the:
the meeting for the election n£ w''•1•
lags trustees would be held at Glee
'Pep. Clerk's office, Tuesday, Jul..
11, in the evening.
Grey „Twp Cnuncll was in emote
1y session Monday, Jan. 10, a.. tee
clerk's office. Routine 1Muw nr -s
"wee 'transacted after whet few
bueiness was discussed,
Lip to slate Lino mite and a eller,•,„
of neigh8sorh:aod. west of I)'h :,:r':
corner an eolt..e, Crey, s,+t:= e.M,.
record for runaway ho:':;e e Th..
,first incident oecured, when Stem.
Dunbar's horse, drawing le.- ,^t+
got beyond eontroi, clue tr. :,ere. -
le econting
r,'becoming dieeornectea '_:-,o T.
eultel' and the ',nes failing to -`i
the sudden atra'.n. The nee, :,
list happened wrhen Telford Kee -I-
team, broke away lealein€ elle .1
with contents end driver ;t, 1!."
ditch, the draw bolt having n
.out sof ,place. A speedy event i', .1i
place last creek -end, with1
Earl's team ,salting the pact, 51.1
ing their start from the home pr'-11i-
ises with only the whiffleiree, -1'
latched and ending in a hudele e'1
main street in 1+1"het. Pu t 1 tt
no lasting, burl results fe ew.ei
these happentnge.
We are pleased to notice tett
eters. W. Bray ie able to he ground
again as,she Les been confined to
the house for some time. harm_•, had
.much l scomt'r1't+in walking.
W. He Love, Funeral Dirt or, h't,l
'charge of the funeral of t.e.- late
Will. Mitchell, con. 12, Grey, dare
the week,'
Fred Cole end Nelson Si
attended a hockey game 01
.Lot 29, ,Concession 17,
Townehip of Grey
TUESDAY, JANUARY .18th, 1938
at the hour of one o'clock:
in the afternoon
The following Stock &
will be offered for sale.
:1 Alare 12 years old
1 Gelding, 13 years old
:2'klolstein Cnwe, due in AprUI
1 Durham Cow, due •in ?day
1 Holstein Cow, due in May
1. Jersey Cow, due In March
:2 Holstein Cows due In. May
:1 Hereford Bull 1 year old
:2 Yearling Heifers
i2 Goats
F'reest & Wood Binder"'
'Deering .Mower
:Deering hake
• OnitiFator
• Sot .af ;13lirrovs
Wia'king, Plow
Feaintxg ;Mill
)Set • of 2000' lb 'Renfrew Scales
t'Set Iotikie'Harness
Snuffler. -.Wagon
Gar, fllayfork, Rope Sc P1111073
• 411ant'ity of Ilay and; Turnips
L€d ,Sltopirs of Corn
'And 'Other Small Articles
ILLIAM SCOTT, Auctioneer.
Listowel last Monday.
A L. AI.:D(nald local drover
shipped both cattle and hogs from
keret 3louday.
Motor trw!tlt' between :he vill ge
and Ethel C', N. R. station bap been
resumed atter a few days voila'.it.n
following sniw filled roads,
From the time that Motor Cate
could tint be teed owing 7o the
dept ti now Quest 1)obsea has
piovidrri d:iviug uceorumieletcolt five neighbors and friends gat'.ered
with horse and cutter for Doctor at the home of air, end Mrs. It..1,
Cohttthwlut in 1.i professional tette. McLennan ou Friday evening to
tla:e out of teem. pleseut the neevly-weds In th; per -
etre. Jae Aires and Mrs .Joe sons of Mr, and Mrs, Melville
Nlehuishl Wath to Brit sle via Slathers with a nliscellanSutte
c'. ,', 10. m e>.t:1y cotuhinin; bust- shower the gifts were numerals and
Hess w; it pl 'y.ui'e. costly, a weIi prepared pr0g'acn
was given and Much served and 1:10
remainder of .110 evening was spear
in playing castle and dancing until
the wee smell hours cf the mottling..
