The Brussels Post, 1937-12-29, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST NEWS OF THE DISTRICT Written for the Post By Ow Own Correspondents CRANBROOK Mrs. •L, Gordon is spending the Christmas vacation at her home here, Ralph Nobe, Mr, and Mee J. Noble and daughter, Hanover, .cid Mies 'Lena Noble, Chrletmas \letters With Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Noble, Stites Verla Flecher at the home of 'bee .uncle, N. Chapman, Brussels, Malttwyn Williams, Toronto, sp,.nt Vhe Christmas vacation with Iris parents, JAMEST OWN Mr, William Grimmer is spender*. itis Christmas vacation at ierolte , Ont. Mr. Charles Jchpstone 1s enrp:r'y'd at present. in Listowel, He is weire lug for Mr. Lawrence, Hislop, Mr. Stanley Grainger of Leveret 141ine visited iu J( 1(( t' wn wit;: isle brothers Mervyn. acct Aller the weep -end, Some of ;he t"hlt•'(rts were, Mrs. Jame: \Ven' . atel - Bei. of Dr_ -droit at \\'ra, 2nd con. Gray; y; M,.:red .. Simpson at Rirleartlsene \\ i eteeer• lir. and Ales. Waiter fiemei'rt, ',Li1 faintly at 31+tl'•.('. t t; Mee, F. ..'d Join Grainger It \\ ixet;,r, H, and Mrs. Wright end leory In 1:r,;• sets: Mr, and Mee. Se>lah Irteeei ridge at Bel/thee; miss Gert ':.• of Hanover as her home en 2„d Grey; ,Mr, and Mrs, Allan ober and faculty at Wroxeter; M: r- vyn, Clarence and Stamey C rxt;; -r --at Atwood; Dougal Strachan at Bluevale; Mr. and Mrs, A'•titur -Rattan :at Brussels; Mr, and elle. J. Riley and family at A. Lamont's, ern ,8 con, Grey; Mr. Robt. Warwick at Wroxeter.. ALE Christmas viettors: Ariss Mae 'Davidson, Wroxeter; with Mr, and :Mrs. W. S. Davidson; Miss Ruby G. Duff, Toronto, Miss Dorothy Mr - 'kin, Drayton, Mr, and Mrs, Ro.,e: ,ince,, Wingham, and Mrs. Ida Wilson, 'Toronto, with Miss Duff and Mrs. .:A.itkin; Miss Annie Greig, night superintendent, Walkerton Hwpftal and Gordon Greig, Dutton. with Rev. Greig, at the manse; Mrs. Tony Meighan, Jack and Mary. Wrnx-ter, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry E' lett; Mr. and Mrs, :Veil B. 11cEache,n, Louise and Gilbert, Mount Forest, with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Garniss; Mr, and .\Ars. Raymond Eltiett: George'lt undell, Drayton, with John Mundell, Lloytie ' Wettlaufer and Miss Marie Wettlaufer, Blyth, with their parents Mr and Mrs, J. W, Wektau'fer; Miss Ethel Johns;on, Myron, 'gsiuh Mr, and Mrs. Edwar4 :Johnston; Dougal Strachan and Mrs, Elsie Lamont, Brussels, with their sister, Mrs. Pater S. i eeeEwen. Visitors out of the village: Mr. and Mrs, D. B. Lowry and Adell with -Mr. and Mrs, Lowry at List.nwel; Miss Muriel Meadows with her par. este, near Mtiverton; Mr., and Mrs. W; H. McKinney and daughter at . Harreeton. GREY•' itfr: M, Youngttnutt and family of 'Nutlet spent Obristmas with friends :in Grey, They are always welcome. We regret that it was stated in 'error last week that Mrs. D. Mc- 'Paggart had returned home from '1he'howeital but hope that she will soon he well enough to do so. Crhristenas is gone for another year And Santa. Claus has done his work. The weather dould not have 'been better just the right amount. of •snow, for the occasion. Mrs, Purdue' of Detroit is spending the Christmas holidays with frit nds in Grey.: and she and Stuart Ewing. and flatutily spent Christmas with friends in McItillop, [Misses Mary and Muriet Mctsn7_ •ald are spending the ChristmA1 ho11. days wilt t'beir aunt, Mrs. Ke.(' in Nene York, We hope they have a good time. Mrs. Kent is better known to the readers of the Post as BlenchMer :nal& The annual Christmas conte"t o" S, S. no. 10 and Union Smola, School was given 1n the baseni.,« of the dllttrclr Monday evening. Deo. M. 