HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-12-15, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST Notices in tins colutnn cost 25c up to four lines; 5c for every extra line. Cash must accompany ad. Orders taken over 'Phone 35c. -FOR SALE— Sleight; and Cutters, phone 31-19„ FOR SALE— —' A good Kitchen Range, 1-p apply ett Post, FOR SALE A six -tube General Electric bat - terry Radio, in good working ardor. Also 'two 45 volt 13 and A. 4?_, C volt Butteries. Price $15,00, Lot 29, Con, 9, Morris phone 18-9. 1-c Gilbert McCallum, FOR CHOICE QUALITY MEATS— Ethel Meat Sihopire, Beef neon Pork by the quarter. " Plume 22-5. 1-p E. Tliompsen. FOR SALE - 6 Cutters, 3 pairs or Sleighs, olio 15 Horses, I•Icu,e and turn to R rot, Walter Lowrie. 1-p House phone 25X office 56, CUSTOM ROLLING— Get your feed grass rolled in vour barn. phone 15-11, 1"p George 1lieltie TO EXCHANGE— Will XCHANGE Will Exchange Stewart Wtreer six -tube Radio in perfect condition, for a good young Cow due to fresh- en soon, phone 53-10 David Shiclls 1-5 FOR SALE— Buff Orpington Cockerels, at $1,25 each; also 1 ear and pork, any quan- tity, Walked—a set o f brass scales, 50 !b. Phone 46-18. J, A. Niche:. CUSTOM SAWING— Will AWINGWill be done at B • tssels oisPosite the Creamery in the :tiering, phone 42-11 Jaynes Stevenson WANTED-- MJXED GRAIN, Marley and Oats or all 13arley. 2p Walter Rose, phone 96 or 4.385 FOR SALE -- 100 -Gallon Steel Tank—Ideal for tractor owners, whet keep supply of gee apply at phone 31 The 'Post' MEN— --__— If you Want a suit or overcoat, it will pay you to Inek my samples over. .rt and workmrt'iship gnarttnterel, E. Bates, phone 8X4. Brue;el.e. WANTED— Man for Rawlelgh Route, , Ronne will be perlinaneut If you Etre a hustler. For particular+ -,•it,e Rawleiglt's, Dept. ML -152.103-L, Montreal, Ilan. • Notice To Creditors In the Estate of Archie Clark, late of the Township of McKillop, in the County of Huron, Farmer, who died on or about November 'A, A, D. 1937. TAKE NOTICE that all parties having claims or demands against the estate of the above-mentioned deceased unust mall particulars and proof of same to the undersigned, on or before the thirtieth day of Dec. ember, A, D, 1937, upon which (tate the undersigned executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets with re- gard only to those attains which they shall then have received notice, DATED at Brussels tthis 8th rlaY of December, A.D. 1937, George H0egy, J::hu R, Williamson lexeoutors by lbeir Solicitor Elmer D, hell, D,bseels, Ontario. mz Aiiiau7`c�c :41 CANADA -1933;' " IMPERIAt. TOBACCO'S INWRIRiNG PROGRAM FRIDAY 1 OP,M. tYi.S .T. STATION o CRCT Canada 1937 RUSS TITUS SCORES KiT ON BROADCASTS 0 Muss Titus featured baritoue cn the "Canada 1937" broadcasts, line made a definite hit with Cannelinn radio listener's. Many requests for information regarding this talented singer have 'beeu received by eta - Watts linked up in the Canada -wit= network, The new style of roadie - lug introduced by the debonair warbler has proved to be a highlight of the musical portion of the,, pro- f -::.'^, ll:s success seems to lie in his free+wheeling style of singing Rus gives one the impression ilia he's enjoying himself immense! and that he's singing for ever single Ilgtener in particular. Pressed for information abou himself, Russ loses his happy -go lucky exuberance and says emit simply 'there's nothing to be said,' It seems, however there's much •to be said. First of all, Russ is a young Mon- trealer who has achieved more than Passing SUccsss In bis budding career, Still In the early twenties, he's a professional artist of severe' year standing. Breaking into the limelight: early, we find his pleasing baritone voice getting him a Job with the "Rhythm Boys" 'et the swanky Turf and Surf Club in New York, From •there he stepped into the spot of featured warbler with Roger Wolde Kahn and his orches- tra. Russ 14kes to recall, and well he should, his connection with Richard Ilimber, the famous mae- stro. Russ appeared for several. months with Himber's Ritz Carlton Orchestra. in New York in thg role of featured vocalist. After this series of engagements, Russ decided to return to Montreal a welf-earned holiday, Finding that the Canadian metropolis aford- ed bins several Opperttmitdes of work, he decided to pursue his Ca- reer at home. 