HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-1-5, Page 4THE BRUSSELS PQ$T
Written for the Post By Our Own Correspondents
'Ct 4,N1ROOL<
I'. a .. rfl
'folies lw'luned R iiliams, liraa G
of the P, X. P. S. of this P.esbjt r;•
ttttende4 the P,Y.P.S, meeting beta
in Brampton slant week.
Mr. Stuart- Nelle of Hanover -1,rnt
week-ent -'ietth his Parents Mr. and
Mrs. James Noble,
We are all :terry to hear that
Glen Huether Lae filled; eeeft tell under the group system, At the
his bed this wear and finite he
.soon be eaeo,ying his usual 4,01
health again.
Mr. Maldwyn Williams of i:::x
College, 'Poral t' hoe ren- . . ,
Toronto after peer .g a wee -
vacation wilt patete-,
Miss Me) lite -thee has eleteael
a poeiticrt ,t, iertae.s.
Mrs. Engel a:- "
eessit,n 1,' G: . wa- t vaitee
over 8300 and financed some repalre
on the manse,
The election of officers resuit:d
as follows: 'Pra:eident, Mrs, Buell:
Moffatt; 1st vice, Mrs, Eldred Neer -
01; sec., Bars. aechle Messer; treat.,
lire, ftervey Robertson; org•t;1st.
Mrs, J, C. Higgins; auditors, ler•. J.
R. Greig, Miss Hazel Mundell.. The
soc;ety decided to carry on for 1'.138
The awed Ti.: . .. I.:'
Aid of Kt: a -s , i e r
wee held :n 1.
Tluneday aft .,r.tg' ,
Scott presided. el:- flee-: M
led in prayer. R••p•,t. w.
from rash get up :-h twee
ties for tee yeer Mekine a:: 1 greet-
ing goat. wits ..-: ch:.:' -n;:.•..
revenue. Tire T .:el -rry ,;r . 1;•
Inesented a Isla;: The fog W:'—
amounts were aimed in to the gttr-
eral trwiew r:• the yrar; Mee
$48,94; Bout eary Fatter. , -„ ,;
Shrewd.. $66.'-e; and Turaberey,
$126.67. Durerc the year the iota.
cal leyermee ,he church re/elate.
$100, raid the inters -re on m) =._
and gave the Board of Managers
tease of the meeting a sucial hour
was enjoyed when members of the
Boundary group served lunch.
Rev. J. R. (treig delivered a .New
Year's me gag, ' from the palp't •-•t
Knox Presbyterian cuurch on Sun-
day meaning.
The Y P. G .,I ;he United c::urcl:
r as i,:d
thea. annual banquet on
1• (l..t e owl e to thtl Seeeri?,
n„ Tee ,:rifler tweeting _t the.
Y. P. S. of Kuox P-enbyrei,an
bur w e al:•• withdrawn.
Tee ..^t:.. ef err. and lir.. , i -
earn Iteb rtaee was the, Beene of a
1, r;:iry• wat.i:aring r,n •1'hu;seta} even -
b, -leg the ;31i attniv-,-are e
tie a re eau `e. Tee eyenieg we;
rtt is dine -lege Mr, and
Reber sen were the f
[Lolls bT•'.,1'ani and u,rt. al _lift,
keeping with the oecaelon. •
Rely etherley Dae returned i) To-
roI1G) after -pet,d:ng tits Fio:d;i•,s
with Mr, and Mrs. A. 1). Smith:
Tneneie eeewere who is not e•n,i"gy-
in,- very r:r„l health at p.eeeme le
with itis lud)':.'-r, Dr. IL L. Stewart
at Wingham,
Mrs, Jas. 31• .,ter and dao_ ; • r r* --
turned home stir spending. t weak
with her parent, and brother and
sitter -in-law.
We are sorry to hear Mre Tbos,
Stewart is sick at present and hope
Notice to Public
Complete House High Class Venere Flooring
Alterations --- Cupboards or Dumb -Waiters
Chas. Querengesser
Phone 78xr2 or 77
Elitninate the fire -risk of old faulty wiring and
at the same time give your home plenty of
baseboard and wall outlets, smart new wall
switches and modern lighting fixtures. Let us
look over your present wiring and give you an
estimate on a new installation that will enable
you to take the fullest advantage of the mar-
vels of electricity. Wiring and fixtures, of
course, come under the Home Improvement
Plan for easy financing.
to hear be will soon be better
air. and Mee. Melville Matters re-
turned home in Friday after spend-
ing a week with friends In Termite
and Hamilton and Freeltou,
Miss Janet Robertson epees the
week -end with her mother, brother
and sister 00 tit•: 1st line.
