The Brussels Post, 1938-1-12, Page 1r4140.4steketteerr.NOVarV rtOral USE THE ADS AS YOUR SHOPPING LISTS Ilseepopersueststocietewsteteegmostomes .."•••••,* ORUSSEILSTINIWIlp bp Exile 4. Seven Will Wardenship Of Huron County County Council Experience .,,Of Candidates) Totals 37 Yeare MEET JANUARY 18 Keen Interest le ahown in the race or Warden of Huron COunty for 1938. 'Seven candldatee, it is be- lieved, have announced their In- tecatioa •et seeking else honor When council convenes for its inaugural seen wt Goderich on JanuarY 18th. Those eito, it is expeoted, will al- low their names to gaud include: Reeve Henry Key% of Grey town - shin; 3. A. Brya.us, of Howica tcwn- ship; George McNeal, ot Myths. We - met Haacke, ot Goderich township; Elston ,Goadiff, of Morris township: Peter W. Scott, of Bast Wawanosh, and W. 3, Stewart, of West Mtwara else, They will seek the office 'held dur- ing 1937 by Warden. J, M, Eckert, Reeve of Mclealop township, and who eellnquishes the office otter a Particularly successful year. War- den Eckert will still be a member of council having been re-elected by acclamation in lecIellole, Following tae long atandiag cute tons. at having a Wardell elected by the Conservatives one year and a Liberal 'the next the alleles this year will be in the hands of tbe Conservatives), of whom there are 19 in the council Each of the seven candiclatea has bad at least three years of exper- ience on the county council and some have served for as long as •seven years. Reeves Haacke and Stewart entered the council in 1931; Reeves Cardiff and Scott in 1932; Reeve MaNall in 1933, and Reeves Bryanand Keys in 1935. -Huron-Expositor. .••••••• SKATING PARTY Under the Auspices of St. John's Ladles Guild To Be Held On FRIDAY, JANUARY 14th In the Brussels Arena Skating From 8-10 and a tasty lunch served in the Church basement after skating Brussels Citizen's Band In Attendance 2 LUCKY TICKETS ADMISSION - 15c & 10c EVERYBODY COME AND ENJOY THEMSELVES "KEEPI" The Evening of TUESDAY, JANUARY este for SKATING PARTY (El) russtio (lot --------WEDNEStalT,JA:NUA:RY 12* 1931; SUNDAY SCHOOL HEAD LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 11 .Knox Uritecl 8 6. At Beigrave Elects Officers -7^ NAME N KEATING CARD OF THANKS The Minuet meeting at Knox! I wash to express my sincere ape • 'United Church Suaday school was Preciatioa to neighbors and friends held Friday abetting. Rev. e, 13, for the mac acts of kindness done Townend acted as chairtnan. The and expressious of eYmpathy ex- eeadle roll report was presented by tended during the illness and :lute husbana, ea. att1 Rev, tribute% Aare. M. Grasby. Sunday scbool was held idea -nine Sundays during the year. Eight of the teachers and of. floors bad 90 per cent. or more at- tendance during the year, • The election of °Meer)) resulted as follows: Saperintendent, Nor- man Keating; assistants, Earle An- derson, C. 11. Coultes; sea, Martin Grasby; aseletant, George Michie; treas., Freda Jordan; auelltore Edith Procter and Mrs. C. Logan; pianists, Fred Jordan and Blaine Walsh; librarians, Almond Janile- son, James R. Coultes; cradle roil supt., Mrs. AL GrIeby; Bible Class, 1101'. 3. B. Townend, Earle Ander- son, 3. W. Scotia TAPPle V, leader, J. S, Procter; Senior Girs, Mrs. C, R. Coutes and Myrtle Yuill; Inter. mediate Boys, ()oldie Wheeler and James Michle; Junior Boys, Velma. Wheeler, George Martin; Intermes dlate Girl% Edith Procter, Mrs N. Keeling; Junior Girls, Mrs, Cyrus Scott, Mre, James Michle; Primary Mrs. George elartin, Mrs. be Levu; Beglnnens, Mrs. Chamney, Ana Grasby; otfleial representative to Official Board, M, Grasby, A corn- Inittee Was appeinted to rearrange the library books. Another com- mittee was to secure seals and dila lomas for threes, winning them In at- tendance at Sunday school and church. Seberal items of business were discussed. IN THE ARENA Sponsored by Melville Presbyterian Young People's Society Skating from 8-10 