A +.7
Miss Velma Wheeler, Be grave,
has been appointed musical in-
structress in Anderson's school, 3rd
line and aloe Mellor's school, 3rd
line, she also hoe schools its Grey
and Wawanosin, this opportunity 15
considered a great privilege for
liupils In the various echoots,
About one hurdred and twenty'
�Gl'ir 1t, ale', e1e00 orelmetea
preveting ti„r tut •stn, the big 'tate-er-
e-le at 0r:.r 1''vp. hall, Friday night,
were enteyabee 1)1tertainmeet.
'('1e: Januar,: meeting of 311' W.
M. S. „f it!' h •1 l'ai'oci Church eves
heed an Tiers 'ay at:ern0u, Jac..
lei) at 'h:., leen, r.r Mrs. I1, Levy.
1'11e arc•: ids u'.', Jiro. W, Bremner
9)0)31 :001 lad',_, att,e,vl,•:1,
Pir•' a:tri, wa crc,m,i, with
hymn :lei Which Mrs. II. S1a,-ir-
.,.r. r. Lro:nn I0.,nl
1;. c:;an•
1211 11; and 1F C'a,r nileet 5
I :1r.•. ,, Tee- Der. L:'.$! ' ...Phe
e'1 a:'•n in tr:.i3: wav given by ,1Pso
:and .lit , Maga arc then
1,4 in prayer,
1'...• 1, t :71I' is
nt .•h, Nue t; Az. were ou3'11101 by
-Mi , h Frat..t A 11 n; T:'n1p,r-
School Report
The fcdi)Witrg is
S. no, '7, (Ivey tor
Dee ember.
Senior Itoorlt-
Glade 0 Testcvi in (len ecetce,':
Alg G+. -ug,. F0 , ilia., Bus. Prat ,
Alice Ilur 1te 1 S5%
Verla Ft cbrr 6o'b
Doris Pah:: 60%
Grade 3 Ex..tulited In head„
Spell,. Gc•o„, dram., Arlth.
. ;41 1,101 Wa:: given In Mss, Jas. Edna Cameron 70%
1,,_ al 1 Tue. topic. "The, -kpo ,le Stuart Stevruson 70'"0
of the Reel Rileere taken front the : It„mild G talon 69r"c
' Study Beek WBS ably presented by Grads 7
Mrs. Jos, feat'otr. 1-10'n Smalitiou Se%
After .ingiug hymn ;166. the 3,1,1-3. 1 Bob Cameron 317`",
1 t eai`.si1
dela doted lee meerIng with (trade 6 t N:mined in E
player, i Social Studies, ;frith., Read, 1Vrit.,
Tli 'Busy u •L.•," Auxiliary Of the Spell.
prsbylerian Church met at 1110 i nary Sre,'enson 84%
home of Miss Elizabeth Barton. The t Bartley 06,1
meeting opened wicb hymn uo 371 Doris flood 71
follow -eel by the Lord's prayer in ` Donald Clark 631'0
unison. The Scripture Rending Binned Williams, Teacher
from Matthew the 12th chapte• w'as 1 Junior Room
Della McInnes followed by the I Examined 311 head., Writ., 2.e.1,
Current Events by elariorie Brown. i Arithe English and Social Studies,
The minutes ot: the last meerieg , Grade 5
were read and the roll call taken. 1 Morgan Cameron 75
The next meeelag will be held ht Grade 4
Ruth Stevenson 90
,Clifford Quereagesser 79
Billy Gorden 78
Grade 3
Ronald Hue-ther 37
Kenneth Knight 80
Kenneth Fischer 63
Grade 2
Doreen Pride 79
Jimmy Keigbt 76
Winnifred Steiss 75
Isabelle Cla"k 67
Grade 1
Ruth Pride
Florence Quereagesser good
Alice .7, Forrest, Teacher.
the repots 0( S.
