HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-12-15, Page 6The Dominion Department of Aglrieuituze has issued a report describing M AT EVE SH OW about The British Market for Canadian. Farm Products It deals With Beef and Store Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Dressed Beef, Horses, Bacon and Ham, Cheese, Butter,' Condensed Mille, Dressed Poultry, Eggs, Canned Fruits and Vege- tables, Fresh Fruit, Honey, Maple Products, Tobacco, Hay, Alfalfa Meal, Grass and Clover Seeds, Furs. You may have a copy free Write to Director, 141arketing Service Department of Agriculture, Ottawa Issued under direction of lion, James G. Gardiner, :Minister, going into winter with a very light 'top. In Moron County, the *Minute u poultry 'being marketed is 15 to 25% lighter than last year, but goal• ity Is well up to average. The atrt:uge or lull wheel is clown some, wheat in Brunt, with very little) top. Lincoln reports a good demand for dressed poultry, as well as rive poul- try, especially w(11 finished young cockerels In Middlesex the de- mand e a nand rut butcher tattle has been practically at a standstill as m.uO drovers took substantial losses on cattle bought h1 November, 4:he''. bawl been selling there at 95c a btteh• el, oats unci mixed grains at $1.20 Der ' t,, barley' at 55 to 65e per bushel, In Iteterborough C.'mnty the acreage of fall wheat ha4 in- creased about 15'1 and while there are a number or very fine stands, the majority of fields ilo not show the usual amount of top. in FrOntea- at surplus stock is gradually being marketed and prices are lower as a consequence, market hogs there be- ing about $7,00 per cwt„ and dry milclr COWS from $30 to $40, The L,g and Poultry Assn, in Renfrew is holding weekly pools at two aertres in rhe county and nlanage:'s report increased shipments over last year, :Bilk fed A chickens were down in price recently, but netted the lural. ors 22e lb, The Manitoulin Cu - operative Turkey Growers' Assorts - lion have more birds listed titan last year. They plan to sell two full carloads of Christmas Metiers in Toronto early in December 'Total of 44.000 lambs left Rainy River Dis- itriet this fall at tut average of $7.00 per Iamb to the farmer. Sev- eral carloads of hay have been brought into the Sudbury district coating about $15,00 a ton to the funnels. aw. News and Information For the Busy Farmers (Furnished by the Departraenl of Agriculture) -Don't Want Fat Hogs Te is particularly difficult in these I 'days of lots' of feed and low prices i to get fanners to realize that the 1 market does not want a fat hog, se. least not a hog of the fatted type, I •80 popular a decade or so ago, The :hog that ,takes the premium today i 'is the select bacon type, which is •comparatkvely speaking, a lean I hog weighing 180 to 2,20 pounds: off cars at stock yards. Such hoes, have a jowl and shoulder light and smooth, a hack from neck to UP.; evenly fleshed, a side long dropping stmaiglrt from the back, a belly ah ,w. lag thickness of 'fleshing, a Rank FREE SERVICE OLD, DISABLED OR DEAD HORSES OR CATTLE removed promptly and efficiently. Simply phone "COLLECT" to WILLIAM STONE SONS LIMITED PHONE 21 - INGERSOLL PHONE - - 72 R 1'i�iE MACHES ON Recently in cleaning up an old attic, n bundle of newspapers was found brown with age. Amongst them was a ropy of The Buffalo Illustrated 14ptt ti' of July 13th. 1001, in which under the caption "Some Toronto Gossip" an interesting article appears. It Is headed "Tent Hospitals for Con- sumption Patients", and is evidently a. press despatch from Toronto, rending-- In a very short time a tent hospital for the treatment of