and dainty lunch served In the Church after skating Brussels Citizen's Band In Attendance ADMISSION - 15c & 10c itemegtetesetelateceefeetztetetetatmemeicalea REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH NEW LY.WEDs HONORED BY BLUEVALE FRIENDS NOW PLAYING William Boyd Steven Marra Gall Sheridan. Hills of Old Wyoming Blazing pews trees of Adventure Mr. and Mrs, Melville Mathers Are Recipients Of Gifts seguent Pedal)), to O. Cumming, Mrs, demise of MY Dr, Colgaboun also for oral Free N. Hodges, -0-5- Parcel Post Limit 25 Pounds The Post Office reepartmen, nas nounced that the weight limit for parcel Post has been increased from 15 peunds ti 25 pounds. While this new limit will be a been to outlying points wbere no other service is ava'lable, express coin- panies are making a strong pl"a to have the 15-ponnel limit restored, as the new one will no doubt divert a lot of their business to the post offlee. Mr. and Mrs. Robert ercieenuou 'Ivere host and bostess on Friday evening for a pleasant social func- tion In honor ot Mr. and Mrs, Mel- ville Mathers, who were married on Christmas Day A, D. Smith acted as chairman and called on 44ex. MacBwen, clerk of Morris Town- ship, who responded in fine fashion. Other numberwere a community Journal read by Mrs. Sperling Johnston; reading, Miss Margaret Turvey, and e. character song by the Misses MeLeenon, Miss. Massie Milligan, Miss Ho- garth and Wee unice Thornier:, on behalf of the assembled gueels, presented the bride and bridegroom with a miscellaneous sbower. to which Mr. and Mrs. alathers re- plied fittingly. Refreshments were enjoyed and the remainder of the evening was spent In playing cards and dancing. Music was supplied by the Robertson Bros., Fred Hole lenbece and Stanley Mustard.. MON., TUES., WED. Mary Roberts Rinehart's Saturday Evening Post Story Starring 23X Hours Leave James Ellison Terry Walker A furlough of Mirth and Melody NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT• William Boyd James El limn Nora Lane in • Borderland Hopalong .Cassidy and his huddles undertake their most dangerous mission Jack Surprised Lew • Some of the lrcal Nesters Who had caught a ;leak ralibit wheel be- came exrausted running in front ot their car when they were returaing from Goderich, after the Goderich Bruesele hockey game Friday right, put. the.animal in the back of the de- livery truck of one of our enter- prising young merebants. Bunny arrived a bit early for Baster but there it was all ready for sienething-we !ergot to ask if rabbit pie was en the menu next day. BIRTH Stevenson -To Mr. and Mrs, John H. Stevenson, Grey Twp„ on Thursday. January Gt1t, a son, Murray Diugies, COMING - Internes Can't Take Money The Garden of Allah Mats, Sat & Holidays at 3 Tani. BAKING & RUMMAGE SALE ON SATURDAY, JANUARY 16th In ,Publio Library at 2 o'clock The Women's Institute will hold Sale of Home-made Baking Marmalades. Jelly, Candy Etc. Be sure and get some wonderful bargains at the rummage sale a MELVILLE Presbyterian Church SUNDAY, JANUARY 16th, 1938 the services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. will be conducted by REV. G. D. LITTLE, B,A., of Elmira, lent, Sunday School at 3 p.m. All Members and Adherents are Invited to Attend these , Services -'l---0- Presbyterian W. M. S. The W. M. S. of Melville Presby- terian Church teld Its feat meeting at the New Yeat Friday aftareoon. Mrs, H. Paelter, president for 1938, occupied the cheer. The Minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. John Meadows, The treasurer, Mrs. R. Thncnpson, gave her repore and Mrs. H. Netter gave the anneal report, Mrs, A. Strachan, past president, conducted the installation of officers for 1938, Airs. G. A. Deadman fillowee wite the service iron the Glad Telings, 'The Way of Prayer." Mies 51. Garniss gave a pleasing solo. THE UNITED CHURCH 0.0 Engagement Announcement The engagement is announced of Helena Elizabeth (Betty) youngest da,ugleter