HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-12-29, Page 1ettereileeiri2rArarefererefiee:aletnieineel rrtrallea0tp USE 'SNE ADS AS YOUR SHOPPING LISTS icaisrasosigui altutmeugkecwteteterarsiru BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, uggttg WEDNESDAY, December 29th, 1937 t nrreredepearearierealrtereleearlee at* EVERY KINV OF JOB PRlNTiNO AT REASONABLE PRICES larafeetetetelareffeelgettelf (Vele, POST PUBLISHING HOUSE, W.kirr, Reeve WEDDING 11 LOCAL NEWS ITEMS By Acclamation MATHERS-WOOD Popularity Contest CARD OF THAN An arch of evergreens formed the At Acotch Thistle ! We wish to thank the many • Election of Four Councillors to be setting dor a pretty Oltris&in as wed• Little Miss Ruth Thomas, dough- friends and neigbbol's who fu any (Held on Monday, ding at 11 o'clock at the emu! of the 'ter OMr, and eerie H, Thomas nnd• way gave assistance and extended January 3rd bride's brother, Mr. Walter Wood,. Billy TurveY, son of L. Turvey various exipresstone of symapFby when Janet Elizabeth, only daughter were Winners In the 'popularity con during the serious illness of our REEVE R. J. BOWMAN RETIRES of Mr, and Mrs, Slamuel Wood, lest conducted by Miss D. M'cDouaid youngest daughter, Wanda Mae. It Turnberry Tawhshel), was 'united in of tbe •Beach' T1hietle Restaurant. was all much appreciated. The ratepaYera 01 Brussels will marriage with Mr. Melville Owens Ruth was the winner of the lovely Mr. and Mrs, 0, Rental. go to the polls, 011 Monday, January Matters, eldest son of Mr, . Harry dressed 011 and Billy became the • e -e-*- 3rd, to elect f¢,r councillors to serve Matliors, Morris Township; and thepossessor of a line camera. United Church W. A, them for the tear 1938• All other late Mee, Matbers. Rev, J, le. Greig -e-••*-•- The Women's Association held public offices• 'were filled by ac' offlalMed, The bride lvore !a dress Women's Institute their December meeting In the clamation, • of iti"uo velvet w th silver excessor• Tile January meeting of the •Brun• church on Tuesday afternoon, the W. C. Kerr becomes reeve of the les: and a wreath of orange blossoms cels Women's Institute will be held president, Mrs. Bell, preslding, 1"• village of Brussels by acclamation. In her Vele. Fel/owing the care- on Thursday afternoon, January Eth ladles present. Reports fen the Robert J. Bowman retires fromthat moray guests -numbering about at 3 o'clock in tbe Public Library various cormnlittees showed the position after occupying it for ,the',twenty -sat down to dinner. Mr: and The Roll Oen is "Don'ts for the Sick ladles present, Reports' from the past seven years, . , Mre. Mothers left for a short honey- Roome 'Buymenship' is to be Abssooiation had an active year. The Nominees who qualified as care moon itrip ,to Toronto and Hamilton, dealt with by Mies Elizabeth Down- retiring president Mre. Bell, In a aloes, ta be voted on Monday are,' ,tete bride travelling In a coral wool ing and Mrs. R. S. McLachlin, This few words voiced her appreciation W. Caluteron, F. Samis, W. Littre, H; : dress,.. blue coat and hat with Over paper should prove very Instructive for the kindness and. help given 11er Champion, W. Huggau and 31. Bow- grey tiJmrminge and Interesting to all members. during her time as president of the ler. W. E. Willis nemeinated'but'wit'h Will you keep the date in mind and association:• drew. A. Wotd ' vrhp was nom• ~- _ plan ho attend. ' Rev. H, J, Mahoney was resent Mated for the ;school :board also who refused to stand again thanked *�-*� and had charge of the election of withdrew and the former members, •tela Supporters• -Mr, Little is again Early Morning Fire officers. The new elate of officers Dr. W. D. 