The Brussels Post, 1938-1-5, Page 7gr.inst
at he
et, cer-
n smi-
te he
et the
t too
y cold
1e a
it is
iI tier
4t 1
is delicious
ice Cream. Puff
With Chocolate Sauce
1 'Siett cream pugs In two. trill
with vanilla ice creams, Replace
6111/S THIS
M. H. Brothers
BRUSSELS, Phone 53X,
tops, Serve wtth CttoeJtece,
Bl ter'sootctt or Fruit Sauce.
Cream Puffs
ek cup butter
1 cuip boiling water
1 cup bread flour
Four eggs, unbeaten '
Add ebelter to boiling water, When
melted add flour all at once. Stir
over the heat until mixture leaves
the aides et saucepan, Cool. Add
eggs one at a time, beating well
after each egg is added. Chill,
Place by small spoonfuls on butter.
ed baking sheet or in •muffin tins,
Bake in moderately hod overt (376
degrees F,). 40 to 45 •minutes, or
until free from beads of moisture,
Chocolate Sauce
2 ounces (shusres) unsweetened
1 cup cold water
2 cups sugar
Pinch of salt
2 .tablespoons butter
2 teaspoons vanilla
Melt obocolate in water. Ada sug-
ar and salt and stir until sugar 1s
dissolved. Conk 5 minutes, Add
buster and vanilla. Serve hot
Meringues Glacees with Ice Ceeam
Shape ice cream Into ovals with
tablespoons and place bewteeo two
meringue shells, 1f desired, top
with whipped cream. Use any
flavour of ice cream to suii' rhe
colour scheme or the meal,
Meringues Glacees
4 egg whites
teaspoon vanilla
114 cups fruit or fine granulated
Beat egg whites until very stiff.
esNnPsuor CUIL
'1 resolve, by the magic of lighting, selection, and arrangement, to find
the pictures hidden In common things."
LNG tradition demands that
everyone resolve, at the begin-
ning of a new year, to turn over a
new leaf, perhaps several new
leaves. If this is a good idea for ordi-
nary people, it is a still better idea
for Its as photographers. Even the
best of All make mistakes that we
could avoid if we would only take a
firm stand—and nothing can help so
much as to work out a code and then
stfolt to it.
Here, then, is a set of New Yeav'
Resolutions for Snapshot Guild
members, Cheek then over and see
whloh 01108 apply to Y011. Add any
others you think of. Then paste tiro
whole list in your photographic note-
book and abide by it in the twelve-
month ahead;
This year I resolve-
1. To Oink always before I shoot.
2. To remember that 0. camera
has uo brain of Its owe, only an
eye, and will only take pictures
of the scenes and subjects I
put in front of it.
8. To boar In mind that my plc -
tures to be good mist be In.
teresting to other people as
well as myself and that to be
interesting a picture must
have a central idea, a pleasing
arrangement and 1 1 g 11 ting
which is stilted to the idea the
picture is to express,
I further resolve -
4. To try to see the "hidden Pic-
tures" in everything and to ask
myself, not "Is this a good p1c-
tur0• subject?" but retlter,
"Ilow eau I, by the magic at
iigilLing and arrangement, bring
out the picture or pictures this
anbjlet contains?"
5. To experiment with lighting
and pictorial arrangement so
that my eye will become
trained to see the pictures in•
horent its common things,
6. To study my mistakes and note
down what I (lid that was
wrong and remember not to
make the sante error twice.
And I resolve that whenever I
make an error, I will try to do
the Maitre over the right way,
so that its lesson w111 be more
In other words—I resolve to make
more and better pictures,
re John van Guilder,
Add two-thirds of sugar very grain.
ally, and continue beating mite tele. FREE 5 E R v i C E
Lure will hold it, shape, A.1(1 P:evu.ln ..5-.-.,.*. •**•***-*•~r*--+
lug, 'then fold in remaining ruga, OLD, MARLED OR DEAD
Sheila with si1GOn or pastry bag And
tube on wet board covered with
paper, Bake it a very slow oven
(550 degrees 5',) about 50 minutes,
Potatoes A La Suisse
Bake five potatoes and cut a slice
lengthwise from each, Scoop out
most of the inside and force through
a potato ricer. Season with "utter,
alit, and peper and add a small
quauttty of milk, Slip an egg int,
each potato ease and force potato
mbattne through a pastry bag and
twee around edge. Return to oven
and :bake wren eggs are set, An.