of MIS. Drager and the late Gharles H. Drager of Walton to Russell William, sou of Mr. and Mrs, I, el, Bryan of Brusids. The marriage to take place in January, -*-*- Union Prayer Service Held At United Church The Cnion player Serving was held In the Hefted Church Thursday evening and was well attended. The first address was given by the Rev. John Graham, lector of St John's Anglican Churcb, when be spoke on "Search me, OL t3od, and know my heart; Try me and know my thoughts." Rev, H. 3, Mahoney gave an address on "Prayer" and dressed the importance of sending missionaries to the new world, Huron Old Boys At Home The Huron old Boys' Association and the Huron County Junior Asso- ciation, of Tororto, will hold 'their 3Sth annual "At Home' 'at the Ma- sonic Temiee, Ilevenport Rea: and Younge SL, Wednesday evening January 19th at 8.30 p.m. Dr. G. F. Belden is president and R. S. Sheppard, secretary of the Old Boys' Association and Kenneth C. Stanbury, president and Bode Hill, secretary of the. Junior Association, Women's Institute The Women's Institute mot Thursday afternoon with Mire H. Speir president, A committee was appoiuted to arrange for a home - baking and rummage sale and a tea shop to be held next week, Mrs. R, 1. McLauchein and Miss A, Down- ing gave a aslant on Buymansbip They demoustrated the buying of silks and cotton,: and told how they are made, and bow to tell the good from the poor. These ladies Attended the testa - Wee in Wroxeter where Miss Cellins at Toronto demonstrated and ex- plained about the buying of these goods. REV, H. J. MAHONEY, B,A,, 13.0, Minister 11 am. --WORSHIP. 3 p.m, -SUNDAY SCH'OOL, • 7 p.m. -Worship tonducted by the Minister. Monday-Y,P,S, Meets at 8 p Jack Bryant in charge. Thursday -Annual Congregational Meeting. Come and take an active interest In your church ^ -• PEOPLE WE KNOW mu Mina Wyatt, ot Toronto was a week -end visitor at her home air, and Mrs., Alvin Pride mai fam- ily moved recently to the bonne owned by the late Mies Bertha Parr, Mr, end Mee, Levi Holmes and fatally of Flint, Miehe were recent guests at the home of L. W. Ede, atier, Andrew Tennant Mee has bean sick for same time is improving Mrs, D. R. Cunningham is visit' Ing at the bout. of her diameter, Nine W, Pascoe, Oshawa, T. le Walker whi bas been very lick is improving, George ,McCall is somewhat im- proved in 'health we are glad to state. Miss Fanny Hogg Is visiting friends in Monitecn. Mr, and Mr% Sylvester C. Fax of Brussels celebrated their twenty- seventh wedding anniversary on Tuesday, Jantatey llth. Congratu lations were emended to them by their many friends. Mrs, A, H. Lowe, Barrie, Donald McLeod, Winnipeg and Mr, and Mrs. Plana McLeod and s.on, Clarke of Lebanon bave been guests at the lanne of Mr. and Mrs. Graham Campbell, ted eon. Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Turnbull of Gree. United Church Y. P. S. The Y, P. S. of Brussels 'Unites] Ohurch held their regular meeting on Monday night, Barbara Michie led in prayer followed by the busi- ness, A hymn was then sung. Scripture was read by Margaree Downing. Melee Baeker gave a very intuiting topic on "Thoughts For The New Year.' ' A delightful piano 4010 was played by Mary Davison, Aanther hymn was then nag and the meeting closed with Mizpah Benecliition, -*-*-- Melville Ladies Aid The regular ineetidg of the Ladies Aid of Melville Chum)) was held on Monday evening. The meeting opened witr prayer by Mrs. Mea- dows followed by the Sec, ai'd Treas., reports being resat a, d adopted. Annual reports wore also given, Discussion followed as to plans for the New Year and it was decided to bold group teas el the various noires. A. Comnattee, consisting of Mrs, 7. 