'He turned to the night clubs and found a ready public for his wares, It was not long, however, before radio claimed this flue vrcalist. Many of the better programs featured his pleasing and unusual interpretations, but it was- n't until the first series of "Canada 1937" broadcasts that Russ really got going and carved an enviable niche for himself I0 the hearty of the Canadian radio public. His re- ception has been all the g"ca?er with the return to the air of the second "Canada 1937" series. Reviewing a recent broadcast in this Innpet'ictl Tobacco series, "Variety' has this to say about his work: "Russ Titus, baritone, solo- ing with the orchestra, plenty okay and certainly warn'rtnted attention." —Quito so. 'ROUND THE WORLD NEWS Here Comes WRITTEN IN BRIEF FORM the Groom 'rsellatscbak, Yugoslavia Mothers -In-law get special eeten• Mon in this central -Serbian 10111)11. On -tbe morning after his marriage, a bridegroom is hitched to a wagon and pulls his parents -In-law around the town, accompanied by Wedding guests and gypsy musicians, Popular Jail London, Ont, Middlesex county jail aoconlmoela. tion is all Taken these days. For t several weeks the number of 5018- y overs has been close to ar in excess of the jail's normal capacity of 75. t Cat Is Cause of Alarms e Brantford, Ont. A police car screeched its way last Thursday night to a bonne where an alert telephone operator. reported a receiver had been knock- ed off its hook. Fearing a burglar had brushed tba receiver off the hook in a midnight prowl, tit' y found: A cat, Car of FLOUR & FEED to unload December 20th Maple Leaf Flour 2 bags or over $3.85 per cwt. Bran •••• $1.45 Shorts • • $1.55 Feeding Cornmeal First Quality $1.70 Farmer's Club Phone 46 Brussels etatintoEt.:tosmo :+ammo¢tCtmoctem WANTED Duck Feathers 40c lb; Goose Feathers, 50c Its We are in the market for— Poultry—Dressed or Live —Call for— Mose Yolleck or J. Burnstyn Phone 52X take fere jttegifiett9':C eeet :te"epefeteemat ;ereso Do Your Christmas Shopping Early Trains In Canada To Aid Homeland Fired with a desire to aid his native land in its life -and -death struggle with Japan, youthful him Lee, Forest, Out., Chinese lad Is studying flying with a view to enter- ing China's air force, His tutor, Instructor Al, Smith of the London, Ont., Flying Cleb, reports him as a prize pupil. Born in -China, Him Lee was educated In western On- tario and now works with his father in the lattter's Exeter reseanrant, Presented To King and Queen Wilfred G. Turnbull, an Exeter young man who is iu England as an exchange teacher, had the honor of being presented to Their Majesties King George and Queen Elizabeth, who visited the district in which his school Is situated. The Kinn and Queen having heard there was a Canadian present al a gathering which they attended intimated that they would like to have him preemie ed, rl'I1', Turnbull talked with the Queen for about five minutes and found her most gracious and charm- ing, Mounties Will Attend U.S. School Re jt,a, Set:gcaot Robert Wool, 110, al ovum Ian mount, d Police, Prince Albers has iweu chosen to ntteeil a school of scientific crime deiectiun ar the Federal Bureau of Invest:. nation Headquarters in Wit 'il.ting- ton Several men or the force w-ih he sent to headquarters of the G He'll for inSt•nctiOf 111 50.111(1 do work but so far only one man has been (Meson from ranks In Saskatchewan, Just what course would be taken wasnet known ow n to officers cer s oC 4h' force in Regina, but it Is expected the men would receive training in all plusses of .scientific Worn in Preparation for (Meudn.g of the Sr ten tine ]bureau at Regina um Ottawa, Pays To Advertise Letelen, If government activities are to be successful they needed pubdicly de- -clared I3. 