'Me 'Cantata ".Santa's Vacation', Under the direotion of Prof Herrero - ton, musical director, Was well given by the pupils of the school, Although Mr, Harrington was un - Able, to lbs riresent one could ens:ly see itho resttlts rif hie training during the year as 4,he Children tools their respective parts splehdidty. It il, ii 1'ncb,ttn played the part of Santa, Leis 3.tac'han 'Mrs. Santa;' Olive S to1rarn, 'Mother . Goose`; Charles Lake, 'The Sandman'; also the 'Fairies' Moonbeamet 'l,lves' 'Dolle' and Christmas trees by other mem- bei of the school, All were in costume which added greatly to the scene meth credit is due the tearher Miss Drover for her part Mao, in the absence of Mr. Harrington. The election of officers of Union S. School took place last Sunday in place of the regular lesson period. Most of the officers anti teachers of last year took their places and all are hoping for a successful yea” During the worship perfol the. mediately following the congret;a- afon mus favoured wi:h a beautiful duet "Nearer still nearer" sans by the tete,er and his wine, R••;, II. and Mrs. Snell. ll+aft forget the hours of worehip, 8. School 2 u't:lock church service 3 p.m. WALTON 9 ` Y. 1'. n:: _:.tg of Duff,, t :,r 41 rc(tr'•'t un' -y even; Are !lee. 1, r,_. i, .., . i,:!<e+l, M.. , linter: i3 reel tri a,' !levtn..•. .". rd d t'i is. `Tire t,lel Veer GGut--- •h X -n' Y •.n.' let was given by N-imin 1. . f,... ,1, was civ ,. by Rev, Mr, Cottoning,. 31r. atm:t Mrs. W. t 1 i11, 11,1'11!, 111:1 Lorn-..- i .. Dee'. cit t t••;,in 'rl....itol 1.-""o .l;c. . lad 3I' . lir tilt: ..::(..t. \is in r::•• riil:e Jim .A_a;;- ston of Helilt.-10.1t al 11 3Ir, ar111 Mrs, .Serre .1 , : n: Fr:' T unit H.rare Ittit1,7Itte ot Toronto •'th Mr. and Mee. 'r. 1). lte'l: . M'-: Margaret Cnnur.tuaof 11:11:'.',..q at the manse; Mt, Jack it Toronto with hi, prettier. er Charles Drage?: M. S. I Forsythe of T-ren,n with Me :: t AIr.. nether:I lie; Miss Duce. hy Bolton of Roth t r, N \ S 1 Mr. and Mee. William Hum Lri-• -Cosby Ennis and \\alitnt K,,::,a of Granton with Mr. and Mrs. Feel a Ennis, ETHEL G. H. and Mrs. Edward, s to an enjoyable three days' Ch s'mas holiday with members of thetr fam- ily in Toronto, Miss Doris 0111 was at Ltm.ton over Christmas and the Sunda; and Monday following, with her parents Mr. and Mrs, G over Gill, and other members of the family. The pleasure of this visit was mutual, Wee. and Mrs. Hollenbeck and Mrs, A. Hollenbeck were Christmas guests at the home of Mr .and Mrs, Walker, Turnberry Twp. Mrs, Walker is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, . Hollenbeck, Municipal nominations for Gre; Twp, were held at tre Twp, hall, Monday, Dec, 27th with the usual large attendance .present: 'Phe hall was crowded with an audience in- terested in the discussion of the topics of the occasion and were not by any means dissappointed, yet at the olose of the meeting it was generally conceded -that last year's council would be returned without opposition. Reddy's 5 -piece orchestra sponsor- ed the social a.ctivlties held In Grey Twp. hall Monday night, Dee. 27, The assembly thoroughly appreciate ed the splendid music given and the lunch provided and a similar oppor- tunity would again have a good patronage, Mrs. Bray was a guest at the Ames family Christmas festivities on Saturday. Owing to winter cnnditfons pre. vatting in conducting the funeral of the lame Mr. Hodge of Moncrieff to a cemetery in Legan Twp„ Love, funeral d.ierctor was deterred from using the motor equipment but was equal to the nceasfon by being prepared for an emergency :01 this kind and used horses, Miss Ruth 31cAilis;'et' was h^.mr• fir Christmas with her Oeeestts. Robe, and Mrs, McAllister and the: other members of =tlte family in Grey Twp. and visited with t:<a:uiv.' in Brussels for a while_ before rte - turning after tire Christmas ho.vl;,y, to resume iter position in Tor "rt', A gullet wedding took place Wed. ttesday, Dec. 22nrl, 1217, at the bunt:' of Mr. and Mrs, Quest. Dahl en viten Marietta Carolyn Garrett' of 1':,l:1 ampton became 'the bride of I'`erneli George MdeAtilay also of it Minion, Rev. Harold Suet: of Ethel United thuror officiated, The Young couple were attended by Mr, and