0, Beekci (con.); Mrs, L. W. Edemier, Mrs. W. Little and errs. J, S. Armstrong, Was appointed to look atter rare:M- um/Its for the Akuual Aleeaug to be held on Jan, 17th. Pay Up And Shut Up It appears that all rivalry has ceased in the daily nevvspaper busi- ness, From January 1st, it is a matter ot pay the price and shut up, Have the linanc'al barons of Mon- treal and Toronto entered the news- paper field, or are the stock-heklers Just taking a fling at the dear pub lie? There seems no Teasel) what- ever for the dailies combining at a dollar per year in advance, and at the same time reducing the wins' commission ie medically nothing, The difference in a single subserip- flan in the }Mamma of newsprint is a bagatelle and does not werant the :Advance. Well, Juat pay and like a seems the answer. Teesevater News DEATHS . 1:Psms..4,alsmriz.:Pivss.AsA'r • EVERY KIND OF JOB -.PRINTING AT .RF-ASONARLE PRICES. 4elleetieePetaerateitatelleigialatatalfeelletelatelatelei. PosTT-uNG i-RATSE: Goderich Team Defeats Brussels able number of young men Imre been developing the mink industry HEAD LETTUCE For delicious sandwiches and salads Grewar's have fresh Head Lettuce No. 1 Oracle. Special price. Two fresh heads only 15c, SEE our special plea, on the new crop 1938 oarnges Sunkist Brand, Cash and Carry, A. GREWAR-"We Sell For Less" --*-5- LookoUt Mission Band The Lookout Mission Band ca the United Church beta their first mew: ing of the yea,' Monday afternoon of this week in the lecture room of the church with an attendance of 31, The newel:deers were in, their re. speetIve places, Jean %me:au tatt- ing the chair, Id iuutes of last meet- ing and financlet report wen lead and approved. Mrs, Wilson the new superintenuent was then in- troduced and welcomed by the Band. Mrs. Parker then read two letters receivel from Miss Domes ellssionary In Honyung, Korea, also a letter from Gbo Cum. OK a Ko- rean boy who is seeking Cauallian Moffatt -hi Sault Ste. Marie, on Dec, 2915; Jean Annette, only deughter Wm. and Amite Moffatt, age 21 years. Walsall -in Grey townshlv of Sun- day, .Tanuale tele 1933; William 'Tames Willis Mitchell, in his Seth year. The funeral was held from his Mee residence, lot 9, con, 11, Grey lownehip 011 WednesdaY. January 12t1e 1938. Service at 2,00 pan. Interment wee made in Emends cemetery, Score 4.1 its Fact Ore in Goderich Last Friday niget the Inter/lied. atte Greyhounds uncorked a burs( of speed and kept nearly titres bund, red fans on their feet through eixity minutes ef dean 'hockey as they defeated Brussels 4-1 at the West street rink in a W.O.H,A, scheduled game. The Greyhounds passing plays had the visitors at a lees through out the game and only the superle- rly in tlie lest period, kept tsloovereb.lockIng of their goalie, Miller, Particula the locals from running pp a big The transfer of Norm. Dawe from the detente to pivot position or/ the first line apparently 'was a wise move on the ettet of Coach Murney, for Dawe prove", himself a beady man in that position and a natural playmaker, He paved the way for one goal and eecred another, Skip MacDonald had his sheeting eye lined up and accounted for two goals and Scrimgeour notched the fourth. The visitors failed to capitalize time atter time after working in'on Bud Worthy, who replaced Bob Bieck in goal, passes and shots going wide on what looked like certain scores, Mailing List Corrected The 'Post' wishes to thank all those who leave renewed their sub- scription. Our mailing list was corrected on Friday, January ath, it your label is not correct kindle telephone 31 and we gladly see that 11 18 changed. There is sail a number or small accounts awing, a settlement would be apareciated. NOTICE The following was received by the Sec.-Treas., of the local brance .ot the timer Canada Bible Society. Miss Carrie A. Hingeton, Brussels, Oat, Dear Friend: We acknowledge with thanks your remittance for e137,00 being contributions from you local Bench . We enclose official re- ceipt herewith. 