'S, Jeettiesan; D. A: Rann `a qep i1date for 'office. for the coming year•=are as follows: 11. Bawler in speaking instigated Fire broke out in ' the local 'ex- 1 and W. A. Lowry were returned byg press office shortly before seven ex - Pres., M. Rabin�on; let Vice Pres•, o'clock Friday as The fire Mrs. J. Bryatts; 2nd vice Pres„ hers. acclamation. W. Rose whose term a heated discueslon In regard 'to the as a hydro commissioner And ex- removal of snow ,from the main Sanderson; 3rd vice pres., Mra. Wa- was• extinguished before I; Mad Plied was returned by •, aeelamatien street recently, fined too grant a headway, No son; 4th vice pias„ Mrs, Rano; sec., for another term. H, Champion and W. Huggau yelped Mae Skelton; press sec„ Mae SIol- W. C. Kerr becomes reeve after, thanked their nominators and asked ercpress was burned and the dam- ton; treay 11n5, Parker. The meet- age was not extensive.• shaving served as councillor Lei: the for the suppert.01 the electors. sMiss B. Parker, who occupies the` 'ing closed wish'prayer by the pastor, past six years. He ie known as'a '''De. Jamieson spoke on behalf of n: the ''school board, Qthe financial roams above the office was aroused rrk-rk- conscientious, Crus vaorthy citizenby a noise and smelting smoke and Little Stars and should serve the village faith.' • statement of which can be seen o❑ hearing the craakling,.bP the Mentes Misai'ohii Band fully and well With gee., eeeeee•' : a> other•page of 'hie issue,) she intmediateii summoned assigt- •�e$'e I.!. E, Cardiff . of . Morris, r a. r.. The ,Decerreber meeting of the hearted support of his �ounoil•,$nd' wile Is chfiirnran of the Road Com encs and turned in the •fl e - •LINee:,Stars Mossion Band 'of Mel - people accorded him. The blaze was hold an cbeck with •vine church was held on Itionday Keen interest was expressed In mittee tor Huron County and' large- ails of water bythose who filet ar• ly responsible for the improvement p afternoon with an attendance of '25, municipal affairs when the largest • riyed on the scene. -Altter tbe sec, and •teeag., reports number in several years attended of the road south of Brussels stated ___X— the entire stretch from Brussels to were read and adapted the election the nomination meeting held in the Melville Ladies Aid of officers for the 1new year took Set forth Will be completed this corn - town hall on Monday evening, The regular, meeting of the place and the toll, 'ng of9cer3 Were Clerk R. S. Warevicke eesidedg,. ,:, , ing summer. Reeve Robert T•' Bowman: retro re- Ladies Aid of Melvilie•Church .was eleeeed,_prese M " 'Jas. e:: Arne Reeve Robort J. Bees -Mane •; gat'a a.; . at dorheld on Monday evening, December, strong; sec„ , G des :Davidson; fused to become e candidate h count' teem, r� . lengthy talk reviewing.•.�,.� e. Y 13th wren the follorvfn officers , ,.gas. M•r , e.en ,Eckmier;4 +the reeveship for :another °icier ire. g , . , �Y ? pian treasurer's report, ' the b Children s were elected for the new year: • 1st, Janet King;. anisepianist Mar- Sirelter, the work of the 'County 'tires., feom that office with :leen em,. t council, 'tile county vee me, ,'also • viable' record• of 'service' to :his president, Mrs. John, Meadows; 'garet Gibson; press•repartep, Dnr- Brussets. Hydro accouut,..finaueial neuutcipaltty and -county, He served 19•t vice president, lobe. Lorne city Ballantyne seals, ,press re - "four 'yews on `Brussels •caunetl, Ecicanter; sec., Mrs. James Arm porter; Dorothy Armstrong; 'leaders statement and relief. (A complete • . Ihe•at7•ong; asses. sec„ Mrs. Welter 'ot Red and Blue stiles, Nancy