range 0n -5el'vi83) dish and garnish
with watercress, -
Deefoot :Potatoes
Wash and pare patatoes of Lute
form sire, Remove from eaeh two
portions, •using an apple corer,
5'111 cavities thus made with sausag-
es and Mame rnupds of potatoes to
conceal sausages. Put in pail
and bake in a hot oven until pate.
toes are soft,
Saratoga Chips
Wash and pure potatoes. Slice
thinly (using vegetable) slicer into
a bowl of cold water. Let stand
two hours, changing water 'twice,
Drain, plunge In a kettle of bo'ling
water, and bola one minute. Drain
again, and cover with cold water,
Take from water and dry between
towels, Fry 'n deep fat until Egli
brown, keeping in motion with a
skimmer. Drain on brown paper,
and sprinkle with salt,
Potato Fritters
2 cups hot raced potatoes
2 tablepsoons cream
2 tablespoons wine
1 teaspoon salt
Few gratings nutmeg
Few grains cayenne
3 eggs
Yolks 2 eggs
Half cup flour
Add •cream, wine and seasonings
to potatoes; then add eggs well
beaten, having bowl containing
mixture in pan of lee -water, and
beat until cold. Add flour, and
when well mixed, drop by apeenfuls
in deep fat, fry until delicately
browned, and drain on brown paper.
It has been ctainted that a piece of
lemon peel put into the dish pan
well soften the water, remove all
traces of the smell of fish, 1..tious,
and so on, and put a fine gloss en
=k & '
If there is a coal oil stove is the
home a small bag of fine sant
should be kept bandy. Then 11 an
explosion o1• fit's should occur the
sand thrown over the flames tvii1 ex-
tinguish them quickly,
To remove inflammation from tile
eyes, boil toge'he1 for three minutes
1 teaspoon of boractc acid and one
pint of water. Cool and apply w• -h
a soft, sterile cloth,
:8 8 ,
The white of an egg wil make a
rough skin n-hite and soft, Ruh a
little into the skin at bedtime and
wash off in the morning,
In damp weather when salt ie ,lif-
ficul, to use In z shaker, add a tea.
sponntel of cern-starch to cane cup-
ful of salt and mix ttorougbly. This
will make the salt run freely.
A good way to whiten bread or
meat boards which bavo beconu di=re
coloured is to tub them 1vit1) lemon
rinds turned instate out, Then wash
with clean warns water. They 1vi11
be quite white when (try,
Song wife (cin the n00asion or
thein quarrel "I regret that 1
ever married you,"
Bente of a huellnncl: "So you
should, You ltd some nice girl
out of n jolly good husband."
Owen Sound Curling clttil ass lost
n number of 1 38 11111nable lrnp11i: ; 1•v
a fire 1u its rink. It is net only
a seutinlc'nial, but an historical tent.
lit Coilingemee most curling (well-
ies are In the collection of the
Huron Institute, in the best 11re
131153f building In Mown, H'tcl it
happened that they load been de-
stroyed, many visitors to the nue
antler would be denied not a little
pleasure, With other sport trophies
they revolt ninny names of players
of different goatee in years gone in-
to history.
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT'# to
Welbknown Resident of Wawanosh
IBurried in Brandon Cemetery
The funeral of David Dtlaltor was
held from the resldenee of hie son,
Joseph, in Wawanosh, on Wedaos-
day a•fternoin when a large number
of friends and neighbors gathered.
to any their last respects,
Mr, Dunbar bad resided with 11i8
11011 since tee death of hls wife last
May, but had not enloyed good
health for a couple of months, The
service was taken by Rev. J, 13,
Townend, pastor of Knox heisted
Church. Burial took place in
Brandon cemetery. The Pall beer -
ars were J. T. Coultas, P. W. Scout,
7, A.' Geddes, H. Wheeler, J, ,
Stewart and W. J, Geddes,
Mr, Dnubar i$ survived by one
daughter, Mrs, Martin Grasby and
two sans, Will and Joseph, to whom
Lha sympathy of their Wends :s ex-
tended at ,this time.