November. evil
an'a Adaogldtten of the United
Church. Mrs, McLeunou presided
and the Scripture leaden Was read
by Mrs, Jnseph 13recktenlege
Plans were made to have lu+.t,
done during I.Iv• winter,
The eoelety decided t'O Mehl a
beau sewer ehi•uaty 10 10 be Yel-
lowed by the congregational an-
nual toeetiug,
Rev, A, V, Robb explained the
constitution of 'he Society and oleo
contributed a nolo. Itefreshreeuts
were served by the hostesses, Mrs.
MeLennon, Mrs, Edward Joeustall
and Mra, George Wheeler.
The W. M. S of Knox Preeby
terlan C11urelt held the regular
tllacthlc tuee'.iug Thursday aerie
noon, Mss, Alex Mowbray presided
and followed oil the program us
outlined in the Glad Titltuge, the
theme being 'The way of Prayer;'
Mrs, le. S. ei elven and the prese
dent offered seeelal prayer. aids
()live Scott gave a brief talk on
"The Conditions of- Effective P:ay-
er," and Sirs. J. R. Greig spoke: on
"What Prayer Imes,°
The county ;+row plough has the
roads upeneti again for Waffle be-
tween Listowel :std \Vingbam
Foretells Toronto Bells
Will Out -Number Knells
'fake a took at Toronto durb0g
19:11 through a ceatistical spy -glass
and you'll be surprised,
With Edw'ali1 Ashton, health de-
partment etaaSticiau, you see death
`canting to 8,100 men, women and
children who today are alive,
You see 34 recn and Women tak-
ing their own lives on accnuot at
such things as uurequitad love,
poor beaith or business failure.
But then :car $Py glass touusses
on a happier acme.
You see 7,00 euupiea--a big jump
aver last yea", inti the year 1,'fue
going to toe 41101 "tor better oc sur
'With Cupid being busier,- ,3o will
be the stork.
Thus 10,400 boys and girls will be
registered with City Clerk Somers.
You see all tl:ie after talking with
llr. Ashton, Whose big job 1s
scrambling and unscrambling
figures to make statistical broth,
Ile thinks tn.te will be at: in-
crease in the marriages because
there were 500 more wedding, in
1937 than 1930, and it was the big-
gest jump in eve years,
But back to the telescope....
You see eight people murdered.
You see 290 dying as a result of
the home of Attu. L. Sinclair end
Helen Jardine will be in charge of
the Mission Band. Hymn number
752 was then onng followed by the
topic by 1st -bell Turnbull, The
meeting closed with hymn number
761 and the lellzpah benedlet,ot. Ar
the close 01 Gm meeting lunch was
Theer was no church service at
Moncrieff last Sunday on account of
the illness of the pastor. Sunday
school was held as usual.
The annual meeting of Moncrieff
TJni,ted Church is Planned for Fri-
day; Jan, 23.. The ladies are plan-
ning a supper, after which the
reports will DI heard and business
transacted. Tusy are bolting every-
one will make ',n effort tt, attend
this meeting.
The W. M. w. cf it'loncrieff church
met in the basement of the chureb
oa Jan. 5, wife Mrs, V, Inglis Pre-
siding, The opening hymn was
"Pass . me ant, 0 gentle Saviour"
atter which Mrs. Alex Manu led in
prayer, The scripture lesson was
read by Mrs. M. Ferg. After roll
call, .the minutes of the last meet
Mg were read end approved then
Mra, Inglis took charge of the buss;
nese lee come befpre the meeting.
.All joined in winging "Justis keep
me near the cl035,' which was tot -
lowed by the eievotional 1ea010: read
by Mrs. B. Fera. The offering wars
then received and Mrs. Aiec 4q eit'-
an spokeeu tee Study Boot "tette
MRS, FRED HODGES, the ends of the earth;" the stetted
,Administratrix. 01133)lter•of whit:1( was our study por-
oney is Tight.
slut there are peapte who
are cdttstantty looking for
oftlagi'tuuities to lend motley
otegooilsecurity, If you want
to borrow a few deflate, or a
kW thousand, our Want Ads.
will put you intouch with
® those who have money to
Eon, for this month, The closing
llynnn was "Wile¢ a Friend we have
tri Jesus," and the meeting closed
with prayer,
Marry Y3iencli of :lir, and Mrs I,011
Evans, jr., guii.tred in JIon"tieff
Community IIv': on Friday eve.