report of the Meade] statement seven• year's as . reeve. ..,;As repreaentstive of,Brusse1s. Amen Kerr; trees,, Mrs. Walter Seott; Caaneron and 'Jimmie Arerfairong. can be read on the inside..Pale - of • County, Council be acted as .jThnir• • asst, fleas., Mrs. H, B. Allen; 'tun Mrs. W S. Scott presented the this paper,shine cont., Miss M. Iktmont, 'Mrs. Christmlas story in a very interest - W, C, Kerr spoke% paying tribute man of •theeOld Age Pension .Coen- ' `�t'r eeittle; flower cone.; Grace ing wee, and' Lillian Gibson gave a :o the splendid work accomplished nf1t ee for .one' year; _•oleate menCo. home Coilimittee ora year .and. Stewart, Margaret Scott, Isobel and Christmas reading, Atter a treat by Reeve R. that Bowman and express, Edith McTavish, Marie '• King Mar• of cantlethe meeting was closed ed the hope that he might be, able .as. Warden of 33 u:on County in 19311; •garet Welker, IOthel Fax, Dorothy by -repeating Lard's prayer in uni- te; serve as capably during his term representative of .Huron Co, ou Re toresteition Committee and is still Ballantyne; auditors, Mrs. C. son, of office, nd Mrs, P. Ingles.is a Weil. Little, who has been a conn- one o'f 'the nembErs of the new Otd Dav-s^�- oilier for 11 year's and W. E. Willis Age''Peusion Cammit'tee that is he: Obituary �(� UNITED ing, organize& News of B. C. S. - J17CHURCH. Mr. Bowman fres been a• faithful 'A literary meeting under the direc• 'MRS. FRANCES COATES servitor of his temple, administering tion of Isobel .lIac1'avish was held g D• municipal affairs wisely and well. Wednesday, Dee, 15. On Tuesday morning, December REV, H. J, MAHONEY, B,A., test, 1937, Mary Sane Arnett, widow Minister He continually endeavoured to glue A humorous Teeing was given by of the late Frauds Coates died at '1 a:m.-S. S. Henderson, of • Palm- of his hest to tete utmost of his Mary Helen Lchmier, Mary Fox ability the 4th con, cf enure Township, erston, student from Victoria y llr the various duties imposed sang and Bill Eckuti.er gave a piano 'lira, Richard Johnston, 4th can„ College will preach both on him by his lice. A man of solo. A very enjoyable paper was fine principles it d the courog: read by Jack Bates, the editor. I lma Township after an illness of morning and evening• moire than two years. 3 p,m•-Missionary Sunday, to stand behind hi °evictions and The school was host to about two Born in Grey Township, June 7 p,m.-Public Worship. carry on la what he considered the hundred guests at a dance held hest way, Wednesday, Dec 22, in the 'fawn 10th, 1857, the second daughter of Wed. 1,45 p.m. -Board Meeting, et the, late Andrew and Mrs. Arnett, Parsonage, He became reeve in 1930 follow- Hap. The guests were received ing the death of reeve A. C, Beelerthe deceased atter the death of her The Pastor Wishes You the y Marie King,Sack Brynns, DT• father moved to -Morris Township Season's Greetings and a and standing at tate helm of muni- and Mae. Jamieson, Miss Calder, cipal government: here guided, with lir. and Mrs, Drummond and Mr. where she lived until her marriage HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS iu March 1889 'le Francis Coates of NEW YEAR a sane ouelook and steady hand, several g w,e ;MThee , Ethel Later the family moved to ;^-egtc tees village affairs safely through de- hall was tastefully decorated years, He quits his post the Christmas Colonia. The music the home of her daughter, with nuances in a meet satisfactory where they resided until Later the REGENT.WAS supplied by Florence Sauer'e orchestra. death of the husband and father in condition, The village is free of 'there were debt, Maralt 1910, when with her datighter THEATRE novelty dances, the prizes being won Frances she moved to Ethel where Ilse years of ronseientious service by Marie Ring anti Lewis P,uapel commands the respect and thanks of they resided until June 1936, and Batty Beet and Earle Coutts, There are left to mourn their • SEAFORTH the entire citizenry of Brussels. loss one sister Mrs. Waiter Yulii, . Church Notes Brussels; one daughter, Mrs. retch - NOW PLAYING .