HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-12-29, Page 5:r. THE BRUSSELS POST
:No ;Election In
1111orri Township
(COntiutied Front Page One)
tion that Is being undertaken there.
He was greatly impressed. Trees ore
grown there to be supplied ter re-
forestation and to farMertt for wind-
break. Government will assist any
et/linty that oaules on reforestation
but they advooato 1000 oores in one
'place while Huron county at present
favors about 100 acres in the various
townships, He told of the various
kinds of trees that .can be supplied
and what soil is best adapted to the
different trees,
Be promised his best efforts if re -
a W, James,Henderson
Mr, Henderson. said at the begin-
ning of his speech that be was not
a candidate but was gla dto be rem.
dithered, He would like to 83e Mr,
Cardiff returned, he said, as lie has
a fine dhance to be warden, an hon.
ourable position and he hoped Ite
would be so honoured.
SPealclog of tellorestation, he said
it was Imp:10mA, We need It
throughout the whole province, but
it must be done in a good way, II
said he hoped the county would do
something along this line. He critt.
sized the using or wood for fuel
which came tram small trees and
said to get reforestation it is neves.
sary to destroy the financial pres-
sure of the people. People destroy
trees because of necessity.
Francis Dune
will not stand this year he said, but thousand dollars more •Ram thLy re.
Heavy road expenditures have
boon made this year, Mr. Duncan
said, but a lot had been accomplish.
ed. Wet weather held up the work
Old a good joh done, The rate will
have 11 bo rased
read expenditures are lessened. if
elected he will stand and da the
best Possiible for the ratepayers
Robert Wallace
1 have enjoyed the council work
during the year, Mr, Wallace stated
and he thanked all who have voted
for him last year. Be also mentioned
that mare had been spent on 4he
roads than last yeas, 2609 More
yards of crushed gravel used this
Year and more spent on the side
roads. It would be a good plan for
the township to start reforestation
on the 2nd line, he said. He told
o fthe demonstration of weed killer
on the 8.111 in August, This Is sup-
posed to kill the weed and willows
and If successful would be a good
thing to carry on. Ile said it would
cost about $30 a mile. He was in
the field, be said.
Jame8 Pheien
Mr. 'Thelon explained his clealre
that Reeve Cardiff get the warden-
Fship and said he could see Do ueed
ter an election tris year. The road ,
Policy should be changed he said,
two roads in the south are a tits.
grace. Regarding the use of weed
killer, he advise.: council to go :dm
and to study the matter carefully.
Lots et frontage could be levelled
and cut with a mower, he suggested.
This would improve the aped: .anee
and keep money in the township. I I
1004 some time la the future,
Edward Bryans
Mr. 13ryans said he always told
People who work on county roads
was paid for by the county, He said
ohrushed ravel binds and is hard te
move and that 18 Why a. power grad-
er is hest. The crusher would be
on the &th line next Year he said,
The demonstration of 'weed killer
was Just a test, only way to And
out Is to buy soma and use it. He
said he tried it for bind weed on his
farm and it did not work. Mr.
Henderson said he had used it but
would have to wait another year be-
fore he knew the results. He spoke
of the Mill subsidy from the govern.
ment and said council took no
credit for that. He will stand for
Cecil Wheeler
I enjoyed the work this Year, he
said, and did my best and if you see
fit to re-eleot ,sle I WM continue to
do the best I can.
The use of weed killer this year
was just a demonstration and Coun-
cil will have to await results. If it
is successful, it is a better wa than
cutting, be sail. Putting just leaves
the weeds to grow up again. He
would not be surprised if taxes are
higher as asessment is less bY
some thousands of dollars. Good
many farms aro abandoned or barns
burned, He said he would flood.