Annual Meeting
The annual ratepayers' meeting
was held in the school Wedneetele.
Wiliam Bryclges was chalrmau. 1t
was decided to engage a mesio
teacher, kb, Nethery was eppolut-
ed auditor. Robert Higgins lyes
re-elected to the Trustee Board
The Young People's Society of
Knox United Church held a social
evening Wednesday night, Group
games were enjoyed. Lunch WAS
Miss Jean Martin, of Georgetown,
is a. holiday visitor with relatives
"Night Must Fall" Wins Titte as
No, 1 Picture Released
In 1937
"'Night :Must Fall," elerto-Gold-
wyneelayer filen starring Robert
Montgomery, has won the approval
oe the committee on exceptional
petatoplays of the National Board of
Review of motion .pictures, as the
best picture of 1937.
Others in a list of "ten best'' pic-
tures of the year were "The Life of
Esuile Zola,' 'Black Legion,' 'Caml(:.
le," 'Mike Way For Tomorrow,' 'The
Good Earth,, "They Won". For-
get," "Captains Courageous;' "A
Star Is Born," and 'Stage Door,"
The committee singled out "The
River'" produced by the Farm Secur-
ity Adntinistratien, for special men-
tion, commending "its dramatis pre-
sentation of natural resource 'rob
lens, its value as an educative
force and it, exceptional artistic
Librarian Challenges Pronounce-
ment of Soeiologtst Who Says
Standard of Reading Should be
Medern soefolegists lvho contend
that the educational standaede of
children's literature should be rais-
ed and tra•t fairy stories and the
like should roe be stresaa,l too
greatly in tete elemeetary s,:'looli
were ill:mated last week at :Ow
York when a truest speaker et the
Conference on Children's Leera-
ture upheld the "kid stories' of
yetareryear. She revealed that
"Peter Rabbit," "Alice in Won'icr-
1and," "Grimm's Fairy isles," and
the Brownie harks 0111 seemed to
be holding 1!tetr (11711 with the
modern ,iuven1le hest sellers,
Loyal to Old Favorites
Opening the conference, 7:011110•
lite Overton, librarian, of `Gest"
bury, L. I., said that children "do
not want something new but are
10yf11 to old favorites once they
have 3l'oved thcIn$81ves,"
Evidence of ci111d enthuse:3m was
shown at the coerer,'nce in the
University's 'Washington Scouter col
lege at Washington Syuare blest
1811811 23 neighborhood ehild1'3'3 ate
tended the juvenile book exhibit
where 102 children's bootee selected
from The 13o0k Fair last m0111'11
1881'8 0(1 (1 f$111113', Thry read and
browsed arou(ld in orderly ', .s11iou
for more than an hour and upon ty-
ing gueetioned the majority express•
oil much sa•tlsfaetlon with works of
the "Mother Goose" type,
Miss Overton said there wee? a tem
types ot julbentle readers, the "net•
ural born' 'reader and the ons "who
re(luires diplomatic coaxing.'' She
urged the 50(1 public teapot teachers
from New York and vicinity 1,3 re.
Make their libraries into a place
"Where pupils could come and borrow
books with a minimum of 'red tape,'
Parents More Liable to Spoil Oft
spring Where Famines
"It is extreord.narily difficult
these days of restri0ted families 1101
10 let children know that they are
too important," said the Dean GE
Carlisle, England, addresslne the
parents' association of the Carltele
Grammar School,
"And," he 'added, "you have to be
a very gifted person not' to s'pofl an
only child,' '
Speaking of oases of arrested de-
velemnent, the Dean said some
undergraduates of 12 were realty
only 15 and they nearly always came
to grief in thea; fleet year, Bet a
boy suffering from arrested develop-
ment, it wisely treated, geuer'ally
made a steady man whom one
could trust.
Growing Pains of Mind
"Tbe adolescent bay of 14 to 18
years suffers Irene growing pains of
mind, He cuts you Out of his life
and won't give you his confidence.
He has got to he wisely and tenderly
"How difficult it is to make the
puntshns nt of a boy fit the crime
When I was a boy we were birched
caned and had long compositions. .