-.ti Brian Aherne Olivia De Hav,land BIRTH 'Services in Melville Church Sun- aril .ahuton of Elea. An',ther -.I N -BORN -On -Tuesday, .December 21st, day moc'uing were conducted by daughter Francis diad May 151 of The Great Garrick 1937, at Bewmauvilie Iioweleal to Maldwyn Williams, Knox Outrage this year. with Edward Everett Horton Me. am Mrs, R. W. Pascoe -e. student, son of ReveW. A, and Mrs. The late Mrs. Coates wee 0 mem- A drama of Comedy & Romance daughter, Evelyn Lucille, Williams of Cranbrook, who took bei of the 'United Cburch and made CARTOON COMEDY ,for his text, "For unto you is born many Manila wherever she went, by DEATHS day a Saviour:' The everting sere- her kindly manner and ail] be MON., TUES., WED. lee was conducted by Rev, W. A. greatly missed by all who knew her, CROOKS-iu Clinton hospital, on Wllilteme, weo spoke en. "In that The funeral was held iv Fairview Phil ,Regan ,Frances LangfordI nday, Docesuber 17W, 1937, AI• day," cemetet'y, Listowel on Thursday, -IN- Mo • beet E. Crook, iu his 79th year, 5ervi a in the United Church December 23rd. The service et the The Hit Parade elle funeral will be neid under the Sunday morning wee conducted by home being conducted by Rev, Mr. Al Pearce and his gang direction of T. 0. 0. F., from his late Rev. 13. 3. Mahaney who gave a Ivllpetrick of Trowbridge assisted 3 big bands Ineleding reeldeuce, leo 28, con. 4, Morrie Crristulas message. At the eve- by Rev, W. A. Williams of Cram Eddie Duohin, Duke Ellington Township, on Saturday, January let, ning• service the Christmas cantata, brook. NEWS CARTOON 1938, Service at 2.30 Pen. Inter- "The sensic of Christmas," by mens' The pallbearers were A. P. Crates, moat in Wessels cemetery, bers of the choir, was repeated, W H. Coates, Frank Coates, Alex. NEXT THURS., FRI., SAT, Service in St. John's Anglican Thomson, Gordon Thomson 01 Trow. Gene Autry I MCGAVIN- 11 14cKillop township Church was conducted by the rem bridge and Wnt. Coates of mores- -I N- 1 on Monday, Decembe1 27th, 1937, tor, Rev, Johu Graham, who spoke worth, Many bead:Ifni floral Melody Trail Wliitanl Berry MaGavin, to his on "Christmas.' Mrs. Graham. tributes 'bespoke the esteem in With Buck the Wonder Dog 13111 year, sang a solo. In the afternoon Mr, which the deceasett WAS held. These Radios singing star on a round -up Funeral was hole tram the hone of Graham received a massage coiling attending .from a distance were res 5011, Ohas, McGavin, tot 7, con, him stn Sarnia where a boyhood Miss Velma Johnetett, London, Mr, 12, Melelllop township on Wednee- friend ltnd passed away, Rev. l:, W. and 'Mrs. 3. L. Lamont, Kiucerdl.to; .Deanna Durbin day, December 20111 1937, Service MnKegney of St, John's Angllrnn 100 Men and a Girl at 2.00 31.111., Interment Leek place Church. Funeral took place on Mats. Sat & Holidays at 3 p,m. in Maitland cemetery, Sea101111, Monday, Holiday Grey Township No Election in yCouncil Returned I Morris Township i14oOurdy Lowry and Stewart targe Crgwd Attends Nomination Reeve 1„ E. Cardiff Given ' Aeolama- Lowe are ' Toronto visitors this ' ,Meeting At Ethel tion as were 1337 'Councillor@ week. Rev, 0. 