.Mrs, Ben Iloilenbeck one tw•)
daughters spent a few days, with
'.her brother awl sister-in-law 31r.
and Mrs, Robt, McClennan awl
Miss Ethel Jcbnston returned to
Byron after spending ber holiadys
at her home on the let line
Miss Dorothy Aiken returned to
Moorefield after spending her hoia
days at her borne in Bluevale.
Miss Pearl Mathers returned to
Toronto atter -pending a week with
her father, brother and sister's
31r-. Jim. Johnston ,peat foto
days with her parents ac Anbuere !
Mr. and Mrs. Cbas. Johnston awl
son and Mr, Richard Johnston and
'Miss Emnma sheet New Year's with
Mr, and Mrs. Coulter Neth --r; at
Mr, Gorden f. rr ie returned t,. Dat•
ton after epewileg a 1 :1.1.te with
Rev. and Mee. ,r!•>„ at
T :e annual n:.- •ten of the i',r'.S.
No, 4 Blueval- wee held Seam.
day. The j - t of to
mdl.4ie was nn.- of the questions tie
der d-,.cussion, W. J. John,ter, the
retiring trustee, was 1.-e:erre d The
hoard consists ,st R, H. MciCim:gut,
seer-rtery. S. N, Gallaher, C. Hetet
erirgton anti W, J. Johns -ton.
V. A. 3tow'lray. a former resi-
dent t: B u- v: t•-, ha; d =posed at
his l -'i kaa t e l l . rug -pest .u='„,:',
at Lucknow i:) A. St'1ka of Leek 1
now, 31r. 31n:vh-•ee int ela,e eteee
into partnersale with Yeetrr-, An-
derson in the flex industry; \Ire,
R. H. McKinroa is a patleat in
Clinton hospital 'ti's, W. J. 31as-
ters and daagl erg Parkblll, gar ,
with Mr. and etre, Jahn Hall; M1=+
Pear: Mothers, ror:,nto. is with le:
father, Thome ela'hers.
A merry Claestnnt; party wa:;
hr -1d in the Ferre,ters' Hail or
Wednesday evening when }'rung
and old gathered for an old-time
community dance. Music was sup-
plied by local bioiinists. The ladies
served refreshments.
The Short Course In Agriculture
and Home Ee enomics openee
Wingbam on Tuesday mcttilag,
Those attending from this dls••ict
are Misses Margaret Turney, Mossie
Milligan and Dorothy Greenway,
Ross .Smith, Carl Johnston, Stew•tat
McLennon, George Hethermgtoa
and Wilmer Robertson,
I Miss Alba Mowbray left this week
for Lucknow to spend a few weeks
with her brother, V. A. and Mrs.
3iowieray who is ill at pr:sent;
Miss Jessie St;acban, Brussels, ac-
companied by her nephee, Archer
H. 'Caskey, Canadian West, with Mr,
and Mrs. P. bi, McEwen; Tbynue
Wray, Woodrow, 'Sask„ with bis
avast, MIss i3arbara Thynne and
other relatives.
Mr, Clarence Marten was re elect-
ed trustee for S,5, no. 9, Morris,
Loading Hogs at Walton every
Saturday, these are the highest
prices going. —Frank MeGavin,
At an executive meeting of the Y.
P. S. of Duff's United Church the
following officers were elected for
1938: hon. pros., Betty Drager;
Pres., A. K, Bewley; vide -pies„ Wal.
lace Shannon; sect,, Barrie Mar-
shall; tress„ Herbert Traviss;
Pianist, Mildred Sellers; conveners
of conlmittoees. Christian Felloty-
Berg Aro 'it erta Takes Pro*
Piles[ of the Post of 60
and $5 Yraars Aro
D. A, Knethlel, of 3inoseiaw.
Sask., Is spending the holidays with
his Parents in this locality.
Capt. Andrew Watt, of the bargee
Drumeiton, wee here on a mos: en-
joyable visit to his eousio, Robert
Reginald and Mrs. Watson, of
Chatham, spent Cbristinas a; the
parental home t,f the former, 4th
Wm. Clark rind sister Julie, of
Pen e, Sask., are here on a visit to
Win. Geddes "'•d line, They former.
ly lived on ibe lith line he; Jahn
Clegg now resides. It is 23 years
since the fancily moved away,
Her: Cole w•'ao for the pas; :wo
years has been head opera"-=ne
engineer at the Central light and
new+ -r station Regina Sask. ie
-pending a vacation at his ]tome,
6th line.