'Kindly convey ie your Officer% Colleators and Members out sin. cere appreciate iu of their practical assistance 111 the great work of circulating the Scriptures through the British and Foreign Bible So- ciety. Thanking you personally for your continued late:est in our work, I remain, on behalf or the Societe, Voiles siacerely, C. G, Stevens, Mgr Local Town Council Holds First Meeting First Goal for Brussels Brussels opened the scoring early in the first period when H. Work- man bored through with ale linea mates, the Rutledge brothers, and gaited a bobbling* shot between Worthy's katee from the right boards. It was more or lees a fluke goal, and the Greyhounds evened upon a classy passing play between Dawe and Gus Worthy, the former sinking a ten -foot shot atter tbey had worked through the War- wtek-Haggit defence. Fox, Brussels alternate, was in- Jureel when be fell in a scra-mine al the Goderich goal. A. toe skate pierced his nese and he was taken from the game. The second period was e dingdong battle between defences, with no one able to get near the goals until near Use end el the period. Art Doak robbed a. Brussels man at the visitor's blue line and de,sbed Into a corner, making a perfect paes to MacDonald in front of the goal Skip was not covered and he lest et) time showing the rubber in the net. Miller aidtet have a chenee, -S'- MORRIS-5 SKINNERS- .1 By Bill Stephenson A very interesting game ef hock- ey was played en Monday night In the local areas. The over -confident Skinners were trounced to the tune of 5.4 by Morrie wood-chappers, The Skinners out -skated, oweplayed, and friends. Sidle were them chosen outeshot the wood choppers, but with Thelma Blethers and Ruth due to the greet work of Hunter Thomas as captains. The meeting was closed by repeating The Lord's Prayer in enema. -*--*- First 'Meeting of Huron Fox and Mink Breeders Fox and ernat breeders of Hurotl will hold the first meeting ot its kind in Huron, at Clinton, sons,/ time in April, in the Agriculture hall there, This announcement was made by Ian MacLetel, Agri- eultural representative for Tile enmity, who nee beeaperoaehed by a good number of fox and Iniuk breeders about holding such e meet- ing to meet one anotber and discuss their peoblems together. Air, McLeod hopes lo bave two or three good speakers to address the April meeting on seen, eubjede as tooling, disease control and gred- ing of pelts. Fax missing has been tarried ou in lettren for some time but It le only the past few years that ti. COnSIdel'• Many important Items of BUeineeg Diaouseed at Opening Meeting Riga lights at the' Bre-Beets Tem"). Council meeting on Monday night at the Public Library was Reeve W, C. Keyr's inaugural address to council as foliewes Before commencing ISa Year's business I wish to congratulate yea all on being elected as councillora of this village. I welcome the old as well as tha rawly elected.' I tide for your coeoperation. I know we will differ In opinions oe some Paola' lems but let us all work. together. I do not expect our mill rate to de- crease, in fact I exped 11 will nava to be inereasse die or two mills, se we can have a entail surplus at the end of the year. This will allow us to create a sinking fund for nee" unexpected expenditure that might come to band. Our biggest problem is relief, I are sorry to say so let es all work together and work out a, Plan 'that will be satisfactory to the ratepayers and assist unfortunates in these very trying times. * * * The council members were all un- animous that stricter measuree. should be taken in the matte e or dealing out rOiirf than M the past, W, Little thought that there should. be a man at station weigh scale tre relieve Gordon 111cDawell, so that be could attend to other more Import- ant duties. Finlay Sands suggested el:tat the town buy an acre of bush for supplying wood for relief, but It was found after discussion Beet this plan was not feasible,. It was deemed advisable by the. cauncil to ask ter tenders for an. assessor at a salary of e74 per year. All for the Greyhounds The last periCa was stblen 1»' the Greyhounds, evbcwon roars of ap- proval, with