HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-1-5, Page 6THE BRUSSELS DOST issfenUerlmrnlrlrmnnnne,1 emlI In mitsinninmmmmnn„al,e ,elennmeiom,,;we,,,, !..ren"".... I. 1 News and Information 1 or the Busy Farmers (Ravished by the Department of Agriculture) wu,nnrnul,nnnunn„N,p,gala,,,,,,,,,,,ounnm.,n,m.nr,rmm41,unnnuulemnonlnurvulmnnnnulummunrMPH Annum Conventions tial increase during the past year, but srlpnlents LI the 'Lotted King. dam were negligible. With the severe decline in cattle prices in the Fatted States in recent week. the market is now definitely an r:xpor: basis, but the recent reduction in Canadian markets has placed On- tario rattle in a position for export to the United Kingdom, Poultry Sold on Grade The trend or bacon and haul ex - The major part of t 11 ,ate 15 ports to the Putted Kingdom con poultry wa h. salt' and sn rt 011 'inued to rise rd for the titel e grade this yea„ thanks to 111_ re.',V,- rte,ntlts yogis, Selrtetrber 1937, paper adverti-!i:; canna ill 1'Y til'a Canadian espo:r:; totalled 197,0411,. Dnminioa It,,p:!•.11:.•n!. ,,. Agri.•aPn'” 01) pounds as cmnpared with 133,- which 33;which received , .,::w a+:-i,ta':,•r :'t i Uuts,,p)n puulois 111 the Praviou: the (7n`ari, ll. m.t-1.1/1, ;it of :k r,iII1 twr-,:ve.-month period, and only 11, Ontario Vegetchle Growers Jan- uary 11 and 12, King I'ldward Hate], Toronto, OI4IULFio Fruit Growers' Assort'''. 'tion. January 141th, 26th and 21st, Royal Connaught lintel, Ilamil:In, turn' is the m;c'1.r• Itetai'r, r t the mild le a being •,rsert ;e!idl vb., :rt.a of grad,,I peep r, 11 the., Ile, "8111;. „lir ,., l?y'Itt:3 111., „ .. neat= t,1:1;. 111 ,r ties, s•, batt;* 1\ p-'1.0 . -• • that tt; 1 r 1 I esprcfu 11• 1 1•,!' Grafi.. (1 „ h the bird .. a 1- ,11 o?1•':•, b:1;' as well -fleshed, dv. t& ''' a tirade "C` or yellow .rat: te'4.• the world tiirtt Mr. Tttlk'^v i., ::, ? 1'0'0' a :, and in quality and lis, :0)1"' not 0l .1•.,it so 11112(41 111' 411,, i,ouseholdr:r'8 rno1''y, Livestock Situation Exr'orts of live cattle to the United States recorded a zubstan. COUGHS, DISTEMPER, BROKEN WIND have met their master in ZEV—made by the mak- ers of Buckley's Mixture, Stockmen, poultry breed- ers, etc., who have used ZEV say it is positively "sure fire" relief for all respiratory diseases in horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry and dogs. It is amazing how quickly it gets results in the most stub- born cases. Ira fact, we guarantee ZEV to do in a day or two what It took old- fashioned remedies a month to do. Pet sire SOO. Stock size $1.00. Get ZEV at H. B. ALLEN iiimosimmeauemonslimellmilloow WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME William Street, Brussels, Ontario PERSONAL ATTENDANCE 'Phone 65 Day or Night Calle MOTOR HEARSE B G, WAI.KER Director. E mbalmer and Funeral 11011,000 pound.: in the calendar year 1.131. Tit. rapid progress made by Canada toward; Millie its gibe a of 869u1,190 pou,94: „ranted by 1h: United Kingdom in 1932 is quit:' apparent acrd =very e,ffnr^ .111ntl13 b� made to pier), at any failing -off in export-• 110 the; I•i1l'kl't, hhlp._ -I0 )i' .'ern eattle olititiI.o reached an 31' time re ro i th1s y,,-., with the to, a 1:- b'r ,. r greater than last fail, \I ,. than the tedrtd percentage o .hrs.r were. of quite light weights and will not he ready for marketing until 1Sext ?'11111111et• off the grass, +4trl quit a11011 Wr will htr Carrie 1 a seetn(1 with".", The 'hett:_r :1•. flow- tills se anon ;s an hplictrtot, the abtladaat sr/Mlles of c �,:, s.• 1 feed available in the 1,1'ovInce. Care of Farm 'Woodiot Brings Good Iazalts Grazing by lire 't.lek and lrtra- it.g probably create more !o the farm tvorlo1,1( titan ;thy otrl•r agencies, and hert•f ire f,, ;,,',.'