Stewart procter
Mr. Procter said he Would rot be
in the field, Toxes will likely go
itglier, The Township spent 3 or 4
eelleed this year. Assets $3000 less
than last Year. He eritleised the
fact that each year road machinery
was put in et same figure, 1^siliing
allowed for depreciation. Should be
a. protest ti the Government against
Pion PUShing snow into sideroad
entrances so as to block thew. He
thought it might be cheaper to rent
a power grader than purchase one,
Shot addresses were also given
by Hx4Reepe Robert Sho;treed,
Richard Johnstm, Ex-Coun, Abram
Procter, W. j, Henderson and
Walter Shortered,
W• 0. Y. A,
29—Brussels at Mitchell
Hockey Schedule
31—Mitchell at Gocierier
Jen, 3—Luelmow at Brussels
7—Winglmen 0.1 Lucknow
Brussels at Goderich
10—Jmcknow at Mitchell
13:—Godertch at Lucknow 1
Mitchell at Wingham
18—Lucknow at Winghtim i
19—GoderIch at Brussels
21—Wingham at Coderich
Brussels at Lucknow
29—Mitchell at Lucknow
Winghain at Brussels
28—Wingbam at Mitchell
Lucknow Itt Coderich
Feb, 1—Brussels at Wingliam.
2—Goderith at Mitchell
4—Mitchell at Brussels
Hockey Results Wednesday
night, Brussels at Mitchell
Mitchel 9 Brussels 5
Grey Township
Council Returned
,(ContInued From Page One)
schedule of the said wets,
Mr, 'Ames Dougherty spoke of
good state of the Ithaneos or the
township and said he believed the
'Amoroso of tho road maintainer
had been a good investment. He
made 'special mention of the Weed
Question and of the Method, he be.
lieved would have to be followed
in the control of weeds and of the
feet that the dept. of agriculture are
insisting on the municipalities tak-
ing more interest in the destruction
of weeds and that the Highway
Dept. are liable to withold the
sicly unless weeds are destroyed on
the roads,
Mr. Alexander stated that ttnitg a
new man on the job he could net ht.
blamed for anything previous to
1937. He was sorry that there had
not been more gravelling done on
the roads but owing to the bad
weather they had not got as much
done as had b3en expected. They
had Just got a. second crusher going
when the unusually heavy fall of
fillOW acme and stopped all opera-
tions, He stated that everything
was favorable to having a 101 of
gravel put on in 1938.
Mr, Leslie MeRay in answ,.1. to
several enquiries a $* to th5 slIness
of destroying weeds by spraying
stated that he believed the blushi
as well as the oceds had been flo,,-
troyed where the tests had been
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made and that be favored the des,
tructdon of all brush And weeds on
the roadsided As JO certain cam.
plaints be had received. about not
having certain roads %Haled for
raptor traffic he claimed that those
requiring to use the said roads
should adapt themselves to the pre-
vailing conditions, Be said the
sleighing was good and that the
sleighing should be used under the
' circumstances also when asked es
to whether he thought the eontrac-
tor on the BeauellamP Oree%Draia
should be paid extras or not, he re-
plied that In his opinion a contract
should be adhered to and that the
only way the contractor would he
entitled to extras would he on the
final certificate of the engineer.
Mr. Walter Dread:foot look up the
matter of a tadyear term of ot't)ce
for those elected to serve on the
municipal board He claimed it
would be a step in the right, direc.
tion always took some time to
beeome accustomed to the work at
the municipal council.
He hoped tha counil of 1938 would
have the mailer submitted to the
electors at the next uleetioll. He de-
clined to stand for councillor a', Nils
time but might at some future time
allow his name to appear or the
ballott. As Mr. Broadfoot was the
last on the list or i t to
speak the meeting woe elt).(1 by
singingthe Nati
At nine o'clock p.m. cm T0es.133'
only those of 1937 council hni
cided to remaiu on the list and `V?,`E.,
therefore elected by acclamatioa
'To the Electors
of Grey Township:
As I pm again a member or your
beard ,for 1088, I hope at all times0.
will he able to work for you to the
best of my ability. Wishing you
Happy and Prosperous Now Tear.
Leslie E. moKay.
Ohnistnas visitors at the manse,
were: Mr. and lIli's W W, Vipond
and family of Donegal, Mr, Reid
Vipond of Qneen's University, 1Cing-
ston and Mr. and Mrs, L. Wightman
and family of Bast Wkawanosli,
In Memoriam
Ln loving memory of Chester
Armstrong, who departed this life
December 28th, 1913; and James
Armstrong who passed on December
24th, 1930,
They are gone but not, forgoitsn,
Mrs, Armstrong and family.
removed promptly and efficiently.
Simply phone "COLLECT" to
• "a -
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