HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-1-5, Page 8Gating The 6ites Of Another Year Started May Require Day Books, Ledgers, Counter Books, Minute Books, Vest Pocket 1Vlemorandum Books, Indexes, Blotting Paper, Files for Records, Statement ';Pads, Pocket Receipt Blanks Ink, Indelible Pencils, Pens, Erasers and Many Other Accessories, Orders for these Lines can .be filled from our Large Stationery Department , BRITEN— TOOTH PASTE 29c — 2 for 531 Thoroughly Cleans Teeth and Tube tests longer too (DEFENDER HOT WATER BOTTLES Need a New One in your home? Durable and Dependable $1.00 NEW LINE— ENGLISH PAPER COVERED N Some Good Titles 200 Each BUiLD UP RESISTANCE With Puretest Halibut Liver 011 ,Capsules Plain I* -**-- LADY DAINTY CLEANSING TISSUES Box of 200 -- 18c Easy on the skin Use them when you have a cold 1.1•••••••0111.00.1.....,•••• - TEST -....ter•• -TEST THE Box pi 60—$1,00 SUPER KEENNESS OF GILLETTE BLUE BLADES Pkg. of 5 — 25c Pkg. of 10 -- 50c F. R. SMITH THE BRUSSELS POST wROXL:TRR 7'11e co;atnlunity was .spooked 10 learn of the Sudcien death on Salm,. day noon or Joiul Gibson who ila:,s• ed away at hie home "Maitland Brae" Yarm, at the age of 63. Bern In Wroxeter, he was the ascan 1 Sett of the into Mr, and Mrs. Bober; Gibson, and spent practically all his ilife here starling out iii life as a grist miller, working with the late Robert Black and then for a time in Wheatly, conning hack to Wroxeter. Ile took up farming some years ago, purchased the home farm where the Tamil now resides, About four ' ears ago he purchased the Wrox• ever dairy front Frank Green, He 1can twice marired, the first time i to Josephine Cowna, To them was born one son, Shereff of De(roit. Tbir.ty-six years ago he married Rachel Willis and to them were horn five sons, John, Robert, An- derson, Arthur and William, ail of Wroxeter, and four daughters, Mrs. Wilfred Mellls (Mary, Klippen; Mrs. Lorne Seifert (Isobel), Ford;. wick; Mrs. Thomas Burke (Agnes). Wroxeter, and Mrs. John Barnard (Margaret), London. Alex, or Ford. Robert, of Calgary; WIlriam Wroxeter. The funeral was held on Monday from his hone, Rev, A. M. Grant officiating, Th. (pallbearers were his three nephews, Robert, George and Dean Gibson, Aldred Wear - ring, Jamas Sanderson and George Paulin, Interment in Wroxeter Cemetery, Mrs. McKercher and William Dodds, both long residents of this town, are ill at theih homes. Superior Store SerViv. Quality JANUARY SPECIALS -- THURS., FRI., & SAT.. Corn Syrup, Crown, E; and • • 2's • • • • 16c 5 Ib tin .ea, 35c Hillcrest Shortening 1 lb ,carton each 13c Granulated Sugar • • •• • • • 10 lb for 59c Rolled Oats , , 5 Ib 25c Grey Woollen Blankets per pr each $6.25 Children's Woollen Sweater •,••.. , • • • ..• .... per pairh 19c 9c Girls Woollen (Mitts per pair 19c Ladies Cashmere Hose, ,black each Men's Soiled Wool Shirts &59c each (Drawers •'ch 35c Boys Fleeced Shirts & Drawers each 59c Men's Fleeced Shirts & Drawers = Remnants—Come and look over ow Remnant Table For Bargains , WM. ZIEGLER HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE Ethel, Ont• Phone 2211 V QUALITY - SERVICE RENNIES' BIRD SEED 1 Ib. pkg. 15c STRAYED— A Red UMW from the corner of the Gravel Roa1 and Con. T, Mortis. Finder kindly leave word at the 'Yost'. CUSTOM SAWING— Will be done at Brussels opposite the Creamery in the Spring, phone 42.11 James Stevenson FOR SALE - 1 York Sow, carrying first 'litter, to farrow in Irrbrnary, also one Thoroughbred holstein Cow, or high quell', Al milks:, supposed to fresh- en in May. apply to W. H. Maunders phone 56-4 3111, 2, Brussels F. F. HOM(UTH Phm, B., R. O. Notices in this column cost 25c up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. Cash must Modern accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. I OUR AIM—"SETTER EYE CARE"I DRUGGIST and ,445:r�Stare STATIONER N MA -PHONE Q. li114 x® ' LEII'HQn NO: 62 l A BORN RETRIEVER A LONG ENGAGEMENT Customer: "Nice dog you have. ,Stays by you pretty good, too. Got film t'c'allied, eh?" Barber: "Now—when I make a mistake and nick off a piece of ear or soraethin' he likes to be handy." Western Ontario's Most Optical Service FOR SALE-- HARRiSTON, BRUSSELS Sleighs and Cutlers, Phone 118 Phone 26X phone 31-19., Wife: "Do you realize that twenty- five wentyfive years ago today we were en- gaged?" Absentminded professor. 'Tweuty- five years, You should have re- minded me before, It's certainly dime we got married." 1-p Large Bottle Vanilla • ..... ',, , , , , 15c Infants Food 2 tins • • , • , • • , , , , , , , ,, 19c Maple Leaf Peas per tin • • • each ••• • . 29c ;';spared Mustard Very Large Jar7c Weat Germ • ' per lb ... .... . . . ... . . . . 