7an. 7, and presented them wee. a
shower of miar•ellanenns ri,.t:s. The
evening was ct.j0ytthly teeze 11 1(1
dancing and -:rosin chat, the ❑'Luis at 1: late Maui' eet:n beet
'wishes to the 'voting tt0Uple,
Next Friday, Jan. 14, thee-. wilt
be a dance In Monerieff Ila3l, La'les
bring lunch.
Judge: "Witne's says you neith0,3
'o avoid
alnwed dntvn o, tried to vtr 1 t1
Motorit,t: "7 took all precautions,
Year honor, i blew my horst and
Cursed him;'
WBD111;)?DM . MN. lath, 1933
A meeting of the Plot owners of
Cranbrook Cemetery will be held in
C3'anbrook Community Hall • Tues-
day, January 13111, at 2 p.m.
By order -R• L. McDonald, Pas.
W. A, Williams --Sr e.
News Items Wanted by the POST
Telephone Brussels
--Gots 310111ed
-Has Guests
--Goes Away
-Iles a Party
--Has n Baby
-.--1Ias a Fire
-Is IIi
-Has an Operation
en Accident
-)3uye a Home
-Niue a Prize
-Receives an Award
--Builds a House
---,Makes a Spceclt
-Hoicis a meeting
-Go ')'ekes Purl to Any
Other Unusual Event
Telephone Mussels 31
THE "POS'1" to anxious to pablislt all tile news le Can,
Wo feel that readers can help us by sending le items like `Personale.'
"Reports of Social Affairs" aatl outer "Aobivitioe."
One item alone may seellt (00 email',to bather wldlr, but When ad•
ded to many other8 beim matte In terotting neves of the "Doing4" of
our town and rural fonts.
beteg stlnck by ears, falling down- city, of which 1,170 Will leeo1ve
stalls, taking poison, in fires or , loss, In 975 the loss will he levier
Dem as7hixia,len. Ten to nice the - $500; in 80, between 9500 and 91,-
290 will irtchule someone who • 000; in 11)3, between 91,050 and 710. -
"didn't know It was loaded" or let 000; in saver, between $10,0110 and
the doors of the garage slam while 930,000; in tovo, between e50,000
the car's engine was running, i and $100,000, and the chance,: ere
• 1 two to one there will be one o\el'
70 to Die in Mishaps • $100,000.
There will be between 350 au -1 400
cases of false :alarm,
"We think drat the eddies,
false alarm may cost a life; has cut
down the numyer of false alarm:,"
it was stated,
Chief 0onstaLle Draper is be•ld•a
you now.
You will see that despite all :
Pleadings for caution and observ-
ance, 70 people die as a resu:t of
lnoto. accidents. 3.500 receive in-
juries ranging from a cut lip to a
fractured skull.
Twenty of tate 70 will be children
under 15.
"We are; sail IL G, Fester, oe
i the Ontario Safety league, "expect-
ing a. slight nue"rase in the uaniber
of people injured.`
Then Fire Cltlef Sinclair steps up•
to the glass with you. You 115.1 the
glare of 2,50') fres throughout the
t '
Includes 10,000 Women
You see aroind 105,000 men and
women being a"rested or summoned
for everything from murd11 to
throwing .garbage on the neighbor's
Mrs, John 'Giiickstead spent the
week -end with RIr. and Mrs, Nell
McLean In Toronto.
We are sorry to hear Mrs, John
Hall is not very well at present and
hope she w111 soon he Netter.