0. Clarke, presidetrc of the Newspaper Society, denouncing the lack of government adveet:eluli. Lashes for Hold -Up Men In Australia the man who stages a hold-ulp Is given a year in prison with 20 lashes at three separate times during his term, A total of 60 lashes and a year's imprisonment might be good mediums to adminis- ter to a lot of crooks of this country who like to rob and plunder, • Enough In One Pine For Dozen Coffins Alburquerque, 13.1I. The "old •pine tree" that was cut down near here recently had enough wood in it to make "coffins of Pine" for a chorus of hillbilly singers. Timbers experts who examined a cross-section of the trunk, estimated that eche tree was "born" about the time the Pilgrims landed at Ply- mouth. They counted 311 annual rings. The tree, one of the largest in the mountain forests east of here, produced 890 board feet of timber —enough for at least 12 coffins All Nlght Dance Caledonia, Ont. Dressed In native costume, Six Nations Indians held an all-night fes- tival dance in the century old clap- board long house at Atkins' Corners Chief Robert Davy conducted the honor of those who on, ceremony !n have passed Bunny Plays Safe. Dunn, N. C Howard Lee has several friends to vouch for this one: They were hunting. Lee gushed a rabbit right at his feet. He talse,1 his rifle fut, before he could pull the trigger, the second bunny leaped into his arms. Night Club Owner Pays $870 blight Club Owner Bill Beashey of Port Credit, paled $870 in tines lion. day after he was -found guilty of operating .a C0111 111011 gambling house and keeping 11171101' in an illegal place, Bete:dee Pahl a $200 lite on the gaming charge, 1110 on the liquor count and :'hen paid $570 711 Ann for 38 persons charged with bring 'touted 10' when police raided Beasley's relablishauent near Port Credit, 1n suburban Toronto, Nov, 28, 'fen other, charged with being found in diel net appear and then' cases were enlarged, The others were fined $15 each, Beasley plead- ed not guilty in a courtroom crowd- ed by those charged, A roulette table, black -jack, chips and cases of whiskey were lined up as crown exhibits. Inspector R, I3, Palmer, who led the raid Nov. 28, said Beasley told hint he had lost 910,000 the night before the raid end $4,000 since lie opened the Port Credit "luxury house" some Lime before, TICE!, Return Your Empty Cement Bags at Once, orw : w ! have to Charge You 2 9 each if Not in by Dec, 20th Crerar & cDonald Duke and Duchess of Gloucester Plan Trip To Canada Addreseing the Canadian Club In .Landon Eng tate Duke of (1.11u5es• tet', brother of Xing Gorge VI, th tatcd that he and his -.duchess ere considering a huttcday trap to Canada 1n t11e near future. The duke, as Prince Henry, visited Canada in I 1329, A two weeks' holiday in the llarierne pro rime 5 would p;abahiyJ eunsdttUte 111., royal couple's Nearly leo, But Nervy Newton, En, Pointing an unload el gun an intruder In her Immo, Mrs. Elisabeth Balt, 98 said: "Noir will you go?" He went—lase Less Land Sown Ottawa, Cttn, The Dominican Nnrean of Statistics reported to -day the total area esti- mated as sere 10 principal field crops in 1937 Was 56,678,900 acres 001117I00033 with 57,101,850 In 1036, Wheat occupied 26,573,200 aeras against ' 534.800, The area for fall wheat was 719,000 acres compared with 50,000, while the acreage un- der timing Wheat was 24,851,405 against 25.035,500. U. S. Hats Shock Paris Modiste New York In the words of no lees peneenage than elms. Elsa Schiaplarelli, Paris diste, 01,e hats worn by Womea 111 North America are "incredible," This is in spite of the fact flute Schiaparelld has made fashion his- tory with her famous pie -cushion. hat, to say nothing oil her hat M. spired by a lamb chop and an,theli derived form a shoe, "Those horirble hats," she will yesterday before sailing for Parts, "They're incredible—they are busy --and do nothing for the racy. I like eccentric fashions in hats and gowns but always they must he be. coming," DUKE OF KENT'S DOUBLE VISITS .HALIFAX SETS WHOLE TOWN AGOG Halifax, N.B. Stand Halifax Was aflutter last Thursday night—for awhile—be- cause of a man a lot of persons thought resembled the Duke of Kent enough to- be the Duke of .Kent. 