HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1938-1-5, Page 3T he Brussels Post FOUNPRD-1673 R. W, KENNEDY .-. Publisher Pebltahed Every Medneaday afternoon Subaeriptior, price $1.50 per Year, paid in advance, Subset•iptiee In United States will please; add 600 for postage. TH 'POST PRINT Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont, BRUSSELS —:— CANADA SHOULD CONDENSE THEM We are Informed In u story from Ottanva that there will be soinefeing said when the House of Commons gets under may regarding the manner in which Canada House In London ionised after the Canadians who went to that great city in the days of the Coronation, I; is said gbat several Liberal mehnbere of Parliament were annoyed because they did not receive ae multi at- tention as they considered was duet thein, The 01 :Imo. story rciatr : thesse members may be ready to as- sert that Hon, �tneent tia ,,, y. Canada's High Conlitrinsioneo bh London, waa "taro husy welt seeial function to bother weir bent," 4 Likewise there will be complaint that the flat: rented for visitors through Canada House were not as gnarl ac ;11ose nllic•Ij Cnlladhlll'4 were able to g ant :^.vl secure far 'Lean. selves after itnfliag they ha I rte liking for the eeleetons Jade by Canada House, We do not knew whether We is ! sertoue enough to worry Par1Ia' Mot about, There were people by the thousands from the world over W110 vers all bent upon Old t,andoe at the sante time and for the same 1 purpose, and no doubt they all felt they eliould be given an ex:ellent oltpolitunity to see all Obey desired to see under the most favorabiu eon- ditions, Lt could not possibly have been arranged that all could have , everything at it beet in the way of accoramoation and 'attention, it 14 likely there were hundreds or times• ands who •had pretty much to shift for themselves and make the best of such eccom nlo8datoa and service as they could secure, We hope those who have gt'levaneee do not feel inclined to make too much, or them during a time when the fell. of the. Dominion who stayed Thome will be paying for the airing of the com- plaints, COMPULSORY PASEURIZATION OF MILK ac 1..t:elation from Hon, 1', M. Dewen, Queerer's minister et agri- culture, that tee (li nhand fur centime eery paeteurimelen of milli is 1n - creasing to such an extent. that lation In that deection may be look- ed for some is good evIdene that the province has just pawed • through an election- We 3,31.110' imagine ah previneial minister talk' ing about compulsory pasteurtrat:io-I �c nl.y other r'nte than at the be^ ginning of a new terra in power for THE the simple reason that next to day' light saving, there is probably note. leg that 8100888 rural resentment more quickly than the euggeaton that no raw milk should be allowed to be sold, Any such prepmal is nothing abort of political dynamite and heti there been the slightest suspicion during the recent cam- paign that compulsory pastenm•iza- tion wee even beteg thought of, it is safe to say theusands of rural voters Would have diverted away from the supOori•' of the government, ender the present sat -up mantel, palitiee have tl.e power to require all milk sold within tahetr limits to be pasteurized and while a num- ber have taken advantage of that permissive legislation, 11 is a fats that many other municipal Penn. e11s, even though convinces the: es a safety measure the sale of raw milk should be efolnu d, have sens- etl the opposition toward such a pol. icy apd have hesitated to parva the necessary bylaw. When munle1Pal governments are relnetent t t ride over the opponents of pasteurizatiou is not difficult to see wily a pro- vincial adnhln:etra.tinn, fully alive to • Ibe reelinge along the Concession lines on this nutter and cousceme, too that much t•f its support: eo:nee tram the sante quartet, shelti,1 be dubious about 11t.redueing a'nieitied pasteurization en a province -wide bests, Mr, Inewan's intimation Manes, therefore, as a bit of m s•11'• pvicte, E would have been ala!'' by jecture if it utl been made le the the 1I111ister of health and 0,101311'- inp, frotn the, Department of Agri- culture it is even more aateniehinn. USSP1 5 POST EDITORIAL NOTES Six votes continue beverage roams in Pgrt 41g01. It once waa said that a bare muinrlty was of no value in respect to the liquor law. Will It be the case of the 'ii)ooze" parlr in the Lake Huron town? P * x NdItor George R. Harris of the Gazette bas been elected mayor of Burlington by acclamation, L,lkt his father, Mr. Elgin Harris, he has served for many years in the town municipal council altd the county council or Halton, * 8 Colingwood teller bill was flown last year something about 223,nla), or which, the town's shtu was about $7,000. Better times, le, employment and more wags wo 1; - ed together for 111e good of tie. teen, the taxpayer's and the mope. to general. j - "Nottewasaga township in they • County, writes Bettor Cranston in the Midland Free Press. Teit • cameo of pOrietl, of set 1,; of geography, Cone" over old :el, eel lece tills matter 00,— anti we will rat. 1 t•' ant to .illi" 5' Can it be tree? It 1,, the Stela Pails Itecord N,ry <p,.akir •1c , metling or `;m;t11- Nall, 11.3re rf Edeation. • H, G. 