3, Moorltouse, London, was The annual nomiio a tor with frs this week, for 4h0 Tawpsbip of Gnatreyn wasineollug held V,visiFischer vac'aiendtlnn visitor with .at tbe Township Hell Ethel, et one R, W. and Mrs. Kennedy, o'clock, Dec. 2741, When the Rev, Jno. f3rahain was summoned following manilla ,teens were made to textileSrtltday afternoon fol• and accepted by Returning Ottioer lowing the death of a friend, Rev. 3, H Fc r'' E. W. MreKegeey, with whom Ile et. For Reeve tended college 1>; Ireland. Henry A, Keys -proposed by AbramDave HaskJnga visited at his home, Heart'le seconded by Percy Ward, in London, in MdI4St b -.proposed by Lynn Mc - Mr. and Mrs. S. Hemingway, To• Evans, seconded by Geo. C, A4c- Don Tonto, are venation guests with Frank Hlsrrieon-proposed ald. by R. 3. rela'ives. Pearson, seconded by Wm, Corea- George Basher, Hamilton, with hie lite, parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm Baeker. For Deputy Reeve Miss Vera Fox spent week -cud Thos. C. Wilson -proposed by P. A, with friends at London: McArthur, seconded by 3, G'. Miss ,Doris Bates, Toronto, whir Turnlbuil, her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Bates. ' Thos, Dougherty -proposed by Thee. M1ss Kerr, 141$e G. Ross and Mr, Ward, seconded by Rue. Dilworth. and lir, Monroe Blaine and children Frank Hareeson-proposed by Ar - of Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, D. C, chie Mann, seconded by Arthur Ross. Rdesiberry. Mr. and. Mrs. Jas. Oliver and Mr, For Councillors and Mrs. F, Oliver, Detroit with Thomas Dousrerty prapoeed by "heir another Mrs, Inc. Oliver, Percy Ward, seconded by .411,150 Mise C. McCracken, Toronto, va- Hath, cation guest at 'her name. -, Alex, Aloxander-•proposed by RobeMrs. A. Me11iunon with Mr, and Bennette, Alex McDonald.Mra, R. McKinnon, Bluevale, • Leslie Mlo3C y --,proposed by . W. H. Mr. and - M. G. Northwood and •Spetran, seconded by •M. Kreuter. son George with Detroit friends. Water'roadfoo:--proposed by Mr. and Mrs, W. Rose, Miss 1• John MdDona'hd, seconded by Wee - Rose, with Mr. and Mrs• Wm. ley H. Stephenson, Porter, Toronto, Alter ithe time for accepting said Mr. and Mrs, E• Matthews•amd 500 nominations had expired tire names Rgyihond, Forrest, with Mrs, I. off• those„ nominated were read and Y. • the meeting: settled down to hear the Misses Eva ' and .Latina Bryans, speeches af:the proposed candidates. Toronto with their :sister, Mrs: D. Rene Keys ''vas first speaker and Denman. -gave an accoutut of the finances of the finances: of the County which TheIleMinWIIQn meeiting at then Townohip Hall, Morris, on Iriortaay was not as largely attended es mune. The reason far this was that it was felt before hand that there would not be an elect:1011and that is just as. it turned out. Reeve L. le, Cardiff, who has been In that of&ea since the beginning 0 1932, was given another term by ac- clemation, ExReeve W. James Hend- erson was nominated but withdrew. Tire 1937 Council also received art, acclamation, they are Frhticls Dun- can, Robert Wallace, • Edward Bry- ens, and Cecil Wheeler. Two others ware nominated, James Phelan and, Stewart Procter, but both wi1.hdrew• The complete list of nominsttons their eir mover's, seconders was as. follows: For ;Reeve L. 37. Cardiff by William Spier ant W. D. Henderson. W. James Henderson by James Dark and Abram Procter. Mr. Henderson wftpdrere. For .Council First four. received acciamatlans Francis Duncan by W. D; Header-- son and Gee. Bone, Robert **Race by Leslie Fear and James W. Scott, Edward Breams by Joe Bewley anti Brine Parrott ' Cecil' Wheeler by, : Stewart Procter and John McGill, • • ' Stewart Procter by Coca} Wheeler and Fiends Dereeen, Jame Plateau by R Richmond and Frank 'MelCarighey a , Mr, John 2ytci t]i.yva'eIi i''$d citahr- man_i;i balled.::oa Reeve,' Cardiff to 101055 N. Jardine Hornsby, with .speak first t E`Cardiff,' her sister Mas. W. S. Scott.