HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1937-12-15, Page 3v'"'p,il G. G. �P '�' 4 f+ '� '' 9 -*43:!4 c r tris;as tter w the Ads u ` r -%0c A5MCG- - ' T he Brussels Post FOUNDED -1873 R. W. KENNEDY — Publisher Published 10 -very Mednesday afternoon Subscription price 81,50 per year, raid in advance, Subscriptiee in United States will please add 50c for postage. TUG 'POST PRINT Telephone 31 Brussels, Ont, BRLTSSF.1-S —:— CANADA KNOWING AND NOT KNOWING Farmers In Nebraska have been bothered with a w d They say it is a common en nr•i-. thing avid yet they appear to have -0 name for it. The description does not Rt tai)• of the known weeds in oar part of the country, but the \ b aka folk say 1; has a sort ct mint taste which wa=s•a1.4,72=aurz:,,r,af.W.I.R.ru sa! WALKER'S FUNERAL HOME William Street, Brussels, Ontario PERSONAL ATTENDANCE 'Phone 65 Day or Night Calle MOTOR HEARSE B G. WALKER Embalmer end Funeral Director. BRUSriv_S, phone 53X cattle do not like so they leave it alone. Truth is every person seems to have left it alone lad no person has bothered giving it a name. The one exception has been the Pharmacy Department of the Uni- versity cf Nebraska. Trained men there took the weed to see what it contained and they have since ex- perimented to the extent of iucorp orating the juice or oil extractel from it into a treatment said to have been found useful and good in the treatment of ringworm, athlete's foot, impetigo, and so on, Scientific men Who have tried the new remedy say it has curative pow- ers, and they also say that this weed to vli:ch no attention has been paid, and which has been snubbed to the point where 11 has never been given a name, should be worth $38,50 per ton. And the weed grows in Pro- fusion to Nebraska and needs no cultivation, and it has been doing that same tiring for years. The difference between the weed being worth $38,50 a ton and being regalcled only as a nuisance is the difference between knowing what it is and what it contains and knowing nothing at all. That sort a know- ledge is not only useful but Profit- able as well, A SERIES OF APPROXIMAIONS I'L is very difficult to be patient these days when international af- fairs are under consileration, No right-thinking plan condones the treatment of Ethiopia. We hold our heads in shame for humanity as we contemplate the horrors inflicted an China. Our hearts are stele ns we thing o1 Spain in her chamb"r of horrors. We are distressed he- yond endurance as we think of what France has escaped by the merest hair's breadth The class disturb- ances to America are a nightmare, Yet,' let us work for better days and have patience. It is a good deal for bile world to have recogniz- ed the injustice and the midnight darkness through which she is Pas- sing, The better day will arrive not like the harricane but lace the Sprang. International agreements having in them the elements of per- manency arrive tiro, a series of approximations, growing out of•en- lightened and clarified ronseknee, the purified and enlightened Con- science of the average citizen in the various countries concerued. Every time a wrong principle is brought to tho judgment liar of rac- ial opinion, it is condemned, in part, and by that much 10585 its power. All right-thinking ;people must plod on, keeping their ideal ever bel'ol'e thein but doing their sturdy utmost to accomplish the task that 1''00500 and cense:m ice demand of theta, 1.'lte wise sailor does net stay in port be. cause the wind is against' him, lie tacks dais way and that but keeps his port of entry in mind, 'Let its, then, he up and along, With tt heart for any fate; Still achieving, still pursuing— Learn to labour --and to wall," THE WEAKER SEX A middle-aged, woman in London, Oa., wee starting out from her ;home the ether evening about 7,30 to attend some function in the church, She had tier Purse Lodged under her right arm, and the: of course is not at all unusual, When she was a few blocks from home she encountered a Pimp anatc'ller, a full-grown )man, who at once made a dive for the purse. But the +puree remained tucked under the woman's arm. Her right arm, She says that arm is net quite .as. good as her left as it has been broken four tines. Blit her left arm , and the we - man's name was Mrs, Charlc'ie Bryant , , was in good condition. Mrs, Bryant doubled her fingers in_ be .the better served by the greatest the assailant was bent upon the purse Mrs, Bryant was bent upon the assailant and it is recorded that she soaked him 111 ;the eye with stuffielewt force to knock him down. He (lid not come back for more. Well worth recording is an inci dent of Gnat kind, Mrs, Bryant' dial not faint. she did not scream and call for aid; she merely went into action. And afterward told the police that i•1 they found a men with a bllaek eye he would be the purse snatcher. And through it all the purse remained safely tucked untied the right arm, Weeks: sex? Baht NOTE AND COMMENT William Green, president of the American Federation of Labe*, threatens warfare against the (1.1,0„ says a news dispatch, What, againi X— Story from New York :tells of two men lighting over a quart of milk for a baby. There have been many fights over matters not so vitally important. With Morley Park and Club lis - quire closing what has Toronto got that several other places do not posess? In the matter of changing fronts on the power situation the Ontario Hydro ]llledtric Cbminission seems to have gone the whole Hogg. The fuss that is being made over a pair of black eyes received In a list fight at Royal Military College must be making the gentlemen Cadets hot under the collar, — 0-5. If Toronto continues to elect un- dertakers to :the mayor's chair, Queen Oity should soon get the reputation of being the best laid out place on the continent, President Vincent e•harges that 8000 Hctitains have been massacred by Dominicans since October The cheapest commodity on earth these days is undoubtedly human life. The Tartan b- ooks have been con- demned in Brazil because they are said to be Communistic in tendency. Add Brazil to the list of countries where a sense of humor is sadly needed. After being 'foiled by a haul. manager and a minister when they tried to rob the Coniston bank the two thugs concerned are probably convinced that a elergyntait's _Place is in the pulpit, When thousands of folk are will- ing to sit in a cold grandstand with the thermometer hetgled for zero and watch two football teams battle in the snow the theory that Canadians are growing soft receives quite a bump. Relief is said tto be the main prob- lean 'before the Manitoba Legisla- ture which is now In session. In that respect the Manitoba legislators are on common ground with govern- ing bodies everywhere. twos aU."tgtG etawc Cfitm:.k'. comotz"tet, o Clearing Sale Fall & Winter FELT HATS AT HALF PRICE VELVETS ALSO REDUCED Remnants of Velvets, Silks, Crepes, aVfetallics & Ribbons Just what you May need to finish Christmas Gifts or trim dresses, etc, Wool Sets Silk Hosiery C. Kingston 4Ack tia4ev R:;•I,,'+.G1En'4vatC;tt'r„gG",,C;16' 1v$i#to Do Your Christmas Shopping Early THE BRUSSELS POST LET US LOOKK AT TILE PAST Herat Ars /tents Takata .1P'rons Tiles of the Post of 5P aa tend 25 Years Ago 50 YEARS AGO GREY Archie Lamont Inas been on a hunting expedition in Muskoka. 110 captured three fine deer, 5 a! :k Mrs, Hubbard, of Chicago, is home visiting her mother, M,s, Duklow, and friends in this vicinity. 