consumption patients will be established". It goes- on to stat, that the selection of a site was eauslee much difficulty; that the proposal of a consumption hospital came from half u dozen City physicians. some of whom wore willing to donate their services freet of charge because of the great nerd of From the soma place Plague, without travelling far from Toronto. With. the approval of the theft Pro- vincial Medical Olncer of health, Dr. Bryce, it was proposed to have nearly a dozen tents, some for conking, °there for to 115 bo and first of ti stunt \'Militia were De- partment. This proposal was made justthroe years before the Toronto Hospital for ('nn- wa tlinstiga fled by it merited change in public opinion as to the curability of tuberculosis, forced br the 'ueceas attained at the little hospital in 21.uskoka which hod been erected by the Valletta! sanitarium 't.4nriation 40me right year:, sober, the first hospital for the treat.flent if ttI1,T' 31(0.(•, ,n Canada. Limiting twit t° these early days when °alirnts Were hoilSCil In tents or can- vassed, open front wooden shacks, 'ending their own ares, helping with the generation of food carrying water from central pump. aMine h r tea, r one 1:• ,empted to think that t r ' rc. was tlmost worse than the 5(1• sat What WI , s ,rude& th t,> 11 ,4 leen' rake the u•lu,ka and 'Inr , 'peals for ('nnfillMI Ives nad tl' t u rr. t,Iary (Ie sp,tat for (ttnsumii. ye (hit lrc,: 59 :models of present stay 1sana110115 tc3tl, Jtelr great brikliegs scientifically '.y1311 - ')rd add attetlanlely darted 83, rre tktlled medical anti surgical treatment quay be given. aoruntpanieli ,y tapers swam; card' Of coarse, 00011 scoria° is riAt1 y and 'atostt hospitals must have help in ' u•inr, for thn tuberculoas poor.'That 10 why you aro asked to contribute. Will you please send yntlr gift to National San1- 5.rlutn Association, 223 Collage Street, Toronto, THE BRUSSELS POST WEDNESDAY, DEC, 15th, 1037 well let down and firm, a ham full, and a good general finish with no excess fat, The best way to underetand lite type of hog that gets the doliir premium is to visit a etOnicyard or abbattoir or grading station where hog grading is being done and see for yourself the type of hog that nets the dollar premium for the producer. Seed Crop Report Eastern, Northern and Central ..On- tario PIPE TOBACCO FOCI A MILD, COOL SMOKE Demand: There 1s a good tie- mend fur alfalfa and alsike but 4 present demand for domestic ted Dover, timothy and sweet clover is rather poor, Supply: Red Clover -207,001)0 • pounds plus a carryover of 7S,0t19 pounds. IAlsike—Only a few scat- tered lots left as the crop was peer, Alfalfa— Only a few sttat.er':41 lots left. Sweet -clover -225,0011 pence's. ,pias a carryover of 33,000 patteds Timothy :1,900,000 pounds 11:113 a Oar'llyover of 075,000 pounds. Tim- othy and alsike mixtures- +0,nel, pounds plus a carryover of 011,000 pounds. Prices. Alfalfa—Fair quant.tie± are selling at the following p(tces; 26 to 281 per pound for grade 1 and 6 to 21c when in the Tong:), Al - Bike -2550 to 28c per pound for 'basis No, 1 and 18-225 from the thresher• -- 5. to 5141 for grade No, 1, Prices are not yet available for red clover and sweet clover. Southwestern Ontario Selling There sale the than with any other farm product. l 2 cups sugar There are several reasons for this 10 while cloves and people who are selling timber ?e cup water and fuelwood should know them. I 2 -inch piece of stick cinnamon The farmer is usually at a (head- ` Red coloring, if desired vantage with the sawmill and 1/z cup jelly (mint, pineapple, or fuelwood operators as many of cherry) Slice applies