IlIrs. Do'beon. The bride wore a very becoming gowtt of blue vo' • vet, Atter a spent hcneym'tott the i happy couple will take up residence lo Soaitbanrpton. The public library board are spoasorlug a dance entertainment to be given Friday night, Dec. 31 111 Grey Twp. ball, With Reddy's 5 - piece orobest'ra provided the nitisfc . a pleasant' time is assured. Please accept this intimation and be present. Jimmie Guest, son of D. Guest, of Wheatley whose father was minister at Ethel United Church won the Kent County Oratorical Contest open to Keret Co, School Scholars, Mrs, L. Lake spent Christmas with her daughter Mrs. Art Henry. Alt'. and firs, Geo. Menzies spent Christmas with friends in Toronto. Mrs. A, Henry has returned home after s; arming the past three weeks caring for Mrs.. Geo, E'kntfer, who has been under Atte doctor's cur: but 1t"r many friends are pleased to knew she is much improved, ee,rtl,;,n Sletahtholnt and S'trtrl McGinnis spent Christmas under, the Intl, tr'(U roof, He Played the Wrong Instrurnerltt Tile mere c: ntelle1rt.0 by "A f here youth iit t" -dry" and we ts••1 it w-• :1 worth space ;o our pa; e . if parents woulil take it to heart and I.: by tre ,^etelent talar', cit" jnv,•: Sr cant't: might net be se eel - , Qt 1::aDrt u` y: i'Itg8ters. 'Ti:'ltrouble with your bar'" --Cil •rh.- ji d. _, ,s that he pl.tyd the wrung 10'trunacrt, It insn;.e. a*" 1 [ling him wastr: his spore ti•it : ^'1 manly playing the nickel slot n:,. 1111::✓s in hiliiar'i ..oars and ,•:r.,.: had trim learn to Tilly piano. the violin, the tr -'rlr ,ta• soute __her it:5tr anent, h mull' Lave bit away free bad cora ;ry .d he wvatild not no 1/9 a twe'y' ar sentence' in the p': e' o-i:- Narr' ' 'That hurts, judge." said rite f '1t' -c; his mother wanted at: to frit, him music lessons but :atm, - how I thought it was sissy for a boy. and again I guess I was too mean to lay out the money, gosh Judge, aln't there a something that can be clone, re's only eventeen1" "Well." said the Judge, "I could put him under parole. He Rieke se, though he had good stuff in hien; and I will do it under one coud'tien, and that is that you buy him the best Instrument you can afford and get him a fine teacher and arrange to have him come to my hone once a month and let me judge bow hard he is •working at his music. You see, I was brought up with music in my home and I know What it means." This story was told to us by a band conductor who refused to have his identity revealed, This much we do know, boys and girls who are deeply engrossed in music study have not the time for dangerous nonsense, As Cervantes Put it, "Where there is music there is no mischief.' ' Even in prisons, experts have found that those wro play in the band and the orchestra offer ler fewer disciplinary problems than :hose without these privileges. 1\11llions and millions of d tllars are spent each year upon the manu- facture of gambling slot machines, which, like all gambling devices, prove dangerously attractive to youth. They are the kindergarten of vice. A fraction of their cost spent upon music and musical in- struments would reduce the poten- tial prison population of to -morrow very greatly, 'lite reason why such machines exist is time parents fail to do anything to couneeract them. 1 Our prisons are filled with young men and young women, wily of wham etre there because of the nt• gleot of their parents, JIM as though the parents had led the youth-: to the prison teethe as a kind of 7oltnau sacr;fir'e in ibis "age of don't ':ir;'.