Mrs, Inglis alit son of Atword.
spent the weekend with her mother
Mrs. Sao, Cos"mte in Bluevala
He are sorry to' hear Mrs. John
('asemore has been laid up wlin a
bad cold,
Mrs, Rudd visited for a wee):
with 'ter son anti daughter -le -law
near Guelph,
Mr, and Mrt. Chas, Johnston and
visited 0n Sunday afternoon with
Mr. and Mrs, Spelling Johnslla,
31r, Milvert. Sellers spent a few
days with Mr. and Airs. Itobt. Mc -
Glennon and family.
Young People Meet At Bluevele
The 'Young People s Union Or the
United Church held a banrplc` Wed.
Heatley 00eniaz after choir practice,
white' had h•,rr, po„thenad 1•ront
New Year's I:.r•, Gsm"s etnd a
sing•w01333 W.`re enjoy 4, ffolio'.v.•rt
by an oyster ,,upper. (leorg•' IFerb-
ey'btgtort, ;'lee tir'Mv ;:re-id''nt, anri
Ituv. A. V, 'h0bi1 were railed o0 3031'
Jfrs. Rvhert McLenriou t'»'.nett
11e1' haste Tints;day afteru0,at: for
rite monthly meeting of the Won.
General Insurance Agent
Ethel, Ont. - Phone 22-8
Styling as different as it
is beautiful, for this
bigger -looking, better -
looking Chevrolet,
tive . the safe, self -
energizing brakes for
modern travel ... giving
maximum protection.
So safe -so comfortable
-"the world's finest ride".
On Master De Luxe
Giving the most efficient
combination of power,
economy, dependability.
Larger interiors -lighter,
brighter colors -end Uni-
steel construction with
Safety glass for safety.
Eliminating drafts, smoke,
windshield clouding and
assuring each passenger
individually controlled
Easier, tiptoe -pressure
clutch operation. Weer is
greatly reduced. No lub-
rication required.
Name of "sand •r
semen. msrasstomeszonsozomereserams.r,
lawn, The total includes
You See a11on'. 1,510 automeeet+s
stolen, but cheer up, because 1,4e5
are recovered, some only a matter
of hours aNer reported stolen.
C'itIzens in 1033 are sc11et1111eJ to
buy abut 18,00 new automebt'ee.
Going down irate the works de-
partment, you Rare. that 26.000,000,.
000 gallons of water -enough for
good-sized laic,--wvip be consumrd-
and jumping back to the third
floor you 3 earn that 670 1401 odd
Torontonians well probably 041 26,-
400,000 gallons of milk.
The glees tures hetet to the pollee
department and you see 1,000 kid-
dies straying alias' from mother
while shopping or from home, But
your fact: brightens, because nearly
all will be found
You'll be ahead with a
Buy it Now, and Put Yourself Ahead in Style and Savings
... in Winter -driving Safety and Dependability
FrO check the exclusive features listed to the left is
to know that Chevrolet leads because Chevrolet
gives more for the money. To check the advantages
of buying your new 1938 Chevrolet now, is to know
why you see so many on the'streets already. For
example - .. You can face bad weather conditions
confidently -no starting troubles, no repair ex-
pense, no worry about weak, smooth tires. You'll
enjoy the priceless safety of perfected Hydraulic
Brakes, always equalized, quick -acting -tile protec-
tion of an All -Steel Body by Fisher, and Safety glass
all around you. And don't forget you'll be saving
costly depreciation on your present car.
Chevrolet puts you ahead in everything ... in style,
safety -- in the little it costs you to buy and runI
-itteorawd-Mater Special S•Pau. Sedan with creek.
.GKkF' 0
.... " .., r..
(2•Parr. Morro B01010.11 Cee5e)
FROM $892
Delivered 01 factory, Oshawa, Ont,
Government tax, freight and license
ease. (Prites mbiettcochange wirh•
out maim) Monthly ppayments to
suit your purse on the General
Motors instalment Plan.
Orval Whitfield --Champion's Garage