At the sehuol tug In No
Wm. Wa'-nn °dueled the clang
with Chas, Wilkins.. -it as Seeretery.
George W, Pleet , r daeiine•1 re-
t:nminatine as t- est=•: after eatliu`
in 6 years.
elr, anal Mrs, Naylor of Stetinrtti
are visiting at r. Seers.
A, eleD=naid and family •n'nt
New Year's I)ee ar Jas. Coup's,
Officers E:lected--Coiirt Wool.
bine, No. lett, C. O. F., elected the
following officers for the current
terms:—C, R., Ed, Fulton; V, (", 11.,
Jas, S. Houston; Fin: Sec., Jno Me-
Nabb; Ret'. Sec„ Robert 31cDottelie
Chaplain, Jas, D. McNair; Aue ter
Allan Cameron; 5. W„ Wm. Ziegler;
J. W., R. Houston; S. B. Jno. Shies;
J,B., Geo. Dunlop; Trus:'ees, Jno.
Forrest, Jno, Shiels and Allan Cam.
srip, Ethel Shaw; missions, Alvin
McDonald; citizenship, Earl ('nulls;
Christian NA' ere, Mary Buchanan,
recreation, Stuart Bryans;
ship training, training, 'Hervey Bryans; r1-cr='-
000n cOnhmi'tc0 lo assist $helm
Ilryans---Beth Shannon, Blair SL-i,t•;
collectors, Oared gumming}, ltest
Bennett, Leelle Rutledge,
At the mantle; wavier. of llnffie
t'ni:'erl ("linrrh Rev, 31r, (emanate
e111)se IN hie telt, "Put [rte le re.
na ern b re nee; lei its plc -=u1 t n:; et her
water,- truu 1liat time may. 't le
Jacek Murray and 31r. Iteilil1' of
Sarnia, lfiss 31aigarl-t Merely.
Landon, .and Mrs. 'William John -eon,
Blyth, rlsll"d on friends; 31n: .1,
rattersr,n, Seaforih, is visitl1i, Sir,
and Mr.. W, 1'. Ilr-t:nett; ,11111 .1o'nr•
sinb tehn-ued to Iittlibopt'01: 31t•,
and Afro. George Kirkby and ('01 ly,
Clinton, week. en visit ore; ;.1140
Shirley lemne:t in Senfnrilat ;,lis,
Ilsley snaillike and hiss Jean Fele
rttiltarsnn with friends in 'Brussel,;
MTs, Alex nil and deuithter
Gloria of IIrussr'ls are spending a
week with Mr. H. Smalldon.
R. H. Neale, of Edmonton, Alta.
is renewing old friendships in this
s- *
George and Andrew Dunbar, of
Roebuck and James Dunbar, et
Sunridge, have been visiting their
brothers and sisters, Mrs. R, Lung,
during the past week.
Will. 31'cKay was re-elected school
trustee for our school and with W,
Schnock and A. Machan will look
after the interests of the section,
James L, to Man*
of Bengnugh
Sask„ is home. for a holiday vis:;
alter a stay of 4 years.
Wm, Booth returned trom Old
Alla„ on Friday.
Fred and Mrs. Davey spent Christ-
mas nay in Grand Valley.
Miss Alice Nokes, of Wlnripeg,
is visiting old friends in this vicin-
Visit at the foriner's
8th con,
tai bonne,
Address and P}•esentation-'Sstur• i
day evening a small et/mpany repre-
senning many old friends. called at
the home of George Robb when
Reeve Leckie read a suitable ad-
dress and ('oencillor Dances heeded
Mr, Robb a fine gold watch and
chain; W. H. Herr presented Mrs.
Robb with an oak rocker and Miss
Fairy Robb reeelved a gold bracelet,
Walter Lowry making the prsenta-
tlon, Mr, Robb and family loave
this week for St. Catharines where
be will take eht,rge of the Ln"don
Life Insu.rance Agency as Geecrtl
A pretty wedding -At high neon
Thursday of last week, Dec. 26th,
',Havelock" the ennrmodiou t :f.
deuce of Wm, t.rd :ere, men -Ay -a.,
Princess street, Brn..sels, was
scene of a very happy gathering
when Miss Alexceue Alma, d u
of the host and 110011 0e and u J.