crosswise into iue11 slices. Remove cares. Cook gent. ly in syrup of sugar, water, vinegar and spices until apples are transpar- ent. - Remove from syrup. Ado coloring to syrup and cook until thick. Pour syrup over apple slices, Cool, Arrange &_snap edge of platter. Fill centers with jelly, the Protects from The Farm Woodlot (133 I. C. Merritt) is more guessing with of timber and ftteiwoud --•'M a Christmas im er Menu With Cllr:melee just around the corns, its a good idea to have your Christmas (limier menu planned well in advance of Derem'bel 25131. llrr^ la a suggested in(nu with rceipe; for the mei dishes Which includes everpOsiug that 1311 be followed ex. aptly or varied according to your needs. sc0tcl, I;acrd Banco. Serves 2. Shrimp and Celery Chowder 2 tablAspoans tllpiOctt teaspoon :salt 3 cups 1111110, scolded 2 Oxo cubes 1 881 celory, 1110131 1 cup water ee cup cooked vette:), 1 cup shrimp, diced 3 tablespoons butter Dash of cayenne Add tapioca l and salt to oink anti cook in double boiler 15 minuets, or until taplec'tl is clear, saving fre- quently, (took Oxo cubes, celery and water together three minutes, add to tapioca mixture. Add potato, Shrimp, butter and Caye1100, 131• heat dad serve, CHRISTMAS DINNER Hors d'oeuvres Consomme Roast Goose-^Cocanut Stuffl'ng Apple Rings Granberry Mold • SWeet 'Potato Puff G1een Beane . Parker House Molls Salad Greens Chtffonade Dressing Christmas Plum Pudding Dents-tasse Nuts Bonbons Coconut Stuffing 2 bouillon cubes (chicken flavor) 1 cup milk, scalded 1 0up soft bread crumbs 2 cups coconut, prr'miuul Aired 4 tablespoons celery, finely cut (or ?4 teaspoon celery salt) 115 tableepoons parsley, finely 14 teaspoon sage 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon scraped onion 1 Egg slightly beaten 2 tablespoons melted butter Dissolve bouillon cubes in hot milk. Combine with remaining in- gredients, It ixing lightly. Apple Ring 4 red apples I/ cup vinegar cut diced them anly sell a woodlot once in a lifetime, while the buyers have bought many woodlots in the past. 1. Selling a woodlot for a Lump sum. Many hushes have been sold for a stated sum. The buyer has the right to cut everything, while the ownership of the Land - remain; the same. This system Is all right If the land isto be cleared for cul- tivation, but is economically wrong if it i; to be left in woodland, 'There are many trees 2 inches eo 6 iecbea in diameter that have a very small Demand: The demand for all items except timothy is now quite active. Export business ti brisk for most kinds of seeds In !hie part iof the province and the 0.1111 Is moving rapidly, I Supply. Red clover — 116.500 pounds. Alsike--52,20(1 p„nnis, Timothy -1,720,00o pottedd, Alfalfa 384,000 potuuls, Sweet clever— : pounds. Prices: Red elnver-23c. pee Ib. 1 basis No, 1 geld. and 17 to t,' for country run, Alfalfa --2i per i13. biers No, 1 grad'. and 171,5 to S:c i foo country run, AI,Ik' 2i'- per ]b. basis No. 1 grade and 1731 10 222 for country run, W E ,'t r]•,1' +' i --61/40 Per lb. basis i.,•7o, 1 g. ..J'• i and 311 to tie for country rim. ..0,,.0. � othy-1 Act ,i-ef 11, h, is 'N , 1 I ,grade and 1111 10 21',e for t• enety ii run. •Canarlie, bite grass --0'. per I ib. bas11s NO, 1 grade and 6 to 7'' nal,. n1' the standing ihnber mai he for country roue made as there are volume 011:'; bhtr give t h° heard .foot ea u1, 1,t8 Reports byCounties am1 cnucordwood in frps ordiff 1ent 1 Halton Count) reports fall wheat diameter& and heights. Cranberry Mold Treasurer's Sale Howlok Township Farm of 200 Acres Sold for $521 Disposal Sale of Lands ,---.