•s recommend fencing off the wr,s,d.:ot from cattle and taking ' par.i:ula: care to see that fire dues not burl over the woods, 13y following cer- tain simple rules, farmers cal tee; good results out of the (•are or the woodlot. Thr,,e rules arae 1, Keep the live stock out of tele woods; 2, confine annual cut'1'ig to a definite area of the lot; 3, make no large openings in the woods; 4, favour the ti*iftfest best -formed crop trees; 5, rsmove some of the larger crop trees where crowd n exists; 6, cut inferior trees for wood; and 7, protect the woods against fire. The reason why live sock should be kept out of the woodlot ls that theft' presence tends to have the litter tranlllled under the trees and Packs the soil so that the water run- off and consequent erosion of soil are encouraged. Further, the ad- mission of live stock to the wcodlot prevents the proper growth at the new crop of trees which conies up under normal conditions to replace the rtl'0s3 Ibat are 'harvested, The actual growth of the standing trees also is reduced through the ebuerd• al conditions thus set UP. Dy keeping live stock out of the wood - lot, normal conditions prevail aid with proper thinning of the stands by eulling the interior trees, the timber crop will be improved. It is estimated that Palau wood• lots, especially hardwoods, will pro- duce at leas, 69 per cent mora lumber if the leis are pt'otecte'l from fire and heavy pasturing avoided, the increase in production being realized by 1110 greater number of standing trees and by the less defect in the lumber that is grown. All. other essential In the production of full lumber crops Is the enpleeleent of methods of cutting trees which favour continuous growth, Although fare w•oodlots do 11111 require the saute attention as orchards, at the same time, to obtain profitable re- turns. some attention must be ,iVen to the conditions of growth, Short Courses for Girls oe,,,' Ino rural y':,uing Nolen six Ontario counties will receive four week,' training next mouth under the •Domtuion-Plov!ncial train- ing project, Alis. ]less IdcDer'mauu, Sup:Tin"'acle11: of the Women's l ;Lein - Drau,,h. Outario Depart. men[ of Agriculture, stated recently, t'ou test are scbeduled for seven counties in F'bruary and fourteen in March, Miss McDermand said, 'WI01102a'- 0r5alutaThnis all over On- tario ate ntost enthusiastic about the courses +111:1 ole: lending hearty sulk:sue she deviated, The course: are 411:)1:11,,5 o that the girls wilt be ah;'r 10 .anti their 0)1111 11vh:k to ., ._.,. 0'11111 1111:n:, Four courses are available, Til •t to catering for tou'4sts; rfhome baked load•; dr;•s;:nlakiug and remodel - .111,5 rag iii': king, Dressmaking pr,. j,_crn u11 :tow under way at li'urAotth' 1121'1 Wyebr'idge and are i,-. •0)11 rues,: rtlreessiai, oni iais sone, - fontst.s in Jar:nary are scheduled for Newton Fiubiasoll in South S!mroe; Olsen, Sound, Grey (ninny; Milburn, Car'd'•1n collntY: Ar'tu- chr sten, Dundas eouuty. At all these places students will be taught how to cater fur tourist's. At Lens. 13 (clic and 11Irris1011, tae girls will take up simple dressmaking and re• modelling. During February, courses are planned for counties of Bluco, Glengery, Kenora, Manitoulin, Peterboro, Prescott and Kent. March courses will be held in Huron, Wellaud, Northumberand, Victoria, Renfrew, Lanark, York, Wentworth, Kenora, Rainy River Middesex, Hastings, Durham, Lennox and Addington. The course on catering for tourists will Include preparation of breakfast; refreshments and box lunches, table setting and serving; fundamentals of hospitality and eti- quette; requirements and care of the guest bedroom; booth displays and simple advertising. The course in marketing of Two New Ford V-8 Cars for 1938 ORD MOTOR Company of Can- ada, Limited, announces the new Ford V-8 ears for 1988. For the first time Ford presents two dis- tinct lines, the De Luxe Ford V-8 ---a big luxury car ---and the newly styled Standard ford V-8. The De Luxe Ford V-8 car is entirely new in appearance, longer, roomier and more streamlined. The front design is Modern and dis- tinctive, Fenders are deeper and more massive. The rich ulterior appointments of the car match its outward beauty. Longer bodies pro- vide more room and comfort and there is Larger luggage space in all models. The De Luxe ear is pow- ered with the proved 85 horse- power V-8 engine, Shown above (top photograph) is the De Luxe Fordor Sedan. The Standard Ford V-8 for 1838 brings new styling with a longer hood and flowing curves, Interiors are spacious and neatly appointed, New instrument panels have knobs recessed for safety. The radiator grille louvres continue back into the hood to present smooth flowing body lines from bumper to bumper. It is built on the same 112 -inch wheelbase as the new De Luxe and has the fa n musr Po d V -8t ,ng ins The new Standard Tudor i'UdOr S<datl is shown above (lower photograph), ::.4%.::.:::tact .