Harvey Bryan@ were =treed.
Wedding Mardi was played by lits s
Gladys Cutt, Blylh, the bride wee
given away by her brother, W. I.,
3It'Kelvey, .Montreal. Itev, L,
len, Moorefield, performed the r
ntony, C. F. Rutherford rc..,r re i
the solo "Because," Master Mee
ley McKelvey, Montreal perf'rm'-d
the duty of page and hiss Gtc:a
Eckman', Jaf.,e town a niece, war`
flower girl. These who _: a ,11
were elisses Mee Winter, .l;-,rion
Jaw on, Mina McKelvey and Ella
Boynton and Avon and Alex 31c.
Municipal Nominations
Cole, P. A. McArthur and Frank
Collins. These latter withdrew, Ac•
demotion for rest,
Reeve—Jno, Shortreed, Jno Mc.
Cracker, Wm. Elston, Charles
Campbell. Tho two latter retired.
* * r
Councillors --W 61, Fraser, Wm,
Thuell, 1Ym. Laidlaw, Geo, Procter,
Duncan. Johnston, Jno, Watson, W,
J, Henderson and Wm, Cunning-
ham. The flit three named and
W. Elston were members of last
year's board.
Jos, .Leech and brother bats
holidaying here this week,
Irving Cleghorn. has obtainef
good situation it' Detroit.
* * 'E
,lames 3leteraeken, who
lug nee; Galt was haute
frig 1'le relative
sec long '
and friends et this
Miss McGregor, who has been
laboring as a missionary in ln'litt
fel' a number of yeere 13 On a vieit
to her uunt alre McKee, 8th
Henry Keys had his leg I-loken
last Wednesday, by a kick tr7tn one
of hie horses.
A d *
Alex Cameron and 'family are
visiting at I3luevale,
Geo, Dobson has nonce 'f0'' the
holiday season,
• P, Thornton was at Grand Rapids
last week.
is teach
far th
Wm. Shaw of St. Marys spent D.
few days with Itis brother here,
Principal Shaw
* '' 10
Gordon Mooney and wife C, R.
Van^atone were home from Elsinore
last week,
31L,s Bella Messer way ar home
ler a few day; this week.
Miss Maggie McDonald is Wane
v sit°n.^ f::ene1, this week..
:a * 1
Miss Riila titterer, of Bruseele
spent a few d: ys in :own .,.is wee.,.
Chas, Dame.: has purca a i H.r•
am W'hlte'c .sa.v mil:.
MuDanald Pea:: saw -mill is now
retelling at full b1:=s', 1
The following are some of the Rev, S. Jones o1 B'ueseis will
Nomination of last Monday:— preach in the Presbyterian etural
r 11 here next Sabbath,
.11. A. Morrison has gone to )9
Reeve•-•Jno. Leckie, by a_eetnia• field Twp., where he has see tree_ a
Councillors—Hewitt, D. 31; position. -John
Ewan, Geo, Mndoon, A. Mr•GUire P,
Amens, A. C. Dames, D. 3I Seer[
and 11, A. Pryne, 3Iesst's, 31elt:Mon, • hiss Addie -linens} has goo, 04 :
:McGuire, Hew'te anti Pryne sere the visit 30 Detroit,
only nominees to sualify and hente >F * r
are elected by acclamation. Joseph Stubbs and Garnet Neale-
Scrool Trusees—M, H, Torre, son are making preparations for a
John Cunningham and 3I. Bleck, by brick building.
* M a
Robt. Sample has leased his ,n i
GREY acre farm on the 3rd line to Rich-
Reeve—Root. Livingston, acelama- and Armstrong for a term of acv e -
tion. ' years.
Depot Reeve—Jno, Brown, ac -
Councillors --Wm. Fraser, S, S. W. F. Frayne, of Detroit was visit -
s t: *
....Morley Price, of Marsvrlle, rt [ha
guest of Peter McEwen jr„ of Turu-
* 10
Miss Milly Harriss returned front
Saskatoon last Monday, wher' she
has spent the last six months,.
Mrs, E, Griffith returned from
Manitoba rpt Friday and wtp re.
main here for a few -lays feeble.
leaving to vielt her brother In
Duncan ('antct•on, of Hnrv'e Fall,,
spent several days of least. Ke k
with hls sister, Mrs, P. Dovey,
'Stewart McKcreberf lee for Ras-
kalonn on Montlay where he will
take a course= b, the Normal S0lic,1
Miss Jessie M;Tnvlsh who • hue
spent the 11,11. two }Fars with rola.
rives lu Sitekarehewan, has rein, a"1
here for the winter,
Suss M°Artlltit (nurse) was avray
On 11 holiday yr=fl to New York.