'Mayhew t• ; e.•••, that he had int•erei:•wr4 Ureal d•"(,: men with regarl le 111' <tinnYln t, ,t Milk to underweight ebildren in ppbldc selloole and had :been l0' formed the: the Onrtario Mi11c Con• trot Board had set a prioe of 12 cent's per queet tar delivery to echgoie, two emits higher than the general rate :charged houeehnldore here, Dairylnen were willing to supply it at the regular rate and :tad written the Milli Control 'Hoard for permission but this had beau re. fused.' Page the Ontario Milk 73oard quickly, :Y * tit R "Blaine liquor sales for auto rue nage." "Disgraeeful Yuletide lrgy takes Record Tratde Toll," shouts the Toronto Telegram h1 stream lines. The Star and Glebe and Mall are equally as voeif^.roux, Setreeiy what might be termed good argatnortt for extending the, facet. • nips or encouraging au increase In sales. { Sympathy is due the mail e.,r:ters at the season et the year. t'O•t.11ly not burdened ey the financial wei„ht of their contracts they struggle day after day to give tee servie•, :le Mand ere Llivzatds and bleceee roads have lo be contended with, Set so eatlsfartory has been their 1 work on the ro'rtes in this ecus nr that not a complaint has been h"1(Id. Increased comprehension 1•4 .urely 4-t1ming to these faithful ser53nis of 111[3 community. T G'S Governments 3133(11(1 adva•1t:se more, 'William E. Slo-her, 1 cter of the School of Citizenship 1.^.11 Public Affairs. Syracuse l niefe i.e. ' t1,111 the Civil cervix -e Assembly of the Uatited (States end Canada, "There to a dearth of lnterpreting to the public what the tloveramene is doing," Masher. said. "Public awthoritlee are almost entirely leek. ing in apprehension of the necessity of lnfoluning ter public of plane or accomtplish:ments” That sounds like pretty gond advice, * +k * The bye -election 1t1 the Lotblaiere seat in the House or Commons wag won easily tby the Icing goverlultent Liberal, Soseph N, P'rancoeur, This should tend to check the stories of aruti•Brltlslt feeling in rural Quebec 1u respect to welch there is mere or less stalk in. Ontario. Something with a more substantial basis will have to be waited up if those who glory in creating dissension sre to continue, lean Iliaptlete is not to be carried May a^:tit false 00 1'1114n even though pt eeenterl under a ,so termed cloak of nationality. 0:t. * 1: The uselessness and folly or ad- , t-ertsing in the Ontario Gaze'.' a ran be seen, says the Pembroke Steed- ard, when the code of the P nl11rolte harpers had to he published in it Less than six cepies of The `)merle Gazette conte 1,r this town, and these are Probably thrown into the waei" paper basket. earl never look 1 at, If ie were not 1'.i the local news- paper tri one would be ante the wiser. Evidently the bit of "fake off"e. 8131' 3.lv, :meet must g., on, SMART MAN By A, R, K, ¶ `ilt0 burglar ratan eat Put #k night, when locks and doors were fastened tight, whoa oY33 ytblilg Ura* dark: he was a clever 0ot't of lay,. who had 111e own abundant way, te, take the leeks apart, ¶ The burglar man lived 'high in- deed, and never did he 00(310 tR need, /for toe be never yearned; rc fair geed living be could make, by merely wandering out to take, wbai: outer follt had corned. ¶ lie laughed at 00001011103 and snob, declared they were •not lip to elude, above tyle ears were dead; her Was secure w1ie13 at his trade, no cause for Bins to be adl•aid, as safe as being in bent. ¶ He tapped the lock end entered in, and no one cangl)1 a glimpse or hien. for be wits very smart; 1,e+ wound be hardly }youth his salt, it he could not pry out that vault, and take the thing apart. ¶ The village constable Preo11ed . by, he was six feet three Inches high he .topped two hundred pounds: 11e Paused to listen as he came, it seem- ed to 11imcorrect and plate, he heard some burglar sounds. Q The burglar had no alh,an0(1 to ruin, for Ire was covered with a gun, it pointed at his ears; the burglar man appeared nextday, he heart/ the cacti, up and say lel give yes justfive years, Read It ern of: come from? otherwise where would the snrplua Prost does not cause the leaves of trees to turn yellow and red' in the --The C'.tllingwood 1lnterprise, autumn. aim CWao,+.M+a �3ti�t.r ill. $1YHTC .R'T�f-.iGiJ .,.}SLTf £k•:rCSi?.Tki61C...dL. ..G'P.L'i,CY.. 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