'Newspaper officers' telephones buzzed with queries. "It it :.rue the Duke Of Kent is in town Did You know the Duke of Kent Is in Halifax? What is the Duke of Kent doing here? , " The stranger was seen 1n many' and varied places, in fact every- where from hotel lobbies and The gangplank of the steamship Car- inthia Reporters scurried hither and yon :n search of the elusive visitor. One woman inquirerindignantly informed an exasperated editor, "It is the Duke of Bent because I know him I saw hips at the Corona. tion," She was wrong, he assured her, The Duke of Kent was in England —officially and definitely, Pet Pig Plays Safe Stays Very Thin London, Ont, That any good thing can be car- ried too Par, especially if there is a pig or two in the case, was demon - spaded 9 1L hu db what happened plied tri yLe ofi those electric fences which btot:gilt fame to a couple of Midrlleoex fainters. The Eden was novel and highly effective, A strand or ,two of elec- trified wire was run around a field. Pigs and other farm animals bumped against It once, and that was enough. They never again felt curious aborad the tresis of grass in nearby fields, 'Came the time When the Car- nechaels of 1,0116011 township pre- pared to lake the pigs to market All summer bogs had been t'oet- Ing on either side of the electric. fence. 13u•t right beneath the wire for a enlace of a foot or more, there tv,'ts mat a single root mark, So along carte marketing day. Very simple it would be to shut oil the current, tette down the wires and drive the piggies to she 'tarn-,tIie Cnrnticlinels thought, But not an inch would those Pigs cross on unrooted strip of soil over which had once hung She wires, For invo hours they wore coaxed and cajoled, It was no use, Finaliy it was necessary to pick up each pig afid carry him over, W'i2DNI s1IaA.Y, rmo, 15th, 1937 jkem ., a .s s a olottotgoveu Have Your Eyes Thoroughly Examined At Reid'e Reid' ; GI asses . really give the comfort and satisfaction that you anticipate when you have new glasses. You can depend upon, the .safe, scientific examination which shows definitely when glasses are reguired, REID'S GUARANTEE SATISFACTION AT A MODERATE COST. Y A. el cl Stratford's Leading Optometrist For Nearly 20 Years AT BRUSSELS OFFICE—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 2.00 to 5,00 'Phone 51 for Appointment Pigs Refuse To Cross Ground On Farm Where Electric Wire Is Strung Crisfield, MIB. Hog -killing time has come to Somerset County and maybe Itlbert H. Boldsborougb's pet pig knows it, Anyway, the pig, which has fol- lowed Goldsborough around like a dog for sift months, has step eel growing—hasn't gained 10 - pounds hi four months, Goldsborough said, and only weighs 18 pounds now, Aside Zoom sentiment, he said, that's not much pork. WHY GO TO FLORIDA ? • In .the "Sunny south' they enjoy sportsof all kinds the year 'round. But those - suntanned Individuals have nothing on us, situated so much farther .north' as we' are. .lir, Roy Thompson, of Thompson Bros., Teeswater, etsabiished a• re cord this Year.. Due .to the freak - winter of the last season, with un- usually mild' spells during each month, Roy. 'sleeted the little white pills around on the Alps Golf Course during January,'.Februory, March and Apr11, -Miter that it was en everyday occurrence, until Novem- ber, when the 'weather tightened down, Even so,fe. Tlrohi5son man- aged to squeeie in .'he'odd round or two during last .month. Prowls. dente seemed .to ailsever the 'ardent golfer's prayer for at least one round on the local course during De- cember. Friday, Dec. 3rd ,was mild and clear, and by the middle of the afternoon the - snow had dissappear- ed, Helms •spokus :Roy had dis- appeared, to turn- uv before -sapper- time, with 11. vletcrious and excep tionatly happy smile Ile had jest. completed a game of 'golf, _ setting -the ttnpreoedent of going the rounds on the local course every it month 0S the year. So we ask—why go ' 'to Florida? You may have to wear mittens and snow -shoes for -two or three mouths if indulging in the strenuous task at golfing, but why let a little thing like that bother you! SHOP - AT Schinbein's LISTOWEL Orly aMoreShopping Days Till Christmas Store will Remain Open Every Night, Next Week. Clearing Prices on LADIES AND MISSES Coats --Dresses Men's SUITS' OVERCOATS Wait Dressed fowl Witt Hight prises Pat pkv;b�k�I�ew. i AMERICA N HOTEL BARN - B USSELS ' Sat. HORSES . CATTLE PIGS IMPLEMENTS FURNITURE ETC ETC Bring What You Have To Sell Come and -Buy What Ynu Need Sale Starts 4 At 1:30 P.M. Thos. Bradwell Auctioneer, 'Clifford For information apply at. Ameroo'n Hotel Phone 26.