Joint alcKlnnon of Vert %Vill,am,
an dson and daughter, are here on a
David Shiels is, visiting re',uives
in Galt.
McGavin—lu Gley, on Dec, llth,
to air, and Mrs Robt. McGavin, a
Fifty- years ago when the organized
fight against tuberculo.<is started. about
nal person, out. of every 100,000 then
ivir,^ died annually from thisdisease.
To -dao in t'anada only GO p •rhon0 aro
lying; oftuhereut t out °Peu-ry 11111,000
and the (seat rate is steadily declining.
if the ,acne number of persons in
prawn" ion 1n population were dying
from it In 41111'31 to -day as there were
u Lail, we w,n&d have in cantina
;hi,4 3 \ 83,net) deal—ire lave
' t i7.4100, 44 large 1 a Melfi ,tnnliltf
t:•seee. tett by romper. 111 t shows
.hat r er i noric hes t,• n •etece,sful.
In Oz.:A-1,,1 r Ohre vre 1.2nT
i r..:: f .0 a I111.'1 death ath rate
,r _ 11• alt p., 1 ,',,qu population.
C:Pn or more living
e(t t 11 t. within the'troy-
T-.1 1 - t part is that 01010
' g1; P t: , i lie die Or now suffer
r 11.•x- 0r yl11110 people in
Ill -IIs Use p r, i nr life',
I -a 1 t f !he grater di,,nnostic
sodic :..,.ed the public and the
mores's: m tn Is ernpieyed. 1t is still
r tt 1:, r 4 nt f sana-
lrit:^ s tine,ons r fount be in rho
tar13 st.11,•a., .,r. This means
hat far ' t ,my unrecognized rases are
threatening their families and
neighbour, with infection.
To tit,1 the Whirled and to give them
treatment and care. is the one atnt of the
Toronto and -flu,l aka Hospitals for
consumptives anti the queen 3lary
Hospital for Consumptive Children.
Their succor; depends tamely upon ilia
51/10001 received through voluntary
contributions, for which an urgent appeal
is now made.
Please well you help this life -sawing
work by sending a gift to National
Sanitarium Association, 2.23 Collcgo
street, Toronto,
• Canadian Pacific Extends Air -Conditioned Service
The Canadian Pacific Railway sleeping and parlor ears for use
Angus Shops at Montreal are on trains between Montreal and
humming with activity these days Quebec, Montreal and Ottawa,
as the Company continues its Toronto and Ottawa, and {.rains
comprehensive programme of air- 39 and 40 between hfoutreal and
conditioning. In the current year, Saint John, N.B. Air -condition -
air -conditioning equipment wi11 Ing of tourist ears for use on tete
be added to 136 ears, including transcontinental tralns between
standard sleepers, dining cars, Vancouver and Montreal and Tor -
tourist sleepers, parlor cars, and onto is a now and interesting bit.
day coaches, and these, In addle titre of the 1937 programme, '1'll.is
tion to the 130 cars air-condition- will supplement last year's tier-
ed in 1036, will permit a very vices which allowed air -condition -
considerable extension of air -con- ell standard Sleepers, compare.
ditlemed services throughout the mens -lounge, bedroom and parlor
Dominion, • cars to be used on transcontlnon-
Provision is made by the 100 tal trains between Montreal, Tor-
nrogramme to provide alr-eon- ron.to, and Veneonver; tho Mona
(Intoned dining cars on all trains real, Toronto Hamilton, Chicago
carrying air-conditioned sleepers services; and the night trains bo -
pr parlor cars, besides additional f twoon Montreal and Boston. Air,'
conditioned sleepers and lounge
cars wore also provided for the
"Mountaineer" service between
Chicago, St. Paul, and Vancouver.
Some idea of the work connect-
ed with air-conditioning is given
by the pictures above. Cars aro
stripped, as in lower right, mrd
lesuinted to 'keep out heat, cold,
and dust, Tho pictures at the
left show some of the material
being placed in the ears. Tho
satisfaction written all over the
face of the yotmg lady, In "Lower
5," expresses the public's feelings
toward Ibis new typo of control-
led comfort, In the centre is a
c1080.up of tbo control equipment,
by which, as the arrows indicate,
the Individual ern regulate the
volume and direction of the flow,
of air, e3