•:> „; z-:: •:"'•i:'r £.t%'Si:1.F.:.: n..Y,l.•:7.:.4:., .�.}u, l :..,.,... ::.,.:...:...::: ,:. ,>:w.,. :.:„ n. .: .x:z..s::Das; ,.:; ;: :a';>z i�7Eza<.•:«,. ,::F2r s:b:tris" �xu5%3'. �: "::a,�:•...,.s ;z>; . ; . � , :. :. 6t , ,i, '&"'' ; h:: ;s st, is T s .sa�Sir•'�•"•luz•:{: nk^:sz y3::Lz:. x.¢"�`, �•xu• r#r.-.,7+S6a1'P,�4:,§:r��'... ;lento,.. tett _ f. •s 3-'` '�'�:E. .O�'"7,�e�4£,.?�c'�'§: ,fii�•#Y,:7'4... 3.E..s.�.&£ 1 tt ... - !tett<, � tett ... tett THE DE LUXE tai,»»,ifs" THE STANDARD rim offers two new cars for 1938 — the 1 Standard Ford V-8 and the De Luxe Ford V-8. They are different in appear- ance — but ppear-ance—but built to the same standard of mechanical excellence — on the same 112 - inch wheelbase. Because people liked our 1937 car so well, they bought more than of any other make. They liked. i<s looks, its smooth performance, and the way it handled. We have improved on that car in the newly styled Standard Ford V-8. But some folks wanted still more size and style, with the same fundamental Ford advantages. For them, we have designed a new De Luxe line. The De Luxe Ford V- 8 Sedans are longer with more room, larger luggage space, and finer appointments. De Luxe cars are equipped with the 85 -horsepower Ford V-8 engine. They provide more motoring satisfaction al low Ford prices. The Standard is even lower priced than the De Luxe. It is a brilliant, modern car. It has graceful new lines and well -tailored interiors. It gives you the same basic ad- vantages of the 85 -horsepower Ford V-8 engine. Before Ford made V- type 8 -cylinder en- gines available to every one, they were used only in expensive cars. Since then, four million Ford owners have learned the genuine enjoyment of driving an 8 -cylin- der ear with all-round economy. The low prices of the De Luxe and Standard cars make it easy for you to step into the V-8 class. FIT YOUR CAR TO YOUR NEEDS With two distinct designs, two body sizes and two price ranges, you'll find a 1938 Ford car to fit your personal needs exactly. Whatever one you choose, you get time- ./ proved Ford 11-8 performance. Whatever price you pay, you get a car built soundly to serve you well.... That's the Ford way. FOR LOW DELIVERED PRICES SEE YOUR LOCAL FORD DEALER De Luxe Ford V.8 models are Coupe, Tudor Sedan, Fordor Sedan, Convertible Coupe, Club Coupe, Convertible Club Coupe, Phaeton and Convertible Sedan. Standard Ford V.8 is available in three mod- els: Coupe, Tudor Sedan and Fordor Sedan. Ford Bells a fully equipped car at the lowest possible price. The prices on De Luxe models include twin tail lights, two windshield wipers, two sun visors, twin electric horns, cigar lighter, do luxe steering wheel, glove compart- ment clock and lock, chrome wheel bands, in addition to front and rear bumpers and guards, spare wheel and tire and tube, Lire lock, and headlight beam indicator. Prices on Standard models include front and rear humpere an Wards, spare wheel and Lire and tube, tire lock, one tail light, one wind- shield wiper, one sun visor, cigar lighter, headlight beam indicator, and two horns. Agent WILLIAM RINGLERfp Phone 73x Brussels, Ont. home baked fnods will Include 'instruction and practice in making rolls, pies, cakes, cookies, etc,; practice to judging baked products; organization of a home market and problems in selling. Girls taking up the dressmakers course will be taught bow to maks women's and children's dresses and given information en dress designs. and textiles. Two Cars Shown In 1938 Ford Line For 1938 Ford Motor Company of t'anada, Limited a11110tlilaes tee, din• !met Ford V-8 cars, differing in ap. pearance, 841)111utments and ,dire. ; One Is 'the rte :axe Fool V ;, the other trr, sttuldt.rd