0 a,* James and Oliver, sons of John Harris, lath cot1,, recently sawed one cord of hard wood in 17 min- utes. This is fast work, more es- pecially as they are yet 1n their teens. Alex Delga ty, * hall a. mousier wood bee on Tuesday last, in the evening 'the young folk enjoyed themselves by tripping the light, fantastic when all had a very pleas- ant time, Tlystrneal—Last Wednesday fore- noon the holy •bonds of matiriiuony weer solemnized by Rev, John Ross, B.A., at the residence of the bride's father, between Nelson Currie, eld- est son of Donald Currie of Morris, and .Miss Chnistena, eldest daughter of Welted Richardson of this town- ship, ,Muss Mary Richardson was bridesmaid and John Currie grooms- man. After the wedding bre)kfase Mr, and Mrs. Currie took the noon train for Hamilton where they will spend part of the honeymoon, Debate—The debate In Shine's i school, last Tuesday evening was "Resolved that Ireland should be given Home Rule.” The aftiru,a- Give was taken by A. Hislop, Jas. ' Petrie, Jno, Robertson, Wan. Pert'ie and D. Robertson, The negative by John Bain, Alex Perrie, D, Ritchie, i Jas. Robertson and E. A. Martin De-; cision was given against Home Mule, T. Robertson and W. Brydon, Morris were chairmen. CRANBROOK Our young friend William Steles had the misfortune to cut his foot badly while working in the swamp one day last week s: * s, The genial countenance of our friend Benjamin Pierce, of Portage - la -Prairie, Mau., was seen in our torn last week, '— — ETHEL Wm. King is home from _Montana on a visit. DMI, l6'tlt, 1937 Bold, Dilworth as eold his bush talon while the purchased recently front reeve Milne, to Prank 73urus. * tleD :n A large crowd atteuded the Lltem 10'y Soofety las-t Mohlduy evouing, Tile Glee Club sant; •two places, Readings were given by Alines .Reit- zies, Alex Wright, \l'1u, Tindall and Mies Aiuetta Milne and a song by R. Wray. T1ie subject fur debate next meeting will be Resolved that a farmer's life is happier than a tradesman's," David Milne -1 is - ted by W. .5.'Sharpe and John Max- well, will take the affirmative and John iiefferil4an asissted by J, Men - swarth and I), Tindall, the nega- tive. BRUSSELS Cl icke t•—The hal offered by . J. Hargraves for the 'hest enrage 1 scare during the cricket season al 1 18571vas presented to D, C. Ross. E. L, Wade's bat for the second best I score was won by Jas, Ross. , It is not an easy matter to find two 'bet- ter all -found cricketers in the county that the well-known Ross Bros, x ,y: r James Hark will manage the Brussels brickyard for Mrs, J. W. Spiel next summer, * * 5 John Grieve has moved into town front Morris township, • * :r The pump bustnes sof Mscsrs Wilson and Pelton has been dispos- ed of to Lemuel Pelton of Atwood. 25 YEARS AGO BLUEVALE D. Duffus, Saskatoon, spent a few days this week with S, Paul. • s* W. J. Duff has returned homeaf- ter spending the summer fu the West. a * 5 S. Higigns, of Hannah, N. D, is at present visiting friends is this vicinity, John Wilburn has moved into the Anderson house and Thos. Barrett is moving into the one vacated by Mr. Wilburn. --k MORRIS Last week A. and Mrs. Forsyth and faanily moved to Brussels where they are now nicely settled in the home of the late Tries. Balalntyne, • yr * Ex -Councillor and Mrs, Jackson, 8th line, left last Monday for a holiday in California of 6 or 8 weeks. —0 —R,— GREY Robert Baker, 10th eon,, has lis- posed of his pacing driver to John Galbraith of Brussels. Monday last Mr's. A, Laidlaw and daughters, MI'asss Mary and Margar. et, left for a lloJiday visit to Cali• fornix, Ivie Cousinst' olid wife have taken up residence 011 the farm forinel'iy awned by Angus Shaw, MONCRIEFF Wan, Hardison has taken noses- sion of his new 10100, a 0 e The election of new ol'llcers tor the Ladies' Aid took place Tuesday of lash week as 10110115:- =President, Mrs. °G, NleTaggart; vice -pees., Mrs. D. McKay; Ser,, Mrs. D, Livingaton; Trees,, Mrs, C. McQuarrie, BRUSSELS Sask., is here on a b'istt with rola- ,ir '4 ,lt Semite �M1eQuarrie, of Hervard fives .and friends, * 0 * Angus Kerr 511'irved home last' week from the West where he Silent the past susntner. WHITE CROSS EMBLEMS Ontario Department of Highways Distributes Toronto, Ont, Dec. 8,—All the License Issuing Offices of the Motor Vehicles Branch, Ontario Depart- ment of Highways, ere now supplied With White Cross emblems and Safety Pledges, for distribution to motorist's who wish to enroll In the White 'Gross Safe Driving Move- ment. 0Oecial posters are displayed in these offices, inviting the public to co-operate in this Safety Campaign, and announcing that each- motorist