------q The Canada Company offers the following Lands far Cash Sale: Conc3sslon Lot Number of Acres 6 ,00 Wes 50 acres' 75 acres 103 acres 8 - 50 Aare33 50 acres 11 50 acres 25 581'03 12 98 acres At a treasurer's sale of 1a11,11 fur taxes conducted by A. H. Erskine, County Treasurer, at the Cour: House on Tuesday, eight parcels of laud were sold for $818, one 200 acre Holviclz OOwBllhip farm bringing top price of $621. . There were forty-two parcels on the list, but twenty three were re- deemed before the sale for au ap- proximate total of $1,240, Eleven pe'cels remain for the adjourned sale on December 22, Taxes owing on these farms and lots total $313. 71,11 1 package lemon flavored jelly Powder 1% cups warm water monetary value now If cut, but tee cup celery, finely cut their potential Value is high, ea they le cup canned crushed pineal'pie are 20.50 years old and if they are 1 cup thick cranberry sauur, out i; will mean that it will be 20.50 sweetened years longer before there 8111 be Dissolve jelly powder in warn we - merchantable timber again, Also, I ter. Chill. When slightly thicken - the less valuable trees such as I ed, add celery, pineapple, and cram peeler, paper birch, ironwood 811d belly sauce Tun into 11101a. Iain cherry get a start in a chew. until tem. Serve es relieb with roam out woods, g00ae. 2, Selling small lots fur fne:wool. 1'`uelwood is often sold this 11'13 ,,privately o rby public anr"3on, This phut usually ]nines tial financial returns The min buying the lot pees a fair wive, be- cause he does not put much Value Oh his labours as the work 114 01111, nl u':1 fluting the winter mouths ell -a work atiter is not pressing. bids On nese lots are 1110(1" Itr'-d largeiy by the number of large trees. The seller could reserve- the small trees and he would receive about as crumb for the lot. A better sway would be to nteasure and stat•, the trees on the loo' Pilot are to h-, Fold. This information would be iriv, 1t at time of sale and would ollnt;,,ate much of the guesswork wite'1 the lot is auetloned, 3, Selling all trees above a ems tain diameter. This method is Much better than soling with no restrictionses the small trees are Ir.ft, The obj •011:,31 to this method }s that there are u:eua11y many trees above th's diu- mt•ter limit that should b'• ' ami same below 11111 should be o , my. Pd 4. Marking the till g to be rat and Welling for a. 1111np stun hr at u stated price per thousand foss the limber and t•,ol11W0;d. • This tr,erhn,l shnu1i) hr, (1- ;1 n+err, a,- it 311 flit' 151 bath Iia' Il••1' as lid b,ty'+r 5:3411 thr. 311111 ,opt r '1 to pat' It 1113 0110110 loll wt n1.1 ],E• wr'lj sprert, '0111' osl7hrg hr ,h1e 11'-It,11l:d fool and by the oerel e11tn 1151('•1* guesswork, An ':':l3• Sweet Potato Puff 1 11.1' p'm11 •"_'' taillesporrs butter, melted Its teaspoon reinter '•a cup milk or cream 2 cups Mashed sweet potato 1 (egg yolk, si1g11t1y beaten 1 (•g; white, 15 lily beaten Add butler, ,,-a:nee:rigs, and milk to sweet Potain. Add egg yolk; then fold In egg white. Hake to greased baking dish 111 mai/Orate oven (375 degrees 1',) 45 minutes, or un i] brawn Serves 4, 40 N 1hi 30 IV Vs 38 39 21 1/9 32 I3 1.5 33 W. lie 31 Nth E1/a 31 S. PL. 31 Concession 10 MISSIONARY BODY ELECTS ORFICERS Mrs. Alex, Mowbray Is President of ,Bluevale Presbyterian W.M.S, The annual meeting of the W. 11'1• S. of Iinox Presbyterian Church was held at the manse Tuesday after- noon, the vice-president, Mrs, 3, 1t, Gte'g, -presiding. The Christmas message as recorded in the Ito tk of Matthew 131134 read by Mos. Alex, Moffatt and 211's, Greig offered pray- ed, During the year inrmher; of the Society have offered tip "eia1 prayers for :Hiss Irene