Ford V•S, The st71111111rd (1(1' is. designed for owners to whom economy in first cost 1s paramunt, The de 1118,7 ' ear provide,; soder! luxury 11114 11'y1e fr,1' those who d. sire them, Moth eats have the Naar, V-8 edies:.is, There are right d•= hese types available tied three slumlord types, 1(0th de. 11120' 011d standard are powered will. flu) falnams Ford V44 engine, The do luxe felt is a slyl'sh Aster rif the standard. It is entirely new to appearance, 'Phe radiator grille Is of new design. Appealanee of the hood is longer and more sweep Ing. 1001lers are massive, 111. crlor appointments are in k1'. -300g With tae styling of the (exterior, Substantially more room in the closed sedans, greater passenger comfort and much larger luggage space are provided. The standard V-8 oars reveal new styling, with a different radiator grille design, long hood and filwing contours. The spacious interiors are roomy and attractively uphols- tered and appointed. In addition to the two passenger cars, Ford is showing a new litre of V-8 ,rucks and commercial cars, Both are newly styled to lend "cye- eppeai' in ca rtmerc'ial transpalia- tlmt, The 1'.1138 group of Ford ,rucks includlb the 13lei nor and 157 -inch wheelbase trucbs 12: ad- dition to the 112 -inch commercial cars. The 1.34-111011 wheelbase trtu'k is new this year, replacing the 13111:- ineh wheelbase in the big truck line; a new frame width for the 131 -titch auri 157dncll w•he,'tha1,lr units, Improved brakes and tetsie• steering sad stronger construction throughout are niilrr advances, 'Cie, two.tnn trltok is powered will 1111 11111(1 V•8 llor:lepower engine a)1(1 the 14lou hark 12,11 county mini ears with the 81 hot;r•pewer V-8 en;uc, F. F. HOMUTT- Phm, Et., R, 0, Western Ontario's Most Modern Optical Service „ 735 OUR AIM—"BETTER C _ 1 A ETTER EYE A,... HARRISTON, BRUSSELS Phone 118 Phone 26X E L -r f4 by Grant Fleming, M. D, (rsMuteo A HEALTH SER‘ ICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES SLEEP In taking stock of personal assets and liabilities it is unusual to find sleep mentioned In the list, Yet sleep uormany represents a quarter to a third of (,nr'o life. and Is Lily definitely an asset or at least it should be, How long should one sleep? An infant sleeps t:uylhing up to e!ttll teen hours out of twenty-four, this a- mount gradually tapering off till t11 sehonl age Is reached, From tic, t'1 twelve years of age the child s1o01,1 have eleven or twelve hour's sl''ep and between the ages of twelve and twenty never Ices titan nine Lours and pfcfcrably ten. :deep beetle of nature's sirortte.:t allies in producing and malut•tining 110111001 health, Sleep should 1), regarded and hnevfled its 01c of nature's henetleient gifts to men. piaci. It is doubtful, however . if there is any asset which rnan treats more Dometdlll . es n more causally d Y tar contemptuously than sleep. The growing child fights agr.inst it. Many an adult boasts that he can get by with very little sleep. But the fact remains that we are all intended to enjoy a reasonable amount of sleep. Just what that amount is varies in adults but cer- tainly anything less than six In sev- en hours sleep cannot be said to he adequate and tight hours is tt reas- onable period for the uverege g)'own-up. To really enjo; sleep and get the most benefit from it ceratin essen- tials are necessary. '1'lle bed, whether soft or bard, ethould be to one's 111ti1 g; sufficient_ covering to be warm "l)ut not too warm; fresh dr, not necessarily cold ah', but [lir which is renewed during the night thorough en open tvttdaw; and above all if possible, 11 menial attitude whieb lets go or the day's problems and perplexities slid ap- pl'oaebc's sleep with an easy mind, A gond hook, nu hour of 1110050 a gleavelnt wall, these and mansether diversions 111X,171CIe mplendl:l Pre- ludes to restful sleeping. The art or sound, untilStul'bed 511011111g may be c•nitivated and it Is an asset beyond. price 1111' 11111111111 happiu ems. BUYING THINGS 'Poo—MIS ynrir wife done all 111 Cr C'lirimtntcls shopping yet llirlc--t:)lr, yev; lasr mon" Now she's 511131011 to buy a few tri48.