• appear to be'in a satisfactory con- Mr, Cardiff .fiepreegaireebe eepart of Mr• and Mrs, A, Wilson with dation. In the affairs of the Town- the Road Su•Porintendent, ' Russel friends in Hamilton. rt,a ship he regretted that they had not Currie as lie'ava?"enable tp be pees - Mise Iiia tie Downing with :Miss E. been able to •beve more gravel put ant The road`"'eappndit1ures were: Downing. on the roads; but owing to the con- larger than nth-e.;yeae.Previous beim Mr. Dalton Vernon of Brandon tractors "being somewhat later coin, $7702,00; transierred'i Troia *general College was Tame for Ghristmae•. at mencinga t the home of his mother Mrs, C;, A. Aerations than was ex- account $11g?`GS; ielop resale pected entl • on account of the Bridge ella71,S1;, file account . $260. Deadmtan, weather conditions there had not 19 making s 'tetel of•$10,352.05, Mr. Miss Kate Deadman is a holiday been as much work accomplished Cardiff later'; empleined, . tha`, the n visitor, as he had expected. He also spoke bridge waulit ..eget .stile, „'OWnsheee Miss Audrey Armstrong. of North of the work on th'e Beauchamp about $15(1• 0, v' Bay, is spending part 01 rtbe. holt- Creek Drain: and of the severe Mr, Oardif 'exfilained''more melees' e • day season at the _borne of her conditions under which the con- had been spent ',than' , ills previous grandanather. Mrs. James Armstrong, tractor labored and when asked if year, The• siiirplts was naw : about a, Flora St. be favored giving ,the contractor $10•,000 down•ee,000•Pram a year ago. Miss E. T. Bell, of Torontp,•was a {rte on account of there being Speaking oP Cbuaty 'matters he holiday visitor at the Name of Tier mare reek than was expected he said that it has been a grad yeat;i mother Mrs. James Speer, stated that lie believed the cortrac- $46,009 more had been spent ora Leslie Lowry, Toronto,. with his tor should be granted extras above roads with mill less levy, the de - mother, lira, G. Lpway:, • the contract price but he did not .benture debt Siad been . reducod 'by F: VIre, Jno. Brower 'and ..daughter think an additional assessment $11,000 and iast year': eyerdralft. of Dila with the termer's. daugb ter, would be necessary as it was expect- $8020.68 paid oft. The debenture Mrs. Robinson, Blueva[e., ed, The b'alanae of line estimate debt new $46,000. o m 11 'surplus Miss Evelyn Cunniagbam, Reg N•, over the contract and the grant wd11 be shown on•the years busindss Brantford, with bei parents lir. and which it was eacpected the scheme $4,000 bad been spent' on 'lie Mrs- D. R. Cunningham, would receive from the province County Home, new water systemJack Meeker, Toronto, with his " world more than pay any extras Metalled, new barn crouse erected parents, Mr, and lira, J. C. Backer. which might be allowed: and an era built at •the front ant - Mr. and firs, Ira McLean and Mr, John McNabb was tbe nest repos. The building to old he said, dpughters with relatives at Wrox• speaker and thought the rural mem but well looked after, Three:looms• e1er• bers of the county council had not had been decorated at: the tart Mr, .and Mrs. Harry Wright and looked after the interests of the house and the hall painted. A new' daughter Marie Jamestown, withrural manicipallties in connection roof had been put on the shelter and tbe •former's parents, Mr. and Mrs• withsecondary ser0ol rates, he also some painting done at the registry Wm. Wright. Miss Bessie Wright, said