who wishes to do so, may Obtain a 3Vbite Cross emblem for lII, ve- hicle by asking the clerk in charge for one, The emblems are not be- ing handed to every person who calls for a 1938 license plate, as the directors of this public movement are in agreement with the officials of the Department of Highway; 'that a promiscuous ;distribution would tend to defeat the very purpose of this Campaign, By displaying the White Cross on his motor vehicle, the liceensel operator signifies his intention to observe the simple rule or safe driving 0oatained in ' the Pledge of the White Cross Driver. There is actually no pledge to sign, but with each emblem is handed to the motorist a booklet containing the Pledge, and by the simple act of affixing the emblem to his car, the motorist obligates himself 'to its observance,'• Already over 300,000 White O'ross emblems have been forwarded to individual mo'toristsy business hoes - 1 The most important factor In the care of tuberctlosle le rest. c If a patient ills tuberculosis of a Joint, the limb is put to rest si splinting or by some other means. Tho same method appnos to tuborculosls of the lungs. Ina curtain number of patients the diseased lung can he put at rest by artineial pneumo- thorax or by other surgical operations. { In most cases, howover, the only way 1 to rest the lungs is to. rest the entlro c body. This gonoral rest w reduces alt 1 musctilay� action, thereby saving energy ' viii .01 ease is also essential' in 4110 treatment of tuberculosis and neither 1 be ha freedodmat frohm ome. worry nor proper rest can Hospitals alone can provldo glia 1 proper entHroumant and smenti0c treat - pent necessary to Coco a curd 1011tho earner. such treatment is sought once f afflicted, the greater is their chance of I rocovery. , The Muskoka and the Toronto Hoapit- ale for Oonsumptives and alto Oueen Itlary Hospital. forOdnsutnptive Ohildron 1 are equippped to sorvo those who are in need. 'The good they may flo ed onto number they may serve is limited only by their means. This year they. hos- pitals.face an oporating de0clt oP S1 8,000. whic11 large sum must succi' be:ivised through voluntary contributions. , 1s you can glue ork, inlg to help thie great, charitable work will you picric send it to National Street, Associa- tion, 223 College Street, Toronto, immuieriormemonumarimilr es and other orgoniatbo11s, lot the enrollnleult of employees or Melo, bets, and the Committee in charge estimates that well over IOOiOQQ anotor vehicles fia•o now displaying the White 'Cross ehnb10n1 in Ontario. .A. large portion of these cinh1 er us have 'been attached to 1997 markers and 041' this time of year, whom 80 Many owners of cars are changing their old license plates fol' their 1088 nla,l'kersy oanof l, Wihato Ctross Sole ireCDruivinglttee Moveie anent isanxiousthat the emblems, already distributed will be present- ed and placed on the new .license plates, The cost of providing a sufficient number 0f emblems for the )rotor vehicles of all afOterists in Ontario who wish t0 join the MovetnerLt, is very, considerable, and 7f for no other reason. the principle of ordin- ary economy dictates that these. emblems should not be destroyed when 1938 license plates are secur- ed, In addition to this ebasidora- tion, the increasing interest and growing importance of the White Cross Sate Driving Movement will to a heft and went into action. While possible use of all the emblems dis- tributed, as well as those not yet is- ued by the Department of High- Pays or other distributing ageaoies, The White Cross emblem is intend- ed to act as a constant reminder on the streets and highuays, of the motorist's individual responsibility when driving a motor car. Therefore, the greater the number of •emblems in actual use by motor- ists on. their 1137 and 1933 license markers, the more effective becomes this crusade to help reduce the ap- palling toll of accidents on streets and highways, T. B. MUST BE SCIENTIFICALLY TREATED •,w •:w1-)�kMOW,MAWM NWITIVMA5J• ^t e c e WAJe V5c.