•- Let it, stop i" Do your share: - if °wick ham.; ifowick Township Will have Eleaion Contest For :.very Office -•, Alf Nominated Qualified one .or 111n 11 "gest crowds 111 v eons 10111e11 1.114 at :Sortie on Mao Illy af- tetnnnn far the' Howlck Toansttip N'otninal1o11s, and while 1, was net. richt from the ,;tart that there was going to b, an &action It wt' p'.teee. ful turd quirt, Tenet speaker 11: riven a perfectt bcaru,g wiell one interruption, and very tow geesilons Were asked, At two o'clock Clerk 'Isaac Gamble <eetered the nonlinatlone closed. The following were nominated tn. geltlter Witt their movers a'hd seconders. For Reeve John A, Bryeus, by Wm, I3, Gregg and .Geo. McKee, 3. W. Grumble. by W. B, Stewart and le, J. Sanderson. For Deputy Reeve Albert E, Toner, by Carroll and Harvey Sperling. David L. Weir, by Thos. Douglas and W, H, Dane. For Council Robert Baker by Clive Stafford and Fred C. Taylor. Johns Winter, by Wm, Campbell Mel R. 3, Sanderson, Ed, McCallum, by Time. Brttdnock and Hiarvey Sperling, Hartwell Sticng, by Wnt, Manns end A. W. Keil. Mr. Harding was appointed chair - mart and In his few remarks con- gratuiated the Council on their year's wo1'k. rleegg Brussels Continuation School Report Autumn Term Report Restilte of the recent Aurum Term Examtinat'ous are announce below. A daraged. report has bee given -to ,>arlt student. After con Mitering these rrports cares nfty pen WIODNI?SDAY, DI/C. 29th 1037 Loulee Stiles 52i% George Northwood 50.7% Glen D11w01't)t 494 Bert Black 40% Frank Scot 48,3% Mary Ireland 42.6% LMaary Baeltor 40,5% Mary Davison 39% William Rowland 36,6% Garnet Ouanmiuge 33% Charles Bryans 30% Grade XII—Form IV Edith Maereavislt 70% Betty Beet GO% William Stiles 50 William King 45% William Eckmier 44% halbert Keifer 43% Tom :\leFadzean 39% Grade XIII—Form V David Parker 84% Jack 43ryaus 72% Margaret Scott 70% Carman Baker 66% Dorothy Ballantyne 57% Dorothy Wright 56% Jack Bates 55% Marie King 53;"ro Isobel MacTavish 52% Boss Wheeler 47% Gerald Gibson 36% McCurdy Lowry 32% o Two Cars Shown 4 • In 1938 Ford Line ( Fur 11111 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited announces two dis- tinct Fara V -S cars, differing In 111.)- prarance, appaintmeuts and Price. One 1s the de '•nxt' Ford V'.•, the outer tre Standard Ford V -S, The standaru car is designed for owners to whom economy in first cu,, -t fs paramount. 'rhe de luxe car provides added luxury and style fur those who desire them, Both cars have the same V•3 chassis, There are eight de lase types available and three standard types. Both de luxe and standard are powered wrtt: the famous Ford V.'S engine. The de luxe ear is a stylish sister• of the standard, It is entirely new in appearance. The radiator grille is of new design, APpearant'e of the hood is lougrr and more sweep- lug, Fenders are massive. In- eerior appointments are in keeping with the styling of the exterior. Substantially more room in the closed sedans, greater passenger comfort and much larger luggage space are provided. The standard V -S cats reveal new styling, with a different radiate: grille design, long hood and firwing contours. The spacious interim's are roomy and attractively uphols- tered and appointed, In addition to the two passenger cars, Ford is showing a new line of V-8 trucks and commercial cars. Both are newly styled to lend "eye- ap'f'eal" in commercial traneperta- tion. The 1938 group of Ford trucks includes the 134-ir,cr and 157 -inch Wheelbase trucbs in ad- dition to the 112 -inch commercial cars. The 134 -inch wheelbase trunk is new this year, replacing the 1311:',%- inch wheelbase in the big truck line; a new frame width for elle 134 -inch and 157 -Inch wheelbase units, improved brakes and easier steering and stronger construction :throughout are other advances, The two'ton truth is powered with the Ford V-8 horsepower engine end the 1% -ton truck and commercial cars with the 85 horsepower V-8 ensine, eats should consult the principal,. 