limit tight teanaplay. With less than one minute f elaps- ed playing time Dawe slipped Scrimgeour te pass Which resulted in a 3.1 lead for the locals. Tbe only permIty of the vane, which was Maimed to be mega at times, was handed out to Ge at 'Brussels, whn tripaed Sadden to save a sbot on goal. Miller was unbeatable for nearly five minutes a3 the Deltas, MacDon- ald and O'Brien literally pePpered him with rubber, but ale 'defence weakened a few minutes later when Art Doak, Stoddart and MacDonald worked iu °lostt with short passes, Skip driving in the fourth goal. The teams Brusesls-Goal., Miller; defence, they were held demi to 4 Vale and a fifth not being counted. At elutes play got rough and Andy Steles and H. Workman of Morris were Mat, The players n- eeded that they received many bruises, the fans think a goalkeeper should be put oft when he gees out and stales wood chopping at the opposing team, The standout man of the evening was Cyclone Gillies when he skated through the whole team and put tile puck Up into the corner of the net above Hunter'S head, The line up: Skinners -Goal. Stephenson; de- fence) Stoics and McDowell; *wings, Rutledge, Rutledge and centre, Rut. ledge; Subs, Rutledge, Gillis, War- Witk, Ale rris-Goal, Hunter; defame Steles, Worlaner; Wings, Dunce», Lowe and centre, Currie; Subs, Bryan and Bryers, McDonald, Work. Man, Brussels, Jan. 10th. 1938 - The Municipal Council dee': eka the Village of Brussels according to Statute met cre the above date, All members being present and hemeg' e taken the Daelaration of eGfaceeasa. aisaa was moved.by W, Cameron; second- ', 2' ed by H. Champion that we do rtoW " adjourn to meet at the Public., 1 , emeted: Library Grant Library ab 7.30 pan., C , erriea, '',-`,e.; Pursuant te adjournment , the- -, e Column suet itt 7,20 p.m, all mem- '1,•., ' bers being nab) present, , The F I mirtates of the previous meeteug being read it woe moved. by W.... Ldttle; seconded by 1T'. Sande that the .nainutes be adopted, --Carried, Tlie fololwing accounts were ere- ie ,'3',i• 8600,00, Chas. Meadows, removing Xmas tree 3,01F R. W. Kennedy, printing ,, statements 32,06 Ed, Reudersoa, stove - plowing ' 17.50: Commercial Stationery,' supplies .9G . .0has Davidson, ceetage ..,' 1.9G ,,aisie Sahn Allen, mem. rePairs ala E. Plum, D, 11, officer - 4,10' Pi. Sullivan, Poll Clerk 2.01) W. Bell, D, R offieer . 4.00 Robt, Patick, Pon Clerk. .. , 2.31) A. Campbell, Chrestmais tree , lights .../ 5.01) A. A, 1.amont, Division / Court Clerk .......„„ .... .. . D. Demnau, Divielin 10.00 Court 40,00 Warwick, Haggitt; °entre, el, Rut- 0. Hemiugevay, tax adjuet- ledge; wings, H. Workman, J. Rua meet 6,00 • , ledge; alternates, L, Workman, Mc - Lewis Russelllay rebate Dowell, le. Elliott, G. 111111ott, Lewryt dog 'tax sub goalie, Fox. 0. Marles, teclea for hall „ea, 5,00 . 3 2,00 „ii Godericb-Cenel, 11 Worthy; de. H. II P. C., street lights 108,00 • ' w fence, 'SU/titlark, Belau -son; eentee, 11. D.. P. C., liell lights „„ me_ • 1a, ei Dame; wings, G„ 'Worthy, Scrims Relief for the :rents ..,.,..„. 141.11 by W. Cautercet that tho aecoante Moved by IT. Champion, seeentlea , geour; alternates, O'Brien, Art Dilaiklicbell. be Fella e`e°ealle":1 Donaltef, eMaree-C. -Goderich Signal -Star, ,Iliel'aa by W. Litae, seopbdad by '' , , Somas tinth t e lollewlag i' , tile e 44W4VAAVONV•%•"4"*"4""""" toremittees for the year: '' ' le44` 31 Finanee-W, Little, al, eatenipana• ' Hockey Game ne0,1. Kerr - .. .e. & Coada±-1!, SatZlia, W,..•, Caratron, lioevti lierr, Moved by M. Little, .F,-eoon,ad. by. B,,,,....., strtick.'-off the Tax ,o11.. ' 'e2373 -Caleiled. russelsVs.Goderich IP. Sox* timw tbtx 01101 of : $. be ,.. (Ciontinacal on ' Page' 3) 1201011 I) W canter n , ', et aeseeseeesseessessresale Inetitnte IPLytnily' Night 1011 bd At Brussels Arena 3' a • ' eeeeeildea NOTICE Wed., Jan 19th '"------, Admistio•n 25c , ..thonritltulorttlild:ry,14,T3n:ie,u32a8itItt: "Glz.tacii out'