Stringer, missionary in India. Miss Scott read a letter from 'hiss Strieeer, giving a very graphic account, of her school activities and her pupils, The secretary reported a member- 1111ip of 12, with 14 Ylome Halpern, Eleven meetings Neese held with an average attendance of 10. The treasurer's report was not complete as all funds were not at hand, Ile - poets from the different secretaries were encouraging. The elective of officers conducted by Mr's. Graig, re- sulted as lollows: Hon, pres., Liss Barbara. Thynne; Pres., Mrs Alex 11o11bray; let vice -Pres,, Mrs. J. It, G1 elg 2nd vice -awes., .lirs, Pew S. Maclewen; Mrs, R 1', Gamins; Welcome and Welfare sec, Mee, P. S MaclOwen; Glad Tidings see, Mrs, J. J. Elliott. lit sec„ elte Ray- mond Elliott. supply sec„ Mrs, W. S. Davidson; Home helpers and Press sec., Miss M. Olive Scot:; organist, Mrs. R Elliott; est, or- ganic, MIrs, J. C. Illygins; auditors, llrs. J. R. Greig anti ,hiss Mdrtlell, Quints To Be Trained For Public Stare Same As "Royal Family" 11 12 13 I i • North Eaethope Township Ellice Township Lot Number of Acres 10 - 100 acres E 1/ 12 50 acres Pir 1h 9 50 acres 10 100 acres 12 100 acres 10 100 acres 11 100 acres 12 100 acres W le 8 60 acres Except Ry 9 - 94 acres 127 psrebes 1t) 100 acres 11 100 acres 12 100 acres 20 60 acres Rem. 10 95 acres 145 Per^ices .e,....... _ ....... 14 w t: at /933 0 5..';t1,,;,:8.:f Ae.cek e. D14 Concession 14 t'allautler's ramous Dionne quin- tuplets will be traiued to withetaiul 'public snare like a "royal family." Dr, A, R, Defoe, physician to the world's most noted children sniri early Monday ee he paused eivetute home from 20011 teal. The quints, Dt'. Defoe said will be educated to understand they are unigue and 1.0 grow normally not- with.etancling, just as children of royal families are trained to '13sre- gard the great public attention they attract, The doctor, going home to North Bay after a brief visit to Monti eal on what he described us "private business," said the. (Mints were "worth" about $500,000 now altcl ad. ted; - "'elle only privacy they will get will be what they buy." Dr, Defoe said that on bis re- cent trip to New York he had hot done his Christmas shopping early, at least as fur as the gtllute were concerned, "Sure,"'113 meld, be had bought them presents, but he always o.:ugllt them things when he was away from home, lIis real Christmas shopping for them " w:1] be ell: in Canada," .-- kraaurtant Notice Accounts, Notes, Judgements collected Our collecting dopa er,nr'nt is e result ,0' years of seeeessfttl expert tare In cnlleeting local or out•ot (own aeenantn, No collection. nn charge. 13&31 8urkes Collecting Agen0 y (License 0 1 16 it, s Head Office, Seaforth Ont BOX 498 Christmas Plum Pudding ly cup apple, chapped 1/2 cup suet, chopped t:a cur molasses 2 eggs, well beaten 1,:-, rap milk 2 anPs silted flour 1,4 cop figs, dropped Iia ('up raisins tk cup eurranle 1.1 cup (`Urea, slicer] ?a 0111> caddie dt'.herries, (gartered 1 tablespoon mulled orange 31511, (hopped 1 ca;, almonds, blanched and (lumped ' teaspoons baking p•,wder {a -.poen salt 11:1 101r'0 55,5a - 1' u•aalurnn cinnur,lpn 11 e col] 41115111('(5 13 tta'i,n•+it 1101113(8 (minbiile apple, r r r;. ('nit 01111(, ,Kiri Roar puce; measure, Mix l:k cup flour with fruit led nets, ('onb;ne seem Iu• lug deur, baking, powder sodic ,41,11, and epiee r.