Different puniihments are gireo in. ,
dot, but the administration of that 1
Punishment should be one that. is :
agreed on by the headmaster and '
parent, so that there is a unity of
Justice and so that we avoid differ-
ent elements reacting en one
an -
Scientists Link Colds to Man's
Quarrels Wttb .Mother -in -Law
Chicago,--Th?t annoying ease of
asthma may be due to love and that
'stubborn cold probably was caused
by a row with your mother-in-law,
.the Chicago Institute for Psychoan-
alesis declared last week.
The report, covering five years of
investigation of the influence of phy-
siological factors upon physical dis-
turbances, said:
"The fact that asthma attacks can
be demonstrated to be allergic; reac-
tions has tended to distract atten-
tion from many recorded instances
of asthma attacks precipitat".i by
acute emotional conflicts."
"Asthma at1aek, t'egnlarly occur
in reaction to temptation sitaatiru,
that 808111 to threaten the eatlr'nt
wtth loss of 911118 person upon whom
he is emotionally ce•patrdent."
The Dominion
Department of Agriculture
has issued a report describing
The British Market
for Canadian Farm Products
It deals with Beef and Store Cattle,
Dairy Cattle, Dressed Beef, Horses,
Bacon and Haan, Cheese, Butter,'
Condensed Milk, Dressed Poultry,
Eggs, Canned Fruits and Vege-
tables, Fresh Fruit, Honey, Maple
Products, Tobacco, Hay, Alfalfa
Meal, Grass and Clover Seeds, Furs.
You niay have a copy free
Write to
Director, Marketing Service
Department of Agriculture, Ottawa
Issued under direction of Hon. James C. Card:err,
Have Your Eyes Thoroughly Examined At Reid's
Reid's Glasses
really give the comfort and satisfaction that you anticipate when,
you have new glasses. You can depend upon the safe, scientific
examination which shows definitely when . glasses are regulrede
cid Stratford's Leading Optunaetrist.
® e For Nearly 20 Years
'Phone 51 for Appointment
Eagle's View of Rio for Cruise Members
ot flying nor rolling down to
J, Rio hut leisurely railing there
aboard a luxury liner will go a
happy crowd of winter cruise tour-
ists next January when the Can-
adian P1lrifi0 liner 12111pre99 of
Australia bonds south front New
Tont ,lanuttry 15 on a West In-
dies and South America M'uiso,
The r1,:mernes T,atin city that
VAS n0rlled Rio de Janeiro be-
cause its harbor was discovered
In the month of January and mis-
taken for the mouth of a river
claim9 11131: the 'harbor lit the
world's most'. b ettitifu', Certainly
other 7,31, wnpiel have to show
mueli to rival this claim. and
there is 'Hardly a doubt that the
Empress of Australia's cruise pas-
sengers will return confirmed
"Rio fans,”
From the heights of the lofty
Corcnvado, a mountain peak 00
which stands a huge figure of
Christ, and from the summit of
Pan d'Assucar, the famed "Sugar
Loaf," members of shore excur-
sions will have an eagle's eye
view of tine city and ha1'bor.
Thrilling in itself is the ascent of
the Sugar Loaf by aerial cable-
oar lin two rides, first to the half-
way station on Penedo de 'Urea,
then to the summit of the conical
Sugar Loaf itself.
Besides these two excursions
there are other trips arranged fns'
the five-day visit, 'Phe lovely
mountainous region of 'Mica and
tate mountain residential section
of Petropolis will be tits 1310018
of excursions :111(1 80011 e,01.111(1,'
thore tv111 he, a party
enjoy the exotic night 11;o.
Rio is ant 11u' only port r+f call.
on this cruise. Barbados Cter,ada
and Jamaica are islalu15 Cul will
bo visited during ihe d„y trip=,
while on the mainland of south
America, La Guaira, Venezuela,
will share with Rio 1110 attentions
of the !empress of Australia's
passengers who will be hack in
New York on February 17.
Pictured above are the Tbc111'e
Mnllk'inal at trio, a view of Beta-.
fogo Bay from the Corcovade
showing the Sugar Loaf, the ea -
hie -car aseen(ing the latter, and
tate Rmpress of Australia, the
cruise ship that will visit 11:io.