the costs of the administration reified. Paying the Continuation and. Toronto also spent the holiday with of justice were toe high. In Twp, Highit School rants fn Jelly instead ai her parents, affairs he claimed that the roads later in the year cost $1,000 in in. Miss K, Wainer, Toronto, with her were in Hoed at considerable gravel tercet, Parents Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Walker, and claimed that it the use of The 'County road'syetem he said" Bowmran Galbraith, To -unto, ,tea'nis and waves for hauling gravel would likely need 2 millerIts the de-, spending his Christmas vacatiln had been continued the times would mend for good toads 'was 'great, T11e with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. H. have been better today, as the use road east o8 Morris between Brus- Galbraith. of trucks and machinery always sets and Waltml had been sta$llizeil John Thomsen, Detroit, with his created uuemvp]Qyment, Mr. McNabb mother, Mrs. A. Thomson. stated he would not be a candidate Mo mother, the permanent road work was Sone in this scallop this year; Miss Pearl Baeker, Toronto, with for the reoveshlp for 1933, he said, 'Phis kind of read 110 udvo• - her parents, Mr, and Mrs, 1 m. Mr, Thos, Wilson gave consider- clued as lies' for the county as Mr. 111101m}a,tion as to the compare -gravel blows away or Is thr'01131• luto Wire. M. Ballantyne with lt'p?olitO tine cost of secondary schools to the ditches. He said -he would like friends' the township. lie also regretted to see the road,! ]3elgretve to statipie lir, and Ml's. H. B, Allen and ,ituat more gravelling had not been and Bluevale to station done the daughters with Stratford relatives. done in the township this year but same 'W Y• Messrs. G. Genies, A, Garniss and owning to the late start and had He said it was close to the time A. Ballantyne at the home of C. Gar- weather, there had not been as twitchwhen the tOWlsehlp must invest in a Hiss' gravel crushed and hauled as had pewee grader. It would cost about Alex, 51303105, St. Marys with been expected but the finances of $3500 hut will do the. work better Brussels friends. the township would now warrant and cheaper, On Wedneseay, Dec. 29th, Aft, and putting on in 1038 et least 10,000 In an51101 to a question he maid Mts. John Meadows celebrated yards -without erasing the township the secondary dared tax was Haid their 40411 wedding :anniversary and rate• 50 per cent, by the county and 50 were entertained at dinner by Mr, lir. Frank Harrison spoke of Che per cont, by the municipalities, iter and Mrs, Ii. 13, Allan, condition;of the township and cleitn- thte'schools served. • Alt. and Mrs. Meadows were mer- rier) ed the maintainer had net been used Later Mr. Cardiff told ai•,t e sheet Dee, 20th, 1897 at the home oe as antra,aer et should have been, coilrse whichr will be hold in Whig- ; the bride's parents, the late Mr and He also claimed tlia:t Cair tum bean from January 4111 to 08111 ThisMrs. Geo, McMillan. He should be supplied at all is a great anlortuhity for Cho youth The Rev. Dr. John Rens :of Mel- business places to keep down the of this district ho said. villa Presbyterian 'Church being the duet. He asked Lae' the cost of He also>tald ofi, the trip the county officer -tin clergymen »..l the »r operating the maintainer tied Mr. councillors took to Norfolk erre Sim+., Wine Cameron, road dept, gave a ace Counties It view the Reterestrte 9• L, and sere, eveDonnld, Gt'ey 'Wilde -nes were the bride's sister, Towusitip; Miss Mary Lamentand Miss Johanna McMillan and Mr, 'N Sam Barr, Brussels, L. McQttarrie, (Continued 00 Page 5) (00atinnie11 On Page 61'