17c Fry's Cocoa 1/2 .lb titins ,,,,,, ,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, 9c at Peanut Butter 25 oz. Jar Each Retied Oats , . ••. 23c 5 Ib .•...••. 16 • Corn Syrup ,Crown Brand 2 lb tin • • , ..• . • ....... ••••• • • • c c 35c Corn Syrup Crown Brand . 5 Iti tin • ............ 3 fb 25c Bulk Soap Chips � • • , , , , , , .. 25c Blue Rose Rice 311b .. 1 ........................ 33c /z � pkgoat. WOOD WANTED— Tenders will b„ received by the undersigned up to January 15th for 12 cords of body wood 16 -in, long; beech and maple To be delivered by February 1311, 13. 3. Hoover, Chairman of Committee 2-n Brussels 'United Church Royal York Tea Heinz Old Fashioned Pickles 13c Hillcrest Shortening per lb "' • • ..... • Weston's Long; Golden Brown Sodas per pkg "' ?tic15c Princess 'Flakes per pkg .. • • • • • , , , ........ ; ; 35c rt Pineapple Jam •• • • per jar 9, j::1L £ckmLcr\\!Ei w. 64 WIRMINalliallalaffiliallialligar A farmer's sou, just home from college, seemed to take pride in us- ing college slang, and at breakfast table called out: "Mother, chase the cow down this way." Mother was equal t othe occasion, and remarked to her husband "Give tre poor colt some milk. Don't you hear hint. bawllnk for 1t, Read the Ads. FOR $ALE -- Car of Screenings I al Pigs Weighing about 60 to 50 lbs. to arrive I 1-0 Percy Ansett p Lot 35, Con. 6, Grey Phone 35.9 About Jan. 8th ` FOR SALE— $1.50 per Cwt. A good comfortable House and Lot on Elizabeth St. A bs,;r;aiu for quick sale. For further particu• lars apply to Wm, Ziegler, Ethel 1-c phone 2.2.11 Brussels Phone 46 FOR SALE— Eight Chung:; of Pigs and eight Suckers, apply to 14 John Danby, phone 42-21 Farmers' Club Grain Wanted WE ARE PREPARED TO PAY THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE PRICE FOR WHEAT 1 C.ZI LLIAX &SON. LOST— A white cot with light brown head and tail and brown spot on side. If seen please notify Margaret Bell FOR SALE— .A Driving Horse. Apply to 1-p Slanlc•y McFarlane, R. R. no. 2, Suitable for our product Toasted Flaked Wheat Berries WE BUY ALL KINDS OF GRAIN AS WELL Agent—Percy Lawless Phone 29X T. G. HEMPHILL Phone 29—Mill Wroxeter 6 WANTED— Lard Press, with all at•taehniilile one or two gator size in good re- pair, also have sot of bench ;lcighS for sale cheap. I -p Hartwell G. Speiran phone 2G-10 R,R, no, 3, Brussels FOR SALE— Ybung Wnrk horses, well -broken, also Shorthorn Bulls, all serviceable age can spare a few heifers, 4-e Thos. Keir, Henfryn, phone 31.9 FOR SALE— Durham Cow, 4 years old and calf RED AND ST0 R 12ne apply to FLot 5 Engel, C> 13, ,ey. FOR SALE - 1111011111110/1.111 \INIEMIBISOMMISIMMASIM1011021111111.111111111/1115. A Thoroughbred Shorthorn Bull, 18 months old, apply to SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY 1- William Smith Phone 53-3 Mount Royal Matches 3boxes 33c Ideal Catsup • • • • • • • 26 oz, bottle Loose Soda 'Biscuits 2 lb Maple Leaf Tomatoes 2 tins Campbells Tomato Soup • • • • 2 this Ginger 'Wafers • , • • 1/2 lb pkg Domestic Shortening • • • • 2 Ib Libby's Pork & Beans 2 tins Instant Hot Chocolate • pkg • • Maple Leaf Golden Wax Beans 2 17c Tip Top Tomatoe Juice Lark.. 2 tins • 25c 27c London Special Soap • • • 3 bars • • • 17c 19c 3 Lifepuoy Soap 1 small Rinso • • • • • • 24c 19c Snowcap Toilet Tissue • •••• • 4 rolls • • 23c Good Broom 25c Ivory Flakes with blue occasional plate 24c 25c1 Snowflake Ammonia per pkg • • ••• • • 5c L. R. Hupfers Pure Clover Honey 5 tb 55c Heinz Strained Baby Foods • • • • 2 tins • • • 19c •• 15c ••••• 25c . 29c tins 239 Lushus Jelly Powder all flavors . 3 pkgs 25c 1Apieste epPS^tN LEWIS A. RUSSELL, BRUSSELS A ilonse on Your Hands bid sou ever ❑sure out how email r percentage of our pep.. lotion pane ,our hotted, where tl s' could ace a "To Let" els or how large a percentage rood our papery Good tenants are net the Rind that have limo to waste in doing nre•und looking ter elgne. Thos• loolt to our Want AS.. t' 11 you hove w hookas on sour hands, a "Howse to Lot" ..d. will brio(( thank lb sea. • o.401.+.n ad, • Brussels General Store Sale Is On StockTaking Big Reductions in all ready.t wear DRESSES and COATS All this seasons purchases and styles, must be moved out; No reasonable offer refused 50 House Dresses to clear at less than the cost of materials only 50c each 100 pair of Women's and Children's Stock- ings - - while they 1 st 2 for 25c Men's Suits and Overcoats - - are on the. move. Plenty of winter weather to Come. Secure one of these at cut rate price. Windbreakers and Sweaters for Men and Boys at prices that will appeal t 3 you. E, J M cTAV I ` tr .. Brussels,- Ont. Phone 61