•, told sift 0511111. Add R n a. mixture. A trot: , dude (s 1Iv t 1111 ' v s Turn twin t1 111,r t a.rl mold II 111115 3•t 01111, Cover tightly, Steam 3 hours, Serve hot with 'Rutter. Concession 2 13 14 Concession Hullett Township Lot Number of Acres Rem. Pt. le Ry. N 14 21 43 30/160 acres Rem, Pt. 1;, Ry. N t,{ 22 4 130/160 acres e Pasture land to be -sold as one parcel McKillop Township Lot 7 Rem, E ?4t 3 1 N1Ja P•.?:, 2 Rem. L` 1b i 3 1 Rent, 2 3 4 IT 71 5 Logan Township Number of Acres 100 acres 46 acres 150 acres' 371,1 acres 39 acres 146 acres 194 107/160 194 5S/160 194 16604 Lot acree acres aere5 acres Number of Acres 13 (iel 1 75 aeres 2 100 acres --8'' Ji Good (pasture lot; well and windmill. Cash offers will be received and considered for the above lands to 14th December, 1937. If interested write for form of offer. Address: The Canada Company, Toronto, Oanada. 371 Ilay Street, 23rd November, 1.917 by Grant Fleming, M• G. A HEALTH bER\ICE OF THE CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSOCIATION AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES REGULARITY Far too many people 1311111 1111011 life es a hit anti miss affair, They will tell yeti that they just lake what comes by following the stream or existence wherever it laud:. Thele is a certain amount of 11' 1;' ant philosophy in that way 00 liv- ing but why, Take a look about you, All the truth of the matter is tluti life '5100 never intended to be lived that lakes of mature died°-:" t0 an observant person that there. Is a plan which follows a definite rutin., whether it be the touting and going of the seasons, the rising of the surf, the blooming of the flowers or the falling of the leaves, 'What is drat? Because nature is not a bit and miss affair. Nature does things ac- cording to ac?hedule and with con- stant regularity, NA(ure can be de- pended upon 110 matter what oc- casional divefgenc es she may show. Man was created as part of na- ture's plat, The laws of nature 1f kept or broken bring (heck a.gn'opi- ate rewards. When it comes to ordinary (1t•hlts the should he guided by a el1et lvhinll is emulate and iegul!u', Now that doesn't mean time we auger st a humdrum or 11105100011,1n$ exieteneit, not at all, But It isn't neves ;1 y to leave meals at' irregular Minis. to sleep just when one can eonve,11;,01. ly [10 so, to oxen se or not just as the spirit moves one, N1 malt', life erolth living, On the other bund the 111'1 sou who cerin vat es mole l' habits of eatitll0, F1r5011114' (311(1 oxer, MHO w111 he 1330 heallhler rot deem; tin, 14 is ,t well known fart (heat. boys awl girls and ohler people ton, when living under email thins whei'' , t[. 511111141y of life exists fret better r I end look better, c c t, 'Che human body I 10:1:1, 10 thrive- on regularity of at. i tentton, One of the commonest complahtts to which mankind 13 heir is conttt- Itatian, And one of the commonest causes of constipation Is neglect, The desire to go to stool may assert iteelf but the individual Is busy about something else and the desire is not acted upon. Your doctor wili tell you that one of the best v:aye to avoid con,aipa:lon or to correct It is to establish a regular habit of atm meting nature's call. Even ti:ouee results are not 111Raye satleftct'lrt' slick to the MOM anti you will he gletiftj-d to ser dolt' it will help you to avoid or overcome this cotanton eomplal n t, Questions caltect'uing health, ad- dressed 30 rbc: Canadian Methal -es...- sedation, 184 College St,, 'r.,routo, wilt be answered personally 113 letter, •---Po,sily1131y or aiumiuum ships is being discussed in Louden. -filr yam* / / ;�• 51{2 I Lt!�;, E "Crown Brand" Corn Syrup makes happy, healthy chi[ - t dren. No doubt about that, for doctors say it creates Energy and helps to build strong, sturdy bodies. Chit. dren love it and never, tire of its delicious flavor. TFIE FAMOUS ENERGY FOOD t✓s U The CANADA STAIW011 COMPANYO.lmited