1f they are not satisfied with the student's pro ,e= • It is rt•grct4tble that tine marks in certain subjects are so low, It miry ruses the examinations givet were one ,;rad', sometimes tw+ grades below the standard for the class In that , iltici• , Grade IX—Form t Donald Walker 74%. G. --Lege \1t e cltol ;' G b:ott \\,t re 72St frances Borchelt 71" Allan Roth's. G ', \W.lifµm CoL+ntan 61.71' Doris Armstrong -linty Fox re Wilfred i\'urwick 47'7 Jack Pierce 12' Grade X—Form II Lois Plum Si x: Jam Lamont 77'3 Dorothy Armstrong 70% .lean Scot 75.S'2. Jeanne Van Norman 72,0 Janet King 71% Elizabeth L'aekc:r 70.4:3 Gimlets Davidson 70.3% Glenn Wheeler 70,2;{, Jeanette Sanderson 67.1% Donald Lawless 06.9 Luella Mitchell 66% Alice Stifee 59% Wilma Lowrie 58% Mona Miller 57.3% Anna McQuarrle 55% Ross Nichol 54,7% Helen Turnbull 54% Ivor Williams 53% Frank Marshall 51.9% Jack McDonald 50.5% Margaret Walker 50,1% Mary Helen Ecleinier 47% Mary Helen Kerr 46.4% Graham Work 46.2% Thomas Alcock 41% Harold McDonald 22.3% Grade X1—Form 111. Virginia Plum 71% Juneve Hull 67% Alice Blake 65% Barbara Michie 62% Harold Parker 59,6% Hannah Russel 59.6% Earle Coutts 58% Wilma \Watson 55% John Speir 52,4% gireMORTiefINVOWAVOW BUYING THINGS Tom --Hes your wife done all her Christmas shopping yet Dick—Oh, yea; last month. Now rrs``he's //sta��rt'�e��d ttoco��buussy a� a�mfe't ttbllrr.ge,, Have Your Eyes Thoroughly Examined At Reid's Reid's G0srsses really give the comfort and satisfaction that you anticipate when you have new glasses, You can depend epee the safe, scientific examination which shows definitely when glasses are regulred. REID'S GUARANTEE SATISFACTION AT A MODERATE COST. . .Rei Stratford's Leading Optometrist For Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5.00 'Phone 51 for Appointment Cent a Mile Round Trip Bargain Fares Minimum Fares: Milts 78o Children 400) From BRUSSELS FRiI,, and SAT,, JAN. 7.8 To Oshawa, Bownnanville, Pont Dope, Cobuurg, Trenton 301„ Belleville, Napanee Kingston, Ganalroque, Brockville, Prescott, Morrlsbutg, Cornwall Uxbridge, Lindsay, Poterbore, Oampbellford, Newmarket, Penetang, Ooleillgwood, Meattord, Barrie, Oni111a, 14114- land, Gravenhurst, Bracebrldge, Huntsville, Calendar, North Bay, Parry Sound, Sudbury; all towns in New Ontario on line of Tomis• Staining iii Northern Ontario Rily., Nipiesing Central RIY., Kaptsluts' Ing, Lotvgiac, Natrina, Tatshotaa, Sioux Lookout, Geraldton, Jelllco0 Betnndmrore, Pont Anthur, N SAT., JAN. 8 TO TORONTO Also to Brantl0rd, OhltOh am, Chestey, Clinton, Dunham Ex• titer, Fergus Goderiolt, Guelph, Hamilton, Hanover, Harriston, Inger- soll, Kincardine, KItebener, London, Listowel, Mitokell Niagara Falls, Owen Sound, Paisley, Palmerston, Paris, Port Egin, St, Catharines, St Mary's, Sarnia, Southampton, Stratford, Strathroy, Walkerton, Wtar'ton, Windham, Woodstock, For Fares, Rabura Limits, Train Informateon, Tiukets, consult nearest Agent, See handbills for complete list of destinations CANADIAN NATIONAL Superior Store Quality Service Golden Wax Beans Huphre's Pure Clover Honey Cranberries Tangerine Oranges Pie Cherries 13 oz. • • . • • . •••• • Broken Sodas 2 tins for 17c 5 1b pail 50c , per lb 20c •• per dos. 25c 2 tins for 25c 2 Ib for 19c Broken Shelled Walnuts , , per 1b 35c Men's Fine Wool Penman's Shirts & Drawers each • • • • $1.25 Dominion Comforter Batts each 49c Boys Heavy Tweed Caps • • • • •••• • . • • • • • - • • • . • • • • • each 59c Girls Wool Pleated Skirts each 69c Ladies Black Cashmere Goloshes, to clear $1.00 per pair WMI. ZIE L R HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR PRODUCE Phone 2211 Ethel, Ont- . ::te�a� .�,�..y�.� o .�����-•��,ra��-�.�� �� �� '�S :J`�,s.� k�`ya",.�:r�:..�•k-:�•k�l.rtari•�'�al;:'�� ',i -'r. Notice to Public I HAVE TAKEN RESIDENCE IN BRUSSELS AND I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL KINDS OF CARPENTER WORK Complete House — High Class Venere Flooring Alterations — Built-in Cupboards or Dumb -Waiters ESTIMATES CHEERFULLY GIVEN Chas. Querengesser Phone 78xr2 or 77 4111111111111111111.111111.116., NOTICE co The Firm Known as Cr- rar&McDonald s Dissolving Partnership In order to clue up the bus- iness all accounts must be pail at once. The business VI/ iill be carried on in future by nal Phone 77 Brussels, Ont.